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SUBJECT SUBJECT CODE EXAMINER MODERATOR MARKS DURATION Vaal University of Technology Your wortd to-a better future Examination Cover Page FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING AND SPORT B-TECH: MARKETING ADVANCE APPLIED MARKETING BMGTX4C Mr A. Mthimkhulu Dr P.Viljoen 100 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES DAUARWNH . Read all the instructions carefully. . Please answer all the questions. . All questions to be completed in the provided exam answer booklet. . Make sure you hand in all the necessary documentation. . Please write neatly and legibly. ;. Total marks= 100 DO NOT TURN THE PAGE BEFORE PERMISSION HAS BEEN GRANTED Question I 1.1 Briefly discuss why companies are going global. (5) 1.2 Distinguish the following terms:- - The Multinational Phase (2) - The Global Phase (2) ~ The antiglobalization Phase (2) - An Anti-American Phase (2) 1.3 Today, five classes of variables propel companies towards global, viz; Market, Competition, Costs, Technology and Government. Discuss each of these variables in detail and give practical examples. (12) 25 Question 2 2.1 Name and discuss three strategie groups that Porter mentions in Rivalry clement. (9) 2.2 Graham has analysed negotiations in many cultures and identified four sequential stages that characterised information exchange in most business negotiations. Discuss these important stages. (8) 2.3 Distinguish between High Context Culture and Low Context Culture. (6) 23 Question 3 3.1 As an International Marketing Manager of company XYZ, explain to the Top Management all stages of Entry Evaluation Procedure in order to select countries to expand your company into. (12) 3.2 Name and discuss five methods that can be use to forecast the industry sales. (10) 3.3 Explain how you will forecast your company market share. (3) 25 Question 4 4.1 Define the term “Entry Barrier” in global markets. (3) 4.2 Discuss four measurement equivalence issues in cross-national marketing research. (12) 4.3 Define the following terms:- (a) Licensing (2) (b) Franchising (2) (c) Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) (3) (q) Strategic Alliance (SA) (3) (©) Joint Venture (2) 27 TOTAL : 100

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