03 MRK 20 Sep 2022 Tues (V+W_SE+E)

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Ms Suhaila Aminudin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Passcode: marika

✍ 💭 NO Spelling 🔠💡
Word Meaning











Student’s answer/ Teacher’s comment (if necessary)
Exercise 1

1. 😊expound 6. 😊sage
2. 😊seminar 7. 😊disclose
3. 😊enlighten 8. 😊exhibit
4. 😊ingrained 9. 😊clarify
5. 😊misconcepti 10 😊confide

Exercise 2

1. ⭐c - exhibit 6. ⭐b - ingrained
2. ⭐a - seminar 7. ⭐a - confide
3. ⭐d - 8. ⭐d -
expounded misconception

4. ⭐a - 9. ⭐b - disclose

5. ⭐c - clarify 10 ⭐c - sage
Challenge ⭐c - exhibit …

💯Done at 7;32 PM
Student’s answer/ Teacher’s comment (if
necessary) ✔️❌👍👎💯😊☹️⭐
Exercise 3 (Passage)
Exercise 3

1. ingrained - d😊
2. confided - c😊

3. enlighten - a😊

4. sages - b😊

5. clarify - a😊

6. misconception - c 😊

7. exhibited - c😊

8. disclosed - a😊

9. seminars - b😊

10 expounds - d😊

💯Done at 7:37
Exercise 4

1. 👍exhibited
2. 👍seminars
3. sage (sagacity)

4. 👍clarification
5. 👍expound
6. 👍disclosure
7. 👍misconceived
8. 👍enlightenment
9. confidential (confidence)

10 👍ingrain
8/10 Done at 4:42

Exercise 5

1. ⭐c - betrayed
2. ⭐c - read widely
3. ⭐a - explain the truth
4. ⭐c - fear of cats
5. ⭐a - keep a secret
6. ⭐b - with respect
7. ⭐d - original paintings
8. ⭐a - learn
9. ⭐c - long division
10 a - heat oven to 350º
(d- fold eggs in gently)

9/10 Done at 7:49

Essay: Interview Article

I. The goal of an interview article is to engage readers while gaining insight into
the personality and voice of your subject
II. Features of Question-Answer interview
A. A dialogue form
B. Take turn inquiring and replying
C. Ask appropriate non-controversial questions
D. Respond in first pronouns and explain in great length

Instruction: You are being interviewed as the president of the English Language club.
Compose 10 sets of questions consisting of who, what, where, when, why or how and
then, answer each question in around 3 sentences in detail. Talk about the:
Challenges you face
Solutions you unravel
Accomplishments in the past
Hope for the future

1. Please briefly introduce the English Language Club to our viewers. ✔️

Greetings, my name is Marika and I’m the leader of the English Language Club.
✔️ The English Language Club is welcome to everyone from any age range, race
and religion.✔️ In this club, there are roughly about 30 people, however, there is
no limit in the capacity. ✔️You can clarify more about joining this club by
dropping me an email. ✔️

2. What are the challenges you face being the leader of this club?✔️
As you may know, being a leader isn’t easy as you need to pull all of the students
to get them engaging. ✔️This is because of my relationship with the students, or
lack of engagement in education, or either the idea that they have learning
✔️To illustrate, lack of engagement in education is what I see the
most in the English Language Club, as some students seem like they are being
forced to come here by their parents. ✔️

3. How do you solve those problems?✔️

Encountering these problems is not easy either, but what I do to keep their love
of learning is to teach them how fun it is to learn English. ✔️ The activities that I
suggest are usually games, which is not like any other game you will find on the
✔️ I give my club members games that improve their learning, such as
Simon Says; this game helps the students to listen to the teacher well. ✔️

4. Have you ever made any accomplishments in the past?✔️

My club members have recently entered a language competition, and I am

honored to say that they have placed 1st in the English category. There was the
preliminary round and the final round. They went there as a group of 5, and they
competed with many other schools. ✔️
5. How did the accomplishment happen? ✔️
Let’s just say that my way of teaching worked for them, and they managed to
apply that in the competition. Although there were some members who struggled
to understand my explanations, they didn’t give up and they asked me a lot of
questions, so that they would be all clear. I am very impressed with their
character strength how humble and hard-working they are, not just towards me
but also to their peers. ✔️
6. What are your hopes for the future? ✔️
I don’t wish for anything big, but I hope that many people will understand the
beauty of English, and how amazing it is. After all, this language is used all
around the world, and is the language of international communication. I
personally think that if we didn’t have English, we wouldn’t have come this far.
Thank you. ✔️
Student’s answer/ Teacher’s comment ✔️❌👍👎💯😊☹️⭐
✍ 💭Sentence Exercise Homework 🔠💡
(Due 11:59 pm a day before the next lesson)
● Use but/ because /so /and /yet /for in past tense
● Write at least 2 lines.

Exercise 1

1. expound 6. sage

2. seminar 7. disclose

3. enlighten 8. exhibit

4. ingrained 9. clarify

5. misconception 10 confide

Word Sentence

1. expound ✔️ I usually don’t expound at school, but this topic really made me want to say my
feelings out loud.

2. seminar ✔️ I attended a seminar based on science, because I wanted to improve my science


3. enlighten ✔️ The baker enlightened me and my friend that his sales were getting better because
he offered a new recipe that caught a lot of people’s attention.

4. ingrained ✔️ I hope to ingrain my love of ballet to all of my friends so that they will start doing
it as well.

5. misconception ✔️ Many people think that seeds and eggs are not living things but that is a

6. sage ✔️ My family members are all very sage, so I’m hoping to become as wise as them one

7. disclose ✔️ The teacher didn’t disclose the name of the students who got a bad score for the

8. exhibit ✔️ I went to an art exhibit, because I was interested to see all the amazing artwork
that was at the exhibit.
9. clarify ✔️ The paragragraph was a little blunt so I asked my teacher to clarify the sentence
by adding a more detailed explanation to it.

10. confide ✔️ My friend confided me with her fears before the performance as it was her first
ballet show.

Student’s answer/ Teacher’s comment (if necessary) ✔️❌👍👎💯😊☹️⭐

To improve, you should:
- Pair the verb with the right object
- Apply the proper preposition
- ❌me and my friend ✔️my friend and I)
Utilise the accurate phrase (

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