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Cozy Coffee

Many Indonesian people who like to hang out in coffee shops atau Indonesian call “nongkrong”.
Cozy Coffee' owner makes the culture of hanging out as a business opportunity to increase his
income. through from this trend and culture cozzy cofee will be improve the service and their
food and beverge in the new trend. Cozy Coffee menyajikan kopi yang memberikan sensasi
nyaman diminum dengan pemandangan dan desain interior café yang kekinian.
“Menciptakan suasana nyaman untuk menyimpan kenangan”. Cozy coffee memberikan ruang
kepada pelanggan dengan memberikan suasana dan layanan yang nyaman dan indah untuk
menyimpan kenangan berbagi cerita dengan nongkrong.
“C O Z Y”
- Commitmen : memegang teguh komitmen, amanah, bertanggung jawab dan saling
percaya satu sama lain.
- Outstanding service : memberikan pelayanan 24/7 kepada pelanggan dengan penuh
- Zealous : selalu bersemangat dalam bekerja dengan predikat luar biasa
- Yield a Profit : memberikan manfaat bagi pelanggan, bagi mitra bisnis, lingkungan
sekitar, dan masyarakat dunia.
Meet Our Precident
Mr. Max
Founder and CEO of Cozy Coffee
Mr. Max lulus dari London Business School tahun 2009 dan mendapat predikat lulusan terbaik.
Setelah lulus, dia datang ke Indonesia untuk melanjutkan usaha yang dimiliki oleh keluarganya.
Selama di Indonesia ia melihat suatu budaya dari masayarakat Indonesia yaitu nongkrong.
Akhirnya pada tahun 2012, ia mencoba menciptakan peluang bisnis dari budaya itu dengan
membuat coffeshop sebagai tempat nongkrong yang nyaman dan kekinian
Our Product
Main course
Coffee Based
Juice & Smoothies
Target Market
Mahasiswa dan orang tua berusia 16-45 tahun dengan tingkat pendapatan sedang dan tinggi.
Risk, Reward, and Solution
Risk :
- Orang yang tidak bisa meminum kopi
- Biji kopi yang berkualitas sama dan baik
Reward :
-Nongkrong di Coffeshop sudah menjadi budaya masyarakat Indonesia
-Dukungan Sumber Daya Alam Indonesia
Solution :
-Membuat menu lain untuk pelanggan yang tidak bisa meminum kopi
- Bekerjasama langsung dengan para petani kopi sebagai supplier biji kopi, sehingga mampu
menciptakan lapangan kerja yang luas untuk petani kopi Indonesia
Marketing Strategy

The business firm will involve a many of marketing strategies and

procedures including digital advertisement platforms such as google
ads, instagram, and tiktok as well as our digital website.

Cozy Coffee is also connect with many digital market platforms in

Indonesia such as Gojek, Grab, Shoppee Food, and others. So customers
can take easily find and get our products at affordable price.

Cozy Coffee
Many Indonesian people who like to hang out in coffee shops or Indonesians call “nongkrong”.
Cozy Coffee' owner makes the culture of hanging out as a business opportunity to increase his
income. Through from this trend and culture, Cozy Coffee will be improve the service and their
food and beverge in the new trend. Cozy Coffee serves coffee that gives a amazing sensation to
drink with good views and a trend interior design.
“creat comfort and memorable vibes ”. Cozy Coffee gives space for customer with best serve
and can be memorable for sharing anything when they visit and chill in cozy Coffee
“C O Z Y”
Commitmen : idolize commitmen, trust, responsibility and mutual respect.
Outstanding service : give serve 24/7 for customers with the wholeheartedly
Zealous : always work with passioned and extraordinary effort
Yield a Profit : give benefits and value for custom, businesses partners, the whole society
Meet Our Precident
Mr. Max
Founder and CEO of Cozy Coffee
Mr. Max lulus from business school London in 2009s with the title best graduate. After mr. Max
graduated, he comes to Indonesia to handle his business family. When he lives in Indonesia he
recognize many young People chill and hangout at Cafe or their called nongkrong. Nongkrong is
stay a long with chit chat or doing something in the Cafe Who can do wish groups or by self.
Thus mr Max has idea to creat New business obviously build Cafe Shop. Finally , he builts Coffee
Shop since 2012s with cozy and trendy concept
Our Product
Main course
Coffee Based
Juice & Smoothies
Target Market
Young and adults target with rate 16-45 years old and get high and medium Income.
Risk, Reward, and Solution
Risk :
- nobody can drinks Coffee
- high's quality seed Coffee's
Reward :
- chill and hangout are life style on Indonesia
- support by natural resources
Solution :
- gives optional menu for customers Who doesn't like Coffee
- collaboration with Coffee farmer as supplier of seed Coffee, Thus we can open requitment for
Coffee farmer in Indonesia
Marketing Strategy
The business firm will involve a many of marketing strategies and procedures including digital
advertisement platforms such as google ads, instagram, and tiktok as well as our digital
Cozy Coffee is also connect with many digital market platforms in Indonesia such as Gojek,
Grab, Shoppee Food, and others. So customers can take easily find and get our products at
affordable price.

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