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‘Ss (ete lelaleae! Second Semester B,£./B,Tech. Degree Exa Introduction to Civil Engineering i, Max, Marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs, \ Saati iw) Answer any: FIVE full questions, choosing ONE fait question from 2ATU Formut, Mond Took ixpermited. aM MLE [¢ Madute=t 1 dT 01 oe ae Tnamceng ro] Lt | col od Qa Explain the classification of bricks. Also mention the properties of good] 107 Lt | COU bricks, ; b. [What is PSC? Exphain its advaniages and disadvantages. 1o[ La] COL Madale -2 10] L1 | Coz Q3 4 ‘a. | What aiethe major sustainable development goals Enumerate fow? ~ |tofer]co2 ®. | Define solid waste management, Explain is importane : oy =: OR a ia gs Qt Ta White a note on smazt city concept. Explain the eore elements of spat city [10 [LA [C02 ot infrastructure, ja : G [e Explain the measures taken to conivol air pollutfon, v 10 | Li | coz Module -3 . Q@5 |a.] Define: ~~ : 5 ta] cos i) Resolution and composition of forces. 4) _ Principle of supemosition and principle of vansmissibitty of forces. Fig.Q.5(c) Lof3 State and prove Varignon’s theorem of moments. on Fig.Q6(c). ae “ay Find the resultant magnitude and direction with. respect To point an oe oe Ss ‘ h—— Sr ty” meee ‘s Fig.Q.6(c) ‘ “ adile = 4 Q7 [a Sime Yad prove ae asiuonrem TD 5 S Re c 7 [is cos ey 13 | co4 OR ae Define centroid and polar moment of inertia. Li] Coa eo Li} Coa + 2of3 &- | Cassie tie conoid torihe ghen'@ wah TIGOMED 12743 | Cos p= Gomme iam e ° ee He at O'Fig..8(¢) 7 ave! : ~ S27 Modutle= 5 : Find the moment of Inertia of a cirele along its centroidal axis. (Ixx and] 10] L2 | COS . Ww). . *|e b. for the area shown in Fig.Q.9{b) > 10) 13 [Cos ¢ c ee cy othe FigQ.90) Gy : ORS S expression far moment of incrtia of.a quarter circle with] 10 L3 [cos 5 a! “ b. | Determine the moment of ine (Oth) about horizontal centraidal) 10 | L3 | Cos axis for the shaded urea. Also| [acd the radius of gyration Take Ri = 50mm, and Ra = 20mm, ¢ * Cx CP ee Fig.Q.10(b1 3or3 Hanee

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