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MAKERERE UNIVERSITY 3 . ‘ . SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS D 3 DEPARTMENT OF POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS END OF SEMESTER II EXAMINATIONS, 2021/2022 " | ECO 3205: HEALTH ECONOMICS EXAMINATION : DATE: Thursday 18 August, 2022 TIME 12:00-3:60 PM Instructions: Attempt any Four (4) questions 3 Question 1 \ve ALA re eeVrnrcS re ; a) ‘Using examples, differentiate between the following concepts as used in Health Economics ~ (12 Marks) w 4 i. Demand influencegnd demand inducement for healthcare . + ii, Intensive margin and Extensive margin of purchase for healthcare ; ii, — Disease incidence and disease prevalence as forms of morbidity iv. Disability Adjusted Life Expectancy (DALE) and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) b}, With examples, explain how investing in the following sectors of the economy is likely to improve 3 Population health in a country like Uganda (13 Marks) y Water and Environment Sector eh bee dros) pray T eben, Cordes) Agriculture Sector — enviosrk , avbrite~y basis TH mtn | Road Sector- 4 meee WV caste, bh celebs p Orralaget T incoal ah AX a) ‘Ruestion 2 = =}. a) With examples, explain why health is considered as a consumer durable good and give two (2). Measures used to preserve an individual's health stock (8Marks) , . b) Explain how officials from a tax body like Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) can use the concept of own price elasticity of demand to determine the tax rate payable by a privale health facility like Nakasero hospital (7 Marks) ©) With the aid of a well fabelled diagram, illustrate how a rational consumer attains an optimal choice ) ° of healthcare relative to a composite of other goods (OG) (10 Marks) Question 3 j ) Following ttle Grossman Mode, explain two (2) costs associated with investing in health capital - ves (5 Marks) bh. Using a single diagram, illustrate how investing in health is likely to Improve an individual's welfare . through a simultaneous increase. in income and leisure time a (12 Marks) ¢) Using the marginal efficiency concept, show how education leads to efiicient means of investing in health stock of an individual (8 Marks) a, " CO J ° 1 x wT Be - TH, Scanned with CamScanner Question 4 i x a) Give any {vo (2) factors that tend to influence patients’ choice of doctors and show how doctors take advantage of these factors to induce patients into demanding for more healthcare (6Marks) b) With examples, explain three (3) sources of clinical uncertainty and show how each is likely to give rise tb supplier induced demand for healthcare . (9 Marks) ¢) Following the Evans Model, explain the costs associated with inducentent and illustrate how excessive discretionary power of doctors is likely to negatively affect their utility he Marks) Question 5 ‘ . ‘ 4 a) Explain hows observing the following attibutes of a health system is likely to contribute to the, improvement of population health in a county like Uganda (@ Marks) i. Compréhensiveness ’ . il. Access li, Accountabiity and efficiency b) Give two (2) functional components of a health system and explain how each component can be % benchmark to measure performance of any health system (9 Marks) ¢) Give two (2) common client concerns that a health system is supposed to meet in ordér to provide * efficient healthcare services to patients (7 Marks) “$* Question 6 ae ; a) Outof-Pocket payment sill stands-out as a common mechanism of healthcare financing in Uganda With: examples, explain how out-of-pocket payin for healthcare affects Equity, financial Sustainabilly and referal patterns - Marks) “suppose your ulilty function is given by U = (2C)°5 where is consumption. You make $30,000 per year and enjoy riding on luxurious sport motor bikes around Karlpala. There's 4 10% chance that, in the next year, you will break both legs and incur medical costs of $10,000 and lose an ; additional $10,000 from missing work because of il-health for some time. <* i. What would be your expected income and expected utity without insurance? (4 marks) ll, Suppose you can buy insurance thal covers the medical expenses but not the foregone part of your b) salary. How much is an actuarially far policy, and what would be your expected utility and expected income if you buy it? (6 Marks) ° ‘Suppose you can buy insurance that covers your medical expenses and foregone salary, How. much would such a policy be ifi's actuarially far, and what would be your expected utlty andexpected income if you buy it? (6 marks) Q) sennsnnossssevennnsanvnnnrtsiearsnenssnnntnats¥e GOOD) LUCK tmermnenenenannnenties ia , se 2 % MN. Scanned with CamScanner ie, .eo ot. a amas = MAKERERE UNIVERSITY @ ; os SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS - iy DEPARTMENT OF POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS : END OF SEMESTER Il EXAMINATIONS, 2020/2021 - ; “ EC 3205: HEALTH ECONOMICS. EXAMINATION ‘ DATE: Friday 19% November, 2021 TIME 8:00-11:00 AM Instructions: Attempt any Four (4) questions Question 1 ‘ : a) Using examples, differentiate between the following Concepts as used in Health Economics (8 Marks) 4 i. Health and Healthcare x ii, Intensive and Extensive margin of purchase for heaitheare . . iil. Indemnity insurance and Deductibles : . 5 ¥. Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection in Health’ Insurance 5 ‘ . ‘ b) One of the objectives of the National Health Policy reforms in Uganda was to ensure accéss td thé minimum Healthcare Package. Discuss any three (3) cémponents that this package consists. , As (7 Marks) 4.) Explain the concept of health as a consumer good and illustrate an individual's optimal choice of ‘ demand for health (10 Marks), Question 2 = a) Using a well labelled Siagram, illustrate how Age, affects one's investment in health stock . . (7 Marks) 2b) Many health economists argue that the relationship between patients and doctors in medical markets is not a typical producer/consumer relationship, but rather-a principal/agent relationship. 4 Discuss thé rationale for principal/agent relationship in medal markets and illustrate how it gives x tise to Supplier Induced Demand (SID) for healthcare? , _ (12 Marks). q The medical profession argues that licensing | physicians is necessary t protect patients from . incompetent doctors. However, in class we discussed that licensing also has an effect on the , price and utilization of physician services, and physician income. Explain the effect that licensing .. has on these three economic variables. i : (6 Marks) vy . } 4 Scanned with CamScanner t 4 $ . + Question 3 a) Give two (2) ways how ordinary individuals get in contact with and contributes to health system¢ of your country (6 Marks) 2x b) The objectives of health systems include; i) responding to people's expectations and ii) providing s financial protection against the costs of ill-health. Using an example, explain two (2) scenarios hol addressing these objectives can help to improve population health. (6 Marks) * c) The healthy’ sector in Uganda is characterised by inequities in access to healthcare services actdss . the population griups. Explain any three (3) underlying sources of these inequities snd in each s case suggest how itcan be addressed, . . (9 Mark3) * d) With relevant exdmples, give twe (2) common client concems for consumers of healthcare which * Health systems are anticipated to address - \ (4 Marks) ‘ Question 4 : a ‘ a) With the aid of a single diagram, illustrate how ill-health affects a consumer’s demand-for medickl care and-hisfher-income respectively. (9 Marks) * _b). Explain two (2) reasons why health is referred to as a capital good” (4 Marks) c) With a well labelled: diagram, illustrate the actual i investment aspect of health (12 Marks) ¢ . Question 5 a) Explain why health is considered an economic good (5 Marks) ' b) Using an example in each case, explain the pathways through which the goverment can impravg population health by increasing investments in key economic sectors of Agriculture, Water and * + Environment and:Energy. . (12 Marks) | *s ¢). With examples, illustrate the interlinkages between Health, Healthcare and Development of a country 9 ‘8 Marks) "Question 6 - a : : é ‘ a) Give two (2) reasons why financing is vital in operations of Uganda's health system (5 Mark) b) Explain three (3) mechanisms of Healthcare financing in Uganda and in each Case, explain the effect on equity and utilisation of healthcare (15 Marks) ‘* . _ ¢) Community-based insurance scheme is highly recommended because it is'regarded as a precursor : of more Social Health Insurance. However, it has its own challenges. Discuss two (2) problems associated with this scheme (5 Marks) . ‘ ‘ § Scanned with CamScanner ' WAL TWiecomtorkts ga Vs 3. . MAKERERE UNIVERSITY ° . ‘ “ ‘SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, . END OF SEMESTER II EXAMINATIONS, 2019/2020 . EC 3205: HEALTH ECONOMICS EXAMINATION DATE: Thyrsday 19 November, 2020 TIME 2:00-5:00 PM. . Instructions: Attempt only 4 (Four) questions : y Question 1 a) Using relevant examples, differentiate between the following concepts as Used in Health 1 Economics (6 Marks) i. _ Intensive and Extensive margin of purchase for healthcare ° ii. § Indemnity insurance and Deductibles + iii, — Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection b) One of the objectives of the National Health Policy reforms in Uganda was to ensure access to the’ »,, Minimum Healthcare care Package. Explain any two (2) components that this package consists. Vs Cau (6 Marks) "Oy Explain the concept of heath as a consumer good and ilustrate an individuals optimal choice of ** demand for health, : (7 Marks) d) The medical profession argues that licensing physicians is necessary to protect patients from incompetent doctors. However, in class we discussed that licensing also hés an effect on the price + , and utilization of physician seryjces, and physician income. In reference to the above, explain the = * ; effect of licensing on price, healthcare utilisation, and Physicians’ income. (6 Marks) auton 2 om : ya) Using two separate diagrams, illustrate how Age, and Education influence’ the cost of holding * health and the levels of health stock of an individual. m (13 Marks) b) Uging time as an input, illustraté how investment in health improves an individual's welfare through . _ increased'income and leisure time (12 Marks) “ Question 3 wy, Ya) Explain any two (2) functional components of a health system, demonstrating how they are likely to 1, improve population health. (6 Marks) b) Using an example in each case, explain three (3) ways how heal systems can spond to s oe people's expectations. v Print _ (9 Marks) c) Explain why coverage and person centeredness are key desttable features fora health system to achieve its main goal of improving the health status of the, population 3 (10 Marks) & - ,- 7 : , : 1 7 4 ‘ . x ' Scanned with CamScanner Questiond = . ¥ , a) Outof-Pocket payment still stands-out as a common mechanism of healthcare financing in Uganda. ° With examples, explain 3_scenarios how this mechanism impacts on health outcomes, of the population. * (9 Marks) Suppose your utility function is given by U = (2C)°5 where C is consumption. You make $40,000, per year and enjoy riding on luxurious sport motorbikes around Kampala. There's a 18% chance * that, in the following year, you will break both legs and you will incur medical costs of $15,000 and. = 3 will lose an adiitional $12,000 from missing work because of il-health for some time. . i, Whatis your expected income and expected utility without insurance? (4 makks) ii. — Suppose you éan buy insurance that will cover the medical expenses but not the foregone part of your salary. How much is an actuarially fair policy, and what is your expected utility and expécted income if you buy it? ens , (6 Marks) ‘ iii, Suppose you can buy insurance that will cover your medical expenses and foregone salary. How much would such a:policy be if it's actuarially fair, and what is your expected utility and expected ‘ z income if you'buy it? ante (6 marks) sv Question 5 + 7 = a) in many countries Uganda inclusive, health policy makers have up to date failed to address thd” problem of Supplier-Induced Demand much as they are willing to do so. Explain two (2) factors that act as barriers to policy makers’ efforts to address this problem (6Marks)* * wt b) With examples, explain the rationale for agency relationship in healthcare markets and explain why- this is Rely to lead to Supplier Induced Demand of medical care unlike in other markets : (7 tharks) Explain the ccsts associated with physicians’ discretionary power and with the aid of a well labelled . diagram, illusirate how increased physician discretionary power is likely to lead to more disutility in terms of their revenue generation . (12 Marks) 2 ¥ Question 6 : & ‘ $a) With examples, explain why health is considered as an economic good’ (4 Mark’) . b) One of the distinctive nature of healthcare markets is restrictio& on competition among healthcare providers. Identify and explain three (3) ways through, which. government Gan enforce restriction,on,, competition and in each case, show how this improves the quality, / of service delivery (12 Marks) | -* Explain three (3) market failures in the health insurance market and show how they affect the health ,care market, (9 Marks) ¢) ae s L % Doeeeereeenrenerny vonerneveneeneererececresetscccecciole) PAT Caremrerenreenreaencen errant Tenennetrer terri) ‘ . Scanned with CamScanner dea Vs t : Question 4 a) Define the term stewardship as a functional component of health system and give two (2) ways through which stewardship can improve the performance of health systems (6 Marks) b) Explain any three (3) key desirable features of the health system and show how they help to . achieve the health system's goal of improving the status of population health. (9 Marks) : c) Explain three (3) ways through which health systems should observe the respect for persons they 1 serve, as a measure of responsiveness (10 Marks) = ee ‘ 2) Define the term Rationing as used in healthcare financing and explain three (3) mechanisms used : in igplementing it. (9 Marks) b) Out-of-pocket payment still stands-out as a common mechanism of health¢are financing in ' . Uganda. With examples explain three (3) disadvantages of this mechanism to healthcare », consumers (9 Marks) 4g) , Discuss any two (2) problems associated with community-based insurance as a mechanism of } healthcare financing and recommend possible solutions (7 Marks) “Question 6 Y . . : s . {a) Itis common knowledge that insurance imposes welfare costs on society beczuse of a misallocation of resources. Given this assertion, give any three (3) reasons why society should still have to bothers With healthcare insurance? (10 Marks) . i ‘Suppose your utility function is given by U = (5C)? where C is consumption. You make $30,000 per year and enjoy riding on luxurious sport motor bikes around Kampala. There's a 10% chance that, inthe next year, ‘you'll break both legs and will incur medical costs of $10,000 and will lose an additional $10,000 from missing work because of ill-health for Some time. i. Whats is your expected income and expected utility without insurance? (3 marks) ii, ", Suppose you can buy insurance that will cover the medical expenses but not the foregone part of‘ * 4, Your salary. How much is an actuarially fair policy, and what is your expected utility and expected 1 sincome if you buy it? (6 Marks) a} Suppose you can buy insurance that will cover your medical expenses and foregone salary. How . ‘much would such a Policy be if it’s actuarially fair, and what is your expected utility and expected income if you buy it? * (6 Marks) & 2 sutnusanovecsnnassesuersnungunnannnosessssessGOOD LUCK tHsttsstenaaeanestesessssasnsenenananiian y , Scanned with CamScanner Vea Veo WKS the ‘ ‘ MAKERERE UNIVERSITY . UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS * COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, DEPARTMENT OF POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS i END OF SEMESTER I! EXAMINATIONS, 2018/2019 : ECO 3205; HEALTH ECONOMICS DATE: Sunday 12% May, 2019 TIME%12:00-3:00 PM x Instrustions; Attempt any four (4) questions Question 1 Sg a) Define the concept of healthcare and explain why healthcare is considered as an economic.good se (5 Marks) b) Given that the Social Determinants of heath model s expressed inthe form: HS= =f(heglth services,” economic factors, lifestyle, environmental factors, human biology). With examples, discuss two. iniplications of this model in relation to health policy in Uganda (5 Marks) : 2 & 4 c) One of the ciistinctive nature of healthcare markets is restriction on competition among healthcare providers. Ilentfy and explain three (3) ways through which government can enforce restriction on competition’and in each case, show how this improves the quality ¢ of Service delivery. (6 Marks) 4 x ‘ “ . d) With exampies, examine how the level of population health, affects. and is influenced by economic growth and development (9 Marks) Question 2. a Y a) Give réasons why health is treated both as a consumption good and as an investment good (6 Marks) b) Based onthe pure investment model, demand for health is demand for capital good. With ** examples, explain why health is perceived as a capital good ~/~“" i eae S.Marks) LF c) With the aid of a well labelled diag) istrate how age and education affect the optimal position of health stock (1 Marks) > Question3 ‘ a) With examples, explain two (2) scenarios where patients face a dilemma of translating their desire for good healih into demand for healthcare . (7 Marks) b) With clear zssumptions, illustrate how increased discretionary influence of doctors can negafively : affect their ullity and clearly state the costs associated with this discretionary influence . . (12 Marks) c) Inmany countries Uganda inclusive, health policy makers have up to date failed to address the ‘problem of Supplier-Induced Demand much as they are willing to do so. Explain two (2) factors that act as barriers to policy makers’ efforts to address this problem (7 Marks) r e 1 y \ 4 ‘ % Scanned with CamScanner MAKERERE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, DEPARTMENT OF POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS q°* END OF SEMESTER II EXAMINATIONS, 2017/2018 5 EC 3205: HEALTH ECONOMICS EXAMINATION ' DATE: Friday 4" May, 2018 — TIME 12:00-3:00 PM. vos isrctibs Attempt qiestion one and any other three questions SECTION A (COMPULSORY) * . hy : auestion # 4 a) Using relevant examples, differentiate ‘ velvéen the following concepts as used in Health 1, Economics (12 Marks) ‘4, Health and Healthcare Jui Intensive and Extensive margin of purchase for healthcare : ’ ij, Indemnity insurance and Deductibles x iv. Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection in Health Insurance b) One of the objectives of the National Health Policy reforms in Uganda was to ensure access to the minimum Realhoae Package. Discuss any three (3) components that this package consists. . (6 Marks) +c) Explain the concept of health as a consumer good and illustrate an individual's optimal choice of demand for health (7 Marks) d) The medical profession argues that licensing physicians is necessary to protect patients from ‘ incompetent doctors. However, in class we discussed that licensing also has an effect on the price, and utilization of physician services, and physician income. Explain the effect that licensing has on‘ y,,. these three economic variables. : (9 Marks) . ye) Many health economists argue that the relationship between patients and doctors in medical *"* markets is not a typical producer/consumer relationship, but rather a principal/agent relatiénship. «* Discuss the rationale for principal/agent relationship in medical markets? (6 Marks). ‘ SECTION B (ATTEMPT ANY 3 QUESTIONS) Question2 » 4% ’ a) Using a well labelled diagram, illustrate how Age, Wage rate and Education can lead to a shift in * “the equilibrium levels of the Marginal Efficiency of Investment in Health (13 Marks) 4 \ 3 1 Scanned with CamScanner b) Explain eny two (2) characteristics that define the nature of medical care which make it unique to provide conducive environment for potential Supplier Induced Demand » (7 Marks), ‘ 4‘ Question 3 2) Give two (2) ways how ordinary individuals gel in contact with health systems (5 Marks) . . b) The objective of the health systems include; i) responding 4o people's expectations and ii) providing - financial protection against the costs of ill-health. Using an example, explain two (2) scenarios. how: 7 addressing these objectives can help to improve population health. (6 Marks) £5 ¢) Using an example in each case, explain three (3) w.,ys how health systems can respond to. people's expectations (9 Marks) “ Question 4 4 | "i a) To get anew drug approved to be sold-on the market, thé National Drug Authority wok) currently Tequires a pharmaceutical company to show that the drug is effective. Identify the appropriate, method of analysis when deciding whether to approve a new drug, and why that method, {6 Marks) b) Using an examiple, explain any 2 reasons why conducting an economic evaluation is important for healthcare programming (6 Marks c) Explain any 4 corisiderations you would bear in mind while conducting an Economic Evaluati¢n ‘ $ (8 Marks) Question 5 ; . a) Using an example in each case, explain the pathways thrqugh which the government can improve a population health by increasing investments in key economic sectors of Agriculture, Water end " Environment.and Energy. (12 Marks)" b) With examples, explain the interlinkages between Health, Healthcare and Development of a 1 country i {8 Marks} *,' Question6 + : & a) Explain three (3) mechanisms of Healthcare financing in Uganda and in each case, extiain the v- effect on equity and utilisation of healthcare (15 Marks) b) Community-based insurance scheme is highly recommended because it is regarded asa prebursor of more Sociat Health Insurance, However; it has its own challenges. Distuss two (2) problems associated with this scheme (5 Marks), 2 Neseeaenenteanentie ane neaennnnatentaneneneeeesG OOD LUCK Mtnetenneneetantaneencenetetetereertneeeesseesittt 2 \ ' Scanned with CamScanner Makerere University 3 ; School of Economics 1 ECO 3205: Health Economics, 2018/2019 Semester II: Coursework Test Assessment Date: Sunday 24 March, 2019 + Time: 1 hr istructions: Attempt all Questions ' 1 juestion One: va ‘ably 1: Changes in Infant mortality and Life expectancy in US citizens (1950-2000). MORTALITY MEASURES . USA Data (Years) Infant Mortalit Life Expectancy (at birth) Source: American Society of Health Economists (2004) . . : t 3) Analyse the table above and draw your conclusion with respect to the changes in the mortality measures across the years. (5 Marks) b) Examine 3 (three) factors which are likely to influence the observed changes in part a) . ” . (7 Marks) + above. Questiontitwor , Witli the aid of a single diagram, illustrate how ill-health affects a consumer's demand for medical care and his income respectively. (13 Marks) vs t at, . yp 2 DAL -n——— A > 2 6 Y= kh" Be) xX ne 3 ‘ be ; (a > iy au) y- 4 (ue) : ley > teyt Va a eL ye ut . 3 5 nay R apt ny <3 2 n , = + = = . mt le s = y % ve dos . i 4 = 3 * i gg K- ake Sete) 7 OR) SN Qa ad “bs Bg at alee eee Scanned with CamScanner Instructions: Attempt all Questions i Makerere University School of Economics ECO 3205: Health Economics, 2017/2018 Semester II: Coursework Asse$sment Date: Sunday 25 March, 2018 Time: 60 minutes 1, Supposs you were a policy advisor to the ministry of health and was approached by district health officer of a rural district to provide advice on how to improve the health of the population in the district. Explain any three suggestions you - would givé explaining how these can lead to improvements in pegple's health. 0 harks) : ‘ 2. Using a.well labeled diagram, illustrate the income _effect_of ill-healty to an individual (15 Marks): & ‘ he. x Sa a : ¢ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 7 & * 1 i ve ms Scanned with CamScanner 4 MAKERERE UNIVERSITY 7 UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS \ COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES * SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, DEPARTMENT OF POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS 4 END OF SEMESTER Il EXAMINATIONS, 2017/2018 5 EC 3205: HEALTH ECONOMICS EXAMINATION DATE: Friday 4" May, 2018 TIME 12:00-3:00 PM avs Instructions: Attempt question one and any other three questions 7 ; . SECTION A (COMPULSORY) 3 - Question 4 ) Using relevant examples, differentiate veléen the following concepts as used in Health Economics (12 Marks) Health and Healthcare ‘ Intensive and Extensive margin of purchase for healthcare a > ii, Indemnity instance and Deductibles. * jv, Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection in Health Insurance >) ‘bne of the objectives of the National Health Policy reforms in Uganda was io ensure access to the minimum Healthcare Package. Discuss any hee (3) components that this package consists. 4 (6 Marks) 3 =) Explain the concept of health as a consumer good and illustrate an individual's optimal choice of , * demand for health (7 Marks) y j -d) The medical profession argues that licensing physicians is necessary to protect patients.from + incompetent doctors. However, in class we discussed that licensing also has an effect on the price and utilization of physician services, and physician income. Explain the effect that licensing has on these three economic variables. (9 Marks) e) Many health economists‘argue that the relationship between patients and doctors in medical markets is not a typical producer/consumer relationship, but rather a principal/agent relationship. ‘ Discuss the rationale for principal/agent relationship in medical markets? (6 Marks). i \ SECTION B (ATTEMPT ANY 3 QUESTIONS) Question 26 : a) ‘Using 2 well labelled diagram, ilustrate how Age, Wage rate and Education can Jead to a shift in . the equilibrium levels of the Marginal Efficiency of Investment in Health (13Marks) , . f os Scanned with CamScanner é b) Explain'any {uo (2) characteristies that define the nature of medical care whictmake i i nique’ fo” prove conclcive environment for potential Supplier Induced Demand (7 rks), ‘ Question 3 e t a) Give two (2) ways how ordinary individuals get in contact with health systems (5 Marks) b) The objective of the health systems include; i) responding to people's expectations and ii) providing financial protection against the costs of ill-health. Using an exatnple, explain two (2) scenarios how addressing these objectives can help to improve population health. (6 Marks) c) Using an example it in each case, explain three (3) ways ne health systems can respond to people's expectations : (9 Marks) Question 4 , : ¥ a) To getanew drug approved to be sold on the market, the National Drug Authority (NDA) curently . Tequires a pharmaceutical company to show that the drug is effective. Identify the appropriate method of analysis when deciding whether to approve a new drug, and why that method. (6 Marks) b) Using an example, explain any 2 reasons why Conducting an economic evaluation is important for + healthcare programming (6 Marks) ¢) Explain any 4 ‘considerations you would ps beeri in mind while conducting an Economic Evaluation ‘ (8 Marks) Question 5 ; & : t a) Using an example in each case, explain the pathways through which the government camimprove population health by increasing investments in key economic sectors of Agriculture, Water and Environment and Energy. (12 Marks) b) With examples, cain the inteinkages between Health, Healthcare and Development of a country. f zi @ Marks) Question6 2 y a) Explain three’(3) mechanisms of Healthcare financing in Uganda and in each case, explain fre vw effect’on equity and utilisation of healthcare (15 Marks) b) Community-based insurance scheme is highly recommended because it is regarded as a precursor of more Sociat Health Insurance. However, it has its own challenges. Discusstwo (2) problems * associated with this scheme 3 : (Marks) ® ‘ 2 % Scanned with CamScanner

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