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This narrative report provides a detailed summary of the patient's condition, nursing assessments, interventions, and evaluation of the
patient's response. It communicates key information to the student nurses and serves as a comprehensive record of the patient's care.

During our home visit on May 23, 2024, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caisip, we implemented our FNCP that is related to
their wellness. This is in line with our findings on our last visit. The family of Mr. Frank is an extended type of family. His two
grandchildren live with them. Upon entering the house, we greeted them and slowly started the implementation of our family nursing
care plan. First, we started by asking them who eats the packs of instant noodles they have in their containers. Mrs. Caisip stated that
both her grandchildren love eating those, especially when they crave them and when they are in a rush to go to school and work. After
that, we asked them if both grandkids had a history of UTIs, or infections in blood or urine. Mrs. Caisip answered no. Mr. Frank
added, they eat these, but they eat them with moderation. The only problem is that the youngest grandchild likes to eat meat and drink
soft drinks. He doesn't like vegetables and only eats a few fruits. With that, both Mr. and Mrs. Caisip always took those cues as a sign
to open the conversation about alternative foods that may balance their diet. While discussing our interventions, I noticed that the
family already knows how to balance their diet. As they said, they often eat vegetables and fruits about 2-3 times a week. The only
problem is the youngest grandchild, since he is a picky eater. The student nurses suggested monitoring and trying to encourage their
grandchildren to eat vegetables and fruits. We also encouraged Mr. and Mrs. Caisip to provide vitamins to the youngest.

After this home visit, I can say that our goal is only partially met since we were unable to meet the grandchild and discuss with him
how he can live a much healthier lifestyle without taking away his favorites and cravings.

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