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A. J. Scalzo

The Westinghouse 501D

Engine Design & Development

P. C. Holden
Combustion Turbine Engine
Heat Transfer & Cooling
The Westinghouse 501D combustion turbine engine is the latest in a long line of
G. S. Howard Westinghouse designed and manufactured large single shaft heavy duty gas turbines
designed especially for 60 Hz utility or industrial service. This 100 MW engine is
Manager, described along with the design techniques utilized and the evolutionary changes
Aerodynamic Design & Performance made from previous engines. Also described are the component, shop, and field test
Combustion Turbine Systems Division, conducted to bring the engine to fruition.
Westinghouse Electric Corp.,
Concordville, PA


The Westinghouse 501D combustion turbine engine The W501D engine currently in production is shown
is a 3600 RPM, single shaft, simple cycle, heavy-duty in Figure 1. All casings are horizontally split to
gas turbine. It's present 98 MW ISO rating makes it promote field maintenance with the rotor in place.
the largest 60 Hz single shaft engine in the world. The single shaft, two bearing rotor, shown in
The current production engine represents the latest Figure 2, is made up of the compressor and turbine
evolutionary changes which are the result of thorough components joined by a center coupling. The bearing
testing and world-wide field experience from approxi- span is 285 inches. The compressor rotor is a single
mately 120 engines with more than 2 million operating forging with discs shrunk on. The turbine rotor is
hours of power generation. These changes lead to made of discs bolted together by using curvic clutches,
improved performance, reliability, and maintaina- which consist of toothed connection arms that extend
bility for both simple and combined cycle applications. from adjacent discs and interlock when the discs are

Fig. 1 - Longitudinal section of W501D engine

bolted together. The two journal bearings are of the

tilting pad type. The thrust bearing is a double
acting, tilting shoe type.
The air inlet system, which contains a silencer,
Contributed by the Gas Turbine Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF
MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for presentation at the Gas Turbine Conference &
delivers air to the compressor via a plenum-bell
Products Show, March 9-12, 1981, Houston, Texas. Manuscript received at mouth and houses the inlet and main journal and thrust
ASME Headquarters December 5, 1980. bearings.
Copies will be available until December 1, 1981.
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accommodate relative thermal growth without clearance
The turbine cooling system is shown in Figure 4.
Compressor discharge air is bled from the combustor
Fig. 2 - W501D compressor - turbine rotor shell and directed to an air-to-air cooler and filter
prior to being supplied to the rotor for cooling
purposes. Besides being used for spanwise hole cool-
The compressor is a 19 stage design with a pres-
ing of the stage 1 and 2 blades, this air provides a
sure ratio of 14/1. The inlet guide vanes are
cool environment for the entire turbine rotor and
variable to facilitate starting and to control exhaust
serves to cool the discs. Cooling air is transmitted
temperature for heat recovery applications. Three
through stage 2, 3 and 4 vane segments to supply the
axi-symmetric bleeds in stages 6, 11 and 14, provide
interstage seal leakage requirements. This serves to
cooling air for turbine stages 4, 3, and 2. The 6th
keep the rotor seal arms cool. Stage 1 and 2 vane
and 11th stage bleeds are also used to avoid surge
segments are cooled using inserts.
during starting. The compressor rotating blades have
pinned, half ball type roots to facilitate field re-
placement. The compressor stationary vane assembly is
of diaphragm construction with an inner shroud band
for maximum strength, having a four point stepped
labyrinth interstage seal to minimize leakage losses.
The combustion system incorporates 14 combustors,
each supplying a transition duct that directs combus-
tion gases into the turbine. Ignition is provided by
spark plugs in each of two combustors, one of which is
redundant for reliability. Cross-flame tubes are pro-
vided to propagate flame to those combustors which do
not contain spark plugs. A combustor, transition
piece, and cross-flame tube can be seen in Figure 3.
The atomization provided by the pressure atomizing
liquid fuel nozzles is assisted during early phases of
starting by use of atomizing air supplied by an
auxiliary blower. The combustors are designed to
accommodate low Btu gas as well as natural gas and
liquid fuels ranging from number 2 distillate to
residual oil. The presence or absence of flame and
the uniformity of distribution of fuel flow between
combustors are monitored by thermocouples located
downstream of the last stage turbine blades. These
can also detect combustor malfunctions. The exhaust cylinder utilizes six, equally
The four rows of cast stationary turbine vane spaced, tangential struts to support the aft end
segments are supported in individual blade rings bearing housing. Air-foil shaped covers protect the
which roll out to permit field replacement of parts support struts from the blade path gases and support
with the rotor in place. These also support invest- the inner and outer diffuser cones. The struts re-
ment cast ring segments, which form the outer-shroud spond slowly during transients and maintain alignment
over the rotating blades. The interstage labyrinth of the bearing housing by rotating it as required to
seals are housed in rings that are supported from the accommodate differential expansions. The exhaust
vane segments by centrally located, radially oriented bearing cavity is ventilated by air drawn in through
keys. access ports by the aspirating action of the turbine
This construction permits the seal rings to diffuser, which maintains a sub-atmospheric pressure
expand independently of the blade rings and vane seg- at the turbine exit.
ments during transients and allows very close running The turbine diffuser-axial exhaust system is
clearances during steady state operation. Leakage highly efficient in reducing the turbine leaving loss
past the first stage vane segment inner shroud is by allowing a large reduction in exhaust gas velocity
minimized by use of spring loaded seal segments which before it enters the stack or heat recovery boiler.

In simple cycle installations the exhansit gases ISO - OIL FUEL - BASE LOAD
leaving the diffuser pass through a transition to the
base of the vertical° exhaust stack. The gases are Power 98,620 KW
guided through a 90 turn at constant velocity into a Heat Rate 10,509 BTU/KW-HR
silencer. In combined cycle applications, the gases Inlet Flow 814 LBS/SEC
pass through the exhaust heat recovery system before Pressure Ratio 14.5:1
entering the stack. Turbine Inlet Temperature 1985 F


A major part of the W501D Development Program Several design changes have been made in the
was an improvement in engine performance. Data from compressor to improve reliability and maintenance.
shop and field tests were thoroughly analyzed to The constant section, rolled airfoil vanes of stages
identify areas for potential improvement. This 3, 4 and 5 were changed to a forged, variable

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analysis was accomplished by the use of three thickness design producing an improved airfoil-shroud
Westinghouse developed computer programmed analytical joint which increased by 40% the margin of safety of
models: these stages to possible damage from flow connected
1 A turbine streamline curvature flow field excitation during starting. Also, the four point
analysis and loss model, the inputs of which are the diaphragm seal inner shroud construction provides
turbine geometry and measured flow conditions at each improved rigidity. Compressor bleed slots have been
blade row. made axi-symmetric to minimize excitation. Borescope
2 A program similar to (1) above for the com- openings are provided at five key locations in the
pressor. compressor for inspection purposes. In addition, a
3 An overall engine and component performance provision has been added to verify concentricity of
analysis, the inputs of which are the measured flow the compressor rotor with the casing, which can be
conditions at each component's inlet and exhaust used during maintenance for diagnostic purposes. The
station, and the fuel input and generator power out- main coupling of the rotor has been redesigned to
put. increase margin against thermally caused transient
The above Westinghouse programs are quite rotor vibration.
sophisticated and their loss models are based upon Two material changes have been introduced to
many previous tests. They consider such things as: improve reliability and maintenance. The combustor
o the thermodynamic properties of the particular transition material has been changed to INCO-617.
fluid at each station While maintaining good creep and oxidation properties
o coolant momentum mixing and temperature this material permits field weld repairs by eliminating
irreversibility losses the need for heat treatment. Turbine blade material
o blading losses due to shocks, friction, provides an improved long-term impact strength and
trailing edge thickness, turning, secondary flows, reduces the potential for damage from foreign objects.
incidence, and tip leakage. The first stage vane is now a single vane segment.
The results of the analysis showed that several This permits easy replacement without a cover lift and
areas of the engine could be improved. While the its construction also substantially reduces vane-shroud
compressor efficiency was quite high it could be junction stresses. In addition, the level of cooling
improved by: has been increased to improve creep life and corrosion
o lower leakage seals resistance.
o slight matching improvement of the front end Reliable operation of the vanes and other turbine
stages components is enhanced by advancement of mechanical
o improved vane surface finish design and cooling technologies. These will be dis-
o matching the turbine and compressor at a cussed in some depth in the following sections.
higher cycle pressure which is nearer the efficiency
o axisymmetric bleed slots for lower flow losses.
The W501 turbine had undergone many evolutionary Turbine vane metal temperature requirements for
blading design changes from its original, while early W501 frames were based on gross structural
the engine flow had been increased considerably the stress and deflection criteria. Beam and plate
annular flow areas still remained the same. As a bending stresses were determined from pressure distri-
result the leaving velocity was quite high and the bution information and material properties were
consequent loss excessive. Additional areas for applied at the average metal temperature for the
improvement were indicated to be blade and vane inci- section in question. The validity of this approach
dence and reduction of last stage loading. Therefore, for the purpose intended has been borne out by
the turbine was re-designed with: experience. No gross structural failures have
o a last stage blade annulus area increase of occurred.
about 20 percent to reduce the leaving velocity loss A mode of distress that was not encountered on
o new blades and vanes for no incidence loss at earlier engines was experienced on early W501B models.
the design point and improved stage work distribution This manifested itself as a myriad of fine surface
o lower trailing edge blockage by reducing the cracks, as shown in Figure 5. They tended to occur on
number of blades and vanes. vanes located in central portions of a combustion
An additional performance adder is the use of chamber, where gas stream hot spots are present, and
lowest pressure source cooling air for vane cooling were not found in cooler regions. An extensive inves-
and turbine interstage seal barrier air. The W501 tigation that included metallurgical, heat transfer,
performance improvements result in a conservative and stress analysis indicated that the mode of
engine rating as shown below: failure was a creep mechanism due to a relatively high

hold time data from tests conducted at the Westinghouse
R&D Metallurgical Laboratories. As shown by the
typical test data in Figure 7, these reveal that,
although initial relaxation is rapid, thirty to forty
percent of the initial thermal stress is retained for
an appreciable time and must, therefore, be considered
when predicting parts life. These data have been used
to develop a combined stress theory for determination
of effective stresses along the surface of the vane.
These stresses and the corresponding temperatures are
used along with material properties data to estimate
life. This improved analysis procedure has agreed
well with experience both in predicting crack location
and vane life.

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eA 0.8

Fig. 5 - W501B row 1 vane segment w

thermal stress arising from temperature gradients in
_1 0.7
the wall. It thus became evident that a more sophis-
ticated design approach was required if the life of
highly cooled parts was to be accurately predicted.
Z 0.6
Since the two and three-dimensional heat transfer LL.
computer programs in use for calculation of metal 0
temperatures accurately predicted thermal gradients, 2
0 0.5
the main improvement required is in the structural
model in order to translate these gradients into
thermal stresses. Since thermal stresses relax with
time due to the creep mechanism, material properties LL 0.4
data taking this into account was also needed.
WECAN, a Westinghouse developed, general struc-
tural analysis, finite element computer program, was 0 2 4 6 9 10 10 20 30 40 50 59
selected as the stress analysis tool. The first step
in the modeling process is to divide the vane into TIME IN MINUTES
small elements, as shown in Figure 6. The element by
element temperature distribution is imposed on the Fig. 7 - Typical stress relaxation at constant strain
model along with the pressure distribution along sur-
faces and suitable boundary conditions at points of The WECAN analysis was used to quantify the
restraint. Thermal stresses and deformations and vane-shroud junction stress reduction offered by the
those due to aerodynamic forces are determined in- current single row 1 vane segment design compared to
dependently at each element of the model. These its three vane segment predecessor. The subject
must be superimposed properly in order to ascertain stress is reduced to 25 percent of the value for the
the creep life. In order to do this it is necessary three vane segment. This should essentially eliminate
to determine the degree of relaxation of the thermal the junction crack problem.
stress. This is done utilizing low cycle fatigue In addition to localized creep prediction, the
WECAN method is also being used to improve the analysis
of thermal stress for the determination of low cycle
fatigue life. Knowledge of the maximum effective
stress and maximum temperature at the vane surface
provides the necessary factors for determining the low
cycle fatigue life of the various critical areas.
The WECAN procedures described are still approxi-
mate since the inelastic material behavior is simulated
using hold time low cycle fatigue test data; however,
it is an order of magnitude more precise than the
older beam/plate methods. Further improvements
utilizing the full potential of WECAN including in-
elastic phenomena, complex loading histories and
influence of environment will be possible when more
complete material behavior laws and test data are
Although this discussion has focused on the first
turbine vane, the type of analysis described has been
applied to other parts of the engine where thermal
stress is important or where geometry or load distri-
bution is complicated.

Fig. 6 - WECAN model of single vane The cooling of the W501D row 1 vane has been

increased to improve creep life and permit operation an array of aluminum blocks each heated by a separate
on heavy fuels with low corrosion at full base load electric heater. In operation, the power to each
turbine inlet temperature. The cooled airfoil, shown surface element is adjusted to provide uniform temp-
in Figure 8 consists of two cavities which operate at erature from block to block, thus eliminating
chord-wise conduction heat flow. Knowledge of
electrical power, surface area, and gas and metal
FILM COOLING temperature permits determination of heat transfer
coefficient distribution along the surface. Tests are
run over a wide range of flows.



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Fig. 9 - Leading edge heat transfer test rig

The insert nose in the leading edge heat transfer

rig, shown in Figure 9, can be replaced so as to vary
target distance, radius, and hole array. Actual
leading edge cooling geometries have been tested as
well as a range of geometries for the generation of
parametric design information.
Geometry variables for the impingement cooling
rig, shown on Figure 10, were selected to systemat-
ically determine the effect of passage width and jet
PIN FINS spacing on heat transfer and pressure loss. Eight
rows of jets are incorporated in the model and the
variation in heat transfer from row to row is deter-
mined. This is of particular importance for narrow,
high flow passages where there is an effect of cross-
Fig. 8 - W501D row 1 vane flow as the spent impingement flow proceeds toward the

different pressure levels to promote efficient use of X y

cooling air. Each cavity contains a full impingement 0 0 . . 0 0 a 0
insert. Heat transfer in the trailing edge region is
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-
augmented by pin fins, and film cooling is employed
to augment heat transfer on both the pressure and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

suction surfaces. The heat transfer design for this 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

vane is predicted on a strong analytical and experi-
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mental base which is described in the following
section. 0„.. cc&
0 0 0 0 0 0


Numerous field and laboratory tests have con-

firmed that the analytical techniques used for
determination of hot side heat transfer coefficient
are well in hand. The boundary layer analysis used
is embodied in a computer program which is under con-
stant refinement as new test data becomes available. ELECTRICALLY HEATED
The analysis incorporates the effects of surface ALUMINUM BLOCKS
velocity distribution, surface curvature and surface
temperature variation on heat transfer coefficient Fig. 10 - impingement cooled heat transfer test rig
distribution. Addition of discrete jet film cooling
is in its final stages. trailing edge of the vane. This can be seen in the
Parametric design information on the various vane sampling of data shown on Figure 11, where row by row
internal cooling features was generated in atmospheric Nusselt number is plotted at several Reynolds numbers.
pressure rigs, with the geometry scaled up to effect As the flow proceeds from row to row, the heat trans-
Reynolds number simulation. All the models, shown fer falls off due to the effect of crossflow. At the
schematically on Figures 9, 10, 12, and 14, work on lowest Reynolds number, the heat transfer coefficient
the same principle. The vane surface is simulated by starts to increase again at row 8. This is probably

because the forced convection contribution of the X/D = YID = 4
channel crossflow is becoming a predominating effect.
S/D = 1

X/D = Y/D = 6
S/D = 2

120 10
100 2
NR 2


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cc I—
w Z 5
2 1—
60 (2) v)

Z 40 1
(3) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 13 - Pin fin heat transfer data

20 I
2 3
i i I t correlation that is attainable from the data is ade-
quate for the first cut design purposes. However,
6 7 8 considering the degree of data scatter, the practice
ROW NUMBER has been followed of running a verification test on an
exact model, as shown on Figure 14, for each trailing
Fig. 11 - Impingement heat transfer data edge configuration prior to finalizing a design.
In addition to low pressure model tests, design
The effect of passage width and pin spacing para- verification tests are run on production vane segments
meters on heat transfer and pressure loss was at full operating temperature and pressure in the vane
systematically explored in the pin fin rig shown on cooling rig shown on Figure 15.
Figure 12. The arrays tested were nine rows deep and
heat transfer variation from row to row was determined.
A portion of the data is shown on Figure 13, where
row by row Stanton number is plotted at several

O0 / \ v
Ox ---.-
O 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 G-----
0 0
O 0
0 0 0 0
O 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 D
O 0 0 0 0 0 Fig. 14 Trailing edge heat transfer test rig
O 0 0 0

0 0 0 0
O 0 0 0 0 Vane segments are instrumented with thermocouples
- 0 0 0 0 to explore temperature distribution on both the vane
0 and the inserts. Gas temperature in line with metal
temperature measurement planes is also determined.
Flow is independently metered to each insert in a
ELECTRICALLY HEATED vane segment so that the effect of flow modulation can
ALUMINUM BLOCKS be explored. In addition to providing design veri-
MANISPAIPMAIIMPAIMOPMAPAPAPMAIIPMEIPMMOM fication data, this rig is used for the gathering of
M=ONNIIMOMONIMMINIIMMIN basic film cooling information.

Fig. 12 - Pin fin heat transfer test rig COMBUSTOR IMPROVEMENTS

Reynolds numbers. It will be seen that heat transfer An improved, extended inner lip wall cooling con-
increases substantially in the early rows and then figuration has been applied to the present W501D
levels off, no doubt following a similar trend in the engine. The basic combustor construction consists of
turbulence generated by the pins. The degree of a series of cylinders joined together with corrugations


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Fig. 15 - Vane cooling test rig

which periodically admit film cooling air along the space to incorporate the larger fuel nozzles required
wall. As shown on Figure 16 the design improvement for the higher fuel gas volumetric flow and also im-
consists of extension of the inner cylinder downstream proves combustion stability to permit greater turn-down
of the corrugation to form a lip. This extra length with hydrogen-lean gas compositions. An existing
provides enough distance to dissipate the wakes behind engine installation can be converted to oxygen-blown,
the corrugation metal thickness, thus creating essen- medium Btu gas simply by changeout of the fuel nozzles.
tially an ideal two-dimensional film from a continuous For air-blown, low Btu gas, the cylinders can readily
slot. This reduces the rate of mixing of hot combus- be modified to provide air for the coal gasifier.
tion gases with the cooling film as it proceeds along
the wall and reduces wall temperature. VERIFICATION TESTING
The combustor head end dianter has been increased
in anticipation of burning low Btu gas. This provides All new advanced technology parts applied in a
Westinghouse engine are subjected to verifica-
tion tests. These tests qualify a particular component
for engine use. Overall engine improvements for
uprating purposes are verified by engine shop and
CORRUGATION field tests. For that purpose the engine was exten-
sively instrumented to measure more than 400 pressures
and 1000 temperatures which were read in both tran-

sient and steady state modes. Data from these tests
yield detail information of component and stage per-
formance which indicate sources of possible future
1• HOT GAS performance improvements. Combustion system and
I NNER CYLINDER turbine first stage vanes metal temperatures are com-
pared with those obtained from combustion and vane
cooling rig results providing data on operation in the
engine environments. Blade and disc temperatures are
transmitted through a slip ring assembly and provide
NEW DESIGN improved insight of the complex heat transfer processes
within and adjacent to the rotor. These tests add to
the ever broadening technology base of Westinghouse
combustion turbines.
The current production W501D engine has been
Fig. 16 - Combustor cooling improvement described and various areas of design improvement over

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