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An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the faculty of the
College of Criminal Justice Education
Laguna State Polytechnic University
San Pablo City Campus

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Criminology



Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
College of Criminal Justice Education

Approval Sheet
and submitted by CAMACHO, JOHN CHRISTIAN L. in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of
Science in Criminology, is hereby recommended for approval
and acceptance.
Thesis Adviser
Approved and Accepted by the Committee on Oral
Examination with a grade of_____.


Member Member


Member Member


Research Coordinator
Accepted and Approved in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN
Dean, CCJE

DELON A. CHING, EdD Date signed

Director/Chairperson, Research & Development


Thesis Abstract


The rapid innovation in the internet world has created new

opportunities and threats in the form of criminality. Crime

existed not only in real society but also in cyberspace. This

study determined the level of awareness among the residents

of Calauan, Laguna, regarding the prohibited acts included

under R.A. 10175. It also identifies the different factors

that affect the resident’s awareness regarding this. Using

the quantitative approach through a descriptive research

design, it was used to measure Calauan, Laguna, residents'

awareness of R.A. 10175 by administering a survey

questionnaire with the goal of linking the respondents'

assessments and evaluating the data. The study used a

convenient quota sampling technique; data from the sixty (60)

respondents was counted, tabulated, and analyzed using an

overall weighted means and f-test, recorded, and given in

tabular form with a matching interpretation. The findings

show that participants are highly aware of the prohibited

acts of R.A. 10175, such as confidentiality, availability,

and integrity of computer data and systems, as well as

computer-related and content-related crimes. The study also

found that there is a significant difference, particularly in

content-related offenses. Apart from that, the residents of

the community strongly agreed about the different factors

Thesis Abstract

that affect the level of awareness of the offenses mentioned

above. In conclusion, the authority effectively conducted

spreading of awareness that resulting to being well conscious

of the residents. Moreover, there is a significant

difference, specifically in content-related crimes, for the

reason that some topics were almost the same with only slight

differences. In addition, despite being aware, the residents

strongly agreed on the different factors since not all of

them have the same level of learning and some residents are

placed in remote areas. Regardless of having high

consciousness, the researcher recommended to the authority

that they maintain or much better enhance their strategy to

spread awareness by considering the factors that affect the

consciousness of the residents.

Keywords: Computer-related offenses, Content-related

offenses, Cybercrime, and Prohibited acts



This study would not have been possible without the

guidance and help of these individuals in its preparation.

To my research adviser, Dr. Gelbert A. Llanto, for his

contribution to improving my study. His continuous support,

guidance, and immense knowledge helped make this research


To my research panel chairwoman, Ms. Richie Rosas

Velasquez, for giving criticism and making this study


To my research subject specialist, Mrs. Jennifer M.

Nayoyos-Refugia, for imparting her knowledge and expertise in

this study. Also, in giving her efforts, insight, comments,

and suggestions;

To Dr. Marlon M. Wankey, as a dean of the College of

Criminal Justice Education, for sharing and giving his ideas,

patience, and support to improve the technical dimension of

this study;

To Mr. Allen Pasia, the statistician, for his assistance

in evaluating the data that helped obtain information and the

study’s result;

To Mrs. Menchie B. Ellamil, the language critic, for

sharing her pearls of wisdom and giving valuable insights and

suggestions for further improvement of this research;


To the respondents, who have spent some time, effort,

and cooperation in answering the survey guide questions;

To my family, who gave all the spiritual, financial, and

moral support that I needed;

Above all, to Almighty God, who gave me the divine

knowledge to survive upon the completion of this research


- J. C. L. C.



study is


dedicated to my beloved

parents, who have been my source

of inspiration and gave me strength when I

thought of giving up. They continually provide their

moral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support. To my

siblings, relatives, friends, and classmates who shared

their words of advice and encouragement to finish

this study. And lastly, to Almighty God,

thank you for the guidance, strength,

power of mind, protection, and

skills, and for giving

me a healthy life.

All of this

is for


Table of Contents

TITLE PAGE ................................................. 1

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................. 2

THESIS ABSTRACT ............................................ 3

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................. 4

DEDICATION ................................................. 6

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................... 8

LIST OF TABLES ............................................ 11

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................... 13



Background of the Study ............................. 14

Objectives of the Study ............................. 27

Significance of the Study ........................... 28

Theoretical Framework ............................... 29

Conceptual Framework ................................ 32

Research Paradigm ................................... 36

Statement of the Problem ............................ 38

Definition of Terms ................................. 39


Research Design and Methodology ..................... 41

Population and Locale of the Study .................. 42

Data Gathering Tools ................................43

Data Gathering Procedure ............................ 44

Table of Contents

Treatment of Data ...................................45


I. Level of Awareness of Prohibited Acts of

R.A 10175 among the residents

of Calauan, Laguna ............................ 47

A. Offenses against the confidentiality,

integrity, availability of

computer data and

systems .....................................48

B. Computer-related offenses ................... 52

C. Content-related offenses .................... 56

II. Significant difference in the level of

awareness of prohibited acts of

R.A. 10175 among the

Residents .....................................62

III. Factors affecting the level of awareness

of the prohibited acts of R.A. 10175

among the residents of

Calauan, Laguna ............................... 65


Conclusions ......................................... 68

Recommendations ..................................... 70

REFERENCES............................................... 72

APPENDICES............................................... 81
Table of Contents

Validation Letter ...................................81

Letter to Conduct ...................................82

Survey Questionnaire ................................ 83

Raw Data ............................................ 92

Documentation .......................................95

CURRICULUM VITAE..........................................99
List of Tables


Table No. Table Title Page

1 Frequency and Percentage of

Population of the

Study .................................... 42

2 Level of Awareness on Prohibited Acts

of R.A. 10175 Among the Residents

of Laguna in terms of Offenses

against the confidentiality,

integrity and availability

of computer Data

and systems ............................... 50

3 Level of Awareness on Prohibited Acts

of R.A. 10175 Among the Residents

of Laguna in terms of


offenses ................................. 54

4 Level of Awareness on Prohibited Acts

of R.A. 10175 Among the Residents

of Laguna in terms of


offenses 58

5 Significant difference on the level

of awareness on Prohibited acts

List of Tables

of R.A. 10175 in Calauan,

Laguna ................................... 64

6 Factors affecting the level of

awareness of the Community

regarding Cybercrime

Offense .................................. 68

Figure No. Table Title Page

1 Paradigm of the Study ................ 37

The Problem

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Technology has become extremely popular with everyone.

People are utilizing gadgets to have a convenient life. With

the use of technology, people can still stay in touch or build

bonds with people around the world. However, mishandling of

technology or gadgets might lead to cybercrime. Cybercrime is

a crime that involves cellphones, computers, any gadgets that

can be used as the subject of a crime, or a device that can

keep the evidence of the crime. Cybercrime also refers to

wrongdoings or criminal activities that can be committed on

the internet for personal gain (Sharma, 2019). In addition,

cybercrime is a major global problem that requires responses

both technically and legally. Information needs to be

protected and used decently to stand up for its value creation

as a significant asset (Stanciu & Tinca, 2017).

A notable international study on the impact of

ransomware attacks on confidentiality, integrity, and

availability is presented in the article "An Empirical Study

of Ransomware Attacks on Organizations," published in the

journal Cybersecurity. This study analyzes 55 ransomware

cases from 50 organizations in the UK and North America,

highlighting the severe consequences of these attacks on data

The Problem

confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The study

provides insights into the extent of the damage and the

effectiveness of different mitigation strategies (Wall,


The study by Rozman (2014) found that increased news

coverage on cyber security threats. The role of media in

shaping cyber security awareness and any changes in personal

security practices. Media plays crucial roles in increasing

public awareness of cyber security principles, including the

CIA triad through information dissemination, public

incidents, expert opinions, and educational content.

Moreover, the European Union Cyber Security Agency

(2021) provides that the media plays an important role in

communities by keeping a close eye on governments and ensuring

people are aware of decisions that directly impact their daily

lives. By acting as a powerful amplifier of public messaging,

it emphasizes the importance of implementing strong cyber

security policies. Cooperation with the media contributes to

raising society-wide awareness of the threats posed by the

confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and IT

systems, thereby promoting public understanding and response

to cybercrime.

The study, "Understanding and Mitigating Cross-Border

Threats to the CIA Triad: A Global Perspective," investigates

The Problem

the challenges of safeguarding confidentiality, integrity,

and availability in an international context. By analyzing

case studies, empirical research, and expert insights, it

reveals the pervasive risks posed by cross-border cyber

threats and emphasizes the importance of tailored strategies

for effective mitigation. International collaboration is

identified as crucial for bolstering cybersecurity

resilience, but overcoming barriers such as divergent

national interests and regulatory complexities is essential

for meaningful progress (Smith, 2023).

Based on the discussion by Samonas (2014), cybercrime

includes a variety of crimes that pose serious threats to the

confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer

systems and data. A breach of confidentiality involves

unauthorized access to or disclosure of confidential

information, putting privacy and confidentiality at risk.

According to Babina (2014), with the increasing of

incidents regarding computer-related crimes, awareness of

illegal activities such as unauthorized access, interception,

and misuse of equipment can be enhanced through personal

encounters such as witnessing or witnessing crimes,

exchanging information with others, and discussing how to

protect against these types of crimes.

Additionally, posters and flyers have proven to be

The Problem

effective tools for spreading information about computer-

related crimes. They can reach a broad audience and help

people easily receive and remember cybersecurity information.

These educational efforts contribute to raising awareness and

provide the community with the confidence to implement

preventive measures to protect themselves against computer-

related crimes (Okon, 2019).

Kemp (2021) highlights that as cybercrime, fraud, and

identity theft activities and opportunities increase, there

has been a rise in the number of victims. Consequently, there

is now widespread awareness of these issues.

Some people experience interference from hacking, while

others are affected by eavesdropping, something the older

generation did not experience. Computer crime, including

counterfeiting, fraud, and identity theft, has wide-ranging

consequences. They can cause financial devastation for

individuals, damage business reputations, and erode trust in

online interactions. These crimes highlight the urgent need

for enhanced cybersecurity measures, increased awareness, and

effective law enforcement to mitigate the impact and protect

individuals and organizations from the devastation of

cybercrime (Das, 2014).

Computer-related offenses, including forgery, fraud, and

identity theft, have wide-ranging consequences. These

The Problem

offenses highlight the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity

measures, increased awareness, and effective law enforcement

to mitigate the impacts and protect individuals and

organizations from the devastating effects of cybercrime

(Nayak, 2014).

Content-related crimes are increasing day by day.

Cybercriminals exploit and victimize individuals, leaving

lasting emotional scars and psychological damage. These

offenses damage reputations, destroy careers, and disrupt

personal lives. They destroy trust in online platforms,

hinder freedom of expression, and harm the safety and

wellbeing of individuals (Goni, 2022).

Furthermore, the study of Sadhu (2022) found that

awareness levels of cybercrime vary significantly among

different demographics. Younger individuals (18–34 years old)

are generally more aware of cyber security risks compared to

older age groups. Additionally, gender differences were

observed, with women showing higher awareness in certain

areas. Urban residents also exhibited higher levels of

cybercrime awareness than those in rural areas. These

findings highlight the necessity for targeted educational

initiatives to improve cybercrime awareness across all

demographic groups.

Moreover, Holtfreter (2019) suggests that law

The Problem

enforcement efforts, such as organizing seminars or awareness

campaigns, may have played a role in spreading public

knowledge and awareness of various types of cybercrime,

including content-related crime.

In addition, according to Zakaria and Harun (2020), the

purpose of this research is to promote helpful and academic

shared writing behaviors by raising awareness of cyber

defamation cases among adolescents, which can differ

practically from early adult perspectives. These results

ought to serve as the basis for the first steps in raising

awareness of cyberdefamation among our pupils.

According to Li (2021), computer use is rising.

Cybercrime has become increasingly prominent in today's

culture, enabling the occurrence of a wide range of cybercrime

that can be experienced over the internet. Assault by Threat,

Child Pornography, Cyber Contraband, Cyber Theft, Cyber

Trespass, Cyber Vandalism, Cyber Stalking, and Cyber

Terrorism are examples of cybercrimes that involve electronic

fraud, device misuse, identity theft, and data theft, as well

as system interference and the tools used for their respective


Chatterjee (2023) examined youth pornography in India

for content-related violations. In Delhi, researchers studied

the psychological impact of online pornography on young

The Problem

people who engage in sexual activities on websites that

benefit these groups. According to a previous study, girls

are at risk of being exploited for entertainment on

pornographic websites and have the opportunity to make money

online in countries such as Ecuador, Belgium, and China. While

international standards are still being developed, it is

known that every country faces censorship issues regarding

the use of these online sites, as their content is less widely

reported and accessed on the Internet.

In addition, Bailey & Hsieh-Yee (2020) sought to improve

our understanding of the phenomenon of information sharing,

especially when it comes to disinformation, and to show that

information literacy is the best line of defense against

disinformation. They present a conceptual framework for

understanding why people share information, especially

misinformation, using examples from social media and other

digital communication channels. The consequences of sharing

false information are also discussed. These lead to literacy

strategies that equip information users with the knowledge

and skills to evaluate, process, and respond effectively to

shared information. Therefore, it raises the awareness of the

community about the false information about how they dealt

with it.

Zakaria (2020) confirmed this, stating that their study

The Problem

aims to raise awareness about cyber defamation among young

people. The rapid growth of information and communication

technology has profoundly changed their daily lives. The

study emphasizes the need for young adults to shift their

focus towards fostering constructive and scholarly writing

habits from an early age, leading to increased individual


Based on the study of adolescent perceptions of cybersex

and its impact on communication with parents, through surveys

and interviews, it reveals that both adolescents and parents

recognize cybersex as risky but feel uncomfortable discussing

it. The findings underscore the importance of fostering open

communication and implementing comprehensive education

programs to address cybersex among adolescents effectively

(Subrahmanya, 2014).

Since there’s a rapid growth of modernization, a

Comprehensive Approach to Combatting Threats to the CIA

Triad" explores the challenges and strategies involved in

protecting the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

of information systems in the Philippines. It examines the

country's unique socio-economic and technological landscape,

analyzes factors such as rapid digitization and cybersecurity

regulations, and proposes practical recommendations for

organizations and policymakers. Additionally, it emphasizes

The Problem

the importance of education and awareness programs in

fostering a culture of cybersecurity resilience. Overall, the

thesis aims to contribute to the broader discourse on

cybersecurity governance and resilience in the Southeast

Asian region (Santos, 2023).

The most noteworthy recorded cybercrime cases within the

Philippines in 2019 were recorded in Locale 7, which had 1.4

million casualties of crimes regarding the CIA triad. It has

652.2 thousand individuals who have not been casualties of

any kind of cybercrime in that locale (Measurements Inquire

about Office, 2021).

On the other hand, Arasa (2024) investigates cyber

threats and their impact on national security in the

Philippines. Through analyzing recent cyber incidents and

consulting experts and government officials, it uncovers the

motivations behind cybercriminal activities, such as

financial gain and political agendas. The study highlights a

notable case involving an attempted breach of DNS.GOV.PH,

showcasing the vulnerability of government websites.

Additionally, it explores how online platforms facilitate

terrorist activities, emphasizing the need for proactive

measures to address cyber risks. Recommendations include

strengthening cybersecurity infrastructure, raising public

awareness, and fostering collaboration between government

The Problem

agencies and international partners to protect national

security effectively.

The Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Bunch

uncovered that the types of cybercrime that have a high rate

are online tricks, online slander, computer-related

burglaries, anti-photo and video voyeurism, and illicit

access to one's account. Villarin, who is the representative,

expressed that a web trick was committed through online

shopping, wherein the criminal would fair get the money of

the casualty (buyer) and not send the thing. Online slander

is connected to giving untruthful data that will devastate

your notoriety. Villarin also expressed that, in terms of

illicit access, having access to one's account can be utilized

for tricks and sexual abuse (CNN Philippines Staff, 2020).

The Philippine National Police's Anti-Cybercrime Group

has directed all of its regional anti-cybercrime units and

district offices in the National Capital Region to take part

in this initiative simultaneously by posting infographic

stickers with QR codes at strategic locations. These stickers

will direct people to the ACG's Facebook page and website,

which will provide information on how to avoid becoming a

victim of cybercrime. Additionally, small company owners and

a variety of force multipliers received seminars on

cybercrime awareness. In addition, flyer-sand brochures were

The Problem

distributed to spectators in shopping centers, bus stops, and

other places (De Leon, 2022).

In the era of digital advancement, computer-related

crime presents a substantial hurdle globally, endangering

individuals, businesses, and governments alike. Despite the

Philippines' burgeoning digital infrastructure and expanding

internet usage, it remains vulnerable to these dangers. This

thesis endeavors to explore the realm of computer-related

crime within the Philippines, delving into its frequency,

characteristics, ramifications, and current preventative

measures. By thoroughly scrutinizing accessible data, case

studies, and pertinent literature, this research endeavors to

offer a nuanced understanding of cybercrime dynamics in the

Philippines, culminating in actionable strategies for its

deterrence and containment (Sosa, 2024).

Based on the discussion of Drew (2020), the diverse

nature of victimization experienced by communities in the

Philippines due to computer-related crimes. Through detailed

case studies spanning rural, urban, and suburban contexts,

the study uncovers varying victim profiles, vulnerabilities,

and impacts across different types of cybercrimes. Despite

these challenges, communities demonstrate resilience through

responses such as reporting incidents, seeking support from

local networks, and implementing preventive measures.

The Problem

However, limited access to resources and support services

underscores the need for targeted interventions and enhanced

collaboration between stakeholders. The study emphasizes the

importance of tailored cybersecurity education, local support

networks, and robust legal frameworks to address the specific

needs of communities and foster a culture of cyber safety in

the Philippines.

Moreover, the study by Henderson (2017) highlighted the

Philippines' significant role in the cybersex trafficking of

children on a global scale. Data from law enforcement agencies

worldwide revealed that the country received over eight times

more referrals than any other nation during the period of

2010–2017, emphasizing the critical need for concerted

international action to address this issue and safeguard

vulnerable children.

Moreover, Mseuf (2019) concluded that there was a high

level of awareness about cybersex among the youth in Lucena

City. However, an information dissemination campaign was

still recommended to further strengthen this awareness and

prevent the occurrence of cybersex, especially among the most

vulnerable youth. The campaign should focus on educating

youth about the risks, legal consequences, and moral

implications of engaging in cybersex.

According to the study of Francisco (2016), online libel

The Problem

as the foremost reported cybercrime in the Philippines during

2016 marked a notable shift in the cyber landscape,

potentially reflecting changing societal dynamics alongside

technological advancements. This shift underscores the

importance of maintaining vigilance against cyber threats

while also ensuring that measures taken to combat them uphold

principles of fairness and justice, particularly in the

context of preserving freedom of expression and safeguarding

against potential misuse of laws designed to protect

individuals from harm.

According to the information assembled from Territorial

Hostile to Cybercrime Unit 4A (2018), there were 1008 detailed

cybercrime cases in Calabarzon and 430 cases that were

detailed in Laguna. In 2020 and 2021, cybercrime cases

developed. There are 2,579 detailed cybercrime cases in

Calabarzon and 997 detailed cases in Laguna. The foremost, as

often as possible, detailed cases are swindling (Estafa),

which is a web trick, computer-related character robbery, and

online criticism.

In addition, Balita (2021) Philippines saw its highest

number of cybercrime incidents among individuals who fell

victim to fraudulent SMS or text scams, totaling about 2.4

million. Other cybercrimes prevalent in the area included

hacking, phishing, and cyberbullying.

The Problem

According to the PNP-Cybercrime Unit in Laguna (2023),

there were 35 incidents regarding fraud and illegal access.

Despite numerous reports about people being imprisoned for

committing this crime, there are still those who continue to


Moreover, according to the incident report of the LGU in Brgy.

Mabacan, Brgy. Perez, and Brgy. Prinza, there are a total of

4 incidents in different offenses regarding R.A. 10175

(Personal Communication, 2023).

Objectives of the Study

This study assessed the awareness of the prohibited acts

as stipulated in R.A. 10175 among the residents of Calauan,

Laguna, in terms of offenses against confidentiality,

integrity, and availability of computer data and systems,

computer-related offenses, and content-related offenses.

Specifically, to determine if there is any significant

difference in the level of awareness of prohibited acts under

R.A. 10175 among the residents of Calauan, Laguna, as

stipulated in R.A. 10175 among the residents of Calauan,

Laguna, and to find out the factors that could be affecting

residents’ awareness. To this end, the study also wants to

discover different ways of expanding the level of awareness

of the Prohibited Acts of R.A. 10175 in the locale of Calauan,

The Problem

Significance of the Study

The study was conducted meaningfully to serve and give

benefits to the following:

Community. This study will provide awareness and

knowledge to the community regarding the prohibited acts of

Republic Act 10175 through the distribution of flyers. It can

use them to prevent such offenses and report cases such as

cybercrimes to the authorities.

Online Users. This study will raise awareness among

online users about the crimes that might happen to them. It

will also contribute to their safety and what their limits

are when using the internet.

Policymakers. This study will serve as one of the bases

on which they will receive information about the level of

awareness of prohibited acts under R.A. 10175, which will be

useful for determining what needs to be changed about them.

Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP

ACG). The study would help the PNP-ACG better understand the

factors that influence the level of awareness of cybercrime

among the residents of Laguna. It will also benefit them by

providing insights to improve their educational and awareness

campaigns, better target their efforts, and develop effective

strategies to combat cybercrime.

Security analysts. This research will be beneficial for

The Problem

them because it will provide them with a deeper understanding

of the community's knowledge and misconceptions regarding

cybercrime. This valuable insight will empower analysts to

develop targeted educational programs and initiatives that

effectively address the specific areas where the community

may be more vulnerable to cyber threats, ultimately enhancing

overall cybersecurity measures.

Students. This study will benefit the students by

expanding their awareness of the prohibited acts of R.A.

10175. It will broaden by conducting seminars on offenses.

Future Researchers. This research will be beneficial for

them by building upon its findings and expanding knowledge in

the field, contributing to the development of more effective

strategies for raising awareness and combating cybercrime.

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored in the three theories that

support the entire study; these theories also focused on the

awareness of prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 among the

residents of Laguna. This study was anchored in three (3)

theories, namely: lifestyle theory, self-awareness theory,

and rational choice theory.

Lifestyle Theory

The life-style theory seeks to explain that certain

people may become victims of crimes because of their

The Problem

lifestyles and choices. Many of the alternatives available to

victims expose them to criminal offenders and settings where

crime is likely to occur. Lifestyle theory holds that crime

is a developmental process led by a continuing connection

between three variables, such as incentive, opportunity, and

choice. In each stage of the criminal lifestyle (initiation,

transition, maintenance, burnout, and maturity), the values

and meanings of incentive, opportunity, and choice change

(Walters, 2014).

This theory was related to the study, which illustrates

that everyone has their own lifestyle. People nowadays are so

reliant on the internet that they conduct online

transactions, converse, and publicly post information on

social media. As a result, they are the most common victims

of cybercrime.

Self-Awareness Theory

Self-awareness theory proposes that individuals have the

ability to be aware of their own thoughts, feelings, and

behaviors. It suggests that self-awareness can lead to self-

evaluation and comparison between personal standards and

actual behavior, resulting in changes aimed at aligning one's

actions with internal standards. This theory posits that

self-awareness plays a crucial role in shaping individuals'

behavior, attitudes, and self-perception (Eurich, 2018).

The Problem

Self-awareness theory can be related to the study by

highlighting the role of self-reflection and introspection in

fostering awareness. Individuals who are self-aware are more

likely to recognize their own potential involvement in

cybercrime and the consequences associated with such acts.

This awareness may lead to a greater sense of personal

responsibility and adherence to legal and ethical norms,

ultimately contributing to a higher level of awareness and a

reduced likelihood of engaging in cybercrime offenses.

Rational Choice Theory

According to Lockert (2022), rational choice theory is

an approach used in the social sciences that posits that

individuals are rational actors who make decisions by

weighing the costs and benefits associated with various

options. This theory states that individuals aim to maximize

their self-interest and make choices based on rational

calculations of expected outcomes. It assumes that

individuals have complete information, consistent

preferences, and the ability to accurately assess the

consequences of their choices.

Regarding the study, this hypothesis proposes that

people weigh the benefits and hazards of participating in

cybercrime even while they are aware of the potential

repercussions. It suggests that people are more inclined to

The Problem

commit cybercrime if they believe the advantages exceed the

possible drawbacks. Furthermore, rational choice theory can

support initiatives to raise community awareness by stressing

the value of clearly outlining the dangers and consequences

of cybercrime and drawing attention to the possible drawbacks

in order to discourage people from partaking in such


Conceptual Framework

The study focused on determining the awareness of

prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 among the residents of

Laguna. This study was confined to an explanation that

discusses the main concept of the Prohibited Acts of R.A.


Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity, and

availability of computer data and systems, computer-related,

and content-related crimes.

Confidentiality offenses involve unauthorized access to

or disclosure of sensitive data. This can include hacking

into systems, stealing personal information, or intercepting

confidential communications. Such offenses violate privacy

rights and can lead to identity theft, financial fraud, or

the exposure of sensitive information (Balilo & Lavia, 2016).

Integrity offenses focus on tampering with or altering

computer data to deceive or manipulate users or systems. This

The Problem

can involve activities like unauthorized modifications of

files, injecting malicious code, or spreading malware that

disrupts the functioning of systems or manipulates data.

Integrity offenses can undermine the reliability and accuracy

of information, compromise the trustworthiness of systems,

and potentially cause financial or reputational harm (Bande,


Availability offenses seek to disrupt or deny access to

computer systems or data. These offenses can be carried out

through distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, which

overwhelm a system with traffic or render it unavailable to

legitimate users. By impeding access to critical resources or

services, availability offenses can disrupt business

operations, cause financial losses, and impact the

functionality of vital systems (UNODC, 2019).

Computer-related offenses

Computer-related offenses are often committed for

personal interest or to obtain funds, bank notes, or anything

that involves money (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,

2019). Computer-related fraud includes computer-related

forgery, computer-related identity theft, and computer-

related fraud. Computer-related forgery pertains to the

changing of a document without the owner's permission and

making it appear legitimate. Computer-related identity theft,

The Problem

which pertains to acquiring someone's identity and the

possession of fake accounts, is under the said offense (P&L,

2014). Maras implied that computer-related fraud refers to

the usual victims: private individuals, online sellers, and

those who own businesses. The criminals will manipulate you

until they gain your trust and you reveal your confidential

information. Once they have your trust, they will now get all

your money and properties (UNODC, 2019).

Content-related offenses

Content-related crimes include cybersex, child

pornography, unsolicited commercial communication, libel, and

other offenses. First, cybersex is the act of using a computer

system for favor or consideration to directly or indirectly

intentionally participate in a lascivious display of genital

or sexual activity.

According to John Bancroft (2014), sex is a habitual

pleasure. The most common factor is masturbation; they

imagine a fantasy or even watch pornography for them to

perform it well, which is why cybersex is a very high-rate

crime these days. This is a kind of illicit activity done in

exchange for money. Next is child pornography, which is an

act that is punishable under Republic Act No. 9775 and

involves the illegal engaging of children in sexual activity

using computer systems in exchange for money.

The Problem

Additionally, in the study of Tarannum Vashisht (2020),

the main reason why child pornography is present is because

of a person's pedophilia. To have pleasure coming from a child

sex performer in cyberspace. Then, unsolicited commercial

communications is the transmission of business digital

conversations with the use of a PC machine that are searching

for to advertise, sell, or provide on the market services and

products that are prohibited without consent; it is obviously


Moreover, in the study of Hans (2018), the majority of

internet users' ignorance of how content removal functions is

another major issue. Terms of service and community

guidelines are frequently loaded with legalese that is

difficult for users to grasp, as West (2018) pointed out.

This means that even while Google modifies its terms of

service to comply with government orders for material

removal, users might not be able to see it, and worse, it

might contain what West (2018) called "Legalese": jargon that

is frequently too complex or legal for the average individual

to understand. This indicates that a large number of internet

users are unaware of the procedures associated with

government demands for the removal of content and Google's

corresponding cooperation.
The Problem

Research Paradigm

The paradigm of the study focused on the level of

awareness of the Prohibited Acts of R.A. 10175. The researcher

used the independent variable and dependent variable approach

for its paradigm, as shown in the figure, to illustrate the

flow of the investigation process in determining the

awareness of the prohibited acts of R.A. 10175 among the

residents of Calauan, Laguna.

The independent variable contains the level of awareness

of the Prohibited Acts of R.A. 10175 among the residents of

Laguna in terms of confidentiality, availability, and

integrity of computer systems and data, computer-related and

content-related crimes, as well as the factors that affect

the residents’ awareness.

The dependent variable was the community of Calauan,

Laguna, which was highly aware of the offenses of prohibited

acts under R.A. 10175 among the residents of Laguna.

The study also took into account the moderator variable,

which was the residents of Calauan, Laguna. This variable was

likely to have an impact on the level of awareness and

provided valuable insights into the dynamics of the

Prohibited Acts of R.A. 10175.

The Problem

Independent Variables

1. The level of awareness of the

residents on the Prohibited
acts of R.A 10175 in terms:
Dependent Variable
1.1 Offenses against the 1. High Level of
Confidentiality, Integrity Awareness on the
and, availability of Prohibited acts of
computer data and system; R.A 10175 among
1.2 Computer-related the Residents of
offenses; and Calauan, Laguna

1.3 Content-related
2. The factors affecting the
level of awareness of the
community regarding
Prohibited acts of R.A
2.1 Offenses against the
confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of computer
data and systems
2.2 computer-related
offenses; and
2.3 Content-related
3. What are the factors affecting
the level of awareness of the
community regarding the
prohibited acts of RA 10175?
4. What may be recommended to
increase the awareness of the
community about the
Prohibited Act of RA 10175?

Moderator Variables

Residents of Calauan,

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

The Problem

Statement of the Problem

This study assessed the awareness of the Prohibited Acts

of R.A. 10175.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following sub-


1. What is the level of awareness of the residents

about cybercrime offenses in terms of:

1.1 Offenses against the confidentiality,

integrity, and availability of computer data and


1.2 Computer-related offenses; and

1.3 Content-related offenses?

2. Is there a significant difference in the level of

awareness of the residents about the Prohibited Acts of R.A.

10175 in terms of:

2.1 Offenses against the confidentiality,

integrity, and availability of computer data and


2.2 computer-related offenses; and

2.3 Content-related offenses?


There is no significant difference between the level of

awareness of the Prohibited Acts of RA 10175 among the

residents of Laguna in terms of offenses against the

The Problem

confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer data

and systems, computer-related offenses, and content-related

offenses in terms of:

3. What are the factors affecting the level of

awareness of the community regarding the prohibited acts of

RA 10175?

4. What may be recommended to increase the awareness

of the community about the Prohibited Act of RA 10175?

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of this study, the following definitions

are operationally defined:

Anti-cybercrime group. A National Operational Support Unit is

principally in charge of promoting the PNP's anti-cybercrime

campaign and putting relevant Philippine laws on cybercrime

into practice.

Assessment. The process of determining something's quantity,

worth, quality, or significance; furthermore, the judgment or

choice that is made.

Awareness. It is having or showing realization, perception,

or knowledge.

Availability. The assertion that a computer system is

available or accessible by an authorized user whenever it is

The Problem

Cybercrime. A crime committed through the use of computers,

devices, and other gadgets in cyberspace.

Cybersecurity. The process of defending programs, networks,

and systems from online threats.

Computer-related offenses. This refers to the wrongful

activity that is being done with computers or making illegal

acts through a computer system.

Content-related offenses. These refer to cybercrimes related

to any illegal content; the major example of illegal content

is sexual child abuse materials.

Fraud. It refers to an act wherein a person will try to

imitate someone, declare that he or she accomplishes

something, and deceive the victim to get the money.

Hacking. It refers to secretly breaking into a computer system

and stealing valuable data from it without permission.

Identity theft. It is done when someone makes use of one's


Integrity. The data was complete, trustworthy, and has not

been modified or accidentally altered by an authorized user.

Offenses. It is a punishable act or against the ruling in

R.A. 10175.
Design and Methodology

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research design and

methodology, the population and locale of the study, data

gathering tools and procedures, and the statistical treatment

of the data.

Research Design and Methodology

The study utilized quantitative methods through a descriptive

research design since it aimed to assess the awareness of

prohibited acts in R.A. 10175 among the residents of Calauan,

Laguna. Descriptive research was used because it enables the

researcher to collect data from the respondents through the use of

questionnaires and informal interviews to determine the

hypothesis of the study.

Descriptive method design is a type of design that

studies one or more variables. It also distinguished the

characteristics, frequencies, trends, and categories. In

addition, the research design had quantifiable information

for statistical analysis of the sample population (McCombes,


Therefore, the researcher considered descriptive

research to be the most suitable instrument to use in this

study in order to determine the level of awareness of the

prohibited act, R.A. 10175 among the residents of Laguna.

Design and Methodology

Population and Locale of the Study

The respondents of the study were sixty (60) selected

residents of Barangays Prinza, Perez, and Mabacan in Calauan,

Laguna. The respondents to the study are the people in the

community, specifically those who have experienced using computers,

gadgets, or the internet. Since they are the most likely to commit

the offenses, the researcher selected them to be their


Table 1. Frequency and Percentage of the Population of the


Group of Frequency(f) Percentage(%)

Barangay Prinza 20 33.33%
Barangay Mabacan 20 33.33%
Barangay Perez 20 33.33%
Total 60 100%
Convenient and quota sampling methods were used to

choose the respondents and samples for the questionnaire-

based investigation. Convenient sampling techniques are a

type of non-probability sampling method that relies on

picking out the most conveniently available respondents.

Quota sampling was also a type of non-probability sampling

method where the researchers would divide the population into

subgroups and then collect all the information from a

specified number of people.

To say it another way, convenience sampling meant

getting out the participants that you could typically see

Design and Methodology

anywhere. In quota sampling, a specific number of

participants would be selected until the maximum or required

number of participants was reached (Etikan & Bala, 2017).

Data Gathering Tool

In gathering data, the researcher utilized a survey

questionnaire as the major data gathering tool in order to

address the research problem. The tool was formulated based

on the specific problems of the study. The four-point Likert

scale was utilized in conducting this research study. The

first part of the questionnaire contains questions regarding

the level of awareness of prohibited acts in R.A. 10175 among

the residents of Calauan, Laguna, in terms of (a) offenses

against the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of

computer data and systems; (b) computer-related offenses; and

(c) content-related offenses. The second part contains the

factors that affect the level of awareness of the residents.

In addition, an informal interview was also used to further

support the results of the study.

The survey questionnaire was checked for content by the

adviser, subject specialist, and thesis chairman. Then, it

was submitted to an English expert to correct grammatical

errors on the survey questionnaires. Lastly, it was submitted

to the Regional Anti-Cybercrime Unit 4A in order to validate

the veracity of the contents, ensure that there are no

Design and Methodology

offending questions, and secure the ethical consideration of

the research instrument.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researcher constructed a survey questionnaire and

presented it to the research adviser for scrutiny. Then the

research instrument was conferred on the subject specialist

and panel chairman for further reading. Afterwards, the

research instrument was forwarded to a language critic for

grammar checking.

Furthermore, the researcher prepared a request letter to

administer the survey questionnaire noted by the research

adviser and dean of the college, and it was addressed to the

barangay chairmen of Brgy. Prinza, Brgy. Perez, and Brgy.

Mabacan is in Calauan, Laguna. The researcher personally

asked permission from the respondents to administer the


Moreover, the mechanics were explained by the

researcher, who personally retrieved, tallied, and recorded

the responses, which were then submitted to the statistician

for treatment.

Informal personal interviews and informal visits were

also conducted to supplement the data in the interpretation

of the results of the study. The data that elicited is

likewise intended to supplement and contribute to the

Design and Methodology

solution and clarity of the problems at hand.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data and information acquired from the procedures

conducted by the researcher for attaining the desired result

of the study were treated as means and standard deviations.

For the assessment of the level of awareness of prohibited

acts, R.A. 10175 among the residents of Calauan, Laguna. The

data are tallied, tabulated, analyzed, evaluated, recorded,

and presented in tabular form with a corresponding

interpretation as well. For a more valid and meaningful

interpretation of the data, the researcher used the 4-point

Likert scale, F-test ANOVA, frequency, and percentage to

determine the treated data.

For sub-problem no. 1, the gathered data determines the level

of awareness of prohibited acts in R.A. 10175. Offenses

against confidentiality, integrity, and availability of

computer data and systems, computer-related offenses, and

content-related offenses were quantified using the following

4-point Likert scale:

Scale Statistical Descriptive

Limit Interpretation

4 3.26-4.00 Highly Aware

3 2.51-3.25 Aware
2 1.76-2.50 Less Aware
1 1.00-1.75 Not Aware
Design and Methodology

For sub-problem no. 2, the test of significant

difference, the researcher utilized analysis of variance

(one-way ANOVA) to determine the level of difference in the

respondent’s assessment of the level of awareness of the

residents of Laguna of the prohibited acts of R.A. 10175,

which was computed using the ANOVA (f-test) with a 0.05 level

of significance.

𝑤𝑚 =∑𝑤𝑥


Wm - Weighted mean

W- Weight of each item or value

X- Represent each of the items or value

N - Total number of participants

For sub-problem no. 3, the gathered data determines the

factors affecting the level of awareness of prohibited acts

of R.A. 10175 were quantified using the following 4-point

Likert scale:

Scale Statistical Limit Descriptive

4 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.51-3.25 Agree
2 1.76-2.50 Disagree
1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the collected data and the

corresponding results derived from the analysis and

interpretation of the data to address the specific problems

identified in the problem statement.

The first part of this chapter analyzes and interprets

the data obtained through descriptive statistics, including

weighted averages, in order to determine the respondents'

ratings on the idea of preventive measures (R.A. 10175) among

the residents of Calauan, Laguna. In the second part, for

crimes against privacy, availability, and reliability of data

and computer systems, computer crimes, and content-related

crimes, there is a difference in the assessment of respondents

for their understanding of what is prohibited work under R.A.

10175 residents of Calauan, Laguna. The third section is about

the factors that influence the residents' perceptions of the

activities prohibited by R.A. 10175.

I. Level of awareness on the prohibited acts of R.A 10175

among the residents of Calauan, laguna in terms of:

A. Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity,

availability of computer data and systems,

B. computer-related offenses, and

C. Content-related offenses.
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

A. Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity, and

availability of computer data and systems.

This part presents the obtained mean and interpretation

of the awareness of prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 among

the residents of Laguna in terms of confidentiality,

availability, and integrity of computer systems and data.

Generally, the findings of the study show an overall

weighted mean of 3.53, which was evaluated as "highly aware."

It implies that the residents of Calauan, Laguna, respect

confidential data found on the internet. They maintain the

integrity of information by not altering genuine data,

despite its availability and easy access online. They

understand that, besides being a legal requirement, this

contributes to ensuring a safe and orderly cyberspace.

In corroboration, Pour (2019) examines the awareness and

understanding of the CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity,

and availability) among a sample of community members from

Malaysia. The research found that the respondents were 80%

aware of the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of

computer data and systems. It also reveals that rampant news,

incident reports, and awareness of prohibited acts were

causes of community awareness.

Additionally, a number of awareness-related variables

were assessed in the Dodge (2021) study, which investigated

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

the three email attack methods—attachments, embedded links,

and social engineering—to determine the level of phishing

awareness. Distribution by classes, distribution by email

type, and failure percentage were the metrics used for

evaluation. They found that 80% of embedded link failures and

40% of requests for sensitive information happened during

their analysis. They discovered that embedded links,

attachments, and sensitive content failed 38%, 50%, and 46%

of the time, respectively, when it came to the distribution

of emails by type. Finally, a range of undergraduate students

from different academic years—freshmen, sophomores, juniors,

and seniors—were investigated. They came to the conclusion

that between 10% and 70% of the students have experienced

phishing attacks.

Further, to support the findings based on an informal

interview conducted with the respondents, which states that

by understanding and adhering to these offenses, we ensure a

more efficient use of the internet, while valuing the

confidentiality of data, we also ensure that legitimate

information is not altered or tampered with. To this end, the

study discovers different of the Prohibited Acts of R.A. 10175

in the locale of Calauan, Laguna. Moreover, we respect the

availability of information online (Personal Communication,

March 2023).
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Table 2. Level of Awareness on Prohibited Acts of R.A. 10175

among the residents of Calauan, Laguna, in terms of offenses

against the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of

computer data and systems.

Sub-Indicators WM DI
1.Illegal Access or the access to the whole or any part of 3.62 HA
a computer system without right.
2.Illegal Interception or the interception made by 3.57 HA
technical means without right of any non-public transmission
of computer
data to, from, or within a computer system.
3.Data Interference or the intentional or reckless
alteration, damaging, deletion or deterioration of computer
data, electronic document or electronic data message, without 3.48 HA
including the introduction or transmission of viruses.
4. System Interference or the intentional alteration or
reckless hindering or interference with the functioning of a
computer or computer network without right or authority, 3.52 HA
including the introduction or transmission of viruses.
5.Misuse of device or the use of a device, including a
computer program, designed or adapted primarily for the 3.43 HA
purpose of committing any of the offenses under the
Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
6.Misuse of device or the sale of a device including a 3.52 HA
computer program designed or adapted primarily for the
purpose of committing any of the offenses under the
Cybercrime Prevention
Act of 2012.
7.Misuse of device or the use of a computer password, access
code, or similar data by which the whole or any part of a 3.37 HA
computer system is capable of being accessed with intent that
it be used for the purpose of committing any of the offenses
under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
8.Misuse of device or the sale of a computer password, access
code, or similar data by which the whole or any part of a
computer system is capable of being accessed with intent that 3.70 HA
it be used for the purpose of committing any of the offenses
under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
9.Misuse of device or the possession of a device, including 3.38 HA
a computer program, designed or adapted primarily for the
purpose of committing any of the offenses under the
Prevention Act of 2012.
10.Misuse of device or the possession of a computer password,
access code, or similar data by which the whole or any part
of a computer system is capable of being accessed with intent 3.63 HA
that it be used for the purpose of committing any of the
offenses under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
Overall Weighted Mean 3.53 HA

Legend: HA-Highly Aware A-Aware SA-Slightly Aware NA-Not Aware

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

As shown in the table above, all indicators received a

descriptive interpretation of “highly aware." This implies

that the residents of Calauan, Laguna, due to their high

awareness, avoid meddling with other people's accounts and

refrain from using others' identities, especially for

malicious purposes. They also restrain themselves from

altering or tampering with data from trusted websites or

accounts. Furthermore, it also shows their carefulness in

their activities in cyberspace to avoid misuse. Because it is

clear that, based on authorities, anyone who commits these

offenses will surely be held accountable under RA 10175.

The European Union Cyber Security Agency (2021)

underscores the media's vital role in monitoring governments

and informing the public about decisions affecting daily

life. By amplifying cybersecurity messages, the media

enhances awareness and supports robust policies.

Collaboration with the media also boosts societal

understanding of cyber threats, fostering better responses to

cybercrime. This resulted in a high level of user awareness

in terms of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of

data and IT systems.

According to the respondents, it states that they are

aware that tampering with someone else's account, altering

its content, and other improper use of the internet are

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

strictly prohibited because they know it can have significant

impacts on the confidentiality, integrity, and availability

of computer data and systems. And this kind of good practice

will benefit not only others but us as well, ensuring a safer

use of the internet. (Personal Communication, March 2023).

B. Computer-related offenses

This part presents the meaning and interpretation of the

awareness of prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 among the

residents of Laguna in terms of computer-related offenses.

Table 3 represents that computer-related crime has an

overall mean of 3.46, which is interpreted as “highly aware."

It implies that the residents of Calauan, Laguna, were keenly

aware that these actions are strictly prohibited, as they can

affect other people's property in cyberspace, such as

identities, private accounts, and cyber assets. This also

shows that respondents are cautious about their online

activities, as they carefully examine their actions. A

mistake in this regard entails legal responsibility.

To support this, posters and flyers became effective

tools for disseminating information about computer-related

crimes; they can reach a wide audience and help people easily

receive and remember cybersecurity information. These

educational efforts help raise awareness and give the

community the confidence to take preventive measures to

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

protect themselves against computer-related crimes (Okon,


Moreover, in the study by Lavina (2016), when Reonel

Ramones and Onel de Guzman created a destructive virus called

“Love Bug," the effect reached not only in the Philippines

but also worldwide. The nation passed the first law regarding

penalized computer crime in 2012. In light of this event, it

emphasizes the importance of being appraised on the crime

related to computers.

During an informal interview, one respondent highlighted

their increased confidence in using the internet due to a

better understanding of acceptable online behavior. They

emphasized knowing what actions to avoid and having greater

respect for others' data privacy. This heightened awareness

of cyber offenses contributes to a more orderly cyberspace by

promoting responsible online conduct and reducing potential

risks to data security and privacy (Personal Communication,

March 2023).

By amplifying cybersecurity messages, the media enhances

awareness and supports robust policies. Collaboration with

the media also boosts societal understanding of cyber

threats, fostering better responses to cybercrime. This

resulted in a high level of user awareness in terms of

confidentiality, and availability of data and IT systems.

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Table 3. Level of Awareness on Prohibited Acts of R.A. 10175

among the residents of Calauan, Laguna, in terms of computer-

related offenses.

Sub-Indicators WM DI

1. Computer-related forgery or the input of any computer 3.40 HA

data without right resulting in authentic data with the
intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes
as if it were authentic.
2. Computer-related forgery or the alteration of any 3.50 HA
computer data without right resulting in inauthentic data
with the intent that it be considered or acted upon for
legal purposes as if it were authentic.

3. Computer-related forgery or the deletion of any computer 3.45 HA

data without right resulting in inauthentic data with the
intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal
purposes as if it were authentic.
4. Computer-related Forgery or the act of knowingly using 3.42 HA
computer data which is the product of computer-related
5. Computer-related fraud or the unauthorized input of 3.35 HA
computer data or program or interference in the functioning
of a computer system, causing damage there by with
fraudulent intent.
6. Computer-related fraud or the unauthorized alteration of 3.57 HA
computer data or program or interference in the functioning
of a computer system, causing damage there by with
fraudulent intent.

7. Computer-related fraud or the unauthorized deletion of 3.32 HA

computer data or program or interference in the functioning
of a computer system, causing damage thereby with
fraudulent intent.
8. Computer-related Identity Theft or the intentional 3.60 HA
acquisition of identifying information belonging to
another, whether natural or juridical, without right.

9. Computer-related Identity Theft or the use of 3.43 HA

identifying information belonging to another, whether
natural or juridical, without right.
10. Computer-related Identity Theft tor the misuse of 3.45 HA
identifying information belonging to another, whether
natural or juridical, without right.
Overall Weighted Mean 3.46 HA

Legend: HA-Highly Aware A-Aware SA=Slightly Aware NA-Not Aware

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

As shown in the table above, all indicators received a

descriptive interpretation of "highly aware" towards the

computer-related crimes. It implies that the residents are

profoundly conscious of avoiding activities that involve

stealing or using other people's identities, such as identity

theft or fraud. They also refrain from interposing with or

altering data, which could include unauthorized access to

accounts or websites. Additionally, they are careful not to

delete data without permission, which could be considered

data sabotage or destruction. These actions are avoided

because they are conscious of the harm they can cause, not

just in terms of credibility but also in terms of potential

legal consequences, as these actions are often associated

with malicious intent.

To further support the result, Kemp (2021) states that

the efforts made to educate and inform the community about

cybercrime, identity theft, and fraud have been effective. As

a result, there is an increased awareness and understanding

among the population regarding the potential threats posed by

cybercriminal activities, particularly in the realm of

computer-related crimes. The implication is that these

educational initiatives have successfully equipped people

with the knowledge to recognize and protect themselves from

such threats, thus contributing to a more informed and

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

vigilant community.

Respondents voluntarily apply their awareness to

responsibly navigate the internet, consciously avoiding

actions like identity theft. They prioritize upholding the

integrity of information, despite its widespread

accessibility online. This proactive approach not only

safeguards personal and sensitive data but also fosters a

culture of ethical online behavior. By valuing integrity and

conscientious use of digital resources, respondents

contribute to a more trustworthy and secure online

environment for themselves and others. (Personal

Communication, March 2023).

C. Content-related Offenses

This part presents the obtained mean and interpretation

of the awareness of prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 among

the residents of Laguna in terms of content-related offenses.

It can be gleaned from Table 4 that content-related offenses

have gained an overall weighted mean of 3.08 with the

descriptive interpretation of "aware.". It implies that the

community was responsive to offenses such as cybersex, child

pornography, cyberlibel, and other content-related crimes. It

suggests that despite the easy access and communication

through the internet, they are also obligated to ensure that

things posted online, particularly on social media, are done

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

properly, are beneficial, and are educational since legal

regulations and platform policies also play a role, as they

require users to adhere to certain standards and often

highlight the consequences of violations.

To further support this, the study implies that law

enforcement initiatives, including the organization of

seminars or awareness campaigns, may have contributed to the

dissemination of public knowledge and awareness of different

types of cybercrime, including content-related crimes

(Holtfreter, 2019).

In corroboration, based on the informal interview

conducted and the respondent’s state, awareness of these

considerations proves invaluable in evaluating social media

posts by weighing their potential impact on others.

Understanding that content can profoundly influence the

thoughts and perceptions of those who engage with it prompts

a thoughtful approach to what respondents share. This

heightened awareness encourages them to consider the

potential harm or benefit of posts before sharing them. By

doing so, respondents contribute to fostering a digital

environment where content is mindful, respectful, and

constructive, thereby promoting positive interactions and

reducing the spread of harmful information online. (Personal

Communication, March 2023).

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Table 4. Level of Awareness on Prohibited Acts of R.A 10175

among the residents of Calauan, Laguna in terms of Content-

related Offenses.
Sub-Indicators WM DI
1. Cybersex or the willful engagement to any
lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual 3.27 HA
activity, with the aid of a computer system, for
favor or consideration.
2. Cybersex or the maintenance of computer system 3.20 A
with any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or
sexual activity for favor or consideration.
3. Cybersex or the operation of any lascivious 3.12 A
exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity for
favor or consideration.
4. Hiring a child to perform in the creation or
3.28 HA
production of any form of child pornography committed
through a computer system.
5. Child pornography or the transmission of
commercial electronic communication with the use of 3.20 A
computer system which seek to advertise products and
services are prohibited.
6. Unsolicited Commercial Communications or the
transmission of commercial electronic communication 3.20 A
with the use of computer system which seeks to sell
products and services are prohibited.
7. Cyber libel or the unlawful writing committed 3.35 HA
through a computer system or any other similar means
which may be devised in the future.
8. Cyber libel or the unlawful printing committed 3.17 A
through a computer system or any other similar means
which may be devised in the future.
9. Cyber libel or the unlawful use of radio committed 3.32 HA
through a computer system or any similar mean which
may be devised in the future.
10. Cyber libel or the unlawful cinematographic 3.20 A
exhibition committed through a computer system or any
similar mean which may be devised in the future.
Overall Weighted Mean 3.08 A

Legend: HA-Highly Aware A-Aware SA=Slightly Aware NA-Not Aware

Table 4 posits that sub-indicator 7, "Cyber libel or the

unlawful writing committed through a computer system or any

other similar means which may be devised in the future," got

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

the highest weighted mean of 3.35 with an interpretation of

“highly aware." It implies that residents avoid defamation

using the internet or computer since it can damage a person's

integrity and clearly cause conflict among the parties

involved. Additionally, based on their awareness, residents

are more discerning about the things they post on social


To further support the result, based on the study of

Zakaria and Harun (2020), the purpose of this research is to

promote helpful and academic shared writing behaviors by

raising awareness of cyber defamation cases among

adolescents, which can differ practically from early adult

perspectives. These results ought to serve as the basis for

the first steps in raising awareness of cyberdefamation among

our pupils.

To further support the results, it educates users about

the ethical implications of their online behavior and

encourages them to exercise sensitivity and responsibility

when expressing opinions or sharing information online. By

promoting a culture of respect and accountability in

cyberspace, we can mitigate the harm caused by online

defamation and foster a safer and more supportive digital

environment for all users. (Personal Communication, March

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Furthermore, sub-indicator 9, or "Cyber libel or the

unlawful use of radio committed through a computer system or

any similar means that may be devised in the future," gained

the second highest weighted mean of 3.32, which is equivalent

to an interpretation of “highly aware." It implies that

respondents are well informed that libelous statements on

radio and television broadcasts are accompanied by punishment

and are prohibited by our law. Moreover, residents are careful

when posting their opinions or statements on social media,

blogs, or any online platform, and they also avoid committing

libelous acts through digital or electronic means. To further

support the result, the study by Bailey and Hsieh-Yee (2020)

emphasizes the importance of information literacy in

combating disinformation. It explains why people share

information, especially misinformation, and discusses the

consequences of sharing false information. The study proposes

strategies to improve information literacy, helping

individuals evaluate, process, and respond to information

more effectively. Overall, it results in high awareness about

false information and empowers communities to deal with it.

This is further proven by one respondent based on his

statement. According to the respondents, the internet can be

accessed by everyone, and fake news or misinformation about

various things is more widespread. We prefer to be aware of

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

these offenses because, aside from the law, we also know that

we will be affected by them as the quality of information

available on the internet will decrease (Personal

Communication, March 2023).

On the other hand, sub-indicator 3, or “Cybersex or the

operation, received the lowest weighted mean of 3.12 with an

interpretation of "aware." It implies that the respondents

were conscious of cybersex or having sexual activity with the

use of a computer in exchange for money. Since the residents

of Calauan, Laguna, do not allow themselves to engage in

activities that display private body parts and lewd behavior

on the internet in exchange for money, they are aware that if

they do this, they could be caught, which could damage their


To further support the result, based on the study of

Mseuf (2019), the study concluded that there was a high level

of awareness about cybersex among the youth in Lucena City.

However, an information dissemination campaign was still

recommended to further strengthen this awareness and prevent

the occurrence of cybersex, especially among the most

vulnerable youth. The campaign should focus on educating

youth about the risks, legal consequences, and moral

implications of engaging in cybersex.

Moreover, our respondents were perceptive about cybersex

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

since it was destructive and had negative effects on the minds

of those who watched it. respondent demonstrated awareness of

cybersex by being cautious in their online activities to avoid

breaking the law. This understanding also includes the

technical aspects of cybersex, such as its usage and potential

societal impact (Personal Communication, March 2023).

Whereas, sub-indicator 8 or "Cyber libel or the unlawful

printing committed through a computer system or any other

similar means be devised in the future gained the second-

lowest weighted mean of 3.17 with a descriptive

interpretation of "aware." It implies that they can be

considered attentive since residents are careful about what

they post and make public, especially when it involves another

person. Respondents limit and scrutinize their actions to

avoid damaging a person's reputation and credibility.

It was corroborated by Zakaria (2020). In this study,

they disseminate awareness about cyber defamation among youth

and adolescents. The exponential rise in information and

communication technology has brought about significant

changes to their daily lives. They focus on diverging

practically from an early adult perspective in order to

encourage constructive and scholarly shared writing

behaviors. So that it results in being aware of the

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Furthermore, based on respondents, it states that the

respondents are informed of the serious legal implications of

cyber libel, which involves defaming someone online.

Understanding these consequences ensures that their online

communications are respectful and factual to avoid any legal

issues. It recognizes the importance of being mindful of the

content they share and the potential impact it can have on

others. By staying informed about the laws and regulations

regarding cyber libel, they take proactive steps to

communicate responsibly and ethically in the digital space.

(Personal Communication, March 2023).

II. Significant differences in the level of awareness of

prohibited acts on R.A. 10175 among the residents of Calauan,


This part shows the significant differences in the level

of awareness of prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 based on the

F-test result of the ANOVA.

The F-test result of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) on

the significant differences in the degree of recognition of

prohibited acts in RA 10175 is generally shown in this table.

The null hypothesis was rejected based on the indicators of

offenses against confidentiality, integrity, and availability

of computer data and systems and offenses related to

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Table 5: Significant difference in the level of awareness of

Prohibited acts under R.A. 10175 in Calauan, Laguna.

Sum of df Mean

Square Square f Sig. Decision interpretat


Offense Between 0.166 2 0.083 o.858 0.429 HO Not

Against Groups
Confidentiality, Significa
Integrity and Within 5.524 57 0.097
Availability of Groups nt
computer data
and system Total 5.690 59
Computer-related Between 0.261 2 0.131 1.184 0.313 HO Not
offenses Groups
Within 6.284 57 0.110

Total 6.545 59

Content-related Between 1.984 2 0.992 12.816 0.000 H1 Significant

offenses Groups

Within 4.412 57 0.077


Total 6.396 59

Legend: Sig. < 0.05 Significant

Table 5 shows the obtained statistical results,

interpretation, and analysis of the significant difference in

the level of awareness of the prohibited acts of R.A. 10175

among the residents of Calauan, Laguna. The null hypothesis

obtained in this study concerning the level of awareness of

the prohibited acts of R.A. 10175 among the residents of

Calauan, Laguna, was rejected. For the reason that content-

related offenses got a significant value of 0.000, 0.000 that

obviously is less than 0.05, This means that there was a

significant difference in the awareness of residents of Brgy.

Pinza, Brgy. Mabacan and Brgy. Perez, Calauan, and Laguna,

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

particularly in content-related offenses. It implies that

awareness of content-related offenses varies significantly

due to factors such as access to education and media literacy,

cultural norms, legal frameworks, technological proficiency,

formal education on digital citizenship, and media coverage.

These elements influence how seriously individuals perceive

and understand the implications of their online actions,

impacting their awareness and behavior when navigating

digital platforms responsibly. It suggests that efforts to

raise awareness and educate the public about content-related

offenses may need to be more targeted and specific compared

to efforts related to other aspects of the law. This could

involve developing more tailored educational materials or

campaigns to address the specific needs of different groups

in order to ensure a more comprehensive understanding of R.A.

10175 across the board.

In corroboration of the study by Sadhu (2022), it was

found that awareness levels of cybercrime vary significantly

among different demographics. Younger individuals (18–34

years old) are generally more aware of cybersecurity risks

compared to older age groups.

Additionally, gender differences were observed, with

women showing higher awareness in certain areas. Urban

residents also exhibited higher levels of cybercrime

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

awareness than those in rural areas. These findings highlight

the necessity for targeted educational initiatives to improve

cybercrime awareness across all demographic groups.

In corroboration of the statement of one of our

respondents, according to them, although they were aware in

terms of content-related offenses, they need more deeply and

widely discussed to enhance their awareness. Despite the

authorities' diligent efforts to raise awareness, there are

still areas that remain unreached due to their extreme

remoteness (Personal Communication, March 2023).

III. Factors affecting the level of awareness of the

prohibited acts of R.A. 10175 among the residents of Calauan,


In this section, the factors that may affect the

awareness of residents in the community of Calauan, Laguna,

regarding the offenses included in R.A. 10175 will be


Table 6 shows the obtained mean and interpretation of

the elements influencing the community's level of awareness

regarding cybercrime offenses. It shows that the elements

influencing awareness of the Prohibited Acts of RA 10175 have

an overall weighted mean of 3.95, with the descriptive

interpretation of “strongly agree." It implies that despite

having high awareness among the residents, respondents still

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

agree on factors affecting the awareness of others regarding

the offenses under RA 10175. Since individuals have varying

learning capacities, there is still a need for more precise

and specific information sharing, as sometimes it can be

unclear. Additionally, they lack accessible personalities to

approach regarding this issue, and they also feel that

authorities are not making enough effort to reach remote areas

to further raise awareness about it.

In accordance with the findings of Panichpapiboon and

Ramashoota (2014), they discovered that there are elements

that influence the degree of awareness. The key solution is

to educate and promote awareness with consideration of such


It suggests that efforts to raise awareness and educate

the public about content-related offenses may need to be more

targeted and specific compared to efforts related to other

aspects of the law. In corroboration of the statement of one

of our respondents, according to them, although they were

aware in terms of content-related offenses, they need more

deeply and widely discussed to enhance their awareness.

Despite the authorities' diligent efforts to raise awareness,

there are still areas that remain unreached due to their

extreme remoteness (Personal Communication, March 2023).

To further support the results, here is a statement from

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

one of our respondents. According to respondents, despite

being aware of offenses, some information still contains

confusing information. There are terminologies that are

almost similar but have different meanings, especially when

further discussed (Personal Communication, March 2023).

Table 6: Factors affecting the level of awareness of the

community regarding Prohibited Acts of RA 10175

Sub-Indicators WM DI
1. Lack of information dissemination 3.40 SA
2. Inability to comprehend with the prohibited 3.40 SA
acts provided under the Cybercrime Prevention Act
of 2012.
3. Lack of personnel for the implementation of 3.40 SA
the prohibited acts of Cybercrime Prevention Act
of 2012 in the community.
4. Unclear mode of communication to the community 3.40 SA
by the authorities.
5. Lacks of efforts among the authorities to keep
the community aware.

Overall Weighted Mean 3.40 SA

Legend; SA-Strongly Agree A-Agree D-Disagree SD-Strongly Disagree

Table 6 shows that all sub-indicators got a weighted

average mean of 3.95 with a descriptive interpretation of

“strongly agree." It implies that despite having a high level

of awareness, there are still instances where they lack

information about what is being disseminated in their area.

The way information is disseminated is somewhat unclear, and

sometimes authorities do not reach the remote areas that are

affected by the factors they strongly agree with.

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

As corroborated by Odumesi John Olayemi (2014), a socio-

technological analysis of cybercrime and cyber security in

Nigeria highlights awareness and technicalities as well as

duplication of duties and responsibilities among Nigerians.

Organizations also lack institutional memory, as cyber

practitioners are placed in places where their knowledge is

insufficient and vague explanations can be ineffective.

According to the shared statement of one of our

respondents, having a high level of awareness does not mean

you know everything. Moreover, the agreement with the stated

factors may not only help me but also those who still have

questions in mind regarding the offenses referred to in R.A.

10175 (Personal Communication, March 2023).

In summary, the most important conclusions of the study

are as follows: the respondents are "highly aware." Acts

prohibited by RA 10175 include violations of the

confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer data

and systems, including computer crimes. The respondents had

a strong understanding of the different actions that are

considered illegal. The respondent’s awareness of breaches of

data confidentiality, integrity, and availability was high.

They had information about, among other things, unauthorized

computer systems, data failures, system failures, and misuse

of equipment. This demonstrates that they understand the

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

importance of protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and

availability of computer data and systems.

In addition, the respondents showed a high level of

awareness of computer crimes. They appear to be well-versed

in prohibited activities, including computer fraud, forgery,

identity theft, and unauthorized interception of computer

data. This means that they are aware of the risks and

consequences associated with participating in these


On the other hand, the findings about content-related

offenses indicate that respondents are "aware,” which means

that there was a significant difference in content-related

offenses among the presented variables. Furthermore, the

study discusses the factors affecting the level of awareness

of the prohibited act in RA 10175 and gives a descriptive

interpretation of “strongly agree." Based on the result, the

respondents fully agree that those factors affected their

awareness of the members of the community, resulting in

profound awareness.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Chapter 4


This chapter presents the conclusion and recommendation

of the study derived from the data presented, interpreted,

and analyzed in the previous chapter.


Based on the findings of this study, the following

conclusions were derived:

1. The residents of Calauan, Laguna, understand key

issues such as the confidentiality, availability, and

integrity of computer systems and data, content-related

offenses, and computer-related offenses. Enhanced awareness

may contribute to better cyber security practices and a safer

digital environment in the region.

2. The results showed that there was a significant

difference in the level of awareness among the respondents

regarding content-related crimes. Thus, the null hypothesis

is rejected.

3. The respondents strongly agree that various factors

influence their understanding of this law. There are

underlying elements that continue to impact how residents

perceive and comprehend that law’s provisions, suggesting a

need for ongoing education and engagement efforts.

Conclusions and Recommendations

On account of the salient findings and conclusions, the

following are recommended:

1. The Calauan PNP Cybercrime Unit should conduct an

enhanced awareness program about the CIA triad and offenses

stipulated in R.A. 10175 over the next 3 months, engaging

residents through community centers, schools, local

government offices, and online platforms. Collaborate with

local stakeholders and experts, and gather feedback to refine

the program. To maintain and enhance the level of awareness.

2. To address the disparity in awareness of content-related

crimes, the Calauan PNP-Cybercrime Unit should launch

targeted educational initiatives over the next three months,

focusing on residents with lower awareness levels. These

programs should include workshops, seminars, and online

courses, conducted in community centers, schools, local

government offices, and online. Collaborate with local

authorities, educational institutions, and cybercrime experts

to develop and deliver content, using diverse communication

channels to reach all demographics. Regular feedback will

help refine and improve the programs, ensuring a uniform

understanding across the community.

3. To address factors affecting residents' understanding of

R.A. 10175, the Calauan PNP-Cybercrime Unit, with the

Conclusions and Recommendations
collaboration of the LGU, implements continuous educational

programs and engagement activities targeting all residents,

especially those with knowledge gaps and who live in remote

areas. Start these initiatives immediately, using community

centers, schools, local government offices, and online

platforms. This will be successful if it is implemented as

soon as possible.


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Appendix A

Validation Letter
Appendix B

Letter of Request for Respondents


Appendix C

Survey Questionnaire

Appendix D
Raw Data
Curriculum Vitae

Appendix E
Curriculum Vitae



Brgy. Mabacan, Calauan Laguna
Personal Information

Date of Birth: September 05, 1999

Age: 24 years old
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’6
Weight: 65 kg
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: Maribel L. Camacho
Occupation: Vendor
Father’s Name: Henry T. Camacho
Occupation: Factory Worker

Educational Background

1. Tertiary : Laguna State Polytechnic

San Pablo City, Laguna

2. Senior Highschool: Dayap National High School

Calauan Annex

3. Junior Highschool: Dayap National High School

Mabacan, Annex

4. Primary : Mabacan Elementary School

Curriculum Vitae

Seminars and Training Attended

Streamlining Traffic: Strategies April 26, 2024 for
Effective Barangay - Level
Traffic Management
Zoom Meeting

Seminar on Investigation Process February 24, 2024


KRAV MAGA Martial Arts Seminar January 11, 2024


Emergency Response Training December 10, 2023


I hereby declare that the above information is true to

the best of my knowledge and that I will be held responsible
for any deviation from them at a later stage.

John Christian L. Camacho


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