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QUA ĐỀ THI CÁC NĂM (2021 – 2024)


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.

2018 - ĐỀ MINH HỌA

Question 1: Project-based learning provides wonderful opportunities for students to develop their
A. creative B. creativity C. create D. creatively
Question 2: Violent films may have a negative _______ on children.
A. opinion B. influence C. dependence D. decision
Question 3: A good leader should not be conservative, but rather _______ to new ideas.
A. receptive B. acceptable C. permissive D. applicable
Question 4: _______ individuals are those who share the same hobbies, interests, or points of view.
A. Light-hearted B. Like-minded C. Even-handed D. Open-minded
Question 5: The child has no problem reciting the poem; he has _______ it to memory.
A. devoted B. added C. committed D. admitted
Question 6: After several injuries and failures, things have eventually _______ for Todd when he
reached the final round of the tournament.
A. looked up B. gone on C. taken up D. turned on


Question 7: It _______ to reason that Jason passed the exam with flying colours on account of his
working hard during the term.
A. comes B. gets C. stands D. lays
Question 8: Several measures have been proposed to _______ the problem of unemployment among
university graduates.
A. pose B. admit C. address D. was clean create ed
Question 9: The presenter started his speech with a few _______ jokes to build rapport with the
A. whole-hearted B. light-hearted C. soft-hearted D. kind-hearted
Question 10: It is advisable that the apprentice should be _______ to learn the ins and outs of the new
A. permissive B. noticeable C. acceptable D. observant
Question 11: Candidates are advised to dress formally to make a good _______ on job interviewers.
A. impress B. impressively C. impression D. impressive
Question 12: You shouldn’t lose heart; success often comes to those who are not _______ by failures.
A. left out B. put off C. switched off D. turned on
Question 13: Many people head for the countryside where the flat _______ of fields helps them escape
from the hectic city life.
A. extension B. expansion C. extent D. expanse
Question 14: It is believed that travelling is a good way to expand our _______ of the world.
A. knowledgeable B. knowledgeably C. knowledge D. know
Question 15: We know that we are at fault for our third consecutive defeat, so there is no need to
_______ salt into the wound.
A. spread B. rub C. apply D. put
Question 16: The school drama club is _______ a play for the school’s anniversary, which is due to take
place next month.
A. turning up B. making off C. putting on D. bringing down
Question 17: The students’ plan for a musical show to raise money for charity received _______ support
from the school administrators.
A. light-hearted B. warm-hearted C. big-hearted D. whole-hearted
Question 18: Parents often advise their children to study hard in the hope that they will _______ success
in the future.
A. gather B. collect C. master D. achieve
Question 19: You must not _______ any step in the process; otherwise, you would not be able to cook
the dish properly.
A. quit B. skip C. leave D. hide
Question 20: The operation of the newly constructed plants is likely to lead to _______ environmental
A. far-reaching B. far-gone C. far-off D. far-flung
Question 21: Many parents tend to make their children study hard in the belief that good education will
enable them to _______ in the future.
A. turn up B. get on C. get out D. turn away
Question 22: The _______ prices of property in big cities may deter people on low incomes from owning
a house there.
A. forbidding B. competitive C. prohibitive D. inflatable
Question 23: Susan has achieved great _______ in her career thanks to her hard work.
A. success B. succeed C. successful D. successfully
Question 24: After a momentary _______ of concentration, Simon managed to regain his focus and
completed the test.
A. lapse B. fault C. failure D. error
Question 25: Although she had been told quite sternly to _______ herself together, she simply couldn’t
stop the tears from flowing.
A. bring B. pull C. force D. push
Question 26: In most countries, photocopying books without the publisher’s permission is clearly a
copyright _______.
A. interference B. interpretation C. infringement D. infliction
Question 27: _______ to fame at an early age may have a negative influence on children’s psychological
A. Approaching B. Reaching C. Going D. Rising
Question 28: The coastal city is _______ extra buses during the summer because of a considerable
increase in the number of tourists.
A. making up B. turning out C. putting on D. taking off
Question 29: Participating in teamwork activities helps students develop their _______ skills.
A. social B. society C. socially D. socialise
Question 30: These volunteer programmes aim to provide education for children in _______ regions.
A. far-reaching B. far-flung C. far-fetched D. far-sighted

2019 - ĐỀ MINH HỌA

Question 1: You should turn off the lights before going out to save _______.
A. electricity B. electrify C. electric D. electrically
Question 2: _______ school fees may discourage many students from attending university.
A. Gaining B. Receiving C. Improving D. Raising
Question 3: Drinking too much alcohol is said to _______ harm to our health.
A. make B. do C. lead D. take
Question 4: At the end of the training course, each participant was presented with a _______ of
A. degree B. certificate C. diploma D. qualification
Question 5: The _______ high levels of pollution in the coastal areas are a matter of great concern to
the government.
A. redundantly B. intensively C. marginally D. excessively
Question 6: Event organisers should plan everything carefully so as to leave nothing to _______.
A. possibility B. mistake C. opportunity D. chance
Question 7: With his good sense of humour, Martin is quite _______ with the students.
A. popularity B. popular C. popularize D. popularly
Question 8: Action films with big stars tend to _______ great public attention.
A. achieve B. show C. attract D. reach
Question 9: The scientists are working on a drug capable of _______ the spread of cancerous cells.
A. arresting B. catching C. seizing D. grasping
Question 10: It’s time he acted like a _______ adult and stopped blaming others for his wrongdoings.
A. responsible B. sociable C. believable D. suitable
Question 11: One recipe for success is to stay focused and _______ yourself to whatever you do.
A. apply B. attach C. assign D. adhere
Question 12: It’s not my _______ to tell you how to run your life, but I think you should settle down
and have a family.
A. work B. chore C. job D. career
Question 13: The aroma of freshly baked bread in the morning has always _______ memories of his
childhood home.
A. evoked B. reminisced C. instilled D. incited
Question 14: Schoolchildren shouldn’t make fun of those who are intellectually _______ to them.
A. responsible B. familiar C. inferior D. essential
Question 15: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to _______ your feelings when I said such a thing.
A. injure B. hurt C. destroy D. break
Question 16: Laura came to _______ me for taking care of her dog when she was away.
A. thankful B. thankfulness C. thankfully D. thank
Question 17: The film was so intriguing that the audience were all _______ to the screen until the enD.
A. stuck B. hooked C. glued D. attached
Question 18: A key component of Industry 4.0 is the Internet of Things characterised by the connections
of all mobile _______.
A. accessories B. devices C. utensils D. vehicles
Question 19: Young people are ambitious by nature, so they tend to set their _______ high on whatever
they do.
A. sights B. views C. visions D. eyes
Question 20: My aunt used to sell vegetables at the local market to _______ a living.
A. take B. do C. earn D. have
Question 21: The candidate took a _______ breath before he walked into the interview room.
A. deep B. deeply C. depth D. deepen
Question 22: Mr. Brown, a self-made businessman, attributed his success to hard _______ and a bit of
A. mission B. work C. career D. task
Question 23: With their undeveloped immune systems, young infants are _______ to a wide range of
minor ailments.
A. conductive B. receptive C. favourable D. susceptible
Question 24: You shouldn’t use that ladder as it doesn’t look _______ enough.
A. correct B. stable C. certain D. constant
Question 25: We all wish to create a friendly and supportive environment _______ to learning.
A. liable B. accommodating C. conducive D. detrimental
Question 26: Nicholas had never chaired a meeting before, but he rose to the _______ yesterday when
he presided over a forum.
A. occasion B. incident C. difficulty D. issue
Question 27: I think mobile phones are _______ for people of all ages.
A. usefully B. usage C. use D. useful
Question 28: The students were worried that they wouldn’t be able to _______ the deadline for the
A. answer B. match C. beat D. meet
Question 29: In spite of their disabilities, the children at Spring School manage to _______ an active
social life.
A. lead B. take C. gather D. save
Question 30: My sister really enjoys acting as a hobby, but she doesn’t want to do it for a(n) _______.
A. survival B. occupation C. living D. existence

2020 - ĐỀ MINH HỌA

Question 1: Many twelfth graders find it hard to _______ what university to apply to.
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively
Question 2: He is disappointed at not winning the competition, but he will soon _______ it.
A. take after B. get over C. look after D. go over
Question 3: The government has _______ every effort to stop the rapid spread of COVID-19.
A. done B. made C. created D. brought
Question 4: Making chicken soup is not difficult; it’s just a matter of following the _______.
A. ingredients B. design C. spices D. recipe
Question 5: After his miraculous recovery from the stroke, the man spent the _______ of his life
travelling and doing charity work.
A. remainder B. abundance C. legacy D. excess
Question 6: Despite our careful planning, the whole surprise party was a _______ of accidents.
A. volume B. verse C. chapter D. page
Question 7: It’s no good _______ a fuss and arguing over such an unimportant issue.
A. making B. holding C. doing D. getting
Question 8: The graphics of this book are attractive, but its _______ is not original at all.
A. content B. chapter C. character D. page
Question 9: Peter is an ambitious man who will never _______ till he gets what he wants.
A. turn down B. give up C. put on D. take back
Question 10: I would like to extend my gratitude to all the staff for their _______ support, without
which our company couldn’t have overcome the crisis.
A. unbending B. unfailing C. unmoving D. unfeeling
Question 11: Having your private life scrutinised closely by the public is regarded as part and _______
of being a celebrity.
A. package B. post C. packet D. parcel
Question 12: One _______ method for keeping our mind active is doing cross.
A. popularity B. popularize C. popularly D. popular
Question 13: The striker had already celebrated the goal, but the _______ decided that he had been
A. examiner B. judge C. referee D. inspector
Question 14: An accomplished chef himself, Ronald is _______ about his use of ingredients and spices,
especially when preparing feasts.
A. creditable B. receptive C. feasible D. particular
Question 15: My aunt excitedly _______ a compliment on the scarf I knitted for her as a birthday
A. took B. passed C. paid D. caught
Question 16: I can’t give chapter and _______, but to the best of my knowledge, it’s a line from a sonnet
by William Shakespeare.
A. verse B. rhyme C. note D. scene
Question 17: The job gives you lots of chances to travel abroad; it’s certainly a very _______ offer.
A. attract B. attractively C. attractive D. attraction
Question 18: The Covid-19 pandemic reminds us to respect doctors and nurses, who _______ others in
our society.
A. go on B. call back C. pick up D. care for
Question 19: Instead of reading stories from books, Michelle’s father usually _______ stories to lull her
to sleep.
A. turns off B. makes up C. takes after D. gets on
Question 20: Experts agree that too hard workouts may _______ more harm than gooD.
A. do B. set C. hold D. make
Question 21: The director extended his gratitude to all the staff for their _______ support, without which
the company couldn’t have overcome its difficult time.
A. unmoving B. unbending C. unfailing D. unfeeling
Question 22: Thousands of _______ packed into the stadium to support their team in the final match.
A. viewers B. audiences C. witnesses D. spectators
Question 23: Having your private life splashed across the front pages of newspapers and glossy
magazines is part and _______ of being a celebrity.
A. package B. parcel C. packet D. post
Question 24: Sometimes it can be really _______ to go hiking alone in the forest.
A. dangerously B. danger C. endanger D. dangerous
Question 25: It’s necessary to listen to opinions that are _______ from ours.
A. difference B. differently C. differ D. different
Question 26: Those boys were excited about the new game in the beginning, but now they have _______
A. looked after B. gone off C. filled in D. got on
Question 27: A fashionista herself, Helena is _______ about her clothes, especially when making
her appearance in public.
A. receptive B. creditable C. particular D. feasible
Question 28: I can’t give chapter and _______, but to the best of my knowledge, it’s a line from “Romeo
and Juliet”.
A. rhyme B. scene C. verse D. note
Question 29: Fathers can _______ a good example to their children by helping with the household
A. set B. hold C. raise D. follow
Question 30: Applications for admission to this university are not processed without a high school
A. diploma B. paper C. licence D. résumé

2021 - ĐỀ MINH HỌA

Question 1: This restaurant is _______ with those who like Vietnamese food.
A. popular B. popularly C. popularise D. popularity
Question 2: Tom’s brother asked him to _______ the music so that he could sleep.
A. close down B. go up C. turn down D. stand up
Question 3: When Linda was little, her mother used to _______ her a bedtime story every night.
A. tell B. speak C. say D. talk
Question 4: Students from other schools have to pay a small _______ to join the club.
A. fee B. fare C. wage D. salary
Question 5: As the season turns from spring to summer, some people feel a bit under the _______ and
can’t concentrate fully on their work.
A. storm B. weather C. climate D. rain
Question 6: James had a cosy birthday party at home last Friday in the _______ of his close friends.
A. company B. business C. atmosphere D. residence


Question 7: I like this _______ song because it reminds me of my schooldays.
A. beautiful B. beautifully C. beauty D. beautify
Question 8: When the visitor saw with her own eyes the beach covered with tons of plastic rubbish
washed up from around the world, a chill went down her _______.
A. spine B. bone C. mind D. brain
Question 9: You should wear _______ to keep your hands warm. It’s very cold outside.
A. hats B. gloves C. shoes D. boots
Question 10: My sister and I share the housework. We take turns to _______ the dishes and clean the
A. wash up B. wash over C. wash away D. wash through
Question 11: Jane has been trying to solve this problem all week, but she still hasn’t been able to
A. shatter B. break C. crack D. crash
Question 12: Don’t worry too much. We all _______ mistakes sometimes.
A. give B. put C. take D. make
Question 13: My family share the housework. My father helps my mother _______ the dishes.
A. wash through B. wash over C. wash away D. wash up
Question 14: Thomas bought that pen at a low _______ at a local shop yesterday.
A. price B. fare C. salary D. fee
Question 15: Jane gets up at 5 A. m. to _______ morning exercise.
A. play B. bring C. do D. make
Question 16: You can find a lot of _______ information online for your project.
A. use B. useful C. usefulness D. usefully
Question 17: When the tourist saw with her own eyes the beach covered with tons of plastic rubbish
washed up from around the world, a chill went down her _______.
A. spine B. brain C. mind D. bone
Question 18: Binh has been trying to solve this problem all week, but he still hasn’t been able to _______
A. break B. crack C. crash D. shatter
Question 19: The hotel is famous for its spectacular _______ of the sea.
A. view B. vision C. glance D. look
Question 20: My grandfather often _______ to the radio to get the latest news.
A. hears B. listens C. watches D. talks
Question 21: I like eating in this restaurant because the waiters are very _______ and friendly.
A. help B. helpfulness C. helpfully D. helpful
Question 22: Linh has been trying to solve this problem all week, but she still hasn’t been able to
_______ it.
A. shatter B. break C. crash D. crack
Question 23: Peter loves kitchen work. He always helps his wife _______ the dishes.
A. wash through B. wash over C. wash away D. wash up
Question 24: When the visitor saw with her own eyes the beach covered with a mountain of plastic
rubbish washed up from around the world, a chill went down her _______.
A. spine B. mind C. bone D. brain
Question 25: Tom is on his _______ to his grandparents’ house.
A. road B. path C. track D. way
Question 26: Lily loves kitchen work. She often helps her mom _______ the dishes.
A. wash through B. wash up C. wash over D. wash away
Question 27: Mary was very _______ when moving the mirror into her room.
A. care B. carefulness C. careful D. carefully
Question 28: When the tourist saw with his own eyes the beach covered with a mountain of plastic
rubbish washed up from around the world, a chill went down his _______.
A. mind B. spine C. brain D. bone
Question 29: Huyen has been trying to solve this problem all week, but she still hasn’t been able to
_______ it.
A. break B. crash C. crack D. shatter
Question 30: There are many ways to _______ goodbye to someone.
A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say

2022 - ĐỀ MINH HỌA

Question 1: We are _______ to hear that you are leaving.
A. sadly B. sad C. sadden D. sadness
Question 2: Don’t worry, class. Solving this maths problem is by no means a _______ order.
A. deep B. high C. large D. tall
Question 3: He got a _______ because he drove through the red light.
A. fee B. fare C. wage D. fine
Question 4: The picnic has been _______ until next week due to bad weather.
A. got out B. put out C. got off D. put off
Question 5: Jack usually _______ fishing with his friends at weekends.
A. goes B. makes C. puts D. does
Question 6: Katherine took a deep breath, managing to _______ herself before entering the interview
A. comprise B. consist C. compose D. include


Question 7: It is important that we should _______ the environment.
A. protection B. protectively C. protect D. protective
Question 8: Everyone at the Halloween party hid their faces by wearing different _______.
A. collars B. masks C. skirts D. sleeves
Question 9: Young people should help the old _______ the bus.
A. turn in B. turn on C. get on D. put on
Question 10: The mother tries hard to _______ sure that her children get the best of everything.
A. make B. keep C. get D. go
Question 11: We could tolerate your noisy parties time and again, but throwing bottles out of the
window was beyond the _______.
A. dull B. faint C. pale D. sick
Question 12: Most of the houses in the neighbourhood _______ terrible damage in the fire.
A. perceived B. conceived C. sustained D. persevered
Question 13: The _______ in the theatre gave the singer a long applause for her excellent performance.
A. watchers B. audiences C. viewers D. spectators
Question 14: You should _______ the form and hand it in as soon as possible.
A. go on B. give up C. fill in D. put up
Question 15: In order to _______ soft skills, my brother has decided to attend a training course.
A. sharp B. sharply C. sharpen D. sharpness

2023 - ĐỀ MINH HỌA

Question 1: Our school _______ has had a record of 10,000 visits this week.
A. software B. email C. hardware D. website
Question 2: As a foreign language student, you should learn how to _______ new words in the
A. look down B. write off C. look up D. take off
Question 3: The other members in the group showed their dissatisfaction with Sarah’s not pulling her
_______ in the project.
A. muscle B. weight C. head D. teeth
Question 4: David still _______ contact with many of his old school friends.
A. catches B. brings C. takes D. keeps
Question 5: Children often like wearing _______ colours on Tet holidays.
A. brightly B. brighten C. brightness D. bright
Question 6: The band at that time was immensely popular and often played to a(n) _______ crowd of
about 5,000.
A. probability B. capability C. capacity D. ability


Question 7: Although the students in my class have been learning English for three months, they can
_______ confidently with foreigners.
A. communicative B. communicate C. communicatively D. communication
Question 8: The foreign teacher was speaking so fast. Nga couldn’t _______ the main contents of his
A. call for B. go on C. note down D. make up
Question 9: The journalist is talking about having a new _______ published in the local newspaper
next week.
A. editor B. documentary C. cartoon D. article
Question 10: Nam is trying to break the _______ of staying up too late.
A. sound B. habit C. option D. race
Question 11: Before you decide to purchase that car, it is crucial that you should look into it carefully.
It’s unwise to buy a pig _______.
A. in a pack B. in a roll C. in a rack D. in a poke
Question 12: It is uncommon for the director to _______ power to his finance manager to make
A. authorise B. stimulate C. navigate D. delegate
Question 13: The Browns apologised to their neighbours for _______ much noise at the party last night.
A. doing B. making C. mixing D. taking
Question 14: She ran out of money. It would take her a long time to _______ her financial difficulty.
A. get over B. get up C. go off D. go out

2024 - ĐỀ MINH HỌA

Question 1: The school’s going to have a swimming __________.
A. competition B. compete C. competitively D. competitive
Question 2: His health has improved a lot since he _______ smoking.
A. put on B. got up C. gave up D. took off
Question 3: The results of a recent study greatly _______ teenagers’ current preferences for leisure
A. flared B. illuminated C. flashed D. blazed
Question 4: He got a heavy _______ for breaking the traffic regulations yesterday.
A. fine B. rate C. money D. fare
Question 5: Whenever Ms. White prepares a meal, her children help her _______ the table.
A. stand B. go C. jump D. lay
Question 6: John can’t hang out with his friends at the weekend since he needs to hit ______ for the
upcoming exams.
A. the papers B. the roof C. the books D. the dictionary

_____THE END_____

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