U6_Modals verbs+exercises+key

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Modals verbs: ability, permission, obligation, deduction

Modal verbs to express ability. Can/be able to


General ability: something that once you have learned you can do any time you want, like being able to
read or swim or speak a language, for example.

Specific ability: something that you can or can't do in one particular situation. For example, being able to
lift something heavy, or find somewhere you are looking for.

Present Past Future

Can / can’t (for both, Could / couldn’t (general ability. “Saber”) Will be able to
general and specific
Examples: Example:
I could read when I was four If you ask him, he will
probably be able to help
She can speak English He couldn’t dance at all until he took lessons. you.

We can’t come now. Was able to / couldn’t (specific ability

“poder/ser capaz de”)


When the computer crashed yesterday, I was

able to fix it. (Not I could fix it.)

She was able to pass the exam, even though

she hadn’t studied much. (Not she could pass.)

1. Exercise. Choose the right option

1. ___ you hear the fireworks from your house last night?

a) Can b)Can't c)Could

2. Do you think you ___ write that report by Tuesday? I know you’re very busy.

a) have been able to b)couldn't c)will be able to

3. I ___ touch my toes. See!

a) can b)will be able to c)could

4. I ___ spend another moment in that restaurant. It was too noisy.

a) couldn't b)can't c)have been able to

5. I ___ never seem to get the temperature right.

a) to be able to b)can c)can't

6. ___ play professional tennis, you must be extremely fit.

a) Will you be able to b)To be able to c)Couldn’t

7. ___ you play an instrument?

a) Couldn't b)Can c)Able to

8. I'm afraid I ___ attend the meeting, I’m on business in Japan.

a) won’t be able to b)can c) will be able to

9. ___ you have brought it to me at work?

a) Couldn't b)Will be able to c)Cannot

10. They ___ save the men from the sinking ship.

a) could to b)was able to c) were able to


1. Choose the right option

1. ___ you hear the fireworks from your house last night?

a) Can b)Can't c)Could

2. Do you think you ___ write that report by Tuesday? I know you’re very busy.

a) have been able to b)couldn't c)will be able to

3. I ___ touch my toes. See!

a) can b)will be able to c)could

4. I ___ spend another moment in that restaurant. It was too noisy.

a) couldn't b)can't c)have been able to

5. I ___ never seem to get the temperature right.

a) to be able to b)can c)can't

6. ___ play professional tennis, you must be extremely fit.

a) Will you be able to b)To be able to c)Couldn’t

7. ___ you play an instrument?

a) Couldn't b)Can c)Able to

8. I'm afraid I ___ attend the meeting, I’m on business in Japan.

a) won’t be able to b)can c) will be able to

9. ___ you have brought it to me at work?

a) Couldn't b)Will be able to c)Cannot

10. They ___ save the men from the sinking ship.

a) could to b)was able to c) were able to

Modal verbs to express permission. Can/could/may/be allowed
 Can and could + INF are used to ask for permission.
o Can I use your car tonight, dad?
o Could I use your car tonight, dad?
 There are differences between the two:
o Can is used in informal situations while could is used in more formal, polite situations.
 Can I borrow your pencil, Tomas?
 Could I borrow your pen, Mr. Clapton?
o Can is used for the present and could is used for the past.
 Last night I couldn't go to the disco, my father was really angry with me.
 The use of may + INF is very formal.
o May I use telephone, please? Yes, you may.
 Note that when we want to give permission, we use can or may, but not could.
 Be allowed to + INF is used to express that we have permission to do something.
o We will be allowed to smoke in a bar when we are 18 years old.
o People over 55 years have been allowed to leave the building 30 minutes earlier.

Modal verbs to express obligation. Must/have to/need to


1. You don’t have to 2.mustn’t 3. Don’t have to 4. Mustn’t 5. Mustn’t 6. Don’t

have to 7. Mustn’t 8. Don’t have to 9. Don’t have to 10. Mustn’t

Permission and obligation. Rewrite these sentences so that the meaning stays the same. Use must, have to, need,
or be allowed to. If there are two or more possible options, just choose your favourite one

1. You don’t have to wear a tie to work, but some people do.

2. Sorry, I can’t let you do that. I’ll get in trouble


3. He hasn’t called back. I must give him a ring again


4. I’ve been told I mustn’t send private emails during work hours

5. The doctor has told me I am not allowed to drive till my leg’s better

6. You don’t need to come here tomorrow

7. He mustn’t smoke while working

8. She doesn’t have to read this


9. My brother’s friends are not supposed to talk while working, but everyone does

10. My parents’ colleague is not supposed to wear jeans, but he does



1. Permission and obligation. Rewrite these sentences so that the meaning stays the same. Use must, have to, need,
or be allowed to. If there are two or more possible options, just choose your favourite one

1. You don’t have to wear a tie to work, but some people do.

_____You don’t need to…__

2. Sorry, I can’t let you do that. I’ll get in trouble

am not allowed to let……


3. He hasn’t called back. I must give him a ring again

______I have to give ____________

4. I’ve been told I mustn’t send private emails during work hours

________am not allowed to ___________

5. The doctor has told me I am not allowed to drive till my leg’s better

_______I mustn’t drive__________

6. You don’t need to come here tomorrow

________don’t have to come _____________

7. He mustn’t smoke while working

_______is not allowed to smoke _________________

8. She doesn’t have to read this

_______doesn’t need to read _____________

9. My brother’s friends are not supposed to talk while working, but everyone does

_________mustn’t talk ________________

10. My parents’ colleague is not supposed to wear jeans, but he does

_______mustn’t wear__________
Modal verbs for deduction. May/might/could/must/can’t


95% Must She must be on the bus. (About 95% possible).

50% May She may be in the wrong room. (About 50% possible).

30% Might/could She might come soon. (About 30% possible).

5% Can’t She could be lost. (About 30% possible).

She can't be at home. (About 5% possible).

Notice that the opposite of must is can't in this case.

Exercise. Write a modal verb (must/may/might/could/can’t) to fill the gaps

1. She's won prizes for her research. She _______________ be really intelligent.

2. I'd take an umbrella if I were you. It looks like it _______________ rain.

3. It _______________ be him. He's on holiday until next week.

4. Hey guess what?! I _______________ be getting a car for my birthday! It's not completely definite

yet though.

5. I can't believe you've been waiting all this time! You _______________ be really bored.

6. His car's not here. He _______________ have gone out.

7. Look how much sugar and salt it's got in it! It _______________ be good for you.

8. Have you looked next to your computer? I think you _______________ have left your keys there.


1. Write a modal verb (must/may/might/could/can’t) to fill the gaps

1. She's won prizes for her research. She ____must________ be really intelligent.

2. I'd take an umbrella if I were you. It looks like it _____may__________ rain.

3. It _____can’t__________ be him. He's on holiday until next week.

4. Hey guess what?! I _____may__________ be getting a car for my birthday! It's not completely definite

yet though.

5. I can't believe you've been waiting all this time! You ______must_________ be really bored.

6. His car's not here. He ____must___________ have gone out.

7. Look how much sugar and salt it's got in it! It _____can’t__________ be good for you.

8. Have you looked next to your computer? I think you _____may_________ have left your keys there.

The negative forms of modal verbs are often contracted

modal verb uncontracted negative contracted negative

can cannot (usually written as one word not two) can’t /kɑnt/

could could not couldn’t /ˈkʊdənt/

may may not

might might not mightn’t /ˈmaɪtənt/

must must not mustn’t /ˈmʌsənt/

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