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Greetings, community! I want to wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

chapter 5. And now, on with the story!

Meanwhile, near SOL Technologies...

Yuji and Ena walked down the street towards SOL Technologies, glad the school day was over.
While the classes were short due to new students and a new year, they mostly had this upcoming
meeting on their minds all day.

Out of nowhere, Yuji's phone began to ring. He smirked upon realizing who was calling and
answered on the third ring before putting them on speaker.

"How was your guys’ first day back at school?" Kolter asked.

"It was fine. But the most interesting part today was me dueling a new student that Ena and I met on
our way to school," Yuji replied.

"Is that so?" Kolter replied, chuckling to himself. "If I recall, it’s the kid who led you through an
alleyway leading you guys to almost getting mugged?"

"The very one," Ena confirmed.

"Let me guess, Yuji. You beat him in three turns, didn’t you?" Kolter asked.

"To be honest, I’d had some difficulty facing him!" Yuji answered. "Before being defeated by me, he
had a winning streak of 50."

There was a moment of silence on the other end. "Are you serious?"

"Yes," Yuji answered. "But I get the feeling he was holding back."

"What makes you say that?" Ena asked.

"On his final turn, instead of summoning Triverr, he summoned Cygnus instead," Yuji pointed out. "If
he summoned Triverr instead, he would’ve cleared my field instantly."

"But you still had Electromagnetic Turtle in your Graveyard," Ena reminded him. "So you would’ve
survived and still won the duel."

"But if Electromagnetic Turtle weren’t in my Graveyard, I would’ve lost. While it wouldn’t mean
anything since it was a duel between two classmates, it still bothers me that it feels like Taigen’s
hiding something from us."

"Hmmm..." Kolter thought this over. "You’re probably thinking too much into it..." He would have
continued speaking, but Yuji interrupted.

"Sorry, Kolter. We just entered SOL Technologies," he said, entering the building. "There's a Top 10
member meeting in a few minutes. I'll update you with more information when I can."


Yuji hung up. After confirming the directions to Akira's office, Yuji and Ena turned from the
receptionist's desk and headed to the elevator. They went up a few floors and entered Akira's office.
He went over to one side of the office and looked around it. Akira was at his desk with Hayami
standing next to him, while Gore stood in front of the desk. Nearby Gore were two men. One was
bulky and looked a few years older than Gore, Yuji and Ena, wearing a black clergy robe. He had
tanned skin and blonder hair with green eyes. The other looked around Gore’s age. He had pale
skin, blue eyes, and spiky brown hair, and he wore a red hoodie with grey outlines. Based on their
appearances, Yuji and Ena could tell they were Brawler and Seraph. On the other side of the room
was a young man with dirty blonde, slightly spiky hair and green eyes, dressed in a short-sleeved,
greenish-gray button shirt with a black tie, brown cargo pants and black sneakers with his arms
crossed. From their interaction before, they knew it was Chevalier, a.k.a. Arthur Royals. When they
saw the person standing next to him, their eyes widened in shock, as well as the individual.


"Yuji and Ena!?"

Arthur raised an eyebrow. "Hoh? So the three of you have already met one another?"

"Yeah, we do," Yuji answered. "We met while Ena and I were at the bookstore yesterday."

"To think, the person who helped us look for textbooks is also our ally," Ena mentioned.

"Same here," Sabrina said. "But think of it as a good thing. We can help each other improve our

Yuji and Ena smiled at the comment. Soon, the door to Akira's office opened, revealing the final
three members. Yuji and Ena’s eyes widened again upon seeing one of the three.

"Well, isn’t this a nice surprise," Theodore said with a smile. On his sides stood Skye and Lily.

"No way!" Yuji exclaimed. "You’re a member of the Top 10, Theo?"

"That’s right," he answered. "And guessing by your reaction, the two of you already knew about Skye
and Lily, right?"

"Correct," Ena confirmed.

"Wait a minute. You knew I was Roselyn all along?" Lily asked. "Why didn’t you say anything?"

"I felt like I had no business confronting you about it," Ena replied. "I should’ve said something the
last time we saw each other."

"It’s okay. I understand," Lily said. "I’m glad the two of us are fighting on the same team."

"Me too."

"Sorry to interrupt the two of you’s reunion, but I would like to start this meeting," Akira said.

"I second that!" Arthur yelled out. "The sooner we do, the sooner I can have my revenge on Astro
and Glacia for defeating Sabrina and me."

Following Arthur’s words, the man in the red hoodie turned to Akira. "Zaizen, do you know who the
funny-looking cowboy is, or at the very least have information regarding him? If you do, it'll help track
them down."
Akira extended out his hand in response. "Take a look at this." A screen then opened up, which
revealed Desperado's duel against Storm Rider, a.k.a. Yuji from the other day. "I'm afraid to break it
to you, Mr. Adams, but even I don't know who he is. Whoever he is, he’s now known as a major
threat to LINK VRAINS, but if you find him, it might help us."

"What makes you say that?" Gore asked.

"Remember what Astro and Glacia said?" Yuji said. "They mentioned new allies and a plan in
motion. Zaizen is trying to say that if we encounter them or their new allies, we can capture one of
them to spill the beans about this plan of theirs."

"Even so, how will we know when they strike next?" Sabrina asked. "It’s not like we have an eye on

"Or do we?" Akira said as he opened up another screen. Everyone’s eyes widened upon seeing who
was on it. It was a tan-skinned young man in a white and green trench coat, wearing a white,
rhombus-like mask covered in red and gray hair with a visor.

"Varis!" Everyone said in unison, his grey and blue eyes glaring at them.

"Hello, Top 10," Varis said, a smirk appearing on his face. "It’s been a while, hasn’t it?"

"So you’re already aware of the incident that occurred yesterday?" Yuji asked, having turned to look
at Varis.

"Of course. The Knights of Hanoi have a 24/7 watch on LINK VRAINS," Varis confirmed. "We swore
to protect LINK VRAINS from all threats to make up for our past crimes."

"If that’s the case, why didn’t you help us during yesterday’s incident?" The man in black robes

"If you must know, Mr. Carter, when dealing with an unknown enemy, you must examine them first
before taking action," Varis replied.

"Cut the chitchat, Varis! What do you what?" Gore aggressively asked.

"Isn’t it obvious, Gore? I’m here to assist." Varis answered.

Arthur frowned as he turned to Zaizen. "Is he telling the truth?"

"Yes, he's not trying to trick us," Akira confirmed.

"You should heed the words of the Knights of Hanoi. They’ll surely make you eat your words if you
doubt them." Theodore said, having turned to Arthur.

"I don't buy what you're saying, Varis. Because from what I heard, the Hanoi don't ask for help." the
man in the hoodie stated, getting everyone's attention back to the current topic.

"Now? You'd waste a chance at acquiring allies during a difficult time like this, Mr. Ken Adams?"
Zaizen inquired, having gotten his attention. "Should this new enemy succeeds, we all lose? I
understand you may not like what Varis is suggesting, but it is better to stand together than be
hunted down like animals one by one."
"My brother’s correct," Skye pitched in. "We need to work together, especially when we have
dangerous enemies that have impacted us in more ways than one. That's the reason my brother
created the Top 10 in the first place."

"That may be so, but don’t forget that Sabrina and I fell in battle," Arthur stated. "We're already
aware of this."

"He’s right," Sabrina agreed. "The two of us dueled almost perfectly, and we still lost."

"Are you saying you're scared?" Lily curiously questioned, making Sabrina and Arthur avert their
eyes in response. "Woah. Um, I wasn't expecting that at all."

"To summarize, all of you need to hone your skills to stop this new enemy. Because let's be honest.
You need my help as well." Varis said.

Yuji nodded. Varis was right. They had to join forces to stop Desperado and the others.

"Is that it, Zaizen?" Gore impatiently asked. "If that's all, then we might as well-."

"I'm not done, Gore." Akira interrupted, glaring at him and telling him to wait. "There's one last thing I
must tell all of you." He showed another screen. It showed Umbra in his real-life form. "The Warden
has informed me that Astro and Glacia were locked in and were freed by this mysterious individual.
While we have no idea who he is, we know he’s an accomplice to their escape."

The man in black robes narrowed his eyes. "Don’t worry, Zaizen. I swear that we’ll find this man and
bring him in. Also, I’ll find Desperado and make him pay for hurting my teammates."

While Sabrina and Arthur nodded, Yuji narrowed his eyes. While it was nice of Seraph to avenge his
teammates' loss, he needed to remember they must work together to have a chance against their
new foe.

Akira narrowed their eyes at the group. "Any questions?"

The others shook their head, indicating they didn’t.

"Very well. You’re all free to go. I’ll contact you once Varis has notified Desperado’s whereabouts
and Astro and Glacia’s. "

Following Zaizen’s words, Varis logged off, and everyone exited his office, leaving him and Hayami

A while later...

Yuji and Ena were currently walking down the street toward the Central Plaza. Accompanying them
were Skye, Theodore and Lily.

"You sure it’s okay for me to tag along?" Lily asked.

"Of course it’s ok," Ena responded. "You’re not only our teammate. You’re our friend. So you
deserve to hang out with us."

"Ena’s right," Yuji agreed. "I hope you like hot dogs because that’s what they serve where we're

"Not only that, but we’re friends with the establishment's owner," Theodore mentioned.
"So I’m sure he would hook us up with free food," Skye said. "Besides, relaxing before another
incident happens would be nice."

A few minutes later…

The teenagers finally made it to the public viewing plaza. The large screen in front of them showed
The Gore and a teen in massive, light blue armor with a 'B' in the middle of his chest and a helmet
with a green visor and black strap. The crowd was cheering for the two duelists.

"Well, won’t you look at that," Yuji said, sounding interested. "Gore’s in the middle of a duel. But as
for his opponent, I have no idea who he is."

Skye sighed as she facepalmed her head. "To be honest, I wish didn’t know the answer."

"Does that mean you know who they are?" Ena asked.

"Afraid so," Theodore replied. "In LINK VRAINS, he’s known as the Brave Battler, but in the real
world, he’s Naoki Shima!”

Yuji, Ena, and Lily’s eyes widened in shock. "Shima!?"

"That’s right," Skye confirmed. "At first, he wasn’t a very good duelist when he joined. But after
upgrading his Deck and a few wins under his belt, he’s gotten better."

"And because of that, he managed to win a contest where the winner gets to face a Celebrity Duelist
of their choice," Theodore added. "Hence, why he’s facing Gore."

"I see," Yuji said as he and the others narrowed their eyes toward the large screen. On Brave
Battler’s field was Masked Hero Anki, and on Gore’s field was Gouki the Giant Ogre, whose attack
points were boosted through Back-Up Rider and its effect, bringing it up to 5500."

"Giant Ogre, attack Masked Hero Anki!" Gore declared. Ogre Sword!"

Giant Ogre roared as it brought its sword down, cleaving Anki in half and creating a shockwave that
sent Brave Battler flying as his Life Points dropped to zero.

"Amazing!" The MC exclaimed. "The Brave Battler put up a good fight, but in the end, Gore ended
up victorious! Everyone, give our two duelists a round of applause!"

Following his words, the crowd applauded and cheered for them.

Back in LINK VRAINS, Gore approached Brave Battler and extended his hand.

"You okay?" he asked the armored l duelist, who nodded.

"Yeah. Just relaxing a bit," Brave Battler said. He stood up and narrowed his eyes at Gore. "To be
honest, I felt I was going to lose. But that’s just going to motivate me to work harder."

"Well, I look forward to our rematch," Gore said with a smile. "Feel free to ask for a duel anytime,
and I’ll be happy to throw down."

Brave Battler nodded. "You got it! See you next time." After saying that, he logged out.

Yuji raised an eyebrow. "Wow. Who knew Shima could be so honorable and casual?"
"Not me. That’s for sure," Ena said.

"I mean, it’s not so bad," Theodore said. "He’s grown quite the fanbase, and I've been to many
forums devoted to him."

Skye almost fell over from shock before she caught himself. "What?" she said, shocked beyond
reason. "He has a fanbase and forums?"

"Theodore’s right," Lily clarified. "I just looked it up. His fans are called Bravers and responsible for
creating the Brave Battler Fan Club and writing the forums."

Yuji blinked multiple times. Hearing that Shima had a fan club was somewhat convoluted, but he
understood it. While he didn’t see the whole duel, seeing that he was close to beating Gore was
enough to convince him.

"Well, with the duel being over, let’s go grab ourselves some grub," Yuji said as he and the others
headed over to a nearby food truck with a sign that said "Cafe Nom." Working inside the truck was
none other than Yusaku.

"Hey, Yusaku! Has it been a slow day or the opposite?" Theodore asked.

"You could say a bit of both," Yusaku replied. "I suppose you guys are here because you’re hungry,

"That and also, we’d like for you to meet someone," Ena said as she gestured to Lily. "This girl right
here is Lily Gardener," she said. "She’s our classmate and #7 Celebrity Duelist, Roselyn."

Lily’s eyes widened. "What are you doing, Ena?" she asked. "You just can’t tell your friend that!"

"Relax, Lily," Skye said. "Yusaku’s not going to tell anyone."

"And if it makes you feel better, Yusaku is Playmaker," Yuji said, causing Lily’s eyes to widen again.

"Are you serious!?" Lily shockingly asked. "I thought you disappeared again after your duel with

"I did," Yusaku confirmed. "But after my duel with Ringmaster, I learned that shutting everyone out
isn’t going to help me. I decided to follow his advice and move on," he revealed. "So I decided to
retire from being Playmaker and try to live a nice and peaceful life."

"That’s nice to hear," Skye said. "So where’s Kolter at?"

"He had to run to the store quickly to pick up a few things we’re running low on," Yusaku replied.
"But don’t worry, we have plenty of hot dogs."

"Perfect. We’ll take four of those," Yuji said.

"Coming right up!"

Meanwhile, in the Syndicate Stronghold…

Queen Priscilla was both concerned and thrilled as she watched Storm Rider and Sanctum’s duels
from the day before. It was strange feeling both emotions simultaneously to her, but that was what
was going on with the Syndicate leader.
On the one hand, she was thrilled to see their impressive skills and plays. While they weren’t using
their full strength, Priscilla wanted to duel them to see how they would fare against her.

On the other hand, They could secretly improve their strength, which would concern her and the
Syndicate. While she didn’t want to think about it, If the Top 10 were to team up with Playmaker and
the Knights of Hanoi, the Syndicate would be tougher on their hands. Luckily, she had a way of
killing two birds with one stone, and he knew the right person to do the task.

Desperado logged in alongside Umbra.

"Queen Priscilla," Desperado said, bowing low. "I have brought Umbra. As you requested."

"Thank you, Desperado," Priscilla said. "Check on the progress of our little project. Once you have,
report back to me. Until then, leave us."

"Understood." Desperado bowed low again before logging out, leaving the two individuals alone.

"Thank you for coming, Umbra."

"It is no problem, my holiness," Umbra said, taking a bow. "Anyway, I see you requested my
assistance. What can I do to help?"

Priscilla turned towards the monitor and changed the screen. "Umbra, when you look at this monitor,
what do you see?" she asked.

Umbra looked at the monitor, which showed Gore dueling The Brave Battler. "I see The Gore
crushing some 3rd-rate duelist," he said. "While I understand The Gore is one of our prime targets,
why are you showing me some below-than-average duel?"

"The reason is that I feel The Brave Battler might be of some use to us," Priscilla answered, causing
Umbra to raise an eyebrow. "From what I’ve learned about him, he used to be such a weak duelist,
but after rebuilding his Deck, he earned a few wins under his belt. Not to mention he’s a big fan of
the Top 10."

Umbra smirked. "I see what you’re getting at. If we get him on our side and fight the Top 10, they’ll
be too afraid to harm a fan of theirs." He stood up. "Just provide me with everything you know about
this individual, and he’ll be ours."

Priscilla smiled. "Very well. Luckily, I found out his real identity," she revealed. "His name is Naoki
Shima. 17 years old and a student at Den City High School. He logged out of LINK VRAINS not long
ago, but it shouldn’t be difficult to log him back in. Feel free to go all out against him."

Elsewhere, at a house in Den City…

Shima opened the door of his bedroom and turned the lights on. He yawned as he collapsed into his

Shima smiled. He still couldn’t believe he had almost defeated Gore. When he first entered LINK
VRAINS, he was a nervous wreck and a terrible duelist. But his skills majorly improved with the help
of his Duel Club peers, modifying his Deck and winning a few duels here and there. But deep down,
he still felt like he wasn’t good enough. Then again, Gore said he was more challenging than most
fans he faced. If he keeps practicing and winning, he may become a member of the Top 10 one day.
That would be something he can be proud of.
He was so deep in thought that it took him a while to notice that his Duel Disk was beeping. When
he heard it, he raised an eyebrow in confusion. An unknown number was calling him. Or The Brave
Battler; he had two numbers, one to answer Shima and the other to Brave Battler.

Deciding it couldn't hurt, he answered the call directly to him. "Hello. This is Naoki Shima," he said.
"President of the Top 10 Fan Cub. Who is this?"

"I know who you are, Shima," the person on the other end said. Their voice was scrambled, but
Naoki suspected they were male. Call it instinct. "Or do you prefer The Brave Battler?"

Shima blinked in surprise, then scowled. No one knew he was The Brave Battler. Well, almost no
one. His mom and a few members of the Duel Club knew.

"Who and where did you learn that from?" he said. "Who are you?"

"I know about your recent duel with The Gore," the person said. "I know deep down you wish to be a
member of the Top 10. And I have a way to help you."

Shima's scowl deepened. "Thanks, but no thanks. My mom told me never to trust a stranger."

"Very well then," they said. "You leave me with no choice."

Out of nowhere, Shima’s Duel Disk started to glow brightly.

"What's going on? Do you have something to do with this?" Shima asked.

The mysterious individual didn’t answer as the light turned blinding and engulfed Shima as he
covered his eyes.


Shima opened his eyes when the light faded and blinked before looking around. "What the-?"

He was now in a datascape, with blue squares going as far as the eye could see. Looking down,
Shima saw that his appearance had changed to that of The Brave Battler.

"What in the world just happened?" Brave Battler wondered aloud.

"A Virtual Reality Inducer."

Brave Battler tensed and spun around. The person he turned to face chuckled at his reaction.

It was a hooded dark-skinned figure with glowing red eyes through his hoodie. He wore black/red
colored shrouded robes with boots and gloves. He also wore golden chains around his waist and
arms, and legs. He also wore a mask resembling a demon-like vulture with piercing red eyes.

"What did you do?" Brave Battler asked, his voice low. "And who are you?"

The man chuckled. "The name’s Umbra, and I did nothing. Except send the signal to activate my
little toy." He pointed to the side as a screen popped up. It showed Shima’s body wrapped in blue
light in his bedroom. "Did you like it? As I said, it's called a Virtual Reality Inducer. It forces everyone
within its range into a VR space. This one, to be exact."

"Why the heck would you use something like that?"

Umbra frowned in thought. "You wouldn’t listen to me. So I had no other choice."

Brave Battler grit his teeth. "What do you want with me?"

"Your passion towards becoming a Celebrity Duelist…" he turned around and saw him over his
shoulder. He backed away, only to trip. As he got back up, he turned around again and faced him.
"… has deeply impressed me. I'm a fan of yours. A passionate fan."

"You're lying!" Brave Battler, confused and annoyed.

"I'm not lying." This time he appeared beneath him, his image spread over the floor. His face grew as
he said, "I just want to help you achieve your dream." He reappeared in front of him.

Umbra snapped his fingers. Brave Battler gasped as eight spikes shot out of the ground, circling the
area. Electricity shot between the spikes, forming a cage of electricity around him and Umbra. He
quickly pressed a button on his Duel Disk, but nothing happened. He was being blocked from
logging out.

"Nice try, but this program is derived from Desperado’s pistol gun," Umbra stated, making his Brave
Battler’s eyes widen. "You and I aren't leaving this place until one of us loses."

"Desperado?" Brave Battler repeated. "So that means you work with the guys who caused the
incident in LINK VRAINS. If that’s the case, I’ll be happy to take you down! By defeating you, I will
make you regret hurting something I love and show that I’m strong enough to fight alongside the Top

"We’ll see about that," Umbra said as he activated his Duel Disk. It was black with sharp grey claws
and purple outlines on the edges.

Brave Battler gritted his teeth and raised his Duel Disk. "I'll show you how strong I am!"

"Duel!" Both duelists shouted.

Brave Battler: 4000 LP

Umbra: 4000 LP

Brave Battler drew his opening hand. "I'll take the first turn!" he announced. "I summon Masked Hero

A warrior clad in thick brown armor with a mask appeared.

Masked Hero Bassols ATK 1000 DEF 700 LVL: 3

"Next, I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Mask Change!" Brave Battler continued. "Through its
effect, I send a "HERO" monster to the Graveyard to Special Summon a "Masked HERO" monster
from my Extra Deck with the same Attribute. I send the Earth Bassols to the Graveyard and perform
a Transformation Summon! Come forth, Masked HERO Photon Shooter!"

A glowing mask attached itself to Bassols, surrounding its body with bright light. When the light died
down, a monster clad in black armor with white lines running through it that formed the delta symbol
on its chest and a crimson visor, which held a gun in its right hand, could be seen standing on Brave
Battler's field.

Masked HERO Photon Shooter ATK 3000 DEF 1800 LVL: 8

"Oh, that's an interesting form of Fusion Summoning," Umbra commented while smirking. "You sure
utilize some amusing tricks. But for your sake, I hope this isn't all you've got."

"Of course not," Brave Battler said. "The fun is still far from over. I activate the Spell Card: League
of Heroes!" The card showed Elemental HERO Burstinatrix kneeling on the ground as Blazeman
jumped out from behind her. "It allows me to Special Summon a "HERO" monster from my Deck
whose Level is equal to or lower than another "HERO" monster on my field. Come, Elemental HERO
Shadow Mist!"

A pale woman with long blue hair wearing black armor appeared in Attack Position.

Elemental HERO Shadow Mist ATK 1000 DEF 1500 LVL: 4

"Since it was Special Summoned, Shadow Mist's effect activates, allowing me to add a "Change"
Quick-Play Spell Card from my Deck to my hand," Brave Battler stated. "I’ll add a second copy of
Mask Change, which I’ll activate! Through its effect, I send Shadow Mist to the Graveyard to perform
a Transformation Summon! Come forth, Masked HERO Photon Breaker!"

The previous scene was repeated as a glowing mask attached itself to Shadow Mist's face, causing
its entire body to glow. When the brightness died down, a monster clad in black armor with yellow
lines running through it and forming an X on its chest plate, which had a purple visor and held an X-
shaped gun with a rod extending from one of its ends appeared on Brave Battler’s field next to

Masked HERO Photon Breaker ATK 2700 DEF 2100 LVL: 7

"Since it was sent to the Graveyard, Shadow Mist's second effect activates!" Brave Battler
continued. "Through it, I can add a "HERO" monster from my Deck to my hand. I add Masked
HERO Rapid. And since I added Rapid to my hand through an effect, I can Special Summon it!"

Masked HERO Rapid ATK 1300 DEF 1600 LVL: 4

"However, Rapid's effect doesn't end here," Brave Battler smirked. "If it was Special Summoned
through its effect, I can add a "Change" card from my Graveyard to my hand. I choose Mask Change
and activate it, targeting Rapid for its effect. Transformation Summon! Appear, Masked HERO
Photon Hunter!"

Following Koyo's words, a glowing mask attached itself to Rapid's face, causing its body to be
surrounded by a crimson light. When it died, a monster clad in black armor with bright red lines
running through it and a yellow visor, which held a long rod in its right hand, appeared on Brave
Battler's field.

Masked HERO Photon Hunter ATK 2500 DEF 1500 LVL: 6

"Three Fusion Monsters in a single turn, huh?" Umbra remarked. "No wonder Gore had some
difficulty dueling against you. Good idea to go all out from the start. At least you have a modicum of
skill and ingenuity."

"Let's see how long you'll be able to keep up that confident expression on your face!" Brave Battler
grinned. "I activate the Continuous Spell Card: Solidarity! Since I have only Warrior monsters in my
Graveyard, all Warrior monsters I control gain 800 attack points!"

Masked Hero Photon Shooter ATK 3000→3800

Masked Hero Photon Breaker ATK 2700→3500

Masked Hero Photon Hunter ATK 2500→3300

"I place one card face-down and end my turn," Brave Battler concluded. This guy thinks I would be
afraid of him. I have this duel in the bag. I have three monsters with over 3000 attack points!

"My turn! I draw!" Umbra looked at his card, then played it. " I activate the Spell Card: Dark Corridor!
This card adds a "Dark World" monster from my Deck to my hand at the cost of discarding a card. I
add Ceruli, Guru of Dark World." He took the card from his Deck, then said, "I will also discard
Ceruli!" He sent the card to his Graveyard, then continued. "Since Ceruli was discarded to the
Graveyard, I can Special Summon it to your field!"

A short little fiend carrying a staff appeared on Brave Battler's field in Defense Position.

Ceruli, Guru of Dark World ATK 100 DEF 300 LVL: 1

"You Special Summoned a Monster on my side of the field?" Brave Battle narrowed his eyes. "Why
would you do that?"

Umbra let out a malicious chuckle. "Because it activates Ceruli’s effect!" he answered. "When it’s
Special Summoned through the effect of a "Dark World" monster, the opponent must discard one
card from their hand. And since Ceruli is on your field, I must send one card from my hand to the
Graveyard. I discard this card!" He touched a card and made it disappear. "And now that card's
effects activate! When Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World is sent to the Graveyard by an
opponent’s card effect, I can Special Summon it!"

A massive black fiend monster with giant dragon wings carrying a two-pronged staff appeared on
Umbra’s field.

Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World ATK 2500 DEF 1800 LVL: 7

"That's not all! Since your card effect made me discard him, Reign-Beaux's second effect activates! I
can destroy all of your monsters or Spell and Trap Cards!" Brave Battler gasped. "And naturally, I
destroy your monsters!"

Reign-Beaux's chest glowed as it unleashed a rainbow-colored blast that obliterated every one of
Brave Battler’s monsters off the field.

"Now you’re defenseless!" Umbra exclaimed.

"Not for long, I’m not!" Brave Battler rebutted. "I activate the Trap Card: Assembly of Heroes!" The
card showed Xtra HERO Wonder Driver holding Destiny HERO - Captain Tenacious's shoulder and
leaning on him as they walked away from a large explosion covered in bruises. "Due to its effect, I
can pay half my Life Points to revive all "HERO" monsters that were destroyed this turn with their
effects negated! Furthermore, I can negate the effects of monsters on your side of the field equal to
the number of revived Monsters! I will return my three Masked HERO monsters and negate the
effects of your Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World!"

Following Brave Battler's words, Shooter, Breaker and Hunter reappeared, unleashing tendrils of
lightning that struck Brave Battler along with Reign-Beaux.

Masked Hero Photon Shooter ATK 3000→3800

Masked Hero Photon Breaker ATK 2700→3500

Masked Hero Photon Hunter ATK 2500→3300

Brave Battler: 4000→2000 LP

"Hmm. Not a bad play you made there," Umbra said. "But I'll be ending this duel now."

"Don't be so arrogant," Brave Battler said. "Photon Hunter has 3300 attack points, Photon Breaker
has 3500, and Photon Shooter has 3800. How can you hope to beat that?"

"Easily," Umbra said. "I had everything I needed to win since I drew my opening hand. I activate the
Spell Card: Riryoku! One monster on the field loses half of its attack points, and another gains those
attack points. I'll target my Reign-Beaux and your Photon Shooter!"

Brave Battler gasped as the said monsters glowed.

Masked Hero Photon Shooter ATK 3800→1900

Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World: 2500→4400

"No, no, no! This wasn’t how the duel was supposed to go! My field was set up perfectly!" Brave
Battler exclaimed, taking a step back out of fear.

"Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World, attack Masked Hero Photon Shooter!" Umbra declared.
Devilish Vacuum Wave!" Reign-Beaux raised its staff and blasted the smoke screen with black
energy that headed straight for Brave Battler!


By the time Reign-Beaux was finished with its attack, Brave Battler was lying on the ground, covered
in wounds.

Brave Battler: 2000→0 LP

Umbra’s monster disappeared as he walked up to the battered duelist. He looked down at him with a
dispassionate gaze.

"You may have lost, but I must admit that your skills are far from average," he said. A purple card
materialized in his hand. "But we don't destroy what we can use. And even the weak have their
uses." He threw the card at Brave Battler’s chest, forming a purple aura around his body.

Meanwhile, back in Den City’s Central Plaza…

"You guys were kidding," Lily said as she wiped her face with a napkin. "These hot dogs are

"Told you," Yuji said, holding a half-eaten hot dog in his hand. "When Kolter first opened, business
was slow but gained popularity over time and is now one of most recommended spots to visit and
eat at."

"That’s great to hear," Lily said. "I’ve eaten mostly store-bought hot dogs my entire life. This is the
first time I’ve eaten a hot dog that a dining establishment cooked. If I were to rate it, I would give it
ten out of ten."

"If Kolter heard you say that, he’d be bawling his eyes out." Yusaku commentated as he appeared at
the table. "I can see you guys are enjoying everything. Is there anything else I can get you?"
Before anyone could answer, they were interrupted by the crowd nearby. "Kyaaaaah! It’s The Brave
Battler!" A person from the crowd screamed. Other people from around gathered in front of the TV

"What!? Shima?" Ena said as he and the others ran and joined the crowds.

Multiple reporters rolled their cameras at Brave Battler. He turned to the camera sternly as he stood
on a rooftop, pointing at the camera.

"Everyone, listen up! I have a very important announcement to make! You there! And you over there!
Watch! I declare that I, The Brave Battler, challenge Storm Rider and Sanctum to a duel!"

Everyone cheered in response after hearing Brave Battler's news.

"So come on out! Come on! I know you're watching! Accept my challenge! Duel me!"

"Unbelievable! After his duel with Gore from earlier, Brave Battler is eager to face two of the
strongest duelists in LINK VRAINS! It looks like we may get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity here,
people!" the MC said. "So exciting!"

"Looks like Shima is challenging you guys to a duel," Theodore said.

"But why?" Skye asked. "I mean, he held his own against Gore, but against you two, he wouldn’t
stand a chance."

"Skye’s right," Lily agreed. "What in the world is he thinking?"

"He isn’t thinking at all," Yusaku said, causing everyone at the table to raise an eyebrow.

"Are you saying what I think you’re saying?" Yuji asked.

"I am. Shima’s been brainwashed," Yusaku said. "And if I were to guess who did it, it must’ve been

"I can let brainwashing thugs slide, but when it comes to innocent people, that’s crossing a line," Ena

"So, are you guys going to duel him?" Lily said.

"There’s no need for that. I’ll duel in their place," Yusaku said.

Theodore’s eyes widened. "You sure that’s a good idea, Yusaku?"

"Theo’s right," Skye agreed. "You retired from being Playmaker not that long ago. The Syndicate
would surely try to hunt you down if you were to return."

"I’ll take my chances," Yusaku said as he entered the food truck. He closed the windows before
placing his hand on the wall, causing a secret room to open as he entered it. He put on his Duel Disk
and took out his Deck. After the door closed, he placed his Deck into his Duel Disk and said, "It's
time to link into the VRAINS!"

A sphere of blue light surrounded Yusaku as he spread out his arms. His appearance changed to
that of his digital avatar. He now had spiky yellow, pink, and orange hair and wore a black and dark
green jumpsuit with a grey metal belt around his waist and a gold line running up his left arm.

Playmaker flew out of the portal and landed on the building Shima was on. Upon feeling his
presence. Brave Battler turned around and narrowed his eyes at Playmaker.

"Congratulations, Shima finally fulfills his dream of facing Playmaker in a duel," Theodore said.
"LINK VRAINS shouldn’t be as crowded now because it's getting late. They have the entire area to

"What do you want, Playmaker?" he asked, with a threatening glare in his eyes. "Last time I
checked, I requested Storm Rider and Sanctum to duel me, not you. So what is this about?"

"You may not know this, but you’ve been brainwashed," Playmaker said. "I’m here to set you free."

Brave Battler startled at Playmaker’s words, then narrowed his eyes. "Brainwashed? You must be
insane. No one can brainwash the Brave Battler. But if it’s a duel you want, it’s a duel you’ll get!"

"If that’s what’s necessary to set you free, then I have no choice!" Playmaker pressed a button on his
Duel Disk, releasing a red cable to latch itself to Brave Battler’s wrist.

"What?" he said, looking at Playmaker and saw he was smirking. "What is this?"

"The same tool I Storm Rider and Sanctum use," he said. "It's called a Data Anchor, and it keeps
both of us from logging out for 24 hours. Unless we have a duel, the effect ends when the duel

Brave Battler scowled. He tried to log out like she usually did but couldn't. He didn't have a choice
unless he wanted to remain in LINK VRAINS for 24 hours.

"I used to worship you," he said as he activated his Duel Disk. "But like they say "never meet your

"Well, when I win this duel, your opinion of me will change," Playmaker answered, his face blank as
he activated his Duel Disk.


Playmaker: 4000 LP

Brave Battler: 4000 LP

Back in Den City…

"OMG, everyone!" the MC shouted at the top of his lungs. "Playmaker has returned and has decided
to duel against The Brave Battler in Storm Rider and Sanctum’s place! Who will win in the duel of

"This is exciting!"

"I can't wait!".

"Show us the duel!"

Several people in the Den City Plaza said. Yuji and the others, watching the television screens,
widened their eyes in shock, seeing the events.
"Can’t believe Yusaku’s dueling Shima..." Yuji said, finishing his hot dog.

"Now, this could be interesting," Ena added, who was also eating a hot dog.

"In that case," Theodore said, "I believe we should view this duel on the monitor. Just in case
something is amiss."

"Good idea," Yuji said as he, Ena and the others went into Kolter's food truck.

In the Syndicate Stronghold...

"How interesting," Priscilla said, smiling at what was happening. "Now that Playmaker has returned,
it will surely certainly provide me with more data on Playmaker's strategies and power."

"On top of that," Umbra said, "We can see how our test subject’s skills have improved after I’ve
upgraded his Deck."

"In that case, Umbra," Priscilla replied. "Observe the duel between Playmaker and Brave Battler and
send the duel data to me. Regardless of whether Brave Battler wins or loses."

"As you command, your holiness," Umbra said, bowing low before logging out.

"Is this necessary?" Desperado asked, causing Priscilla to turn to him. "Are you sure that holding a
hostage is the right thing to do? I thought that-."

To Desperado's surprise, Priscilla placed a hand on his shoulder. "I understand your concern,"
Revolver said. "Ever since what happened to you long ago, you didn't want to involve anyone else.
But sometimes, we must make hard decisions for the greater good. You all understand this, right?"

Desperado nodded. "Of course. I just feel uneasy about this course of action."

"You need not worry," Priscilla said, turning to the monitor, which showed the duel was about to
start. "Once our plan's in motion, we will crush the Top 10. And should Playmaker or the Knights of
Hanoi get involved, we’ll just have to teach them a lesson when butting into someone's business."


"I'll take the first turn," Playmaker announced. "I summon Storm Cipher!"

A black humanoid appeared in blue, purple, and black armor.

Storm Cipher ATK 2400 DEF 0 LVL: 4

"I place a card face-down and end my turn."

"My turn! I draw! I activate the Spell Card: Terraforming, which lets me add a Field Spell Card from
my Deck to my hand." Brave Battler took the card, then played it. "I activate the Field Spell Card:
Supreme King's Castle!"

Back at Cafe Nom, Yuji shuddered. "Supreme King…?" he muttered. Just hearing that name gives
him the chills.

"So Shima’s Deck has changed," Ena deduced. "Should’ve figured since he’s under someone’s
Back at Playmaker’s duel…

"If I would Fusion Summon a monster that would normally require being Summoned with Dark
Fusion, Supreme King's Castle allows me to Fusion Summon with other effects," Brave Battler
continued. "Since I control no monsters, I can Special Summon Evil HERO Infernal Prodigy!"

A black, red, and green fiend appeared in Attack Position.

Evil HERO Infernal Prodigy ATK 300 DEF 600 LVL: 2

"I Tribute Infernal Prodigy to Tribute Summon Evil HERO Sinister Necrom!"

The fiend vanished and was replaced by a red-skinned fiend covered in white bone armor.

Evil HERO Sinister Necrom ATK 1600 DEF 1800 LVL: 5

"I activate the Spell Card: Rising Evil!" The card showed Sinister Necrom shrouded in darkness, his
right hand reaching out. "Since I control an "Evil HERO" monster, I can Special Summon an "Evil
HERO" monster from my Deck with its effects negated. Come, Evil HERO Infernal Gainer!"

A red-and-black fiend with spikes on its shoulders appeared in Attack Position.

Brave Battler sneered as he raised his hand. "Appear, my fused circuit!" Playmaker gasped as the
Link portal appeared above him. "Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two
"HERO monsters. I set Infernal Gainer and Sinister Necrom in the Link Arrows!"

The two monsters entered the bottom-left and bottom arrows.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear! Link-2! Xtra HERO Infernal Devicer!"

The hero from the portal wore red, yellow, and dark blue armor with red wings at his back. He spun a
red and yellow scythe from the Right Extra Monster Zone.

Xtra HERO Infernal Devicer ATK 1700 LINK-2 ↙↓

"A Link Monster?" Playmaker said in surprise.

"Infernal Devicer's effect activates!" Brave Battler declared, his amusement at their shock clear.
"When it is Link Summoned, I can reveal a "HERO" Fusion Monster in my Extra Deck, and then I
can add up to two of its listed Fusion Materials from my Deck to my hand. I'll reveal Evil HERO Wild
Cyclone and add Elemental HEROs Avian and Wildheart to my hand."

Brave Battler's eyes widened in glee. "I activate the Spell Card: Polymerization and fuse Elemental
HEROs Avian and Wildheart!"

Silhouettes of a brown-skinned tribal warrior and a man in a green-colored suit with wings appeared
on Brave Battle’s field before breaking into red and blue particles. Two streams of energy shot
upward and merged into a violet whirlwind.

"Hero of the wind! Hero of the wilderness! Cast your righteousness aside and become a new
darkness! I Fusion Summon! Come forth! The cruelty of nature personified! Evil HERO Wild
A brown-skinned, muscular humanoid emerged from the Fusion portal with green armor at his waist
and shoulders and green wings at his back. He roared from Infernal Devicer's bottom Link Arrow in
Attack Position.

Evil HERO Wild Cyclone ATK 1900 DEF 2300 LVL: 8

"Infernal Devicer's additional effect! Fiend monsters at its Link Arrows gain attack and defense points
equal to their Levels times 100!"

Evil HERO Wild Cyclone ATK 1900→2700 DEF 2300→3100

"Battle! Wild Cyclone attacks Storm Cipher! Cyclone Slash!"

The monster beat its wings and fired a blast of wind at Storm Cipher, destroying it and making
Playmaker wince.

Playmaker: 4000→3700 LP

"Wild Cyclone's effect activates! When it inflicts battle damage, all your face-down Spell and Trap
Cards are destroyed!"

"Before that, I'll activate it! The Trap Card: Cyberse Beacon!" Playmaker shouted. "Since I took battle
damage this turn, I can add a Level 4 or lower Cyberse monster from my Deck to my hand. I'll add
Lockout Gardna to my hand."

Brave Battler narrowed his eyes. "Infernal Devicer attacks you directly!"

The monster leaped into the air, its scythe held above it.

"I activate the effect of Lockout Gardna in my hand!" Playmaker declared. "When your monster
attacks me directly, I can Special Summon it!"

A red humanoid machine with thin arms and legs appeared in Attack Position.

Lockout Gardna ATK 1000 DEF 1000 LVL: 3

"Your attack is redirected to Lockout Gardna. And the turn it is Special Summoned by its effect,
Lockout Gardna cannot be destroyed by battle!"

"But you still take damage!"

The scythe came down and struck the machine, and while it withstood the attack, Playmaker still
winced from the blowback.

Playmaker: 3700→3000 LP

Brave Battler grimaced at that. "I place a card face-down and end my turn. During the End Phase, I
can draw a card since I Tributed Infernal Prodigy to Tribute Summon a "HERO" monster."

"My turn! I draw!" Playmaker looked at his card and smiled.

"I summon Clock Wyvern!"

A blue and purple mechanical dragon appeared.

Clock Wyvern ATK 1800 DEF 1000 LVL: 4

Yuji and everyone else’s eyes widened. "That's-!"

"Clock Wyvern's effect activates! When it is Summoned, I can halve its attack points to Special
Summon a Clock Token!"

A cluster of violet crystals appeared in Attack Position.

Clock Wyvern ATK 1800→900

Clock Token ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1

Appear, the circuit that leads to the future! The summoning conditions are two Cyberse monsters. I
set Clock Wyvern and Lockout Gardna in the Link Arrows!"

The two monsters entered the bottom and bottom-right arrows.

"I Link Summon! Appear! Link-2! Clock Spartoi!"

A silver, gold, and red warrior emerged from the portal at the Extra Monster Zone.

Clock Spartoi ATK 800 LINK-2 ↓↘

"Clock Spartoi's effect activates! When it is Link Summoned, I add Cynet Fusion from my Deck to my

"What?!" Brave Battler gasped.

"Cynet Fusion!" The MC shouted. "A Fusion Summon is coming!"

"Appear again, the circuit that leads to the future! The summoning condition is one Level 1 monster. I
set Clock Token in the Link Arrow!"

The token entered the bottom arrow.

"I Link Summon! Appear! Link-1! Linkuriboh!"

A small blue mechanical monster emerged from the portal at Clock Spartoi's bottom Link Arrow, its
eyes blinking.

"Kuri kuri ku!"

Linkuriboh ATK 300 LINK-1 ↓

"Clock Spartoi's additional effect! When a monster is Special Summoned to its Link Marker, I can
Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Cyberse monster from my Graveyard. Resurrect, Clock

The dragon reappeared and roared in Attack Position.

Clock Wyvern ATK 1800 DEF 1000 LVL: 4

"The monster summoned by Clock Spartoi's effect has its effects negated." Playmaker took a card
from his hand. "I activate the Spell Card: Cynet Fusion! I fuse Clock Wyvern, Clock Spartoi, and
Linkuriboh to Fusion Summon!"

The monsters broke apart into particles that swirled into a vortex before spiraling up as twisters that
merged to form a violet tornado.

"By fusing my monsters, I merge them into a new, more powerful creation! I Fusion Summon!
Cyberse Clock Dragon!"

The tornado was torn apart by a violet dragon in black armor with silver and gold wings and four
gleaming blue eyes. The dragon roared in Attack Position.

Cyberse Clock Dragon ATK 2500 DEF 2000 LVL: 7

"It's here!" The MC cheered. "Playmaker's ace Fusion Monster! Cyberse Clock Dragon!"

Playmaker gestured to his field. "Clock Dragon's effect! When it is Fusion Summoned, I can send
cards from the top of my Deck to the Graveyard, equal to its materials' Link Ratings. I send three
cards to the Graveyard. And for each card sent, Clock Dragon gains 1000 attack points! Cyberse

Cyberse Clock Dragon ATK 2500→5500

"5500 attack points?!" Lily exclaimed.

"A single attack will bring Shima’s Life Points to 200," Skye realized. With an effect like that and the
ease with which he summoned it, I can see why he would use that dragon.

"Battle! Clock Dragon attacks Infernal Devicer!"

The dragon opened its mouth, which sparked with pink lightning.

"I activate Supreme King's Castle's effect!" Brave Battler declared. "Once per turn, when my Fiend
monster battles your monster, I can send an "Evil HERO" monster from my Deck or Extra Deck to
the Graveyard to increase my monster's attack points by that monster's Level times 200. I send
Level 7 Evil HERO Malicious Edge to the Graveyard!"

Xtra HERO Infernal Devicer ATK 1700→3100

"That isn't enough! Go, Clock Dragon! Attack Revolution Falcon! Pulse Pressure!"

The pink lightning gathered in the dragon's maw, where it was released in a stream. The stream tore
through Infernal Devicer and made it explode, pushing Brave Battler back from the shockwave.

Brave Battler: 4000→1600 LP

Brave Battler growled as he stood upright. "You have a lot of nerve, Playmaker. But it won't be that
easy! I activate the Trap Card: Dark Beginnings!" The card showed a fiend with black armor and
red-veined wings rising from an active volcano. "When my "Evil HERO" monster is destroyed, I can
add a Level 4 or lower "HERO" monster from my Deck to my hand, then gain Life Points equal to
that monster's attack points. I'll add Evil HERO Adusted Gold to my hand, and Adusted Gold has
2100 attack points!"

Brave Battler: 1600→3700 LP

Playmaker grit his teeth. "He got most of his Life Points back," he muttered. "I activate the Spell
Card: Tribute to the Doomed! By discarding Cards of Compensation from my hand, I can destroy
one monster on the field. I choose to destroy your Wild Cyclone!"

Following Paymaker’s words, a scary-looking mummy appeared. It then stretched out its arms,
shooting out strands of linen that wrapped around Wild Cyclone before dragging it down inside a

"Card of Compensation's effect activates! I get to draw two cards as I sent it from my hand to the
Graveyard." Playmaker drew his cards, then said, "I place two cards face-down and end my turn."

"My turn!" Brave Battler announced. "I draw! I activate the Spell Card: Pot of Greed!" Brave Battler
drew his two cards. "I activate the effect of Adusted Gold in my hand. By discarding it, I can add
Dark Fusion from my Deck to my hand. Next, I'll activate the effect of Sinister Necrom in the
Graveyard! By banishing it, I can Special Summon an "Evil HERO" monster from my Deck or hand.
From my Deck, I'll Special Summon Evil HERO Malicious Edge!"

A fiend with dark blue skin appeared in Attack Position. It wore numerous spiked belts all over its
body and had three claws coming out of its knuckles on each hand.

Evil HERO Malicious Edge ATK 2600 DEF 1800 LVL: 7

"I summon The Dark – Hex-Sealed Fusion!"

A black ball covered in red tentacles appeared.

The Dark – Hex-Sealed Fusion ATK 1000 DEF 1600 LVL: 3

Playmaker blinked. "What is that?" he asked.

Brave Battler’s sneer widened. "The Dark – Hex-Sealed Fusion is a unique monster. If I would
Fusion Summon, I can substitute The Dark for one of the Fusion Materials!" Playmaker gasped. "I
activate the Spell Card: Dark Fusion! This card allows me to Fusion Summons a Fiend Fusion
Monster using monsters from my hand or field as Fusion Material. I fuse Malicious Edge and The

Both monsters disintegrated into red and blue particles that swirled into a vortex before bursting forth
as tornados. The streams merged to form one purple tornado.

"Fallen hero with claws of vengeance! Power of the shadows! Cast your righteousness aside and
become a new darkness! I Fusion Summon! Come forth! The fallen shadow whose claws rend the
world! Evil HERO Malicious Fiend!"

A thin man in black and dark blue armor emerged from the Fusion vortex in Attack Position. Black
wings spread behind him, and massive claws extended from his knuckles.

Evil HERO Malicious Fiend ATK 3500 DEF 2100 LVL: 8

Theodore's eyes widened. "3500 attack points?"

"That's not good!" Ena exclaimed.

"I activate the Equip Spell Card: Malicious Claw and equip it to Malicious Fiend!" The claws on the
Fusion Monster's right hand turned black and gained volcanic veins. "Malicious Claw increases
Malicious Fiend's attack points by 400 and allows it to make a second attack during each Battle

Evil HERO Malicious Fiend ATK 3500→3900

"I activate the Spell Card: Emergency Recharge! Normally, it lets me draw two cards, but I can draw
four instead when my hand is empty. Next, I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Forbidden Chalice! I
can target one face-up monster on the field and increase its attack points by 400 until the end of this
turn. In exchange, until the End Phase, its effects are negated. I target Cyberse Clock Dragon!"

Playmaker's monster was surrounded by a white veil for a few moments, increasing its strength
before changing color to red and draining its effects.

Cyberse Clock Dragon ATK 5500→2900

"Battle! Malicious Fiend attacks Cyberse Clock Dragon! Edge Stream!"

The Fusion Monster leaped into the air as its claws glowed. It swept its left hand and sent several
shots of dark energy at Playmaker's Fusion Monster.

"You thought it was going to be easy?" Playmaker asked. "I activate the Trap Card: Card Defense!
By discarding a card from my hand, I cannot only negate the attack, but I also get to draw a card!"

As Playmaker discarded a card from his hand and drew another one, a swarm of cards protected
Clock Dragon from Malicious Fiend’s attack.

Brave Battler smirked. "Not bad. But don't forget that my monster can attack twice. Malicious Fiend
attacks Cyberse Clock Dragon again! Edge Stream!"

The Fusion Monster leaped into the air again, and the claws on its right hand glowed. It swung the
claws, sending streams of dark red energy at the Fusion Monster. The energy tore through Clock
Dragon, shredding it in an explosion.

"I activate my Trap Card!" Playmaker declared. "Defense Draw! If I would take damage, that damage
becomes 0, and I get to draw a card afterward!"

A barrier appeared around Playmaker, shielding him from the shockwave as he drew.

"You might have weathered my attacks, but you're mistaken if you think my turn is over! I activate
the effect of Malicious Claw! When the equipped monster destroys your monster in battle, I can
Special Summon an "Evil HERO" monster from my Graveyard!" Playmaker gasped. "Resurrect,
Malicious Edge!"

The blue-skinned fiend reappeared in Attack Position.

Evil HERO Malicious Edge ATK 2600 DEF 1800 LVL: 7

"Lucky for you, the monster summoned through Malicious Claw can’t attack directly," Brave Battler
revealed. "With that, I end my turn."

"My turn! I draw!" Playmaker looked at the card, then played it. "I activate the Spell Card: Foresight
Draw!" The card showed Mind on Air with a Deck of cards as three separate ones in front of her: a
Spell, a Trap, and a Monster. "Through its effect, I will send my hand to the Graveyard first. Then, I
will guess what type of card is on the top of my Deck. If I guess correctly, I can draw five cards from
my Deck; otherwise, I will have to send the five top cards of my Deck to the Graveyard and skip my
next Draw Phase. I guess that my top card is a Monster Card. Now, draw!"

Playmaker checked his top card and revealed it with a smirk.

"It looks like I was correct, so I draw five cards. Next, I Special Summon Linkslayer from my hand
since I control no monsters!"

A warrior in golden armor with two energy blades appeared in Attack Position.

Linkslayer ATK 2000 DEF 500 LVL: 5

"I activate Linkslayer's effect!" Playmaker continued. "Once per turn, I can discard up to two cards,
then target an equal number of Spell and Trap Cards on the field and destroy them. I discard one
card," he said while discarding Dual Assembwurm," and destroy your Field Spell!"

Linkslayer swung its claw, sent energy slashes, and tore Supreme King’s Castle apart.

"Next, I summon Flame Bufferlo!

A black mechanical bull with blue flaming horns and a tail appeared.

Flame Bufferlo ATK 1400 DEF 200 LVL: 3

He gestured to the sky as his hand glowed blue. "I'll now create my circuit!" The Link Portal
appeared above him. "Link Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two Effect Monsters. I
set Flame Bufferlo and Linkslayer in the Link Arrows!"

Linkslayer and Flame Bufferlo entered the top and bottom arrows.

"Link the Circuit! I Link Summon! Appear! Link-2! Code Talker!"

A gray-armored warrior emerged from the portal at the Left Extra Monster Zone, swinging an
extended broadsword.

Code Talker ATK 1300 LINK-2 ↑↓

"Since Flame Bufferlo left the field, I can discard a Cyberse monster to draw two cards," Playmaker
did so, then said, "I activate the Continuous Spell Card: Cynet Codec! Next, I activate the effect of
the Link Infra-Flier in my hand! I can Special Summon this card to Code Talker's bottom Link Arrow!"

A mechanical blue, red, and silver kite appeared, summoned to Code Talker's bottom Link Arrow in
Defense Position.

Link Infra-Flier ATK 0 DEF 1800 LVL: 2

"For a third time, I'll create my circuit! The summoning conditions are two or more Effect Monsters. I
set Link Infra-Flier and Link-2 Code Talker in the Link Arrows!"

The monsters entered the top, bottom, and right arrows.

"I Link Summon! Appear! Link-3! Transcode Talker!"

An orange-armored humanoid emerged from the portal to the Extra Monster Zone Code Talker
Transcode Talker ATK 2300 LINK-3 ↑↓→

"Cynet Codec's effect activates!" Playmaker continued. "When a "Code Talker" monster is Special
Summoned from my Extra Deck, I can add a Cyberse monster with the same Attribute as that
monster from my Deck to my hand. I add the Earth Attribute Dotscaper from my Deck to my hand.

"I activate Transcode Talker's effect! Once per turn, I can Special Summon a Link-3 or lower
Cyberse Link Monster from my Graveyard to its Link Arrow. Come, Code Talker!"

The gray-armored humanoid reappeared at Transcode Talker's bottom Link Arrow.

Code Talker ATK 1300 LINK-2 ↑↓

"While Code Talker points to a monster, it gains 500 attack points."

Code Talker ATK 1300→1800

"While Transcode Talker is co-linked, itself and monsters co-linked with it gain 500 attack points and
cannot be targeted by your card effects."

Code Talker ATK 1800→2300

Transcode Talker ATK 2300→2800

"I'm still not finished!" Playmaker exclaimed. "Since I control two or more monsters of the same
Type, I can Special Summon Cyberse White Hat!"

A cowboy in a white coat and hat appeared in Attack Position.

Cyberse White Hat ATK 1800 DEF 2400 LVL: 6

"For the third time, I shall create my circuit! The summoning conditions are two or more Cyberse
monsters. I set Cyberse White Hat and Link-2 Code Talker in the Link Arrows!"

The monsters entered the left, top, and right arrows.

"I Link Summon! Appear! Link-3! Excode Talker!"

A large green armored humanoid with large shoulders emerged from the portal at Transcode
Talker's bottom Link Arrow.

Excode Talker ATK 2300→2800 LINK-3 ←↑→

"Cyberse Whitehat's effect activates!" Playmaker declared. "When it's used to Link Summon, all
monsters my opponent controls lose 1000 attack points!"

Evil HERO Malicious Fiend ATK 3900→2900

Evil HERO Malicious Edge ATK 2600→1600

"Excode Talker's effect activates! When it is Link Summoned, I can choose unused Main Monster
Zones equal to the number of monsters in the Extra Monster Zones. And so long as Excode Talker
is on the field, those zones cannot be used! Grasp Zone!"

Excode Talker threw a ball of green energy that hit Brave Battler’s field.
"Cynet Codec's effect activates! I add the Wind Attribute Code Exporter from my Deck to my hand."
Playmaker gestured to his field. "Excode Talker's second effect! Monsters linked to gain 500 attack
points and cannot be destroyed by card effects!"

Transcode Talker ATK 2800→3300

"I activate the Spell Card: Link Treasure! I draw cards equal to the number of Link Monsters on the
field. There are two, so I draw two cards!"

After looking at his cards, he played one of them. "I activate the Field Spell Card: Cynet Storm! While
this card is on the field, all linked monsters gain 500 attack and defense points, and the summoning
of Link Monsters can't be negated."

"All his monsters are linked with one another," Yuji noted. "That means they all become stronger."

Transcode Talker ATK 3300→3800

Excode Taker ATK 2800→3300

"Battle!" Playmaker exclaimed. "Transcode Talker attacks Malicious Fiend! Go, Transcode Finish!"

The cannon on Transcode Talker's back began to unfold into a massive one.

"I activate Malicious Claw’s effect!" Brave Battler abruptly stated. "If a monster equipped with
Malicious Claw would be destroyed by battle or card effect, I can send Malicious Claw to the
Graveyard instead!"

The claws on the fiend's right hand returned to normal.

Evil HERO Malicious Fiend ATK 2900→2500

Transcode Talker aimed its rifle at the Fusion Monster before firing a blast. Malicious Fiend
withstood the attack, but the shockwave pushed Brave Battler back.

Brave Battler: 3700→2400 LP

"Next, Excode Talker attacks Malicious Edge!"

Excode Talker charged toward Malicious Edge, his green claws extended.

"Excode Close!"

Excode Talker slashed Malicious Edge with his claw, causing the blue-skinned fiend to explode and
making Brave Battler fall to the ground.

Brave Battler: 2400→700 LP

"I place a card face-down and end my turn," Playmaker concluded.

Brave Battler grit his teeth. His field was set up perfectly, but Playmaker had blown it apart in one
turn. Still, the duel wasn't over yet. So long as he stayed focused, he could turn this around.

"My turn! I draw!" he said. "I activate the Spell Card: Offerings to a Higher Power! I can draw two
cards by sending one monster on my field to my Graveyard. I send Malicious Fiend from my field to
my Graveyard and draw!"
Brave Battler drew and sneered. "I activate the effect of Evil HERO Sinister Necrom in the
Graveyard! By banishing it, I can Special Summon an "Evil HERO" monster from my hand or Deck.
From my Deck, I summon Evil HERO Infernal Gainer!"

A red-and-black-skinned fiend with spikes on his head and shoulders appeared in Attack Position.

Evil HERO Infernal Gainer ATK 1600 DEF 0 LVL: 4

"I activate the Spell Card: Fusion Recovery! I return Polymerization and a monster used as Fusion
Material from my Graveyard to my hand." Brave Battler took the two cards from his Graveyard, then
played one of them. "I summon Elemental HERO Avian!"

A humanoid in white and green appeared and spread his wings.

Elemental HERO Avian ATK 1000 DEF 1000 LVL: 3

"Appear, my fused circuit! The summoning conditions are two "HERO" monsters. I set Avian and
Infernal Gainer in the Link Arrows!"

The monstered entered the bottom and bottom-left arrows.

"I Link Summon! Appear! Link-2! Xtra HERO Infernal Devicer!"

The humanoid in red, yellow, and dark blue armor emerged from the portal at the Extra Monster
Zone, spinning a red and yellow scythe.

Xtra HERO Infernal Devicer ATK 1700 LINK-2 ↙↓

"He had a second copy of his Link Monster," Playmaker muttered.

"Devicer's effect activates! When it is Link Summoned, I can reveal a "HERO" Fusion Monster in my
Extra Deck and add up to two of its Fusion Materials from my Deck to my hand. I reveal Evil HERO
Lightning Golem to add Elemental HEROs Clayman and Sparkman to my hand."

Brave Battler's sneer widened. "Next, I activate the Field Spell Card: Pseudo-Space. I banish
Supreme King’s Castle from my Graveyard to have Pseudo Space gain its effect. I activate the Spell
Card: Polymerization and fuse Clayman and Sparkman in my hand!"

Silhouettes of a man clad in blue and gold armor surrounded by sparks of electricity, along with a
warrior made out of clay, appeared on Brave Battler’s field. Sparkman turned red particles, while
Clayman turned blue particles, swirling into a vortex afterward. Two tornadoes of energy shot
upwards and merged to form a magenta whirlwind.

"Hero of the earth! Hero of lightning! Cast your righteousness aside and become a new darkness! I
Fusion Summon! The storm that tears the earth! Evil HERO Lightning Golem!"

A massive humanoid monster, colored light green and blue with red orbs on his chest and hands,
emerged from the vortex at Infernal Devicer's bottom Link Marker in Attack Position. Yellowfins
shaped like lightning bolts covered his shoulders, and a helmet covered his head.

Evil HERO Lightning Golem ATK 2400 DEF 1500 LVL: 6

"Fiend monsters linked to Infernal Devicer gain attack and defense points equal to their Level times
Evil HERO Lightning Golem ATK 2400→3000 DEF 1500→2100

"And don’t think I’m done just yet, Playmaker. Let's see you stand up to this! I activate the Spell
Card: Dark Calling! By banishing monsters from my hand and Graveyard, I can Fusion Summon a
monster that must be Special Summoned with Dark Fusion. I banish Infernal Gainer and Malicious
Edge from my Graveyard to Fusion Summon!"

Silhouettes of Infernal Gainer and Malicious Edge appeared before disintegrating into particles that
swirled into a violet twister.

"Fallen hero of shadows! Fallen hero with claws of vengeance! Cast your righteousness aside and
become a new darkness! I Fusion Summon! Come forth! Evil HERO Malicious Bane!"

A new fiend emerged from the Fusion vortex at Infernal Devicer's bottom-left Link Marker in Attack
Position. This one wore violet armor and a tattered cape, claws coming from his back and wrists.

Evil HERO Malicious Bane ATK 3000→3800 DEF 3000→3800 LVL: 8

Playmaker narrowed his eyes at the monster. "I activate Malicious Bane's effect! Once per turn, all
monsters you control with equal or fewer attack points than Malicious Bane's are destroyed! Shadow

The fiend's claws glowed with dark energy. He swung them, sending six energy streams at
Playmaker's field.

Playmaker grit his teeth. "Due to Excode Talker’s effect, Transcode Talker can’t be destroyed by
card effects!"

The streams hit Playmaker's field and exploded, but when the smoke faded, Transcode was
unharmed while Excode Talker had been destroyed.

"Since Excode Talker left the field, his effects end, and you're now able to use the Main Monster
Zones he blocked using his effect." Playmaker pointed out. "Also, Transcode Talker loses his attack
point boosts."

Transcode Talker ATK 3800→2300

"Even if you saved one of your monsters, it wouldn't matter; Malicious Bane gains 200 attack points
for each monster it destroyed."

Evil HERO Malicious Bane ATK 3800→4000

"I activate Lightning Golem's effect!" Brave Battler continued. "Once per turn, I can target one
Monster on the field and destroy it! My target is your Transcode Talker! Voltic Ball!"

A sphere of dark lightning erupted from Lightning Golem's hands, enveloping Transcode and
destroying it.

"Battle! Malicious Bane attacks you directly! Edge Tear!"

The dark hero charged at Playmaker, who gestured to his field.

"I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Spool Code!" he declared. "If your monster attacks directly
while I have three or more Cyberse monsters in the Graveyard, that attack is negated!" A barrier
appeared and blocked Malicious Bane's attack. "Then, I can summon three Spool Tokens!" Three
blue and white disks appeared on Playmaker's field, all in Defense Position.

Spool Token ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1 x 3

"I still have two monsters!" Brave Battler reminded him. "Lightning Golem, attack his Spool Token!"

Lightning Golem unleashed another dark lightning bolt from his right hand, striking the token and
destroying it.

"Lastly, I’ll have Infernal Devicer attack another Spool Token!"

Infernal Devicer rushed forward, slicing the token in half with its large scythe and destroying it.

"While I'd wish to destroy you this turn, I prefer to slowly wear you down. Therefore, I place one card
face-down and end my turn."

"My turn! I draw!" Playmaker looked at his card and immediately played it. "I activate the Spell Card:
Roll of Fate! This card lets me roll a six-sided die and draw cards equal to the result. Afterward, I
must banish cards from the top of my Deck equal to that same result. Go, Dice Roll!"

A dice flew out of Roll of Fate and landed on the ground. After it stopped rolling, it eventually
stopped at a four.

"A four! That means I can draw four cards!"

Upon drawing his cards and checking them out, Playmaker let out a small smile.

"I activate Link Apple's effect from my hand! I reveal this card in my hand and banish a random face-
down monster from my Extra Deck. I can Special Summon this card from my hand if it's a Link
monster. If not, I must discard this card and draw a card from my Deck." Playmaker took a card from
his Extra Deck as it burst into particles. After looking at the banished card, he turned his attention to
Ringmaster. "The card banished was the Link 3 Cyberse monster, Tri-Gate Wizard. That means I
can Special Summon Link Apple from my hand!"

A red apple with a computer screen appeared on Playmaker's field, beaming with happiness.

Link Apple ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1

"I activate the effect of Defcon Bird in my hand! By discarding a Cyberse monster, I can Special
Summon it. I discard Dotscaper. Come, Defcon Bird!"

A mechanical bird with teal wings shaped like a dome around it appeared.

Defcon Bird ATK 100 DEF 1700 LVL: 3

"Dotscaper's effect activates! As it was sent to the Graveyard, it Special Summons itself!"

The green and white monster made of blocks materialized in Defense Position.

Dotscaper ATK 0 DEF 2100 LVL: 1

"I activate the effect of Code Exporter in my hand!" Playmaker continued. "If I would Link Summon a
"Code Talker" monster, I can use it in my hand as material!"
Brave Battler gasped. "What's this?" The MC screamed in shock. "He's using monsters in his hand
to Link Summon?!"

"Appear, the circuit that leads to the future! The summoning conditions are two or more Cyberse
monsters. I set Code Exporter, Link Apple and my final Spool Token in the Link Arrows!"

A green and gold mechanical griffin with holographic wings appeared and roared as it, Apple and
Defcon entered the top, bottom, and right arrows of the Link Portal.

"I Link Summon! Appear! Link-3! Shootingcode Talker!"

A blue-and-gold-armored monster with wings emerged from the portal, summoned to the Extra
Monster Zone.

Shootingcode Talker ATK 2300 LINK-3 ←↑↓

"As Code Exporter was used to Link Summon a "Code Talker" monster," Playmaker said, "I can add
a Level 4 or lower Cyberse monster from my Graveyard to my hand." He took the card from his
Graveyard. " I add Latency to my hand. And since Latency was added to my hand from the
Graveyard, I can Special Summon it!"

A pink robotic girl with a blue hourglass appeared in Attack Position.

Latency ATK 0 DEF 0 LVL: 1

"Cynet Codec's effect activates! I add the Water Attribute Scrypton from my Deck to my hand.

"Appear! The circuit that leads to the future!" The Link portal materialized above them. "The
summoning conditions are two or more Effect Monsters. I set Link-2 Splash Mage and Micro Coder
in the Link Arrows!"

His monsters entered the top, bottom-left, and bottom-right arrows.

"I Link Summon! Appear! Link-3! Decode Talker!"

A warrior in purple armor emerged from the portal and swung its sword from Shootingcode Talker’s
bottom Link Arrow.

Decode Talker ATK 2300→2800 LINK-3 ↙↑↘

Shootingcode Talker ATK 2300→2800

"Decode Talker's effect activates!" Playmaker continued. "For every monster at its Link Arrows, it
gains 500 attack points! Power Integration!"

Decode Talker ATK 2800→3300

"Cynet Codec's effect activates! Since a "Code Talker" monster was Special Summoned from my
Extra Deck, I can add a Cyberse monster with the same Attribute from my Deck to my hand. I add
the Dark Attribute Suppression Collider from my Deck to my hand. And since I used the Special
Summoned Latency for a Link Summon, I can draw one card!"

He drew his card, then played it. "I activate the Equip Spell Card: Cyberse Advantage!" The card
showed Decode Talker swinging its sword at Excode Talker. "I equip this card to Shootingcode
The blue-armored warrior glowed briefly as the Equip Spell was activated.

"To activate this card, I must discard Suppression Collider," Playmaker explained. "Then,
Shootingcode gains attack points equal to Collider’s!"

Shootingcode Talker ATK 2800→5600

"I set a card and then activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Double Cyclone! I destroy one of my Spell
or Trap Cards to destroy one of yours!" Brave Battler gasped. "I destroy my face-down card and your
Pseudo Space!"

Brave Battler braced himself as the cards shattered.

"And since my destroyed card was Dummy Marker and the effect of a Spell Card destroyed it, I can
draw two cards!"

Playmaker looked at his cards, then gestured to his field. "Shootingcode Talker's effect activates!
During the Battle Phase, it gains an additional attack for each monster at its Link Arrows.
Shootingcode Talker is linked to Excode Talker, meaning it can attack two times this turn!"

"Twice?" Brave Battler repeated. The golden bow on Shootingcode Talker's left arm unfolded, and a
golden string formed.

"The first attack!" Playmaker held up one finger. "Shootingcode Talker attacks Infernal Devicer!"

"Not so fast!" Brave Battler abruptly declared. "I activate the Trap Card: Impenetrable Attack! This
card allows me to activate one of two effects during the Battle Phase. I can prevent one monster
from being destroyed by battle or card effects during this Battle Phase, or I can take no battle
damage during the Battle Phase." He smirked at Playmaker. "I choose to take no battle damage!"

Shootingcode Talker pulled its string back as a bolt of blue energy formed. Shootingcode released
its string, sending its bolt through Infernal Devicer, destroying it in an explosion.

"Since Infernal Devicer left the field, Lightning Golem and Malicious Bane’s attack and defense
points are returned to normal."

Evil HERO Lightning Golem ATK 3000→2400 DEF 2100→1500

Evil HERO Malicious Bane ATK 3800→3000 DEF 3800→3000

"The second attack! Shootingcode Talker attacks Malicious Bane! Shimmering Straight Shot!"

Shootingcode Talker pulled back another arrow and released it, destroying Malicious Bane.

"Finally, Decode Talker attacks Lightning Golem! Decode Destruction!"

Decode Talker struck Golem with its sword, cutting it in half and causing an explosion.

"I place a card face-down and end my turn," Playmaker concluded. "Since it’s now the End Phase,
Cyberse Advantage’s effect destroys itself, and Shootingcode loses its attack boost."

Shootingcode Talker ATK 5600→2800

"I didn't think it was possible," Brave Battler muttered. "You cleared my field of monsters. You’re
getting on my Playmakers… it's time for me to eradicate you! My turn! I draw! I activate the Spell
Card: Evil Mind! If I control a Fiend monster, I can activate an effect depending on how many
monsters you have in your Graveyard. Since you have more than ten monsters, I can add a
"Polymerization" Spell or "Fusion" Spell from my Deck to my hand."

Brave Battler took the card from his Deck and smirked. "You think you're so clever? Well, I'm afraid
your good luck has finally run out! I activate the Spell Card: Advanced Dark Fusion!" The card
showed an open plain and clear sky, with Evil HERO Infernal Gainer opposite a giant made of rock.
The two monsters were glowing with yellow energy while a single-winged figure floated in the sky
above them, right in front of the sun. "I Fusion Summon an "Evil HERO" monster by using monsters
from my hand, field, or Extra Deck as Fusion Materials!"

"What!?" Playmaker gasped. "The Extra Deck!?"

"That's right. I fuse Multiple Piece Golem and another copy of Malicious Fiend in my Extra Deck!"

Malicious Fiend reappeared alongside a massive gray and light green stone giant. The monsters
then turned into red and blue particles that swirled into a violet twister.

"The fallen shadow whose claws rend the world! The giant born of lesser creations! Sink deeper into
the shadows, and give birth to a new darkness! I Fusion Summon! Come forth! The vengeance of
nature that wipes the earth clean! Evil HERO Dark Gaia!"

The fiend that emerged from the portal in Attack Position had black skin covered by dark gray armor.
The wings at its sides were composed of dark red membranes and dark gray spines. Its barbed tail
waved behind it as the Fusion Monster leered at Playmaker.

Evil HERO Dark Gaia ATK ? DEF 0 LVL: 8

Playmaker blinked. "Unknown attack points?"

"Dark Gaia's attack points are equal to the combined original attack points of its materials," Brave
Battler explained. "Malicious Fiend had 3500 attack points, and Multiple Piece Golem had 2600.

Evil HERO Dark Gaia ATK ? →6100

Yuji and everyone else’s eyes widened. "6100!?"

"That isn't all; Advanced Dark Fusion also grants the monster it Fusion Summoned two effects. The
first effect prevents it from being targeted or destroyed by my opponent's card effects. The
second…" Brave Battler's sneer widened. "The second effect requires it to attack the monster you
control with the highest attack points first, but it can attack all monsters you control once each!"
Playmaker’s eyes widened. "Battle! Dark Gaia attacks Shootingcode Talker! Dark Catastrophe!"

Meteors formed above the fiend's hands and were launched at Shootingcode, but Playmaker was

"I activate the Trap Card: Staunch Defender!" he declared. "This card forces all monsters you control
to attack the monster I choose! And I decide that your Dark Gaia will attack Decode Talker!"

The meteors impacted, destroying the purple-armored warrior and hitting Playmaker with a

Playmaker: 3000→200 LP
Shootingcode Talker ATK 2800→2300

"This is the end! Dark Gaia attacks Shootingcode Talker! Dark Catastrophe!"

More meteors formed and shot toward Playmaker's Link Monster.

"I activate the effect of the Rescue Interlacer in my hand!" Playmaker declared. "By discarding it,
battle damage against my Attack Position Cyberse monster becomes 0!"

The blast destroyed Shootingcode, but a barrier appeared and prevented Playmaker from taking any

Brave Battler stared at Playmaker before gritting his teeth and growling. "So persistent. You're worse
than a cockroach, I swear. At least cockroaches have the good sense to run from their

"I wouldn't call myself a cockroach," Playmaker said. "I think I’m much closer to a rat."

Brave Battler barked out a laugh. "A rat? Like that's better than cockroaches. Well, I'll praise your
self-awareness, at least." Brave Battler played a card from his hand. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell
Card: Mystical Space Typhoon and use it to destroy Cynet Codec!" Playmaker frowned as his card
shattered. That card being gone meant he couldn’t add monsters to his hand.

"I place a card face-down and end my turn."

"During the End Phase, Rescue Interlacer's effect activates!" Playmaker said. "And I can Special
Summon it from the Graveyard."

A white and red humanoid robot appeared in Defense Position.

Rescue Interlacer ATK 1000 DEF 1200 LVL: 3

Brave Battler narrowed his eyes. "This will be your last turn to make a comeback, but against my
Dark Gaia, your chances are low."

"Yosh..." Playmaker sighed, realizing he was panting. This Duel was intense, just like the ones with
Ringmaster and Storm Rider. One of them he lost, and the other ended in a draw. But in this duel,
he will win! However, he needs to draw a good card.

"My turn!" Playmaker said. "I draw!" He drew, looked at his card, and smirked. "Since my Life Points
are lower than yours and you're the only one with a monster Special Summoned from the Extra
Deck, I can activate the Spell Card: Final Offguard! It lets me draw two cards!

Playmaker drew his cards, looked at them, then played a different card from his hand.

"By banishing Dotscaper from my Graveyard, I can Special Summon Scrypton from my hand!"

An alien-like monster clad in black armor adorned with blue orbs and tubes, and a round-shaped
glass helmet on its head appeared in Attack Position.

Scrypton ATK 1500 DEF 1500 LVL: 5

"Furthermore, since Dotscaper was banished, I can Special Summon it!"

The green and white monster reappeared in Defense Position.

Dotscaper ATK 0 DEF 2100 LVL: 1

"Appear, the circuit that leads to the future!" The Link Portal appeared above Playmaker. "Link
Arrows authorized! The summoning conditions are two or more Cyberse Effect monsters. I set
Rescue Interlacer, Scrypton, and Dotscaper in the Link Arrows!"

Playmaker's three monsters entered the top, bottom, and left arrows. "Link the Circuit! I Link
Summon! Appear! Link-3! Incode Talker!"

A humanoid arm formed out of data: it had silver armor across it while its skin was pitch-black, neon
red highlights glowing brightly on them. A leg formed next, with the same armor and skin on its arm.
The monster's eye flashed red as a flowing cloak of red data blew in the wind behind it. Incode
Talker dashed out of the Link Portal swinging its scythe as it appeared on Playmaker’s field in the
Extra Monster Zone.

Incode Talker ATK 2300 LINK-3 ←↑↓

Yuji blinked at Playmaker’s new monster, then smiled. "I suppose we’re not the only ones who
changed," he mentioned.

"A new Code Talker Link Monster..." Brave Battler muttered. "What does it do?"

"You’ll see soon enough," Playmaker said. "I banish Suppression Collider and Link Apple from my
Graveyard. Doing so lets me Special Summon Degrade Buster!"

A massive warrior in red and white armor with blue boots and gloves appeared in Attack Position at
Incode Talker’s bottom Link Arrow.

Degrade Buster ATK 2500 DEF 2500 LVL: 7

"I activate Incode Talker's effect!" Playmaker continued. "By destroying Degrade Buster which is
currently linked to it, Incode Talker gains its attack points until this turn's End Phase! Circuit Break!"

Degrade Buster disintegrated, and its particles flew to Incode Talker's scythe, which glowed with
silver light.

Incode Talker ATK 2300→4800

"That's very impressive, Playmaker," Brave Battler said. "However, Dark Gaia has 6100 attack
points. You'll need more than this to defeat me."

"I'm aware of that." Playmaker took the last card in his hand and played it. "I activate the Equip Spell
Card: Cyber Surge!" he declared as the card showed Security Dragon gaining a surge of cybernetic
energy as it evolved into Firewall Dragon. "And I equip it to Incode!" Playmaker then gestured to his
field. "Battle! Incode Talker, attack Evil HERO Dark Gaia!"

The armored humanoid spun its scythe before charging toward Dark Gaia.

"At this moment, Cyber Surge's effect activates! The equipped monster's attack points are doubled
during the Battle Phase!"

Brave Battler tensed. "What?!"

Incode glowed gold, and its eyes became blue.

Incode Talker ATK 4800→9600

"I won't lose to you!" Brave Battler exclaimed. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell Card: Battle Fusion!
When a Fusion Monster I control battles, it gains attack points equal to the attack points of the
monster it's battling!"

Dark Gaia suddenly grew in size as it towered over Incode Talker.

Evil HERO Dark Gaia ATK 6100→15700

"This duel is mine!"

"You're wrong!" Playmaker countered. "I activate the effect of the Spell Card: Cyberse Exception in
my Graveyard!" The card showed Update Jammer, his radio dish extended, sending out waves of
energy at Elphase. But a barrier of light was surrounding Elphase. "This is one of the cards I sent to
the Graveyard via Clock Dragon's effect. When my Cyberse monster battles your monster, I banish
Cyberse Exception to negate the attack!" Incode Talker came to a stop. "Furthermore, Dark Gaia's
attack points become 0 until the end of the turn!"

Evil HERO Dark Gaia ATK 15700→0

Brave Battler gasped, his eyes wide. "0-0 attack points?! Even so, you can’t attack anymore. So on
my next turn, you’re finished!"

"No, Brave Battler. You're the one who's finished." Playmaker calmly replied. "I activate the second
effect of Parallel Port Armor in my Graveyard." Playmaker added. "By banishing it and two Link
monsters in my Graveyard, one monster on my field can attack twice this turn. I banish this card,
along with Linkuriboh and Shootingcode Talker, and target Incode Talker!"

Two parallel ports attached themselves to Incode Talker, surging him with electricity.

"Wait a minute!" Brave Battler gasped for a second time. "Was that also one of the cards you sent to
the Graveyard through Clock Dragon’s effect?!"

"You are correct," Playmaker confirmed. "Go, Incode Talker! Last Incode!"

The scythe-holding knight leaped into the air as it raised its weapon. Incode Talker swung its scythe
down, cutting Dark Gaia in two, making the monster explode. The shockwave traveled past the
explosion and struck Brave Battle, sending him flying backwards.

Brave Battler: 700→0

"The duel is over!" the MC shouted over the cheering crowd. "In a stunning come-from-behind
victory, Playmaker defeated the Brave Battler!"

Playmaker approached Brave Battler. His eyes were closed. It looked like he was sleeping. His body
disintegrated into blue data, logging out.

"I hope that Shima’s back to normal now," Playmaker said. "Still… I wonder who’s responsible for
brainwashing him."

"That would be me."

Playmaker turned to look behind him. Standing above them on a nearby rooftop was none other than
Umbra. Playmaker narrowed his eyes.
"I see," he noted. "Who are you?"

"The name’s Umbra," he answered as he leaped to the building Playmaker was on. "I must say, I'm
impressed, Playmaker. You truly live up to your reputation."

Playmaker scowled at him. "Quit the compliments. If I were to guess, you’re one of Desperado’s
comrades, right?"

"You are correct," Umbra confirmed. "It has been interesting watching you work. I've learned much
about your Deck and strategies and adapted my Deck to respond accordingly." He took a step
forward. "Duel me, Playmaker!"

Playmaker narrowed his eyes. He had an intense duel with Shima, so he hasn’t had time to recover.
"I accep-.".


Playmaker blinked in surprise as a cord of blue energy connected to Umbra’s Duel Disk.

"What?" Umbra as his Duel Disk started up. "Who’s responsible for this?"

"That would be me," a nearby voice said. When Playmaker and Umbra turned around to identify the
voice, they saw it was none other than Storm Rider.

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