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Student Satisfaction and Perceived Learning on School Sports Club

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I. Social Presence
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Responses Options
1 2 3 4 5
Questions Very Dissatisfie Neither Satisfied Very
Dissatisfied d dissatisfied Satisfied
or satisfied
1 The instructor seemed
concerned about my
needs as a learner.

2 The instructor actively

encouraged me to
participate in the course.

3 I felt I was a part of a

community of learners
in this course.

II. Direct Instruction

Put a check (/) inside the box of your response.
Responses Options
1 2 3 4 5
Questions Very Dissatisfie Neither Satisfied Very
Dissatisfied d dissatisfied Satisfied
or satisfied
1 The instructor used
effective teaching

2 The instructor
encouraged a variety of
3 The teacher was
knowledgeable about
his/her field.

III. Instructor Interaction

Put a check (/) inside the box of your response.
Responses Options
1 2 3 4 5
Questions Very Dissatisfie Neither Satisfied Very
Dissatisfied d dissatisfied Satisfied
or satisfied
1 All assignments were
returned with useful
feedback from the

2 The instructor responded


3 The instructor provided

individualized guidance
that met my needs.

IV. Student Interaction

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Responses Options
1 2 3 4 5
Questions Very Dissatisfie Neither Satisfied Very
Dissatisfied d dissatisfied Satisfied
or satisfied
1 Online comments by
other participants helped
me learn.

2 I contributed to the
learning environment by
responding to my peers.
3 I learned to value other
points of view.

V. Learning Content
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Responses Options
1 2 3 4 5
Questions Very Dissatisfie Neither Satisfied Very
Dissatisfied d dissatisfied Satisfied
or satisfied
1 Content was presented
at an appropriate level
for me.

2 Content was relevant to

the objectives of the

3 Content was stimulating

to me as a learner.

VI. Sports Club Course Design

Put a check (/) inside the box of your response.
Responses Options
1 2 3 4 5
Questions Very Dissatisfie Neither Satisfied Very
Dissatisfied d dissatisfied Satisfied
or satisfied
1 The objectives of this
course were evident in
the learning activities.
2 The course material was
presented in ways that
suggested future

3 My grades have been

directly related to
learning objectives,
activities and
application of materials.

VII. Learner Satisfaction

Put a check (/) inside the box of your response.
Responses Options
1 2 3 4 5
Questions Very Dissatisfie Neither Satisfied Very
Dissatisfied d dissatisfied Satisfied
or satisfied
1 I was motivated to do
well in this course.

2 This course was a useful

learning experience.
3 I recommend that other
people enrol in this
online course

4 I learned from the

activities assigned in the

5 The course was relevant

to my needs.

6 I did well on
assignments and

VIII. Knowledge Satisfaction

Put a check (/) inside the box of your response.
Responses Options
1 2 3 4 5
Questions Very Dissatisfie Neither Satisfied Very
Dissatisfied d dissatisfied Satisfied
or satisfied
1 I can explain the
material covered in this
course to others.

2 I have noticed the

difference between my
prior knowledge and the
knowledge I gained by
the end of the course.

3 I recommend that other

learners to enrol in this

4 During the course, I

have been conscious
about my strengths and
weaknesses in my

5 I can make correct

decisions and solve
problems with the
knowledge I have
gained in this club.

IX. Course Design

Put a check (/) inside the box of your response.
Responses Options
1 2 3 4 5
Questions Very Dissatisfie Neither Satisfied Very
Dissatisfied d dissatisfied Satisfied
or satisfied
1 I know how I will use
the course material in
new situations.

2 I have opportunities to
apply the course
3 As a result of this
course, I am able to
apply my learning to
other, similar courses.

4 With the knowledge

gained from this course,
I can more broadly
explore a problem in the
field of study.

5 As a result of this
course, I am able to
apply my learning to a
different context, such
as my personal or
professional life

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