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Which is better, studying until late at night or studying in the early morning?

This is a question which has no definite answer. Different students have different view and opinion on this question. It also
depends on the level of study a student does for example, A school going student will be comfortable with morning and
afternoon study as their burden is less and they usually do not have any research work but a college and university student will
be more comfortable with late night study shift or evening study as they tend to have more research and practical based work
and day hours are not enough for them.
I believe that it also depends on your sleeping timetable and whether you have vacations going on or have regular classes to
attend. Even Scientific Views are not with any one of the times.
Both morning and evening study times have its Benefits. I will outline them along with some reasons below.

Morning Study Shift

● You will have more energy in the morning and you have more chances of remembering what you learnt as your brain
is fresh and can absorb more information. Your brain works the most for a few hours after you have woken up so try
to do maximum study in that time. For example, If you woke up 6 am your best time for study will be 8 am-12 noon
That’s what I have experienced.

● Waking up in the morning and studying is easier as the natural cycle of nature is starting work in the morning and
finishing it till evening. Morning shifts are more easier to adapt with and stick to as you will wake up naturally
anyways and have a more positive attitude towards your studies.

● Keeping your study shift in the morning will have no effect on your sleep cycle also and will help you improve your
sleep cycle as you will sleep early for better study in the morning and you will be more focused. keeping your sleep
cycle the same and keeping it in routine will not only help you focus but also keep other health issues in control like
headaches, weight and Stress.

● You can engage with the people around you and this will keep your mental health good. You can study with friends
also. You can choose any place for study with which you are comfortable for example library, Park or a friend’s
home. Morning people are happier than night owls.

● Starting up your day early will help you finish it early too.

Night Study Shift

● You will have no distractions like people or noise at night time which depending can increase your focus on work and
there is a possibility you can finish your tasks easily and a bit quicker.

● If you are bad with waking up in the morning so studying late at night will be very beneficial also as you will be able to
complete your work

● You will have more creativity if you are studying at night according to some studies.

● There is a high possibility that you will be mentally be more alert for hours after waking up in the morning or

● You will be more relaxed at night and you will get more time for internet research and what can be better than that.

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