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Greetings, community! Donkeybo100 is here with Chapter 57.

Now, in response to your


—To Guest: In this chapter, Yuya will meet Yusaku in real life.

And now, on with the story!

At Den City’s Central Plaza, early in the morning…

"Where the heck are those two!? How long do they intend to keep us waiting!?"

Ena shouted. Currently, she, Yuji, Kolter and Jin was seated at a small table outside the Cafe Nom
food truck, waiting for Yuya and Zuzu.

"Come on, cut them some slack," Jin said while dipping his fries in ketchup and wolfing them down.
"They’ve had a lot on the plate, you know, dealing with the Arbiters, Roget and the recent
tournament. Plus, Yuya’s not typically a morning person."

"But we informed them about this meeting last night!" Ena complained as she sipped her soda. "The
least Yuya could do is be on time for it!"

"We're not in any hurry," Yuji said as he took a bite from his hot dog. "Besides, they’re going back
home tomorrow."

"That's true, but couldn't we have met a bit later?" Kolter asked while stifling a yawn. "It's five-thirty in
the morning."

"This time when there aren't many people out and about is the best."

The one who had spoken was none other than Zuzu. Behind her was Yuya, with a tired expression
on his face.

"The two main guests have finally arrived," Ena said with an exasperated sigh. "What took you so
long, Yuya?"

"To tell you the truth, Ena, I’m the reason why we’re late," Zuzu said as she rubbed the back of her
head, embarrassed. "I forgot to set my alarm clock last night. Sorry for my terrible memory."

"That’s okay," Ena said. "Everyone makes mistakes. Sorry for accusing you, Yuya."

"It’s okay," Yuya said. "Don’t sweat it."

"So, the reason you called us here…don’t tell me it’s regarding another unknown foe?"

"No," Yuji responded to Zuzu's question. "It's about the SOL Grand Prix last week."

"What about it?" Yuya asked. "You want another chance against the reigning champion? The
reigning champion being me, of course."

"I'd love that, but I'll have my revenge down the line," Yuji said.

"The truth is I was wondering if the two of us could duel, Yuya?" Ena asked.

"Huh? Us duel? But why?"

"After watching your duels with Yuji and Playmaker, I’ve been nothing but pumped up this past week
because of them." Ena pointed at Yuya with her fork. "Ever since I lost to Astro, I’ve doubted my
skills as a duelist. But after defeating Benmaru, Blue Maiden, and nearly winning against Yuji in the
semifinals. I'm curious to see how I would fare against you."

"Interesting…" Yuya remarked, a glint in his eyes. "Truth be told, I also want to test my strength
against yours, Ena. If you want a duel, I'll be happy to oblige. But I have an additional suggestion."

"Oh?" Ena raised his eyebrow. "Let's hear it then."

"After our duel, I want to see Yuji and Zuzu duke things out," Yuya said before turning to the duo.
"You two don't have a problem with that, do you?"

"Not really," Yuji smirked. "I’ve been wanting to test Zuzu’s skills for myself?"

"The same goes for me," Zuzu added. "I’ve been itching to go against Yuji after dueling you and

"Then it’s decided," Yuya said. "So, since that's settled, does anyone have any ideas where we
should do this?"

"Actually…" Kolter said. "I think I have a good place in mind."

Several minutes later…

"The waterfront…" Yuya murmured as he looked around at the warehouses. "How nostalgic. It feels
like a lifetime ago when Zuzu and I arrived here."

"That's why I thought it would be fitting since it's your guys’ starting point," Kolter remarked with a
grin. "Plus, this harbor area is mostly deserted at this time, so no one should bother us."

Meanwhile, Ena and Yuya had taken their positions, facing each other with matching, determined
expressions on their faces.

"How should we do this?" Yuji asked. "Action Duel, or a regular one?"

"Let's go with regular," Ena replied. "Not to be disrespectful, but Cross Over is a dreadfully bland and
boring area to have an Action Duel in."

"No arguments there," Yuya said as he activated his Duel Disk. "Ready?"


Ena said as she also activated her Duel Disk.

"Then, let's do this!"


Ena: 4000 LP

Yuya: 4000 LP

"I'll take the first turn!" Ena declared. I activate the Spell Card: Trade-In! This card lets me discard a
Level 8 monster to draw two cards. I discard Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall."

Ena discarded, drew, then played another card from her hand.
"Next, I activate the Spell Card: Unexpected Dai. This card lets me Special Summon a Level 4 or
lower Normal Monster from my Deck if I control no monsters on my field!" A card popped out of
Ena's Deck. "Appear, Mekk-Knight Avram!"

A young blonde man in gold armor carrying two curved swords emerged on her field.

Mekk-Knight Avram ATK 2000 DEF 0 LVL: 4

"I set two cards," Ena said. "I end my turn."

"My turn!" Yuya announced. "I draw! I—"

"I activate the Trap Card: Mirror Wall!" Ena shouted. "So long as I pay 2000 Life Points during my
Standby Phase, your monsters lose half their attack points when they attack!"

"That was a nasty move Ena made," Zuzu mentioned. "The duel hasn't even started yet, and she's
already limiting Yuya’s moves."

"Even so, I won't be discouraged by that much alone!" Yuya declared. "With Scale 1 Performapal
Gumgumouton and Scale 8 Performapal Skullcrobat Joker, I set the Pendulum Scale!"

Two pillars of light appeared beside Yuya. One held two sheep, one pink and the other green, while
the other contained a monster resembling a clown with black clothing, striped shorts, pointed boots,
a black mask, and blonde hair.

Performapal Gumgumouton Scale: 1

Performapal Skullcrobat Joker Scale: 8

"I'm allowed to Summon monsters from Level 2 to Level 7! Swing far, pendulum! Carve the arc of
victory!" Yuya chanted. "My monsters are ready to swing into action!"

Soon, a portal opened between the two pillars, out of which two lights appeared. The lights hit the
field and then dissipated, revealing two monsters.

"Turn up the heat, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

"And wow the crowd, Performapal Sleight Hand Magician!"

Odd-Eyes and a magician with a large crystal attached to it, wearing performer clothes and holding a

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 2500 DEF 2000 LVL: 7 PS: 4

Performapal Sleight Hand Magician ATK 2500 DEF 2000 LVL: 7

"Alright, it's Odd-Eyes!" Jin cheered. "Go, Yuya!"

"I'm not done yet!" Yuya continued. "I activate Sleight Hand Magician's effect! By discarding a card
from my hand, I can destroy a face-up card on the field. I choose to destroy Mirror Wall!"

Following Yuya's words, Sleight Hand Magician raised its staff and unleashed a bolt of arcane

Ena's eyes narrowed. "I see. You seek to destroy my Continuous Trap Card. With Mirror Wall out of
the way, you can attack freely with your monsters."
"You catch on quick," Yuya said.

"That's because I expected you to do this." Yuya’s widened. "I activate the Trap Card: Card of
Pandora! When you target a card in my Spell & Trap Zone with an effect, that effect is changed to
Card of Pandora instead! So Sleight Hand Magician’s effect destroys Card of Pandora!" The Trap
Card shattered. "Card of Pandora’s effect also lets me draw two cards."

Yuya frowned as Ena drew. "I see. So you were prepared for me to target Mirror Wall. That card only
works if I target a Spell or Trap Card. It wouldn't have worked if I tried to destroy Mekk-Knight

"Indeed, it wouldn't have," Ena agreed. "But Mirror Wall was the more tempting target for you."

Yuya's frown deepened. "I activate the Spell Card: Aurora Draw. Since I have no other cards in my
hand, I can draw two cards. I place a card face-down and end my turn."

"My turn! I draw!" Ena declared. "First, I won’t pay for Mirror Wall."

Following her words, the Continuous Trap Card shattered.

"Since your Set card is in the same column as Sleight Hand Magician, I can Special Summon Mekk-
Knight Blue Sky from my hand to that column!"

An armored warrior wielding two curved swords appeared, summoned in Attack Position.

Mekk-Knight Blue Sky ATK 2000 DEF 2500 LVL: 5

"Blue Sky's effect activates! When this card is summoned from my hand, I can add "Mekk-Knight"
monsters from my Deck to my hand, equal to the number of your cards in Blue Sky's column. You
have two cards, so I'll add Mekk-Knight Black Hole and Yellow Star to my hand." End then took and
played another card from her hand. "I activate the Continuous Spell Card: Senet Switch! Once per
turn, I can move a monster I control to an adjacent Main Monster Zone. I move Blue Sky to the
column to its right. And now I Special Summon Mekk-Knight Yellow Star via its effect!"

A machine with silver and yellow mechanical wings appeared in Attack Position.

Mekk-Knight Yellow Star ATK 2200 DEF 2800 LVL: 7

"And since I control a "Mekk-Knight" monster, I can Special Summon Mekk-Knight Black Hole from
my hand!"

A silver, black glowing armored/mecha-like humanoid with a black lining design, a thin waist and a
bulky chest with a black crystal-like orb swirling like a black hole, wielding round-bladed weapons
with black linings and a torn-up black cape with some white outline appeared in Attack Position.

Mekk-Knight Black Hole ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1

"I activate Yellow Star's effect!" Ena continued. "By banishing a "Mekk-Knight" monster from my
Graveyard, I can destroy a Spell or Trap Card in Yellow Star's column! I banish Purple Nightfall from
my Graveyard to destroy Skullcrbat Joker!"

"Then, I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Pendulum Impenetrable!" Yuya exclaimed. "Through its
effect, cards in my Pendulum Zones can’t be destroyed!"

"In that case, I activate Black Hole's effect!" Ena exclaimed. "By moving Yellow Star to the column to
its left, I can destroy Sleight Hand Magician!"
The orb in Black Hole's chest started to glow before releasing a beam of dark energy, striking Sleight
Hand Magician and destroying it.

"And I don’t plan on stopping there. Appear, the circuit of illumination!"

Ena's hand shot a lightning bolt into the air, creating a Link Portal.

"Link Arrows authorized!" Ena chanted. "The summoning conditions are two monsters, including at
least one "Mekk-Knight" monster. I set Black Hole and Avram in the Link Arrows!"

Said monsters turned into whirlwinds of energy as they entered the bottom-left and bottom-right
arrows, turning them red.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear! Link-2! Mekk-Knight of the Morning Star!"

A large new bipedal machine appeared on Ena's field. It had two electrodes creating a blade of
yellow fire. Morning Star roared from the Left Extra Monster Zone.

Mekk-Knight of the Morning Star ATK 2000 LINK-2 ↘↙

"While summoning a Link Monster is nice and all, it's still not strong enough to take out Odd-Eyes,"
Yuya stated.

"I've got plenty more moves to make, and one of them is activating Morning Star's effect!" Ena
exclaimed. "When it is Link Summoned, by discarding a "Mekk-Knight" monster or "World Legacy"
card, I get to add a "World Legacy card from my Deck to my hand."

She discarded World Legacy's Landmark and added World Legacy Clash to her hand.

Mekk-Knight of Morning Star ATK 2000→2300 LINK-2 ↘

"I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: World Legacy Clash! By banishing my monster until the End
Phase, one of yours loses attack and defense points equal to the banished monster's!"

"What!?" Yuya gasped.

"I banish Morning Star and lower Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's attack and defense points!"

Morning Star disintegrated as Odd-Eyes glowed red.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 2500→500 DEF 2000→0

"Battle! Blue Sky will attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

"I activate Gumgumouton's Pendulum Effect!" Yuya declared. "Odd-Eyes's destruction is negated!
Furthermore, I activate the Trap Card: Damage Diet! All damage I take this turn is halved!"

Blue Sky struck Odd-Eyes with its swords but failed to destroy the dragon. However, a shockwave
struck Yuya, causing him to wince.

Yuya: 4000→3250 LP

"I expected as much," Ena remarked. "Next up is Yellow Star's turn! Take down Odd-Eyes Pendulum

Yellow Star’s wings glowed as they released a wave of energy at Odd-Eyes, destroying it and
sending Yuya skidding backwards due to the ensuing shockwave.
Yuya: 3250→2400 LP

"Yuya’s lost more than a quarter of his Life Points," Yuji remarked. "Ena sure isn’t playing around."

"I will praise you for not losing so easily," Ena said. "However, don't forget that our duel has only just
begun. I place a card face-down and end my turn. And during the End Phase, the effect of World
Legacy Clash activates and Special Summons Morning Star to my field."

The grey bipedal machine with a blade of fire reappeared in Attack Position.

Mekk-Knight of Morning Star ATK 2000 LINK-2 ↘

"It's my turn!" Yuya announced. "I draw! I activate the Spell Card: Foresight Draw. Through its effect,
I guess the type of the top card of my Deck. If I guess correctly, I can draw five cards; otherwise, I
will have to send the five top cards of my Deck to the Graveyard and skip my next Draw Phase. I
guess that my top card is a Monster Card. Now, draw!"

Yuyachecked his top card and revealed it with a smirk on his face.

"It looks like I was correct, so I draw five cards. Next, I activate the effect of Performapal Carnival
Conductor in my hand, destroying Skullcrobat Joker to place it in my Pendulum Zone!"

Skullcrobat Joker disappeared from the column of light on Yuya's left, with a monster clad in a
colorful suit and holding an oversized baton rising to its top in its place.

"Due to Carnival Conductor's Pendulum Effect, when it's placed on the Pendulum Zone by
destroying a "Performapal" monster, I can add its Scale Value to Carnival Conductor's Scale Value.

Performapal Carnival Conductor PS: 2→10

"I can simultaneously summon monsters with Levels 2 through 9. I Pendulum Summon!"

Three beams of light erupted from the portal, solidifying into the forms of monsters upon landing on
Yuya's field.

"Making an encore is Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

"And joining him is Performapal Clay Breaker!"

Odd-Eyes and a monster resembling a giant made of clay cladded in a flashy outfit.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 2500 DEF 2000 LVL: 7 PS: 4

Performapal Clay Breaker ATK 2000 DEF 1000 LVL: 6

"Looks like Yuya’s making a comeback," Kolter commented.

"Next, I will Tribute Clay Breaker to Tribute Summon a certain monster from my hand through its
effect." Yuya continued. "Rise and take the flight to the whole new stage of evolution! Come forth!
Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon!"

An imposing red-colored dragon resembling Odd-Eyes Dragon, only with wings protruding from its
back, an elongated and thicker tail along with elongated horns and tusks, and longer limbs appeared
on Yuya's field.

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon ATK 3000 DEF 2500 LVL: 8

"Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon's effect activates! If this card was Advance Summoned successfully, I
can destroy a monster on my opponent's field and inflict damage to them equal to its original attack
points. I will destroy Mekk-Knight Yellow Star! Compulsion Force!"

Advance Dragon's wings shone as a rain of energy erupted from them, piercing through Yellow Star
and destroying it.

"Not so fast! I activate the Trap Card: I activate the Trap Card: Life Regeneration!" Ena exclaimed.
"When an effect that would deal me effect damage is activated, I gain Life Points equal to that
damage instead!"

"What?" Yuya gasped

Following her words, Yellow Star's body exploded, its remains turning into a dark haze that
enveloped Ena's body as she glowed.

Ena: 4000→6200 LP

"Since you control a Special Summoned monster, I can Special Summon this monster from my
hand. Come, Performapal Radish Horse!"

A bright red horse with radish leaves for a mane and tail appeared in Defense Position.

Performapal Radish Horse ATK 500 DEF 2000 LVL: 4 PS: 3

"I activate Radish Horse's effect! I can target a monster I control and a monster you control. My
monster then gains attack points equal to Radish Horse's while your monster loses the same amount
of attack points!" Ena gasped. "I target Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Mekk-Knight Blue Sky!"

Radish Horse's horn popped off and struck Blue Sky, siphoning its strength.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 2500→3000

Mekk-Knight Blue Sky ATK 2000→1500

Yuya smiled. "Let's get the show underway! Battle! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon attacks Blue Sky!
Spiral Flame Strike!"

The dragon blasted the armored warrior with red fire.

"Odd-Eyes' effect activates! When it battles a Level 5 or higher monster! Reaction Force!"

The stream of flames increased in power as it destroyed Blue Sky and sent Ena skidding backwards.

Ena: 6200→3200 LP

"Next up, Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon attacks Morning Star! Advance Spiral Inferno!"

A wave of crimson-colored flames erupted from the dragon's maw, striking Morning Star head-on
and obliterating it, making Ena wince in pain.

Ena: 3200→2200 LP

"Awesome!" Zuzu cheered. "Yuya destroyed all her monsters and took the lead from her!"
"Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon's second effect activates!" Yuya declared. "Once per turn, when it
destroys an opponent's monster by battle, I can Special Summon a Level 5 or higher monster from
my Graveyard in Defense Position. Revive, Performapal Clay Breaker!"

A portal appeared on Yuya's field, with Clay Breaker emerging from it.

Performapal Clay Breaker ATK 2000 DEF 1000 LVL: 6

"That's as far as I can go for now," Yuya remarked. "I place a card face-down and end my turn.
During the End Phase, Radish Horse's effects end, and Odd-Eyes' attack points return to normal."

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 3000→2500

"It's my turn!" Ena announced. "I draw! I activate the Spell Card: Graceful Charity! It allows me to
draw three cards at the cost of discarding two."

She drew three cards, then discarded Card of Compensation and Mekk-Knight Green Horizon.

"Card of Compensation's effect activates! I get to draw two cards as I sent it from my hand to the
Graveyard." Ena drew her cards, then said, "I activate the Spell Card: Pot of Greed to draw two
more cards. And since your Set card is in the same column as Senet Switch and Odd-Eyes Advance
Dragon, I can Special Summon Mekk-Knight Red Moon to that column!"

A red and silver machine carrying a large ax appeared in Attack Position.

Mekk-Knight Red Moon ATK 2300 DEF 2600 LVL: 7

"I activate Red Moon's effect!" Ena continued. "By banishing a "Mekk-Knight" monster from my
Graveyard, I can destroy a face-up monster in Red Moon's column! I banish Green Horizon from my
Graveyard to destroy Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon!"

Red Moon's ax glowed before it drove it into the ground, creating and releasing a blast of energy that
struck Advance Dragon, destroying it.

"Next, I activate the effect of Senet Switch! I move Red Moon to the column to its right. Then, I
Special Summon another copy of Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall to the column Red Moon previously

A mechanical warrior carrying a spear and wearing a purple cape appeared in Attack Position.

Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall ATK 2500 DEF 2000 LVL: 8

"I activate the effect of Senet Switch! I move Red Moon to the column to its right. Next, I activate the
Spell Card: Mekk-Knight Revival! This card lets me add one "Mekk-Knight" or "World Legacy" card
from my Deck to my hand. I add Mekk-Knight Vermillion Flare to my hand. And since at least two
cards were in the same column when I activated this card, I can set a "Mekk-Knight" or "World
Legacy" card face-down from your Deck. I set World Legacy Backup from my Deck!"

A Set card appeared on Ena’s field.

"She's pulling off move after move," Jin noted. "She's taking this duel seriously."
"I activate the effect of Mekk-Knight Vermillion Flare from my hand! Since there are two or more
cards in the same column, I can Special Summon this card to that same column!"

Soon, a silver and vermillion-colored machine with swirls of flames bursting from its head and a cape
coated in flames appeared in Attack Position. It wielded an energy-coated Warhammer.

Mekk-Knight Vermillion Flare ATK 2900 DEF 2400 LVL: 10

Ena gestured to her field. "Vermillion Flare's effect activates! When summoned successfully, for
every other card in the same column as Vermillion Flare, you take 1000 points of damage. There are
two cards in its column, so you take 2000 points of damage!"

Vermillion shot a wave of flames from its hammer upon hearing its master's command. In response,
Yuya took a card from his hand.

"When I about to take effect damage, I can send Performapal Rain Goat from my hand to negate
that damage!"

A silhouette of a monster shaped like a goat with a blue raincoat covering all of its body, plus it was
wearing a top hat and a polka-dotted bowtie. The monster used its coat to shield Yuya from the

"Then how about this!?" Ena exclaimed. Battle!" Vermillion Flare, attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum

"It won't be so easy!" Yuya shouted. "I activate the Trap Card: Wall of Disruption! "This card-!"

"Will do nothing!" Ena finished for him, causing Yuya to gasp.

"I activate the Counter Trap Card: Mekk-Knight Justice from my hand! I can activate this card from
my hand when I control two or more "Mekk-Knight" monsters with different names. Through its
effect, whenever you activate the effect of a Spell or Trap Card while I control a "Mekk-Knight"
monster, I can negate that card's activation and destroy it!"

Following Ena's words, her Trap Card released a golden beam at Yuya’s Trap Card, destroying it.

"Without your Trap Card, Vermillion Flare's attack resumes!"

Vermillion charged and slammed Odd-Eyes with its hammer, causing Yuya to wince due to the
ensuing shockwave.

Yuya: 2400→2000 LP

"The Battle Phase is not over! Red Moon attacks Radish Horse!"

Red Moon raised its ax before bringing it down, bisecting Yuya’s monster.

"Don't forget I still have one attack left," Ena reminded him. "Go, Purple Nightfall! Attack Perfomapal
Clay Breaker!"

Her monster charged Clay Breaker and jabbed its spear in its chest, destroying it.

Ena gestured to her field. "I activate Purple Nightfall's effect! Once per turn, during either of our
turns, I can banish a "Mekk-Knight" monster until my next Standby Phase and add a new "Mekk-
Knight" monster from my Deck to my hand. I banish Red Moon to add Mekk-Knight Marigold Shine
to my hand." Said monster disintegrated as Ena took the card from her Deck."Shame I couldn't make
the final push here to claim victory. Oh well, I get to see more of your interesting tactics. I end my

"It's my turn!" Yuya announced. "I draw! I activate the Spell Card: Performance Reboot! Thanks to it,
I can draw five cards from my Deck since I control no monsters, and my opponent does while I have
at least one "Performapal" monster in my Graveyard!" He drew, smirked, then said, "I activate the
Quick-Play Spell Card: Super Hippo Carnival! Through its effect, I will Special Summon Performpal
Hip Hippo from my Deck!"

A pink hippo dressed in a suit appeared on the field.

Performapal Hip Hippo ATK 800 DEF 800 LVL: 3

"When this card is summoned, the remainder of my field is filled with Hippo Tokens!" Yuya
continued. "Now, come and show us your captivating dance, Hippos!"

Four hippos dressed like samba dancers appeared on the field, beginning a dance alongside
Discover Hippo.

Hippo Token: ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL 1 x 4

"Then, I activate the Spell Card: Pendulum Rising! By sending Performapal Hip Hippo to the
Graveyard, I can Special Summon a Pendulum Monster from my Deck with the same Level. I send
the Level 3 Hip Hippo to the Graveyard to Special Summon the Level 3 Performapal Momentum

A serpentine body surrounded by several rainbow-colored energy rings appeared in Attack Position.

Performapal Momentum Draco ATK 1300 DEF 800 LVL: 3 PS: 4

Ena narrowed her eyes. "That monster’s a Tuner…."

"I tune the four Level 1 Hippo Tokens with the Level 3 Momentum Draco!"

A bolt of green lightning struck Yuya as the world turned to gray. A wave of energy swept across his
field and disintegrated Momentum and the four Hippo Tokens turning them into blue particles. Those
particles turned into five circles – one green and four yellow stacked above each other. The circles
turned blue and then merged. Numerous blue-green rectangles appeared and formed a circle, while
seven blue rings formed in the middle and arranged themselves in a tower. A screen appeared
above the tower and showed the numbers "3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1" before shifting to "7". A beam of light
shot through the rings.

"Performers of the world! A new star is born as a new power is merged in the form of rock n' roll! I
Synchro Summon! Appear! Level 7! Performapal Action Rockstar!"

A demonic monster wearing a purple rockstar outfit and star-themed sunglasses had a guitar on its
back and some jewelry hanging around its neck.

Performapal Action Rockstar ATK 2400 DEF 2300 LVL: 7

"Synchro Summoning… should’ve known Yuya would pull something like that sooner or later," Kolter
commented, his eyes narrowed.
Yuya smirked as he pointed at Rockstar, "I activate Action Rockstar's effect!" Action Rockstar then
brought out his guitar and then played music. "When Rockstar is Synchro Summoned, I can destroy
Spell and Trap Cards on the field equal to the number of non-Tuner monsters I used to Synchro
Summon this card! I destroy Senet Switch and your Set card. Soundwave Performance!"

Rockstar turned up his music and strung his guitar, producing a soundwave that headed straight
toward Ena’s field.

"Before it’s destroyed, I’ll activate the Trap Card: World Legacy Backup!" Ena shouted. "It lets me
Special Summon a "Mekk-Knight" monster from my Deck! Aid me, Mekk-Knight Orange Sunset!"

A silver, black, and orange warrior with two shields appeared on End's field in Defense Position as
Ena’s Spell and Trap Cards shattered.

Mekk-Knight Orange Sunset ATK 800 DEF 3000 LVL: 6

"Next up, I’ll use my Pendulum Scale to Pendulum Summon!"

A portal appeared above Yuya as three beams of light emerged from it.

"Work your magic, Chimeric Magician!"

"Go green, Performapal Radish Horse!"

"And turn up the heat once more, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

Emerging from the portal were Odd-Eyes and Radish Horse alongside a magician dressed in plain
brown robes, but that's where every sense of normalcy stopped, as its body was primarily colored
blue with several scales here and there. Two large horns could be seen sprouting from its head,
while a single wing sprouted from its left side, and several spider legs emerged from its right side.

Chimeric Magician ATK 1300 DEF 1100 LVL: 3 PS: 5

Performapal Radish Horse ATK 500 DEF 2000 LVL: 4 PS: 3

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 2500 DEF 2000 LVL: 7 PS: 4

"Since I successfully summoned Chimeric Magician, its effect lets me add Polymerization or a
"Fusion" Spell Card from my Deck to my hand. I add Polymerization to my hand!"

"Polymerization? You plan on Fusion Summoning next, aren't you?" Ena asked.

"Correct," Yuya answered. "But lucky for you, you don’t have to wait. I activate the Spell Card:
Polymerization to fuse Chimeric Magician and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

Odd-Eyes and Chimeric Magician broke apart into red and blue particles, respectively. Said particles
swirled together into a vortex before spiraling upwards as streams of energy. The streams
converged, creating a whirlwind of purple energy as Yuya chanted.

A dragon similar to Odd-Eyes appeared in Attack Position. It had a small, golden ring around its
head and jaw while having a larger one on its back. Its right eye had an eyepatch with a rune on it,
and its neck also had some yellow armor around it.

Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 3000 DEF 2000 LVL: 8

"Nice!" Zuzu cheered. "Looks like it’s Yuya’s turn to fight back!"

Ena's eyes widened as she realized Yuya's plan. "I activate Radish Horse's effect! I’ll have Vermillion
lose 500 attack points and have Rune-Eyes gain the same amount!"

Radish Horse's horn popped off and struck Vermillion Flare, making the monster groan.

Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 3000→3500

Mekk-Knight Vermillion Flare ATK 2900→2400

"Battle!" Yuya exclaimed. "Since I used a Level 4 or below monster to Fusion Summon Rune-Eyes, it
can attack twice! Go, Rune-Eyes! Attack Mekk-Knight Vermillion Flare and Purple Nightfall! Double
Spiral Sky Shot!"

The large ring on Rune-Eyes’ back became locked in three orbs of light, creating a triangle of
electrostatic energy. The dragon then fired two beams of blue energy, destroying both monsters.
The force of the attacks sent Ena tumbling backwards.

Storm Rider: 2200→100 LP

"Geez, Ena is getting pulverized out there," Jin commented. "Don't recall her having that much
trouble often."

"Yuya’s playing it smart, trying to exhaust her as much as he can to gain the advantage over Ena,"
Yuji remarked. "However, I don't think Ena hasn't accounted for that. And low Life Points haven't
stopped her before."

"We'll see about that." Yuji," Kolter said. "Yuya still might have some other nasty surprises in store."

"I end my turn with a face-down," Yuya concluded. "During the End Phase, Rune-Eyes’ attack points
return to normal."

Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 3500→3000

"Not only that. World Legacy Backup’s second effect resolves and banishes Orange Sunset," Ena
added as Orange Sunset disintegrated.

"Now then, what will be your next move, Ena?" Yuya asked.

"I'm thinking of spicing things up a bit with something extra." Ena smiled. "It's my turn! I draw!" Ena
looked at her card, then gestured to her field. "As it is my Standby Phase, the effect of Purple
Nightfall activates, and I Special Summon Red Moon!"

Said monster reappeared on Ena’s Field in Attack Position.

Mekk-Knight Red Moon ATK 2300 DEF 2600 LVL: 7

"Then, I activate the effect of Mekk-Knight Marigold Shine from my hand! Since there are two or
more cards in the same column, I can Special Summon this card to that same column!"

Soon, a silver, marigold-colored machine with a feminine body appeared in Attack Position. It had
sharp shoulders and a long marigold energy-like ribbon on top of its head, resembling a ponytail. It
wielded a rapier-like weapon with a flower-like guard.
Mekk-Knight Marigold Shine ATK 2300 DEF 2000 LVL: 6

"Marigold Shine's second effect!" Ena continued. "When this card is summoned, I gain 500 Life
Points for every card in its column. Senet Switch and Action Rockstar are in its column, so I gain
1000 Life Points!"

Sanctum: 100→1100 LP

"I activate the Spell Card: Card of Burial Magic! It lets me draw two cards by banishing three Spell
Cards from my Graveyard! I banish Graceful Charity, Pot of Greed, and Card of Compensation!" She
proceeded to draw two more cards. "Next, I activate the Spell Card: Stop Defense! It lets change a
Defense Position monster to Attack Position. I change Radish Horse to Attack Position!"

Yuji narrowed his eyes. "Radish Horse has 500 attack points. Ena's aiming for a one-turn kill?"

"She doesn't waste time," Zuzu commented. Then she smirked. "A good thing her opponent is

"I activate Red Moon's effect to banish Blue Sky and destroy Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

Red Moon's ax glowed as it released a blast of energy, destroying Rune-Eyes.

"I activate the Continuous Spell Card: Solidarity!" Ena continued. "So long as I have one original
Type of monster in my Graveyard, all my monsters with the same Type gain 800 attack points. The
only monsters in my Graveyard are Psychic monsters, so all my Psychic monsters gain 800 attack

Mekk-Knight Red Moon ATK 2300→3100

Mekk-Knight Marigold Shine ATK 2300→3100

"Now, let's battle! Mekk-Knight Red Moon, attack Performapal Radish Horse!"

"I activate Carnival Conductor's Pendulum Effect!" Yuya exclaimed. "Once while this card is on the
field when a monster I control is destroyed by battle, the battle damage is halved, and I receive no
further damage for this turn! In exchange, my Pendulum Monster is sent to the Graveyard!"

Red Moon and bifurcated Radish Horse with a swift slash. The ensuing shockwave sent Yuya
tumbling backwards, with the young duelist letting a pained groan when he finally came to a stop.

Yuya: 2000→700 LP

"This isn't good," Yuji remarked. "Unless Yuya evades Ena's next attack, this match is finished."

"I see you survived this, but let's see if you can survive this next attack," Ena remarked. "Go,
Marigold Shine! Attack Performapal Action Rockstar and finish Yuya off!"

"Sorry, Ena, but I don’t plan on losing today," Yuya said with a smile. "I activate the Trap Card: Half
Performance! Thanks to it, it halves the damage I take from your attack!"

Marigold Shine struck Rockstar with its sword, destroying it and making an explosion that caused
Yuya to wince in pain.

Yuya: 700→350 LP
"Half Performance has another effect," Yuya continued. "I can Special Summon a "Performapal"
monster from my Deck with attack points equal to or less than the damage I just took." He took a
card from his Deck and showed it, "I Special Summon Performapal Le Bellman!"

A monster with an oversized bell on its head appeared on Yuya’s field in Defense Position.

Performapal Le Bellman ATK 100 DEF 2600 LVL: 6 PS: 1

"I place a card face-down and end my turn with this," Ena said, then sighed. "I must admit, you're
one tenacious opponent, Yuya. You always managed to slip through when I think I've got you. You
sure one of the toughest opponents I've ever faced."

"You're pretty skilled yourself, Ena." Yuya smiled. "However, enough pleasantries. It's time for me to
take the lead once again. It's my turn! I draw! First, I will Pendulum Summon once again!"

"Turn up the heat, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

"If you can't solve it, dissolve it, Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver!"

Odd-Eyes and a monster clad in grey armor with blue flames coming out of its head holding a staff
with three concentric rings on its tip appeared on Yuya’s field.

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 2500 DEF 2000 LVL: 7 PS: 4

Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver ATK 2000 DEF 2600 LVL: 8 PS: 4

"I activate Odd-Eyes Dissolver's effect, fusing it and Odd-Eyes!"

The two monsters turned blue and red particles, swirling into a vortex. Two colored tornados shot
upward before merging into a violet twister.

"Dichromatic eyes that illuminate the night! Become one with the dragon swinging across space-time
and awaken a new life! I Fusion Summon! Emerge now! Elusive dragon traversing the vast ocean,
Serene-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

The dragon with dual-colored eyes clad in light blue-colored armor, which had fins protruding from its
body and an oversized tail resembling a fish extending from its back, appeared on Yuya’s field.

Serene-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 3100 DEF 2600 LVL: 9 PS: 7

"Serene-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's effect activates!" Yuya declared. "When this card is Special
Summoned successfully, I gain Life Points equal to the combined Level of all monsters my opponent
controls multiplied by 300. Since that sum is 13, I gain 3900 Life Points. Sacred Water!"

Serene-Eyes' body shone as a drizzle fell from the sky, enveloping Yuya in a light blue aura upon
coming into contact with his body.

Yuya: 350→4250 LP

"Good going." Zuzu praised Yuya. "With this, he's managed to recover his Life Points by a great
amount. However, his monster's attack points aren’t high enough to destroy either of Ena’s

"Moving on, I activate Serene-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's second effect!" Yuya continued. "Once per
turn, if my Life Points are higher than this card's attack points, I can destroy an opponent's monster
whose original attack points are equal to or lower than my Life Points. However, no other monsters I
control can attack this turn. My Life Points are 4250, so I will Mekk-Knight Red Moon. Cleansing

Serene-Eyes let out a resonant howl that caused Red Moon to break into particles and scatter in the

"However, my monster's effect doesn't end here." Yuya grinned. "Thanks to it, monsters you control
lose attack points equal to half the destroyed monster's attack points and Serene-Eyes’ attack points
increase by that same amount!"

Mekk-Knight Marigold Shine ATK 3100→1550

Serene-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 3100→4650

"Now, let's battle! Serene-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, attack Marigold Shine! Gigant Arctic Burst!"

"I activate the Trap Card: Enchanted Javelin!" Ena exclaimed. "Since your monster declared an
attack, I gain Life Points equal to its attack points!"

Ena: 1100→5750 LP

A massive ice crystal was launched out of Serene-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's maw, piercing through
Marigold Shine and destroying it. The ensuing shockwave sent Ena tumbling back.

Ena: 5750→2650 LP

Yuya played a card from his hand. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Mystical Space Typhoon
and use it to destroy Solidarity!"

Ena frowned as her card shattered.

"I place two cards face-down and end my turn," Yuya said. "At this moment, Serene-Eyes’ effect
ends, returning its attack points to normal."

Serene-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 4650→3100

"My turn!" Ena announced. "I draw! First, I activate the Spell Card: Roll of Fate! This card lets me roll
a six-sided die and draw cards equal to the result. Afterward, I must banish cards from the top of my
Deck equal to that same result. Go, Dice Roll!"

A dice flew out of Roll of Fate and landed on the ground. After it stopped rolling, it eventually
stopped at a six.

"Oh yeah! A six! That means I can draw six cards!"

Ena drew six cards, then took the top six cards of her Deck and removed them from play.

"Next, I activate the Continuous Spell Card: World Legacy Key! This card lets me add one banished
"Mekk-Knight" monster or "World Legacy" card to my hand. I return the banished Blue Sky to my
hand, which I’ll summon using its effect!"

Mekk-Knight Blue Sky ATK 2000 DEF 2500 LVL: 5

"Blue Sky's effect activates! When this card is Summoned from my hand, I can add "Mekk-Knight"
monsters from my Deck to my hand, equal to the number of your cards in Blue Sky's column. You
have two, so I'll add Mekk-Knight Aquamarine Tidal and Mekk-Knight Emerald Jay to my hand." Ena
took the cards and added them to her hand. "Now I Special Summon Mekk-Knight Aquamarine Tidal
via its effect!"

An aquamarine and silver machine brandishing a trident of the same color appeared in Attack

Mekk-Knight Aquamarine Tidal ATK 3100 DEF 2700 LVL: 10

"Aquamarine Tidal's effect activates!" Ena continued. "As long as this card is on the field, all your
monsters lose 1000 attack points!"

"What!?" Yuya gasped as his monsters became weaker.

Serene-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 3100→2100

Performapal Le Bellman ATK 100→0

"I activate the effect of Mekk-Knight Emerald Jay from my hand!" Ena exclaimed. "Since I control a
"Mekk-Knight" monster, I can Special Summon this card!"

A thin armored mechanical humanoid with bright emerald glowing lines and gem-like parts across its
armor figure appeared in Attack Position. It had two winged heads, wielded a pair of thin dagger-like
blades, and wore a split-half emerald-colored cape.

Mekk-Knight Emerald Jay ATK 800 DEF 600 LVL: 2

Yuya narrowed his eyes. "A Tuner…."

"I activate Emerald Jay's second effect!" Ena continued. "Through it, I can target up to two "Mekk-
Knight" monsters on my field and either increase or decrease their Levels by 1. I target Blue Sky and
increase its Level!"

Mekk-Knight Blue Sky LVL: 5→6

Everyone watching blinked and gasped. "A Level 6 and Level 2 monster?" Zuzu said in surprise.

"That means-." Jin started.

Kolter smirked. "So she's bringing that out."

"Level 2 Mekk-Knight Emerald Jay tunes Level 6 Mekk-Knight Blue Sky!"

A bolt of green lightning struck Ena. Two rings appeared before turning blue and merging. Eight blue
rings stacked in a tower appeared, a screen displaying "5 + 3" in front of them. The screen changed
to "8" as light surged through the rings.

"Shine, knight of the bright star of life!" Ena chanted. "Let your righteous steel body destroy those
who will disturb the peace across the cosmos with your blade of reflecting light! I Synchro Summon!
Appear, Level 8! Mekk-Knight Prism Sun!"

The light and the rings faded to reveal a golden and silver armored mechanical humanoid with bright
prism rainbow-colored glowing lines across its armor figure. It had a prismatic-shaped head with
halo-like wings and wielded a rainbow-colored, golden battle ax with a gem in its center. It wore a
white cape with a rainbow-colored aura as it appeared in Attack Position.

Mekk-Knight Prism Sun ATK 3000 DEF 3000 LVL: 8

"The Synchro Summoned Prism Sun's effect! Since it was Synchro Summoned to a Monster Zone
with two more cards in its column, it's unaffected by your card effects!"

"That means it'll be tougher to get rid of it," Yuji noted.

"If you think I'm done, I'm not," Ena said, drawing Yuya's attention. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell
Card: Spell Shattering Arrow! This card destroys all face-up Spell Cards on your field and deals 500
points of damage for each one!"

Two bright red arrows shot from the Spell and pierced through Carnival Conductor and
Gumgumutton, shattering them into pixels all over Yuya as he winced in pain.

Yuya: 4250→3250 LP

"And now I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Offerings to the Doomed!" Ena declared, which made
Yuya's eyes widen. "At the cost of skipping my next Draw Phase, I can destroy one monster on the
field! Say goodbye to Le Bellman!"

A purple portal appeared beneath the Performapal, out of which bandages came and wrapped
themselves around Le Bellman. They pulled Yuya's monster down and destroyed it.

"Now, let's battle! Aquamarine Tidal, attack Serene-Eyes!"

Tidal raised its trident as it dashed forward, thrusting it into Serene-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's torso,
destroying it, with Yuya letting out a cry of pain due to the ensuing shockwave.

Yuya: 3250→2250 LP

"Time to settle this, Yuya!" Ena exclaimed. "Mekk-Knight Prism Sun, attack Yuya directly! Sun Blade

"No, it's not over yet!" Yuya spoke with a wide smile. "Feast your eyes upon this!"

Yuya snapped his fingers. Immediately afterward, a face-down card appeared on his field out of thin

"That's…a Spell or Trap Card?" Jin wondered. "How's this possible? Yuya didn’t set one last turn."

"Oh my, what's this?" Yuya spoke with an astonished expression. "Let's take a peek and see if this
unexpected present will help me escape this bind. Ready? One, two, three, go!"

Yuya's Set Card opened, revealing its contents for all to see.

"Jackpot!" Yuya cheered. "It's the Continuous Trap Card: Performapal Pinch Helper! Through its
effect, when I'm about to receive a direct attack, I can negate that attack!"

Prism Sun’s attack was blocked by an invisible force that prevented it from attacking Yuya before
returning to Ena’s side.
"And then, I get to Special Summon a "Performapal" monster with 800 attack points or less from my
Deck with its effects negated. Come, Performapal Whim Witch!"

A child-like humanoid cat monster holding a small staff appeared on Yuya's field.

Performapal Whim Witch ATK 800→0 DEF 800 LVL: 3 PS: 4

"How is that possible?" Ena frowned. "I don’t remember you setting that card."

"That's thanks to the effect of Carnival Conductor," Yuya smirked. "When this card leaves the field, I
can place a Spell or Trap Card from my Deck, Graveyard or banish zone to my field during the turn it
left the field. Furthermore, since the set card was activated this turn, I can Special Summon a
"Performapal" monster from my Deck. Come, Performapal Star Juggler in Defense Position!"

A portal appeared on Yuya's field, with a monster balancing on a ball while juggling several spheres
with stars emerging from it in Attack Position.

Performapal Star Juggler ATK 1000→0 DEF 1400 LVL: 4

"Well played, but your tricks can't save you forever," Ena said. "I place two cards face-down and end
my turn."

"My turn!" Yuya announced. "I draw! First, I summon Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet!"

A male humanoid with upward purple hair resembling a bun with red-green dual-colored eyes
appeared in Attack Position. He wore a black, golden yellow button coat and purple under vest with
an undershirt and tie.

Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet ATK 100→0 DEF 200 LVL: 1 PS: 8

"Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet’s effect activates!" Yuya continued. "When it’s summoned, I can send
a "Performapal" or "Odd-Eyes" monster from my Deck to my Graveyard to have this card’s Level
become the same as the sent monster. I send Odd-Eyes Saber Dragon from my Deck to the
Graveyard to make Valet’s Level become 7!"

Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet LVL: 1→7

"Next, I activate Star Juggler's effect, which allows me to target one monster on the field and make
the Levels of all monsters my opponent controls equal to that monster's Level until the End Phase,"
Yuya announced. "I choose Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet, making the Levels of all monsters you
control 7. Moreover, the affected monsters cannot activate their effects for this turn."

Mekk-Knight Prism Sun LVL: 8→7

Mekk-Knight Aquamarine Tidal LVL: 10→7

"Finally, since I control a "Performapal" monster, I can Special Summon Card Canard from my

Flapping a set of six card wings, a yellow bird wearing a pair of glasses and a top hat appeared
alongside Star Juggler.

Performapal Card Canard ATK 800→0 DEF 1600 LVL: 4 PS: 3

Zuzu narrowed her eyes at Yuya's monsters. "Those monsters-!"

"Juggler and Canard are both Level 4," Yuji finished, with his eyes widened.

"I overlay Level 4 Star Juggler and Card Canard!" Yuya declared, swinging his Duel Disk around and
sending a bolt of blue lightning to the sky behind him. It struck, creating the Xyz cross.

"With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network!"

Juggler and Canard disintegrated into data bits and entered the dots. The ends of the cross lit up
and fired beams, creating a miniature galaxy. The galaxy exploded with energy as a monster formed
within it.

"Dragon with the dichromatic eyes! Erase everything before you with the relentless flames of chaos
and tear the proud apart with your fearsome claws! I Xyz Summon! Appear, Rank 4! Odd-Eyes
Extremis Dragon!"

A dragon with dual-colored eyes resembling Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, which had orange skin,
wings somewhat reminiscent of Dark Rebellion's and flames being discharged from various parts of
its body, appeared on Yuya’'s field.

Odd-Eyes Extremis Dragon ATK 2500→1500 DEF 2000 RNK: 4 OU: 2

"I activate the Spell Card: Release Change!" Yuya continued. "By Tributing Odd-Eyes Valet, I can
Special Summon a monster with the same Level from my Deck. Appear, Dragoncaller Magician!"

Following Yuya’s words, Valet disintegrated as a male magician wearing dark blue and red scaled-
like magician robes appeared in Attack Position. He also wore a sharp dragon-like magician's hat
with a red, dragon-like eye gem and wielded a brown staff shaped like a dragon.

Dragoncaller Magician ATK 2400→1400 DEF 1000 LVL: 7 PS: 2

Yuya gestured to his field. "I activate Dragoncaller Magician's effect to change it from a Spellcaster
to a Dragon!"

Dragoncaller Magician's hat glowed for a moment before releasing a stream of yellow magical
energy from its staff and took the shape of a dragon before entering its body.

"Why would he change his monster's Type?" Yuji wondered.

"I activate the Spell Card: Phantom Knights Possession! It grants Extremis Dragon a Level equal to
Dragoncaller Magician's Level of 7!"

Odd-Eyes Extremis Dragon RNK: 4→LVL: 7

Zuzu's eyes widened. "Uh oh."

Ena's eyes narrowed. "Two Level 7 monsters…."

Yuya smirked. "I overlay Level 7 Dragoncaller Magician and Odd-Eyes Extremis Dragon!"

Yuya brought his hands together in front of him as his Duel Disk glowed. He then swung his arm
back, releasing a bolt of purple lightning. The bolt created a giant blue "X" with four red dots on the
"With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network!"

Dragoncaller Magician and Extremis Dragon broke apart and entered the dots. The ends of the
cross lit up and fired beams, creating a miniature galaxy. The galaxy exploded with energy as a new
monster formed within.

"Dragon with blazing, raging eyes! Come and conquer all that stands against you! I Xyz Summon!
Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon!"

The dragon that emerged from the depths of the galaxy portal had red and green heterochromia
eyes, purple scales, red glowing lines, and a long purple tail. Its backbone wings are bulky, shaped
like a ball covering the front and back, followed by two larger wing plates. Upon appearing on the
field, it let loose a mighty roar and a massive wind.

Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon ATK 3000→2000 DEF 2500 RNK: 7 PS: 4 OU: 2

"Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon…" Kolter muttered. "Ena might be in serious trouble now."

"At this moment, Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon's effect activates!" Yuya declared. "When this card is
Xyz Summoned by using an Xyz Monster treated as a Level 7 monster as material, I can destroy all
Level 7 or lower monsters you control and inflict damage equal to the sum of their attack points!
Overlord Howling!"

Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon let out a resounding howl as two black lightning bolts descended from
the sky, destroying Prism Sun and Aquamarine Tidal before heading straight for Ena.

"I don't think so!" Ena said. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Mystik Wok! Through its effect, I
Tribute Aquamarine Tidal to gain Life Points equal to its attack points."

Purple Nightfall burst into particles as they showered Ena.

Ena: 2650→5750 LP

"You might’ve reduced the damage, but you’ll still lose your monster!" Yuya pointed out.

The lightning bolt struck Prism Sun, destroying it and creating a shockwave that sent Ena tumbling.

Ena: 5750→2750 LP

"And since Aquamarine Tidal left your field, my monsters gain 1000 attack points."

Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon ATK 2000→3000

Performapal Whim Witch ATK 0→800

"Battle!" Yuya exclaimed. "Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon, attack Ena directly!"

"I activate my Trap Card: Ground Capture!" Ena abruptly stated. "Since your monster declared an
attack, the battle damage is halved!"

Soon, a giant stone hand erupted from the ground and temporarily stopped Rebellion Dragon's
attack. Unfortunately, it broke through and struck Ena, sending her skidding backwards.
Ena: 2750→1250 LP

"Then, since I took 1000 or more points of damage from your attack, I can draw a card!"

"In that case, I place a card face-down and end my turn," Yuya concluded.

"Then, it's my turn!" Ena announced. "Due to Offerings to the Doomed, I'm forced to skip my Draw
Phase. But that's okay because I activate the Spell Card: Spellbook Inside the Pot, whose effect lets
us draw three cards. Next, I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card World Legacy's Memory! This card
lets me Special Summon a "Mekk-Knight" monster from my hand or Deck in Defense Position. From
my Deck, I Special Summon another Mekk-Knight Orange Sunset!"

Mekk-Knight Orange Sunset ATK 800 DEF 3000 LVL: 6

Ena gestured to the sky as his hand glowed blue. "Appear! The circuit of illumination!" The Link
Portal appeared above her. "Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two or more
"Mekk-Knight" monsters. But if a Psychic monster I control would be used as a Link Material for a
"Mekk-Knight" monster, I can use Mekk-Knight Chartreuse Vent and Mekk-Knight Sepia Core in my
hand as Link Materials!"

A light gray, chartreuse-colored glowing armored machine with a small feminine body wearing a
wing-like cape wielding a bow-like weapon with sharp bladed ends and a light gray, sepia-colored
glowing armored machine with a bulky male-like body wearing a cape of the same color wielding
bladed wrist gauntlets appeared on Ena's field.

"I set Sepia Core, Chartreuse Vent, and Orange Sunset in the Arrows!"

Her three monsters entered the bottom-left, bottom, and bottom-right arrows, causing them to turn

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Emerge and display the colors of the rainbow! Link-3! Mekk-Knight
Spectrum Supreme!"

A monster that appeared to be an amalgamation of all the Mekk-Knight weapons emerged from the
portal, summoned to the Right Extra Monster Zone.

Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme ATK 3000 LINK 3 ↓↘

"It's here! Sanctum's ace monster!" Jin shouted.

"The effects of Chartreuse Vent and Sepia Core activate!" Ena continued. "When Chartreuse is sent
from the hand or field to the Graveyard as Link Material, I can target one "Mekk-Knight" monster on
my field and return a card in the same column as it to the Deck. And thanks to Sepia Core's effect, I
can target a "Mekk-Knight" monster on my field and banish a card in the same column. I target
Spectrum Supreme as the target for both Vent and Core's effects to banish Rebellion Dragon and
return your face-down to your Deck!"

Following Ena's words, Rebellion Dragon disappeared from the field, and Yuya’s set card shattered
into pieces before returning to his Deck.

"Since Spectrum Supreme is the only card in its column, it can attack you directly," Ena explained.
"Also, if this card in the Extra Monster Zone points to no monsters, you can't target or destroy it with
effects! Spectrum Supreme, attack Yuya directly! Rainbow Fall!"

Yuya smirked as he took a card from his hand, "I activate Performapal Inflater Tapir's effect from my
hand! By sending this card to the Graveyard, I can reduce the battle damage I would take from your
attack to 0!"

A monster resembling a balloon elephant wearing a top hat appeared before him and sucked up the
energy blast.

"Hmm…" Playmaker glowered. "It appears I underestimated you. I end my turn with a face-down."

"My turn!" Yuya announced. "I draw! Since you finally decided to go all out, I will do the same. With
Scale 2 Performapal Ballad and Scale 6 Performapal Guitartle, I set the Pendulum Scale! I'm taking
control of this duel starting now!"

Two pillars of light emerged on Yuya’s sides. In the left pillar was a female in green and white
clothing with pinkish-red hair and vines as bangs hanging from her head, wielding two fencing
swords, joined by a turtle with a guitar for a body in the right. The numbers "2" and "6" appeared

Performapal Ballad Scale: 2

Performapal Guitartle Scale: 6

"Performapal Guitartle's Pendulum effect activates!" Yuya declared, pointing at his monster. "If I
activated a "Performapal" card in my other Pendulum Zone, I can draw one card!"
Yuya drew his card before gesturing to his field once again. "Now, I can summon monsters between
Level 3 through 5 all at the same time. Swing far, Pendulum! Carve the arc of victory! My monsters
are ready to swing into action!"

A portal appeared above Yuya, and two monsters emerged from it.

"Time to shine, Performapal Uni!"

"And drop on in, Performapal Drop Gallop!"

A female performer with blonde hair and a pink bipedal horse carrying candy in its arms appeared on
Yuya’s field.

Performapal Uni ATK 800 DEF 1500 LVL: 4

Performapal Drop Gallop ATK 800 DEF 1200 LVL: 5

"Drop Gallop's effect activates, letting me draw two cards," Yuya drew, then said, "Now it's time for
me to entertain my circuit!"

Yuya’s hand glowed blue as the Link Portal appeared above him.

"So he's going to Link Summon this time?" Yuji said.

"Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions require two or more monsters, including a
"Performapal" monster. I set Performapal Whim Witch, Uni and Drop Gallop in the Link Arrows!"

His monsters became energy streams as they entered the left, bottom and bottom-right arrows.

"Link the Circuit! Falcon of the freed skies, soar with your prideful wings and entertain those below
you with your courage and strength! I Link Summon! Link-3! Rise! Performapal Skysoar Flacon!"

A large, purple falcon with dark green armored cannons on its wings and a short red scarf with
green-blue dual-colored goggles over its head appeared, summoned to the Left Extra Monster Zone.

Performapal Skysoar Falcon ATK 2000 LINK-3 ←↓↘

"Another Performapal Link Monster?" Ena gasped.

"I wasn't aware that Yuya had another Performapal Link Monster besides Linkipede," Jin noted.

"Me neither," Kolter added.

"Did you know Zuzu?" Yuji asked.

"You could say that," she answered.

"Battle!" Yuya exclaimed. "Performapal Skysoar Falcon attacks Darklord Valkyria!"

The falcon soared into the air as the cannons on its wings started to charge.

"Eh!?" Kolter and Jin said. "He's attacking!?"

"Skysoar Falcon's effect activates! When it battles a monster, that monster's effects are negated,
and its attack points are halved until the end of the Damage Step! Skywriting Raid!"

Ena gasped as Skysoar Falcon shot beams of light from its cannons at Spectrum Supreme,

Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme ATK 3000→1500

"Furthermore, I activate Performapal Ballad's Pendulum Effect!" Yuya continued. "During the
Damage Step, when a "Performapal" monster battles an opponent's monster, that monster loses 600
attack points!"

Ballad used one of her vines to ensnare Spectrum Supreme, siphoning its strength.

Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme ATK 1500→900

Yuya narrowed his eyes. "Go, Skysoar Falcon! Brave Claw Dive!"

Skysoar soared down towards Spectrum Supreme as its claws glowed and increased in size.

"I activate the Trap Card: Dimension Wall!" Sanctum shouted. "Through its effect, all battle damage I
would receive from this battle is instead inflicted on you!"

A semi-transparent barrier Skysoar Falcon’s talons struck Spectrum Supreme and a semi-
transparent wall. The wall glowed bright light before firing a blast back at Yuya, striking him and
making him wince in pain.

Yuya: 2250→1150 LP

"Well played." Yuya praised his opponent. "You got out of this pinch scot-free while also damaging
me. I place a card face-down and end my turn."
"My turn!" Ena announced. "I draw! I activate the Spell Card: Card of Demise, whose effect allows
me to draw until I have five cards in my hand. Then, I activate the Equip Spell Card: D.D.R -
Different Dimension Reincarnation! By discarding one card from my hand, I can target and Special
Summon one of my banished monsters from my banished zone. However, the equipped monster is
destroyed if this card leaves my field. Return to the field, Mekk-Knight Green Horizon!"

At Ena's command, A green armored monster wielding a staff appeared on Sanctum's field in Attack

Mekk-Knight Green Horizon ATK 2100 DEF 1600 LVL: 6

"Next, I activate the Continuous Spell Card: World Legacy Multi-Skies!" Ena continued as the card
showed the sky coated in multiple colors. "Through its effect, I can either add a banished "Mekk-
Knight" monster to my hand or Special Summon it. I choose to Special Summon the banished Mekk-
Knight Orange Sunset!"

The orange warrior with two shields appeared.

Mekk-Knight Orange Sunset ATK 800 DEF 3000 LVL: 6

Everyone watching blinked and gasped. "Two Level 6s?" Zuzu said in surprise.

"That means-." Kolter started.

Yuji smirked. "So she's bringing that out."

"I overlay my Level 6 Green Horizon and Orange Sunset!"

Ena raised her Duel Disk and released a burst of golden energy that struck the sky. From where the
bolt struck, the field changed into outer space, streams of golden energy floating in the air.

"With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network!"

Green Horizon and Orange Sunset broke apart and entered the dots. The ends of the cross lit up
and fired beams, creating a miniature galaxy. The galaxy exploded with energy as a new monster
formed within.

"Darken knight of the shadowy star of darkness!" Ena chanted. "With pure stars of the same life and
devouring them, transform into the vengeful knight that consumes all enemies into the blackness of
its blade! I Xyz Summon! Rank 0! Mekk-Knight Eclipse Supreme!"
A feminine warrior coated in shiny black armor with bladed bat-like wings resembling a dim, dark-like
rainbow aura appeared on Ena’s field in Attack Position. Two yellow lights circled it.

Mekk-Knight Eclipse Supreme ATK 3000 DEF 2500 RNK: 0 OU: 2

"I activate the Equip Spell Card: Rainbow Veil!" Eclipse Supreme became shrouded in a rainbow-
colored aura. "While equipped, any monster Eclipse battles has its effects negated!"

"This isn't good," Jin remarked. "Ena’s monster is quite powerful, and if its attack succeeds, Yuya will
be down to 150 Life Points."

"Battle!" Ena exclaimed. "Mekk-Knight Eclipse Supreme attacks Marincess Beauty Shark!"

The knight leaped into the air and then charged the Performapal Link Monster.

"I activate Ballad’s Pendulum Effect!" Yuya shouted. "Your monster loses 600 attack points!"

"Too bad. But I’m one step ahead of you!" Ena stated. "I activate Eclipse Supreme’s effect! I can
detach one Overlay Unit to negate the effect of a card on the field! I negate Performapal Ballad’s
effects! Absolute Eclipse!"

One of the circling lights hit Eclipse Supreme's raised sword, manifesting a miniature eclipse
Performapal Ballad, causing it to grey out.

Mekk-Knight Eclipse Supreme OU: 2→1

"Continue, Eclipse Supreme! Eclipse Blade Break!"

The knight swung its sword, creating a blade of dark energy that struck Skysoar Falcon, splitting it in
half. The two halves exploded, sending Yuya skidding backwards.

Yuya: 1150→150 LP

"Skysoar Falcon’s effect activates!" Yuya declared. "Since it was destroyed, I can Special Summon a
"Performapal" monster from my Deck. Appear, Performapal Diviner Peacock!"

A portal appeared on Yuya's field, with a purple peafowl with majestic, rainbow-colored covert
feathers draped in a blue coat with multiple stars, colorful swirls, and a crown emerging from it.

Performapal Diviner Peacock ATK 1500 DEF 2200 LVL: 5 PS: 4

"Diviner Peacock's effect activates!" Yuya continued. "When it's Special Summoned, I can add a
"Performapal" or "Odd-Eyes monster or a Spell Card that lists "Performapal" or Odd-Eyes" in its
name from my Deck to my hand. But since I have two cards in my Pendulum Zones, I can add both
cards instead!"

"I end my turn with that," Ena said. "What else have you got for me, Yuya?"
"You're about to find out," Yuya said. "My turn! I draw! First, I activate the Trap Card: Pendulum
Reborn! It lets me Special Summons a Pendulum Monster from my Graveyard or Extra Deck! Return
to me, Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet!"

Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet ATK 100→0 DEF 200 LVL: 1 PS: 8

"Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet’s effect!" Yuya continued. "By sending Performapal Fire Mufflerlion
from my Deck to the Graveyard, Valet’s Level becomes 3!"

Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet LVL: 1→3

Yuya narrowed his eyes. "As you asked Ena, here’s what else I have in store for you. I activate the
Ritual Spell Card: Performapal Ritual Act!"

Ena's eyes widened. "What? Ritual?"

The card showed a large altar-like stage with Performapal Diviner Peacock performing a strange
dance alongside Hip Hippo, Whip Snake, Trampolynx and Handstandraccoon, forming a lining that
resembles a star.

"I Tribute monsters from my hand, field or Pendulum Zone to Ritual Summon a "Performapal" Ritual
Monster. I Tribute the Level 3 Performpal Odd-Eyes Valet and the Level 5 Performapal Diviner
Peacock to Ritual Summon!"

Following Yuya's words, an altar with two torches that let out a red and blue flame appeared on his
field. As the altar absorbed Valet and Diviner Peacock, a vortex of blue flames erupted.

"Mistress of the sands, appear before this stage through the souls of your servants and grace us
with your hypnotic beauty! I Ritual Summon! Level 8! Dancer of the night and beauty! Performapal

The woman from the flames was a snake-like creature with tanned skin, golden eyes, and nails. Her
hair was colored purple and tied in a ponytail. She wore a beautiful bright blue belly dancer outfit
with a skirt around her waist and golden star-shaped coins or pearls on the bottom ends. She also
had a multi-colored gem star-shaped neck collar, left armband and wristband bracelets, and a blue
mouth veil and star-shaped snake theme tiara. The woman winked and posed in Attack Position.

Performapal Lalalamia ATK 2700 DEF 2700 LVL: 8

"A "Performapal" Ritual Monster!" Yuji realized.

"Ritual Summon…" Ena muttered. "I have to admit I didn't expect you to use that. So, you weren't
satisfied with your other Ritual Monsters."

"True duelists always challenge their limits, as you're aware," Yuya said. "Now then, let's continue.
Since I used an "Odd-Eyes" monster to Ritual Summon Performapal Lalalamia, it’s unaffected by
your Spell and Trap Cards. Then, I activate Lalamia’s effect! Once per turn, I can target a monster
you control and halve its attack points. I target Mekk-Knight Eclipse Supreme!"

"Did you forget Eclipse Supreme’s effect?" Ena asked. "I detach an Overlay Unit to negate
Lalalamia’s effects!"

"I didn’t forget," Yuya answered. "I send Performapal Block Spider from my hand to the Graveyard to
target Eclipse Supreme and negate its effects until the End Phase."

A specter of Block Spider appeared above Eclipse Supreme, casting a net-shaped web to attach
itself to the armored warrior's body.

"With its effects negated, Eclipse Supreme can’t stop Lalalamia. Go, Hypnosis Coil!"

Lalalamia wrapped her tail around the Mekk-Knight Xyz Monster and squeezed it tight, draining its

Mekk-Knight Eclipse Supreme ATK 3000→1500

"Battle!" Yuya exclaimed. "Performapal Lalalamia, attack Mekk-Knight Eclipse Supreme! Mesmeric
Shine Dance!"

Lalalamia began to dance as she crossed her bracelets and released a blinding light. She slithered
and slashed Eclipse Supreme with her powerful nails, shredding it with Ena being sent skidding

Ena: 1250→50 LP

"I activate the effect of the destroyed Eclipse Supreme!" Ena shouted. "When it’s destroyed, I can
Special Summon a "Mekk-Knight" monster from my Extra Deck. Transcend, Link-5! Mekk-Knight
Aurora Overlord!"

A monster four times the size of Eclipse Supreme appeared in the Left Extra Monster Zone. Its main
body was like Spectrum Supreme but with a large gem in its chest, glowing white and dark with a
rainbow aura outline. Its body was colored silver with golden and black trimmed and lining, as well
as an aurora-colored halo. It had four-bladed large wings, with each wing having blade feathers, and
each feather was a different color. It also wields a giant greatsword with different weapons attached
or part of its blade, glowing like a rainbow with a white and black outline. Aurora Overload spread its
wings, which shone with radiant light.

Mekk-Knight Aurora Overlord ATK 3500 LINK-5 ←↑↘→

"Looks like Ena’s finally decided to go all out…." Yuya muttered. "I end my turn."
"It's my turn!" Ena announced. "I draw! Battle! Aurora Overload attacks Performapal Lalalamia!
Overlord Supreme Slash!"

Aurora Overlord holds up its greatsword as swirls of energy resembling a rainbow wrapped around
the blade of its weapon before swinging it downward, unleashing a massive wave of rainbow-colored
energy hurtling through the Performapal Ritual Monster. Lalalamia was bisected in a massive

"Yuya!" Zuzu shouted, worried for him.

"Did she win?" Jin asked.

The smoke cleared, showing Yuya still standing, his Life Points untouched.

"What happened?" Ena asked in shock. "How did you survive?"

"I activated Performapal Uni’s effect from my Graveyard," Yuya answered. "By banishing it and
Inflater Tapir, I took no damage from your attack."

"So close, and yet so far." Ena let out a small laugh. "You truly are an amazing opponent, Yuya."

"You as well, Ena," Yuya replied. "But that’s not the only trick I have up my sleeve. Performapal
Lalalamia’s effect activates! When it’s destroyed, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower
"Performapal" monster from my Deck by paying half of my Life Points. I Special Summon
Performapal Clear Wing Wizard in Defense Position!"

A magician dressed in pale robes and holding a small staff with a white crystal on its tip, which had
two transparent wings protruding from its back, appeared on the field. At the same time, Yuya
grimaced as a crimson aura appeared around him.

Performapal Clear Wing Wizard ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1 PS: 8

Yuya: 150→75 LP

"Even if you managed to summon a new monster, it isn’t strong enough to take down Aurora
Overlord," Ena stated. "I activate the Equip Spell Card: Power Converter and equip it to Aurora

A bronze and silver piece of mechanical armor appeared and was equipped onto the Mekk-Knight’s
"I set one card and activate Power Converter's effect!" Ena continued. "I can send it to the
Graveyard to add all of Overlord's attack points to my Life Points."

Ena: 50→3550 LP

Mekk-Knight Aurora Overlord ATK 3500→0

"Now it's going to be more of a challenge for Yuya to beat Ena," Kolter noted.

"I end my turn, meaning Aurora Overlord's attack points return to normal."

Mekk-Knight Aurora Overlord ATK 0→3500

"In that case, let's settle this, Ena!" Yuya announced. "It's my turn! I draw! I activate the Spell Card:
Pendulum Shift! Until the end of this turn, I can change the Scale of a card in my Pendulum Zone to
between 1 and 10! I change Guitartle’s Scale to 10!"

Performapal Guitartle PS: 6→10

"I activate Clear Wing Wizard's effect!" Yuya continued. "Once per turn, I can target a monster on the
field and change its name into a monster name of my choice until the End Phase. I will target Clear
Wing Wizard and change its name to Arc-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

"Arc-Eyes…" Ena repeated, but then his eyes opened wide. "Don't tell me…!"

"The monster in my hand can be Special Summoned by sending my Arc-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
from the field to the Graveyard and returning two cards from my Pendulum Zone, whose total Scale
Value sum is 12 or more, back to my Deck. I will shuffle Performapal Ballad and Guitartle back to my
Deck to bring out the final form of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

As his three monsters turned into orbs of light, which were absorbed by the enlarged Pendulum
portal, Yuya chanted.

"Will of the Supreme King dwelling within me! Become one with the temporary dragon of dichromatic
eyes to blaze an everlasting light trail across the vast skies! Come to me! Nexus-Eyes Pendulum

A massive wave of light erupted from the portal, solidifying into the form of the imposing dragon with
glowing eyes clad in dark blue armor with star-like patterns on it, which had three horns and two
mandibles extending from its head, four oversized wings extending from its back and a massive ring
with five large gems embedded on it hovering behind it.
Nexus-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 3500 DEF 3000 LVL: 12 PS: 12

"Yuya has brought out his most powerful monster to counter Aurora Overlord!" Kolterexclaimed. "It
appears this final clash between the aces will settle everything!"

"This is the deciding moment," Zuzu remarked seriously. "Show Ena why you’re the reigning

"I activate Nexus-Eyes' effect!" Yuya continued. "Once per turn, I can increase this card's attack
points by an amount equal to the attack points of all monsters Special Summoned on the field apart
from itself until the End Phase! Nexus Grasp!"

Nexus-Eyes spread out its wings as streams of energy were released from Black Rose's body,
enveloping Nexus-Eyes' body.

Nexus-Eyes Pendulum Dragon ATK 3500→7000

"Battle! Nexus-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, attack Mekk-Knight Aurora Overlord! Quintessence Spiral

"Aurora Overload's effect activates!" Ena exclaimed. "During the Battle Phase, I choose one of three
effects to activate. I activate its second effect, which reduces nexus-Eyes’ attack points to 0! Aurora

"Sorry to disappoint you. But Nexus-Eyes is unaffected by the effects of monsters," Yuya revealed.

"In that case, I activate the Trap Card: Trap Hole of Spikes! Since a monster you control that was
summoned this turn declared an attack, I can destroy that monster and inflict damage to you equal
to half that destroyed monster’s attack points!"

"That won't happen!" Yuya bellowed. "Nexus-Eyes' second effect activates! Since it's about to be
destroyed by a card effect, I can send a Pendulum Monster from my hand, field Extra Deck or
Pendulum Zone to the Graveyard to negate its destruction and then destroy the card that would
have destroyed it! I will send Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard to
destroy Trap Hole of Spikes! Archetype Force!"

Nexus-Eyes' body shone as it unleashed a barrage of energy blasts from the ring on its back,
striking Ena’s Trap Card and destroying it.

"This is the finale!" Yuya declared. "Go, Nexus-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

Nexus-Eyes opened its maw wide, unleashing a multi-colored spiral blast that obliterated Aurora
Overlord and sent Ena flying.

Ena: 50→0 LP

"That was a great Duel, Ena," Yuya said as he approached the fallen duelist, extending his hand.
"I've certainly experienced firsthand how much of a skilled duelist you are."

"But not skilled enough as it seems," Ena smirked as she grabbed Yuya's hand, with the latter
helping him up. "I knew I probably wasn't going to win when you summoned Nexus-Eyes, but it's still
irritating. Oh well, a good lesson for next time."

"Now then, shall we start the second big event of the day?"

"It's still early, but whatever," Yuji said as he and Zuzu took their positions while Ena and Yuya
joined Kolter and Jin to the side. "Give me your best shot, Zuzu."

"Sure thing," Zuzu smiled as she activated her Duel Disk. "I determined to win this duel no matter

"Looks like someone's confident," Storm Rider remarked with a grin as he activated his Duel Disk.
"In that case, let's do this!"


Yuji blinked and turned to the Duel Disk. A message appeared. His eyes widened. "No way!"

"What is it, Yuji?" Ena asked.

"I got a message from Playmaker," he answered, causing everyone’s eyes to widen.

"Playmaker?" Yuya repeated. "Why did he message you?"

"No idea. But it says here that he wants to duel me."

"A duel?" Zuzu said. "Wonder what’s his reason behind it."

"It could be he also wanted to duel Yuji’s LINK VRAINS persona; Storm Rider," Kolter stated. "He
was probably impressed by your dueling skills and wants to experience them himself."

"That’s a reasonable explanation," Ena mentioned. "But the two of you are about to duel. Can’t it
wait after?"
"I’ve dueled with and against Playmaker," Yuya said. "And from experience, I can tell he isn’t the
patience type. We can continue this afterward if it’s okay with you two."

"I’m down," Zuzu said. "What about you, Yuji?"

"Are you kidding? Dueling Playmaker is my lifelong dream!" Yuji replied. "I’m so down!"

"Very well then," Ena said. "Did Playmaker at least provide you coordinates of his location?"

"Sure did."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Yuya said as he raised his Duel Disk. "Let’s go!"

The others nodded as they raised their Duel Disks.

"It’s time to Link into the Vrains!"

The four teens’ Duel Disks started to emit a bright blue light that covered them.


Ringmaster, Maestra, Storm Rider and Sanctum landed in the park area of LINK VRAINS. If the
coordinates given were right, then…

"Ah!" Ringmaster said, sighting a door in a nearby unmarked building. This should be it. Opening the
door, he found a staircase on the other side.

"It should be just down here," Storm Rider whispered. The quartet walked down the stairs. After
about ten minutes of walking downstairs, they came across a corridor, and after another fifteen
minutes, it ended at a large and open room, which made them pause.

The room was massive and easily fit half of Kolter's house. It was made entirely of stone, and the
room's edges were held up by large pillars decorated in what Hunter believed to be Egyptian
hieroglyphs. A large duel field was in the center.

Maestra narrowed her eyes. "Guess this must be the place."

"I hope so," Ena said.

"Well, this is a surprise."

The quarter gasped and turned around. Entering the room was none other than Playmaker.
"Hey, Playmaker!" Ringmaster shouted. "Nice to see you again!"

"You too, Ringmaster," Playmaker replied before narrowing his eyes toward Storm Rider. "I’m glad
you came and accepted my request."

"Why wouldn’t I?" Storm Rider asked. "It’s been a dream of mine for ages to duel you. And when the
opportunity presented itself, there was no way I would turn it down."

"Glad to know." Playmaker smiled as he activated his Duel Disk. Well then, shall we get started?"

"Yes." Storm Rider narrowed his eyes as he activated his Duel Disk.


Storm Rider: 4000 LP

Playmaker: 4000 LP

"I'll take the first turn," Playmaker said. "I summon Flame Bufferlo!"

A black mechanical bull with blue flaming horns and tail appeared.

Flame Bufferlo ATK 1400 DEF 200 LVL: 3

He then gestured to the sky as his hand glowed blue. "I'll now create my circuit!" The Link Portal
appeared above him. "If I would use a Cyberse monster to Link Summon a "Code Talker" monster, I
can use Micro Coder in my hand as material."

"What?" Storm Rider said, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two Effect Monsters. I set Flame Bufferlo
from my field and Micro Coder from my hand in the Link Arrows!"

A gray-armored humanoid with a dagger in his right hand briefly appeared as it and Flame Bufferlo
entered the top and bottom arrows.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear! Link-2! Code Talker!"

A gray-armored warrior emerged from the portal at the Left Extra Monster Zone, swinging an
extended broadsword.

Code Talker ATK 1300 LINK-2 ↑↓

"Since Micro Coder was used to Link Summon a "Code Talker" monster, I can add a "Cynet" Spell or
Trap Card from my Deck to my hand. I'll add the Continuous Spell Card: Cynet Codec! In addition,
since Flame Bufferlo left the field, I can discard a Cyberse monster to draw two cards," Playmaker
did so, then said, "I activate the Continuous Spell Card: Cynet Codec! Next, I activate the effect of
the Link Infra-Flier in my hand! I can Special Summon this card to Code Talker's bottom Link Arrow!"

A mechanical blue, red, and silver kite appeared, summoned to Code Talker's bottom Link Arrow in
Defense Position.

Link Infra-Flier ATK 0 DEF 1800 LVL: 2

"For a third time, I'll create my circuit! The summoning conditions are two or more Effect Monsters. I
set Link Infra-Flier and Link-2 Code Talker in the Link Arrows!"

The monsters entered the top, bottom, and right arrows.

"I Link Summon! Appear! Link-3! Transcode Talker!"

An orange-armored humanoid emerged from the portal to the Extra Monster Zone Code Talker

Transcode Talker ATK 2300 LINK-3 ↑↓→

"Cynet Codec's effect activates!" Playmaker continued. "When a "Code Talker" monster is Special
Summoned from my Extra Deck, I can add a Cyberse monster with the same Attribute as that
monster from my Deck to my hand. I add the Earth Attribute Dotscaper from my Deck to my hand.

"I activate Transcode Talker's effect! Once per turn, I can Special Summon a Link-3 or lower
Cyberse Link Monster from my Graveyard to its Link Arrow. Come, Code Talker!"

The gray-armored humanoid reappeared at Transcode Talker's bottom Link Arrow.

Code Talker ATK 1300 LINK-2 ↑↓

"While Code Talker points to a monster, it gains 500 attack points."

Code Talker ATK 1300→1800

"While Transcode Talker is co-linked, itself and monsters co-linked with it gain 500 attack points and
cannot be targeted by your card effects."
Code Talker ATK 1800→2300

Transcode Talker ATK 2300→2800

"I'm still not finished!" Playmaker exclaimed. "While I control two or more Link Monsters, I can
Special Summon Cross Debug from my hand!"

A small blue and yellow humanoid mechanical ladybug appeared.

Cross Debug ATK 900 DEF 600 LVL: 2

"For the third time, I shall create my circuit! The summoning conditions are two or more Cyberse
monsters. I set Cross Debug and Link-2 Code Talker in the Link Arrows!"

The monsters entered the left, top, and right arrows.

"I Link Summon! Appear! Link-3! Excode Talker!"

A large green armored humanoid with large shoulders emerged from the portal at Transcode
Talker's bottom Link Arrow.

Excode Talker ATK 2300→2800 LINK-3 ←↑→

"Excode Talker's effect activates! When it is Link Summoned, I can choose unused Main Monster
Zones equal to the number of monsters in the Extra Monster Zones. And so long as Excode Talker
is on the field, those zones cannot be used! Grasp Zone!"

Excode Talker threw a ball of green energy that hit Takuma's field.

"While Excode Talker is on the field, monsters linked with it cannot be destroyed by card effects and
gain 500 attack points."

Transcode Talker ATK 2800→3300

"I place a card face-down and end my turn," Playmaker concluded.

"A strong opener," Maestra commented.

"Storm Rider sure is going to have his hands full against Playmaker," Sanctum said.

"No joke," Ringmaster said. "Let's hope he has a plan."

"It's my turn! I draw!" Storm Rider looked at his card, placed it in his hand and chose a different one.
"I activate the Spell Card: Cynet Mining! By discarding one card, I add a Level 4 or lower Cyberse
monster from my Deck to my hand." He discarded a card, then took another one from his Deck. "I
summon Cycode Sorceress!"

A mechanical female humanoid in a black dress carrying a metal staff appeared on Storm Rider's

Cycode Sorceress ATK 1400 DEF 400 LVL: 4

"Sorceress's effect activates! When she is Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or
lower "Cycode" monster from my Graveyard in Attack Position. Return to me, Cycode Coder!"

An alien in a lab coat appeared on its field. It carried a laptop under one arm and had small pieces of
armor on its shoulders and lower legs.

Cycode Coder ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1

"Coder's effect continues!" Storm Rider continued. "When this monster is Summoned, I can add one
"Cycode" card from my Deck to my hand, but then I must send a card from my hand, Deck, or field to
the Graveyard."

Storm Rider took two cards from his Deck. He added one to his hand and sent the other to the

"Now, I'll create my circuit!"

"I activate the Spell Card: Cycode Emblem! By sending a "Cycode" monster from my Deck to the
Graveyard, I can then Special Summon a "Cycode" monster from my Deck in Attack Position, so
long as it has the same Level as the sent monster. I send the Level 4 Cycode Skywalker to the
Graveyard and Special Summon Cycode Strider!"

The medium-sized robot with semi-bulky armor wielding a futuristic rifle appeared on Storm Rider's

Cycode Strider ATK 1700 DEF 1000 LVL: 4

"And when Strider's Special Summoned, its effect activates! I check the top card of my Deck, and if
it's a monster, I get to summon it. Draw!"

He drew and looked at his card, causing him to smile.

"I drew Cycode Assassin, which means I can summon it!"

A one-eyed tall slim black, metal skeletal robot with six arms, each holding a red blade energy
dagger, appeared next to Strider.

Cycode Assassin ATK 1500 DEF 1400 LVL: 4

"Now, I'll build my circuit!"

The Link Portal appeared above Storm Rider.

"Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two Cyberse monsters. I set Cycode
Sorceress and Coder in the Link Arrows!"

Both his monsters became whirlwinds of energy before entering the left and bottom arrows.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Link-2! Cycode Magician!"

A female with long light-blue hair, wearing a long, digital-like cloak with a witch's hat and wielding an
energy rod, appeared in the Right Extra Monster Zone.

Cycode Magician ATK 2000 LINK-2 ←↓

"When Cycode Magician is successfully Link Summoned, I get to return a "Cycode" card from my
Graveyard to my hand," Storm Rider continued. "I'll return Cycode Sorceress to my hand." After
taking the card from the Graveyard, Storm Rider gestured to his field again. "I'll build my circuit for a
second time! The summoning conditions are Cyberse monsters, including a "Cycode" monster. I set
Cycode Strider and Cycode Assassin in the Link Arrows!"

His monsters became whirlwinds of energy and entered the bottom and right arrows, turning red.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Link-2! Cycode Leo!"

A large, white fur-like digital lion with a blue circuit pattern lining its body with blue fangs and claws
appeared next to Cycode Magician's bottom Link Arrow.

Cycode Leo ATK 2100 LINK-2 ↑↓

"He summoned two Link Monsters in one turn like before," Abyssio muttered.

"Cycode Magician's second effect activates! When a monster is Summoned to its Link Arrow, I can
banish one card on your field! Say goodbye to Cynet Codec!"
"Sorry. But I'm one step ahead of you!" Playmaker interjected. "I activate the Trap Card: Card of
Pandora! When you target a card in my Spell & Trap Zone with an effect, that effect is changed to
target Card of Pandora instead!" The Trap Card disintegrated. "Card of Pandora's second effect lets
me draw two cards."

Storm Rider frowned as Playmaker drew. "I see. So you were prepared for me to target your
Continuous Spell?"

"Indeed I was," he answered.

"You may have escaped Magician's effect, but you won't escape this!" Storm Rider gestured to his
field. "Battle! Cycode Magician attacks Excode Talker!"

Cycode Magician flew up and aimed its rod at Excode.

"At this moment, Cycode Leo's effect activates! Since Cycode Magician is next to Leo's Link Arrow,
she gains 1000 more attack points, but since the two are co-linked, they both gain 1000 attack

"What?!" Playmaker gasped.

Cycode Magician ATK 2000→3000

Cycode Leo ATK 2100→3100

"Go! Digital Deletion!"

Cycode Magician's rod glowed blue as it released a wave of energy at Excode Talker, destroying it
and making Playmaker wince in pain.

Playmaker: 4000→3800 LP

"That's the way, Storm Rider!" Sanctum cheered.

"With Excode Talker gone, Transcode Talker's attack points return to normal."

Transcode Talker ATK 3300→2300

"Next, Cycode Leo attacks Transcode Talker!"

Leo growled as it let out blue energy blast from its mouth at Transcode, destroying it and sending
Playmaker skidding backwards.
Playmaker: 3800→3000 LP

"That should be enough for now," Storm Rider said. "I place two cards face-down and end my turn."

"My turn! I draw!" Playmaker looked at the card, then played it. "I activate the effect of Defcon Bird in
my hand! By discarding a Cyberse monster, I can Special Summon it. I discard Dotscaper. Come,
Defcon Bird!"

A mechanical bird with teal wings shaped like a dome around it appeared.

Defcon Bird ATK 100 DEF 1700 LVL: 3

"Dotscaper's effect activates! As it was sent to the Graveyard, it Special Summons itself!"

The green and white monster made of blocks materialized in Defense Position.

Dotscaper ATK 0 DEF 2100 LVL: 1

"Since I control two or more monsters of the same Type, I can Special Summon Cyberse White Hat!"

A cowboy in a white coat and hat appeared in Attack Position.

Cyberse White Hat ATK 1800 DEF 2400 LVL: 6

"I'll now create my circuit!" The Link Portal appeared above Playmaker. "Link Arrow authorized! The
summoning conditions are two or more Cyberse monsters. I set Cyberse White Hat, Dotscaper and
Defcon Bird in the Link Arrows!"

The monsters entered the left, top, and bottom arrows.

"I Link Summon! Appear! Link-3! Shootingcode Talker!"

A blue-armored warrior with a bow built into its left arm emerged from the portal, summoned to the
Extra Monster Zone.

Shootingcode Talker ATK 2300 LINK-3 ←↑↓

"Cyberse Whitehat's effect activates!" Playmaker declared. "When it's used to Link Summon, all
monsters my opponent controls lose 1000 attack points!"

Cycode Magician ATK 2000→1000

Cycode Leo ATK 2100→1100

"Cynet Codec's effect activates! I add the Water Attribute Sea Archiver from my Deck to my hand.
"Battle! At this point, Shootingcode Talker's effect activates! During this Battle Phase, Shootingcode
Talker gains additional attacks against your monsters for each monster it points to!"

"What?" Storm Rider gasped.

"Shootingcode Talker is linked to Cycode Magician, meaning it can attack your monsters twice!" The
bars on Shootingcode Talker's left arm extended, creating a golden bow. "Shootingcode Talker
attacks Cycode Leo!" Shootingcode Talker pulled the bow's string back and formed an arrow of blue
energy. It released the string and sent the bolt straight towards Storm Rider's field.

Storm Rider gestured to his field. "Cycode Leo's effect activates! Both it and Cycode Magician gain
1000 attack points!"

Cycode Magician ATK 1000→2000

Cycode Leo ATK 1100→2100

"Your monster may be stronger, but it’ll still be destroyed!" Playmaker pointed out as the arrow
pierced Cycode Magician, making it explode and pushing Storm Rider back.

Storm Rider: 4000→3800 LP

Cycode Leo ATK 2100→1100

"I activate my face-down card!" Storm Rider declared. "The Trap Card: Cyberse Beacon! Since I
took damage, I can add one Level 4 or lower Cyberse monster from my Deck to my hand. I add
Cycode Dancer from my Deck to my hand!"

"Shootingcode Talker attacks Cycode Leo! But when Shootingcode Talker attacks and you control
only one monster, it loses 400 attack points during damage calculation."

Shootingcode Talker ATK 2300→1900

"Shimmering Straight Shoot!"

The warrior released another blue arrow, which pierced Leo and made it explode. Storm Rider
winced from the shockwave.

Storm Rider: 3800→3000 LP

Shootingcode Talker ATK 1900→2300

"At the end of the Battle Phase, Shootingcode Talker's effect lets me draw cards equal to the
number of monsters it destroyed this turn. It destroyed two, so I draw two cards." Playmaker looked
the two cards over. "I activate the Continuous Spell Card: Link Processing Failure! I select one Link
Monster on my field, and then Link Monsters with equal or fewer Link Markers and non-Link
Monsters cannot attack, but after two turns, this card will be destroyed. I select Link-3 Shootingcode

Storm Rider's eyes narrowed further as Playmaker continued. "I end my turn."

"My turn! I draw!" Storm Rider looked at his new card, then added it to his hand and chose a
different card. "Since you control a monster and I don't, I can Special Summon Cycode Swordsman
from my hand!"

A man in cybernetic blue armor carrying futuristic swords appeared.

Cycode Swordsman ATK 1200 DEF 900 LVL: 3

"Since Swordsman was Special Summoned by its effect, I can add one 'Cycode' monster from my
Deck to my hand," Storm Rider said. "I add Cycode Battler to my hand." He did so, then said, "I
summon Cycode Dancer!"

A robotic female in a pink leotard with pink dancing shoes appeared and did a pirouette.

Cycode Dancer ATK 1000 DEF 200 LVL: 2

"Since Dancer was Normal Summoned while I control a "Cycode" monster from my hand or Deck
with its effects negated." A card popped out of his Deck, which he took and placed on his Duel Disk.
"I summon Cycode Kid!"

A small robotic boy in a t-shirt and cap appeared on Storm Rider's field.

Cycode Kid ATK 300 DEF 200 LVL: 1

Now, I'll create the ultimate circuit!"

Storm Rider raised his hand as it glowed blue and shot a lightning bolt, creating a Link Portal.

"Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two or more Cyberse Effect Monsters. I set
Cycode Swordsman, Dancer, and Kid in the Link Arrows!"
His monsters became whirlwinds of energy and entered the top, left, and right arrows, turning them

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Link-3! Cycode Fortress Golem!"

A massive, muscled humanoid figure appeared from out of the portal. It wore a massive black-gray
armor plate with blue designs resembling data streams. It also had a cannon for an arm as it landed
in the Left Extra Monster Zone.

Cycode Fortress Golem ATK 2200 LINK-3 ←↑→

"Cycode Kid's effect activates!" Storm Rider declared. "When this card is used to Link Summon a
"Cycode" Link Monster, I can target and destroy one face-up card on my opponent's field!"

"What?" Playmaker said, his eyes widened.

"I destroy Cynet Codec!"

The Continuous Spell shattered as Playmaker grit his teeth.

"Furthermore, I activate the Trap Card: Cynet Regression!" Storm Rider continued. "As I Special
Summoned a Link Monster, one card on the field is destroyed! I destroy Shootingcode Talker!"

Following his words, Shootingcode disintegrated, leaving Playmaker defenseless.

"Regression also lets me draw a card," Storm Rider added. "And since Shootingcode is no longer on
your field, Link Processing Failure is destroyed!"

Sure enough, Playmaker's Continuous Spell disintegrated.

"Not bad," Playmaker said. "But not good enough. Since a card effect destroyed a Cyberse Link
Monster I control, I can Special Summon Salvagent Driver from my hand!"

Following Playmaker’s words, a humanoid in yellow mechanical armor driving a motorcycle

appeared in Defense Position.

Salvagent Driver ATK 2200 DEF 2100 LVL: 6

"In that case, Cycode Fortress Golem attacks Salvagent Driver! Cyber Knuckle!"

Fortress Golem's fist glowed purple as it slammed into the yellow cyclist, destroying it in an

"I thought I could get some good damage in, but you managed to outplay me." Storm Rider smiled.
"Not bad, Playmaker. I place a card face-down and end my turn."
"It's my turn! I draw! " Playmaker looked at his card, and his eyes fractionally widened. This will
work. "I summon Clock Wyvern!"

A blue and pink metal dragon appeared and roared.

Clock Wyvern ATK 1800 DEF 1000 LVL: 4

"Clock Wyvern's effect activates! When it is Normal or Special Summoned, I can halve its attack
points to Special Summon a Clock Token!"

A mass of violet crystals appeared in Defense Position.

Clock Wyvern ATK 1800→900

Clock Token ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1

Ringmaster widened his eyes. He recognized this strategy. Is he planning on summoning Cyberse
Clock Dragon?

"I activate the effect of Dual Assembwurm in the Graveyard!" Playmaker continued. "By banishing
two monsters from the Graveyard, I can Special Summon it with its attack points halved. I banish
Dotscaper and Cyberse White Hat."

A red and blue dragon appeared, summoned in Attack Position.

Dual Assembwurm ATK 2800→1400 DEF 1000 LVL: 8

"Dotscaper's effect activates!" Playmaker exclaimed. "When it is banished, I can Special Summon

A white and green brick monster appeared in Attack Position.

Dotscaper ATK 0 DEF 2100 LVL: 1

"Appear. My circuit!" Playmaker's hand glowed as the Link portal appeared above him. "Link Arrows
authorized! The summoning conditions are three monsters! I set Dotscaper, Dual Assembwurm, and
Clock Token in the Link Arrows!"

His three monsters became whirlwinds of energy that entered the left, bottom-left, and right arrows,
turning them red.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear! Link 3! Powercode Talker!"

A red-armored warrior with massive shoulder pads, white gauntlets, and boots appeared, summoned
to the Right Extra Monster Zone.

Powercode Talker ATK 2300 LINK-3 ←↙→

"Battle!" Playmaker declared. "Powercode Talker attacks Cycode Fortress Golem!"

Boosters fired from Powercode Talker's back as it charged Fortress Golem. "Powercode Talker's
additional effect! By Tributing a monster next to its Link Arrow, Powercode Talker's attack points
doubled until the end of the Damage Step!"

Clock Wyvern disintegrated as Powercode Talker became stronger.

Powercode Talker ATK 2300→4600

"Breakthrough! Power Smash!"

"Not so fast!" Storm Rider declared. "I activate the Trap Card: Cycode Power Surge!" The card
showed Cycode Wizard glowing with power as Cycode Magician shone beneath it. "When my
"Cyscode" Link Monster battles a Link Monster with a higher Link Rating, I can banish a non-Link
"Cycode" monster from my Graveyard! And my "Cycode" Link Monster gains attack points equal to
the banished monster's attack points!"

Playmaker gasped. "I banish Cycode Assassin from my Graveyard to grant its 1500 attack points to
Winning Wrestler!"

Cycode Fortress Golem ATK 2200→3700

Wind gathered around Powercode Talker's right fist as it struck Cycode Fortress Golem. Releasing
its grapnel, Powercode Talker brought it back to its hand as Fortress Golem exploded. Storm Rider
braced himself as he took damage.

Storm Rider: 3000→2100 LP

Powercode Talker ATK 4600→2300

"I end my turn," Playmaker said as Powercode Talker returned to his field.

Storm Rider smiled. "Impressive, Playmaker. You managed to take the lead in this duel. But…" His
eyes narrowed. "The real duel begins now. My turn! I draw!" Storm Rider smirked on seeing what he
drew but gestured to his field instead. "I activate the Continuous Trap Card: Cycode Lineage! It lets
me Special Summon a "Cycode" monster from my Graveyard, so long as it isn't a Link Monster.
Resurrect, Cycode Strider!"

The medium-sized robot with semi-bulky reappeared.

Cycode Strider ATK 1700 DEF 1000 LVL: 4

He drew and looked at his card, causing him to smile.

"I drew Cycode Alchemist, meaning I can summon it!"

A gray alien in a torn white lab coat holding two beakers – one red and one blue appeared.

Cycode Alchemist ATK 1000 DEF 1000 LVL: 3

"And since I control at least two "Cycode" monsters, I Special Summon Cycode General from my

A large male humanoid blue digital-like knight with white lining and a cape, wielding a massive
energy blade, appeared in Attack Position.

Cycode General ATK 2600 DEF 2300 LVL: 7

"Now, I'll create my circuit!"

Storm Rider raised his hand as it glowed blue and shot a lightning bolt, creating a Link Portal.

"Link Arrow authorized! The summoning condition is one Cyberse monster! I set Cycode Strider in
the Link Arrow!"

Strider entered the bottom-left arrow, turning it red.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear! Link-1! Cycode Sky Eagle!"

A light green cybernetic eagle-like monster with turbine-like wings appeared in the Right Extra
Monster Zone.

Cycode Sky Eagle ATK 300 LINK-1 ↙

"Sky Eagle's effect activates!" Storm Rider continued. "When it's Link Summoned, I can add a
"Cycode" monster from my Graveyard to my hand. I return Cycode Swordsman to my hand. Now, I'll
build my circuit again!"

The Link Portal appeared again above Storm Rider.

"Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two or more non-Token monsters. I set
Cycode Sky Eagle, Alchemist and General in the Link Arrows!"

His monsters entered the left, top, and right arrows.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear! Link-3! Cycode Wizard!"

A man in a dark brown and silver gentleman-like suit emerged from the portal. He had black and
white clothes wrapped around his shoulders and waist and a blue top hat on his head. The man
wielded an energy cane in his left hand as it was summoned to the Extra Monster Zone.

Cycode Wizard ATK 2200 LINK-3 ←↑→

Playmaker narrowed his eyes. "He summoned another Link-3 monster," he muttered.

"Since I used Cycode Sky Eagle to Link Summon Wizard, its effect activates!" Storm Rider added.
"All my monsters gain 400 attack points!"

Cycode Wizard ATK 2200→2600

"Next, I activate the Equip Spell Card: Cycode Datasword and equip it to Cycode Wizard!"

Cycode Wizard's staff disappeared and was replaced with a jagged katana. Its hilt was black, with
two blue crystals embedded in the blade. "While Wizard is equipped with Datasword, it cannot be
destroyed by battle or card effects, and if it attacks your Special Summoned monster, it gains attack
points equal to its Link Rating times 200."

Storm Rider gestured to his field. "Battle! Cycode Wizard attacks Galaxy Stealth Dragon!" The
wizard roared as it swung the sword. "At this point, Cycode Datasword's effect increases Cycode
Wizard's attack points by 200 multiplied by Powercode Talker's Link Rating. Your monster’s Link
Rating is 3, so Wizard gains 600 attack points!"

Cycode Wizard ATK 2600→3200

Cycode Wizard roared as it brought the sword down, slicing Powercode in two and sending
Playmaker skidding backwards.

Playmaker: 3000→2100 LP

Cycode Wizard ATK 3200→2600

"That's all I can do for now," Storm Rider remarked. "I place a card face-down and end my turn."

Playmaker placed his hand on his Deck. "My turn! I draw!" He looked at his card and immediately
played it. "I summon Draconnet!"

A white mechanical dragon with blue lines running over it appeared.

Draconnet ATK 1400 DEF 1200 LVL: 3

"Draconnet's effect activates! When it is Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon a Level 2 or
lower Normal Monster from my hand or Deck in Defense Position. From my Deck, I summon Bitron!"

A white machine with six fins on its sides appeared.

Bitron ATK 200 DEF 2000 LVL: 2

"Appear! The circuit that leads to the future!" Playmaker's hand glowed as the Link portal appeared
above him. "Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two Cyberse monsters. I set
Draconnet and Bitron in the Link Arrows!"

His monsters entered the bottom-left and bottom arrows.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear! Link-2! Splash Mage!"

A man in blue and white robes wielding a silver staff with a blue orb emerged from the portal at the
right Extra Monster Zone.

Splash Mage ATK 1100 LINK-2 ↗↘

"I activate Splash Mage’s effect! Playmaker continued. "I can Special Summon a Cyberse monster
from my Graveyard in Defense Position. Return, Micro Coder!"

Resurrect, Micro Coder!"

The small white humanoid armed with a short sword reappeared.

Micro Coder ATK 300 DEF 0 LVL: 1

"When a monster is Summoned to a Link Monster's Link Arrow, I can Special Summon Sea Archiver
from my hand!"

A white mechanical seahorse appeared in Defense Position.

Sea Archiver ATK 300 DEF 2100 LVL: 3

"Appear! The circuit that leads to the future!" The Link portal materialized above them. "The
summoning conditions are two or more Effect Monsters. I set Link-2 Splash Mage and Micro Coder
in the Link Arrows!"

His monsters entered the top, bottom-left, and bottom-right arrows.

"I Link Summon! Appear! Link-3! Decode Talker!"

A warrior in purple armor emerged from the portal and swung its sword from the Right Extra Monster

Decode Talker ATK 2300 LINK-3 ↑↘

"Since Micro Coder was used to Link Summon a "Code Talker" monster, I can add a "Cynet" Spell or
Trap Card from my Deck to my hand. But since it was on the field, I can add a Level 4 or lower
Cyberse monster instead. I'll add Rom Cloudia to my hand!" Playmaker did so, then said, "Decode
Talker's effect activates!" he continued. "For every monster at its Link Arrows, it gains 500 attack
points! Power Integration!"

Decode Talker ATK 2300→2800

"I set a card and then activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Double Cyclone! I destroy one of my Spell
or Trap Cards to destroy one of yours!" Storm Rider gasped. "I destroy my face-down card and your
Cycode Datasword!"

Storm Rider braced himself as the cards shattered.

"And since my destroyed card was Dummy Marker and the effect of a Spell Card destroyed it, I can
draw two cards!"

Playmaker looked at his cards, then gestured to Storm Rider’s field. Battle! Decode Talker attacks
Cycode Wizard! Decode Destruction!"

Decode Talker struck Wizard with its sword, cutting it in half and causing an explosion. Storm Rider
winced as he took damage.

Storm Rider: 2100→1900 LP

Storm Rider smirked. "Thank you for destroying my monster," he said, confusing Playmaker. "I
activate the Trap Card: Shadow Link!" The card showed a damaged figure that resembled Decode
Talker with a bright glowing figure behind it resembling Decode Talker Extended. "Since a Link
Monster I control was destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, this card lets me Special Summon a
Link Monster from the Extra Deck with the same Type and Link Rating as the destroyed monster
with a different name and treat it as a Link Summon!"

Playmaker's eyes widened. "Meaning you can summon another Link-3 monster?"

"Correct!" Storm Rider gestured to his field. "Come forth, Cycode Talker!"

A portal appeared, out of which a monster resembling Decode Talker in green and white armor,
wielding a katana appeared, summoned to the Extra Monster Zone in Attack Position.

Cycode Talker ATK 2300 LINK-3 ↑↘

"Awesome!" Ringmaster commentated. "Storm Rider managed to replace his destroyed Link
Monster with a new one! Amazing!"

"Cycode Talker's effect activates! When Link Summoned, I can Special Summon a Cycode Token
next to his Link Arrow!"

A tiny creature resembling a computer arrow appeared next to Cycode Talker's bottom-left Link
Arrow in Defense Position.

Cycode Token ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1

"Cycode Talker's second effect activates! All your monsters lose 500 attack points for every monster
it points to! It points to two monsters, so your monsters lose 1000 attack points! Go, Power

Decode Talker ATK 2800→2300

Sea Archiver ATK 300→0

"I place a card face-down and end my turn," Playmaker concluded.

"My turn! I draw!" Storm looked at his drawn card and played it. "I activate the Spell Card: Link
Treasure! I draw cards equal to the number of Link Monsters on the field. There are two, so I draw
two cards!"
After looking at his cards, he narrowed his eyes at his field. This duel is mine this turn, he thought.
All I have to do is attack and destroy Sea Archiver, then use Cycode Talker’s effect to Tribute my
Cycode Token and inflict damage to Playmaker equal to Talker’s attack points. In other words, I’ll

"I activate the Continuous Spell Card: Code Matrix!" Storm Rider continued. "During my Battle Phase
only, all my Cyberse Link Monsters gain 1000 attack points."

He gestured to his field. "Battle! Cycode Talker attacks Decode Talker! At this moment, Code
Matrix’s effect activates, increasing Cycode Talker’s attack points!"

Cycode Talker ATK 2300→3300

"Go, Cycode Catastrophe!"

Cycode Talker unsheathed its katana and charged at the mechanical seahorse, but Playmaker
remained calm and gestured to his field.

"I activate the Trap Card: Cure Conversion!" Playmaker shouted. "When a monster I control is
attacked, I can Tribute it to end the Battle Phase!"

Following Playmaker's words, Decode Talker disintegrated, causing Cycode Talker’s attack to miss.

"Then, I get to draw a card, and if I draw a monster, I gain Life Points equal to its attack points!

After drawing, Playmaker revealed the card to his opponent. "I drew Linkslayer, which has 2000
attack points. So I gain 2000 Life Points!"

Playmaker: 2100→4100 LP

"So close and yet so far," Storm Rider grumbled. "I place a card face-down and end my turn."

"My turn! I draw!" Playmaker drew and looked at his card. He then played it immediately.

"I summon Swap Cleric!"

Swap Cleric ATK 500→0 DEF 1000 LVL: 2

A blue and purple mechanical priest appeared on Playmaker's field.

"I'll now create the ultimate circuit!" Playmaker declared as the Link Portal appeared above him. "The
summoning condition is one Level 2 or lower Cyberse monster. I set Swap Cleric in the Link Arrow!"

The monster entered the bottom arrow.

"I Link Summon! Appear! Link-1! Talkback Lancer!"

A blue and green armored warrior appeared, summoned to the Right Extra Monster Zone.

Talkback Lancer ATK 1200→700 LINK-1 ↓

"Swap Cleric's effect! When used to Link Summon, I can reduce Talkback Lancer's attack points by
500 to draw a card!"

Talkback Lancer ATK 700→200

Playmaker drew and looked at his card, then gestured to his field.

"I activate Talkback Lancer's effect! By Tributing a Cyberse monster I control, I can Special Summon
a "Code Talker" monster from my Graveyard to Talkback Lancer's Link Arrow!"

"I don’t think so! I activate the Trap Card: Breakthrough Skill!" Storm Rider declared. "This card lets
me target a face-up effect monster you control and negate its effects until the end of the turn. I target
Talkback Lancer!"

Breakthrough Skill then glowed and greyed out Talkback Lancer in the process, much to
Playmaker's dismay.

"In that case, I activate the Spell Card: Cyberse Bridge! By discarding one Cyberse monster, I can
move my monster from the Extra Monster Zone to my Main Monster Zone. I discard RAM Clouder
and move Talkback Lancer to my Main Monster Zone below it." He did just that, then said, "Cyberse
Bridge's effect then lets me draw one card, and if it is a monster, I can Special Summon a Cyberse
monster with the same Level from the Graveyard."

Playmaker drew. "I drew the Level 4 Cyberse Wizard. So I'll Special Summon the Level 4 RAM
Clouder from my Graveyard!"

A ram with light green fur, mechanical legs, tail, and horns appeared.

RAM Clouder ATK 1800→1300 DEF 1000 LVL: 4

"I activate RAM Clouder's effect! By Tributing a monster, I can Special Summon a Cyberse monster
from my Graveyard. I Tribute Ram Clouder to Special Summon Decode Talker!"

The kid disintegrated as the purple armored warrior reappeared.

Decode Talker ATK 2300→1800 LINK-3 ↑↘

"Appear again, the circuit that leads to the future!" Playmaker shouted as a Link Portal appeared
above him. "Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two or more Effect Monsters! I
set the Link-1 Talkback Lancer and Link-3 Decode Talker in the Link Arrows!''

Said monsters became hurricanes, entering the top, left, right and bottom Link Arrows.

''Link the Circuit!'' Playmaker shouted. "Forge the bond that connects the real with the virtual! I Link
Summon! Link-4! Accesscode Talker!"

Emerging through the portal was a monster resembling Decode Talker in white, golden angelic
armor with glowing purple eyes, pink orbs across its armor, an angelic helmet and wing-like shoulder
pads. It wielded a massive golden lance with a light grey handle and glowing purple crystals
attached on each side of the lance in its right hand. It let out a battle cry as it was summoned to the
Extra Monster Zone.

Accesscode Talker ATK 2300→1800 LINK-4 ←↑↓→

"A-Accesscode Talker," Storm Rider muttered. "Another one of aces has appeared."

"Accesscode Talker's effect activates! When summoned using a Link Monster as one of its
materials, Accesscode gains 1000 attack points times that monster's Link Rating.'' Playmaker
explained. "Since Decode Talker is Link-3, Accesscode gains 3000 attack points!''

Accesscode Talker ATK 1800→4800

''I activate Accesscode Talker's second effect! By banishing a Link Monster in my Graveyard, I
destroy a card on my opponent's field, but I cannot banish the same Attribute I already banished. I
banish the Dark Talkback Lancer to destroy Cycode Talker! Access Integration!''

Accesscode threw its lance at the Decode Talker doppelganger with great speed, piercing it and
destroying it on impact.

"With Cycode Talker no longer on Storm Rider’s field, Playmaker’s monsters regain 500 attack
points," Sanctum noted.
Accesscode Talker ATK 4800→5300

''Accesscode's effect! I banish the Water Splash Mage to destroy your Cycode Token!''

Accesscode formed another spear and threw it at the Token, destroying it.

"Now you have nothing on your field! This is the end! Battle! Accesscode Talke, attack Storm Rider

Accesscode charged forward and towered over Storm Rider. The Link monster's lance was glowing
in a bright golden light that blinded Storm Rider.

"Finish it! Access Conclusion!"

The monster thrusted its lance forward at Storm Rider.

"I activate the effect of the Cycode Battler in my hand!" Storm Rider declared, surprising Playmaker.
"If you attack me directly, I can Special Summon this card in Attack Position!"

A muscular robot in boxer's clothes, with red boxing gloves, blue shorts, a white tank top, and red
headgear, appeared on Storm Rider’s field.

Cycode Battler ATK 1500 DEF 700 LVL: 4

Playmaker grit his teeth. "Very well then. Accesscode, attack Cycode Battler!"

Storm Rider smirked as he gestured to his field. "I activate the effect of Broken Cycode in my

Playmaker gasped when the card appeared. That must be the card he discarded through Coder’s

"Through its effect, when my "Cycode" monster battles your monster, Broken Cycode increases my
Life Points by your monster's attack points!"

"What?!" Playmaker gasped.

"Accesscode Talker has 5300 attack points, so I gain 5300 Life Points!"

Storm Rider: 1900→7200 LP

"Woah." Maestra whistled. "That's quite the amount of Life Points Storm Rider's got there."

"Even if you survive the turn, your monster won't!"

The lance pierced through Battler’s body, destroying it and causing Storm Rider to wince due to the
ensuing shockwave.

Storm Rider: 7200→3400 LP

"When Battler is destroyed by battle, I can add one "Cycode" monster from my Graveyard to my
hand," Storm Rider said. "I return Cycode Dancer to my hand. Also, at the end of the Battle Phase,
Broken Cycode's effect lets me draw two cards since I control no monsters." He drew and smiled at
his cards. "Looks like you won't be defeating me this turn, Playmaker."

"Guess not," Playmaker replied. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Mystical Space Typhoon! With
this card, I destroy Code Matrix!"

Storm Rider gasped as a blast of wind destroyed his Continuous Spell.

"I place a card face-down and end my turn."

"My turn! I draw! Since I control no monsters," Storm Rider said. "I can Special Summon Cycode
Swordsman from my hand!"

The man with two swords reappeared.

Cycode Swordsman ATK 1200 DEF 900 LVL: 3

"Since Swordsman was Special Summoned by its effect, I can add one "Cycode" monster from my
Deck to my hand," Storm Rider continued. "I add Cycode Prisoner to my hand." He did so, then
said, "I summon Cycode Dancer!"

The robot in a leotard reappeared.

Cycode Dancer ATK 1000 DEF 200 LVL: 2

"Dancer's effect activates! When it is Normal Summoned, as I control a "Cycode" monster, I can
Special Summon a Level 2 or lower "Cycode" monster from my hand or Deck in Attack Position with
its effects negated. From my Deck, I Special Summon Cycode Soul!"

A small drone built around a mechanical ring appeared on Storm Rider’s field.

Cycode Soul ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1

"He has three monsters now," Ringmaster noted.

"I now create my circuit!"

The Link Portal appeared above Storm Rider once again.

"Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two Cyberse monsters, including one
"Cycode" monster. I set Cycode Assassin, Swordsman and Engineer in the Link Arrows!"

Storm Rider's monsters became whirlwinds of energy as they entered the left, bottom, and right

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear! Link-3! Cycode Gaia Charger!"

A new monster charged out of the Link portal. It resembled Gaia the Fierce Knight, but its body
merged with a horse. He wore blue armor with dark brown colors and digital-like lancers. The horse
had the same color design but with robotic, digital wings. The monster let out a battle cry as it was
summoned to the Extra Monster Zone.

Cycode Gaia Charger ATK 2600 LINK-3 ←↓→

"Gaia Charger’s effect activates!" Storm Ridercontinued. "When Gaia Charger is successfully Link
Summoned, all monsters you control have their attack points halved!"

"What?" Playmaker gasped.

"You heard me. Go, Jamming Javelin!"

Gaia Charger aimed its spear at Accesscodel as it released a wave of electricity at the Link Monster,
draining its power.

Accesscode Talker ATK 5300→2650

"I'm far from done!" Storm Rider said. "I activate the Equip Spell Card: Cycode War Helm and equip
it to Gaia Charger!" Gaia Charger’s head was equipped with a silver helmet. It was tapered at the top
and came with a raised face guard. Wings framed the sides of the helmet. "Thanks to War Helm, the
equipped Gaia Charger gains 800 attack points."

Cycode Gaia Charger ATK 2600→3400

"Battle! Gaia Charger attacks Accesscode Talker! Linkage Spiral!"

Gaia Charger charged Accesscode. Its lance pierced its chest, destroying it and making Playmaker

Playmaker: 4100→3350 LP

Storm Rider smirked. "Gaia Charger’s additional effect! It can make two attacks during each Battle
Phase!" Playmaker's eyes widened in shock. "Go, Linkage Spiral!"

"I activate my Trap Card: Ground Capture!" Playmaker abruptly stated. "Since your monster
declared an attack, the battle damage is halved!"

Soon, a giant stone hand erupted from the ground and temporarily stopped Gaia Charger's attack.
Unfortunately, it broke through and struck Playmaker, sending him skidding backwards.

Playmaker: 3350→1650 LP

"Then, since I took 1000 or more points of damage from your attack, I can draw a card!"

"Should’ve known you had a trick up your sleeve. In that case, I end my turn."

Playmaker placed his hand on his Deck. "My turn! I draw!" He looked at his card, then played
another one. "Since I control no monsters, I Special Summon Linkslayer!"

A warrior in golden lion armor with a brown cape and two blue energy blades on its wrists appeared.

Linkslayer ATK 2000 DEF 600 LVL: 5

"Next, I summon Cyberse Wizard!"

A young man with green hair in black and white robes appeared, carrying a staff.

Cyberse Wizard ATK 1800 DEF 800 LVL: 4

"Then, I activate the Spell Card: Disconnect Linker!" Playmaker continued. "This card Special
Summons a Link-2 or lower Link Monster from my Graveyard with its effects negated. Then, I
immediately use it to Link Summon. Resurrect, Code Talker!"

The gray-armored warrior reappeared.

Code Talker ATK 1300 LINK-2 ↑↓

"Appear! The circuit that leads to the future!" The Link portal appeared once again above Playmaker.
"Link arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two or more monsters! I set Linkslayer,
Cyberse Wizard, and the Link-2 Code Talker in the Link Arrows!"

His monsters entered the left, top, bottom, and right arrows, turning red.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear! Link-4! Firewall Dragon!"

A massive blue and white dragon with circles all over its body appeared on his field, summoned to
Playmaker's Extra Monster Zone.

Firewall Dragon ATK 2500 LINK-4 ←↑↓→

Storm Rider gasped. "Firewall Dragon? His true ace monster."

"While the monster summoned by Disconnect Linker is on the field, it’s unaffected by your card
effects, and monsters in the Extra Monster Zone can’t attack," Playmaker said as Storm Rider’s eyes
widened. "Next, I activate the Spell Card: Link Hole! Since I control a Link-4 or higher monster, I can
destroy monsters you control up to the number of Link-3 or higher monsters I control. I control one,
so I can destroy one monster you control!"


"I'll destroy Cycode Gaia Charger!"

Energy formed inside Firewall's mouth. It fired the energy at the Cycode Link Monster, destroying it
and making Storm Rider cover his eyes.

When the smoke cleared, Storm Rider smirked. "Not bad."

"Firewall Dragon, attack Storm Rider directly! Tempest Terahertz!"

Firewall Dragon's wings collapsed to form shards around it, creating several rings of energy as the
blue in Firewall Dragon's skin changed to red. The dragon gathered red energy in its mouth, which it
fired at Storm Rider.

Storm Rider gritted his teeth and raised his arms to protect himself. The blast hit, making him
scream in pain as he was pushed back several feet. When the attack abated, Storm Rider fell to his
knees, breathing hard.

Storm Rider: 3400→900 LP

"That had to hurt." Sanctum winced. "If he hadn't raised his Life Points, Storm Rider would have
outright lost."

"I place a card face-down and end my turn."

"My turn!" Storm Rider announced. "I draw! I summon Cycode Sorceress!"

The mechanical female humanoid wielding a metal staff reappeared.

Cycode Sorceress ATK 1400 DEF 400 LVL: 4

"Sorceress's effect activates! When she's Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or
lower "Cycode" monster from my Graveyard in Attack Position. Return to me, Cycode Strider!"

Strider reappeared on Storm Rider's field next to Sorceress.

Cycode Strider ATK 1700 DEF 1000 LVL: 4

"And since I Special Summoned Strider, I get to check the top card of Deck to see if it's a monster. I

He drew and looked at his card, causing him to smile. "I drew Cycode Acrobat, which means I can
summon it!"

A female-like android in a light blue leotard, leg warmers, and arm sleeves with a silver hoop in its
right hand appeared next to Strider in Attack Position.

Cycode Acrobat ATK 1700 DEF 1400 LVL: 5

"Acrobat's effect activates! When it is Special Summoned by a "Cycode" card's effect, I can add a
"Cycode" card from my Deck to my hand. I'll add Cycode Recon to my hand. Now, I’ll create my
circuit!" The Link Portal appeared above Storm Rider. "Link Arrows authorized! The summoning
conditions are two or more Effect monsters. I set Cycode Sorceress, Strider, and Acrobat in the Link

Storm Rider's three monsters became whirlwinds of energy and entered the top, bottom-left, and
bottom-right arrows.
"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear! Link-3! Cycode Talker Extended!"

A warrior that resembled Cycode Talker, with its armor gilded in gold and wielding two katanas
instead of one with energy blades, emerged from the portal and swung its swords from the Left Extra
Monster Zone.

Cycode Talker Extended ATK 2300 LINK-3 ↑↘

"A new Cyberse Link Monster..." Playmaker muttered. "What does it do?"

"Cycode Talker Extended’s effect activates!" Storm Rider declared. "When it’s Link Summoned, I
can Special Summon a "Cycode" monster from my hand or Graveyard. Be reborn, Cycode Talker!"

The warrior in green and white armor reappeared and swung its sword.

Cycode Talker ATK 2300 LINK-3 ↑↘

"Next, I activate the Quick-Play Spell: Cycode Power!" The card showed Cycode Talker holding one
of Gaia Charger's lances as it lay on the ground, with its armored damaged. "This card lets me target
one Link-3 or higher "Cycode" Link Monster I control. Then, every "Cycode" monster on my field
except the targeted monster is sent to the Graveyard. I target Cycode Talker!"

Cycode Talker Extended disintegrated as Cycode Talker glowed.

"Now, Cycode Talker gains attack points equal to the combined attack points of the sent monsters!"
Storm Rider said, making Playmaker's eyes widen. "Extended had 2300 attack points! That

"2300," Playmaker finished.

Cycode Talker ATK 2300→4600

"Battle! Cycode Talker attacks Firewall Dragon! Cycode Catastrophe!"

Cycode Talker’s swords elongated as it charged Firewall Dragon. Playmaker remained calm as he
gestured to the field.

"I activate my face-down!" he declared. "The Continuous Trap Card: Overload Anchor! Since your
monster attacked while I only control a Link Monster, Firewall Dragon can't be destroyed by that
battle, and the battle damage is halved!"

The attack struck the dragon, who roared while Playmaker winced from the pain.

Playmaker: 1650→500 LP

"Overload Anchor then ends the Battle Phase," Playmaker said, earning a scowl from Storm Rider.
"I set a card," he said. "I end my turn. As it’s now the End Phase, the effect of Cycode Power ends."

Cycode Talker ATK 4600→2300

Playmaker put his hand on his Deck. "My turn! I draw!" He looked at his card, then gestured to his
field. "Battle! Firewall Dragon, attack Cycode Talker! Tempest Terahertz!"

The rings of energy formed behind his monster as it blasted Digital Dragoon. Storm Rider gritted his
teeth and gestured to his field.

"I activate the Trap Card: Cycode Emergence!" he declared. "By banishing a monster from your
Graveyard, Cycode Talker gains attack points equal to that monster's Level times 200!"

"From my Graveyard?" Playmaker repeated.

"I banish Dual Assembwurm! It's Level 8, so Cycode Talker gains 1600 attack points!"

Cycode Talker ATK 2300→3900

"Since your monster’s now stronger than Firewall, I’ll cease my Battle Phase," Playmaker said. "I
place two cards face-down and end my turn. Meaning the effect of Cycode Emergence ends."

Cycode Talker ATK 3900→2300

"You may have impressed me with your skills, Storm Rider. But you’ll have to do more if you want to
beat me."

Storm Rider frowned. "You may be ahead, Playmaker, but I'll change that right now! My turn! I draw!"
Seeing what card he drew, Storm Rider smiled. Perfect.

"Since you control a monster and I don't, I can Special Summon Cycode Recon from my hand!"

A human-sized robot appeared, wielding a marksman rifle wearing light military gear.

Cycode Recon ATK 1200 DEF 1000 LVL: 3

"Since Recon was Special Summoned by its effect, I can add one "Cycode" monster from my Deck
to my hand," Storm Rider said. "I add Cycode Stealth Shadow to my hand. Next, I summon Cycode

A cyborg in a white-and-blue prisoner's uniform with a single red eye appeared in Attack Position.

Cycode Prisoner ATK 1600 DEF 2100 LVL: 5

"Cycode Prisoner can be Special Summoned if there is a Cyberse Link Monster on the field." Storm
Rider gestured to the sky. "Appear, my circuit!" The Link portal manifested as his hand glowed blue.
"Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two "Cycode" monsters. I set Cycode
Recon and Prisoner in the Link Arrows!"
His monsters became whirlwinds of energy and entered the left and bottom-right arrows, turning red.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Link-2! Cycode Hunter!"

A cybernetic humanoid emerged from the Link Portal at the Extra MonsterZone. It wore silver
gauntlets with futuristic pistols on its forearms, and a cobalt mask covered its mouth. A navy blue
cape with white lining hung from its shoulders, and instead of eyes, it had two light blue lenses that
were constantly whirling.

Cycode Hunter 1600 LINK-2 ←↘

"Since I used Recon as Link Material for the summoning of a "Cycode" Link Monster, I can add a
"Cycode" Spell or Trap Card to my hand." He took a card from his Deck and placed it in his hand.
"And since Prisoner was used to Link Summon a "Cycode" Link Monster, I can add one "Cycode"
card from my Deck to my hand. I add and activate the Spell Card: Cycode Core! I can Special
Summon a "Cycode" monster with a Level from my Graveyard in Defense Position with its effects
negated. Return, Cycode Battler!"

The robotic boxer reappeared.

Cycode Battler ATK 1500 DEF 700 LVL: 4

"I’ll now create my circuit for a second time!"

The Link Portal appeared above Storm Rider once again.

"Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two or more Cyberse monsters, including
one "Cycode" monster. I set Cycode Battler and Link-2 Cycode Hunter in the Link Arrows!"

Storm Rider's monsters became whirlwinds of energy as they entered the left, bottom, and right

"Beyond Reality, beyond technology; appear and begin your path to change the course of evolution!
I Link Summon! Appear, Link 3! Cyber Tech Armored Dragon!"

The dragon that emerged from the portal was half the size of Storm Rider's Link-4 monster. It had
four limbs, a bulky-like armored body with four cybernetic orbs. Its claws, tail, and wings glowed light
blue energy. The dragon roared, its yellow eyes gleaming from the Extra Monster Zone.

Cyber Tech Armored Dragon ATK 2000 LINK-3 ←↓→

"Since Battler was sent to the Graveyard as Link Material, Cycode Core’s effect lets me draw
another card," Storm Rider continued. "Then, I activate Cycode Hunter's effect from my Graveyard!
"The monster that used it as Link Material gains 1000 attack points."

Cyber Tech Armored Dragon ATK 2000→3000

"I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Mystical Space Typhoon! This card lets me destroy one Spell
or Trap Card on the field! I'll destroy Overload Anchor!"

A whirlwind blasted the Trap Card, destroying it.

"Battle! Armored Dragon, attack Firewall Dragon! Cyber Armored Burst!"

Armored Dragon gathered blue energy in its mouth, but Playmaker made his move before it could

"I activate the Trap Card: Doppler Phase Coating! This card lets me equip it to a Cyberse monster I
control and prevent it from being destroyed by battle once per turn! I equip it to Firewall Dragon!"

Ringmaster raised an eyebrow. "Why would Playmaker activate that card? Preventing Firewall's
destruction won't protect his Life Points." Then his eyes widened. "Unless-."

"I still have a card to play," Playmaker said. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell: Cynet Backdoor! This
card banishes a Cyberse monster I control and lets me add a Cyberse monster with less attack
points from my Deck to my hand. I banish Firewall Dragon and add Rescue Interlacer to my hand."
As he took the card from his Deck, Firewall Dragon disappeared.

"Cynet Backdoor will return Firewall Dragon during my next Standby Phase," Playmaker said. "And
when it returns, it will be able to attack you directly."

"That won't stop me from attacking you directly with Armored Dragon," Storm Rider pointed out. "But
I assume your Doppler Phase Coating Trap Card has something to do with why you banished
Firewall Dragon."

"It does," Playmaker affirmed. "Since Firewall Dragon left the field, Doppler Phase Coating was sent
to the Graveyard. And if Doppler Phase Coating is sent to the Graveyard during the Battle Phase,
the Battle Phase automatically ends." After he said that, the energy in Armored Dragon’s dissipated
as Storm Rider scowled.

"I activate the Spell Card: Link Spring! For every Link Monster on the field, I gain 400 Life Points. As
there are two Link Monsters, I gain 800 Life Points."

Storm Rider: 900→1700 LP

"I set one card face-down and end my turn."

"My turn! I draw!" Playmaker drew, then said, "During my Standby Phase, Firewall Dragon returns to
my field!"

His dragon returned, this time summoned to the center Main Monster Zone.

Firewall Dragon ATK 2500 LINK-4 ←↑↓→

He pointed his right finger at Storm Rider. "Battle! Firewall Dragon attacks you directly! Tempest

Firewall Dragon's wings transformed into eight pieces that formed energy rings around it. The
dragon gathered energy in its mouth before firing it at Storm Rider.

"I activate the Trap Card: Cycode Half-Guard!" Storm Rider declared. "By discarding one "Cycode"
monster from my hand, all battle damage I take is halved! I discard Cycode Stealth Shadow!"

Storm Rider's Trap Card shot out a red light beam, which cut the blast in half as it struck Storm
Rider, causing him to grunt in pain.

Storm Rider: 1700→450 LP

"And since the Battle Phase ended, Half-Guard's additional effect activates!" Storm Rider continued.
"I draw one card for each of your monsters that battled this turn. Only one monster battled, so I draw
a card!"

"Looks like that's it for now," Playmaker remarked. "I end my turn."

"Very well. My turn! I draw!" Storm Rider glanced at his card, then gestured to his field. "Battle!
Cyber Tech Armored Dragon attacks Firewall Dragon! Cyber Armored Burst!"

Armored Dragon gathered blue energy in its mouth and orbs before firing it at Firewall.

"I activate the effect of Rescue Interlacer in my hand!" Playmaker declared. "If your monster attacks
my Attack Position Cyberse monster, I can discard Rescue Interlacer to take no damage!"

The beam struck, and Firewall Dragon exploded, but Playmaker remained unharmed.

"Man, I forgot you had that card in your hand…." Storm Rider said with a frustrated expression.
"Can't be helped then. I end my turn."

"During the End Phase, as Rescue Interlacer was discarded for its effect, I can Special Summon it
from my Graveyard!"

A red and white mechanical humanoid appeared in Defense Position.

Rescue Interlacer ATK 1000 DEF 1200 LVL: 3

"It's my turn!" Playmaker announced. "I draw! "I activate the Spell Card: Cyberse Soul! This card
banishes a Cyberse monster from my Graveyard and a monster from your Graveyard with the same
Level as that monster. I banish the Level 4 Cyberse Wizard from my Graveyard to banish the Level 4
Cycode Strider from your Graveyard!"

Storm Rider frowned as he saw his card leave the Graveyard.

Clever, Sanctum thought. Now Storm Rider can’t use Strider to Special Summon more monsters.

"Cyberse Soul's final effect lets me add a Level 4 or lower Cyberse monster from my Deck to my
hand," Playmaker said, taking a card from his Deck. "I add the Level 1 Cyberse Synchron to my
hand. Next, I summon Cyberse Synchron!"

A small white machine with blue eyes connected to the middle of a white ring appeared on the
Playmaker's field.

Cyberse Synchron ATK 100 DEF 100 LVL: 1

"I activate Cyberse Synchron's effect!" Playmaker continued. "Once per turn, I can target one Level 4
or lower monster on my field and increase its current Level by its original Level until the End Phase. I
target Rescue Interlacer and increase its level by three!"

Rescue Interlacer LVL: 3→6

"Looks like a counterattack is coming." Storm Rider remarked.

"You got that right." Playmaker said. "Level 1 Cyberse Synchron tunes Level 6 Rescue Interlacer!"

A bolt of green lightning struck the ground, disintegrating Playmaker's two monsters. They reformed
into two rings that merged and turned into seven blue rings in a tower. A screen saying "1 + 6"
appeared, then changed to "7". A surge of light went through the rings.

"Watch as the lightning flash strikes from the universe's far reaches! I Synchro Summon! Cyberse
Quantum Dragon!"

The light faded and revealed a blue and white dragon with elongated wings that had thrusters
embedded in them. The dragon's four eyes gleamed as it roared in Attack Position.

Cyberse Quantum Dragon ATK 2500 DEF 2000 LVL: 7

"Battle!" Playmaker declared. "Cyberse Quantum Dragon attacks Odd-Eyes Venom Dragon!"

The dragon roared and charged the larger monster.

"Quantum Dragon's effect activates! When Quantum Dragon battles your monster, that monster is
returned to your hand! Driveback Shot!"

Quantum Dragon flew through Armored Dragon, making it disintegrate.

"Quantum Dragon's effect then lets it attack again in a row! Quantum Dragon attacks you directly!
Quantum Encryption!"

"I activate the effect of Cycode Stealth Shadow from my Graveyard!" Storm Rider abruptly stated.
"When you declare a direct attack, I can Special Summon this card from my hand, and by doing so,
the Battle Phase automatically ends!"
A black, dark blue digital ninja wielding energy kunais appeared as he raised his kunais and created
a barrier that blocked Quantum Dragon’s attack.

Cycode Stealth Shadow ATK 1000 DEF 0 LVL: 2

Playmaker smirked. "I'm not even surprised you had a counter to that ready. I place a card face-
down and end my turn."

"It's my turn!" Storm Rider announced. "I draw! First, I activate the Spell Card: Cyberse Call! It lets
me add one Level 4 or below Cyberse monster from my Deck to my hand. I add Cycode Resonator
to my hand, which I’ll summon!"

A legless dwarf alien appeared on Storm Rider's field. It wore tattered black robes with a dark blue
centerpiece decorated with a silver eight-pointed star. A pair of metallic silver wings sprouted from its
back, and its head was gray, with pink membranes spread outwards. A single red eye glowed in its
right eye socket as it wielded a tuning fork and mallet in its hands.

Cycode Resonator ATK 1000 DEF 1000 LVL: 2

"Resonator's effect activates!" Storm Rider continued. "When it is Normal Summoned, I Special
Summon a "Cycode" monster from my Graveyard in Defense Position with its effects negated and
change its Level to between 1 and 4. I resurrect Cycode Swordsman as a Level 4 monster!"

The warrior with two swords reappeared, with its Level changed.

Cycode Swordsman ATK 1200 DEF 900 LVL: 3→4

"Level 4 and two Level 2s," Maestra muttered.

"Level 2 Cycode Resonator tunes Level 4 Cycode Swordsman and Level 2 Cycode Stealth

A bolt of green lightning struck Storm Rider as the world grayed out. His three monsters
disintegrated into particles of green data that reformed into three circles, one being green and
composed of two concentric rings, while the other two were silver and composed of two and four
concentric rings. The circles turned blue before merging, forming eight blue rings stacked in a tower,
circled by blue-green rectangles. A screen displayed "2 + 4 + 2" appeared before changing to "8." A
light surged through the rings as Storm Rider raised his hand above his head.

"Flash of lightning! The unknown power transforms into a soaring dragon!" He brought his hand
down and gestured to his field. "I Synchro Summon! Come forth, Level 8! Cycode Vortex Drake!"

A white digital dragonic avian with blue water-like energy rings surrounding its body emerged from
the light. It had four metal energy wings with green lining and a long spiral-like tail.

Cycode Vortex Drake ATK 2800 DEF 2400 LVL: 8

"Vortex Drake's effect activates!" Storm Rider shouted. "When this card is summoned successfully, I
can reduce the attack point of all monsters my opponent controls to 0 until the end of this turn."
Abyssio gasped at Storm Rider's words. "Draining Vortex!"

A massive wave of blue wind was generated from Vortex Drake's wings and aimed toward Cyberse
Quantum Dragon.
"I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Mirage Spell!" Playmaker declared. "When a card effect would
change the attack or defense points of a monster I control, I gain that many Life Points instead!"

Playmaker: 500→3000 LP

The winds changed directions and enveloped Playmaker, surrounding his body in a golden aura.

"In that case, Battle! Vortex Drake attacks Cyberse Quantum Dragon! Turbine Takedown!"

The Synchro Monster's wings glowed with light as it roared. They spun around, creating a powerful
whirlwind as it drilled through Quantum Dragon, destroying it and making Ringmaster wince in pain.

Playmaker: 3000→2700 LP

"I place two cards face-down and end my turn," Storm Rider concluded.

"My turn! I draw!" Playmaker’s eyes widened after seeing what he’d drawn. Perfect. "I summon ROM

A ram with brown fur and pink horns appeared.

ROM Cloudia ATK 1800 DEF 0 LVL: 4

"ROM Cloudia's effect activates! When it is Normal Summoned, I can add a Cyberse monster from
my Graveyard to my hand. I'll add Clock Wyvern to my hand." Playmaker took the card from his
Graveyard. Next, I activate the Spell Card: Cynet Fusion! With this card, I send monsters from my
hand or field to the Graveyard to Fusion Summon a Cyberse Fusion Monster! And when I control no
monsters in the Extra Monster Zone, I can also banish a Cyberse Link Monster from my Graveyard
as Fusion Material!" He raised his right hand. "I fuse the Clock Wyvern in my hand and banish
Accesscode Talker from my Graveyard!"

The golden-armored warrior appeared on Playmaker's field alongside a blue and purple mechanical
dragon. Said dragon and warrior turned into red and blue particles. The particles swirled together
into a vortex before shooting upwards as twisters that merged, forming a single violet tornado.

"By fusing my monsters, I merge them into a new, more powerful creation! I Fusion Summon!
Cyberse Clock Dragon!"

The tornado was torn apart by a violet dragon in black armor with silver and gold wings and four
gleaming blue eyes. The dragon roared from the Extra Monster Zone in Attack Position.

Cyberse Clock Dragon ATK 2500 DEF 2000 LVL: 7

"It's here!" Ringmaster shouted. "Playmaker's ace Fusion Monster! Cyberse Clock Dragon!"

Storm Rider grit his teeth. "I feel like this is going to hurt."

"Cyberse Clock Dragon's effect activates!" Playmaker declared. "When it is Fusion Summoned, I can
send cards from the top of my Deck to the Graveyard, equal to its materials' Link Ratings. I send four
cards to the Graveyard. And for each card sent, Clock Dragon gains 1000 attack points! Cyberse

Cyberse Clock Dragon ATK 2500→6500

"6500 attack points?!" Maestra exclaimed.

"A single attack will end the duel," Sanctum realized. With an effect like that and the ease with which
he summoned it, I can see why he would use that dragon.

"Battle! Clock Dragon attacks Vortex Drake!"

"I activate the Trap Card: Code Termination!" Storm Rider declared as the card showed a digitized
reflective barrier, protecting multiple Cycode monsters. "Since a "Cycode" monster I control is
targeted for an attack, I can destroy all attack position monsters you control!"

A blast of powerful energy shot from the card, right at Playmaker’s monsters.

"I’m not done yet! I activate Cyberse Synchron's effect from my Graveyard! By banishing this card, I
can prevent a monster in my Extra Monster Zone from being destroyed!" Playmaker countered as
the powerful blast only destroyed ROM Cloudia.

"Furthermore, when ROM Cloudia is destroyed, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Cyberse
monster from my Deck. I Special Summon Grid Sweeper!"

A gray triangle with green edges and yellow lights at its corners appeared in Defense Position.

Grid Sweeper ATK 100 DEF 2000 LVL: 4

"Go, Clock Dragon! Pulse Pressure!"

"I activate the Trap Card: Defense Draw!" Storm Rider shouted as a torrent of pink energy erupted
from Clock Dragon's maw. "Through its effect, the battle damage is reduced to 0, and I can draw a
card from my Deck!"

Following Storm Rider's words, Vortex Drake was consumed by the energy wave, its body

"Also, since you destroyed Vortex Drake, its effect activates!" Storm Rider announced. "I can add a
Trap Card from my Deck to my hand. I'll add Cycode Battle Barrier to my hand."
"Since I can't do anything else, I'll place a card face-down and end my turn."

"My turn!" Storm Rider announced. "I draw! First, I activate the effect of Cyberse Call in my
Graveyard! By banishing it, I can Special Summon a Cyberse monster from my Graveyard.
Resurrect, Cycode Skywalker!"

A digitized warrior in golden armor with blue circuits running across it with a crown-shaped visor
obscuring the upper half of his face appeared on Storm Rider’s field in Attack Position. He wielded
twin swords with a glowing blue line in the middle.

Cycode Skywalker ATK 1600 DEF 1200 LVL: 4

"I activate the effect of Cycode Alchemist in my Graveyard!" Storm Rider continued. "By banishing it,
I can add Cycode Fusion from my Deck to my hand."

"Fusion's next, then?" Playmaker muttered.

"I activate the Spell Card: Cycode Fusion!" Storm Rider declared. "With this card, I send monsters
from my hand or field to the Graveyard to Fusion Summon a "Cycode" Fusion Monster! And when
you control a monster in the Extra Monster Zone, I can also use monsters in my Deck as Fusion

"Fusion Summoning from... your Deck?" Playmaker said, now worried about what was coming next.

He raised his right hand. "I fuse the Cycode Skywalker on my field with Cycode Swordsurge and
Cycode Knight from my Deck!"

Soon, a silhouette of a light blue armored humanoid with white lining across its body, wearing an
energy-like trench coat and wielding a bladeless sword and a cybernetic knight in white armor
appeared alongside Skywalker. After doing so, the three monsters disintegrated into red, blue, and
green particles that swirled into a vortex before shooting upwards as tornados. The three tornados
merged to form a single violet twister.

"The supreme blade that cleaves the wind! Bring forth the new legend!" Storm Rider chanted as he
gestured to his field, the lines on his suit glowing a soft purple. "I Fusion Summon! Come out!
Cycode Lordwalker!"

A golden greatsword split the whirlwind, revealing an evolved version of Cycode Skywalker in
kinglike armor. It unsheathed its sword and let out a battle cry, summoned to the Extra Monster Zone
in Attack Position.

Cycode Lordwalker ATK 2600 DEF 2400 LVL: 8

"Storm Rider's ace Fusion Monster," Sanctum muttered.

"I activate Cycode Lordwalker's effect!" Storm Rider continued. "Once per turn, I can target a card on
the field and destroy it. I choose to destroy Cyberse Clock Dragon!"

Lordwalker swung his arms, sending a beam of blue light at Playmaker’s Fusion Monster, destroying

"Since an effect destroyed Clock Dragon, its effect activates!" Playmaker announced. "I can add a
Spell Card from my Deck to my hand. I'll add Cynet Defrag to my hand."
"Battle! Cycode Lordwalker attacks Grid Sweeper! Termination Slash!"

Lordwalker slashed Sweeper with its sword, making it explode.

"Cycode Lordwalker’s second effect," Storm Rider continued. "If I used more than two monsters to
Fusion Summon it, it gains an additional attack for every additional monster. I used three monsters,
meaning Lordwalker can attack once more! The second attack! Cycode Lordwalker attacks you
directly! And thanks to its effect, Lordwalker’s attack points are doubled!"

Cycode Lordwalker ATK 2600→5200

Playmaker gritted his teeth and gestured to his field. "I activate the Trap Card: Firewall Shield! When
your monster declares an attack, I can halve my Life Points to take no damage!"

The blast hit Cyberse Magician, making the monster explode, but the smoke parted around
Playmaker, not touching him.

Playmaker: 2700→1350 LP

"Firewall Shield's effect lets me add a Level 4 or lower Cyberse monster from my Deck to my hand.
I'll add Cyberse Gardna to my hand."

"I see. Quite clever. I place a card face-down and end my turn," Storm Rider concluded.

"My turn!" Playmaker announced. "I draw! I activate the Spell Card: Cards of Adversity! When you
control a Special Summoned monster, and I don't control any, I can draw two cards!"

He looked at the cards he drew and smiled. "I summon Widget Kid!"

A boy in a blue jumpsuit wielding a toy blaster appeared.

Widget Kid ATK 1500 DEF 900 LVL: 3

"Widget Kid's effect! I can Special Summon a Cyberse monster from my hand in Defense Position.
Come, Balancer Lord!"

A humanoid knight in white armor with a sword and shield appeared.

Balancer Lord ATK 1700 DEF 1200 LVL: 4

Playmaker gestured upwards as his hand glowed blue. "Appear! The circuit that leads to the future!"
The Link portal materialized above him. "Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two
Effect monsters. I set Widget Kid and Balancer Lord in the Link Arrows!" S

aid monsters became whirlwinds of energy and entered the left and bottom arrows, turning them red.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear! Link-2! Underclock Taker!"

A purple tube with a white disc hovering above it emerged from the portal, summoned to the Extra
Monster Zone.

Underclock Taker ATK 1000 LINK-2 ←↓

"Since I Link Summoned, I can Special Summon Parallel eXceed from my hand in Defense Position
to that monster's Link Arrow!"
A blue, black, and white metal dragon with no legs or arms appeared at Cyberse Witch's bottom Link

Parallel eXceed ATK 2000 DEF 2000 LVL: 8

"Parallel eXceed's effect activates! When it is Normal or Special Summoned, I can Special Summon
a second Parallel eXceed from my Deck in Defense Position!"

An identical dragon appeared.

Parallel eXceed ATK 2000 DEF 2000 LVL: 8

"When Parallel eXceed is Special Summoned by the effect of Parallel eXceed, its Level becomes 4
and its attack and defense points are halved!"

Parallel eXceed ATK 2000→1000 DEF 2000→1000 LVL: 8→4 x 2

Ringmaster narrowed his eyes. "Those two monsters are Level 4…."

"I overlay my two Level 4 Parallel eXceeds!"

A bolt of blue lightning shot out of Playmaker's Duel Disk and hit the sky, changing the space and
creating the Xyz cross beneath his field. The two monsters disintegrated and entered the cross,
which fired light beams, creating an exploding galaxy.

"The wall of power that annihilates everything! Manifest as the dragon's fang! I Xyz Summon!
Appear, Rank 4! Firewall eXceed Dragon!"

A large blue-and-white mechanical dragon formed from the explosion, with heavy armor on its chest
and legs and two prongs at its back. The dragon roared from Underclock Taker's bottom Link Arrow
in Attack Position, two lights circling behind it.

Firewall eXceed Dragon ATK 2500 DEF 2000 RNK: 4 OU: 2

"Xyz Summoning," Storm Rider muttered.

"While eXceed Dragon is linked to a Link Monster, it gains 500 attack points for each of that
monster's Link Arrows!"

Firewall eXceed Dragon ATK 2500→3500

"I activate eXceed Dragon's effect!" Playmaker continued. "I detach two Overlay Units to Special
Summon a Link-4 Cyberse Link Monster from my Graveyard so that it is linked to eXceed Dragon!
Resurrect, Firewall Dragon!"

The blue and white mechanical dragon reappeared.

Firewall eXceed Dragon OU: 2→0

Firewall Dragon ATK 2500 LINK-4 ←↑↓→

"As eXceed Dragon is linked to a Link-4 monster, its attack points increase!"

Firewall eXceed Dragon ATK 3500→5500

"Underclock Taker's effect! Once per turn, I can target a monster it points to and a monster my
opponent controls. Your monster then loses attack points equal to my monster's attack points until
the end of the turn. I target eXceed Dragon and Lordwalker!"

Storm Rider's expression didn't change as his Fusion Monster weakened.

Cycode Lordwalker ATK 2600→0

"Playmaker can end it here with one attack!" Maestra noted.

"Battle! eXceed Dragon attacks Cycode Lordwalker!" Blue holographic wings shot out of the flaps on
eXceed Dragon's back, taking shape similar to a butterfly's wings. "Go, Tempest Reckoning!"

Blue energy continued to gather around the dragon. Then it shot the energy out in the shape of an

"I activate my Trap Card!" Storm Rider declared. "Cycode Battle Barrier! Since I have a "Cycode"
monster either on my field or in my Graveyard, the battle damage is reduced to 0!"

The attack destroyed Lordwalker, but a barrier formed around Storm Rider, preventing him from
taking damage.

"Furthermore, its effect also ends the Battle Phase."

"In that case, I place a card face-down and end my turn," Playmaker concluded.

"My turn!" Storm Rider announced. "I draw! First, I activate Cycode Knight's effect from my
Graveyard! By banishing it and shuffling Cycode Recon, Sorceress, Battler, Acrobat, and General
back into my Deck, I get to draw two cards. Then, I summon Cycode Rescue Unit!"

Four human-sized robots with light military gear with red crosses on their chests appeared on Storm
Rider's field.

Cycode Rescue Unit ATK 1600 DEF 1200 LVL: 4

"Rescue Unit's effect activates! "When it's Normal or Special Summoned, I'm allowed to add a
"Cycode" monster from my Graveyard to my hand. I choose Cycode Swordsman, and since a
"Cycode" monster was Normal or Special Summoned, I can Special Summon Cycode Dual Beast
from my hand in Attack Position!"

A blue cybernetic lion with a yellow mane white lining resembling circuit boards with a small crown
over its head appeared next to Knight.

Cycode Dual Beast ATK 1200 DEF 1000 LVL: 4

"Two Level 4 monsters…." Playmaker muttered. "That can only mean one thing."

"I use Level 4 Cycode Rescue Unit and Cycode Dual Beast to build the Overlay Network!"

Storm Rider raised his Duel Disk. A bolt of blue lightning shot out of it, turning the world around them
into a void. The Xyz cross appeared beneath the two monsters, turning them into data as they
entered the circles on the cross. The ends of the cross shot beams of light upward, creating a
spiraling galaxy that exploded with power.
"The creature who guards the sacred lands! Ascend to this battle and strike down our enemies! I Xyz
Summon! Come forth! Rank 4! Cycode Master Beast!"

A strand of blue DNA formed before breaking apart and forming a sphere. The sphere then reformed
itself into an evolved version of Cycode Dual Beast, with its body being more humanoid and matured
with sharp energy manes and a large king-like wearing a fur-like cape.

Cycode Master Beast ATK 2400 DEF 2200 RNK: 4 OU: 2

"First, Synchro Summoning. Then Fusion and now Xyz." Playmaker's eyes narrowed. "Seems to me
you’re just copying my moves."

"I'm aware of that," Storm Rider remarked. "Cycode Master Beast’s effect activates! When it is Xyz
Summoned, it gains 200 attack points for every card on the field. Six cards are currently on the field,
so it gains 1200 attack points!"

Cycode Master Beast ATK 2400→3600

Storm Rider gestured to his monster. "I activate Master Beast's second effect! By detaching one
Overlay Unit, I can Special Summon a Link Monster from my Graveyard! In exchange, I can't
summon any other Link Monsters this turn!" One of the two lights disappeared. "Resurrect, Cycode
Gaia Charger!"

Gaia Charger emerged from a cybernetic portal, letting out a battle cry.

Cycode Gaia Charger ATK 2600 LINK-3 ←↓→

Cycode Master Beast OU: 2→1

Storm Rider gestured to Gaia Charger. "I activate Cycode Gaia Charger’s effect! By Tributing a
monster it points to, I can increase Gaia's attack points by that monster's attack points until the End

"What?" Playmaker said, surprised.

"I Tribute Master Beast!"

The said monster disintegrated into light that flew towards Gaia Charger.

"And now Gaia gains 3600 attack points!"

Cycode Gaia Charger ATK 2600→6200

"Battle!" Storm Rider exclaimed. "Gaia Charger attacks Underclock Taker! Linkage Spiral!"

"Hold on a sec!" Playmaker exclaimed. "I activate the Trap Card: Mirror Shade! I take no battle
damage this turn by paying half my Life Points!"

The attack continued and destroyed Underclock Taker, but Playmaker didn't feel the force of the

Playmaker: 1350→675 LP

"Since Underclock Taker left the field, eXceed Dragon loses 1000 attack points."
Firewall eXcharge Dragon ATK 5500→4500

"Looks like you still have a long way to go before taking me down, Storm Rider."

"Not as long as you think, Playmaker." Storm Rider said. "Gaia Charger’s additional effect! It can
make two attacks during each Battle Phase!" Playmaker's eyes widened in shock. "Attack Firewall
eXceed Dragon! Linkage Spiral!"

Gaia charged again towards the Xyz Monster, piercing it with its lance, and destroying it.

"I place a card face-down and end my turn. As it’s the End Phase, Gaia Charger's attack points
return to normal."

Cycode Gaia Charger ATK 6200→2600

"My turn! I draw!" Looking at his card, Playmaker smirked. "I activate the Spell Card: Cache
Upload!" The card showed a hacker trying to create Decode Talker as a real card in the real world.
"This card lets me target one Link Monster you control and then draw cards equal to its Link Rating. I
target your Gaia Charger!"

Cache Upload released a green scanning wave, which scanned Storm Rider’s Link Monster from top
to bottom.

"Since Gaia is Link-3, I get to draw three cards." Playmaker drew his cards, looked at them, then
played a different one from his hand. "I activate the Equip Spell Card: Cynet Defrag! I Special
Summon a Level 4 or lower Cyberse monster from my Graveyard in Defense Position. Come, Clock

The dragon reappeared at Firewall’s left Link Arrow.

Clock Wyvern ATK 1800 DEF 1000 LVL: 4

"Clock Wyvern's effect activates! I halve its attack points, and Special Summon a Clock Token!"

Another cluster of purple crystals materialized in Defense Position.

Clock Wyvern ATK 1800→900

Clock Token ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1

"Then, I Tribute my Clock Token to Tribute Summon L2 Cachevalier!"

A pink-haired female feline-like creature wearing armor and wielding a sword appeared in Attack

L2 Cachevalier ATK 800 DEF 600 LVL: 2

"L2 Cachevalier's effect activates!" Playmaker continued. "When it's summoned, I can Special
Summon a Link-2 Monster from my Graveyard by negating its effects. Return, Underclock Taker!"

Underclock Taker ATK 1000 LINK-2 ←↓

Playmaker's eyes widened. "I shall now create the ultimate circuit! The summoning conditions are
three or more Effect Monsters. I set Clock Wyvern, L2 Cachevalier, Firewall Dragon, and Link-2
Underclock Taker in the Link Arrows!"
The monsters entered the left, top, bottom-left, bottom-right, and right arrows. Everyone's eyes
widened while Storm Rider tensed.

"Link the Circuit! The fire ignites life throughout the universe and comes from the dawn of creation! I
Link Summon! Link-5! Firewall Dragon Darkfluid!"

A single drop of water hit the moon's surface in the circuit in the void of space. A wave of earth,
wind, and fire shot out from the point of impact. And from these elements, a new monster was born.
A dragon with black skin and green lines on its body. It had black, blue, and white armor with black
and blue diamonds attached to a ring on its back in place of wings. The dragon's red eyes gleamed
as it roared.

Firewall Dragon Darkfluid ATK 3000 LINK-5 ←↑↘→

"Oh no! Not that monster!" Maestra exclaimed.

"This doesn't look good for Storm Rider," Sanctum said.

"When Darkfluid is Link Summoned," Playmaker continued, "If there are Cyberse Fusion, Ritual,
Synchro, and Xyz Monsters in my Graveyard, I can put a counter on it for each different type!"

Firewall Dragon Darkfluid: 0 C→4 C

Storm Rider blinked. "Four counters? But ho-? I see. Cyberse Magician was one of the cards you
sent to the Graveyard for Clock Dragon's effect, wasn't it?"

"Battle!" Playmaker declared. "During the Battle Phase, Darkfluid gains 2500 attack points for each

Darkfluid's wings produced dark blue holographic diamonds alongside its real ones.

Firewall Dragon Darkfluid ATK 3000→13000

"Firewall Dragon Darkfluid, attack Cycode Gaia Charger! Neo Tempest End!"

The dragon fired a beam of multicolored light.

"I activate the Trap Card: Cycode Guard Block from my hand!" Storm Rider said. The card showed
Cycode Fortress Golem standing in front of Cycode Priestess, blocking a sword with its wrists. "By
Tributing a "Cycode" monster, I can negate your attack and end the Battle Phase! I Tribute Gaia

The armored disintegrated as the beam of light disappeared.

"Since the Battle Phase is over, Darkfluid's attack points return to normal."

Firewall Dragon Darkfluid ATK 13000→3000

"I end my turn."

"It's my turn!" Storm Rider announced. "I draw! I activate the effect of the Cycode Swordsman in my
hand!" he declared. "Since you control a monster and I don't, I can Special Summon it! Come forth,

The man carrying futuristic swords appeared on Storm Rider's field.

Cycode Swordsman ATK 1200 DEF 900 LVL: 3

"Cycode Swordsman's effect-!"

"That won't work," Playmaker said. "Darkfluid's effect activates! When you activate a monster effect,
I can remove one counter to negate the activation of that effect! Karma Gear!"

Firewall Dragon Darkfluid: 4 C→3 C

"Sorry, but that move won’t work. I activate the effect of Breakthrough Skill from my Graveyard! By
banishing this card from my Graveyard, I can target a face-up effect monster you control and negate
its effects until the end of the turn. I target Darkfluid!"

Playmaker gritted his teeth in anger as Darkfluid greyed out.

"Swordsman's effect continues! When summoned by its effect, I can add a "Cycode" monster from
my Deck to my hand." Storm Rider took a card from his Deck, then played it. "Through its effect, I
summon the newly added Cycode Serpent!"

A robotic snake appeared on Storm Rider's field in Attack Position.

Cycode Serpent ATK 400 DEF 0 LVL: 1

"Next, I activate the Spell Card: Passcode Rewrite! This card automatically Special Summons two
Cycode Tokens to my field in Defense Position!"

Cycode Token ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1 x 2

"Appear, my circuit!" Storm Rider's hand glowed as the Link Portal appeared. "Link Arrows
authorized! The summoning conditions are two or more Effect Monsters. I set Cycode Swordsman,
Serpent and both Cycode Tokens in the Link Arrows!"

His monsters entered the top, left, right, and bottom arrows.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! The new wind that flows throughout this world gives the mighty
creature that connects the past and future! Appear, Link-4! Cyber Tech Link Dragon!"

The blue dragon covered in white and yellow armor emerged from the portal, the orbs in its wings
and chest gleaming, and spread its wings and roared from the Extra Monster Zone.

Cyber Tech Link Dragon ATK 2500 LINK-4 ←↑↓→

"Your ace monster has finally appeared." Playmaker remarked. "However, you won't find much use
for it here. You don’t have any other monsters to use its effect."

"That's true, which is why I have this." Storm Rider smirked. "I activate the Spell Card: Link Treasure
Ticket and target Cyber Tech! I now draw cards equal to its Link Rating and then send an equal
number of cards from the top of my Deck to the Graveyard. I draw four cards and send four to the

Storm Rider drew, then sent four cards from his Deck to the Graveyard.

"I activate the Spell Card: One-Time Passcode!" Storm Rider continued. "This card lets me Special
Summon a Security Token in Defense Position!"
A small black and gray machine with a single blue orb in its center appeared, summoned to Cyber
Tech Link Dragon's bottom Link Arrow.

Security Token ATK 2000 DEF 2000 LVL: 4

"I activate Cyber Tech's effect! Once per turn, I can Tribute a monster it points to and target one
Special Summoned monster on your field that's in Attack Position, and until the end of this turn, I can
take control of it and place that monster in a zone Cyber Tech points to! I Tribute my Security Token
to take control of Firewall Dragon Darkfluid Go, Cryptic Corruption!"

Following Storm Rider's words, Security Token disintegrated into energy and traveled to the
electronic circuits on Cyber Tech's wings, which lit up with swirling blue energy. The orbs released
tendrils of said energy, which fired at the Darkfluid, snaring it up and placing it at Cyber Tech's
bottom Link Arrow.

"Furthermore, Cyber Tech gains attack points equal to the monster I just took control of."

Cyber Tech's eyes glowed blue while the same colored aura formed around its body, increasing its

Cyber Tech Link Dragon ATK 2500→5500

"Battle!" Storm Rider exclaimed. "Cyber Tech Link Dragon attacks you directly! Digitized Burst

Cyber Tech's orbs glowed with energy before releasing a blue-colored energy stream at Playmaker,
who took a card from his hand.

"If I would damage from a direct attack, I can discard Cyberse Gardna to reduce that damage to 0!"

A black metal face with white arms and black gauntlets appeared in front of him. It held out said
arms, creating a barrier that blocked the wave of energy until it dissipated.

"As expected, you managed to turn things around once again." Storm Rider grinned. "Moving on, I
activate the Spell Card: Gold Sarcophagus." On activation, a large golden box appeared behind
Storm Rider. "Through its effect, I get to take any card in my Deck and banish it face-up. Then, on
my second Standby Phase after playing this, I get to add the banished card to my hand."

The designated card appeared above the sarcophagus as the lid of said sarcophagus began to
open, and tendrils of light then began to reach out and placed the card inside.

"I place a card face-down and end my turn, meaning now Darkfluid returns to your field, and Cyber
Tech’s attack points return to normal."

Following Storm Rider’s words, Darkfluid disappeared from his field and reappeared on Playmaker’s.

Cyber Tech Link Dragon ATK 5500→2500

"Then, it's my turn!" Playmaker announced. "I draw! Battle! Firewall Dragon Darkfluid attacks Cyber
Tech Link Dragon! Neo Tempest End!"

The dragon fired a beam of multicolored light that incinerated Cylancer, causing a huge explosion.

"Did that do it!? Did that attack finish off Storm Rider?" Maestra wondered aloud.
When the smoke cleared, Storm Rider was still standing, a Trap Card on his field.

"What happened?" Playmaker asked in shock. "What is that Trap Card?"

"It's called Iron Resolve," Storm Rider answered. "I take no damage by paying half my Life Points,
and the Battle Phase ends."

Storm Rider: 450→225 LP

"Good job enduring my attack." Playmaker praised Storm Rider. "I place a card face-down and end
my turn."

"It's my turn!" Storm Rider announced. "I draw!" He looked at his card, then played it. "I activate the
Spell Card: Cycode Gift! By discarding a "Cycode" card, I get to draw two cards."

He sent Cycode Angel to the Graveyard and drew. On seeing what he drew, he smiled.

"Cycode Angel's effect activates from my Graveyard!" Storm Rider declared. "I can Special Summon
a "Cycode" monster from my Graveyard. Resurrect, Cycode Coder!"

The robot in a lab coat reappeared in Defense Position.

Cycode Coder ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1

"Coder's effect activates! When it is Normal or Special Summoned, I can add a "Cycode" card from
my Deck to my hand, then send a card from my hand, field, or Deck to the Graveyard. I add Cycode
Valkyrie from my Deck to my hand and send Cycode Warlock to the Graveyard. And thanks to
Valkyrie’s effect, I can Special Summon it!"

A mechanical female wearing white and silver armor appeared and swung her ax and sword while in
Attack Position.

Cycode Valkyrie ATK 2100 DEF 400 LVL: 5

"Lastly, I activate the Trap Card: Reconnecting Lost Circuit!" Storm Rider continued. "I can Special
Summon a Link Monster from my Graveyard in exchange that it can't attack, its effects are negated,
and its attack points become 0! Appear once more, Cyber Tech Link Dragon!"

Storm Rider's ace monster emerged from a cybernetic portal, letting out a furious howl.

Cyber Tech Link Dragon ATK 2500→0 ←↑↓→

"Preparations are complete." Storm Rider remarked. "Appear, my circuit!" he declared as the Link
Portal appeared above him. "The summoning conditions are three or more Effect Monsters,
including a Link Monster. And thanks to Reconnecting Lost Circuit effect, Cyber Tech is treated as a
Link-3 monster! I set Cycode Coer, Valkyrie and Cyber Tech Link Dragon Dragon, who’s treated as
a Link-3 in the Link Arrows!"

Storm Riders monsters entered the left, right, bottom, bottom-left, and bottom-right arrows.

"The star of destruction shining in the faraway void!" Storm Rider chanted. "Rain down with the force
of a comet, and leave nothing but ruin in your path! I Link Summon! Appear! Link-5! Cyber Catastech
Link Dragon!"
The monster that emerged from the portal was twice the size of Cyber Tech. It had a dark blue body,
a white and crimson lining, and black claws. Its tail turned larger, with a spiked ball attached to its tip,
and four jet-like energy wings were segmented into numerous blades adorned its back, glowing with
crimson light and releasing orange particles. Four horns emerged from its head, two on top and two
on the bottom, all facing forward and glowing with white highlights, and spikes ran from the back of
its head to the tip of its tail. Four sapphire blue tusks ringed its mouth, with two parallel on either side
and two smaller ones beneath. Its blue eyes were now crimson as they gleamed with rage as the
dragon roared from the Extra Monster Zone.

Cyber Catastech Link Dragon ATK 3500 LINK-5 ←↓↘→

"I activate Catastech Link Dragon's effect, which allows me to negate the effects of all face-up cards
you control and let me choose the option of halving the attack points of all your monsters or
destroying all Spell and Trap Cards you control! I choose to halve your monsters’ attack points!"

"I activate Firewall Dragon Darkfluid's effect!" Playmaker declared. "Through it, I—"

"No, you won’t!" Storm Rider interrupted. "When Catastech activates its effect, you cannot activate
any cards or effects in response! Go, Catachresis Correction!"

Catastech's eyes flash as a burst of energy is fired from under its feet, washing over Playmaker's
field. Darkfluid groaned and slumped over as it lost some of its colors.

Firewall Dragon Darkfluid ATK 3000→1500

"If this attack goes through, Playmaker's Life Points will hit 0!" Ringmaster exclaimed. "It's the end!"

"Battle! Cyber Catastech Link Dragon, attack Firewall Dragon Darkfluid! Catastrophe Beam of Ruin!"

Crimson energy gathered in the maw of Catastech.

"I activate the Trap Card: Half or Nothing!" Playmaker shouted. "Through its effect, you must either
end your Battle Phase or halve the attack of all monsters on your field! Now, what do you choose!?"

"Tch." Storm Rider said, gritting his teeth. "I didn't expect you to play that card." He then smirked.
"But it won't stop me from attacking. I'll choose the second effect, which cuts the attack points of my
monsters in half for the duration of this Battle Phase."

Cyber Catastech Link Dragon ATK 3500→1750

"Resume your attack, Catastech! Catastrophe Beam of Ruin!"

Castetch fired the energy gathered in its mouth as it split into numerous beams at Darkfluid,
destroying him and causing Playmaker to use his right arm to shield himself from the blast.

Playmaker: 675→425 LP

Storm Rider frowned. "Can't be helped then. I place a card face-down and end my turn."

"It's my turn!" Playmaker announced. "I draw! I activate the effect of Cynet Defrag in my Graveyard!
Once per Duel, I can pay half my Life Points to activate it!"

Playmaker: 425→213 LP
"I Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Cyberse monster from my Graveyard in Defense Position and
equip it with Cynet Defrag. Resurrect, ROM Cloudia!"

The brown-furred ram with pink horns reappeared.

ROM Cloudia ATK 1800 DEF 0 LVL: 4

"Since my Life Points are lower than yours and you're the only one with a monster Special
Summoned from the Extra Deck, I can activate the Spell Card: Final Offguard! It lets me draw two

Playmaker drew his cards, looked at them, then played one.

"Next, by Tributing Dotscaper, I can Special Summon Degrade Bomber from my hand!''

A massive warrior in blue and gold armor wielding cannon-like shoulder pads appeared in Attack

Degrade Bomber ATK 2500 DEF 2500 LVL: 7

''Degrade Bomber's second effect activates!'' Playmaker continued. ''I can Special Summon a
Cyberse Link monster from my Graveyard. Return, Darkfluid!''

The black and green mechanical dragon reappeared.

Firewall Dragon Darkfluid ATK 3000 LINK-5 ←↑↘→

"Firewall is back…." Storm Rider grimaced. "I guess your strongest trump card is coming next, eh?"

"That's right!" Playmaker declared. ''Appear, the circuit that leads to the future!'' The Link Portal
appeared above him. ''Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are three or more
Cyberse monsters, including a Cyberse Link Monster! I set Dual Assemwurn, Degrade Bomber and
Link-5 Firewall Dragon Darkfluid in the Link Arrows!''

The three monsters turned into whirlwinds of energy and entered the left, right, top-left, top-right,
bottom-left, bottom-right and bottom Link Arrows. The portal starts glowing and cracks open in
swirling colors of yellow, green, brown, blue, red and purple.

''The bonds that link to every spark of life unify and transcend to become the miracle of life!''
Playmaker chanted as the swirls became an egg and immediately cracked open, opening light
across the network.

''Link the Circuit ''I Link Summon!'' Playmaker shouted. ''Ascend with Infinity Possibilities! Link-7!
Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis!''

A bright light shines with unseeing speed as figures fly around, almost impossible to keep up until it
flies over the sky and reveals its true form. It resembles heavily on Firewall as the white bits of its
armor form are brighter with glowing blue and golden lining scheme and armor bits across its body
and redlining on its armor bits and claws. It has the same circle back as Darkfluid but floats behind
its back like a magnet, with golden lining and resembling a halo with seven angelic funnel-like wings
with purple but green lining. The wings' sides are green, and the arms and legs have brown, golden
pads. The tail has a purple gem before the tip around green armor bits in a circle-shaped. Its red
eyes glow brighter as it releases a rainbow-like aura resembling the colors of the six Ignis.

Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis ATK 4000 LINK-7 ←↓↖↙↘↗ →

"Since I used Degrade as Link Material, I get to draw a card. Then, Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis's
effect activates!" Playmaker exclaimed. "The effects of all cards on my opponent's field are negated!"

The dragon opened its wings wide, releasing a rain of particles that enveloped Ringmaster's field,
causing almost all of his cards to lose their luster.

''Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis's effect! It gains 1000 attack points for each Cyberse Ritual, Fusion,
Synchro, Xyz and Link Monsters in my Graveyard. Genesis Loading!''

Abiogenesis roared, gaining the energy of Underclock Taker, Decode Talker, Powercode Talker,
Excode Talker, Shootingcode Talker, Transcode Talker, Accesscode Talker, Firewall Dragon,
Firewall eXceed Dragon, Cyberse Quantum Dragon, Cyberse Clock Dragon and Firewall Dragon

Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis ATK 4000→16000

''And thirdly, I activate Abiogenesis's third effect to place a Cyberse Counter on it! Genesis Gear!''

A rainbow-like aura surrounded Abiogenesis's body.

Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis: 0 CC→1 CC

"I activate the Spell Card Night Beam! This card allows me to destroy a Set Spell or Trap Card my
opponent controls! It also prevents you from activating that card in response."

The card emitted a beam of light that destroyed the face-down card on Storm Rider's field.

''It ends here. Battle!'' Playmaker declared. ''Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis, attack Cyber Catastech
Link Dragon!''

"I'm far from finished!" Storm Rider shouted as he gestured to his field. "I activate the effect of
Cycode Battle Barrier in my Graveyard! As I have a "Cycode" monster in my Graveyard, I can banish
this card to take no damage from this battle!"

Following Storm Rider's words, his Trap Card appeared on his field, creating a barrier around him.

Playmaker smirked. "Did you think that trick would work a second time?" he asked Storm Rider,
surprising him. "By removing its Cyberse Counter, Abiogenesis negates your and destroys Cycode
Battle Barrier!''

Abiogenesis let out a roar, causing the Trap Card to shatter.

Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis: 1 CC→0 CC

"Final Tempest Reckoning!"

Abiogenesis gathered a sphere of rainbow-colored energy in its maw before blasting it at Catastech
and Storm Rider, consuming them both. The blast exploded on impact, shaking the entire arena.
Everyone braced themselves from the powerful aftershock of the attack.

''Storm Rider!'' Sanctum yelled out in terror. Ringmaster and Maestra watched as the smoke cloud
slowly vanished. It cleared up, and Playmaker's eyes widened as he saw Storm Rider still standing,

Storm Rider: 225→100 LP

''How?'' Playmaker questioned. ''How did you survive?

Storm Rider revealed a card on his field. "I activated the Trap Card: Final Life Gardna," he
explained. "If my Life Points would be reduced to zero from an attack, I can make them 100 instead
and end the Battle Phase."

"But that's impossible!" Playmaker said. "I used Night Beam's effect to destroy your face-down. So
how were you-?" His eyes widened. "The card I destroyed was the Trap Card: Cross-Counter Trap,
wasn’t it?"

"Correct," Storm Rider answered. "Thanks to its effect, I can activate a Spell or Trap Card from my
hand whenever it’s destroyed, like my Final Life Gardna."

"I can't believe it…." Playmaker said with a smirk. "You used the same trick Ringmaster used against
me. Impressive. I place a card face-down and end my turn."

"It's my turn!" Storm Rider announced. "I draw! Now, let's do this, Playmaker! It's time to settle

"You seem pretty confident," Playmaker remarked while grinning. "In that case, don't hold anything
back! Come at me with everything you've got!"

"You got it!" Storm Rider said. "First, Gold Sarcophagus brings the card I banished back to my

Following his words, the golden box reappeared and released the card inside. After retrieving his
banished card, Storm Rider smirked.

"Huh?" Ringmaster raised an eyebrow. "Did you get a good card?"

"You could say that, but that's not the main reason." Storm Rider said with a grin. "No, I'm enjoying
myself so much that I couldn't help but laugh. Hey, Ringmaster, dueling is amazing, isn't it?"

"Yes, it truly is!" Ringmaster matched Storm Rider's grin with one of his own. "The joy you feel when
you and your opponent go against each other with everything you've got is incomparable. That's why
I will make sure to spread the wonders of dueling as wide as I can until the day I see. To make
everyone understand how Dueltaining can connect our souls like an arc of light."

"That dream of yours is still going strong," Storm Rider remarked. "Because of dueling, I was able to
meet all of you. I was able to further my skills as a duelist to a level I didn't even know was possible.
And…I want to thank you for that."

Ringmaster was silent for a few seconds before speaking with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"That's the spirit, Storm Rider!" Yuya smiled. "However, you’re still in the middle of a duel! Give it
everything you've got!"

"That's the plan," Storm Rider responded with a sly smirk. "Since I control no monsters in the Main
Monster Zone, I can Special Summon this card from my hand. Appear, Cyspace Magus!"

A digital blue cloaked figure whose main body resembles cyberspace with a golden circuit pattern
lining. He wielded a digital, metal cybernetic staff with each end having a USB port with swirls of
energy leaking out of each side.

Cyspace Magus ATK 2500 DEF 2000 LVL: 7 PS: 0

"A Cyberse Pendulum Monster," Sanctum said in awe.

"Since when did Storm Rider have that card?" Maestra asked.

"Not sure," Ringmaster replied. "Let’s hope it’s enough to make him win."

"If you think this is amazing, just wait for what I’m about to do next," Storm Rider stated. What better
way to oppose a Link-7 than with an Integration Monster?"

"Another…Integration Monster?" Playmaker's eyes opened wide. "It can't be!"

"Oh, but it is, Playmaker!" Storm Rider said. "Always expect the unexpected! I activate the effect of
Cyspace Magus! By banishing it, I can Special Summon a monster from my Extra Deck by banishing
Cyber Tech Link Dragon and a "Cycode" Fusion, Xyz, Synchro and Ritual Monster face-up from my
field, Deck, Extra Deck and/or Graveyard! I will banish Cyber Tech Link Dragon from my Graveyard,
Cycode Warlock, Lordwalker, Vortex Drake and Master Beast to perform an Integration Summon!"

Following his words, the five monsters appeared as Magus swung its staff and opened a large Link
Portal in the center of Storm Rider's field. As the portal absorbed the monsters, Storm Rider

"God of Cyberspace awakened through the connection of five guardians. Arise once more from your
slumber and enter the world in glorious supremacy. With your true power, human and monster souls
becoming one, let us protect our dimension and rewrite the darkness into a brighter, new tomorrow!
Integration Summon! Come forth, our last hope! Cyber Tech God Matrix Dragon!

The portal opened into a kaleidoscope-like space, from which a humanoid version of Cyber Tech
Link Dragon in golden armor appeared. It had six blue digital, golden armored wings and six
cybernetic, blue-white glowing drones that floated between each wing. Its tail was massive with a
spiral, satellite-like design on the tip of the tail, and its claws were sharper and golden. It had a
cyberspace-like colored hexagon orb with a golden circuit board lining coated across its body with
blue circuit board lining eyes. It had crown-like horns on the top of its head and a small gem that
courses the same cyberspace-like energy on its chest.

↘ ↗ PS: 13
Cyber Tech God Matrix Dragon ATK 5000 LINK-6 ↑↓

"Way to go, Storm Rider!" Sanctum cheered. "I knew you wouldn't fall behind here! Go forward and
crush Playmaker!"

"That guy…" Maestra grinned. "He never fails to amaze!"

"Another Integration Monster…" Ringmaster had an ecstatic expression on his face. "I've never felt
so glad to be here in the Link Dimension!"

"So, that was your final measure, Storm Rider?" Playmaker remarked with a smirk. "Can’t wait to see
it in action!"

"Let's do this!" Storm Rider declared. "God Matrix Dragon's effect activates! When Special
Summoned, I can declare Monster, Spell, or Trap Cards. And all cards on your field and in your
Graveyard of the declared type are banished!"

"What!?" Playmaker gasped.

"Go, God Reboot!"

Cyber Tech released a golden, rainbow-colored aura from its wings and enveloped Playmaker’s

Playmaker frowned as the monsters in his Graveyard were banished. "Thanks to its effect,
Abiogenesis is \unaffected by your card effects," he said. "But since my Graveyard is empty of
monsters, Firewall’s attack points return to normal."

Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis ATK 16000→4000

"And if you think that face-down of yours will save you, don’t bother," Storm Rider said. "God Matrix
Dragon’s effect prevents you from activating any cards or effects when it attacks."

"Well, before you do anything, I activate the Trap Card: Threatening Roar! You now can't attack this

Storm Rider’s eyes widened. "What?"

Maestra looked troubled, "This is bad. Now Storm Rider can't win this turn."

Storm Rider narrowed his eyes as he was now out of options for this turn. "I set one card and end
my turn."

"My turn! I draw!" Playmaker drew and stared at his card.

"You feel it too, don't you?"

Playmaker looked up at Storm Rider, whose expression had turned melancholic. "This will be the
duel's last turn, won't it?"

"…Yes," Playmaker said. With the cards in his hand, he could end this duel this turn. And yet…

Storm Rider smiled. "This was a good duel, wasn't it?"

"…Yeah," Playmaker said, smiling. "This duel… Like my duel with Ringmaster, I've enjoyed every
second of it. It's a shame it has to end."

"…Yeah. It is." Storm Rider raised his Duel Disk. "Then come at me, Playmaker!"

"With pleasure!" Playmaker played a card from his hand. "I activate the Equip Spell: Cyberse
Advantage! I equip this card to Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis!"

His dragon glowed briefly as the Equip Spell was activated.

"To activate this card, I must discard Threshold Borg," Playmaker explained. "Then, Abiogenesis
gains attack points equal to Threshold's!"

Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis ATK 4000→6400

''Next, I activate Abiogenesis's third effect to place a Cyberse Counter on it! Genesis Gear!''

Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis: 0 CC→1 CC

"Battle!" Playmaker declared. "Firewall Dragon Abiogenesis, attack Cyber Tech God Matrix Dragon!
Final Tempest Reckoning!"

Abiogenesis gathered a sphere of rainbow-colored energy in its maw before blasting it at Catastech
and Storm Rider. Before it hit-.

"I activate the Trap Card: Link Booster!" Storm Rider declared. "By banishing a Link Monster from
my Graveyard, one monster on my field gains attack points equal to that monster's Link Rating times

"Did you forget?" Playmaker asked. "By removing a Cyberse Counter from Abiogenesis, I can
negate the activation of your Trap Card and destroy it!"

Following Playmaker’s words, Storm Rider’s Trap Card shattered.

"Wow, Playmaker, you are the best!" Storm Rider praised with a grin.

"Thanks, Storm Rider," Playmaker said evenly. "After Ringmaster leaves, you’ll be known as the
best duelist in all LINK VRAINS. Do your best to make me proud, Storm Rider."

Storm Rider’s smile widened, "I'll give it my all, Playmaker, and I'll start right here, 'cause this duel's
not over yet!"

Playmaker’s eyes widened. "Huh?"

"That's right, I still have one trick up my sleeve, and here it comes!" Storm Rider gestured to his field.
"I activate the Trap Card: Final Link!"

Playmaker's confused look became one of admiration, "How clever..."

The card showed Firewall Dragon Darkfluid clashing against The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister's as the
two are surrounded in a Data Storm.

"When a Link Monster attacks another Link Monster, the attack is negated, and both of us take
damage to our Life Points equal to our monsters’ combined attack points! You know what that
means...," Storm Rider trailed off.

Playmaker nodded, smiling. "Sure do!"

Everyone watched as both Abiogenesis and God Matrix glowed bright, making everyone watch in
awe moments before a tremendous explosion rocked the room, a huge cloud of smoke covering the

"What happened?" Maestra demanded.

"Who won?" Sanctum cried.

Everyone rose to their feet, all of their hearts practically on the verge of stopping completely. They
watched as the smoke cleared away, seeing what had happened to the duelists. Playmaker was on
one knee while Storm Rider was lying on his back.

Storm Rider: 100→0 LP

Playmaker: 213→0 LP
"It ended in a draw?" Maestra gasped.

"Storm Rider!" Sanctum yelled as she and the others ran and kneeled next to Storm Rider.

"Are you alright?" Ringmaster asked.

Storm Rider paused in his heavy breathing to smile reassuringly at his friends. "Yes, I'm fine. Tired,
but fine." He looked up at his opponent and gasped. The trio followed their gaze and their eyes

Playmaker was gone.

The next day, later in the evening….

Declan was dialing buttons on his Duel Disk outside the dog truck with the Lancers, about to activate
the portal between dimensions.

''Do you guys have to leave?'' Jin asked.

''Best we check how our world is doing in case Zarc may have done something or survived again,''
Shay answered.

''That’s smart,'' Ena said. ''Wish we could’ve hanged out more.''

''Don’t worry,'' Zuzu said. ''After we check on things back home, we’re sure to visit you guys.''

''And that’s a promise!'' Yuya added.

''Well, you better keep it,'' Yuji said.

''Got time for one more goodbye.''

A nearby voice said, belonging to a young, tall, thin man with green eyes and dark blue hair spiked
outwards in the back with light blue bangs with pink accents.

''Sorry, but do we know you,'' Sylvio said.

''Seriously? How can you guys not recognize Playmaker?'' Kolter asked, causing everyone’s eyes
except Jin’s to widen.

''You mean the friend who distanced himself from everyone is Playmaker?'' Yuya asked.

''In the flesh,'' Yusaku said as he approached Yuya. The two duelists eyed each other, having
worked together against a common enemy and dueling each other to inspire a lesson.''Thank you for

Yuya raised an eyebrow but smirked. ''Don’t sweat it. I would have done it anyway. So you're not
leaving again, right?''

''… Best I move forward, as my friend would want it,'' Yusaku responded, accepting that even with Ai
gone, he still has close friends. He grabbed his Deck, pulled out a card, and offered him to Yuya.

Yuya blinks, not expecting that from this guy, but he gladly accepts it. He eyes the card and startles
as if it was a Cyberse monster, muttering it out. ''Decode Talker Extended?''
''Keep it as a memento.'' Yusaku said.

''Next time, I'm beating you with this card!'' Yuya declared. ''If that's what you want, I won't lose next

The two oddly smirk at the other, finding mutual ground through dueling.

''Time to go,'' Declan announced as the portal opened up. The Lancers approached the gate and
entered the portal, saying their goodbyes.

''HEY!'' Yuya shouted towards Yusaku. Yusaku looks at him as Yuya tells him with a soft smile.
''Even though we belong in different worlds, our dueling connects us!''

''What also connect us are three words: We are duelists.'' Yusaku proclaims, taking his words as
something he won't forget. Yuya smiles as he finally shouts, entering his portal back to his
dimension. ''Till we meet again!''

With that, the portal closes up as if it never existed. Yusaku and his small group stare at where they
once stood, not certain they will meet them again but hopeful that the future may allow them to meet
again. But one thing is true; Yusaku won't forget this day for as long as he lives.

That concludes Chapter 57. This is now the longest chapter I’ve written, beating Chapter 53.
Like I said before, this was more of an extra chapter that would cover two duels that I didn't
get a chance to include before. The first one was Yuya vs Ena Both duelists did their best,
but it was Yuto who came on top in the end.

The second match was Storm Rider vs Playmaker, a sort of grad match like with Jaden vs
Yuki, so it's only fitting that they are the ones to close the circle and draw the curtain on this

With this chapter, after a year, Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-Vrains: The Circuif of Smiles is officially
complete and has surpassed 1,000,000 words. Man…this sure has been a long journey, but
I'm glad I decided to go through with it despite my initial reluctance. From the bottom of my
heart, I want to thank each and every one of you who read this story, gave me
encouragement and criticized me when needed. It's only because of you that this turned out
to be such a great and enjoyable experience.

Well, that's all, folks! Stay safe and be well! See you all next time (hopefully)!

OC Card Memo:

Performapal Carnival Conductor

ATK: 0, DEF: 0, LV: 1, SC: 2


Pendulum Effect: You can place this card in your Pendulum Zone by destroying a Pendulum
Monster already occupying that zone. If you destroyed an "Performapal" Pendulum Monster
to activate this effect, you can add its Scale Value to this card's Scale Value and prevent this
card from being targeted by your opponent's card effects until your next Standby Phase.
Once while this card is in your Pendulum Zone when a Monster you control is destroyed by
battle, you can activate this effect; halve the damage from that battle, reduce any further
damage you receive this turn to 0, and if the destroyed Monster was a Pendulum Monster,
send it to the Graveyard.

Monster Effect: During either player's turn, if this card leaves the field (whether it's on the
Monster Zone or Pendulum Zone), you can activate this effect; place a Spell or Trap Card
from your Deck, Graveyard or banish zone to your field during this turn, and you can also
activate it on the turn it was set (this is a Quick Effect). If the set card is activated this turn,
you can Special Summon an "Performapal" Monster from my Deck.

Performapal Action Rockstar

(LV: 7, Fiend, DARK, Synchro, ATK: 2400, DEF: 2300)

(1 Tuner ~ 1 or more non-Tuner "Performapal" monsters)

Monster Effect: When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can destroy Magic/Trap cards on
the field up to the number of non-Tuner monsters used to Synchro Summon this card. If this
card leaves the field: You can destroy all cards in your Pendulum Zones; add "Performapal"
Spell/Trap Cards from your Deck to your hand up to the number of cards destroyed. You can
only use this effect of "Performapal Action Rockstar" once per turn.

Performapal Skysoar Falcon- LINK-3, ATK: 2000, ATT: WIND, Type: Winged-Beast/Link/Effect,
Arrows: Left, Bottom, Bottom-Right

Effect: 2+ monsters, including a "Performapal" and "Magician" Pendulum Monster

This card cannot be destroyed by battle. This card can attack a number of times each Battle
Phase, up to the number of monsters this card points to. At the start of the Damage Step, if
this card battles an opponent's monster: That monster's effects are negated and its ATK and
DEF is halved. When this card inflicts battle damage: Target 1 Spell or Trap card on the field
and if you do, destroy it. If this card is destroyed: You can Special Summon 1 "Performapal"
monster or "Magician" Pendulum Monster from your Deck and it is treated as a WIND-
Attribute monster, also it cannot be destroyed for the rest of the turn. You can only use each
effect of "Performapal Skysoar Falcon" once per turn.

Performapal Ritual Act

Ritual Spell Card

This card can be used to Ritual Summon any "Performapal" Ritual Monster. You must also
Tribute monsters from your hand or field and/or cards in your Pendulum Zones, whose total
Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon. You can banish
this card from the GY, except the turn it was sent there; Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower
"Performapal" monster from your GY or face-up from your Extra Deck.

Performapal Diviner Peacock

Attribute: WIND

Type(s) [ Winged Beast/Pendulum/Effect ]

Level 5

ATK / DEF1500 / 2200

Pendulum Scale 4

Pendulum Effect

When you Ritual Summon a monster while this card is in the Pendulum Zone: All monsters
your opponent controls have their ATK reduced to 0 for the rest of the turn.

Monster Lore

When this card is Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Odd-Eyes" or "Performapal" Ritual
Monster and 1 "Odd-Eyes" or "Performapal" Ritual Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. If
you havt two cards in your Pendulum Zones: You can add both cards instead. You can only
use this effect of "Performapal Diviner Peacock" once per turn.

Performapal Lalalamia

Attribute: EARTH

Type(s) [ Reptile/Ritual/Effect ]

Level 8

ATK / DEF2700 / 2700

You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Performapal" Ritual Spell. If this card was Ritual
Summoned using an "Odd-Eyes" monster as Tribute, it is unaffected by your opponent's
Spell/Trap effects. Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 "Performapal" monster; the current ATK
of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls is halved. If your "Performapal" or "Odd-Eyes"
monster attacks, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage
Step. If this card is destroyed by battle: You can pay half your LP; Special Summon 1 Level 4
or lower "Performapal" monster from your Deck.

Cyspace Magus Level 7, ATK: 2500, DEF: 2000, ATT: LIGHT, Type: Cyberse/Pendulum/Effect

Pendulum Scale: 0

Pendulum Effect: During your Main Phase: You can destroy this card, and if you do, take 1
"Cycode" or "Cyber Tech" Monster from your hand or Deck, and either place it in your
Pendulum Zone or Special Summon it. You can only use this effect of "Cyberse Sorcerer"
once per turn.

Monster Effect: If you control no cards in your Main Monster Zones: You can Special
Summon this card from your hand. You can banish this card you control, "Cyber Tech Link
Dragon" and 1 each of a "Cycode" Ritual, Fusion, Synchro and Xyz monsters from your field,
and/or Graveyard; Special Summon 1 "Cyber Tech Matrix God Dragon" from your Extra Deck.
(This is treated as a Link Summon.) You can only use each effect of 'Cyberse Sorcerer' once
per turn.

Cyber Tech God Matrix DragonLINK-6, ATK: 5000, ATT: LIGHT, Type:
Cyberse/Link/Pendulum/Effect, Arrows: Top-Left, Top, Top-Right, Bottom-Left, Bottom,

Pendulum Scale: 13

Effect: (Cannot be Link Summon except by the effect of "Cyberse Sorcerer")

Pendulum Effect: While this card is in your Pendulum zone, monsters on your field are
unaffected by your opponent's card effects. Once, if you control no cards and this card is in
your Pendulum Zone: You can banish this card; Special Summon 1 'Cyber Tech Link Dragon'
from your GY, Extra Deck, or banished zone.

Monster Effect: If this card is Special Summoned by the effect of 'Cyberse Sorcerer': You can
declare 1 type of card; banish all cards your opponent controls and in their GY of the
declared type. Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this card's
activation. Only this monster can attack the turn this effect is activated. If a monster is
Special Summoned to a Main Monster zone this card points to (Quick Effect): You can draw 1
card. Then, if the card drawn is a Cyberse monster, you can have this card gain ATK equal to
that monster's ATK until the End Phase. If this card battles, your opponent cannot activate
cards or effects until the end of the damage step. Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can roll a
dice, and if you do, apply the following effect based on the result until the End Phase:

1 or 2: This card is unaffected by other card effects and cannot be tributed.

3 or 4: Your opponent cannot attack you directly.

5 or 6: Any damage you take is halved.

Cycode Talker Extended- LINK-3, ATK: 2300, ATT: WIND, Type: Cyberse/Link/Effect, Arrows:
Top, Bottom-Left, Bottom-Right

Effect: 2+ Effect Monsters

This card's name becomes "Cycode Talker" while on the field. If this card is Link Summoned:
Special Summon 1 ''Cycode'' monster from your hand or GY but it cannot be used as Link
Materials. Monsters your opponent controls loses 500 ATK and DEF for each monster that
this card points to. During your Battle Phase, if a monster this card points to is destroyed by
battle or sent to the GY: You can activate this effect; this card gains 500 ATK and it can
attack again.

Cycode Power Quick-Play Spell Card

Target 1 Link-3 or higher "Cycode" Link Monster you control in the Extra Monster Zone: Send
every face-up "Cycode" monster you control, except the targeted monster, to the GY; the
targeted monster gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of the sent monsters until the End
Phase. Also, until the End Phase, each time it destroys an opponent's monster by battle:
Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK. You can only
activate 1 "Cycode Power" per turn. During the End Phase of the turn activated this card:
Destroy every monster you control.

Cycode Guard Block Normal Trap Card

When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can Tribute 1 "Cycode" monster you
control; negate that attack, then end the Battle Phase. You can banish this card from your GY
and target 1 Link-3 or lower "Cycode" Link Monster in your GY; Special Summon it, but until
the end of this turn it cannot declare an attack or be used as Link Material. You can only
activate 1 effect of "Cycode Guard Block" per turn, and only once per turn.

Cycode Power Surge Normal Trap Card

When your "Cycode" Link Monster that points to no monsters battles an opponent's Link
Monster with a higher Link Rating, during damage calculation: Banish 1 "Cycode" monster
from your GY; your monster gains ATK equal to the banished monster's ATK, during damage
calculation only. You cannot banish a "Cycode" Link Monster with this effect. If a "Cycode"
Link Monster you control that points to no monsters declares an attack, you can banish this
card and 1 "Cycode" Link Monster from your GY; the attacking "Cycode" monster gains ATK
equal to the banished monster's ATK until the End Phase.

Shadow Link- Type: Normal Trap Card

Effect: When a Link Monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to
the GY: Target 1 of those Link Monsters; Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 Link
Monster with the same Link Rating and Type as that monster, but with a different name in
your Extra Monster Zone (It is treated as a Link Summon). You can only activate 1 "Shadow
Link" per turn.

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