Paper - Viii TSC

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Q1. Define a Wound? Give out classification of wounds? Describe each in one line.

Q2. What is the method for giving First Aid for different types of Wounds? 3

Q3. What is the Aim of dressing of a wound? 1


Q4. What are the articles required for dressing of wounds? 1

Q5. What is the procedure for dressing of Wounds? 2

Q6. Define fracture in a bone? What are the causes of a fracture; explain in brief? 4

Q7. Give out the classification of Fractures? What are the Symptoms & Signs of
Fractures? 4

Q8. What is the First Aid that is rendered in case of Simple and Compound
Fractures? 4

Q9. How will you treat fracture of the Jaw Bone? 2


Q10. How is fracture of the lower limb treated? 2

Q11. How is fracture of the Spine treated? 2

Q12. How is fracture of the Skull treated? 3


Q13. Define Dislocation? What are the signs and symptoms of Dislocation? What
First Aid is required for Dislocation? 3

Q14. Define Sprain? What are its signs and symptoms? What First Aid is applied in
case of a Sprain? 2

Q15. Define Strain? What are its signs and symptoms? What First Aid is applied in
case of a Strain? 2

Q16. Write a Short Note on ‘Crepe Bandage’? 1




Q1. Define a Wound? Give out classification of wounds? Describe each in one line.
Definition. Wounds can be defined as a brake in continuity of the skin or muscles
membrane. It is caused by violence.

Inside Wound. It is wound caused by a sharp instrument like knife, razor and
so on. Its edges are clean.

(b) Lacerated Wound. It is caused by blunt instrument. The edges are torn or

(c) Punctured Wound. It is a deep narrow wound caused by a

pointed instrument like knife, bayonet. The wound is small on the
surface but may be very deep causing injuries to internal organs.

(d) Contusion. A contusion is an injury or a bruise in which some of the

tissues or a part is irregularly torn or ruptured but, the skin may not be
broken. It is caused by a blow or blunt instrument.

Q2. What is the method for giving First Aid for different types of Wounds? 3

(a) Place the patient in a comfortable position.

(b) Stop the bleeding, if any.
(c) Remove any foreign body, if it is easily visible and can be easily
(d) Prevent the entry of germs by applying sterilized dressing like first field or
shell dressing.
(e) Give rest to the injured part by sling.
(f) Immobilize the part, if wound is large or complicated by fracture.
(g) Treat the patient for shock.
(h)Send the patient to nearest hospital.

Q3. What is the Aim of dressing of a wound? 1

(a) To protect the wound from infection.

(b) To reduce swelling and early healing.
(c) To support the effected part.
(d) To enable the individual to carry out his day to day routine.
(e) To stop the bleeding.

Q4. What are the articles required for dressing of wounds? 1

(a) Anti septic (A/S) lotion.

(b) Cotton / Gauze piece.
(c) Scissors.
(d) Bandages of different size and band aid.
(e) A/S ointment or powder.

Q5. What is the procedure for dressing of Wounds? 2

The following procedure is to be adopted while dressing of wounds:-

(a) Reassure the patient and place him in comfortable position.

(b) Stop the bleeding, remove foreign body and clean the wound with A/S
lotion and cotton.

(c) Apply A/S ointment or powder and cover it with gauze. Select suitable
bandage, Start bandaging clock wise from outer aspect to inner aspect by
covering 1/3 of previous lining.

(d) Put the knot away from the wound.

(e) Bandaging should not be either too tight or loose.

Q6. Define fracture in a bone? What are the causes of a fracture; explain in brief? 4

A Fracture is defined as a discontinuity or break in a bone, resulting in the

dissolution of the supporting frame work of the body.

Fractures can be caused due to the following:-

(a) Through Direct Violence. The bone breaks on the spot where direct violence is
applied by a kick, bullet, blow etc.

(b) Through Indirect Violence. The bone breaks at some distant place from
the spot of violence i.e. fracture of clavicle, base of skull etc, when the force
is on out stretched hands or other extremities.

(c) Through Forcible Muscular Contraction. Fracture of patella (knee cap) by

contraction of thigh muscle. Fracture of ribs may be caused by violent coughing.

(d) Diseases of Bones. Certain diseases of bones make them weak and easily

Q7. Give out the classification of Fractures? What are the Symptoms & Signs of
Fractures? 4

A fracture can be classified into the following three types:-

(a) Simple or Closed. In this type, the broken bones are covered with skin
and there is no open wound.

(b) Compound or Open. In this type, the skin covering the fracture is broken
Or ruptured and sometimes the broken piece may protrude through it.

(c) Complicated. The broken bone damages the under lying structure like
blood vessels nerves, lungs, brain etc.

The visible signs and symptoms of fractures are:-

(a) Pain, swelling and tenderness over the fractured part and around it.
(b) Loss of power.

(c) Abnormal mobility.

(d) Deformity and irregularity of bones.
(e) Grating sound due to broken bones.

Q8. What is the First Aid that is rendered in case of Simple and Compound
Fractures? 4

.First Aid in Case of Simple Fracture.

(a) Reassure the patient and make him comfortable.

(b) Apply splints with any common article like stick or ply board or card board
To immobilize the fracture.

(c) Relieve him of discomfort and pain and keep the patient warm.

First Aid in Case of Compound Fracture.

(a) Bleeding should be stopped immediately.

(b) Remove foreign objects, if any, but do not meddle too much.
(c) Cover the wound with a clean pad with light bandage.
(d) Apply appropriate splints.
(e) Transfer the patient to the nearest hospital immediately.

Q9. How will you treat fracture of the Jaw Bone? 2

(a) Apply Barrel Bandage

(b) Warn the patient not to speak.
(c) Instruct the patient to sit.
(d) In lying cases, place patient on his chest, his head projecting outside the
stretcher canvas, properly supported with bandages secured on stretcher

Q10. How is fracture of the lower limb treated? 2

Fracture of the Lower Limb.

(a) Fix the injured limb to the sound limb with four narrow folds.
(b) Apply long wooden splint from axilla to just beyond the foot on each side.
Secure them by seven broad folds bandages tied at chest, pelvis, ankles, both
thighs below the fracture, both legs, and knees.

(c) In case of fracture of the pelvis, apply Thomas splint if available,

otherwise the methods described in (a) and (b) should be used for
immobilization of lower limb before evacuation.

Q11. How is fracture of the Spine treated? 2

Fractures of spine are to be very carefully handled. We have to:-


(a) Treat any case of back injury as a fracture of the spine. There will be
severe pain and shock in all cases.

(b) Make the patient still. Do not allow the patient to move about.

(c) If unconscious see that the tongue does not fall back and choke the

(d) Get medical aid at the earliest.

(e) Apply broad bandages for thigh and knees.

(f) Carry the patient face downwards on a board placed lengthwise on the

Q12. How is fracture of the Skull treated? 3

Fracture of the Skull may injure the brain, nervous system or the arteries and cause
concussion and compression. It may be caused by direct or indirect blow.

(a) If Breathing is Normal. Lay the casualty on back with shoulders and
head raised with cushions. Turn the head to one side.

(b) If Breathing is Abnormal. Lay the casualty in a three quarter prone

position. Apply pads under the chest and draw up the upper knee.

(c) Do not give anything to drink.

(d) Do not disturb the patient.
(e) Keep air passage clear.
(f) Treat for shock.

Q13. Define Dislocation? What are the signs and symptoms of Dislocation? What
First Aid is required for Dislocation? 3

Dislocation means displacement of one or more bones at a joint. The joints

which are more frequently dislocated are the shoulder, elbow, lower jaw, thumb and
the fingers.
Signs and Symptoms of Dislocation

(a) Severe pain at or near the joint.

(b) Fixity of the joint or loss of power.
(c) Deformity of joint and un-natural position of the limb.
(d) Swelling at the joint.

First Aid in case of Dislocation

(a) Do not try to reduce the dislocation.


(b) Tie sling or bandage to immobilize the joint, apply cold compress
to reduce the swelling.
(c) Send the patient to the nearest hospital for early treatment.

Q14. Define Sprain? What are its signs and symptoms? What First Aid is applied in
case of a Sprain? 2

A Sprain is the wrenching of the ligaments and tissues around the joint.

Signs and Symptoms of Sprain.

(a) Pain at the joint.

(b) Inability to use the joint.
(c) Swelling and later bruising.

First Aid for Sprain.

(a) Place the joint in a comfortable position and apply a firm

bandage. Prevent movements. Keep the bandage wet with cold.

(b) Later gently massage over the muscle and apply a crepe bandage.

(c) Give analgesics.

(d) When in doubt whether an injury is a sprain or dislocation or fracture,

treat it as a fracture.

Q15. Define Strain? What are its signs and symptoms? What First Aid is applied in
case of a Strain? 2

A strain is the over stretching of a muscle.

Signs and Symptoms of Strain

(a) There is sudden sharp pain.

(b) There may be swelling or severe cramp.
(c) Further exertion is difficult or impossible.
First Aid for Strain. Place the patient in the most comfortable position. Support
the injured part. Give cold compress.

Q16. Write a Short Note on ‘Crepe Bandage’? 1

A crepe bandage is made of elastic material which stretches and binds

firmly around the joint to which it is applied. It helps in reducing
swelling and movements at the affected joint, thereby minimizing pain and
giving it rest. It is used in sprains and strains around joints. It can be washed
and used again.

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