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R e g i o n a l M o r n i n g N o t e s Wednesday, 23 August 2023


Vale Indonesia (INCO IJ) (Downgraded)
Long-Term Outlook Remains Promising Despite The Risk Of Lower Nickel Prices Share Price Rp6,050
The recent developments in China’s weak economic growth and the surplus in nickel Target Price Rp6,200
output have pressured global nickel prices. Hence, we lower our 2023/24 nickel price Upside +2.5%
assumptions to US$22,600/tonne and US$21,000/tonne from US$23,200/tonne and (Previous TP Rp8,000)
US$23,200/tonne respectively. INCO’s NPAT could grow 32.2% yoy in 2023 but fall 4.9%
yoy in 2024 due to lower average nickel prices. INCO’s share divestment is still ongoing COMPANY DESCRIPTION
and expected to be finalised in 3Q23. Downgrade to HOLD with a target price of Vale Indonesia produces nickel in matte, an
Rp6,200. intermediate product, from lateritic ores at its
WHAT’S NEW integrated mining and processing facilities
near Soroako, Sulawesi.
• Average LME nickel prices are expected to be lower at US$22,600/tonne in 2023 and
US$21,000/tonne in 2024. The recent developments in China’s weak economic growth and STOCK DATA
its property sector crisis as well as the surplus in nickel output have pressured global nickel GICS sector Materials
prices. We also see a potential decline in stainless steel demand and prices as China’s
demand might decline on slower economic growth. The short-term overall outlook remains Bloomberg ticker: INCO IJ
bearish, with the market facing the largest demand-supply surplus in at least a decade. This Shares issued (m): 9,936.3
would result in lower-than-expected average nickel prices in 2023/24; hence we lower our Market cap (Rpb): 60,114.8
nickel price assumption in 2023/24 to US$22,600/tonne and US$21,000/tonne from
Market cap (US$m): 3,924.7
US$23,200/tonne and US$23,200/tonne.
3-mth avg daily t'over (US$m): 2.6
• NPAT could potentially grow 32.2% yoy in 2023 and then decline 4.9% yoy in 2024 due Price Performance (%)
to lower average nickel price expectation. We expect Vale Indonesia’s (INCO) 2023 revenue 52-week high/low Rp7,600/Rp5,775
to grow 8.4% yoy to US$1.3b with lower ASP of US$18,306/tonne. In 2024, INCO’s revenue
could shrink 4.2% yoy to US$1.2b mainly due to lower ASP of US$17,010/tonne. Meanwhile, 1mth 3mth 6mth 1yr YTD
2023/24 production would increase to 70,000mt/72,000mt respectively as production (8.3) (4.3) (11.0) (2.4) (14.8)
capacity normalises. All in all, we expect 2023 and 2024 NPAT at US$265m (+32.2% yoy) Major Shareholders %
and US$252m (-4.9% yoy) respectively, with potential net profit margin of more than 20%.
Vale Canada Limited 43.8
• Positive development progress on Bahodopi RKEF project. INCO’s Bahodopi rotary kiln Mineral Industri Indonesia 20.0
electric furnace (RKEF) project is progressing positively and expected to be operational in Sumitomo Metal Mining 15.0
2025. Early works, which also cover the office and other infrastructure, are in progress and FY23 NAV/Share (US$) 0.26
expected to be completed by Sep 23. Procurement process for gas power plant, including FY23 Net Cash/Share (US$) 0.05
liquefied natural gas (LNG) domestic supply, has also commenced. Total investment value
for the development of the Bahodopi RKEF project is around US$2.3b. PRICE CHART
• Discussions on INCO’s share divestment are still ongoing and expected to be
finalised in 3Q23. The Indonesian government requires a minimum 14% share divestment (lcy)
from Vale Canada Limited (VCL) and Sumitomo Metal Mining (SMM) in order to extend the 8000 130
special mining permit (IUPK) which will expire on Dec 25. The share ownership composition
after divestment is expected to be 34% for the Indonesian government through Mineral 120

Industry Indonesia (MIND ID), 21.2% to the public, and the rest will still be owned by VCL 7000
(33.4%) and SMM (11.4%). 6500

Year to 31 Dec (US$m) 2021 2022 2023F 2024F 2025F 5000 80

Net turnover 953.2 1,179.5 1,278.4 1,224.7 1,253.9 40
Volume (m)

EBITDA 380.6 436.4 503.6 489.8 499.9 20

Operating profit 223.0 272.0 357.2 339.9 346.4 0

Aug 22 Oct 22 Dec 22 Feb 23 Apr 23 Jun 23 Aug 23
Net profit (rep./act.) 165.8 200.4 265.0 252.0 257.6
Net profit (adj.) 165.8 200.4 265.0 252.0 257.6
Source: Bloomberg
EPS (US$ cent) 1.7 2.0 2.7 2.5 2.6
PE (x) 23.7 19.6 14.8 15.6 15.2 ANALYST(S)
P/B (x) 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 Limartha Adhiputra
EV/EBITDA (x) 10.3 9.0 7.8 8.0 7.9 +6221 2993 3914
Dividend yield (%) 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Net margin (%) 17.4 17.0 20.7 20.6 20.5
Net debt/(cash) to equity (%) (23.6) (26.9) (17.9) 3.9 21.7
Interest cover (x) 160.0 n.a. 129.1 125.6 172.3
ROE (%) 7.9 8.9 10.7 9.1 8.4
Consensus net profit - - 277 258 267
UOBKH/Consensus (x) - - 0.96 0.98 0.96
Source: Vale Indonesia, Bloomberg, UOB Kay Hian

Refer to last page for important disclosures. 1

R e g i o n a l M o r n i n g N o t e s Wednesday, 23 August 2023


2Q23 RESULTS (tonnes)
74,000 72,846
Year to 31 Dec (US$m) 6M23 6M22 yoy (%) 2Q23 1Q23 qoq (%) yoy (%) 72,000
Sales 659 565 16.7 296 363 -18.6 -10.2 70,000

Gross Profit 220 356 -38.1 85.5 135 -36.6 -67.5 68,000 66,615
Operating Profit 199 196 1.6 78.9 120 -34.1 -27.2 66,000
Net Income 169 150 12.0 70.4 98.2 -28.3 -15.0 64,000

Profitability 6M23 6M22 yoy (bp) 2Q23 1Q23 qoq (bp) yoy (bp) 62,000 60,960

GPM (%) 33.5 63.1 -2,966 28.9 37.2 -823 -5,109 60,000

OPM (%) 30.1 34.6 -450 26.7 33.0 -627 -623 58,000

NPM (%) 25.6 26.7 -108 23.8 27.0 -324 -135 56,000

Source: Vale Indonesia, UOB Kay Hian 54,000

2020 2021 2022 2023F 2024F

• 2Q23 NPAT declined 28.3% qoq to US$70.4m. The drop in 2Q23 NPAT was driven by Source: Vale Indonesia, UOB Kay Hian
lower ASP of US$17,967/tonne (-17.1% qoq and -26.2% yoy) and milder decline in cost of
revenue at US$210m (-7.9% qoq) as fuel prices remained elevated. INCO’s 2Q23 revenue SENSITIVITY TEST ON 5% INCREASE IN VOLUME,
came in at US$296m, decreasing 18.6% qoq as ASP declined 17.1% qoq, while the nickel NICKEL PRICE, AND FUEL PRICE (VICE VERSA)
matte deliveries recorded slightly lower at 16,463 tonnes. 2023 5% chg
Vol (Tonne) 70,000 5.2% 7.4%
• 1H23 NPAT came in at US$169m (+12% yoy) on higher nickel delivery volumes of 23% LME (US$/tonne) 22,600 10.4% 14.9%
yoy). 1H23 revenue grew 16.7% yoy to US$659m, supported by more nickel deliveries of Fuel Price: (US$)
33,221 tonnes (23% yoy) in 1H23 but lower ASP of US$19,836/tonne (-5.1% yoy). INCO’s HSFO per barrel 78.0 -1.3% -1.9%
1H23 NPAT achievement accounted for 65% and 63% of our and consensus’ 2023 NPAT Diesel per liter 0.84 -0.6% -0.8%
Coal price per ton 210 -0.7% -0.9%
forecast respectively, which we consider as within our expectations as INCO’s historical Source: UOB Kay Hian
average 1H NPAT achievement is 62% of its full-year NPAT.
6M23 6M22 yoy (%) 2Q23 1Q23 qoq (%) yoy (%)
Nickel Matte Production (t) 33,691 26,394 27.6 16,922 16,769 0.9 34.6
Nickel Matte Deliveries (t) 33,221 27,013 23.0 16,463 16,758 -1.8 21.7
Avg Realized Price (US$/ ton) 19,836 20,899 -5.1 17,967 21,672 -17.1 -26.2
HSFO volume (barrels) 921,408 445,518 107 363,865 557,543 -34.7 62.6
HSFO average price per barrel (US$) 78.7 80.6 -2.4 80.3 77.4 3.7 -8.9
Diesel volume (kiloliter) 31,485 29,211 7.8 16,244 15,241 6.6 12.6
Diesel average price per litre (US$) 0.97 0.74 31.1 0.92 1.0 -9.8 12.2
Coal volume (t) 142,535 170,955 -16.6 91,612 50,923 79.9 15.7
Coal average price per t (US$) 383 318 21 337 466 -27.6 -12.7
Source: Vale Indonesia, UOB Kay Hian

• 2Q23 energy cost declined 8% qoq on lower HSFO usage and coal prices but
increased coal usage. INCO’s cost of revenue fell 8% from US$228m in 1Q23 to US$210m Source: Vale Indonesia
in 2Q23 on: a) lower high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) usage volume of 364,000 barrels (-34.7%
qoq), and b) lower coal prices of US$337/tonne (-27.6% qoq), but offset by a 79.9% qoq FORWARD EV/EBITDA BAND
increase in coal usage to 91.6 tonnes. HSFO volume was down 34.7% qoq but increased (x )
62.6% yoy, mainly driven by the shift in energy usage from HSFO to coal.
+1SD (10.9x )

Year to 31 Dec -------------- Current -------------- ------------- Previous ------------- -------------- Chg (%)-------------- Av g. (9.0x)
(US$ m) 2023F 2024F 2023F 2024F 2023F 2024F 6 -1SD (7.1x )
Revenue 1,278 1,225 1,280 1,336 0% -8% 4 -2SD (5.2x )
Gross Profit 395 377 403 449 -2% -16% 2
Operating Profit 357 340 351 361 2% -6% 0
EBITDA 507 493 498 511 2% -3% Aug Jan Jun Nov Apr Sep Feb Jul Dec May Oct Mar Aug
Net Income 265 252 261 268 2% -6% 18 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 23
Source: Vale Indonesia, UOB Kay Hian Source: Bloomberg, UOB Kay Hian

• Earnings revision. We revise down our forecasts on INCO’s ASP and fuel cost in 2023-24.
As a result, we now expect a 2% higher NPAT in 2023 NPAT forecast but a 6% lower NPAT
in 2024 vs our previous forecasts.
• Downgrade to HOLD with a target price of Rp6,200, based on 7.1x blended forward
2023-24 EV/EBITDA, or the stock’s -1SD to its 2023-24 forward EV/EBITDA. We downgrade
to HOLD on INCO as: a) the short-term outlook for nickel remains bearish, with the market
facing the largest demand-supply surplus in at least a decade, b) long-term nickel demand is
potentially higher on the back of more use of nickel in EV battery production, and c) potential
margin expansion on lower cost of fuel.

Refer to last page for important disclosures. 2

R e g i o n a l M o r n i n g N o t e s Wednesday, 23 August 2023


Year to 31 Dec (US$m) 2022 2023F 2024F 2025F Year to 31 Dec (US$m) 2022 2023F 2024F 2025F
Net turnover 1,179.5 1,278.4 1,224.7 1,253.9 Fixed assets 1,549.9 1,954.8 2,857.7 3,758.9
EBITDA 436.4 503.6 489.8 499.9 Other LT assets 118.5 153.0 137.3 134.6
Deprec. & amort. 164.4 146.4 149.9 153.5 Cash/ST investment 634.0 466.1 387.2 299.8
EBIT 272.0 357.2 339.9 346.4 Other current assets 355.8 407.0 380.0 383.2
Total other non-operating income 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total assets 2,658.1 2,980.9 3,762.1 4,576.6
Net interest income/(expense) 3.8 (3.9) (3.9) (2.9) ST debt 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0
Pre-tax profit 275.8 353.3 335.9 343.5 Other current liabilities 175.0 211.8 195.4 196.1
Tax (75.4) (88.3) (84.0) (85.9) LT debt 0.0 0.0 500.0 950.0
Net profit 200.4 265.0 252.0 257.6 Other LT liabilities 128.3 158.1 150.9 152.4
Net profit (adj.) 200.4 265.0 252.0 257.6 Shareholders' equity 2,354.8 2,611.0 2,915.7 3,228.1
Total liabilities & equity 2,658.1 2,980.9 3,762.1 4,576.6


Year to 31 Dec (US$m) 2022 2023F 2024F 2025F Year to 31 Dec (%) 2022 2023F 2024F 2025F
Operating 348.2 392.2 421.1 412.7 Profitability
Pre-tax profit 275.8 353.3 335.9 343.5 EBITDA margin 37.0 39.4 40.0 39.9
Tax (75.4) (88.3) (84.0) (85.9) Pre-tax margin 23.4 27.6 27.4 27.4
Deprec. & amort. 164.4 146.4 149.9 153.5 Net margin 17.0 20.7 20.6 20.5
Working capital changes (39.8) 29.1 0.0 (7.4) ROA 7.8 9.4 7.5 6.2
Other operating cashflows 23.2 (48.3) 19.2 8.9 ROE 8.9 10.7 9.1 8.4
Investing (218.1) (500.0) (1,000.0) (1,000.0)
Capex (growth) (100.0) (100.0) (99.0) (98.0) Growth
Capex (maintenance) (103.7) (400.0) (901.0) (902.0) Turnover 23.7 8.4 (4.2) 2.4
Others (14.4) 0.0 0.0 0.0 EBITDA 14.7 15.4 (2.7) 2.1
Financing (1.5) (60.1) 500.0 500.0 Pre-tax profit 25.0 28.1 (4.9) 2.2
Dividend payments 0.0 (60.1) 0.0 0.0 Net profit 20.9 32.2 (4.9) 2.2
Proceeds from borrowings 0.0 0.0 500.0 500.0 Net profit (adj.) 20.9 32.2 (4.9) 2.2
Loan repayment (1.5) 0.0 0.0 0.0 EPS 20.9 32.2 (4.9) 2.2
Others/interest paid 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Net cash inflow (outflow) 128.6 (168.0) (78.9) (87.3) Leverage
Beginning cash & cash equivalent 508.3 634.0 466.1 387.2 Debt to total capital 0.0 0.0 14.6 23.7
Changes due to forex impact (2.9) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Debt to equity 0.0 0.0 17.1 31.0
Ending cash & cash equivalent 634.0 466.1 387.2 299.8 Net debt/(cash) to equity (26.9) (17.9) 3.9 21.7
Interest cover (x) n.a. 129.1 125.6 172.3

Refer to last page for important disclosures. 3

R e g i o n a l M o r n i n g N o t e s Wednesday, 23 August 2023


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R e g i o n a l M o r n i n g N o t e s Wednesday, 23 August 2023

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