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1. To study theory and Circuit of Hartley Oscillator 2. To study theory and Circuit of Colpitts Oscillator 3. To study theory and Circuit of Wein Bridge Oscillator 4. To study theory and Circuit of RC Phase Shift Oscillator

1. To Construct Hartley Oscillator Circuit 2. To Construct Colpitts Oscillator Circuit 3. To Construct Wein Bridge Oscillator Circuit 4. To Construct RC Phase Shift Oscillator Circuit

This trainer has been designed with a view to observe characteristics of Oscillators SPECIFICATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The complete circuit is printed on a single P.C.B. All parts are soldered on single pin tag for easy replacement. Explanation, Observation, Alignment and adjustment of Internal and external controls is possible due to Single P.C.B. Easy identification of different parts is possible at a glance. Easy measurement of voltages and observation of waveforms at any Point. Test Points are provided on P.C.B. A manual having practical detail is provided with the board. Built-in Power supply Power requirement Standard Accessories : +9V at 200mA IC Regulated & short circuit protected : 230V, 50Hz AC. : 1. A manual having practical details. 2. Patch Cords.

THEORY OF HARTLEY OSCILLATOR L-C OSCILLATORS C-R sine-wave oscillators are useful for generating signals ranging from a few hertz up to several tens or hundreds of kilohertz. L-C oscillators, on the other hand, are useful for generating signals from a few tens of kilohertz to hundreds of megahertz. An L-C oscillator consists, in essence, of an amplifying device that gives significant gain between input and output, and an L-C network that provides frequency-selective feedback between the output and input terminals of the amplifier. Because of the inherently high Q or frequency selectivity of L-C networks, L-C oscillators usually produce reasonably pure sine-wave outputs, even when the loop gain of the circuit is far greater than unity. Many different versions of the L-C transistor oscillator are in common use as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tuned Collector Feedback Oscillator Hartley Oscillator Colpitts Oscillator Clapp Oscillator

Requirement of an Oscillator Every Oscillator consists of the following parts :1. Internal amplifier 2. Feedback network or negative resistance property, and 3. Amplitude limiting device 1. INTERNAL AMPLIFIER An oscillator is essentially an amplifier with infinite voltage gain. The voltage gain of the amplifier is made infinite by proper feed back or by inclusion of suitable negative resistance device. 2. FEED BACK DEVICE Any amplifying device is capable of generating oscillations if a proper fraction of an output voltage is feed back into an input, in proper phase, to reinforce the input energy. Such an amplifier is known as feed back amplifier. When an external input is withdrawn i.e. all the input is provided by tapping from an output, the device operates as an oscillator. Fig. 1. demonstrates the feed back principle. The expression for over all gain of a closed loop circuit using positive feed back is

Figure 1 Positive Feedback Circuit 4

A Afb = ---------(1-A)

....... (1)

If A >, 1, we say that the circuit is unstable, because the overall gain approaches infinity, and can have a finite output voltage when no input voltage in present. There are many factors which tend to complicate the operation, `' can be frequency dependent and also varied with transistor operating point, since it is usually a function of input or output impedances. For sinusoidal oscillators, the term "A" must equal unity with a phase angle of 0, 2, 4 ... at only one frequency. In practice "A" is designed to be slightly larger than one, but the operating point will shift in such a way, to limit the value to unity. 3. AMPLITUDE LIMITING If the value of the return ratio `A ' drops below unity, the circuit would cease oscillations. Since temperature change, age and operating point change can affect the gain, the value of `A ' could drop below unity, if no allowance is made for these effects. The normal procedure than is to design for value of `A ' greater than unity, realizing that the nonlinear ties in the circuit will automatically limit this value to the required value. In general the greater the value of A, the greater will be the amplitude of output voltage, and a greater distortion will be present in the signal. Because the variation of `A' with operating point is a very complicated non-linear relationship, so it is extremely difficult to derive quantitative design equations. FREQUENCY STABILITY The frequency of oscillation of the circuit of Fig.2., is a function only of `L' and `C'. A non ideal amplifier will posses input and output impedances which effect the frequency of oscillation. As these impedance change with operating point and temperature, the frequency will change. Some oscillators are designed to be accurate to a few cycles at frequencies of megacycles while other can tolerance a drift of a few percent of the oscillating frequency. If the resonant circuit which controls the oscillating frequency has a very high Q, the frequency stability will be better. HARTLEY OSCILLATOR Figure Shows simple variation of the Figure, this being known as a Hartley Oscillator. Its collector load inductor L1 is tapped roughly 20 percent down from its lop, and the circuits positive supply rail is connected to this point; L1 thus gives an auto transformer actions, action, in which the signal voltage appearing at the top of L1 is 180 out of phase with that at its low (Q1 collector) end. The signal from the top of the coil is coupled to the base (input) of Q1 via C2, and the circuit thus oscillates at a Centre frequency determinated by the L-C values.

Figure 2 -Hartley Oscillator


THEORY OF COLPITTS OSCILLATOR L-C OSCILLATORS C-R sine-wave oscillators are useful for generating signals ranging from a few hertz up to several tens or hundreds of kilohertz. L-C oscillators, on the other hand, are useful for generating signals from a few tens of kilohertz to hundreds of megahertz. An L-C oscillator consists, in essence, of an amplifying device that gives significant gain between input and output, and an L-C network that provides frequency-selective feedback between the output and input terminals of the amplifier. Because of the inherently high Q or frequency selectivity of L-C networks, L-C oscillators usually produce reasonably pure sine-wave outputs, even when the loop gain of the circuit is far greater than unity. Many different versions of the L-C transistor oscillator are in common use as follows: 5. 6. 7. 8. Tuned Collector Feedback Oscillator Hartley Oscillator Colpitts Oscillator Clapp Oscillator

Requirement of an Oscillator Every Oscillator consists of the following parts :1. 2. 3. Internal amplifier Feedback network or negative resistance property, and Amplitude limiting device

1. INTERNAL AMPLIFIER An oscillator is essentially an amplifier with infinite voltage gain. The voltage gain of the amplifier is made infinite by proper feed back or by inclusion of suitable negative resistance device. 2. FEED BACK DEVICE Any amplifying device is capable of generating oscillations if a proper fraction of an output voltage is feed back into an input, in proper phase, to reinforce the input energy. Such an amplifier is known as feedback amplifier. When an external input is withdrawn i.e. all the input is provided by tapping from an output, the device operates as an oscillator. Fig. 1. Demonstrates the feed back principle. The expression for over all gain of a closed loop circuit using positive feed back is

Figure 1 Positive Feedback Circuit 6

A Afb = ---------(1-A)

....... (1)

If A >, 1, we say that the circuit is unstable, because the overall gain approaches infinity, and can have a finite output voltage when no input voltage in present. There are many factors which tend to complicate the operation, `' can be frequency dependent and also varied with transistor operating point, since it is usually a function of input or output impedances. For sinusoidal oscillators, the term "A" must equal unity with a phase angle of 0, 2, 4 ... at only one frequency. In practice "A" is designed to be slightly larger than one, but the operating point will shift in such a way, to limit the value to unity. 3. AMPLITUDE LIMITING If the value of the return ratio `A ' drops below unity, the circuit would cease oscillations. Since temperature change, age and operating point change can affect the gain, the value of `A ' could drop below unity, if no allowance is made for these effects. The normal procedure than is to design for value of `A ' greater than unity, realizing that the nonlinear ties in the circuit will automatically limit this value to the required value. In general the greater the value of A, the greater will be the amplitude of output voltage, and a greater distortion will be present in the signal. Because the variation of `A' with operating point is a very complicated non-linear relationship, so it is extremely difficult to derive quantitative design equations. COLPITTS OSCILLATOR

Figure 2 Colpitts Oscillator The oscillator action depends on some kind of `common signal tapping point being made into the tuned circuit, so that a phase-splitting autotransformer action is obtained in Hartley. This tapping point does not have to be made into the actual tuning coil, but can be made into the tuning capacitor, as in the Colpitts oscillator circuit shown in Figure with the component values shown, this particular circuit oscillates at about 37kHz.

THEORY OF WEIN BRIDGE OSCILLATOR Oscillator Basics: Transistor oscillator circuits are usually designed to generate fairly pure sine-wave outputs. Two basic requirements must be satisfied to make such an oscillator, as shown in Figure 1. First, the output of the amplifying device (A1) must be fed back to its input via a frequency selective network (A2) in such a way that the sum of the amplifier feedback network phase shifts equals zero degrees (or 360) at the desired oscillation frequency, i.e. so that x+ y = 0 (or 360). Thus, if the transistor stage generates 180 of phase shift between input and output, an additional 180 of phase shift must be introduced by a frequencyselective network connected between input and output in order to meet the first requirement of as sine-wave oscillator. The second requirement is that the gain of the amplifying device must exactly counter the losses of the frequency-selective feedback network at the desired oscillation frequency, to give an overall system gain of precisely unity, e.g. A1 x A2 = 1. If the gain is less than unity the circuit will not oscillate, and if greater than unity it will be over-driven and will generate distorted (non-sinusoidal) waveforms. The frequency-selective feedback network usually consists of either a C-R or L-C filter or of a tuned transformer or a crystal filter.

Figure 1 Positive Feedback Circuit

Block Diagram of Wein Bridge Oscillator Figure 2 shows the block diagram of Wein Bridge Oscillator. The Wein network comprises R1-C1 and R2-C2, Which normally have their values `balanced' so that C1 = C2 = C, and R1 = R2 = R.

AMP X3 Non Inverting Amplifier R1 C1


f0= 1/6.28xRxC

Feedback Wein Network R2 C2


The phase shifts of this balanced Wein network are very frequency sensitive; the shift is negative at low frequencies, positive at high ones, and is zero at a `Centre' frequency of 1/(6.28CR), at which the network has an Attenuation factor of three. Thus, the balanced Wein network can be made to oscillate by connecting a noninverting x 3 high-input - impedance amplifier between its outputs and input terminals, as shown in the diagram. In practice, variable-frequency Wein oscillators are best built using op-amps or other linear ICs, in conjunction with automatic-gain-control feedback systems, and many circuits of this type are in fact published in other volumes of the circuits manual series. Figure 3 shows the practical circuit of Wein Bridge Oscillator based on two transistors amplifier. Here Q1 and Q2 are both wired as low-gain common-emitter amplifiers. Q2 gives a voltage gain slightly greater than unity and uses Wein network resistors R1 as its collector load, and Q1 present high input impedance to the output of the Wein network and has its gain variable via RV1. With the component values shown the circuit oscillates at about 1 Khz; in use, RV1 should be adjusted so that a slightly distorted output sine wave is generated.

Fig. 3 Practical 1 KHz Wein Oscillator



Oscillator Basics:
Transistor oscillator circuits are usually designed to generate fairly pure sine-wave outputs. Two basic requirements must be satisfied to make such an oscillator, as shown in Figure 1. First, the output of the amplifying device (A1) must be fed back to its input via a frequency selective network (A2) in such a way that the sum of the amplifier feedback network phase shifts equals zero degrees (or 360) at the desired oscillation frequency, i.e. so that x + y = 0 (or 360). Thus, if the transistor stage generates 180 of phase shift between input and output, an additional 180 of phase shift must be introduced by a frequencyselective network connected between input and output in order to meet the first requirement of as sine wave Oscillator. The second requirement is that the gain of the amplifying device must exactly counter the losses of the frequency-selective feedback network at the desired oscillation frequency, to give an overall system gain of precisely unity, e.g. A1 x A2 = 1. If the gain is less than unity the circuit will not oscillate, and if greater than unity it will be over-driven and will generate distorted (non-sinusoidal) waveforms. The frequency-selective feedback network usually consists of either a C-R or L-C filter or of a tuned transformer or a crystal filter.

Figure 1 Positive Feedback Circuit

R-C Phase Shift Oscillator Figure 2 shows the practical circuit of one of the crudest types of C-R sine-wave oscillator, the so-called `phase-shift' type. Here, Q1 is wire as a common-emitter amplifier and has its output (collector) signal fed back to its input (base) via a three-stage C-R ladder network, essentially comprising C1-R1, C2-R2, and C3-R3.


Each C-R stage of the ladder generates a phase shift between its input and output; the size of shift varies with frequency, and has a maximum value of 90. The ladder's total phase shift equals the sum of the three stage shifts, and in Figure 2 (in which C1=C2=C3=C, and R1 = R2 = R3 = R) equals 180 at a frequency of 1/14 CR since the transistor stage itself generates a phase shift of 180, the circuit oscillates at this frequency. The threestage ladder has an attenuation factor of 29 at the oscillation frequency, and the gain of the Q1 stage must be adjusted (via RV1) to counter this signal loss and give and overall circuit gain of unity if stable sine-wave generation if to be obtained. In practice, the Figure 2 circuit oscillates at about 800Hz, and RV1 should, to ensure stable operation, be adjusted to that a slightly distorted sine wave is generated; the amplitude of the output signal can be varied via RV2.

Fig-2 800 Hz phase-shift oscillator circuit

The simple phase-shift oscillator circuit has the advantage of simplicity, but it has poor gain stability and its operating frequency can not easily be varied (unless a three-gang R or C component is used).


To Construct Hartleys Oscillator Circuit AIM: To construct Hartley Oscillator and observe its characteristics Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. Connect the circuit as shown in Connection diagram 1. Connect frequency counter at the output terminals and observe frequency reading, it will be 250KHz, 18Vpp sinewave. Rotate gang condenser and observe variation in frequency. Observe the output waveforms on C.R.O.

Conclusion: The Characteristics Of Hartley oscillator understood.


To Construct Colpitts Oscillator Circuit AIM: To construct Colpitts Oscillator and observe its characteristics Procedure: 1. 2. 3. Connect the circuit as shown in Connection diagram 1. Connect frequency counter at the output terminals and observe frequency reading, it will be190KHz, 5Vpp sinewave. Observe the output waveforms on C.R.O.

Conclusion: The Characteristics Of Colpitts oscillator understood.


To Construct Wein Bridge Oscillator Circuit Aim: To construct Wein Bridge Oscillator and observe its characteristics Procedure: 1. 2. 3. Connect the circuit as shown in Connection diagram 1. Connect frequency counter at the output terminals and observe frequency reading, it will be 2KHz, 3Vpp sinewave. Observe the output waveforms on C.R.O.

Conclusion: The Characteristics Of Wein Bridge oscillator understood.


To Construct R-C Phase Shift Circuit

To construct R-C Phase Shift Circuit and observe its characteristics Procedure: 1. 2. 3. Connect the circuit as shown in Connection diagram 1. Connect frequency counter at the output terminals and observe frequency reading, it will be 750Hz, 6Vpp sinewave. Observe the output waveforms on C.R.O.

Conclusion: The Characteristics Of R-C Phase shift oscillator understood.



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