The relationship between work professionalism and job satisfaction toward employee performance in mediating of organizational climate

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Research in Business & Social Science

IJRBS VOL 12 NO 2 (2023) ISSN: 2147-4478
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The relationship between work professionalism and job satisfaction

toward employee performance in mediating of organizational climate
Ade Candra (a)* Achmad Sudiro (b) Christin Susilowati (c)
Masters, Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Brawijaya, Mawar Jambe Street, 65141, Malang, Indonesia
Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Brawijaya, Anggrek Street, 65151, Malang, Indonesia
Ph.D., Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Brawijaya, Bukit Cemara Tujuh, 65144, Malang, Indonesia


Article history: This study examines the effect of work professionalism, job satisfaction and organizational climate on
employee performance in Muaradua Hospital employees. This study uses explanatory research with a
Received 07 January 2023 quantitative approach. The population of this study included all Muaradua Regional General Hospital
Received in rev. form 22 Feb. 2023 paramedics with a work period of more than one year. The sampling method is saturated, and the data
Accepted 13 March 2023 collection technique uses questionnaire distribution. The data were analyzed using partial least square
structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS). The results of this study indicate that work professionalism,
job satisfaction, and organizational climate can directly improve employee performance. In addition,
Keywords: work professionalism and job satisfaction can improve the organizational climate. Organizational
climate becomes partially mediating the relationship between work professionalism and job
Work professionalism, Job
satisfaction on employee performance. The results of this study suggest that the hospital should be able
Satisfaction, Organizational Climate, to maintain professionalism and encourage job satisfaction, as well as create and improve strategies
Employee Performance, Employees for factors related to organizational climate.

JEL Classification:
© 2023 by the authors. Licensee SSBFNET, Istanbul, Turkey. This article is an open access article
M14, M54, O15 distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license

Human resources are an important element in achieving organizational goals. Good resource management will create productive
humans to face and complete the task’s demands both now and in the future. Over time, achievements and abilities will be difficult
for employees to obtain if they cannot achieve an organizational goal. Hence, HR development is very effective and efficient in the
organization to improve individual and group work results in employee performance (Li Ping et al., 2022). Employee performance
is determined by the caliber and volume of work completed by an employee while performing tasks per the organization’s obligations.
All programs or activities planned to achieve organizational goals, as stated in the organization's vision and mission will be able to
be completed by the organization through the performance produced by employees (Qalati et al., 2022). One of the factors supporting
the creation of good employee performance is work professionalism.

Work professionalism is a professional work attitude that is nothing but employee behavior that refers to reliability and expertise in
carrying out tasks so that they are carried out with high quality, on time, carefully, and with producers that are easy to understand
(Wenyan et al., 2022). The presence of a professional attitude at work will foster high performance in employees, allowing them to
complete their work properly and on time. The attitude of professionalism shown by employees can be trusted to have good
competence, and the results of the performance provided will be better. Work professionalism has been shown to have a positive and
significant impact on employee performance (Wenyan et al., 2022; Yansheng et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2020); however, Kwizina et
al., 2019; Newman et al., 2018; and Mrope, 2017).

* Corresponding author. ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9971-9469

© 2023 by the authors. Hosting by SSBFNET. Peer review under responsibility of Center for Strategic Studies in Business and Finance.
Candra et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(2) (2023), 177-186

Job satisfaction is the second element that influences employees performance (Siegel et al., 2022; Afonso et al., 2022; Hyoungeun
Moon et al., 2022; Berliana et al., 2018). Job satisfaction is defined as the attitudes and behaviors an employee displays toward their
work (Siegel et al., 2022). Feelings associated with the workplace can be influenced by a number of factors, including compensation,
rewards such as raises or promotions, salaries, opportunities for professional growth, relationships with coworkers, job placement,
the nature of the work, organizational structure, supervision standards, and more. Employees with high job satisfaction will perform
better for their employer, as they will be more productive and hold themselves to higher standards. However, Sunje et al. (2021),
Fereidouni et al. (2022), and Armin et al. (2023) make different claims about whether there is a detrimental and insignificant
correlation between job satisfaction and worker performance.

As for the phenomenon of employee performance highlighted in this study, namely at the Muaradua Regional General Hospital
(RSUD), South Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, where there are problems in terms of work professionalism, Hospital employees lack
discipline at work, as evidenced by things like showing up late and underestimating their workload, according to actual data. The
percentage of workers who were late for work in 2020 was 6.20%, and it went up by 15.2% in 2021. This demonstrates the discipline
issues and optimal performance of the nurses at the South OKU Muaradua Hospital, where the employee attendance rate can also be
used as a basis for measuring employee performance. The more employees who lack discipline at work, the less optimal the service
will be provided. Additionally, from January to December of 2021, many employees continued to perform their job duties in a manner
inconsistent with the organization's Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) (RSUD Muaradua OKU Selatan, 2021).

Based on this phenomenon and research gap, this study will deepen the analysis of the influence of work professionalism and job
satisfaction on employee performance by adding organizational climate as a mediating variable. Organizational climate is used to
bridge the previously described inconsistencies, which strengthened the relationship between work professionalism and job
satisfaction on employee performance and is useful for closing the gap in previous research. The existence of a high organizational
climate means that the attitude of work professionalism shown by employees can be trusted to be competent, and the results of the
performance provided will be better (Tehranineshat et al., 2020; Ayalon et al., 2017). According to Marmo et al. (2021), job
satisfaction is achieved when an employee's needs and desires are met by the organization; thus, with full awareness, the
organizational climate improves and employee performance improves. The higher the employee performance and the better the
performance results with a good organizational climate, the easier it will be to achieve organizational goals.
This study aims to analyze the effect of work professionalism and job satisfaction on employee performance, with organizational
climate as a mediating variable, in paramedics at the Muaradua Regional General Hospital (RSUD).

Literature Review
Conceptual Background and Hypothesis Development

Employee Performance
Employee performance is a gauge of an employee's output that indicates how well the employee can perform his duties (Abdelwahed
et al., 2022). Acording to Anastasios et al. (2019), motivation and ability factors both have the potential to influence performance
achievement. This can demonstrate how employee attitudes toward their workplace influence motivation. It depends on employees'
performance, both good and bad, to achieve organizational goals (Suharnomo et al., 2018). The implication is that both good
employee performance and bad employee performance will undoubtedly have a positive impact on one another.
Work Professionalism

Professionalism is the attitude, behavior, and quality that define a profession. According to Yansheng et al. (2018), a person is
considered professional if their work demonstrates the technical or moral requirements of their chosen profession. Factors that
influence work professionalism include education, training, length of work, and work motivation (Wang et al., 2020). Each
employee's professional attitude at work fosters high performance for them to complete their work properly and on time, resulting in
good work results for the company (Wenyan et al., 2022)

H1: Work Professionalism has a positive and significant effect on employee performance

Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is the thoughts and feelings shown in a person's actions towards work (Faramarzpour et al., 2021). According to
Fereidouni et al. (2022), job satisfaction is characterized as a positive attitude of employees toward their work through feelings and
behavior, which can be evaluated through work in terms of a sense of appreciation for achieving one of the most crucial work values.
The elements contributing to job satisfaction include fair treatment, adequate pay, a calm work environment, recognition, and
appreciation for the work product (Siegel et al., 2022). The state of companies where more satisfied employees tend to be more
effective than companies with less satisfied employees, demonstrates the relationship between job satisfaction and performance.
Achieving higher productivity and quality standards, avoiding the possibility of creating a more stable work force, and making better
use of human resources depend on job satisfaction, among other factors. Job satisfaction will be able to enhance employee
performance, according to Afonso et al. (2022) and Hyoungeun Moon et al. (2022).

Candra et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(2) (2023), 177-186

H2: Job Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance

Organizational Climate
Organizational climate is a relatively ongoing quality of an organization's internal environment, experienced by organizational
members, influencing their behavior, It can be described in terms of a set of organizational characteristics or traits (Yun Back,
2022). The organizational climate affects how well organizational members accept human resource practices and policies (Akrong
et al., 2022). According to Andersson et al. (2020), five elements affect an organization's climate: the external environment, strategy,
leadership styles, organizational structures, and organizational history. When there is a positive working environment between
employees and other employees or between employees and leaders, as well as a management structure that adapts to the needs of the
business, employee performance improves (Yong Wei et al., 2018).

H3: Work professionalism has a positive and significant effect on Organizational Climate
H4: Job Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on Organizational Climate

H5: Organizational Climate has a positive and significant effect on employee performance
Employees with high professionalism will be reflected in their mental attitude and commitment to realizing and improving
professional quality through various means and strategies. High-quality and professional employees have closely relate to
organizational climate in the workplace (Ayalon et al., 2017). Jimenez et al. (2020) and Bianome et al. (2016) state that there is a
positive and significant effect between professionalism Work has a positive and significant effect on Organizational Climate.
Organizational climate is beneficial for individual needs in an organization with employees whose interests are considered by the
organization, these employees will feel satisfaction at work (Adeniji et al., 2018; Ling Kee et al., 2018). Yong Li et al. (2020) stated
that there is a positive and significant influence between job satisfaction and organizational climate. So that based on this research,
it can be concluded that the relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance can be mediated by organizational

H6: Organizational climate mediates the effect of work professionalism on employee performance

H7: Organizational climate mediates the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance
Research And Methodology

This study uses an explanatory research approach to test the theory objectively by testing the relationship between each variable
using statistical procedures using a quantitative approach. The population in this study was 192 paramedics at the Muaradua Regional
General Hospital (RSUD). This study employed a saturated sample, another name for using the entire study population as a sample
(Sekaran and bougie, 2016). using a questionnaire that was personally distributed to employees for sampling. The Likert scale in the
submitted questionnaire is used to gauge how much each respondent weighs in on a predetermined scale.

(X1) 1
3 Organizational Employee
Climate (Z) 5 Performance (Y)

Job Satisfation

Figure 1: Conceptual Model of the Study; Source: Authors 2023

The data were analyzed using partial least square structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS). PLS data analysis is used because the
idea is to test the modified results of several research models to give a broad picture of the variables under investigation (Sekaran
and Bougie, 2016). The Employee Performance variable (Y) in this study makes use of indicators from Ali Qalati et al. (2022) and
Anastasios et al. (2019). Work professionalism (X1) uses the indicators Tidmarsh (2019), and Yansheng et al. (2018). Job satisfaction
(X2) uses the indicators Siegel et al. (2022) and Risqi et al. (2015), and organizational climate (Z) uses the indicators Yun Back
(2022) and Yong Wei et al. (2018).

Candra et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(2) (2023), 177-186

Finding and Discussion

Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Muaradua is a hospital owned by the government of South Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. The
goal steps of Muaradua that have been previously designed are being realized with increasing success by RSUD Muaradua. Muaradua
was founded with a goal in mind and a mission to fulfill. The goal of (RSUD) Muaradua is to develop into a hospital that provides
top-notch care and is the pride of the South Oku Community. Regarding the RSUD, Muaradua's mission is to provide high-quality
medical care. The community resources (HR) should become more professional. Modernize the infrastructure and facilities for
Table 1: Characteristics of Respondents

Category Frequency %
Age 20 - ≤ 25 Years 6 3,13
25 - ≤ 30 Years 111 57,81
30 - ≤ 35 Years 56 29,17
> 35 Years 19 9,90
Education Diploma 139 72,40
S1 48 25,00
S2 5 2,60
D1 1 0,8
Tenure 1-2 Years 19 9,90
3-4 Years 76 39,58
> 5 Years 97 50,52
Work Unit Nurse 101 52,60
Midwife 31 16,15
Doctor 14 7,29
Laboratory 12 6,25
Medical Records 4 2,08
Dental Clinic 2 1,04
Surgery Clinic 2 1,04
ENT Poly 2 1,04
Radiology 3 1,56
Inpatient formation depot 7 3,65
Nutrition 6 3,13
Public Health 3 1,56
Pediatric Specialist Clinic 5 2,60
Source: Primary Data Processed, 2023

Table 1 above shows that the majority of respondents who work at the RSUD are aged 25–30 years (57.81%). This shows that
(RSUD) Muaradua has more paramedics of productive age. According to Li Ping et al. (2022), the age of employees greatly affects
employee productivity at work. In terms of the characteristics of the level of education, the majority of respondents have diplomas,
which have a percentage of 72.40%. This shows that most paramedics are diploma, bachelor's, and master's degree graduates.
Tehranineshat et al. (2020) state that the higher the education taken by paramedics, the greater their function in supporting paramedics
when carrying out their work, therefore the educational background of paramedics can support their work professionally and
optimally. In addition, in terms of employee tenure, it shows that the majority have a tenure of >5 years (97%). This shows that most
paramedics have a relatively long working period, because they have felt comfortable with the work environment and culture of
Muaradua Hospital. Meanwhile, in terms of work units, the majority of respondents have jobs as nurses, with a percentage of 52.60%
or 101 paramedics. This shows that nurses (RSUD) Muaradua are more needed for public health services. Namhee et al. (2017),
nurses are tasked with helping patient health and educating patients, their families, and the environment. The role of this nurse is
expected to be to change the patient's or his family's lifestyle to be healthier so that health problems do not occur as frequently in the
Descriptive Statistic and Correlation

This study uses the variable of Work Professionalism, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Climate and Employee Performance. The
result can be seen in table 2, along with the average value of respondents answers equipped with the standard deviation of each

Candra et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(2) (2023), 177-186

Table 2: Descriptive Statistic and Correlation

Variable Mean SD
Work Professionalism 4.46 0,74
Job Satisfaction 4.48 0.88
Organizational Climate 4.50 0.85
Employee Performance 4.51 0.86
Source: Primary Data Processed, 2023
Measurement Model Analysis

To test the data quality in this study using convergent and discriminant validity following the advice of Ghozali and Latan (2015),
states that for the initial research development scale, a value between 0.50 to 0.60 is a value that is considered sufficient. In more
detail, the results of the validity and reliability tests can be seen in table 3 below.

Table 3: Validity Analysis

Latent Variable Indicator Convergent Validity Discriminant

Loading Factor Result AVE Result
Employee Performance Y1 0,768 Valid 0,79 Valid
Y2 0,783 Valid
Y3 0,728 Valid
Y4 0,864 Valid
Y5 0,903 Valid
Y6 0,838 Valid
Y7 0,844 Valid
Work Professionalism X.1.1 0,780 Valid 0,74 Valid
X.1.2 0,827 Valid
X.1.3 0,701 Valid
X.1.4 0,904 Valid
X.1.5 0,910 Valid
X.1.6 0,731 Valid
Job Satisfaction X.2.1 0,718 Valid 0,74 Valid
X.2.2 0,818 Valid
X.2.3 0,768 Valid
X.2.4 0,796 Valid
X.2.5 0,842 Valid
X.2.6 0,854 Valid
X.2.7 0,866 Valid
X.2.8 0,761 Valid
X.2.9 0,908 Valid
Organizational Climate Z.1 0,888 Valid 0,78 Valid
Z.2 0,854 Valid
Z.3 0,937 Valid
Z.4 0,940 Valid
Z.5 0,917 Valid
Z.6 0,938 Valid
Z.7 0,914 Valid
Z.8 0,946 Valid
Z.9 0,721 Valid
Z.10 0,886 Valid
Z.11 0,914 Valid
Z.12 0,711 Valid
Source: Primary Data Processed, 2023

Table 3 shows the results of the convergent validity test by looking at the loading factor value of each indicator on the four variables
of Work Professionalism, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Climate and Employee Performance, which have a value greater than 0.60

Candra et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(2) (2023), 177-186

(Ghozali and Latan, 2015). Furthermore, the validity test with discriminant validity can be seen in the root value of Average Variance
Extracted (AVE) by comparing the coefficient value in each variable with the correlation value in each variable relationship in the
research model; it can be seen that each AVE root value is above 0,50. So it can be concluded that the items used in this study are
valid. After the validity of the data is tested, then the reliability test is carried out using Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability
values. The following are the results of the reliability test in table 4
Table 4: Reliability Analysis

Cronbach’s Alpha Composite Reliability

Employee Performance 0,918 0,935
Work Professionalism 0,895 0,920
Job Satisfaction 0,937 0,947
Organizational Climate 0,974 0,977
Source: Primary Data Processed, 2023
Based on table 4 above, it can be concluded that the data used in this study is reliable. Because, each variable has a Cronbach's alpha
value and composite reliability greater than 0.7. So that the items used in this study are reliable.
Structural Model Analysis
The structural model is a model that describes the causal relationship between latent variables that is built based on the substance of
the theory ( Ghozali and Latan, 2015). The PLS structural model was validated by determining R2 and the path coefficient. By
comparing the t-statistics with the t-table on the Smart-PLS output. First, examine the direct impact of work professionalism and job
satisfaction on employee performance. Then there's the direct impact of work professionalism and job satisfaction on organizational
climate, as well as testing the impact of organizational climate on employee performance.
The results of the influence of work professionalism on employee performance are postively significant (β = 0.720, t = 10.062, p
<0.05). In addition, job satisfaction on employee performance also has a positive and significant effect (β = 0.083, t = 2.978, p>0.05).
Furthermore, the effect of work professionalism on organizational climate is positive and significant (β = 0.672, t = 15.998, p> 0.05),
and job satisfaction on organizational climate shows a positive and significant effect (β = 0.335, t = 7.680, p> 0.05), as well as
organizational climate on employee performance has a positive and significant effect (β = 0.200, t = 2.607, p> 0.05). Based on this
explanation, it can be obtained that the direct testing hypotheses, namely H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, are accepted. The results of structural
model testing are presented along with the t-statistic value of each hypothesis In Figure 2 below

Figure 2: Direct Effect Test Results ; Source : Processed Primary Data 2023

Candra et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(2) (2023), 177-186

The results of indirect tests or the mediating role of organizational climate variables between the relationship between work
professionalism and employee performance have a positive and significant effect (β = 0.134, t = 2.660, p < 0.05) and organizational
climate also successfully mediates work professionalism on employee performance which shows positive and significant results (β
= 0.067, t = 2.326 p < 0.05). It can be concluded that hypothesis 6 and hypothesis 7 in the study are accepted. This can be interpreted
that the organizational climate is a partial mediation of professionalism on employee performance.
R2 and the path coefficient were used to test the generality of the pls structural model. The R-square on the employee performance
variable is 0.968. This shows that the employee performance variable can be influenced by independent variables in the form of work
professionalism, job satisfaction, and organizational climate by as much as 96.80%. Additionally, the gof value is 0.726. According
to Ghozali and Latan (2015), it can be said that the structural model used in this study generally has strong predictive capabilities.
This indicates that the model has a strong capacity to explain empirical data.
Employee performance is significantly impacted by workplace professionalism. This explains how paramedics carry out their
professional duties in accordance with their skills, knowledge, attitude, discipline, and enthusiasm for their work. Work
professionalism has long been cited as a crucial element in the growth of employee performance, so it is necessary for employees to
be able to be professional in carrying out their responsibilities for their performance to increase (Wang et al. 2020). According to
Tidmarsh (2019), an action that demonstrates a constant, firm, and disciplined attitude demonstrates that an employee's
professionalism is excellent, which plays a significant role in boosting employee performance. The findings of this study are also
consistent with studies by Chen et al. (2018), Bom-Mi Park et al. (2021), Wenyan et al. (2022), and Wang et al. (2020), which indicate
that professionalism at work has a positive and significant impact on employee performance.
Performance of employees is significantly impacted by job satisfaction. High levels of job satisfaction among employees may
influence their attitudes toward their work and performance. On the other hand, when employees are dissatisfied with the services
provided by the company, it affects the condition of decreasing their performance. Given that organizational attitudes influence both
factors, job satisfaction significantly impacts employee performance. This is consistent with the findings of Siegel et al. (2022), who
explain that if workers feel their needs are met at work, they will perform at a high level for the company. This demonstrates that
paramedics (RSUD) Muaradua can have a greater desire to stay in the company and are willing to give the support required to achieve
the greatest company goals when they are satisfied with their job acceptance, compensation, recognition, company policies, and the
leadership's attitude toward them. The findings of this study concur with those of Siegel et al. (2022), Afonso et al. (2022), Wenyan
et al. (2022), and Hong Lu et al. (2019) research.

Professionalism at work has a big impact on the culture of the company. This shows that paramedics (RSUD) Muaradua, by having
professional values and attitudes, can understand relationships and relationships, know their duties and responsibilities, and can focus
and be consistent on work matters, supported by a good organizational climate. Professionalism is a crucial component of any
institution or organization. If the workplace environment supports professionalism, employees will behave professionally. Jimenez
et al. (2020) claim that there is a strong correlation between work professionalism and organizational climate. Management should
pay close attention to the importance of creating a positive workplace environment because motivated employees will be professional
in carrying out tasks and completing them correctly if such a workplace environment is established. This will also hasten the
completion of tasks that are employees' responsibilities. Additionally, the findings of this study are consistent with those of Laoh et
al. (2022), Jiang et al. (2021), Jimenez et al. (2020), and Bianome et al. (2016).

Job satisfaction felt by RSUD employees has a positive and significant effect on the organizational climate. This explains how a
positive organizational climate can improve employee job satisfaction with the company, which in turn can affect paramedic
satisfaction at work. A comfortable organizational work environment has contributed to an employee's sense of job satisfaction with
what they have received from the company. According to Siegel et al. (2022), workplace culture has a significant impact on employee
satisfaction. This indicates that highly satisfied workers frequently contribute to a pleasant work environment, with employees'
perceptions of the workplace's quality being relatively favorable. The findings of this study are also consistent with those of Qalati
et al. (2022), Adeniji et al. (2018, Ling Kee et al. (2018), Elisabeth Laoh et al. (2022), and Elisabeth Laoh et al. (2022).
Organizational climate has a significant and positive effect on employee performance. Employee performance can be enhanced by a
positive workplace environment. This indicates that the workplace culture encourages employees to perform well, resulting in good
employee performance and good organizational performance. Employee performance can significantly improve or degrade
depending on the organizational climate. If the organizational climate is not carefully thought out, it will negatively affect the
organization because employees will face challenges in carrying out their work, which will result in a lack of enthusiasm in finishing
it and negatively affect employee performance (Shanker et al., 2017). Employee commitment will be formed in carrying out tasks in
accordance with organizational requirements in an environment that is comfortable for them, which will improve their performance.
This environment can be physical or social. The findings of this study are also consistent with studies by Shanker et al. (2017), Yong
Wei et al. (2018) and Andersson et al. (2020)

The influence of work professionalism on employee performance can be mitigated by organizational climate. This explains how
professional paramedics will work and achieve good performance at (RSUD) Muaradua, South Ogan Komering Ulu. This indicates
that, according to Ayalon et al. (2017), the organizational climate is seen as serving as a "bridge" between management organizational
factors and employee professional behavior in achieving their performance for the company. Employee productivity will increase

Candra et al., International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 12(2) (2023), 177-186

and work will be done professionally as a result of a company's improved organizational climate. This study supports the conclusions
made by researchers Ayalon et al. (2017) and Shanker et al. (2017).
Organizational climate can provide a mediating effect on the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance. Organizational
climate and job satisfaction contribute significantly to employee performance. Organizational climate is a distinctive characteristic
that describes the psychological environment of an organization and shows the content of the strength and influence between the
values, norms, attitudes, behavior, and feelings of its members. This shows that a good organizational climate affects the satisfaction
of paramedics and realizes good performance at (RSUD) Muaradua south ogan komering ulu. If the organizational climate is
performance-oriented and stimulates employee job satisfaction, and if these conditions support employees to work with all their
abilities, there will be creative behavior and high production and performance as well (Yong Li et al., 2020). This research is also in
line with research conducted by Berberoglu et al. (2018) and Shanker et al. (2017)

The conclusion that can be drawn from research and discussion regarding the impact of job satisfaction and work professionalism on
employee performance with organizational climate mediation is that these factors can enhance paramedic performance. This shows
that the level of paramedic performance at Muaradua Hospital increases as a function of the professionalism of the paramedics on
the job and their level of job satisfaction. The climate of the workplace can be enhanced by professionalism and job satisfaction. This
indicates why the higher the level of professionalism and satisfaction with paramedics' work, the better the organizational climate.
The organizational climate can enhance the performance of paramedics. The more favorable the workplace environment, the more
effectively paramedics can perform their duties. The impact of job satisfaction and professionalism on employee performance can be
moderated by organizational climate. Organizational climate can enhance employee performance to a greater extent the more
important a role it plays in mediating work professionalism and job satisfaction on employee performance
The results of this study are expected to serve as a resource for future research because they provide support for the theory and
previous research, which is the theoretical contribution of the study. Additionally, this research encourages the RSUD to identify the
elements that need to be maintained, improved, and improved once more. To enhance employee performance, Muaradua Regional
General Hospital (RSUD) can also develop and enhance strategies for influencing factors that enhance job satisfaction,
professionalism at work, and organizational climate. Additionally, the RSUD can improve organizational climate by developing
strategies for climate-related elements that affect performance.

The limitations of this study are as follows: first, it focuses on the RSUD area with the use of professionalism and job satisfaction
variables. Second, there are unoptimized limitations in data distribution and collection, such as the fact that the questionnaire in this
study did not use the type of open-ended questions, so there is a possibility of bias from respondents' answers because they evaluate
their own work results, so the results obtained may not be objective. Therefore, it is hoped that further research can include open-
ended questions so that they can be studied more deeply in relation to phenomena and conditions in the object of research and expand
the scope of research.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.C., A.S., C.S; Methodology, A.C., A.S., Data Collection, A.C; Formal Analysis, A.C., C.S.;
Investigation, A.C., A.S., C.S.; Writing—Original Draft Preparation, A.C.; Writing—Review and Editing A.C., A.S., C.S.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Ethical review and approval were waived for this study, due to that the research does not deal with vulnerable
groups or sensitive issues.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly
available due to privacy.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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