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Textbook for Class XII

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The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
acknowledges the contribution of Rupa Das, PGT, DPS, R.K. Puram in the
development of this textbook. Special thanks are due to Savita Sinha,
Professor and Head, Department of Education in Social Sciences and
Humanities for her valuable support at every stage of preparation of this
The Council is thankful to the Survey of India for certification of maps
given in the textbook. It also gratefully acknowledges the support of

individuals and organisations as listed below for providing various
photographs and illustrations used in this textbook.
M.H. Qureshi, Professor, CSRD, JNU for Fig. 8.2 and 10.8; Seema Mathur,
Reader, Sri Aurobindo College (Evening), New Delhi for a photograph on page
1, Fig. 5.15(a) and 7.5; Krishan Sheoran from Austria for Fig. 5.13, 8.1, 8.4,

8.15, 10.1 and 10.2; Arjun Singh, Student, Hindu College, University of Delhi
for a photograph on page 90 and Fig. 7.3; Nityanand Sharma, Professor and

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Head, Medical College, Rohtak for a photograph on page 55; Swagata Basu,

Lecturer, SSV (PG) College, Hapur for Fig. 8.17, 9.2 and 10.9; Odilia Countinho,
Reader, R.P.D. College, Belgaum for Fig. 7.4; Abhimanyu Abrol for Fig. 5.10;
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Samiran Baruah for Fig. 9.1; Shveta Uppal, NCERT for Fig. 6.2(b), 6.3, 8.12
and 10.4; Kalyan Banerjee, NCERT for Fig. 10.3, 10.5 and 10.6; Y.K. Gupta

and R.C. Das, CIET, NCERT for a photograph on page 65 and Fig. 5.17(a),
5.17(b) and 10.10; NCERT’s old collection of photographs for Fig. 5.5, 5.9,
5.11, 5.15(b), 5.18, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 8.8, 8.13, 9.5, 9.6 and photographs on pages
1, 31, 46 and 81; Times of India, New Delhi for news items on pages 12, 63
and 69, ITDC/Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India for Fig. 5.1 and 6.2(a);
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National Highway Authority of India for Fig. 8.3; Business Standard for a news
item on pages 28 and 75; Practical Work in Geography, Part I, Class XI, NCERT
(2006) for photographs on page 23; Directorate of Extension, Ministry of
Agriculture for Fig. 5.3 and 7.2; The Hindu for a news item on page 75 and
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website: for Fig. 10.7

The Council also gratefully acknowledges the contribution of
Anil Sharma, DTP Operator; Ajay Singh, Copy Editor; K.C. Patra, Proof Reader
and Dinesh Kumar, Computer Incharge who have helped in giving a final
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The following are applicable to all the maps of India used in

this textbook
1. © Government of India, Copyright 2006
2. The responsibility for the correctness of internal details rests with the publisher.
3. The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical
miles measured from the appropriate base line.
4. The administrative headquarters of Chandigarh, Haryana and Punjab are at

5. The interstate boundaries amongst Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya

shown on this map are as interpreted from the “North-Eastern Areas
(Reorganisation) Act.1971,” but have yet to be verified.
6. The external boundaries and coastlines of India agree with the Record/Master
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7. The state boundaries between Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and
Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh have not been verified by the
Governments concerned.
8. The spellings of names in this map have been taken from various sources.

UNIT I 1-7

1. Human Geography
Nature and Scope 1

UNIT II 8-30

2. The World Population

Distribution, Density and Growth 8

3. Population Composition 17

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4. Human Development 22
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UNIT III 31-90

5. Primary Activities 31
6. Secondary Activities 45
7. Tertiary and Quaternary Activities 55
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8. Transport and Communication 65

9. International Trade 81
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UNIT IV 91-102

10. Human Settlements 90


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You have already studied ‘Geography as a
Unit-I Discipline’ in Chapter I of the book,
Chapter-1 Fundamentals of Physical Geography (NCERT,
2006). Do you recall the contents? This chapter
has broadly covered and introduced you to the
nature of geography. You are also acquainted
with the important branches that sprout from
the body of geography. If you re-read the
chapter you will be able to recall the link of
human geography with the mother discipline

i.e. geography. As you know geography as a
field of study is integrative, empirical, and
practical. Thus, the reach of geography is
extensive and each and every event or
phenomenon which varies over space and time

can be studied geographically. How do you see
Human Geography the earth’s surface? Do you realise that the earth

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comprises two major components: nature

Nature and Scope (physical environment) and life forms including
re R human beings? Make a list of physical and
human components of your surroundings.

Physical geography studies physical
environment and human geography studies
“the relationship between the physical/natural
and the human worlds, the spatial distributions
of human phenomena and how they come
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about, the social and economic differences

between different parts of the world”.1
You are already aware of the fact that the
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core concern of geography as a discipline is to

understand the earth as home of human beings
and to study all those elements which have
sustained them. Thus, emphasis is on study of
nature and human beings. You will realise that

geography got subjected to dualism and the

wide-ranging debates started whether
geography as a discipline should be a law
making/theorising (nomothetic) or
descriptive (idiographic). Whether its subject
matter should be organised and approach of
the study should be regional or systematic?
Whether geographical phenomena be
interpreted theoretically or through historic-
institutional approach? These have been issues

for intellectual exercise but finally you will

appreciate that the dichotomy between physical
and human is not a very valid one because
nature and human are inseparable elements

and should be seen holistically. It is interesting

to note that both physical and human
Agnew J. Livingstone, David N. and Rogers, A.; (1996) Blackwell
Publishing Limited, Malden, U.S.A. p. 1 and 2.
phenomena are described in metaphors using have already studied the elements of physical
symbols from the human anatomy. environment in class XI in the book entitled
We often talk of the ‘face’ of the earth, ‘eye’ Fundamentals of Physical Geography (NCERT
of the storm, ‘mouth’ of the river, ‘snout’ (nose) 2006). You know that these elements are
of the glacier, ‘neck’ of the isthmus and ‘profile’ landforms, soils, climate, water, natural vegetation
of the soil. Similarly regions, villages, towns and diverse flora and fauna. Can you make a list
have been described as ‘organisms’. German of elements which human beings have created
geographers describe the ‘state/country’ as a through their activities on the stage provided by
the physical environment? Houses, villages, cities,
‘living organism’. Networks of road, railways
road-rail networks, industries, farms, ports, items

and water ways have often been described as of our daily use and all other elements of material
“arteries of circulation”. Can you collect such culture have been created by human beings
terms and expressions from your own using the resources provided by the physical
language? The basic questions now arises, can environment. While physical environment has
we separate nature and human when they are been greatly modified by human beings, it has

so intricately intertwined? also, in turn, impacted human lives.

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Naturalisation of Humans and
Human Geography Defined Humanisation of Nature
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• “Human geography is the synthetic study Human beings interact with their physical

of relationship between human societies and environment with the help of technology. It is
earth’s surface”. Ratzel not important what human beings produce and
create but it is extremely important ‘with the
Synthesis has been emphasised in the
help of what tools and techniques do they
above definition.
produce and create’.
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• “Human geography is the study of “the Technology indicates the level of cultural
changing relationship between the unresting development of society. Human beings were
man and the unstable earth.” able to develop technology after they developed
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better understanding of natural laws. For

Ellen C. Semple example, the understanding of concepts of
Dynamism in the relationship is the keyword friction and heat helped us discover fire.
in Semple’s definition. Similarly, understanding of the secrets of DNA

and genetics enabled us to conquer many

• “Conception resulting from a more diseases. We use the laws of aerodynamics to
synthetic knowledge of thephysical laws develop faster planes. You can see that
governing our earth and of the relations knowledge about Nature is extremely important
between the living beings which inhabit it”. to develop technology and technology loosens
the shackles of environment on human beings.
Paul Vidal de la Blache In the early stages of their interaction with their
Human geography offers a new conception natural environment humans were greatly
of the interrelationships between earth and influenced by it. They adapted to the dictates
human beings. of Nature. This is so because the level of
technology was very low and the stage of

human social development was also primitive.

This type of interaction between primitive
NATURE OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY human society and strong forces of nature was

termed as environmental determinism. At

Human geography studies the inter-relationship that stage of very low technological development
between the physical environment and socio- we can imagine the presence of a naturalised
cultural environment created by human beings human, who listened to Nature, was afraid of
through mutual interaction with each other. You its fury and worshipped it.
2 Fundamentals of Human Geography
human beings on nature for resources which
The Naturalisation of Humans sustain them. The physical environment for such
societies becomes the “Mother Nature”.
Benda lives in the wilds of the Abujh Maad
area of central India. His village consists of The people begin to understand their
three huts deep in the wilds. Not even birds environment and the forces of nature with the
or stray dogs that usually crowd villages can passage of time. With social and cultural
be seen in these areas. Wearing a small development, humans develop better and more
loin cloth and armed with his axe he slowly efficient technology. They move from a state of
surveys the penda (forest) where his tribe necessity to a state of freedom. They create
practices a primitive form of agriculture called

possibilities with the resources obtained from
shifting cultivation. Benda and his friends the environment. The human activities create
burn small patches of forest to clear them
cultural landscape. The imprints of human
for cultivation. The ash is used for making
the soil fertile. Benda is happy that the activities are created everywhere; health resorts
Mahua trees around him are in bloom. How on highlands, huge urban sprawls, fields,

lucky I am to be a part of this beautiful orchards and pastures in plains and rolling
universe, he thinks as he looks up to see hills, ports on the coasts, oceanic routes on the

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the Mahua, Palash and Sal trees that have oceanic surface and satellites in the space. The

sheltered him since childhood. Crossing the earlier scholars termed this as possibilism.
penda in a gliding motion, Benda makes
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his way to a stream. As he bends down to
Nature provides opportunities and human
being make use of these and slowly nature gets

scoop up a palmful of water, he remembers
humanised and starts bearing the imprints of
to thank Loi-Lugi, the spirit of the forest for
human endeavour.
allowing him to quench his thirst. Moving
on with his friends, Benda chews on
succulent leaves and roots. The boys have
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been trying to collect Gajjhara and Kuchla, Humanisation of Nature
from the forest. These are special plants
that Benda and his people use. He hopes Winters in the town of Trondheim mean fierce
the spirits of the forest will be kind and lead winds and heavy snow. The skies are dark
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him to these herbs. These are needed to for months. Kari drives to work in the dark at
barter in the madhai or tribal fair coming up 8 am. She has special tyres for the winter
the next full moon. He closes his eyes and and keeps the headlights of her powerful car
tries hard to recall what the elders had taught switched on. Her office is artificially heated
him about these herbs and the places they at a comfortable 23 degrees Celsius. The

are found in. He wishes he had listened more campus of the university she works in is built
carefully. Suddenly there is a rustling of under a huge glass dome. This dome keeps
leaves. Benda and his friends know it is the the snow out in winter and lets in the sunshine
outsiders who have come searching for them in the summer. The temperature is controlled
in the wilds. In a single fluid motion Benda carefully and there is adequate lighting. Even
and his friends disappear behind the thick though fresh vegetables and plants don’t grow
canopy of trees and become one with the
in such harsh weather, Kari keeps an orchid
spirit of the forest.
on her desk and enjoys eating tropical fruits
like banana and kiwi. These are flown in from
warmer areas regularly. With a click of the

The story in the box represents the direct mouse, Kari can network with colleagues in
relationship of a household belonging to an New Delhi. She frequently takes a morning
economically primitive society with nature. Read flight to London and returns in the evening in
about other primitive societies which live in time to watch her favourite television serial.

complete harmony with their natural Though Kari is fifty-eight years old, she is
environment. You will realise that in all such cases fitter and looks younger than many thirty-
nature is a powerful force, worshipped, revered year- olds in other parts of the world.
and conserved. There is direct dependence of

Human Geography: Nature and Scope 3

Can you imagine what has made such a approaches and thrusts shows the vibrant
life style possible? It is technology that has nature of the discipline. Earlier there was little
allowed the people of Trondheim and others to interaction between different societies and the
overcome the constraints imposed by nature. Do knowledge about each other was limited.
you know about some other such instances? Travellers and explorers used to disseminate
Such examples are not difficult to find. information about the areas of their visits.
A geographer, Griffith Taylor introduced Navigational skills were not developed and
another concept which reflects a middle path voyages were fraught with dangers. The late
(Madhyam Marg) between the two ideas of fifteenth century witnessed attempts of

environmental determinism and possibilism. explorations in Europe and slowly the myths
He termed it as Neodeterminism or stop and and mysteries about countries and people
go determinism. Those of you who live in cities started to open up. The colonial period provided
and those who have visited a city, might have impetus to further explorations in order to
seen that traffic is regulated by lights on the access the resources of the regions and to obtain

cross-roads. Red light means ‘stop’, amber light inventorised information. The intention here is
provides a gap between red and green lights ‘to not to present an in-depth historical account

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get set’ and green light means ‘go’. The concept but to make you aware of the processes of steady

shows that neither is there a situation of development of human geography. The
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absolute necessity (environmental determinism)
nor is there a condition of absolute freedom
summarised Table 1.1 will introduce you to the
broad stages and the thrust of human

(possibilism). It means that human beings can geography as a sub-field of geography.
conquer nature by obeying it. They have to
respond to the red signals and can proceed in
their pursuits of development when nature • Welfare or humanistic school of thought
in human geography was mainly concerned
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permits the modifications. It means that
with the different aspects of social well-being
possibilities can be created within the limits
of the people. These included aspects such
which do not damage the environment and there
as housing, health and education.
is no free run without accidents. The free run
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Geographers have already introduced a

which the developed economies attempted to
paper as Geography of Social well-being in
take has already resulted in the green house the Post Graduate curriculum’.
effect, ozone layer depletion, global warming,
receding glaciers and degrading lands. The • Radical school of thought employed

neo-determinism conceptually attempts to Marxian theory to explain the basic cause

bring a balance nullifying the ‘either’ ‘or’ of poverty, deprivation and social inequality.
dichotomy. Contemporary social problems were related
to the development of capitalism.
Human Geography through • Behavioural school of thought laid great
the Corridors of Time emphasis on lived experience and also on
The process of adaptation, adjustment with and the perception of space by social categories
modification of the environment started with the based on ethnicity, race and religion, etc.
appearance of human beings over the surface

of the earth in different ecological niches. Thus,

if we imagine the beginning of human
Fields and Sub-fields of Human Geography
geography with the interaction of environment
and human beings, it has its roots deep in Human geography, as you have seen, attempts

history. Thus, the concerns of human to explain the relationship between all elements
geography have a long temporal continuum of human life and the space they occur over.
though the approaches to articulate them have Thus, human geography assumes a highly
changed over time. This dynamism in inter-disciplinary nature. It develops close

4 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Table 1.1: Broad Stages and Thrust of Human Geography

Period Approaches Broad Features

Early Colonial Exploration and Imperial and trade interests prompted the discovery and
period description exploration of new areas. An encyclopaedic description of
the area formed an important aspect of the geographer’s

Later Colonial Regional analysis Elaborate description of all aspects of a region were

period undertaken. The idea was that all the regions were part of
a whole, i.e. (the earth); so, understanding the parts in
totality would lead to an understanding of the whole.

1930s through the Areal differentiation The focus was on identifying the uniqueness of any region

inter-War period and understanding how and why it was different from

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Late 1950s to the Spatial organisation Marked by the use of computers and sophisticated
late 1960s re R statistical tools. Laws of physics were often applied to
map and analyse human phenomena. This phase was

called the quantitative revolution. The main objective was
to identify mappable patterns for different human

1970s Emergence of Discontentment with the quantitative revolution and its

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humanistic, radical dehumanised manner of doing geography led to the

and behavioural emergence of three new schools of thought of human
schools geography in the 1970s. Human geography was made more
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relevant to the socio-political reality by the emergence of

these schools of thought. Consult the box below to know
a little bit more about these schools of thought.

1990s Post-modernism in The grand generalisations and the applicability of universal


geography theories to explain the human conditions were questioned.

The importance of understanding each local context in
its own right was emphasised.

interface with other sister disciplines in social expanding realm of human geography. The
sciences in order to understand and explain boundaries between sub-fields often overlap.
human elements on the surface of the earth. What follows in this book in the form of
With the expansion of knowledge, new sub- chapters will provide you a fairly widespread
fields emerge and it has also happened to coverage of different aspects of human

human geography. Let us examine these fields geography. The exercises, the activities and the
and sub-fields of Human Geography (Table 1.2). case studies will provide you with some
You would have noticed that the list is empirical instances so as to have a better

large and comprehensive. It reflects the understanding of its subject matter.

Human Geography: Nature and Scope 5

Table 1.2: Human Geography and Sister Disciplines of Social Sciences

Fields of Sub-fields Interface with Sister

Human Disciplines of Social Sciences
Social — Social Sciences – Sociology
Geography Behavioural Geography Psychology
Geography of Social Welfare Economics

Geography of Leisure Sociology
Cultural Geography Anthropology
Gender Geography Sociology, Anthropology, Women’s Studies
Historical Geography History
Medical Geography Epidemology

Urban — Urban Studies and Planning

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Political — Political Science
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Geography Electoral Geography Psephology

Military Geography Military Science
Population — Demography
Settlement — Urban/Rural Planning
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Economic — Economics
Geography Geography of Resources Resource Economics
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Geography of Agriculture Agricultural Sciences

Geography of Industries Industrial Economics
Geography of Marketing Business Studies, Economics, Commerce
Geography of Tourism Tourism and Travel Management

Geography of International International Trade



1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following statements does not describe geography?
(a) an integrative discipline
(b) study of the inter-r elationship between humans and environment

6 Fundamentals of Human Geography

(c) subjected to dualism
(d) not relevant in the present time due to the development of technology.
(ii) Which one of the following is not a source of geographical information?
(a) traveller’s accounts
(b) old maps
(c) samples of rock materials from the moon
(d) ancient epics
(iii) Which one of the following is the most important factor in the interaction
between people and environment?

(a) human intelligence (c) technology
(b) people’s perception (d) human brotherhood
(iv) Which one of the following is not an approach in human geography?
(a) Areal differentiation (c) Quantitative revolution

(b) Spatial organisation (d) Exploration and description

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2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

(i) Define human geography.
(ii) Name some sub-fields of human geography.
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(iii) How is human geography related to other social sciences?

3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) Explain naturalisation of humans.
(ii) Write a note on the scope of human geography.
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Human Geography: Nature and Scope 7

The people of a country are its real wealth. It
Unit-II is they who make use of the country’s resources
Chapter-2 and decide its policies. Ultimately a country is
known by its people.
It is important to know how many women
and men a country has, how many children are
born each year, how many people die and how?
Whether they live in cities or villages, can they
read or write and what work do they do? These
are what you will study about in this unit.

The world at the beginning of 21st century
recorded the presence of over 6 billion
population. We shall discuss the patterns of
their distribution and density here.

Why do people prefer to live in certain
The World Population

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regions and not in others?

The population of the world is unevenly
Distribution, Density and
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distributed. The remark of George B. Cressey
about the population of Asia that “Asia has many

places where people are few and few place where
people are very many” is true about the pattern
of population distribution of the world also.

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Patterns of population distribution and density
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help us to understand the demographic

characteristics of any area. The term population
distribution refers to the way people are spaced
over the earth’s surface. Broadly, 90 per cent of

the world population lives in about 10 per cent

of its land area.
The 10 most populous countries of the
world contribute about 60 per cent of the world’s
population. Of these 10 countries, 6 are located
in Asia. Identify these six countries of Asia.

Not gold but only (Wo)men can make
Russian Fed.
a people great and strong. Nigeria

(Wo)men who for truth and


honour’s sake, stand fast and suffer Brazil
long (Wo)men who toil while others Indonesia
sleep – who dare while others flee –

they build a nation’s pillars deep and China

lift it to the sky. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Population in Million
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Fig. 2.1: Most Populous Countries
POPULAATION on every sq km. These are the North -Eastern
part of U.S.A., North-Western part of Europe,
Each unit of land has limited capacity to South, South-East and East Asia.
support people living on it. Hence, it is Other areas like those near the North and
necessary to understand the ratio between the South Poles, the hot and the cold deserts and
numbers of people to the size of land. This ratio high rainfall zones near the Equator have very
is the density of population. It is usually low density of population. These are the
measured in persons per sq km sparsely populated regions of the world with
Population less than 01 person per sq km.
Density of Population = In between these two types are the areas

For example, area of Region X is 100 sq of medium density. There are 11 to 50 persons
km and the population is 1,50,000 persons. per sq km in these areas. Western China,
The density of population is calculated as: Southern India in Asia, Norway, Sweden in
Europe are some examples. Look at the Fig. 2.2

Density = and identify some other areas.

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= 1,500 person/sq km FACTORS INFLUENCING THE

What does this tell you about Region X?
Look at the map given below:
Do you observe that some areas are really I. Geographical Factors

crowded? These are the densely populated (i) Availability of water: It is the most
parts of the world with more than 200 persons
important factor for life. So, people prefer
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Fig. 2.2: World Density of Population, 2001

The World Population: Distribution, Density and Growth 9

to live in areas where fresh water is easily amenities and the attraction of city life draw
available. Water is used for drinking, people to the cities. It leads to rural to
bathing and cooking – and also for cattle, urban migration and cities grow in size.
crops, industries and navigation. It is Mega cities of the world continue to attract
because of this that river valleys are among large number of migrants every year.
the most densely populated areas of the
(ii) Landforms: People prefer living on flat Yet city life can be very taxing…. think
plains and gentle slopes. This is because of some of the unpleasant aspects of city
such areas are favourable for the life.

production of crops and to build roads and
industries. The mountainous and hilly (iii) Industrialisation: Industrial belts provide
areas hinder the development of transport job opportunities and attract large
network and hence initially do not favour numbers of people. These include not just
agricultural and industrial development. factory workers but also transport

So, these areas tend to be less populated. operators, shopkeepers, bank employees,

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The Ganga plains are among the most doctors, teachers and other service

densely populated areas of the world while providers. The Kobe-Osaka region of
the mountains zones in the Himalayas are Japan is thickly populated because of the
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scarcely populated. presence of a number of industries.

(iii) Climate: An extreme climate such as very
hot or cold deserts are uncomfortable for III. Social and Cultural Factors
human habitation. Areas with a
comfortable climate, where there is not Some places attract more people because they
much seasonal variation attract more have religious or cultural significance. In the
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same way – people tend to move away from

people. Areas with very heavy rainfall or
extreme and harsh climates have low places where there is social and political
population. Mediterranean regions were unrest. Many a times governments offer
incentives to people to live in sparsely
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inhabited from early periods in history due

to their pleasant climate. populated areas or move away from
(iv) Soils: Fertile soils are important for overcrowded places. Can you think of some
examples from your region?
agricultural and allied activities. Therefore,
areas which have fertile loamy soils have

more people living on them as these can POPULATION GROWTH

support intensive agriculture. Can you The population growth or population change
name some areas in India which are thinly refers to the change in number of inhabitants of
populated due to poor soils? a territory during a specific period of time. This
change may be positive as well as negative. It
II. Economic Factors can be expressed either in terms of absolute
(i) Minerals: Areas with mineral deposits numbers or in terms of percentage. Population
change in an area is an important indicator of
attract industries. Mining and industrial
economic development, social upliftment and
activities generate employment. So, skilled
historical and cultural background of the region.

and semi–skilled workers move to these

areas and make them densely populated.
Katanga Zambia copper belt in Africa is
one such good example. Some Basic Concepts of

(ii) Urbanisation: Cities offer better Population Geography

employment opportunities, educational
Growth of Population : Change of
and medical facilities, better means of
population in particular area between two
transport and communication. Good civic points of time is known as growth of

10 Fundamentals of Human Geography

population. For example, if we deduct the thousand of population in a particular region.
population of India 2001 (102.70 crore) from CDR is calculated as:
population of 2011 (121.02 crore) then we
shall get the growth of population (18.15 D
CDR = ¥ 1000
crores) in actual numbers. P
Growth Rate of Population : This is the Here, CDR=Crude Death Rate; D= Number
change of population expressed in of deaths; P=Estimated mid-year population of
percentage. that year.
Natural Growth of Population: This is the By and large mortality rates are affected

population increased by difference between by the region’s demographic structure, social
births and deaths in a particular region advancement and levels of its economic
between two points of time. development.
Natural Growth = Births – Deaths
Actual Growth of Population : This is

Births – Deaths + In Migration – Out Apart from birth and death there is another way

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Migration by which the population size changes.

When people move from one place to
Positive Growth of Population: This another, the place they move from is called the
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happens when the birth rate is more than
the death rate between two points of time
Place of Origin and the place they move to is

or when people from other countries migrate
called the Place of Destination. The place of
origin shows a decrease in population while the
permanently to a region.
population increases in the place of destination.
Negative Growth of Population: If the Migration may be interpreted as a spontaneous
population decreases between two points effort to achieve a better balance between
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of time it is known as negative growth of

population and resources.
population. It occurs when the birth rate falls
below the death rate or people migrate to Migration may be permanent, temporary
other countries. or seasonal. It may take place from rural to
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rural areas, rural to urban areas, urban to

urban areas and urban to rural areas.
Do you realise that the same person is both
Components of Population Change an immigrant and an emigrant?

There are three components of population Immigration: Migrants who move into a new
change – births, deaths and migration. place are called Immigrants.
The crude birth rate (CBR) is expressed as Emigration: Migrants who move out of a
number of live births in a year per thousand of place are called Emigrants.
population. It is calculated as:
Can you think of reasons why people
CBR = ¥1000 migrate?
Here, CBR = Crude Birth Rate; Bi = live People migrate for a better economic and
births during the year; P=Mid year population social life. There are two sets of factors that

of the area. influence migration.

Death rate plays an active role in The Push factors make the place of origin
population change. Population growth occurs seem less attractive for reasons like
not only by increasing births rate but also due unemployment, poor living conditions, political

to decreasing death rate. Crude Death Rate turmoil, unpleasant climate, natural disasters,
(CDR) is a simple method of measuring epidemics and socio-economic backwardness.
mortality of any area. CDR is expressed in terms The Pull factors make the place of
of number of deaths in a particular year per destination seem more attractive than the place

The World Population: Distribution, Density and Growth 11

h ed
pu T
Observe the news items and think of some reasons why certain countries become attractive destinations for migrants.
re R
Migration to cities are traditionally age and sex selective i.e. more men of working age groups move to cities.

Can you think of some reason why 22 per cent of migrants to Mumbai are kids?
of origin for reasons like better job opportunities grew very slowly. It is only during the last few
and living conditions, peace and stability, hundred years that population has increased
security of life and property and pleasant climate.
be C

at an alarming rate.
Fig. 2.3 tells the story of population
TRENDS IN POPULATION GROWTH growth. After the evolution and introduction
o N

The population on the earth is more than six of agriculture about 8,000 to 12,000 years
billion. It has grown to this size over centuries. ago, the size of population was small – roughly
In the early periods population of the world 8 million. In the first century A.D. it was below
tt ©

Fig. 2.3: Resource, Technology and Population Growth

12 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Table 2.1: Doubling Time of World Population

Period Population Time in which

Population Doubles
10,000 B.C. 5 million
1650 A.D. 500 million 1,500 years
1804 A.D. 1,000 million 154 years
1927 A.D. 2,000 million 123 years
1974 A.D. 4,000 million 47 years
2025 A.D. 8,000 million projected figure 51 years

Source: Demographic Year Book, 2009 –10

300 million. The expanding world trade during to 6 billion. See the Table 2.1 carefully which
the sixteenth and seventeenth century, set the shows that doubling time of world population
stage for rapid population growth. Around is reducing fast.

1750, at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, There is a great variation among regions

pu T
the world population was 550 million. World in doubling their population. Table 2.2 shows

population exploded in the eighteenth century that developed countries are taking more time
after the Industrial Revolution. Technological
re R
advancement achieved so far helped in the
to double their population as compared to
developing countries. Most of the population

reduction of birth rate and provided a stage for
growth is taking place in the developing world,
accelerated population growth.
where population is exploding. Why is this so?
How Science and Technology Table 2.2: Population Growth Rates (%) 1995-2000
be C

helped Population Growth? High Low

The steam engine replaced human and Yemen 2.6 Latvia –1.5
animal energy and also provided Liberia* 8.2 Estonia –1.1
o N

mechanised energy of water and wind. This Somalia* 4.2 Russia, Ukraine –0.6
increased agricultural and industrial Saudi Arabia* 3.4 Albania, Bulgaria
production. Oman* 3.3 Croatia
Slovania, Czech Republic
Inoculation against epidemics and other Germany, Portugal –0.1

communicable diseases, improvement in Spain, Italy

medical facilities and sanitation contributed Denmark 0
to a rapid decline in death rates throughout * Data pertaining to 1995-2000
the world. Source: Demographic Year Book, 2009–10.


Population growth in different parts of the world
Human population increased more than ten times in can be compared. The growth of population is
the past 500 hundred years. low in developed countries as compared to
developing countries. There is negative

In the twentieth century itself the population has correlation between economic development and
increased four times. population growth.
Although the annual rate of population

change (1.4 per cent) seems to be low (Table

2.3), it is actually not so. This is because:
It took more than a million years for the human • When a small annual rate is applied to a
population to attain the one billion mark. But very large population, it will lead to a large
it took only 12 years for it to rise from 5 billion population change.

The World Population: Distribution, Density and Growth 13

h ed
pu T
re R
be C

Fig. 2.4: Population Doubling Time

o N

• Even if the growth rate continues to decline, beyond a certain level leads to problems. Of
the total population grows each year. The these the depletion of resources is the most
infant mortality rate may have increased serious. Population decline is also a matter of
as has the death rate during childbirth. concern. It indicates that resources that had
supported a population earlier are now

Table 2.3: Growth of Population 2004-05 over 1990-95 insufficient to maintain the population.
Growth Rate
The deadly HIV/AIDS epidemics in Africa and
some parts of the Commonwealth of Independent
Region 1990-95 2004-05
States (CIS) and Asia have pushed up death rates
World 1.6 1.4 and reduced average life expectancy. This has
Africa 2.4 2.6 slowed down population growth.
Europe 0.2 0.0
North & Central America 1.4 1.1
South America 1.7 1.4
Population Growth Rate

Asia 1.6 1.4

Oceania 1.5 1.3 The annual population growth rate in India
(Australia, New Zealand and Fiji)
is 1.64 per cent. Some developed countries
Source: Demographic Year Book, 2009–2010. will take 318 years to double their population

whereas some countries still do not show

IMPACT OF POPULATION CHANGE symptoms of doubling their population.
A small increase in population is desirable in a
growing economy. However, population growth

14 Fundamentals of Human Geography

DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION engaged in agriculture where large families are
an asset. Life expectancy is low, people are
Demographic transition theory can be used to mostly illiterate and have low levels of
describe and predict the future population of technology. Two hundred years ago all the
any area. The theory tells us that population of countries of the world were in this stage.
any region changes from high births and high Fertility remains high in the beginning of
deaths to low births and low deaths as society second stage but it declines with time. This is
progresses from rural agrarian and illiterate to accompanied by reduced mortality rate.
urban industrial and literate society. These Improvements in sanitation and health
changes occur in stages which are collectively

conditions lead to decline in mortality. Because
known as the demographic cycle. of this gap the net addition to population is
Rural, Demographic Urban, In the last stage, both fertility and mortality
Agrarian Transition Industrial decline considerably. The population is either

stable or grows slowly. The population becomes
urbanised, literate and has high technical know-

pu T
The Fig. 2.5 explains the three-staged how and deliberately controls the family size.

model of Demographic Transition Theory:
re R This shows that human beings are
extremely flexible and are able to adjust their

High Fluctuating
Stage Stage Stage
In the present day, different countries are
at different stages of demographic transition.

be C

Increase in Low Fluctuating
Family planning is the spacing or preventing
the birth of children. Access to family planning
DR services is a significant factor in limiting
o N

population growth and improving women’s
health. Propaganda, free availability of
Bangladesh Peru Sri Lanka Canada contraceptives and tax disincentives for large
Present Rainforest Kenya Japan
World tribes USA families are some of the measures which can

examples Time help population control.

Thomas Malthus in his theory (1793)
stated that the number of people would
Fig. 2.5: Demographic Transition Theory
increase faster than the food supply. Any
further increase would result in a population
The first stage has high fertility and high crash caused by famine, disease and war. The
mortality because people reproduce more to preventive checks are better than the physical
compensate for the deaths due to epidemics checks. For the sustainability of our resources,
and variable food supply. The population the world will have to control the rapid
growth is slow and most of the people are population increase

The World Population: Distribution, Density and Growth 15

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.

(i) Which one of the following continents has the highest growth of
(a) Africa (c) Asia
(b) South America (d) North America
(ii) Which one of the following is not an area of sparse population?
(a) The Atacama (c) Equatorial region

(b) South-east Asia (d) Polar regions

pu T
(iii) Which one of the following is not a push factor ?
(a) Water shortage (c) Unemployment

re R (b) Medical/educational facilities (d) Epidemics
(iv) Which one of the following is not a fact ?
(a) Human population increased more than ten times during the past

500 years.
(b) It took 100 years for the population to rise from 5 billion to 6 billion.
(c) Population growth is high in the first stage of demographic transition?
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Name three geographical factors that influence the distribution of
be C

(ii) There are a number of areas with high population density in the world.
Why does this happen?
o N

(iii) What are the three components of population change?

3. Distinguish between:
(i) Birth rate and death rate.
(ii) Push factors and pull factors of migration.

4. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.

(i) Discuss the factors influencing the distribution and density of population
in the world.
(ii) Discuss the three stages of demographic transition.

Map Skill
On the outline map of the world, show and name the following.
(i) Countries of Europe and Asia with negative growth rate of population.
(ii) African countries with growth rate of population more than three per
cent. (You may r efer to Appendix 1).

(i) Has someone in your family migrated? Write about her/his place of

destination. What made her/him migrate?

(ii) Write a brief report on the distribution and density of population in
your state.

16 Fundamentals of Human Geography

People of any country are diverse in many
Unit-II respects. Each person is unique in her/his own
Chapter-3 way. People can be distinguished by their age,
sex and their place of residence. Some of the
other distinguishing attributes of the population
are occupation, education and life expectancy.

The number of women and men in a country is

an important demographic characteristic. The
ratio between the number of women and men in
the population is called the Sex Ratio. In some
countries it is calculated by using the formula:

Male Population
× 1000

pu T
Female Population

or the number of males per thousand

Composition females.
re R
In India, the sex ratio is worked out using the
Female Population
× 1000
Male Population
be C

or the number of females per thousand males.

The sex ratio is an important information

o N

about the status of women in a country.

In regions where gender discrimination is
rampant, the sex ratio is bound to be
unfavourable to women. Such areas are those
where the practice of female foeticide, female

infanticide and domestic violence against women

are prevalent. One of the reasons could be lower
socio-economic status of women in these areas.
You must remember that more women in the
population does not mean they have a better
status. It could be that the men might have
migrated to other areas for employment.

Natural Advantage v/s


Social Disadvantage
Females have a biological advantage over
males as they tend to be more resilient than

males yet this advantage is cancelled out

by the social disadvantages and
discriminations that they face.
On an average, the world population Expanding Populations
reflects a sex ratio of 102 males per 100 females.
The age-sex pyramid of Nigeria as you can see
The highest sex ratio in the world has been
is a triangular shaped pyramid with a wide
recorded in Latvia where there are 85 males per
base and is typical of less developed countries.
100 females. In contrast, in Qatar there are 311
These have larger populations in lower age
males per 100 females.
groups due to high birth rates. If you construct
The world pattern of sex ratio does not
the pyramids for Bangladesh and Mexico, it
exhibit variations in the developed regions of
would look the same.
the world. The sex ratio is favourable for females

in 139 countries of the world and unfavourable
for them in the remaining 72 countries listed
by the United Nations.
In general, Asia has a low sex ratio.
Countries like China, India, Saudi Arabia,

Pakistan, Afghanistan have a lower sex ratio.
On the other extreme is greater part of

pu T
Europe (including Russia) where males are in

minority. A deficit of males in the populations
re R
of many European countries is attributed to
better status of women, and an excessively

male-dominated out-migration to different
parts of the world in the past.
Per cent
Age Structure Source: Demographic Year Book, 2009-10
be C

Age structure represents the number of people Fig. 3.1: Expanding Population
of different age groups. This is an important
indicator of population composition, since a Constant Population
o N

large size of population in the age group of 15-

59 indicates a large working population. A Australia’s age-sex pyramid is bell shaped and
greater proportion of population above 60 years tapered towards the top. This shows birth and
represents an ageing population which requires death rates are almost equal leading to a near
more expenditure on health care facilities. constant population.

Similarly high proportion of young population

would mean that the region has a high birth
rate and the population is youthful.

Age-Sex Pyramid
The age-sex structure of a population refers
to the number of females and males in
different age groups. A population pyramid
is used to show the age-sex structure of the

The shape of the population pyramid
reflects the characteristics of the population.
The left side shows the percentage of males while

the right side shows the percentage of women

Per cent
in each age group.
Fig. 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 show different types Source: Demographic Year Book, 2009-10
of population pyramids. Fig. 3.2: Constant Population

18 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Declining Populations The criteria for differentiating rural and
urban population varies from country to country.
The Japan pyramid has a narrow base and a
In general terms rural areas are those where
tapered top showing low birth and death rates.
people are engaged in primary activities and urban
The population growth in developed countries
areas are those when majority of the working
is usually zero or negative.
population is engaged in non-primary activities.
Fig. 3.4 shows rural urban sex composition
of selected countries. The rural and urban
differences in sex ratio in Canada and West

European countries like Finland are just the
opposite of those in African and Asian countries
like Zimbabwe and Nepal respectively. In
Western countries, males outnumber females
in rural areas and females outnumber the males

in urban areas. In countries like Nepal, Pakistan
and India the case is reverse. The excess of

pu T
females in urban areas of U.S.A., Canada and

re R Europe is the result of influx of females from
rural areas to avail of the vast job opportunities.
Source: Demographic Year Book, 2009-10 Farming in these developed countries is also

highly mechanised and remains largely a male
occupation. By contrast the sex ratio in Asian
Fig. 3.3: Declining Population
urban areas remains male dominated due to
the predominance of male migration. It is also
be C

worth noting that in countries like India, female

Draw a population pyramid of the children in your school participation in farming activity in rural area is
and describe its characteristics. fairly high. Shortage of housing, high cost of
living, paucity of job opportunities and lack of
o N

security in cities, discourage women to migrate

Ageing Population from rural to urban areas.

Population ageing is the process by which Literacy


the share of the older population becomes

proportionally larger. This is a new Proportion of literate population of a country
phenomenon of the twentieth century. In most in an indicator of its socio-economic
of the developed countries of the world,
population in higher age groups has increased development as it reveals the standard of living,
due to increased life expectancy. With a social status of females, availability of
reduction in birth rates, the proportion of educational facilities and policies of
children in the population has declined. government. Level of economic development is
both a cause and consequence of literacy. In
India – literacy rate denotes the percentage of
RURAL URBAN COMPOSITION population above 7 years of age, who is able to

read, write and have the ability to do arithmetic

The division of population into rural and urban calculations with understanding.
is based on the residence. This division is
necessary because rural and urban life styles Occupational Structure

differ from each other in terms of their livelihood

and social conditions. The age-sex-occupational The working population (i.e. women and men
structure, density of population and level of of the age group – 15 to 59) take part in various
development vary between rural and urban areas. occupations ranging from agriculture, forestry,

Population Composition 19
1085 1063 1071 1060 1049
1027 1009
965 937 989 951
1000 900
Females per 1000 Males



Zimbabwe Canada* Brazil Nepal * Finland New


pu T
* 2006 Data Country

Sour ce: Demographic Year Book, 2011
re R Fig. 3.4: Rural Urban Sex Composition, 2003 (Selected Countries)

fishing, manufacturing construction, sectors is a good indicator of the levels of
economic development of a nation. This is
commercial transport, services, communication
and other unclassified services. because only a developed economy with
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining industries and infrastructure can
be C

are classified as primary activities accommodate more workers in the secondary,

manufacturing as secondary, transport, tertiary and quaternary sector. If the economy
communication and other services as tertiary is still in the primitive stages, then the
proportion of people engaged in primary
o N

and the jobs related to research and developing

ideas as quaternary activities. The proportion activities world be high as it involves extraction
of working population engaged in these four of natural resources.

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.

(i) Which one of the following has caused the sex ratio of the United Arab
Emirates to be low?
(a) Selective migration of male working population
(b) High birth rate of males

(c) Low birth rate of females

(d) High out migration of females

20 Fundamentals of Human Geography

(ii) Which one of the following figures represents the working age group of the
(a) 15 to 65 years (c) 15 to 66 years
(b) 15 to 64 years (d) 15 to 59 years
(iii) Which one of the following countries has the highest sex ratio in the world?
(a) Latvia (c) Japan
(b) United Arab Emirates (d) France
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What do you understand by population composition?

(ii) What is the significance of age-structure?
(iii) How is sex-ratio measured?
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) Describe the rural-urban composition of the population.

(ii) Discuss the factors responsible for imbalances in the sex-age found in

pu T
different parts of the world and occupational structure.

re R Project/Activity
Construct an age-sex pyramid for your district/state.

be C
o N

Population Composition 21
The people are very important component of a
Unit I country. India is the second most populous
Chapter 1 country after China in the world with its total
population of 1,028 million (2001). India’s
population is larger than the total population
of North America, South America and Australia
put together. More often, it is argued that such
a large population invariably puts pressure
on its limited resources and is also responsible
for many socio-economic problems in the

How do you perceive the idea of India? Is

POPULATION it simply a territory? Does this signify an
amalgam of people? Is it a territory
Distribution, Density, Growth inhabited by people living under certain
institutions of governance?
and Composition
In this chapter, we will discuss the
patterns of distribution, density, growth and
composition of India’s population.

Sources of Population Data

Population data are collected through
Census operation held every 10 years in our
country. The first population Census in India
was conducted in 1872 but its first complete
Census was conducted only in 1881.

Distribution of P
Distribution opula
Examine Fig. 1.1 and try to describe the
patterns of spatial distribution of population
shown on it. It is clear that India has a highly
uneven pattern of population distribution. The
percentage shares of population of the states
and Union Territories in the country (Appendix –
iA) show that Uttar Pradesh has the highest
population followed by Maharashtra, Bihar and
West Bengal.

Looking at the data in Appendix (i) and iA arrange the

Indian states and union territories according to their
sizes and population and find out :

Fig. 1.1 : India – Distribution of Population

2 India : People and Economy

States/UTs of large size and large population history of human settlement and development
of transport network. On the other hand, the
States/UTs of large size but small population
urban regions of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata,
States/UTs of smaller size but larger population Bangalore, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chennai and
Jaipur have high concentration of population
Check from the table (Appendix–iA) that U.P., due to industrial development and
Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal, Andhra urbanisation drawing a large numbers of
Pradesh along with Tamil Nadu, Madhya
rural-urban migrants.
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka and Gujarat,
together account for about 76 per cent of the
Density of P opula
Popula tion
total population of the country. On the other
hand, share of population is very small in the Density of population, is expressed as number
states like Jammu & Kashmir (1.04%), of persons per unit area. It helps in getting a
Arunachal Pradesh (0.11%) and Uttarakhand better understanding of the spatial distribution
(0.84%) inspite of theses states having fairly of population in relation to land. The density of
large geographical area. population in India (2011) is 382 persons per
Such an uneven spatial distribution of sq km. There has been a steady increase of more
population in India suggests a close relationship than 200 persons per sq km over the last 50
between population and physical, socio- years as the density of population increased
economic and historical factors. As far as the from 117 persons/ sq km in 1951 to 382
physical factors are concerned, it is clear that persons/sq km in 2011.
climate along with terrain and availability of
water largely determines the pattern of the The data shown in Appendix (i)A give an
population distribution. Consequently, we idea of spatial variation of population densities
observe that the North Indian Plains, deltas and in the country which ranges from as low as 17
Coastal Plains have higher proportion of persons per sq km in Arunachal Pradesh to
population than the interior districts of southern 11,320 persons in the National Capital Territory
and central Indian States, Himalayas, some of of Delhi. Among the northern Indian States,
the north eastern and the western states. Bihar (1106), West Bengal (1028) and and Uttar
However, development of irrigation (Rajasthan), Pradesh (829) have higher densities, while
availability of mineral and energy resources Kerala (860) and Tamil Nadu (555) have higher
(Jharkhand) and development of transport densities among the peninsular Indian states.
network (Peninsular States) have resulted in States like Assam, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh,
moderate to high concentration of population Haryana, Jharkhand, Odisha have moderate
in areas which were previously very thinly densities. The hill states of the Himalayan region
populated. and North eastern states of India (excluding
Among the socio-economic and historical Assam) have relatively low densities while the
factors of distribution of population, important Union Territories (excluding Andaman and
ones are evolution of settled agriculture and Nicobar islands) have very high densities of
agricultural development; pattern of human population (Appendix–iA).
settlement; development of transport network, The density of population, as discussed
industrialisation and urbanisation. It is in the earlier paragraph, is a crude measure
observed that the regions falling in the river of human and land relationship. To get a better
plains and coastal areas of India have remained insight into the human-land ratio in terms of
the regions of larger population concentration. pressure of population on total cultivable land,
Even though the uses of natural resources like the physiological and the agricultural densities
land and water in these regions have shown should be found out which are significant for
the sign of degradation, the concentration of a country like India having a large agricultural
population remains high because of an early population.

Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition 3

Fig. 1.2 : India – Density of Population
Activity: Construct a choropleth map to represent Density of population in India-2011 based on data given in
Appendix– iA and compare that with the above map.

4 India : People and Economy

assessing the crude birth and death rates, the
Physiological density = total population / induced components are explained by the
net cultivated area volume of inward and outward movement of
Agricultural density = total agricultural people in any given area. However, in the
population / net cultivable area present chapter, we will only discuss the
natural growth of India’s population.
Agricultural population includes cultivators The decadal and annual growth rates of
and agricultural labourers and their family
population in India are both very high and
steadily increasing over time. The annual
growth rate of India’s population is 1.64 per
cent (2011).

With the help of data given in Appendix (ii), Calculate Population Doubling Time
the Physiological and Agricultural densities of
Population doubling time is the time taken
population of Indian States and Union Territories.
by any population to double itself at its
Compare them with density of population and see how
current annual growth rate.
are these different?

G rrowth
owth of P opula
Popula tion
opulation The growth rate of population in India over
Growth of population is the change in the the last one century has been caused by annual
number of people living in a particular area birth rate and death rate and rate of migration
between two points of time. Its rate is expressed and thereby shows different trends. There are
in percentage. Population growth has two four distinct phases of growth identified within
components namely; natural and induced. this period:
While the natural growth is analysed by

Table 1.1 : Decadal Growth Rates in India, 1901-2001

Census Total Population Growth Rate*

Years Absolute Number % of Growth

1901 238396327 ------------ ------------

1911 252093390 (+) 13697063 (+) 5.75
1921 251321213 (-) 772117 (-) 0.31
1931 278977238 (+) 27656025 (+) 11.60
1941 318660580 (+) 39683342 (+) 14.22
1951 361088090 (+) 42420485 (+) 13.31
1961 439234771 (+) 77682873 (+) 21.51
1971 548159652 (+) 108924881 (+) 24.80
1981 683329097 (+) 135169445 (+) 24.66
1991 846302688 (+) 162973591 (+) 23.85
2001 1028610328 (+) 182307640 (+) 21.54
2011** 1210193422 (+) 181583094 (+) 17.64
p2 -p1
* Decadal growth rate: g = ×100
where P1 = population of the base year
P2 = population of the present year
** Source : Census of India, 2011(Provisional)

Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition 5

Fig. 1.3 : India – Growth of Population
Activity: Construct a choropleth map to represent Growth of population in India (2001-2011) based on data given in
Appendix– iA and compare it with the above map.

6 India : People and Economy

Phase I : The period from 1901-1921 is Tibetans, Bangladeshis, Nepalies
referred to as a period of stagnant and even people from Pakistan
or stationary phase of growth of contributed to the high growth rate.
India’s population, since in this Phase IV : In the post 1981 till present, the
period growth rate was very low, growth rate of country’s population
even recording a negative growth though remained high, has started
rate during 1911-1921. Both the slowing down gradually (Table 1.1).
birth rate and death rate were high A downward trend of crude birth
keeping the rate of increase low rate is held responsible for such a
(Appendix–iii). Poor health and population growth. This was, in
medical services, illiteracy of people turn, affected by an increase in the
at large and inefficient distribution mean age at marriage, improved
system of food and other basic quality of life particularly education
necessities were largely responsible of females in the country.
for a high birth and death rates in The growth rate of population is, however,
this period. still high in the country, and it has been
Phase II : The decades 1921-1951 are projected by World Development Report that
referred to as the period of steady population of India will touch 1,350 million by
population growth. An overall 2025.
improvement in health and The analysis done so far shows the average
sanitation throughout the country growth rate, but the country also has wide
brought down the mortality rate. At variation (Appendix–iv) in growth rates from one
the same time better transport and area to another which is discussed below.
communication system improved R e gional Varia
Varia tion in
distribution system. The crude Popula tion Gr
opulation owth
birth rate remained high in this
period leading to higher growth rate The growth rate of population during 1991-
2001 in Indian States and Union Territories
than the previous phase. This is
shows very obvious pattern.
impressive at the backdrop of Great
The States like Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil
Economic Depression, 1920s and
Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Puducherry,
World War II.
and Goa show a low rate of growth not exceeding
Phase III : The decades 1951-1981 are 20 per cent over the decade. Kerala registered
referred to as the period of
the lowest growth rate (9.4) not only in this group
population explosion in India, of states but also in the country as a whole.
which was caused by a rapid fall A continuous belt of states from west to
in the mortality rate but a high east in the north-west, north, and north central
fertility rate of population in the parts of the country has relatively high growth
country. The average annual rate than the southern states. It is in this belt
growth rate was as high as 2.2 per comprising Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan,
cent. It is in this period, after the Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand,
Independence, that developmental Madhya Pradesh, Sikkim, Assam, West Bengal,
activities were introduced through Bihar, Chhattisgarh, and Jharkhand, the growth
a centralised planning process and rate on the average remained 20-25 per cent.
economy started showing up During 2001-2011, the growth rates of
ensuring the improvement of living almost all States and Union Territories have
condition of people at large. registered a lower figure compared to the
Consequently, there was a high previous decade, namely, 1991-2001. The
natural increase and higher growth percentage decadal growth rates of the six most
rate. Besides, increased populous States, namely, Uttar Pradesh,
international migration bringing in Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal, Andhra

Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition 7

Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh have all fallen into the overall development of our large youth
during 2001-2011 compared to 1991-2001, and adolescent population.
the fall being the lowest for Andhra Pradesh The National Youth Policy of Government
(3.5% percentage points) and highest for of India, launched in 2003, stresses on an all-
Maharashtra (6.7 percentage points). Tamil round improvement of the youth and
Nadu (3.9 percentage points) and Puducherry adolescents enabling them to shoulder
(7.1 percentage points) have registered some responsibility towards constructive
increase during 2001-2011 over the previous development of the country. It also aims at
decade. reinforcing the qualities of patriotism and
responsible citizenship.
The thrust of this policy is youth
empowerment in terms of their effective
participation in decision making and carrying
With the help of data given in Appendix i and iA, compare
the responsibility of an able leader. Special
the growth rate of population of different States/UTs
emphasis was given in empowering women and
between 1990-2001 and 2001-2011.
girl child to bring parity in the male-female
status. Moreover, deliberate efforts were made
Take the population growth data of the districts/selected to look into youth health, sports and recreation,
districts of your respective state for total male and female creativity and awareness about new innovations
population and represent them with the help of in the spheres of science and technology.
Composite Bar Graph. It appears from the above discussion that
the growth rate of population is widely variant
An important aspect of population growth over space and time in the country and also
in India is the growth of its adolescents. At highlights various social problems related to the
present the share of adolescents i.e., up to the growth of population. However, in order to have
age group of 10-19 years is about 20.9 per cent a better insight into the growth pattern of
(201 1), among which male adolescents population it is also necessary to look into the
constitute 52.7 per cent and female adolescents social composition of population.
constitute 47.3 per cent. The adolescent
population, though, regarded as the youthful Population Composition
population having high potentials, but at the Population composition is a distinct field of
same time they are quite vulnerable if not guided study within population geography with a vast
and channelised properly. There are many coverage of analysis of age and sex, place of
challenges for the society as far as these residence, ethnic characteristics, tribes,
adolescents are concerned, some of which are language, religion, marital status, literacy and
lower age at marriage, illiteracy – particularly education, occupational characteristics, etc. In
female illiteracy, school dropouts, low intake of this section, the composition of Indian
nutrients, high rate of maternal mortality of population with respect to their rural-urban
adolescent mothers, high rates of HIV/AIDS characteristics, language, religion and pattern
infections, physical and mental disability or of occupation will be discussed.
retardedness, drug abuse and alcoholism, juvenile
delinquency and commitence of crimes, etc. Rural – Urban Composition
In view of these, the Government of India Composition of population by their respective
has undertaken certain policies to impart places of residence is an important indicator of
proper education to the adolescent groups so social and economic characteristics. This becomes
that their talents are better channelised and even more significant for a country where about
properly utilised. The National Youth Policy is 68.8 per cent of its total population lives in village
one example which has been designed to look (2011).

8 India : People and Economy

a considerable increase of urban population.
This indicates both development of urban areas
Compare the data given in Appendix (iv) and iv A in terms of socio-economic conditions and an
calculate the percentages of rural population of the increased rate of rural-urban migration. The
states in India and represent them cartographically on rural-urban migration is conspicuous in the
a map of India. case of urban areas along the main road links
and railroads in the North Indian Plains, the
Do you know that India has 640,867 industrial areas around Kolkata, Mumbai,
villages according to the Census 2011 out of Bengaluru – Mysuru, Madurai – Coimbatore,
which 597,608 (93.2 per cent) are inhabited Ahmedabad – Surat, Delhi – Kanpur and
villages? However, the distribution of rural Ludhiana – Jalandhar. In the agriculturally
population is not uniform throughout the stagnant parts of the middle and lower Ganga
country. You might have noted that the states Plains, Telengana, non-irrigated Western
like Bihar and Sikkim have very high Rajasthan, remote hilly, tribal areas of north-
percentage of rural population. The states of east, along the flood prone areas of Peninsular
Goa and Maharashtra have only little over half India and along eastern part of Madhya
of their total population residing in villages. Pradesh, the degree of urbanisation has
The Union Territories, on the other hand, remained low.
have smaller proportion of rural population,
except Dadra and Nagar Haveli (53.38 per cent). Linguistic Composition
The size of villages also varies considerably. It
is less than 200 persons in the hill states of India is a land of linguistic diversity. According
north-eastern India, Western Rajasthan and to Grierson (Linguistic Survey of India, 1903 –
Rann of Kuchchh and as high as 17 thousand 1928) there were 179 languages and as many
persons in the states of Kerala and in parts of as 544 dialects in the country. In the context of
Maharashtra. A thorough examination of the modern India, there are about 22 scheduled
pattern of distribution of rural population of languages and a number of non-scheduled
India reveals that both at intra-State and inter- languages. See how many languages appear
State levels, the relative degree of urbanisation on a ten Rs note. Among the scheduled
and extent of rural-urban migration regulate languages, the speakers of Hindi have the
the concentration of rural population. highest percentage. The smallest language
You have noted that contrary to rural groups are Kashmiri and Sanskrit speakers.
population, the proportion of urban population However, it is noticed that the linguistic regions
(31.16 per cent) in India is quite low but it is in the country do not maintain a sharp and
showing a much faster rate of growth over the distinct boundary, rather they gradually merge
decades. The growth rate of urban population and overlap in their respective border zones.
has accelerated due to enhanced economic
development and improvement in health and Linguistic Classification
hygienic conditions. The speakers of major Indian languages
The distribution of urban population too, belong to four language families, which have
as in the case of total population, has a wide their sub-families and branches or groups.
variation throughout the country (Appendix–iv). This can be better understood from Table 1.2.

Religious Composition

Compare the data of Appendix (iv) and iv A and identify Religion is one of the most dominant forces
the states/UTs with very high and very low proportion of affecting the cultural and political life of the most
urban population. of Indians. Since religion virtually permeates
into almost all the aspects of people’s family and
It is, however, noticed that in almost all community lives, it is important to study the
the states and Union Territories, there has been religious composition in detail.
Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition 9

Table 1.2 : Classification of Modern Indian Languages

Family Sub-Family Branch/Group Speech Areas

Austro-Asiatic Mon-Khmer Meghalaya, Nicobar Islands

(Nishada) Munda West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Assam,
1.38% Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
Austro- Nesian Outside India

South-Dravidian Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala

Dravidian Central Dravidian Andhra Pradesh, M.P., Orissa,

(Dravida) Maharashtra
20% North Dravidian Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal,
Madhya Pradesh

Tibeto – Myanmari Tibeto-Himalayan Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh,

(Kirata) North Assam Arunachal Pradesh
Siamese-Chinese Assam- Myanmari Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram,
Tripura, Meghalaya

Indo-Aryan Iranian Outside India

Indo – Dardic Jammu & Kashmir
(Aryan) 73% Indo-Aryan Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal
Pradesh, U.P., Rajasthan, Haryana, M.P.,
Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, Assam,
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa.
Source : Ahmed, A. (1999) : Social Geography, Rawat Publication, New Delhi

Table 1.3 : Religious Communities of India, 2001

Look at Table 1.2 and prepare a pie diagram of linguistic Religious 2001
composition of India showing the sectoral shares of
Groups Population % of Total
each linguistic group. (in million)

Or Hindus 827.6 80.5

Muslims 138.2 13.5
Prepare a qualitative symbol map of India showing the Christians 24.1 2.3
distribution of different linguistic groups in the country.
Sikhs 19.2 1.9
The spatial distribution of religious
Buddhists 8.0 0.9
communities in the country (Appendix–v) shows
that there are certain states and districts having Jains 4.2 0.4
large numerical strength of one religion, while Others 6.6 0.6
the same may be very negligibly represented in
other states.
Hindus are distributed as a major group in Muslims, the largest religious minority, are
many states (ranging from 70 - 90 per cent and concentrated in Jammu & Kashmir, certain
above) except the districts of states along Indo- districts of West Bengal and Kerala, many
Bangladesh border, Indo-Pak border, Jammu & districts of Uttar Pradesh , in and around Delhi
Kashmir, Hill States of North-East and in scattered and in Lakshadweep. They form majority in
areas of Deccan Plateau and Ganga Plain. Kashmir valley and Lakshadweep.

10 India : People and Economy

Standard Census Definition
Religion and Landscape
Main Worker is a person who works for
Formal expression of religions on
atleast 183 days ( or six months) in a year.
landscape is manifested through sacred
structures, use of cemetries and Marginal Worker is a person who works for
assemblages of plants and animals, groves less than 183 days ( or six months) in a year.
of trees for religious purposes. Sacred
structures are widely distributed throughout per cent (2011) leaving a vast majority of about
the country. These may range from 60 per cent as non-workers. This indicates an
inconspicuous village shrines to large Hindu economic status in which there is a larger
temples, monumental masjids or ornately proportion of dependent population, further
designed cathedrals in large metropolitan indicating possible existence of large number of
cities. These temples, masjids, gurudwaras, unemployed or under employed people.
monastries and churches differ in size,
form, space – use and density, while What is work participation rate?
attributing a special dimension to the total
landscape of the area. The proportion of working population, of
the states and Union Territories show a
The Christian population is distributed moderate variation from about 39.6 per cent in
mostly in rural areas of the country. The main Goa to about 49.9 per cent in Daman and Diu.
concentration is observed along the Western The states with larger percentages of workers
coast around Goa, Kerala and also in the hill are Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Chhattisgarh,
states of Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Arunachal
Chotanagpur area and Hills of Manipur. Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur and Meghalaya.
Sikhs are mostly concentrated in relatively Among the Union Territories, Dadra and Nagar
small area of the country, particularly in the Haveli and Daman and Diu have higher
states of Punjab, Haryana and Delhi. participation rate. It is understood that, in the
Jains and Buddhists, the smallest religious context of a country like India, the work
groups in India have their concentration only participation rate tends to be higher in the areas
in selected areas of the country. Jains have of lower levels of economic development since
major concentration in the urban areas of number of manual workers are needed to
Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra, while the perform the subsistence or near subsistence
Buddhists are concentrated mostly in economic activities.
Maharashtra. The other areas of Buddhist The occupational composition (see box)
majority are Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, of India’s population (which actually means
Ladakh in Jammu & Kashmir, Tripura, and engagement of an individual in farming,
Lahul and Spiti in Himachal Pradesh. manufacturing trade, services or any kind of
The other religions of India include professional activities) shows a large proportion
Zoroastrians, tribal and other indigenous faiths of primary sector workers compared to
and beliefs. These groups are concentrated in secondary and tertiary sectors. About 54.6 per
small pockets scattered throughout the country. cent of total working population are cultivators
and agricultural labourers, whereas only 3.8%
Composition of Working Population of workers are engaged in household industries
and 41.6 % are other workers including non-
The population of India according to their household industries, trade, commerce,
economic status is divided into three groups, construction and repair and other services. As
namely; main workers, marginal workers and far as the occupation of country’s male and
non-workers. female population is concerned, male workers
It is observed that in India, the proportion out-number female workers in all the three
of workers (both main and marginal) is only 39.8 sectors (Fig.1.4 and Table 1.4).
Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition 11

Fig. 1.4 : India – Occupational Structure, 2011

Identify some issues in which

India is ahead of or lagging
behind its neighbours.

12 India : People and Economy

The number of female workers is relatively
Occupational Categories high in primary sector, though in recent years
The 2001 Census has divided the working there has been some improvement in work
population of India into four major categories: participation of women in secondary and
tertiary sectors.
1. Cultivators It is important to note that the proportion
2. Agricultural Labourers of workers in agricultural sector in India has
3. Household Industrial Workers shown a decline over the last few decades (58.2%
4. Other Workers. in 2001 to 54.6% in 2011). Consequently, the
participation rate in secondary and tertiary sector
has registered an increase. This indicates a shift
of dependence of workers from farm-
Table 1.4 : Sectoral Composition of work force in India, 2011 based occupations to non-farm
based ones, indicating a sectoral shift
Categories Population in the economy of the country.
The spatial variation of work
Persons % to Male Female participation rate in different sectors
in the country (Appendix–v and vA)
is very wide. For instance, the states
Primary 26,30,22,473 54.6 16,54,47,075 9,75,75,398 like Himachal Pradesh and Nagaland
have very large shares of cultivators.
Secondary 1,83,36,307 3.8 97,75,635 85,60,672
On the other hand states like Bihar,
Tertiary 20,03,84,531 41.6 15,66,43,220 4,37,41,311 Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal
and Madhya Pradesh have higher proportion of
agricultural labourers. The highly urbanised
areas like Delhi, Chandigarh and Puducherry
have a very large proportion of workers being
Prepare composite bar graphs, one for India and the engaged in other services. This indicates not only
other for your respective states showing the proportion availability of limited farming land, but also large
of male and female workers in agriculture, household scale urbanisation and industrialisation
industries and other sectors, and compare. requiring more workers in non-farm sectors.


1. Choose the right answers of the followings from the given options.
(i) India’s population as per 2011 census is :
(a) 1028 million (c) 3287 million
(b) 3182 million (d) 1210 million

Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition 13

(ii) Which one of the following states has the highest density of population in
(a) West Bengal (c) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Kerala (d) Punjab
(iii) Which one of the following states has the highest proportion of urban
population in India according to 2011 Census?
(a) Tamil Nadu (c) Kerala
(b) Maharashtra (d) Goa
(iv) Which one of the following is the largest linguistic group of India?
(a) Sino – Tibetan (c) Austric
(b) Indo – Aryan (d) Dravidian
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Very hot and dry and very cold and wet regions of India have low density
of population. In this light, explain the role of climate on the distribution
of population.
(ii) Which states have large rural population in India? Give one reason for
such large rural population.
(iii) Why do some states of India have higher rates of work participation than
(iv) ‘The agricultural sector has the largest share of Indian workers.’ – Explain.
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Discuss the spatial pattern of density of population in India.
(ii) Give an account of the occupational structure of India’s population.

14 India : People and Economy

Ram Babu, working as an engineer in Bhilai
Unit I Steel Plant, Chhattisgarh, was born in a small
Chapter 2 village of district Bhojpur, Bihar. At an early
age of twelve he moved to a nearby town Ara to
complete his intermediate level studies. He went
to Sindri, Jharkhand for his engineering degree
and he got a job at Bhilai, where he is living for
the last 31 years. His parents were illiterate and
the only source of their livelihood was meagre
income from agriculture. They spent their whole
life in that village.

Ram Babu has three children who got their

education up to the intermediate level at Bhilai
and then moved to different places for higher

education. First one studied at Allahabad and
Mumbai and is presently working in Delhi as a

T s
Types, Causes and scientist. The second child got her higher

education from different universities in India


and is now working in USA. The third one after
finishing her education settled at Surat after

E b
This is not a story of only Ram Babu and

C u
his children but such movements are

increasingly becoming universal trend. People
have been moving from one village to another,

N re
from villages to towns, from smaller towns to
bigger towns and from one country to another.
In your Book Fundamentals of Human

© e
Geography you have already learnt about the
concept and definition of migration. Migration
has been an integral part and a very important

factor in redistributing population over time
and space. India has witnessed the waves of

migrants coming to the country from Central

and West Asia and also from Southeast Asia.
In fact, the history of India is a history of waves
of migrants coming and settling one after

another in different parts of the country. In the

words of a renowned poet Firaque Gorakhpuri;


(The carvans of people from all parts of the

world kept on coming and settling in India and
led to the formation of India.)
Similarly, large numbers of people from
India too have been migrating to places in search
of better opportunities specially to the countries Migration
of the Middle-East, Western Europe, America,
Australia and East and South East Asia. You are familiar with Census in India. It contains
information about migration in the country.
Actually migration was recorded beginning
Indian Diaspora from the first Census of India conducted in
1881. This data were recorded on the basis of
During colonial period (British period)
place of birth. However, the first major
millions of the indentured labourers were
modification was introduced in 1961 Census
sent to Mauritius, Caribbean islands
(Trinidad, Tobago and Guyana), Fiji and by bringing in two additional components viz;
South Africa by British from Uttar Pradesh place of birth i.e. village or town and duration

and Bihar; to Reunion Island, Guadeloupe, of residence (if born elsewhere). Further in
1971, additional information on place of last

Martinique and Surinam by French and
Dutch and by Portuguese from Goa, Daman residence and duration of stay at the place of
enumeration were incorporated. Information on

and Diu to Angola, Mozambique to work as
plantation workers. All such migrations were reasons for migration were incorporated in

T s
covered under the time-bound contract 1981 Census and modified in consecutive

known as Girmit Act (Indian Emigration Act). Censuses.

R l
However, the living conditions of these In the Census the following questions are
indentured labourers were not better than asked on migration :

the slaves. • Is the person born in this village or

The second wave of migrants ventured out into town? If no, then further information

the neighbouring countries in recent times as is taken on rural/urban status of the

professionals, artisans, traders and factory place of birth, name of district and state

workers, in search of economic opportunities and if outside India then name of the

N re
to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, country of birth.
Brunei and African countries, etc. and the • Has the person come to this village or
trend still continues. There was a steady town from elsewhere? If yes, then

© e
outflow of India’s semi-skilled and skilled labour further questions are asked about the
in the wake of the oil boom in West Asia in
status (rural/urban) of previous place
the 1970s. There was also some outflow of
of residence, name of district and state

entrepreneurs, storeowners, professionals,
and if outside India then name of the
businessmen to Western Countries.
Third wave, of migrant was comprised
In addition, reasons for migration from the

professionals like doctors, engineers (1960s
place of last residence and duration of residence

onwards), software engineers, management
consultants, financial experts, media
in place of enumeration are also asked.
In the Census of India migration is

persons (1980s onwards), and others
migrated to countries such as USA, Canada, enumerated on two bases : (i) place of birth, if
the place of birth is different from the place of

UK, Australia, New Zealand and Germany,
etc. These professional enjoy the distinction enumeration (known as life-time migrant);
(ii) place of residence, if the place of last

of being one of highly educated, the highest
earning and prospering groups. After residence is different from the place of
liberalisation, in the 90s education and enumeration (known as migrant by place of last
knowledge–based Indian emigration has residence). Can you imagine the proportion of
made Indian Diaspora one of the most migrants in the population of India? As per
powerful diasporas in the world. 2001 census, out of 1,029 million people in the
In all these countries, Indian diaspora has country, 307 million (30 per cent) were reported
been playing an important role in the as migrants by place of birth. However, this
development of the respective countries. figure was 315 million (31 per cent) in case of
place of last residence.

16 India : People and Economy

The distribution of male and female
migrants in different streams of intra-state and
Conduct a survey of five households in your inter-state migration is presented in
neighbourhood to find out their migration status. If Fig. 2.1 a and 2.1 b. It is clearly evident that
migrants, classify these on the basis of the two criteria females predominate the streams of short
mentioned in the text. distance rural to rural migration in both types
of migration. Contrary to this, men predominate
the rural to urban stream of inter-state
Streams of Migration migration due to economic reasons.
A few facts pertaining to the internal Apart from these streams of internal
migration (within the country) and migration, India also experiences immigration

international migration (out of the country from and emigration to the neighbouring

and into the country from other countries) countries. Table 2.1 presents the details of
are presented here. Under the internal migrants from neighbouring countries. Indian

T s h
R li
E u b
N re p
Fig. 2.1 a : Intra State Migration by Place of
Last Residence Indicating Migration Streams
(Duration 0-9 years), India, 2001
Fig. 2.1 b : Inter State Migration by Place of
Last Residence Indicating Migration Streams
(Duration 0-9 years), India, 2001

© e
Source: Census of India, 2001

Examine Fig. 2.1 a and 2.1 b showing intra-state and inter-state migration in India according to the Census 2001
and find out:

t o
(i) Why are the numbers of females migrating from rural to rural areas in both the diagrams higher?

(ii) Why is the male migration higher from rural to urban?

migration, four streams are identified: (a) Census 2001 has recorded that more than 5
rural to rural (R-R); (b) rural to urban (R-U); million person have migrated to India from

(c) urban to urban (U-U); and (d) urban to other countries. Out of these, 96 per cent came
rural (U-R). In India, during 2001, out of from the neighbouring countries: Bangladesh
315 million migrants, enumerated on the (3.0 million) followed by Pakistan (0.9 million)
and Nepal (0.5 million). Included in this are 0.16
basis of the last residence, 98 million had
million refugees from T ibet, Sri Lanka,
changed their place of residence in the last
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and
ten years. Out of these, 81 million were intra- Myanmar. As far as emigration from India is
state migrants. The stream was dominated concerned it is estimated that there are around
by female migrants. Most of these were 20 million people of Indian Diaspora, spread
migrants related to marriage. across 110 countries.

Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences 17

Table 2.1 : Immigrants by last residence
from neighbouring countries by all
Represent the data given in Table 2.1 by pie diagrams duration in India, 2001
assuming the migration from neighbouring countries Countries% No of % of
(4,918,266 persons as 100 per cent). immigrants total
Spatial Variation in Migration Total international
Some states like Maharashtra, Delhi, Gujarat and migration 5,155,423 100
Haryana attract migrants from other states such Migration from
as Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, etc. (see Appendix–vii for neighbouring
detail). Maharashtra occupied first place in the

countries 4,918,266 95.5
list with 2.3 million net in-migrants, followed by Afghanistan 9,194 0.2

Delhi, Gujarat and Haryana. On the other hand, Bangladesh 3,084,826 59.8
Uttar Pradesh (-2.6 million) and Bihar

Bhutan 8,337 0.2
(-1.7 million) were the states, which had the largest
number of net out-migrants from the state. China 23,721 0.5

T s
Among the urban agglomeration (UA), Myanmar 49,086 1.0

Greater Mumbai received the higher number of Nepal 596,696 11.6

in migrants. Intra-states migration constituted Pakistan 997,106 19.3

the largest share in it. These differences are Sri Lanka 149,300 2.9

largely due to the size of the state in which these

Urban Agglomeration are located. Source : Census of India, 2001

N re p
© e
b From the given news

items try to identify

the political and
economic causes of

o t
18 India : People and Economy
be variety of reasons. These reasons can be put
into two broad categories : (i) push factor, these
Statewise in-migration and out-migration data are given cause people to leave their place of residence or
in Appendix (vii). Calculate net migration for all the states origin; and (ii) pull factors, which attract the
of India. people from different places.
In India people migrate from rural to urban
areas mainly due to poverty, high population
Causes of Migration
pressure on the land, lack of basic infrastructural
People, generally are emotionally attached to facilities like health care, education, etc. Apart
their place of birth. But millions of people leave from these factors, natural disasters such as,
their places of birth and residence. There could flood, drought, cyclonic storms, earthquake,

e d
T s h
R li
E u b
N re p
© e
t o
o t
The four stories describe different situations of migrants.

Enumerate the push and pull factors for Aarif?

What are the pull factors for Mohan Singh?

Study the story of Subbalakshmi and Manish Gawarkar. Compare their cases on the basis of types of
migration, causes of migration and their living conditions.

Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences 19

tsunami, wars and local conflicts also give extra from their international migrants. The amount
push to migrate. On the other hand, there are of remittances sent by the internal migrants is
pull factors which attract people from rural areas very meagre as compared to international
to cities. The most important pull factor for migrants, but it plays an important role in the
majority of the rural migrants to urban areas is growth of economy of the source area.
the better opportunities, availability of regular Remittances are mainly used for food,
work and relatively higher wages. Better repayment of debts, treatment, marriages,
opportunities for education, better health children’s education, agricultural inputs,
facilities and sources of entertainment, etc. are construction of houses, etc. For thousands of
also quite important pull factors. the poor villages of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa,
Examine the reasons for migration for Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, etc.

males and females separately in Fig. 2.2. On remittance works as life blood for their economy.
the basis of the figures, it can be seen that Migration from rural areas of Eastern Uttar

reason for migration of males and females are Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa
different. For example, work and employment to the rural areas of Punjab, Haryana, Western

have remained the main cause for male Uttar Pradesh accounted for the success of their

T s
migration (38 per cent) while it is only three per green revolution strategy for agricultural

cent for the females. Contrary to this, about 65 development. Besides this, unregulated

per cent of females move out from their parental migration to the metropolitan cities of India has

houses following their marriage. This is the caused overcrowding. Development of slums in

most important cause in the rural areas of India industrially developed states such as

except in Meghalaya where reverse is the case. Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu

and Delhi is a negative consequence of

unregulated migration within the country.

N re
in Meghalaya different?
Why is the female marriage migration law
Can you name some other positive and
negative consequences of migration?

© e
In comparison to these marriage migration
of the male, is only 2 per cent in the country.
Demographic Consequences

Consequences of Migration Migration leads to the redistribution of the
Migration is a response to the uneven population within a country. Rural urban
migration is one of the important factors

distribution of opportunities over space. People
contributing to the population growth of cities.

tend to move from place of low opportunity and
low safety to the place of higher opportunity Age and skill selective out migration from the
and better safety. This, in turn, creates both rural area have adverse effect on the rural

benefits and problems for the areas, people demographic structure. However, high out
migration from Uttaranchal, Rajasthan,

migrate from and migrate to. Consequences can
be observed in economic, social, cultural, Madhya Pradesh and Eastern Maharashtra
have brought serious imbalances in age and

political and demographic terms.
sex composition in these states. Similar
Economic Consequences imbalances are also brought in the recipients
states. What is the cause of imbalance in sex
A major benefit for the source region is the ratio in the place of origin and destination of
remittance sent by migrants. Remittances from the migrants?
the international migrants are one of the major
sources of foreign exchange. In 2002, India
received US$ 11 billion as remittances from Social Consequences
international migrants. Punjab, Kerala and Migrants act as agents of social change. The
Tamil Nadu receive very significant amount new ideas related to new technologies, family

20 India : People and Economy

e d
T s h
R li
Fig. 2.2 a : Reasons for Male Migration by Last Fig. 2.2 b : Reasons for Female Migration by last

Residence with Duration (0-9 years), India, 2001 Residence with Duration (0-9 years), India, 2001

E u
planning, girl’s education, etc. get diffused from pollution, disposal of sewage and management

urban to rural areas through them. of solid wastes.

Migration leads to intermixing of people

N re
from diverse cultures. It has positive Others
contribution such as evolution of composite Migration (even excluding the marriage
culture and breaking through the narrow migration) affects the status of women directly
considerations and widens up the mental

© e
or indirectly. In the rural areas, male selective
horizon of the people at large. But it also has out migration leaving their wives behind puts
serious negative consequences such as
extra physical as well mental pressure on the

anonimity, which creates social vacuum and women. Migration of ‘women’ either for
sense of dejection among individuals. education or employment enhances their
Continued feeling of dejection may motivate
autonomy and role in the economy but also

people to fall in the trap of anti-social activities increases their vulnerability.

like crime and drug abuse.
If remittances are the major benefits of
migration from the point of view of the source

Environmental Consequences
region, the loss of human resources
Overcrowding of people due to rural-urban particularly highly skilled people is the most

migration has put pressure on the existing serious cost. The market for advanced skills
social and physical infrastructure in the urban has become truly a global market and the

areas. This ultimately leads to unplanned most dynamic industrial economies are
growth of urban settlement and formation of admitting and recruiting significant
slums shanty colonies. proportions of the highly trained professionals
Apart from this, due to over-exploitation from poor regions. Consequently, the existing
of natural resources, cities are facing the acute underdevelopment in the source region gets
problem of depletion of ground water, air reinforced.

Migration: Types, Causes and Consequences 21

1 . Choose the right answers of the following from the given options.
(i) Which one of the following is the main reason for male migration in India?
(a) Education (c) Work and employment

(b) Business (d) Marriage

(ii) Which one of the following states receives maximum number of

(a) Uttar Pradesh (c) Maharashtra

T s
(b) Delhi (d) Bihar

(iii) Which one of the following streams is dominated by male migrants in

R l
(a) Rural-rural (c) Rural-urban

E b
(b) Urban-rural (d) Urban-Urban
(iv) Which one of the following urban agglomeration has the highest share of

C u
in migrant population?

(a) Mumbai UA (c) Bangalore UA

N re
(b) Delhi UA (d) Chennai UA
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Differentiate between life-time migrant and migrant by last residence.

© e
(ii) Identify the main reason for male/female selective migration.
(iii) What is the impact of rural-urban migration on the age and sex structure
of the place of origin and destination?

3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Discuss the consequences of international migration in India.

(ii) What are the socio demographic consequences of migration?

t t
22 India : People and Economy
The words ‘growth’ and ‘development’ are not
Unit-II new to you. Look around you, almost everything
Chapter-4 that you can see (and many that you cannot)
grows and develops. These may be plants, cities,
ideas, nations, relationships or even you
yourself! What does this mean?

Do growth and development mean

the same thing?
Do they accompany each other?

This chapter discusses the concept of

human development as it pertains to nations
and communities.

Human Development

pu T

Both growth and development refer to changes
re R over a period of time. The difference is that
growth is quantitative and value neutral. It may

have a positive or a negative sign. This means
that the change may be either positive (showing
an increase) or negative (indicating a decrease).
Development means a qualitative change
be C
which is always value positive. This means that
development cannot take place unless there is
an increment or addition to the existing
o N

conditions. Development occurs when positive

growth takes place. Yet, positive growth does
not always lead to development. Development
occurs when there is a positive change in

For example, if the population of a city

grows from one lakh to two lakhs over a period
of time, we say the city has grown. However, if a
facilities like housing, provision of basic services
and other characteristics remain the same, then
this growth has not been accompanied by
Can you think of a few more examples to
differentiate between growth and development?

Write a short essay or draw a set of pictures illustrating


growth without development and growth with

For many decades, a country’s level of
development was measured only in terms of its
Band Aceh, June, 2004 Band Aceh, December, 2004

Do you know that cities can also grow negatively? Look at the photographs of this tsunami
affected city. Are natural disasters the only reasons for negative growth in a city’s size?

economic growth. This meant that the bigger The concept of human development was

pu T
the economy of the country, the more developed introduced by Dr Mahbub-ul-Haq. Dr Haq has

it was considered, even though this growth did described human development as development
not really mean much change in the lives of most that enlarges people’s choices and improves
people. re R their lives. People are central to all development

The idea that the quality of life people enjoy under this concept. These choices are not fixed
in a country, the opportunities they have and but keep on changing. The basic goal of
freedoms they enjoy, are important aspects of development is to create conditions where
development, is not new. people can live meaningful lives.
These ideas were clearly spelt out for the A meaningful life is not just a long one. It
be C
first time in the late eighties and early nineties. must be a life with some purpose. This means
The works of two South Asian economists, that people must be healthy, be able to develop
Mahbub-ul-Haq and Amartya Sen are their talents, participate in society and be free
o N

important in this regard. to achieve their goals.


Dr Mahbub-ul-Haq and Prof Amartya Sen were close friends and have worked together under the leadership of Dr
Haq to bring out the initial Human Development Reports. Both these South Asian economists have been able to
provide an alternative view of development.

A man of vision and compassion, Pakistani economist Dr Mahbub-ul-Haq created the Human Development
Index in 1990. According to him, development is all about enlarging people’s choices in order to lead long,
healthy lives with dignity. The United Nations Development Programme has used his concept of human development
to publish the Human Development Report annually since 1990.

Dr Haq’s flexibility of mind and ability to think out of the box can be illustrated from one of his speeches where
he quoted Shaw saying, “‘You see things that are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why


Nobel Laureate Prof Amartya Sen saw an increase in freedom (or decrease in unfreedom) as the main objective

of development. Interestingly, increasing freedoms is also one of the most effective ways of bringing about
development. His work explores the role of social and political institutions and processes in increasing freedom.

The works of these economists are path breaking and have succeeded in bringing people to the centre of any
discussion on development.

Human Development 23
What is a Meaningful Life?

h ed
pu T
re R
be C
o N

Which of these lives is a meaningful life?

tt ©

Who do you think leads more meaningful life? What makes one of these more meaningful than the other?

24 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Leading a long and healthy life, being able For example, in any country, it is interesting
to gain knowledge and having enough means to see which group the most of the school
to be able to live a decent life are the most dropouts belong to. This should then lead to an
important aspects of human development. understanding of the reasons for such behaviour.
Therefore, access to resources, health and In India, a large number of women and persons
education are the key areas in human belonging to socially and economically
development. Suitable indicators have been backward groups drop out of school. This shows
developed to measure each of these aspects. Can how the choices of these groups get limited by
you think of some? not having access to knowledge.
Sustainability means continuity in the

Very often, people do not have the
capability and freedom to make even basic availability of opportunities. To have
choices. This may be due to their inability to sustainable human development, each
acquire knowledge, their material poverty, generation must have the same opportunities.
social discrimination, inefficiency of institutions All environmental, financial and human
resources must be used keeping in mind the

and other reasons. This prevents them from
future. Misuse of any of these resources will

pu T
leading healthy lives, being able to get educated
lead to fewer opportunities for future
or to have the means to live a decent life.

Building people’s capabilities in the areas A good example is about the importance
re R
of health, education and access to resources is
therefore, important in enlarging their choices.
of sending girls to school. If a community does

not stress the importance of sending its girl
If people do not have capabilities in these areas, children to school, many opportunities will be
their choices also get limited. lost to these young women when they grow up.
For example, an uneducated child cannot Their career choices will be severely curtailed
make the choice to be a doctor because her and this would affect other aspects of their lives.
be C
choice has got limited by her lack of education. So each generation must ensure the availability
Similarly, very often poor people cannot choose of choices and opportunities to its future
to take medical treatment for disease because generations.
o N

their choice is limited by their lack of resources. Productivity here means human labour
productivity or productivity in terms of human
work. Such productivity must be constantly
enriched by building capabilities in people.
Ultimately, it is people who are the real wealth

Enact a five-minute play with your classmates showing of nations. Therefore, efforts to increase their
how choices are limited due to lack of capability in the knowledge, or provide better health facilities
areas of either income, education or health.
ultimately leads to better work efficiency.
Empowerment means to have the power
THE FOUR PILLARS OF HUMAN to make choices. Such power comes from
DEVELOPMENT increasing freedom and capability. Good
governance and people-oriented policies are
Just as any building is supported by pillars, required to empower people. The empowerment
the idea of human development is supported of socially and economically disadvantaged
by the concepts of equity, sustainability, groups is of special importance.

productivity and empowerment.

Equity refers to making equal access to
opportunities available to everybody. The
opportunities available to people must be equal Talk to the vegetable vendor in your neighbourhood and

irrespective of their gender, race, income and find out if she has gone to school. Did she drop out of
in the Indian case, caste. Yet this is very often school? Why? What does this tell you about her choices
not the case and happens in almost every and the freedom she has? Note how her opportunities
society. were limited because of her gender, caste and income.

Human Development 25
APPROACHES TO HUMAN write and the number of children enrolled in
DEVELOPMENT schools show how easy or difficult it is to access
knowledge in a particular country.
There are many ways of looking at the problem
Access to resources is measured in terms
of human development. Some of the important
of purchasing power (in U.S. dollars).
approaches are: (a) The income approach; (b) The
Each of these dimensions is given a
welfare approach; (c) Minimum needs approach;
weightage of 1/3. The human development
and (d) Capabilities approach (Table 4.1).
index is a sum total of the weights assigned to
all these dimensions.

The closer a score is to one, the greater is
The human development index (HDI) ranks the the level of human development. Therefore, a
countries based on their performance in the key score of 0.983 would be considered very high
areas of health, education and access to while 0.268 would mean a very low level of
resources. These rankings are based on a score human development.

between 0 to 1 that a country earns from its The human development index measures

pu T
record in the key areas of human development. attainments in human development. It reflects

The indicator chosen to assess health is what has been achieved in the key areas of
the life expectancy at birth. A higher life human development. Yet it is not the most
re R
expectancy means that people have a greater
chance of living longer and healthier lives.
reliable measure. This is because it does not
say anything about the distribution.

The adult literacy rate and the gross The human poverty index is related to the
enrolment ratio represent access to knowledge. human development index. This index
The number of adults who are able to read and measures the shortfall in human development.
be C
Table 4.1: Approaches to Human Development

(a) Income Approach This is one of the oldest approaches to human

development. Human development is seen as being
o N

linked to income. The idea is that the level of income

reflects the level of freedom an individual enjoys.
Higher the level of income, the higher is the level of
human development.

(b) Welfare Approach This approach looks at human beings as beneficiaries

or targets of all development activities. The approach
argues for higher government expenditure on
education, health, social secondary and amenities.
People are not participants in development but only
passive recipients. The government is responsible for
increasing levels of human development by
maximising expenditure on welfare.

(c) Basic Needs Approach This approach was initially proposed by the
International Labour Organisation (ILO). Six basic

needs i.e.: health, education, food, water supply,

sanitation, and housing were identified. The question
of human choices is ignored and the emphasis is on
the provision of basic needs of defined sections.

(d) Capability Approach This approach is associated with Prof. Amartya Sen.
Building human capabilities in the areas of health,
education and access to resources is the key to
increasing human development.

26 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Bhutan is the only country in the world to
officially proclaim the Gross National
Happiness (GNH) as the measure of the
country’s progress. Material progress and
technological developments are approached
more cautiously taking into consideration the
possible harm they might bring to the
environment or the other aspects of cultural

and spiritual life of the Bhutanese. This simply
means material progress cannot come at the
cost of happiness. GNH encourages us to
think of the spiritual, non-material and
qualitative aspects of development.

pu T

Since 1990, the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) has been International comparisons of human
re R
publishing the Human Development Report development are interesting. Size of the territory

every year. This report provides a rank-wise and per capita income are not directly related
list of all member countries according to the to human development. Often smaller countries
level of human development. The Human have done better than larger ones in human
Development index and the Human Poverty development. Similarly, relatively poorer nations
index are two important indices to measure have been ranked higher than richer neighbours
be C
human development used by the UNDP. in terms of human development.
For example, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and
Tobago have a higher rank than India in the
It is a non-income measure. The probability of
o N

human development index despite having

not surviving till the age of 40, the adult illiteracy
smaller economies. Similarly, within India,
rate, the number of people who do not have
Kerala performs much better than Punjab and
access to clean water, and the number of small Gujarat in human development despite having
children who are underweight are all taken into lower per capita income.

account to show the shortfall in human Countries can be classified into four
development in any region. Often the human groups on the basis of the human development
poverty index is more revealing than the human scores earned by them (Table 4.2).
development index.
Looking at both these measures of human Table 4.2: Human Development: Categories, Criteria
development together gives an accurate picture and Countries
of the human development situation in a
Level of Human Score in Number of
country. Development Development Countries
The ways to measure human development Index
are constantly being refined and newer ways of

Very High above 0.793 47

capturing different elements of human
development are being researched. Researchers High between 0.698 47
have found links between the level of corruption up to 0.793
or political freedom in a particular region. There

Medium between 0.522 47

is also a discussion regarding a political up to 0.698
freedom index and, a listing of the most corrupt
countries. Can you think of other links to the Low below 0.522 46
level of human development? Source: Human Development Report, 2011

Human Development 27
Countries with very high human development Try to find out the percentage of the
index are those which have a score of over 0.793. country’s income spent on these sectors. Can
According to the Human Development Report you think of some other characteristics that
of 2011, this group includes 47 countries. Table these countries have in common?
4.3 shows the countries in this group.
You will notice that many of these countries
Table 4.3: Top Ten Countries with High Value Index have been the former imperial powers. The degree
of social diversity in these countries is not very
Sl. No. Country Sl. No. Country
high. Many of the countries with a high human
1. Norway 6. New Zealand
development score are located in Europe and

2. Australia 7. Ireland
3. United States 7. Sweden represent the industrialised western world. Yet
4. Netherlands 9. Switzerland there are striking numbers of non-European
5. Germany 10. Japan countries also who have made it to this list.
Source: Human Development Report, 2013 Countries with medium levels of human
development form the largest group. There are

47 countries in the medium level of human

pu T
Try to locate these countries on a map. development. Most of these are countries which

Can you see what these countries have in have emerged in the period after the Second
common? To find out more visit the official
re R
government websites of these countries.
World War. Some countries from this group were
former colonies while many others have emerged

High level of human development group after the break up of the erstwhile Soviet Union
has 47 countries. Providing education and in 1990. Many of these countries have been
healthcare is an important government priority. rapidly improving their human development
Countries with higher human development are score by adopting more people-oriented policies
be C
those where a lot of investment in the social and reducing social discrimination. Most of
sector has taken place. Altogether, a higher these countries have a much higher social
investment in people and good governance has diversity than the countries with higher human
o N

set this group of countries apart from the others. development scores. Many in this group have

India was 126th

in Human
Index as per
Report, 2006.
According to
HDI, 2013,
India’s rank has

further gone
down to 136.
What could be
the reason for

India to be
behind 135
countries in

28 Fundamentals of Human Geography

faced political instability and social uprisings To understand why a particular region
at some point of time in their recent history. keeps reporting low or high levels of human
As many as 46 countries record low levels development it is important to look at the
of human development. A large proportion of pattern of government expenditure on the
these are small countries which have been going social sector. The political environment of the
through political turmoil and social instability country and the amount of freedom people
in the form of civil war, famine or a high have is also important. Countries with high
incidence of diseases. There is an urgent need levels of human development invest more in
to address the human development the social sectors and are generally free from

requirements of this group through well
political turmoil and instability. Distribution
thought out policies.
of the country’s resources is also far more
International comparisons of human
development can show some very interesting equitable.
results. Often people tend to blame low levels On the other hand, places with low levels

of human development on the culture of the of human development tend to spend more on
people. For example, X country has lower defence rather than social sectors. This shows

pu T
human development because its people follow that these countries tend to be located in areas

Y religion, or belong to Z community. Such of political instability and have not been able
re R
statements are misleading. to initiate accelerated economic development.

be C

o N

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following best describes development?
(a) an increase in size (c) a positive change in quality

(b) a constant in size (d) a simple change in the quality

(ii) Which one of the following scholars introduced the concept of Human
(a) Prof. Amartya Sen (c) Dr Mahabub-ul-Haq
(b) Ellen C. Semple (d) Ratzel
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What are the three basic areas of human development?
(ii) Name the four main components of human development?
(iii) How are countries classified on the basis of human development index?

3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.

(i) What do you understand by the term human development?
(ii) What do equity and sustainability refer to within the concept of human


Human Development 29
Make a list of the ten most corrupt countries and ten least corrupt countries.
Compare their scores on the human development index. What inferences can
you draw?
Consult the latest Human Development Report for this.

h ed
pu T
re R
be C
o N

30 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Sixty years ago, Rekha was born in a family of
Unit I small farmer in Uttarakhand. She helped her
Chapter 3 mother in household chores. While her brothers
went to school, she did not receive any
education. She was dependent on her in laws
after she was widowed immediately after
marriage. She could not be economically
independent and faced neglect. Her brother
helped her to migrate to Delhi.
For the first time, she travelled by bus and
train and was exposed to a large city like Delhi.

After a while, the same city which attracted her

with its buildings, roads, avenues and facilities
and amenities disillusioned her.

With greater familiarity of the city, she
could comprehend the paradoxes. The jhuggi

T s
DEVELOPMENT and slum clusters, traffic jams, congestion,

crimes, poverty, small children begging on

R l
traffic lights, people sleeping on footpaths,
polluted water and air revealed another face of

E b
development. She used to think whether
development and under-development coexist?

Whether development help some segments of

population more than the other? Does

development create haves and have nots? Let

N re
us examine these paradoxes and try to
understand the phenomena.
Of all the paradoxes of our times

© e
mentioned in the story, development is the most
significant one. Development of a few regions,
individuals brought about in a short span of

time leads to poverty and malnutrition for many
along with large scale ecological degradation.

Is development class biased?
Apparently, it is believed that

“Development is freedom” which is often
associated with modernisation, leisure, comfort

and affluence. In the present context,

computerisation, industrialisation, efficient
transport and communication network, large

education system, advanced and modern
medical facilities, safety and security of
individuals, etc. are considered as the symbols
of development. Every individual, community
and government measures its performance or
levels of development in relation to the
availability and access to some of these things.
But, this may be partial and one-sided view of
development. It is often called the western or
euro-centric view of development. For a
postcolonial country like India, colonisation, existence of our society. Consequently, the poor
marginalisation, social discrimination and are being subjected to three inter-related
regional disparity, etc. show the other face of processes of declining capabilities; i.e. (1) social
development. capabilities – due to displacement and
Thus, for India, development is a mixed weakening social ties (social capital),
bag of opportunities as well as neglect and (2) environmental capabilities – due to pollution
deprivations. There are a few areas like the and, (3) personal capabilities – due to
metropolitan centres and other developed increasing incidence of diseases and accidents.
enclaves that have all the modern facilities This, in turn, has adverse effects on their quality
available to a small section of its population. At of life and human development.
the other extreme of it, there are large rural Based on the above experiences, it can be

areas and the slums in the urban areas that do said that the present development has not been

not have basic amenities like potable water, able to address the issues of social injustice,
education and health infrastructure available regional imbalances and environmental

to majority of this population. The situation is degradation. On the contrary, it is being widely
more alarming if one looks at the distribution considered as the prime cause of the social

T s
of the development opportunities among distributive injustices, deterioration in the

different sections of our society. It is a well-

quality of life and human development,

established fact that majority of the scheduled ecological crisis and social unrest. Does

castes, scheduled tribes, landless agricultural development create, reinforce and perpetuate

labourers, poor farmers and slums dwellers, etc. these crises? Thus, it was thought to take up

are the most marginalised lot. A large segment human development as a separate issue against

of female population is the worst sufferers the prevalent western views of development

among all. It is also equally true that the relative which considers development as the remedy to

N re
as well as absolute conditions of the majority all the ills including human development,
of these marginalised sections have worsened regional disparities and environmental crisis.
with the development happening over the years. Concerted efforts were made to look at
Consequently, vast majority of people are

© e
development critically at various times in the
compelled to live under abject poverty and sub- past. But, most systematic effort towards this
human conditions. was the publication of the First Human

There is yet another inter-related aspect Development Report by United Nations
of development that has direct bearings on the Development Programme (UNDP) in 1990.
deteriorating human conditions. It pertains to Since then, this organisation has been bringing

the environmental pollution leading to out World Human Development Report every

ecological crisis. Air, soil, water and noise year. This report does not only define human
pollutions have not only led to the ‘tragedy of development, make amendments and changes

commons’ but these have also threatened the its indicators but also ranks all the countries

What is Human Development?

“Human development is a process of enlarging the range of people’s choices, increasing their
opportunities for education, health care, income and empowerment and covering the full range of
human choices from a sound physical environment to economic, social and political freedom.”
Thus, enlarging the range of people’s choices is the most significant aspect of human development.
People’s choices may involve a host of other issues, but, living a long and healthy life, to be educated
and have access to resources needed for a decent standard of living including political freedom,
guaranteed human rights and personal self-respect, etc. are considered some of the non-negotiable
aspects of the human development.

24 India : People and Economy

of the world based on the calculated scores. Low scores in the HDI is a matter of serious
According to the Human Development Report concern but, some reservations have been
1993, “progressive democratisation and expressed about the approach as well as
increasing empowerment of people are seen as indicators selected to calculate the index values
the minimum conditions for human and ranking of the states/countries. Lack of
development”. Moreover, it also mentions that sensitivity to the historical factors like
“development must be woven around people, colonisation, imperialism and neo-imperialism,
not the people around development” as was the socio-cultural factors like human rights
case previously. violation, social discrimination on the basis of
You have already studied the concepts, race, religion, gender and caste, social problems
indicators and approaches to human like crimes, terrorism, and war and political

development and methods of calculating the factors like nature of the state, forms of the

index in your book, “Fundamentals of Human government (democracy or dictatorship) level
Geography.” In this chapter, let us try to of empowerment are some factors that are very

understand the applicability of these concepts crucial in determining the nature of human
and indicators to India. development. These aspects have special

T s
significance in case of India and many other

HumanDevelopmentinIndia developing countries.

R l
Using the indicators selected by the UNDP,
India with a population of over 1.09 billion is the Planning Commission of India also

E b
ranked 127 among 172 countries of the world prepared the Human Development Report for
in terms of the Human Development Index India. It used states and the Union Territories

(HDI). With the composite HDI value of O.602

as the units of analysis. Subsequently, each
India finds herself grouped with countries

state government also started preparing the
showing medium human development state level Human Development Reports, using

N re
(UNDP 2005). districts as the units of analysis. Although, the
final HDI by the Planning Commission of India
Table 3.1 : Human Development Index has been calculated by taking the three

© e
Values of India and some other Countries indicators as discussed in the book entitled,
“Fundamentals of Human Geography”, yet,
Country HDI value Country HDI value this report also discussed other indicators like

Norway 0.963 Thailand 0.778 economic attainment, social empowerment,
Australia 0.955 Sri Lanka 0.751 social distributive justice, accessibility, hygiene

and various welfare measures undertaken by
Sweden 0.949 Iran 0.736

the state. Some of the important indicators have
Switzerland 0.947 Indonesia 0.697 been discussed in the following pages.
Egypt 0.659

U.S.A. 0.944
India 0.602 Indicators of Economic Attainments
Japan 0.943

Myanmar 0.578 Rich resource base and access to these
U.K. 0.939 resources by all, particularly the poor, down
Pakistan 0.527

France 0.938 trodden and the marginalised is the key to
Nepal 0.526
productivity, well-being and human
Germany 0.93 Bangladesh 0.52 development. Gross National Product (GNP)
Argentina 0.863 Kenya 0.474 and its per capita availability are taken as
Cuba 0.817 Zambia 0.394 measures to assess the resource base/
Russia 0.795 Chad 0.341 endowment of any country. For India, it is
Niger 0.281
estimated that its GDP was Rs. 3200 thousand
Brazil 0.792
crores (at current Price) and accordingly, per
Source: UNDP Human Development Report 2005, Oxford capita income was Rs. 20,813 at current prices.
University Press. pp.219-222. Apparently, these figures indicate an impressive
Human Development 25
performance but, prevalence of poverty, Table 3.2 : Poverty in India, 1999-2000
deprivation, malnutrition, illiteracy, various
types of prejudices and above all social State % of Population
distributive injustices and large-scale regional below
poverty line
disparities belie all the so-called economic
achievements. Andhra Pradesh 15.77
There are a few developed States like Arunachal Pradesh 33.47
Maharashtra, Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat and Assam 36.09
Delhi that have per capita income more than Bihar 42.60
Rs. 4,000 (figure at 1980-81 prices) per year Goa 4.40
and there are a large number of poorer States

Gujarat 14.07
like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Haryana 8.47

Pradesh, Assam, Jammu and Kashmir, etc. Himachal Pradesh 7.63
which have recorded per capita income less West Bengal 27.02

than Rs. 2,000. Corresponding to these Andaman & Nicobar 20.99
disparities, the developed states have higher per

Chandigarh 5.75

capita consumption expenditure as compared

Jammu & Kashmir 3.48
to the poorer states. It was estimated to be more

Karnataka 20.04

than Rs. 690 per capita per month in States Kerala 12.72
like Punjab, Haryana, Kerala, Maharashtra and

Madhya Pradesh 37.43

Gujarat and below Rs. 520 per capita per Maharashtra 25.02
month in States like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,

Manipur 28.54

Orissa and Madhya Pradesh, etc. These Meghalaya 33.87

variations are indicative of some other deep- Mizoram 19.47
seated economic problems like poverty,

N re
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 17.14
unemployment and under-employment.
Daman & Diu 4.44
The disaggregated data of poverty for Delhi 8.23
the states show that there are States like

© e
Nagaland 32.67
Orissa and Bihar which have recorded more
Orissa 47.15
than 40 per cent of their population living Punjab 6.16
below the poverty line. The States of Madhya

Rajasthan 15.28
Pradesh, Sikkim, Assam, Tripura, Arunachal
Sikkim 36.55
Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland have more Tamil Nadu 21.12

than 30 per cent of their population below
Tripura 34.44

poverty line. “Poverty is a state of
Uttar Pradesh 31.15
deprivation. In absolute terms it reflects the
Lakshadweep 15.60
inability of an individual to satisfy certain

Pondichery 21.67
basic needs for a sustained, healthy and
India 26.10

reasonably productive living.” Employment
rate for educated youth is 25 per cent. Jobless Source: Planning Commission of India, (2001): India

National Human Development Report, p.166.
growth and rampant unemployment are some

Which one of the states in India has the highest proportion of population below poverty line?

Arrange the states on the basis of their percentage of population below poverty line in ascending order.

Select 10 states which have the high proportion of population below poverty line and represent the data by bar

26 India : People and Economy

of the important reasons for higher incidences Table 3.3 : India Literacy Rates, 2001
of poverty in India.
State Total Female
literacy literacy
Andaman & Nicobar 81.18 75.29
Life free from illness and ailment and living a
Andhra Pradesh 61.11 51.17
reasonably long life span are indicative of a
healthy life. Availability of pre and post natal Arunachal Pradesh 54.74 44.24
health care facilities in order to reduce infant Assam 64.28 56.03
mortality and post delivery deaths among Bihar 47.53 33.57
mothers, old age health care, adequate nutrition Chandigarh 85.65 76.65

and safety of individual are some important Chhattisgarh 65.18 52.4
measures of a healthy and reasonably long life. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 60.03 42.99

India has done reasonably well in some of the Daman & Diu 81.09 70.37
health indicators like decline in death rate from

Delhi 81.82 75
25.1 per thousand in 1951 to 8.1 per thousand Goa 82.32 75.51

T s
in 1999 and infant mortality from 148 per Gujarat 69.97 58.6

thousand to 70 during the same period.

Haryana 68.59 56.31

Similarly, it also succeeded in increasing life
expectancy at birth from 37.1 years to 62.3 Himachal Pradesh 77.13 68.08

years for males and 36.2 to 65.3 years for Jammu & Kashmir 54.46 41.82

females from 1951 to 1999. Though, these are Jharkhand 54.13 39.38

great achievements, a lot needs to be done. Karnataka 67.04 57.45

Similarly, it has also done reasonably well in Kerala 90.92 87.86

bringing down birth rate from 40.8 to 26.1 Lakshadweep 87.52 81.56

N re
during the same years, but it still is much higher Madhya Pradesh 64.11 50.28
than many developed countries. Maharashtra 77.27 67.51
The situation is more alarming when seen Manipur 68.87 59.7

© e
in the context of gender specific and rural and Meghalaya 63.31 60.41
urban health indicators. India has recorded
Mizoram 88.49 86.13
declining female sex ratio. The findings of 2001

Nagaland 67.11 61.92
Census of India are very disturbing particularly
in case of child sex ratio between 0-6 age Orissa 63.61 50.97

groups. The other significant features of the Pondicherry 81.49 74.13

report are, with the exception of Kerala, the Punjab 69.95 63.55

child sex ratio has declined in all the states Rajasthan 61.03 44.34
and it is the most alarming in the developed Sikkim 69.68 61.46

state of Haryana and Punjab where it is Tamil Nadu 73.47 64.55
below 800 female children per thousand

Tripura 73.66 65.41
male children. What factors are responsible for Uttar Pradesh 57.36 42.98
it? Is it the social attitude or scientific methods

Uttaranchal 72.28 60.26
of sex-determination? West Bengal 69.22 60.22
Indicators of Social Empowerment India 65.38 54.16
Source: Census of India, 2001; Provisional Population
“Development is freedom”. Freedom from Tables Series -1, p.142.
hunger, poverty, servitude, bondage,
ignorance, illiteracy and any other forms of
domination is the key to human development. of the people in the exercise of their capabilities
Freedom in real sense of the term is possible and choices in the society. Access to knowledge
only with the empowerment and participation about the society and environment are

Human Development 27
fundamental to freedom. Literacy is the Table 3.4 : India – Human Development
beginning of access to such a world of Index-2001
knowledge and freedom.
State HDI Value

Andhra Pradesh 0.416

Assam 0.386
Represent the literacy rates for states having more than Bihar 0.367
the national average by bar diagram after arranging the Gujarat 0.479
data in descending order. Haryana 0.509
Karnataka 0.478
Why is the total literacy rates in Kerala, Mizoram,

Kerala 0.638
Lakshadweep and Goa are higher than other states?
Madhya Pradesh 0.394

Can literacy reflect the status of Human Developments? Maharashtra 0.523
Orissa 0.404

Punjab 0.537
Table 3.3 showing the percentage of

T s
Rajasthan 0.424
literates in India reveals some interesting

Tamil Nadu 0.531


Uttar Pradesh 0.388
• Overall literacy in India is West Bengal 0.472

approximately 65. 4 per cent (2001).

Source: Planning Commission of India (2001): India
while female literacy is 54.16 per cent. National Human Development Report 2001, p.25

• Total literacy as well as female literacy
India has been placed among the

is higher than the national average in
countries showing medium human

most of the states from south India.
development. What is the rank of India among

N re
• There are wide regional disparities in
literacy rate across the states of India. the 172 countries of the world? As indicated
There is a state like Bihar which has in table 3.4 Kerala with the composite index
very low (47.53 per cent) literacy and value of 0.638 is placed at the top rank

© e
there are states like Kerala and followed by Punjab (0.537), Tamil Nadu (0.531)
Mizoram which have literacy rates of Maharashtra (0.523) and Haryana (0.509). As
expected, states like Bihar (0.367), Assam

90.92 and 88.49 per cent respectively.
Apart from the spatial variations, (0.386), Uttar Pradesh (0.388), Madhya
percentage of literates in the rural areas and Pradesh (0.394) and Orissa (0.404) are at the

among the marginalised sections of our society bottom among the 15 major states in India.

such as females, scheduled castes, scheduled There are several socio-political, economic
tribes, agricultural labourers, etc. is very low. and historical reasons for such a state of
affairs. Kerala is able to record the highest value

It is worth mentioning here that though, there
has been improvement in the percentage of in the HDI largely due to its impressive

literates among the marginalised section yet the performance in achieving near hundred per
gap between the richer and the marginalised cent literacy (90.92 per cent) in 2001. In a

sections of the population has increased over different scenario the states like Bihar, Madhya
the years. Pradesh, Orissa, Assam and Uttar Pradesh
have very low literacy. For example, total
HumanDevelopmentIndexinIndia literacy rate for Bihar was as low as 60.32 per
cent during the same year. States showing
In the backdrop of the above-mentioned higher total literacy rates have less gaps
important indicators the Planning Commission between the male and female literacy rates. For
calculated the human development index by Kerala, it is 6.34 per cent, while it is 26.75 per
taking states and union territories as the unit cent in Bihar and 25.95 per cent in Madhya
of analysis. Pradesh.

28 India : People and Economy

e d
T s h
R li
E u b
Can you find out the
N re p
© e
causes of the above

Apart from the educational attainment, the PopulationE
, nvironmentandDevelopment

levels of economic development too play
significant impacts on HDI. Economically Development in general and human

developed states like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu development in particular is a complex concept
and Punjab and Haryana have higher value of used in social sciences. It is complex because

HDI as compared to states like Assam, Bihar, for ages it was thought that development is a
substantive concept and once it is achieved it

Madhya Pradesh, etc.
Re gio nal d isto rtio ns and s o c i a l will address all the socio-cultural and
environmental ills of the society. Though,

disparities which developed during the
colonial period continue to play an important development has brought in significant
role in the Indian economy, polity and society. improvement in the quality of life in more than
The Government of India has made concerted one way but increasing regional disparities,
efforts to institutionalise the balanced social inequalities, discriminations, deprivations,
development with its main focus on social displacement of people, abuse of human rights
distributive justice through planned and undermining human values and
development. It has made significant environmental degradation have also increased.
achievements in most of the fields but, these Considering the gravity and sensitivity of
are still below the desired level. the issues involved, the UNDP in its Human

Human Development 29
Development Report 1993, tried to amend some scarcity of resources as compared to the human
of the implicit biases and prejudices which were population. Apparently this argument looks
entrenched in the concept of development. logical and convincing, but a critical look will
People’s participation and their security were the reveal certain intrinsic flaws such as resources
major issues in the Human Development Report are not a neutral category. It is not the
of 1993. It also emphasised on progressive availability of resources that is as important as
democratisation and increasing empowerment their social distribution. Resources everywhere
of people as minimum conditions for human are unevenly distributed. Rich countries and
development. The report recognised greater people have access to large resource baskets
constructive role of ‘Civil Societies’ in bringing while the poor find their resources shrinking.
Moreover, unending pursuit for the control of
about peace and human development. The civil

society should work for building up opinion for more and more resources by the powerful and
use of the same for exhibiting ones prowess is

reduction in the military expenditure, de-
the prime cause of conflicts as well as the
mobilisation of armed forces, transition from
apparent contradictions between population-

defence to production of basic goods and services resource and development.
and particularly disarmament and reduction in

T s
Indian culture and civilisation have been
the nuclear warheads by the developed

very sensitive to the issues of population,

countries. In a nuclearised world, peace and

resource and development for a long time. It
well-being are major global concerns. would not be incorrect to say that the ancient

At the other extreme of this approach lie scriptures were essentially concerned about the

the views expressed by the Neo-Malthusians, balance and harmony among the elements of

environmentalists and radical ecologists. They nature. Mahatma Gandhi in the recent times

believe that for a happy and peaceful social life advocated the reinforcement of the harmony and

proper balance between population and balance between the two. He was quite

N re
resources is a necessary condition. According apprehensive about the on-going development
to these thinkers, the gap between the resources particularly the way industrialisation has
and population has widened after eighteenth institutionalised the loss of morality, spirituality,
century. There have been marginal expansion

© e
self-reliance, non-violence and mutual co-
in the resources of the world in the last three operation and environment. In his opinion,
hundred years but there has been phenomenal austerity for individual, trusteeship of social

growth in the human population. Development wealth and non-violence are the key to attain
has only contributed in increasing the multiple higher goals in the life of an individual as well as
uses of the limited resources of the world while that of a nation. His views were also re-echoed

there has been enormous increase in the demand in the Club of Rome Report “Limits to Growth”

for these resources. Therefore, the prime task (1972), Schumacher’s book “Small is
before any development activity is to maintain Beautiful” (1974), Brundtland Commission’s

parity between population and resources. Report “Our Common Future” (1987) and
Scholar like Sir Robert Malthus was the first finally in the “Agenda-21 Report of the Rio

one to voice his concern about the growing Conference” (1993).

30 India : People and Economy
1 . Choose the right answers of the following from the given options.
(i) Which one of the following is India’s rank in terms of Human Development
Index among the countries of the world in 2005?

(a) 126 (c) 128

(b) 127 (d) 129
(ii) Which one of the following states of India has the highest rank in the

Human Development Index?
(a) Tamil Nadu (c) Kerala

T is
(b) Punjab (d) Haryana

R l
(iii) Which one of the following states of India has the lowest female literacy?
(a) Jamu and Kashmir (c) Jharkhand

E b
(b) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Bihar
(iv) Which one of the following states of India has the lowest female child sex

C u
ratio 0-6 years?

(a) Gujarat (c) Punjab

N re
(b) Haryana (d) Himachal Pradesh
(v) Which one of the following Union Territories of India has the highest
literacy rate?

© e
(a) Lakshadweep (c) Daman and Diu
(b) Chandigarh (d) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

Define Human Development.
Give two reasons for low levels of Human Development in most of the

Northern States of India.

(iii) Give two reasons for declining child sex ratio in India.
3 . Answer the following questions in about 150 words.

(i) Discuss the spatial patterns of female literacy in India in 2001 and bring
out the reasons responsible for it.

(ii) Which factors have caused spatial variations in the levels of Human
Development among the 15 major states in India?

Human Development 31
Human activities which generate income are
Unit-III known as economic activities. Economic
Chapter-5 activities are broadly grouped into primary,
secondary, tertiary and quaternary activities.
Primary activities are directly dependent on
environment as these refer to utilisation of
earth’s resources such as land, water,
vegetation, building materials and minerals. It,
thus includes, hunting and gathering, pastoral

activities, fishing, forestry, agriculture, and
mining and quarrying.

Why are the inhabitants of coastal and

plain regions engaged in fishing and

agriculture respectively? What are the
Primary Activities

pu T
physical and social factors which affect the

type of primary activities in different
re R
People engaged in primary activities are called red-
collar workers due to the outdoor nature of their work.
be C


o N

The earliest human beings depended on their

immediate environment for their sustenance.
They subsisted on: (a) animals which they
hunted; and (b) the edible plants which they

gathered from forests in the vicinity.

Primitive societies depended on wild
animals. People located in very cold and
extremely hot climates survived on hunting. The
people in the coastal areas still catch fish though
fishing has experienced modernisation due to
technological progress. Many species, now have
become extinct or endangered due to illegal
hunting (poaching). The early hunters used
primitive tools made of stones, twigs or arrows

so the number of animals killed was limited.

Why has hunting been banned in India?
Gathering and hunting are the oldest
economic activity known. These are carried out

at different levels with different orientations.

Gathering is practised in regions with
harsh climatic conditions. It often involves
primitive societies, who extract, both plants and
animals to satisfy their needs for food, shelter Gathering is practised in: (i) high latitude
and clothing. This type of activity requires a zones which include northern Canada, northern
small amount of capital investment and Eurasia and southern Chile; (ii) Low latitude
operates at very low level of technology. The zones such as the Amazon Basin, tropical
yield per person is very low and little or no Africa, Northern fringe of Australia and the
surplus is produced. interior parts of Southeast Asia (Fig. 5.2).
In modern times some gathering is market-
oriented and has become commercial. Gatherers
collect valuable plants such as leaves, barks of

trees and medicinal plants and after simple
processing sell the products in the market. They
use various parts of the plants, for example,
the bark is used for quinine, tanin extract and
cork— leaves supply materials for beverages,

drugs, cosmetics, fibres, thatch and fabrics;
nuts for food and oils and tree trunk yield

pu T
rubber, balata, gums and resins.

re R
The name of the part of the chewing gum after the flavour
is gone? It is called Chicle — it is made from the milky
juice of zapota tree.
be C

Gathering has little chance of becoming

Fig. 5.1: Women Gathering Oranges in Mizoram important at the global level. Products of such an
o N

Fig. 5.2: Areas of Subsistence Gathering

32 Fundamentals of Human Geography

activity cannot compete in the world market. Pastoral nomadism is associated with
Moreover, synthetic products often of better three important regions. The core region
quality and at lower prices, have replaced many extends from the Atlantic shores of North Africa
items supplied by the gatherers in tropical forests. eastwards across the Arabian peninsula into
Mongolia and Central China. The second region
PASTORALISM extends over the tundra region of Eurasia. In
At some stage in history, with the realisation the southern hemisphere there are small areas
that hunting is an unsustainable activity, in South-west Africa and on the island of
human beings might have thought of Madagascar (Fig. 5.4)

domestication of animals. People living in Movement in search of pastures is
different climatic conditions selected and undertaken either over vast horizontal
domesticated animals found in those regions. distances or vertically from one elevation to
Depending on the geographical factors, and another in the mountainous regions. The
technological development, animal rearing process of migration from plain areas to

today is practised either at the subsistence or pastures on mountains during summers and
again from mountain pastures to plain areas

pu T
at the commercial level.
during winters is known as transhumance. In

Nomadic Herding
re R mountain regions, such as Himalayas, Gujjars,
Nomadic herding or pastoral nomadism is a Bakarwals, Gaddis and Bhotiyas migrate from
primitive subsistence activity, in which the plains to the mountains in summers and to the

herders rely on animals for food, clothing, shelter, plains from the high altitude pastures in
winters. Similarly, in the tundra regions, the
tools and transport. They move from one place
to another along with their livestock, depending nomadic herders move from south to north in
on the amount and quality of pastures and summers and from north to south in winters.
be C

water. Each nomadic community occupies a The number of pastoral nomads has been
well-identified territory as a matter of tradition. decreasing and the areas operated by them
shrinking. This is due to (a) imposition of
political boundaries; (b) new settlement plans
o N

by different countries.

Commercial Livestock Rearing

Unlike nomadic herding, commercial livestock

rearing is more organised and capital intensive.

Commercial livestock ranching is essentially
associated with western cultures and is practised
on permanent ranches. These ranches cover
large areas and are divided into a number of
parcels, which are fenced to regulate the grazing.
When the grass of one parcel is grazed, animals
are moved to another parcel. The number of
Fig. 5.3: Nomads taking their sheep up to the animals in a pasture is kept according to the
Mountains at the onset of summer
carrying capacity of the pasture.

A wide variety of animals is kept in This is a specialised activity in which only

different regions. In tropical Africa, cattle are one type of animal is reared. Important animals
the most important livestock, while in Sahara include sheep, cattle, goats and horses.

and Asiatic deserts, sheep, goats and camel Products such as meat, wool, hides and skin
are reared. In the mountainous areas of Tibet are processed and packed scientifically and
and Andes, yak and llamas and in the Arctic exported to different world markets.
and sub Arctic areas, reindeer are the most Rearing of animals in ranching is
important animals. organised on a scientific basis. The main
Primary Activities 33
h ed
pu T
re R
Fig. 5.4: Areas of Nomadic Herding
be C

o N

Agriculture is practised under multiple

combinations of physical and socio-economic
conditions, which gives rise to different types of
agricultural systems.

Based on methods of farming, different

types of crops are grown and livestock raised.
The following are the main agricultural systems.

Subsistence Agriculture
Subsistence agriculture is one in which the
farming areas consume all, or nearly so, of the
Fig. 5.5: Commercial Livestock Rearing products locally grown. It can be grouped in
two categories — Primitive Subsistence
Agriculture and Intensive Subsistence

Reindeer rearing in the northern regions of Alaska where

most of the Eskimos own about two-third of the stock. Agriculture.
emphasis is on breeding, genetic improvement, Primitive Subsistence Agriculture
disease control and health care of the animals.

New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Primitive subsistence agriculture or shifting

Uruguay and United States of America are cultivation is widely practised by many tribes
important countries where commercial livestock in the tropics, especially in Africa, south and
rearing is practised (Fig. 5.6). central America and south east Asia (Fig. 5.7).

34 Fundamentals of Human Geography

h ed
pu T
re R
Fig. 5.6: Areas of Commercial Livestock Rearing
be C
o N

Fig. 5.7: Areas of Primitive Subsistence Agriculture

Primary Activities 35
The vegetation is usually cleared by fire, Basically, there are two types of intensive
and the ashes add to the fertility of the soil. subsistence agriculture.
Shifting cultivation is thus, also called slash (i) Intensive subsistence agriculture
and burn agriculture. The cultivated patches dominated by wet paddy cultivation: This
are very small and cultivation is done with very type of agriculture is characterised by
primitive tools such as sticks and hoes. After dominance of the rice crop. Land holdings
sometime (3 to 5 years) the soil looses its fertility are very small due to the high density of
and the farmer shifts to another parts and clears population. Farmers work with the help
other patch of the forest for cultivation. The of family labour leading to intensive use of

farmer may return to the earlier patch after land. Use of machinery is limited and most
sometime. One of the major problems of shifting of the agricultural operations are done by
cultivation is that the cycle of jhum becomes manual labour. Farm yard manure is used
less and less due to loss of fertility in different to maintain the fertility of the soil. In this
parcels. It is prevalent in tropical region in type of agriculture, the yield per unit area

different names, e.g. Jhuming in North eastern is high but per labour productivity is low.
states of India, Milpa in central America and (ii) Intensive subsidence agriculture

pu T
Mexico and Ladang in Indonesia and Malaysia. dominated by crops other than paddy:

Find out other areas and the names with which
re R Due to the difference in relief, climate, soil
shifting cultivation is done. and some of the other geographical factors,
it is not practical to grow paddy in many

Intensive Subsistence Agriculture parts of monsoon Asia. Wheat, soyabean,
barley and sorghum are grown in northern
This type of agriculture is largely found in
densely populated regions of monsoon Asia. China, Manchuria, North Korea and North
Japan. In India wheat is grown in western
be C
o N

Fig. 5.8: Areas of Intensive Subsistence Farming

36 Fundamentals of Human Geography

coconut and sugarcane plantations in the
Philippines. The Dutch once had monopoly
over sugarcane plantation in Indonesia. Some
coffee fazendas (large plantations) in Brazil are
still managed by Europeans.
Today, ownership of the majority of
plantations has passed into the hands of the
government or the nationals of the countries

h ed
Fig. 5.9: Rice Transplantation

pu T
parts of the Indo-Gangetic plains and
millets are grown in dry parts of western
re R
and southern India. Most of the
characteristics of this type of agriculture

are similar to those dominated by wet
paddy except that irrigation is often used.
Fig. 5.10: Tea Plantation
The Europeans colonised many parts in
The slopes of hills are used for tea plantations because
the world and they introduced some other forms
be C

of favourable geographical conditions.

of agriculture such as plantations which were
mainly profit-oriented large scale production
Extensive Commercial Grain Cultivation
o N

Commercial grain cultivation is practised in the

Plantation Agriculture interior parts of semi-arid lands of the mid-
latitudes. Wheat is the principal crop, though
Plantation agriculture as mentioned above was
other crops like corn, barley, oats and rye are
introduced by the Europeans in colonies

situated in the tropics. Some of the important also grown. The size of the farm is very large,
plantation crops are tea, coffee, cocoa, rubber, therefore entire operations of cultivation from
cotton, oil palm, sugarcane, bananas and ploughing to
pineapples. harvesting are
The characteristic features of this type of mechanised (Fig.
farming are large estates or plantations, large 5.11). There is low
capital investment, managerial and technical yield per acre but
support, scientific methods of cultivation, high yield per
single crop specialisation, cheap labour, and person. Why does
a good system of transportation which links this happen?

the estates to the factories and markets for the

export of the products. Fig. 5.11: Mechanised
Grain Farming
The French established cocoa and coffee
Combine crews are

plantations in west Africa. The British set up

large tea gardens in India and Sri Lanka, capable of harvesting
rubber plantations in Malaysia and sugarcane grain over many
and banana plantations in West Indies. hectares in a single
Spanish and Americans invested heavily in day.

Primary Activities 37
h ed
pu T
re R
Fig. 5.12: Areas of Extensive Commercial Grain Farming
be C

This type of agriculture is best developed building, extensive use of chemical fertilisers
in Eurasian steppes, the Canadian and and green manures and also by the skill and
American Prairies, the Pampas of Argentina, the expertise of the farmers.
o N

Velds of South Africa, the Australian Downs and

the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand. (Locate Dairy Farming
these areas on the world map). Dairy is the most advanced and efficient type of
rearing of milch animals. It is highly capital
Mixed Farming

intensive. Animal sheds, storage facilities for

This form of agriculture is found in the highly fodder, feeding and milching machines add to
developed parts of the world, e.g. North-western the cost of dairy farming. Special emphasis is
Europe, Eastern North America, parts of laid on cattle breeding, health care and
Eurasia and the temperate latitudes of veterinary services.
Southern continents (Fig. 5.14).
Mixed farms are moderate in size and
usually the crops associated with it are wheat,
barley, oats, rye, maize, fodder and root crops.
Fodder crops are an important component of

mixed farming. Crop rotation and intercropping

play an important role in maintaining soil
fertility. Equal emphasis is laid on crop
cultivation and animal husbandry. Animals like

cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry provide the main

income along with crops.
Mixed farming is characterised by high
capital expenditure on farm machinery and Fig. 5.13: A Dairy Farm in Austria

38 Fundamentals of Human Geography

h ed
pu T
re R
Fig. 5.14: Areas of Mixed Farming
be C

It is highly labour intensive as it involves There are three main regions of commercial
rigorous care in feeding and milching. There is dairy farming. The largest is North Western
no off season during the year as in the case of Europe the second is Canada and the third belt
o N

crop raising. includes South Eastern Australia, New Zealand

It is practised mainly near urban and and Tasmania (Fig. 5.16).
industrial centres which provide
neighbourhood market for fresh milk and dairy
Mediterranean Agriculture
products. The development of transportation,

refrigeration, pasteurisation and other Mediterranean agriculture is highly specialised

preservation processes have increased the commercial agriculture. It is practised in the
duration of storage of various dairy products. countries on either side of the Mediterranean

Fig. 5.15 (a): A vineyard in Switzerland Fig. 5.15 (b): Collection of

grapes in a collective farm of Kazakhstan

Primary Activities 39
h ed
pu T
re R
Fig. 5.16: Areas of Dairy Farming
be C

sea in Europe and in north Africa from Tunisia links with the urban centre where high income
to Atlantic coast, southern California, central group of consumers is located. It is both labour
Chile, south western parts of South Africa and and capital intensive and lays emphasis on the
o N

south and south western parts of Australia. use of irrigation, HYV seeds, fertilisers,
This region is an important supplier of citrus insecticides, greenhouses and artificial heating
fruits. in colder regions.
Viticulture or grape cultivation is a This type of agriculture is well developed

speciality of the Mediterranean region. Best in densely populated industrial districts of

quality wines in the world with distinctive north west Europe, north eastern United States
flavours are produced from high quality grapes of America and the Mediterranean regions. The
in various countries of this region. The inferior Netherlands specialises in growing flowers and
grapes are dried into raisins and currants. This horticultural crops especially tulips, which are
region also produces olives and figs. The flown to all major cities of Europe.
advantage of Mediterranean agriculture is that The regions where farmers specialise in
more valuable crops such as fruits and vegetables only, the farming is know as truck
vegetables are grown in winters when there is farming. The distance of truck farms from the
great demand in European and North American market is governed by the distance that a truck

markets. can cover overnight, hence the name truck

Market Gardening and Horticulture In addition to market gardening, a modern
development in the industrial regions of Western

Market gardening and horticulture specialise

in the cultivation of high value crops such as Europe and North America is factory farming.
vegetables, fruits and flowers, solely for the Livestock, particularly poultry and cattle
urban markets. Farms are small and are rearing, is done in stalls and pens, fed on
located where there are good transportation manufactured feedstuff and carefully

40 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Figure 5.17 (a): Vegetables being grown in the Figure 5.17 (b): Vegetables being loaded into a truck
vicinity of the city and cycle carts for transporting to city markets

supervised against diseases. This requires heavy is based on social ownership of the means of

pu T
capital investment in terms of building, production and collective labour. Collective

machinery for various operations, veterinary farming or the model of Kolkhoz was
introduced in erstwhile Soviet Union to improve
re R
services and heating and lighting. One of the
important features of poultry farming and cattle upon the inefficiency of the previous methods

rearing is breed selection and scientific of agriculture and to boost agricultural
production for self-sufficiency.
The farmers used to pool in all their
Types of farming can also be categorised
resources like land, livestock and labour.
according to the farming organisation. Farming However, they were allowed to retain very small
be C

organisation is affected by the way in which plots to grow crops in order to meet their daily
farmers own their farms and various policies of requirements.
the government which help to run these farms. Yearly targets were set by the government
o N

and the produce was also sold to the state at

Co-operative Farming fixed prices. Produce in excess of the fixed
amount was distributed among the members
A group of farmers form a co-operative society
or sold in the market. The farmers had to pay
by pooling in their resources voluntarily for taxes on the farm produces, hired machinery

more efficient and profitable farming. Individual etc. Members were paid according to the nature
farms remain intact and farming is a matter of of the work allotted to them by the farm
cooperative initiative. management. Exceptional work was rewarded
Co-operative societies help farmers, to in cash or kind. This type of farming was
procure all important inputs of farming, sell the introduced in former Soviet Union under the
products at the most favourable terms and help socialist regime which was adopted by the
in processing of quality products at cheaper socialist countries. After its collapse, these have
rates. already been modified.
Co-operative movement originated over a
century ago and has been successful in many MINING

western European countries like Denmark,

The discovery of minerals in the history of
Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Italy etc. In
human development, is reflected in many stages
Denmark, the movement has been so successful
in terms of copper age, bronze age and iron age.
that practically every farmer is a member of a

The use of minerals in ancient times was largely

co-operative. confined to the making of tools, utensils and
weapons. The actual development of mining
Collective Farming
began with the industrial revolution and its
The basic principle behind this types of farming importance is continuously increasing.

Primary Activities 41
as safety precautions and equipment is
relatively low in this method. The output is both
large and rapid.



h ed
pu T
re R Fig. 5.19: Methods of Mining

When the ore lies deep below the surface,

underground mining method (shaft method)

Fig. 5.18: Oil drilling operation has to be used. In this method, vertical shafts
in the Gulf of Mexico have to be sunk, from where underground
galleries radiate to reach the minerals.
Factors Affecting Mining Activity Minerals are extracted and transported to the
be C

surface through these passages. It requires

The profitability of mining operations thus,
specially designed lifts, drills, haulage vehicles,
depends on two main factors: ventilation system for safety and efficient
(i) Physical factors include the size, grade and
o N

movement of people and material. This method

the mode of occurrence of the deposits. is risky. Poisonous gases, fires, floods and
(ii) Economic factors such as the demand for caving in lead to fatal accidents. Have you ever
the mineral, technology available and used,
read about mine fires and flooding of coal
capital to develop infrastructure and the mines in India?

labour and transport costs.

The developed economies are retreating
from mining, processing and refining stages of
Methods of Mining
production due to high labour costs, while the
Depending on the mode of occurrence and the developing countries with large labour force and
nature of the ore, mining is of two types: surface striving for higher standard of living are
and underground mining. The surface mining becoming more important. Several countries
also known as open-cast mining is the easiest of Africa and few of south America and Asia
and the cheapest way of mining minerals that have over fifty per cent of the earnings from
occur close to the surface. Overhead costs such minerals alone.

42 Fundamentals of Human Geography

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following is not a plantation crop?

(a) Coffee (c) Wheat
(b) Sugarcane (d) Rubber
(ii) In which one of the following countries co-operative farming was the most
successful experiment?

(a) Russia (c) India

pu T
(b) Denmark (d) The Netherlands

(iii) Growing of flowers is called:
(a) Truck farming (c) Mixed farming
re R
(b) Factory farming (d) Floriculture

(iv) Which one of the following types of cultivation was developed by European
(a) Kolkoz (c) Mixed farming
(b) Viticulture (d) Plantation
be C

(v) In which one of the following regions is extensive commercial grain cultivation
not practised?
(a) American Canadian prairies (c) Pampas of Argentina
o N

(b) European Steppes (d) Amazon Basin

(vi) In which of the following types of agriculture is the farming of citrus fruit very
(a) Market gardening (c) Mediterranean agriculture

(b) Plantation agriculture (d) Co-operative farming

(vii) Which one type of agriculture amongst the following is also called ‘slash and
burn agriculture’?
(a) Extensive subsistence agriculture
(b) Primitive subsistence agriculture
(c) Extensive commercial grain cultivation
(d) Mixed farming
(viii) Which one of the following does not follow monoculture?
(a) Dairy farming (c) Plantation agriculture

(b) Mixed farming (d) Commercial grain farming

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Future of shifting cultivation is bleak. Discuss.

(ii) Market gardening is practised near urban areas. Why?

(iii) Large scale dairy farming is the result of the development of transportation
and refrigeration.

Primary Activities 43
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) Differentiate between Nomadic Herding and Commercial Livestock Rearing.
(ii) Discuss the important characteristic features of plantation agriculture. Name
a few important plantation crops from different countries.

Visit a nearby village and observe the cultivation of some crops. Ask
the farmers and list the various operations.

h ed
pu T
re R
be C
o N

44 Fundamentals of Human Geography

You must have observed that the land around
Unit III you is put to different uses. Some land is
Chapter 5 occupied by rivers, some may have trees and
on some parts roads and buildings have been
built. Different types of lands are suited to
different uses. Human beings thus, use land
as a resource for production as well as residence
and recreation. Thus, the building of your
school, roads on which you travel, parks in
which you play, fields in which crops are grown
and the pastures where animals graze represent
different uses to which land is put.

Land Use Categories

LAND RESOURCES Land-use records are maintained by land
AND AGRICULTURE revenue department. The land use categories
add up to reporting area, which is somewhat
different from the geographical area. The
Survey of India is responsible for measuring
geographical area of administrative units in
India. Have you ever used a map prepared by
Survey of India? The difference between the two
concepts are that while the former changes
somewhat depending on the estimates of the
land revenue records, the latter does not change
and stays fixed as per Survey of India
measurements. You may be familiar with land
use categories as they are also included in your
Social Science textbook of Class X.

The land-use categories as maintained in

the Land Revenue Records are as follows :
(i) Forests : It is important to note that
area under actual forest cover is
different from area classified as forest.
The latter is the area which the
Government has identified and
demarcated for forest growth. The land
revenue records are consistent with
the latter definition. Thus, there may
be an increase in this category without
any increase in the actual forest cover.
(ii) Land put to Non-agricultural Uses :
Land under settlements (rural and
urban), infrastructure (roads, canals,
etc.), industries, shops, etc. are
included in this category. An expansion
in the secondary and tertiary activities

would lead to an increase in this Land-use Changes in India
category of land-use.
Land-use in a region, to a large extent, is
(iii) Barren and Wastelands : The land influenced by the nature of economic
which may be classified as a activities carried out in that region. However,
wasteland such as barren hilly while economic activities change over time,
terrains, desert lands, ravines, etc. land, like many other natural resources, is
normally cannot be brought under fixed in terms of its area. At this stage, one
cultivation with the available needs to appreciate three types of changes
technology. that an economy undergoes, which affect
(iv) Area under Permanent Pastures and land-use.
Grazing Lands : Most of this type land (i) The size of the economy (measured
is owned by the village ‘Panchayat’ or in terms of value for all the goods and
the Government. Only a small services produced in the economy)
proportion of this land is privately grows over time as a result of
owned. The land owned by the village increasing population, change in
panchayat comes under ‘Common income levels, available technology
Property Resources’. and associated factors. As a result, the
(v) Area under Miscellaneous Tree pressure on land will increase with
Crops and Groves(Not included is time and marginal lands would come
Net sown Area) : The land under under use.
orchards and fruit trees are included (ii) Secondly, the composition of the
in this category. Much of this land is economy would undergo a change over
privately owned. time. In other words, the secondary and
the tertiary sectors usually grow much
(vi) Culturable Waste-Land : Any land
which is left fallow (uncultivated) for faster than the primary sector, specifically
more than five years is included in this the agricultural sector. This type of
category. It can be brought under change is common in developing
cultivation after improving it through countries like India. This process would
reclamation practices. result in a gradual shift of land from
agricultural uses to non-agricultural
(vii) Current Fallow : This is the land uses. You would observe that such
which is left without cultivation for one
changes are sharp around large urban
or less than one agricultural year.
areas. The agricultural land is being used
Fallowing is a cultural practice adopted
for building purposes.
for giving the land rest. The land
recoups the lost fertility through natural (iii) Thirdly, though the contribution of the
processes. agricultural activities reduces over time,
the pressure on land for agricultural
(viii) Fallow other than Current Fallow : activities does not decline. The reasons
This is also a cultivable land which is for continued pressure on agricultural
left uncultivated for more than a year land are:
but less than five years. If the land is (a) In developing countries, the
left uncultivated for more than five
share of population dependent
years, it would be categorised as
on agriculture usually declines
culturable wasteland.
much more slowly compared to
(ix) Net Area Sown : The physical the decline in the sector’s share
extent of land on which crops are in GDP.
sown and harvested is known as net (b) The number of people that the
sown area. agricultural sector has to feed is
increasing day by day.

Land Resources and Agriculture 41

Note : Categories (iv) and (v) of Section I have been clubbed together in the graph.
Fig. 5.1

depending on the contribution from

industrial and services sectors and
Compare the change in shares of primary, secondary expansion of related infrastructural
and tertiary sectors in GDP between 1960-61 and 1999- facilities. Also, an expansion of area
2000 with the changes of land-use between 1960-61 under both urban and rural settlements
and 2008-09 using Appendix (vii) Tables 1 and 2. has added to the increase. Thus, the area
under non-agricultural uses is
India has undergone major changes within increasing at the expense of wastelands
the economy over the past four or five decades, and agricultural land.
and this has influenced the land-use changes (ii) The increase in the share under forest,
in the country. These changes between 1960- as explained before, can be accounted
61 and 2008-09 have been shown in Fig. 5.1. for by increase in the demarcated area
There are two points that you need to remember under forest rather than an actual
before you derive some meaning from this increase in the forest cover in the country.
figure. Firstly, the percentages shown in the (iii) The increase in the current fallow cannot
figure have been derived with respect to the
be explained from information
reporting area. Secondly, since even the
pertaining to only two points. The trend
reporting area has been relatively constant over
of current fallow fluctuates a great deal
the years, a decline in one category usually
over years, depending on the variability
leads to an increase in some other category.
Four categories have undergone increases, of rainfall and cropping cycles.
while four have registered declines. Share of (iv) The increase in net area sown is a recent
area under forest, area under non-agricultural phenomenon due to use of culturable
uses, current fallow lands and net area sown waste land for agricultural pupose.
have shown an increase. The following Before which it was registering a slow
observations can be made about these decrease. There are indications that
increases: most of the decline had occurred due to
(i) The rate of increase is the highest in case the increases in area under non-
of area under non-agricultural uses. This agricultural use. (Note : the expansion
is due to the changing structure of of building activity on agricultural land
Indian economy, which is increasingly in your village and city).

42 India : People and Economy

The four categories that have registered a particular relevance for the livelihood of the
decline are barren and wasteland, culturable landless and marginal farmers and other
wasteland, area under pastures and tree crops weaker sections since many of them depend on
and fallow lands. income from their livestock due to the fact that
The following explanations can be given they have limited access to land. CPRs also are
for the declining trends: important for women as most of the fodder and
(i) As the pressure on land increased, both fuel collection is done by them in rural areas.
from the agricultural and non- They have to devote long hours in collecting fuel
agricultural sectors, the wastelands and and fodder from a degraded area of CPR.
culturable wastelands have witnessed CPRs can be defined as community’s natural
decline over time. resource, where every member has the right of
(ii) The decline in land under pastures and access and usage with specified obligations,
grazing lands can be explained by without anybody having property rights over
pressure from agricultural land. Illegal them. Community forests, pasture lands, village
encroachment due to expansion of water bodies and other public spaces where a
cultivation on common pasture lands is group larger than a household or family unit
largely responsible for this decline. exercises rights of use and carries responsibility
of management are examples of CPRs.
Agricultural Land Use in India
What is the difference between actual increase and Land resource is more crucial to the livelihood
rate of increase? Work out the actual increase and of the people depending on agriculture:
rate of increases for all the land use categories between (i) Agriculture is a purely land based
1960-61 and 2008-09 from the data given in the Appendix activity unlike secondary and tertiary
(vii) (Table 1). Explain the results. activities. In other words, contribution
Note for Teacher of land in agricultural output is more
compared to its contribution in the
For calculating actual increase, the difference of the outputs in the other sectors. Thus, lack
land-use categories should be worked out over the two of access to land is directly correlated
periods. with incidence of poverty in rural areas.
For deriving the rate of increase, simple growth rate i.e. (ii) Quality of land has a direct bearing on
(difference of values between the two time points i.e. the productivity of agriculture, which is
value of terminal year minus base year / base year or not true for other activities.
1960-61 value) should be used, e.g. (iii) In rural areas, aside from its value as a
Net sown Area in 2008-09 - Net sown A rea in 1960-61
productive factor, land ownership has
´ 100 a social value and serves as a security
Net sown A rea in 1960-61
for credit, natural hazards or life
contingencies, and also adds to the social
Common Proper
Proper ty R
operty esour
Resour ces
esources status.
Land, according to its ownership can broadly An estimation of the total stock of
be classified under two broad heads – private agricultural land resources (i.e. total cultivable
land and common property resources (CPRs). land) can be arrived at by adding up net sown
While the former is owned by an individual or a area, all fallow lands and culturable wasteland.
group of individuals, the latter is owned by the It may be observed from Table 5.1 that over the
state meant for the use of the community. CPRs years, there has been a marginal decline in the
provide fodder for the livestock and fuel for the available total stock of cultivable land as a
households along with other minor forest percentage to total reporting area. There has been
products like fruits, nuts, fibre, medicinal a greater decline of cultivated land, in spite of a
plants, etc. In rural areas, such land is of corresponding decline of cultivable wasteland.

Land Resources and Agriculture 43

Table 5.1 : Composition of Total Cultivable Land
Agricultural Land-use As a percentage of As percentage of
Categories Reporting Area total cultivated land
1960-61 2008-09 1960-61 2008-09

Culturable Waste Land 6.23 4.17 10.61 7.14

Fallow other than Current Fallow 3.5 3.37 5.96 5.75
Current Fallow 3.73 4.76 6.35 8.13
Net Area Sown 45.26 46.24 77.08 78.98

Total Cultivable Land 58.72 58.54 100.00 100.00

It is clear from the above discussion that this season facilitate the cultivation of temperate
the scope for bringing in additional land under and subtropical crops such as wheat, gram and
net sown area in India is limited. There is, thus, mustard. Zaid is a short duration summer
an urgent need to evolve and adopt land-saving cropping season beginning after harvesting of
technologies. Such technologies can be classified rabi crops. The cultivation of watermelons,
under two heads – those which raise the yield cucumbers, vegetables and fodder crops during
of any particular crop per unit area of land and this season is done on irrigated lands. However,
those which increase the total output per unit this type of distinction in the cropping season
area of land from all crops grown over one does not exist in southern parts of the country.
agricultural year by increasing land-use Here, the temperature is high enough to grow
intensity. The advantage of the latter kind of tropical crops during any period in the year
technology is that along with increasing output provided the soil moisture is available.
from limited land, it also increases the demand Therefore, in this region same crops can be
for labour significantly. For a land scarce but grown thrice in an agricultural year provided
labour abundant country like India, a high there is sufficient soil moisture.
cropping intensity is desirable not only for fuller
utilisation of land resource, but also for Types of Farming
reducing unemployment in the rural economy.
On the basis of main source of moisture for
The cropping intensity (CI) is calculated as
crops, the farming can be classified as irrigated
follows :
and rainfed (barani). There is difference in the
GCA nature of irrigated farming as well based on
Cropping Intensity in percentage = ´ 100
NSA objective of irrigation, i.e. protective or
productive. The objective of protective irrigation
Cropping Seasons in India
There are three distinct crop Table 5.2 : Cropping Seasons in India
seasons in the northern and
interior parts of country, namely Cropping Season Major Crops Cultivated
kharif, rabi and zaid. The kharif Northern States Southern States
season largely coincides with
Southwest Monsoon under which Kharif Rice, Cotton, Bajra, Rice, Maize, Ragi,
the cultivation of tropical crops June-September Maize, Jowar, Tur Jowar, Groundnut
such as rice, cotton, jute, jowar,
bajra and tur is possible. The rabi Rabi Wheat, Gram, Rapeseeds Rice, Maize, Ragi,
October – March and Mustard, Barley Groundnut, Jowar
season begins with the onset of
winter in October-November and Zaid Vegetables, Fruits, Rice, Vegetables,
ends in March-April. The low April–June Fodder Fodder
temperature conditions during

44 India : People and Economy

is to protect the crops from adverse effects of soil Rice
moisture deficiency which often means that
Rice is a staple food for the overwhelming
irrigation acts as a supplementary source of water
majority of population in India. Though, it is
over and above the rainfall. The strategy of this considered to be a crop of tropical humid areas,
kind of irrigation is to provide soil moisture to it has about 3,000 varieties which are grown in
maximum possible area. Productive irrigation is different agro-climatic regions. These are
meant to provide sufficient soil moisture in the successfully grown from sea level to about
cropping season to achieve high productivity. In 2,000 m altitude and from humid areas in
such irrigation the water input per unit area of eastern India to dry but irrigated areas of
cultivated land is higher than protective irrigation. Punjab, Haryana, western U.P. and northern
Rainfed farming is further classified on the basis Rajasthan. In southern states and West Bengal
of adequacy of soil moisture during cropping the climatic conditions allow the cultivation of
season into dryland and wetland farming. In two or three crops of rice in an agricultural year.
India, the dryland farming is largely confined In West Bengal farmers grow three crops of rice
to the regions having annual rainfall less than 75 called ‘aus’, ‘aman’ and ‘boro’. But in
cm. These regions grow hardy and drought Himalayas and northwestern parts of the
resistant crops such as ragi, bajra, moong, gram country, it is grown as a kharif crop during
and guar (fodder crops) and practise various southwest Monsoon season.
measures of soil moisture conservation and rain India contributes 21.6 per cent of rice
water harvesting. In wetland farming, the production in the world and ranked second
rainfall is in excess of soil moisture requirement after China in 2008-09. About one-fourth of
of plants during rainy season. Such regions may the total cropped area in the country is under
face flood and soil erosion hazards. These areas rice cultivation. West Bengal, Punjab and
grow various water intensive crops such as rice, Uttar Pradesh were the leading rice producing
jute and sugarcane and practise aquaculture in states in the country in 2009-10. The yield level
the fresh water bodies. of rice is high in Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Haryana,
Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, West Bengal and
Foodgrains Kerala. In the first four of these states almost the
The importance of foodgrains in Indian entire land under rice cultivation is irrigated.
agricultural economy may be gauged from the Punjab and Haryana are not traditional rice
fact these crops occupy about two-third of total
cropped area in the country. Foodgrains are
dominant crops in all parts of the country
whether they have subsistence or commercial
agricultural economy. On the basis of the
structure of grain the foodgrains are classified
as cereals and pulses.

The cereals occupy about 54 per cent of total
cropped area in India. The country produces
about 11 per cent cereals of the world and ranks Fig. 5.2 : Rice transplantation in southern parts of India
third in production after China and U.S.A. India
produces a variety of cereals, which are growing areas. Rice cultivation in the irrigated
areas of Punjab and Haryana was introduced
classified as fine grains (rice, wheat) and coarse
in 1970s following the Green Revolution.
grains (jowar, bajra, maize, ragi), etc. Account
Genetically improved varieties of seed, relatively
of important cereals has been given in the
high usage of fertilisers and pesticides and lower
following paragraphs :
levels of susceptibility of the crop to pests due

Land Resources and Agriculture 45

Fig. 5.3 : India – Distribution of Rice

46 India : People and Economy

to dry climatic conditions are responsible for Bajra
higher yield of rice in this region. The yield of
Bajra is sown in hot and dry climatic conditions
this crop is very low in rainfed areas of Madhya
in northwestern and western parts of the
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Odisha.
country. It is a hardy crop which resists frequent
dry spells and drought in this region. It is
Wheat cultivated alone as well as part of mixed
Wheat is the second most important cereal crop cropping. This coarse cereal occupies about 5.2
in India after rice. India produces about 12 per per cent of total cropped area in the country.
cent of total wheat production of world. It is Leading producers of bajra are the states of
primarily a crop of temperate zone. Hence, its Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan
cultivation in India is done during winter i.e. and Haryana. Being a rainfed crop, the yield level
rabi season. About 85 per cent of total area of this crop is low in Rajasthan and fluctuates a
under this crop is concentrated in north and lot from year to year. Yield of this crop has
central regions of the country i.e. Indo-Gangetic increased during recent years in Haryana and
Plain, Malwa Plateau and Himalayas up to Gujarat due to introduction of drought resistant
2,700 m altitude. Being a rabi crop, it is mostly varieties and expansion of irrigation under it.
grown under irrigated conditions. But it is a
rainfed crop in Himalayan highlands and parts Maize
of Malwa plateau in Madhya Pradesh. Maize is a food as well as fodder crop grown
About 14 per cent of the total cropped area under semi-arid climatic conditions and over
in the country is under wheat cultivation. Uttar inferior soils. This crop occupies only about
Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and 3.6 per cent of total cropped area. Maize
Madhya Pradesh are five leading wheat cultivation is not concentrated in any specific
producing states. The yield level of wheat is region. It is sown all over India except eastern
very high (above 4,000 k.g. per ha) in Punjab and north-eastern regions. The leading
and Haryana whereas, Uttar Pradesh, producers of maize are the states of Madhya
Rajasthan and Bihar have moderate yields. The Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
states like Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh Karnataka, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. Yield
and Jammu and Kashmir growing wheat under level of maize is higher than other coarse cereals.
rainfed conditions have low yield. It is high in southern states and declines
towards central parts.
The coarse cereals together occupy about Pulses
16.50 per cent of total cropped area in the Pulses are a very important ingredient of
country. Among these, jowar or sorghum alone vegetarian food as these are rich sources of
accounts for about 5.3 per cent of total proteins. These are legume crops which
cropped area. It is main food crop in semi-arid increase the natural fertility of soils through
areas of central and southern India. nitrogen fixation. India is a leading producer of
Maharashtra alone produces more than half pulses and accounts for about one-fifth of the
of the total jowar production of the country. total production of pulses in the world. The
Other leading producer states of jowar are cultivation of pulses in the country is largely
Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh concentrated in the drylands of Deccan and
and Telangana. It is sown in both kharif and central plateaus and northwestern parts of the
rabi seasons in southern states. But it is a country. Pulses occupy about 11 per cent of
kharif crop in northern India where it is mostly the total cropped area in the country. Being the
grown as a fodder crop. South of Vindhyachal rainfed crops of drylands, the yields of pulses
it is a rainfed crop and its yield level is very are low and fluctuate from year to year. Gram
low in this region. and tur are the main pulses cultivated in India.

Land Resources and Agriculture 47

Fig. 5.4 : India – Distribution of Wheat

48 India : People and Economy

Gram Groundnut
Gram is cultivated in subtropical areas. It is India produces about 18.8 per cent of the total
mostly a rainfed crop cultivated during rabi groundnut production in the world (2008-09).
season in central, western and northwestern parts It is largely a rainfed kharif crop of drylands.
of the country. Just one or two light showers or But in southern India, it is cultivated during rabi
irrigations are required to grow this crop season as well. It covers about 3.6 per cent of
successfully. It has been displaced from the total cropped area in the country. Gujarat, Tamil
cropping pattern by wheat in Haryana, Punjab Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka
and northern Rajasthan following the green and Maharashtra are the leading producers.
revolution. At present, gram covers only about Yield of groundnut is comparatively high in
2.8 per cent of the total cropped area in the Tamil Nadu where it is partly irrigated. But its
country. Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, yield is low in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka.
Rajasthan are the main producers of this pulse
crop. The yield of this crop continues to be low Rapeseed and Mustard
and fluctuates from year to year even in irrigated
Rapeseed and mustard comprise several oilseeds
areas. as rai, sarson, toria and taramira. These are
subtropical crops cultivated during rabi season
Tur (Arhar)
in north-western and central parts of India.
Tur is the second important pulse crop in the These are frost sensitive crops and their yields
country. It is also known as red gram or pigeon fluctuate from year to year. But with the
pea. It is cultivated over marginal lands and expansion of irrigation and improvement in seed
under rainfed conditions in the dry areas of technology, their yields have improved and
central and southern states of the country. This stabilised to some extent. About two-third of the
crop occupies only about 2 per cent of total cultivated area under these crops is irrigated.
cropped area of India. Maharashtra alone These oilseeds together occupy only 2.5 per cent
contributes about one-third of the total of total cropped area in the country. Rajasthan
production of tur. Other leading producer states contributes about one-third production while
are Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat and other leading producers are Uttar Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh. Per hectare output of this crop Haryana, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh.
is very low and its performance is inconsistent. Yields of these crops are comparatively high in
Haryana and Rajasthan.

Other Oilseeds
Differentiate between different foodgrains. Mix grains of
various kinds and separate cereals from pulses. Also, Soyabean and sunflower are other important
separate fine from coarse cereals. oilseeds grown in India. Soyabean is mostly
grown in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

The oilseeds are produced for extracting edible
oils. Drylands of Malwa plateau, Marathwada,
Gujarat, Rajasthan, Telangana, Rayalseema
region of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
plateau are oilseeds growing regions of India.
These crops together occupy about 14 per cent
of total cropped area in the country.
Groundnut, rapeseed and mustard, soyabean
and sunflower are the main oilseed crops grown Fig. 5.5 : Farmers sowing soyabean seeds in Amravati,
in India. Maharashtra

Land Resources and Agriculture 49

Fig. 5.6 : India – Distribution of Cotton and Jute

50 India : People and Economy

These two states together produce about 90 per in south. Leading producers of this crop are
cent of total output of soyabean in the country. Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh,
Sunflower cultivation is concentrated in Punjab and Haryana. Per hectare output of
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and cotton is high under irrigated conditions in
adjoining areas of Maharashtra. It is a minor north-western region of the country. Its yield
crop in northern parts of the country where its is very low in Maharashtra where it is grown
yield is high due to irrigation. under rainfed conditions.

Fibre Crops Jute

These crops provide us fibre for preparing cloth, Jute is used for making coarse cloth, bags, sacks
bags, sacks and a number of other items. and decorative items. It is a cash crop in West
Cotton and jute are two main fibre crops grown Bengal and adjoining eastern parts of the
in India. country. India lost large jute growing areas to
East Pakistan (Bangladesh) during partition. At
Cotton present, India produces about three-fifth of jute
Cotton is a tropical crop grown in kharif season production of the world. West Bengal accounts
for about three-fourth of the production in the
in semi-arid areas of the country. India lost a
large proportion of cotton growing area to country. Bihar and Assam are other jute growing
Pakistan during partition. However, its acreage areas. Being concentrated only in a few states,
this crop accounts for only about 0.5 per cent of
has increased considerably during the last 50
years. India grows both short staple (Indian) total cropped area in the country.
cotton as well as long staple (American) cotton
called ‘narma’ in north-western parts of the Other Crops
country. Cotton requires clear sky during Sugarcane, tea and coffee are other important
flowering stage. crops grown in India.

Sugarcane is a crop of tropical areas. Under
rainfed conditions, it is cultivated in sub-humid
and humid climates. But it is largely an irrigated
crop in India. In Indo-Gangetic plain, its
cultivation is largely concentrated in Uttar
Pradesh. Sugarcane growing area in western
India is spread over Maharashtra and Gujarat.

Fig. 5.7 : Cotton Cultivation

India ranks fourth in the world in the

production of cotton after China, U.S.A. and
Pakistan and accounts for about 8.3 per cent
of production of cotton in the world. Cotton
occupies about 4.7 per cent of total cropped
area in the country. There are three cotton
growing areas, i.e. parts of Punjab, Haryana and
northern Rajasthan in north-west, Gujarat and
Maharashtra in the west and plateaus of
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Fig. 5.8 : Sugarcane Cultivation

Land Resources and Agriculture 51

Fig. 5.9 : India – Distribution of Sugarcane

52 India : People and Economy

In southern India, it is cultivated in irrigated after Sri Lanka and China. Assam accounts for
tracts of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Telangana about 53.2 per cent of the total cropped area and
and Andhra Pradesh. contributes more than half of total production of
India was the second largest producer of tea in the country. West Bengal and Tamil Nadu
sugarcane after Brazil in 2008-09. It accounts are the other leading producers of tea.
for about 23 per cent of the world production
of sugarcane. But it occupies only 2.4 per cent Coffee
of total cropped area in the country. Uttar Coffee is a tropical plantation crop. Its seeds
Pradesh produces about two-fifth of sugarcane
are roasted, ground and are used for preparing
of the country. Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil a beverage. There are three varieties of coffee
Nadu, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh are other
i.e. arabica, robusta and liberica. India mostly
leading producers of this crop where yield level grows superior quality coffee, arabica, which
of sugarcane is high. Its yield is low in northern is in great demand in International market. But
India produces only about 3.2 per cent coffee
of the world and ranks seventh after Brazil,
Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, Ethopia and
Tea is a plantation crop used as beverage. Black Mexico in 2008-09. Coffee is cultivated in the
tea leaves are fermented whereas green tea leaves highlands of Western Ghats in Karnataka,
are unfermented. Tea leaves have rich content of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Karnataka alone
caffeine and tannin. It is an indigenous crop of accounts for more than two-third of total
hills in northern China. It is grown over production of coffee in the country.
undulating topography of hilly areas and well-
drained soils in humid and sub-humid tropics Agricultural Development in India
and sub-tropics. In India, tea plantation started
in 1840s in Brahmaputra valley of Assam which Agriculture continues to be an important sector
still is a major tea growing area in the country. of Indian economy. In 2001 about 53 per cent
Later on, its plantation was introduced in the population of the country was dependent on it.
sub-Himalayan region of West Bengal (Darjiling, The importance of agricultural sector in India
Jalpaiguri and Cooch Bihar districts). Tea is also can be gauged from the fact that about 57 per
cultivated on the lower slopes of Nilgiri and cent of its land is devoted to crop cultivation,
whereas, in the world, the corresponding share
is only about 12 per cent. In spite of this, there
is tremendous pressure on agricultural land
in India, which is reflected from the fact that
the land-human ratio in the country is only 0.31
ha which is almost half of that of the world as a
whole (0.59 ha). Despite various constraints,
Indian agriculture has marched a long way
since Independence.

Strategy of Development
Indian agricultural economy was largely
Fig. 5.10 : Tea Farming subsistence in nature before Independence. It
Cardamom hills in Western Ghats. India is a had dismal performance in the first half of
leading producer of tea and accounts for about twentieth century. This period witnessed severe
28 per cent of total production in the world. droughts and famines. During partition about
India’s share in the international market of tea one-third of the irrigated land in undivided
has declined substantially. At present, it ranks India went to Pakistan. This reduced the
third among tea exporting countries in the world proportion of irrigated area in Independent

Land Resources and Agriculture 53

Fig. 5.11 : India – Distribution of Tea and Coffee

54 India : People and Economy

India. After Independence, the immediate goal the need for diversification of agriculture and
of the Government was to increase foodgrains harnessing of resources for development of
production by (i) switching over from cash dairy farming, poultry, horticulture, livestock
crops to food crops; (ii) intensification of rearing and aquaculture.
cropping over already cultivated land; and (iii) Initiation of the policy of liberalisation and
increasing cultivated area by bringing cultivable free market economy in 1990s is likely to
and fallow land under plough. Initially, this influence the course of development of Indian
strategy helped in increasing foodgrains agriculture. Lack of development of rural
production. But agricultural production infrastructure, withdrawal of subsidies and
stagnated during late 1950s. To overcome this price support, and impediments in availing of
problem, Intensive Agricultural District the rural credits may lead to inter-regional and
Programme (IADP) and Intensive Agricultural inter-personal disparities in rural areas.
Area Programme (IAAP) were launched. But two
consecutive droughts during mid-1960s Growth of Agricultural Output and Technology
resulted in food crisis in the country. There has been a significant increase in
Consequently, the foodgrains were imported
agricultural output and improvement in
from other countries. technology during the last fifty years.
New seed varieties of wheat (Mexico) and • Production and yield of many crops
rice (Philippines) known as high yielding such as rice and wheat has increased at
varieties (HYVs) were available for cultivation an impressive rate. Among the other
by mid-1960s. India took advantage of this and crops, the production of sugarcane,
introduced package technology comprising oilseeds and cotton has also increased
HYVs, along with chemical fertilizers in irrigated appreciably. India ranked first in the
areas of Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar p r o d u c t i o n o f p u l s e s and j u t e in
Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. Assured 2008-09. It is the second largest-
supply of soil moisture through irrigation was producer of rice, wheat, groundnut,
a basic pre-requisite for the success of this new sugarcane and vegetables.
agricultural technology. This strategy of • Expansion of irrigation has played a very
agricultural development paid dividends crucial role in enhancing agricultural
instantly and increased the foodgrains output in the country. It provided basis
production at very fast rate. This spurt of for introduction of modern agricultural
agricultural growth came to be known as technology such as high yielding varieties
‘Green Revolution’. This also gave fillip to the of seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and
development of a large number of agro-inputs, farm machinery. The net irrigated area in
agro-processing industries and small-scale the country has increased from 20.85 to
industries. This strategy of agricultural 54.66 million ha over the period 1950-51
development made the country self-reliant in to 2000-01. Over these 50 years, area
foodgrain production. But green revolution was irrigated more than once in an agricultural
initially confined to irrigated areas only. This year has increased from 1.71 to 20.46
led to regional disparities in agricultural million ha.
development in the country till the seventies, • Modern agricultural technology has
after which the technology spread to the Eastern diffused very fast in various areas of the
and Central parts of the country. country. Consumption of chemical
The Planning Commission of India fertilizers has increased by 15 times since
focused its attention on the problems of mid-sixties. In 2001-02, per hectare
agriculture in rainfed areas in 1980s. It consumption of chemical fertilizers in India
initiated agro-climatic planning in 1988 to was 91 kg which was equal to its average
induce regionally balanced agricultural consumption in the world (90 kg). But in
development in the country. It also emphasised the irrigated areas of Punjab and Haryana,

Land Resources and Agriculture 55

the consumption of chemical fertilizers per Low productivity
unit area is three to four times higher than
The yield of the crops in the country is low in
that of the national average. Since the high comparison to the international level. Per
yielding varieties are highly susceptible to hectare output of most of the crops such as
pests and diseases, the use of pesticides rice, wheat, cotton and oilseeds in India is
has increased significantly since 1960s. much lower than that of U.S.A., Russia and
Japan. Because of the very high pressure on
the land resources, the labour productivity
in Indian agriculture is also very low in
comparison to international level. The vast
rainfed areas of the country, particularly
drylands which mostly grow coarse cereals,
pulses and oilseeds have very low yields.

Why is agricultural productivity low in dry


Constraints of Financial Resources and

Fig. 5.12 : Roto Till Drill - A modern agricultural equipment
Proob lems of Indian Ag
blems ricultur
Agricultur e
riculture The inputs of modern agriculture are very
expensive. This resource intensive approach has
The nature of problems faced by Indian
become unmanageable for marginal and small
agriculture varies according to agro-ecological
farmers as they have very meagre or no saving
and historical experiences of its different regions.
Hence, most of the agricultural problems in the to invest in agriculture. To tide over these
country are region specific. Yet, there are some difficulties, most of such farmers have resorted
problems which are common and range from to availing credit from various institutions and
physical constraints to institutional hindrances. money lenders. Crop failures and low returns
A detailed discussion on these problems follows: from agriculture have forced them to fall in the
trap of indebtedness.
Dependence on Erratic Monsoon
Irrigation covers only about 33 per cent of the
cultivated area in India. The crop production What are the implications of severe
in rest of the cultivated land directly depends indebtedness? Do you feel that the recent
on rainfall. Poor performance of south-west incidents of farmers’ suicides in different
Monsoon also adversely affects the supply of states of the country are the result of
canal water for irrigation. On the other hand, indebtedness?
the rainfall in Rajasthan and other drought
prone areas is too meagre and highly unreliable.
Even the areas receiving high annual rainfall Lack of Land Reforms
experience considerable fluctuations. This Indian peasantry had been exploited for a
makes them vulnerable to both droughts and long time as there had been unequal
floods. Drought is a common phenomenon in distribution of land. Among the three
the low rainfall areas which may also experience
revenue systems operational during British
occasional floods. The flash floods in drylands
of Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Rajasthan in period i.e. Mahalwari, Ryotwari and
2006 are examples of this phenomenon. Zamindari, the last one was most exploitative
Droughts and floods continue to be twin menace for the peasants. After independence, land
in Indian agriculture. reforms were accorded priority, but these

56 India : People and Economy

reforms were not implemented effectively due of land holding is shrinking further under
to lack of strong political will. Most of the state increasing population pressure. Furthermore,
governments avoided taking politically tough in India, the land holdings are mostly
decisions which went against strong political fragmented. There are some states where
lobbies of landlords. Lack of implementation consolidation of holding has not been carried
of land reforms has resulted in continuation out even once. Even the states where it has been
of inequitous distribution of cultivable land carried out once, second consolidation is
which is detrimental to agricultural required as land holdings have fragmented
development. again in the process of division of land among
the owners of next generations. The small size
Small Farm Size and Fragmentation of fragmented landholdings are uneconomic.
Lack of Commercialisation
There are a large number of marginal and small
farmers in the country. More than 60 per cent A large number of farmers produce crops for
of the ownership holdings have a size smaller self-consumption. These farmers do not have
than one (ha). Furthermore, about 40 per cent enough land resources to produce more than
of the farmers have operational holding size their requirement. Most of the small and
smaller than 0.5 hectare (ha). The average size marginal farmers grow foodgrains, which are

What changes have you noticed in

agricultural sector and cropping
pattern? Discuss in the class.

Land Resources and Agriculture 57

meant for their own family consumption. tract of agricultural land has lost its fertility
Modernisation and commercialisation of due to alkalisation and salinisation of soils and
agriculture have however, taken place in the waterlogging. Alkalinity and salinity have
irrigated areas. already affected about 8 million ha land.
Another 7 million ha land in the country has
Vast Under-employment lost its fertility due to waterlogging. Excessive
There is a massive under-employment in the use of chemicals such as insecticides and
agricultural sector in India, particularly in the pesticides has led to their concentration in toxic
un-irrigated tracts. In these areas, there is a amounts in the soil profile. Leguminous crops
seasonal unemployment ranging from 4 to 8 have been displaced from the cropping pattern
months. Even in the cropping season work is in the irrigated areas and duration of fallow
not available throughout, as agricultural has substantially reduced owing to multiple
operations are not labour intensive. Hence, the cropping. This has obliterated the process of
people engaged in agriculture do not have the natural fertilization such as nitrogen fixation.
opportunity to work round the year. Rainfed areas in humid and semi-arid tropics
also experience degradation of several types
Degradation of Cultivable Land like soil erosion by water and wind erosion
which are often induced by human activities.
One of the serious problems that arises out of
faulty strategy of irrigation and agricultural
development is degradation of land resources.
This is serious because it may lead to Prepare a list of agricultural problems in your own
depletion of soil fertility. The situation is region. How similar or different are these problems
particularly alarming in irrigated areas. A large compared to the problems mentioned in this chapter?


1. Choose the right answers of the following from the given options.
(i) Which one of the following is NOT a land-use category?
(a) Fallow land (c) Net Area Sown
(b) Marginal land (d) Culturable Wasteland
(ii) What one of the following is the main reason due to which share of forest
has shown an increase in the last forty years?
(a) Extensive and efficient efforts of afforestation
(b) Increase in community forest land
(c) Increase in notified area allocated for forest growth
(d) Better peoples’ participation in managing forest area.
(iii) Which one of the following is the main form of degradation in irrigated
(a) Gully erosion (c) Salinisation of soils
(b) Wind erosion (d) Siltation of land

58 India : People and Economy

(iv) Which one of the following crops is not cultivated under dryland farming?
(a) Ragi (c) Groundnut
(b) Jowar (d) Sugarcane
(v) In which of the following group of countries of the world, HYVs of wheat
and rice were developed?
(a) Japan and Australia (c) Mexico and Philippines
(b) U.S.A. and Japan (d) Mexico and Singapore
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Differentiate between barren and wasteland and culturable wasteland.
(ii) How would you distinguish between net sown area and gross cropped
(iii) Why is the strategy of increasing cropping intensity important in a
country like India?
(iv) How do you measure total cultivable land?
(v) What is the difference between dryland and wetland farming?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) What are the different types of environmental problems of land resources
in India?
(ii) What are the important strategies for agricultural development followed
in the post-independence period in India?

Land Resources and Agriculture 59

Do you think that what exists today will
Unit III continue to be so, or the future is going to be
Chapter 6 different in some respects? It can be said with
some certainty that the societies will witness
demographic transition, geographical shift of
population, technological advancement,
degradation of environment and water scarcity.
Water scarcity is possibly to pose the greatest
challenge on account of its increased demand
coupled with shrinking supplies due to over
utilisation and pollution. Water is a cyclic
resource with abundant supplies on the globe.
Approximately, 71 per cent of the earth’s
surface is covered with it but fresh water
WATER RESOURCES constitutes only about 3 per cent of the total
water. In fact, a very small proportion of fresh
water is effectively available for human use. The
availability of fresh water varies over space and
time. The tensions and disputes on sharing and
control of this scare resource are becoming
contested issues among communities, regions,
and states. The assessment, efficient use and
conservation of water, therefore, become
necessary to ensure development. In this
chapter, we shall discuss water resources in
India, its geographical distribution, sectoral
utilisation, and methods of its conservation and

Water Resources of India

India accounts for about 2.45 per cent of world’s
surface area, 4 per cent of the world’s water
resources and about 16 per cent of world’s
population. The total water available from
precipitation in the country in a year is about
4,000 cubic km. The availability from surface
water and replenishable groundwater is 1,869
cubic km. Out of this only 60 per cent can be
put to beneficial uses. Thus, the total utilisable
water resource in the country is only 1,122
cubic km.

Surface Water Resources

There are four major sources of surface water.
These are rivers, lakes, ponds, and tanks. In
the country, there are about 10,360 rivers
and their tributaries longer than 1.6 km each.
The mean annual flow in all the river basins
in India is estimated to be 1,869 cubic km.

However, due to topographical, hydrological harnessed, but it is yet to be done in the
and other constraints, only about 690 cubic Brahmaputra and the Ganga basins.
km (32 per cent) of the available surface water
can be utilised. Water flow in a river depends Groundwater Resources
on size of its catchment area or river basin The total replenishable groundwater
and rainfall within its catchment area. You resources in the country are about 432 cubic
have studied in your Class XI textbook “India km. Table 6.1 shows that the Ganga and the
: Physical Environment” that precipitation in Brahamaputra basins, have about 46 per
India has very high spatial variation, and it is cent of the total replenishable groundwater
mainly concentrated in Monsoon season. You resources. The level of groundwater
also have studied in the textbook that some utilisation is relatively high in the river basins
of the rivers in the country like the Ganga, lying in north-western region and parts of
the Brahmaputra, and the Indus have huge south India.
catchment areas. Given that precipitation is The groundwater utilisation is very high
relatively high in the catchment areas of the in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan,
Ganga, the Brahmaputra and the Barak and Tamil Nadu. However, there are States like
rivers, these rivers, although account for only Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Kerala, etc., which utilise
about one-third of the total area in the only a small proportion of their groundwater
country, have 60 per cent of the total surface potentials. States like Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh,
water resources. Much of the annual water Bihar, Tripura and Maharashtra are utilising
flow in south Indian rivers like the Godavari, their ground water resources at a moderate
the Krishna, and the Kaveri has been rate. If the present trend continues, the

Table 6.1 : Basinwise Ground water Potential and Utilisation in India (Cubic Km/Year)

S. Name of Basin Total Replenishable Level of Groundwater

No. Ground Water Resources Utilisation (%)

1. Brahmani with Baitarni 4.05 8.45

2. Brahmaputra 26.55 3.37
3. Chambal Composite 7.19 40.09
4. Kaveri 12.3 55.33
5. Ganga 170.99 33.52
6. Godavari 40.65 19.53
7. Indus 26.49 77.71
8. Krishna 26.41 30.39
9. Kuchchh and Saurashtra including river Luni 11.23 51.14
10. Chennai and South Tamil Nadu 18.22 57.68
11. Mahanadi 16.46 6.95
12. Meghna (Barak & Others) 8.52 3.94
13. Narmada 10.83 21.74
14. Northeast Composite 18.84 17.2
15. Pennar 4.93 36.6
16. Subarnrekha 1.82 9.57
17. Tapi 8.27 33.05
18. Western Ghat 17.69 22.88
Total 431.42 31.97

Source: Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India, New Delhi;

Water Resources 61

Fig. 6.1 : India – River Basins

62 India : People and Economy

demands for water would need the supplies. Kerala, Odisha and West Bengal have vast
And such situation, will be detrimental to surface water resources in these lagoons and
development, and can cause social upheaval lakes. Although, water is generally brackish in
and disruptions. these water-bodies, it is used for fishing and
irrigating certain varieties of paddy crops,
Exercise based on Table 6.1 : coconut, etc.

1. Which river basin has the highest total Water Demand and Utilisation
replenishable ground water resource?
India has traditionally been an agrarian
2. In which river basin is the level of ground economy, and about two-third of its population
water utilisation the highest? have been dependent on agriculture. Hence,
3. Which river basin has the lowest total development of irrigation to increase agricultural
replenishable ground water resource? production has been assigned a very high
priority in the Five Year Plans, and multipurpose
4. In which river basin is the level of ground
river valleys projects like the Bhakra-Nangal,
water utilisation the lowest?
Hirakud, Damodar Valley, Nagarjuna Sagar,
5. Draw a bar diagram to show the total Indira Gandhi Canal Project, etc. have been taken
replenishable ground water resources up. In fact, India’s water demand at present is
in 10 major river basins. dominated by irrigational needs.
6. Draw a bar diagram to show the levels As shown in Fig. 6.2 and 6.3, agriculture
of ground water utilisation of the same accounts for most of the surface and ground
10 major river basins for which you have water utilisation, it accounts for 89 per cent of
made the first bar diagram. the surface water and 92 per cent of the
groundwater utilisation. While the share of
industrial sector is limited to 2 per cent of the
Lagoons and Backwaters surface water utilisation and 5 per cent of the
India has a vast coastline and the coast is very ground-water, the share of domestic sector is
indented in some states. Due to this, a number higher (9 per cent) in surface water utilisation
of lagoons and lakes have formed. The States like as compared to groundwater. The share of

Source: Earth Trend 2001, World Resource Institute, as given in Govt. of India (2002) Report
Fig. 6.2 : Sectoral Usage of Surface Water Fig. 6.3 : Sectoral Usage of Groundwater

Water Resources 63

agricultural sector in total water utilisation is rainfall like West Bengal and Bihar, breaks
much higher than other sectors. However, in in monsoon or its failure creates dry spells
future, with development, the shares of detrimental for agriculture. Water need of
industrial and domestic sectors in the country certain crops also makes irrigation necessary.
are likely to increase. For instance, water requirement of rice,
sugarcane, jute, etc. is very high which can
Demand of Water for Irrigation be met only through irrigation.
In agriculture, water is mainly used for Provision of irrigation makes multiple
irrigation. Irrigation is needed because of cropping possible. It has also been found that
spatio-temporal variability in rainfall in the irrigated lands have higher agricultural
country. The large tracts of the country are productivity than unirrigated land. Further, the
deficient in rainfall and are drought prone. high yielding varieties of crops need regular
North-western India and Deccan plateau moisture supply, which is made possible only
constitute such areas. Winter and summer by a developed irrigation systems. In fact, this
seasons are more or less dry in most part of is why that green revolution strategy of
the country. Hence, it is difficult to practise agriculture development in the country has
agriculture without assured irrigation during largely been successful in Punjab, Haryana and
dry seasons. Even in the areas of ample western Uttar Pradesh.

Fig. 6.4 : The Ganga and its Tributaries and Towns Located on them

64 India : People and Economy

In Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Emerging Water Problems
Pradesh more than 85 per cent of their net The per capita availability of water is dwindling
sown area is under irrigation. Wheat and rice day by day due to increase in population. The
are grown mainly with the help of irrigation in available water resources are also getting
these states. Of the total net irrigated area 76.1 polluted with industrial, agricultural and
per cent in Punjab and 51.3 per cent in Haryana domestic effluents, and this, in turn, is further
are irrigated through wells and tube wells. This limiting the availability of usable water
shows that these states utilise large proportion resources.
of their ground water potential which has
resulted in ground water depletion in these Deterioration of Water Quality
states. The share of area irrigated through wells Water quality refers to purity of water, or water
and tube wells is also very high in the states without unwanted foreign substances. Water
given in table 6.2. gets polluted by foreign matters such as micro-
organisms, chemicals, industrial and other
Table 6.2 : Percentage of net irrigated area wastes. Such matters deteriorate the quality of
to total by wells and Tube-wells water and render it unfit for human use. When
toxic substances enter lakes, streams, rivers,
State Percentage ocean and other water bodies, they get dissolved
or lie suspended in water. This results in pollution
Gujarat 86.6
of water whereby quality of water deteriorates
Rajasthan 77.2
affecting aquatic systems. Sometimes, these
Madhya Pradesh 66.5
pollutants also seep down and pollute
Maharashtra 65
groundwater. The Ganga and the Yamuna are
Uttar Pradesh 58.21 the two highly polluted rivers in the country.
West Bengal 57.6
Tamil Nadu 54.7

Find out which are the major towns/cities located on

What is the pattern of well and Tube-well the bank of the Ganga and its tributaries and major
irrigation discernible from the above table? industries they have.

What are the implications of using ground Water Conservation and Management
water in drought prone area of Rajasthan,
Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu? Since there is a declining availability of fresh
water and increasing demand, the need has
The over-use of ground water resources arisen to conserve and effectively manage this
has led to decline in ground water table in these precious life giving resource for sustainable
states. In fact, over withdrawals in some states development. Given that water availability from
like Rajasthan, and Maharashtra has increased sea/ocean, due to high cost of desalinisation,
fluoride concentration in ground-water, and this is considered negligible, India has to take quick
practice has led to increase in concentration of steps and make effective policies and laws, and
arsenic in parts of West Bengal and Bihar. adopt effective measures for its conservation.
Besides developing water saving technologies
and methods, attempts are also to be made to
prevent the pollution. There is need to
Intensive irrigation in Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar encourage watershed development, rainwater
Pradesh is increasing salinity in the soil and depletion harvesting, water recycling and reuse, and
of ground water irrigation. Discuss its likely impacts on conjunctive use of water for sustaining water
agriculture. supply in long run.

Water Resources 65

Discuss the issues highlighted in the
news items.

data obtained from these stations show that

Prevention of Water Pollution
organic and bacterial contamination continues
Available water resources are degrading to be the main source of pollution in rivers. The
rapidly. The major rivers of the country Yamuna river is the most polluted river in the
generally retain better water quality in less country between Delhi and Etawah. Other
densely populated upper stretches in hilly severely polluted rivers are: the Sabarmati at
areas. In plains, river water is used intensively Ahmedabad, the Gomti at Lucknow, the Kali, the
for irrigation, drinking, domestic and industrial Adyar, the Cooum (entire stretches), the Vaigai
purposes. The drains carrying agricultural at Madurai and the Musi of Hyderabad and the
(fertilisers and insecticides), domestic (solid and Ganga at Kanpur and Varanasi. Groundwater
liquid wastes), and industrial effluents join the pollution has occurred due to high
rivers. The concentration of pollutants in rivers, concentrations of heavy/toxic metals, fluoride
especially remains very high during the summer and nitrates at different parts of the country.
season when flow of water is low. The legislative provisions such as the Water
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974,
in collaboration with State Pollution Control and Environment Protection Act 1986 have not
Boards has been monitoring water quality of been implemented effectively. The result is that
national aquatic resources at 507 stations. The in 1997, 251 polluting industries were located

66 India : People and Economy

along the rivers and lakes. The Water Cess Act, The Central and State Governments have
1977, meant to reduce pollution has also made initiated many watershed development and
marginal impacts. There is a strong need to management programmes in the country. Some
generate public awareness about importance of of these are being implemented by non-
water and impacts of water pollution. The public governmental organisations also. Haryali is a
awareness and action can be very effective in watershed development project sponsored by
reducing the pollutants from agricultural the Central Government which aims at enabling
activities, domestic and industrial discharges. the rural population to conserve water for
drinking, irrigation, fisheries and afforestation.
Recycle and Reuse of Water The Project is being executed by Gram
Another way through which we can improve Panchayats with people’s participation.
fresh water availability is by recycle and reuse. Neeru-Meeru (Water and You) programme
Use of water of lesser quality such as reclaimed (in Andhra Pradesh) and Arvary Pani Sansad
waste-water would be an attractive option for (in Alwar, Rajasthan) have taken up
industries for cooling and fire fighting to reduce constructions of various water-harvesting
their water cost. Similarly, in urban areas water structures such as percolation tanks, dug out
after bathing and washing utensils can be used ponds (Johad), check dams, etc. through
for gardening. Water used for washing vehicle people’s participation. Tamil Nadu has made
can also be used for gardening. This would water harvesting structures in the houses
conserve better quality of water for drinking compulsory. No building can be constructed
purposes. Currently, recycling of water is practised without making structures for water harvesting.
on a limited scale. However, there is enormous Watershed development projects in some
scope for replenishing water through recycling. areas have been successful in rejuvenating
environment and economy. However, there are
only a few success stories. In majority of cases,
the programme is still in its nascent stage. There
Observe the quantity of water used at your home in is a need to generate awareness regarding
various activities and enlist the ways in which the water benefits of watershed development and
can be reused and recycled in various activities. management among people in the country, and
through this integrated water resource
Class teachers should organise a discussion on recycle management approach water availability can be
and reuse of water. ensured on sustainable basis.
Rainwater Harvesting
Watershed Management
Rain water harvesting is a method to capture
Watershed management basically refers to and store rainwater for various uses. It is also
efficient management and conservation of used to recharge groundwater aquifers. It is a
surface and groundwater resources. It involves low cost and eco-friendly technique for
prevention of runoff and storage and recharge preserving every drop of water by guiding the
of groundwater through various methods like rain water to bore well, pits and wells. Rainwater
percolation tanks, recharge wells, etc. However, harvesting increases water availability, checks
in broad sense watershed management includes the declining ground water table, improves the
conservation, regeneration and judicious use of quality of groundwater through dilution of
all resources – natural (like land, water, plants contaminants like fluoride and nitrates,
and animals) and human with in a watershed. prevents soil erosion, and flooding and arrests
Watershed management aims at bringing about salt water intrusion in coastal areas if used to
balance between natural resources on the one recharge aquifers.
hand and society on the other. The success of Rainwater harvesting has been practised
watershed development largely depends upon through various methods by different
community participation. communities in the country for a long time.
Water Resources 67

Watershed Development in Ralegan Siddhi, Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra:
A Case Study
Ralegan Siddhi is a small village in the district of Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra. It has become an
example for watershed development throughout the country.
In 1975, this village was caught in a web of poverty and illicit liquor trade. The transformation took place
when a retired army personnel, settled down in the village and took up the task of watershed development.
He convinced villagers about the importance of family planning and voluntary labour; preventing open
grazing, felling trees, and liquor prohibition.
Voluntary labour was necessary to ensure minimum dependence on the government for financial
aids. “It socialised the costs of the projects.” explained the activist. Even those who were working
outside the village contributed to the development by committing a month’s salary every year.
Work began with the percolation tank constructed in the village. In 1975, the tank could not hold
water. The embankment wall leaked. People voluntarily repaired the embankment. The seven wells
below it swelled with water in summer for the first time in the living memory of the people. The people
reposed their faith in him and his visions.
A youth group called Tarun Mandal was formed. The group worked to ban the dowry system, caste
discrimination and untouchability. Liquor distilling units were removed and prohibition imposed. Open
grazing was completely banned with a new emphasis on stall-feeding. The cultivation of water-intensive
crops like sugarcane was banned. Crops such as pulses, oilseeds and certain cash crops with low
water requirements were encouraged.
All elections to local bodies began to be held
on the basis of consensus. “It made the
community leaders complete representatives
of the people.” A system of Nyay Panchayats
(informal courts) were also set up. Since then,
no case has been referred to the police.
A Rs.22 lakh school building was constructed
using only the resources of the village. No
donations were taken. Money, if needed, was
borrowed and paid back. The villagers took pride
in this self-reliance. A new system of sharing
Ralegan Siddhi before mitigation approach
labour grew out of this infusion of pride and
voluntary spirit. People volunteered to help each other in agricultural operation. Landless labourers also
gained employment. Today the village plans to
buy land for them in adjoining villages.
At present, water is adequate; agriculture is
flourishing, though the use of fertilisers and
pesticides is very high. The prosperity also brings
the question of ability of the present generation
to carry on the work after the leader of the
movement who declared that, “The process of
Ralegan’s evolution to an ideal village will not
stop. With changing times, people tend to evolve
new ways. In future, Ralegan might present a
Ralegan Siddhi after mitigation approach
different model to the country.”

What a mitigation approach can do? A success story.

68 India : People and Economy

Fig. 6.5 : Various Methods of Rainwater Harvesting

Traditional rain water harvesting in rural areas to understand various ways of rainwater
is done by using surface storage bodies like harvesting).
lakes, ponds, irrigation tanks, etc. In Rajasthan, There is a wide scope to use rainwater
rainwater harvesting structures locally known harvesting technique to conserve precious
as Kund or Tanka (a covered underground water resource. It can be done by harvesting
tank) are constructed near or in the house or rainwater on rooftops and open spaces.
village to store harvested rainwater (see Fig. 6.5 Harvesting rainwater also decreases the

Water Resources 69

community dependence on groundwater for Apart from the above mentioned factors,
domestic use. Besides bridging the demand- the issue desalinisation of water particularly
supply gap, it can also save energy to pump in coastal areas and brackish water in arid and
groundwater as recharge leads to rise in semi-arid areas, transfer of water from water
groundwater table. These days rainwater surplus areas to water deficit areas through
harvesting is being taken up on massive scale inter linking of rivers can be important
in many states in the country. Urban areas remedies for solving water problem in India
can specially benefit from rainwater (read more about inter linking of rivers).
harvesting as water demand has already However, the most important issue from the
outstripped supply in most of the cities and point of view of individual users, household
towns. and communities is pricing of water.

Highlights of India’s National Water Policy, 2002

The National Water Policy 2002 stipulates water allocation priorities broadly in the following order:
drinking water; irrigation, hydro-power, navigation, industrial and other uses. The policy stipulates
progressive new approaches to water management. Key features include:
• Irrigation and multi-purpose projects should invariably include drinking water component, wherever
there is no alternative source of drinking water.
• Providing drinking water to all human beings and animals should be the first priority.
• Measures should be taken to limit and regulate the exploitation of groundwater.
• Both surface and groundwater should be regularly monitored for quality. A phased programme
should be undertaken for improving water quality.
• The efficiency of utilisation in all the diverse uses of water should be improved.
• Awareness of water as a scarce resource should be fostered.
• Conservation consciousness should be promoted through education, regulation, incentives and

Source : Govt. of India (2002), ‘India’s Reform Initiatives in Water Sector’, Ministry for Rural Development, New Delhi

1. Choose the right answers of the following from the given options.
(i) Which one of the following types describes water as a resource?
(a) Abiotic resource (c) Biotic Resource
(b) Non-renewable Resources (d) Cyclic Resource

70 India : People and Economy

(ii) Which one of the following rivers has the highest replenishable ground
water resource in the country?
(a) The Indus (c) The Ganga
(b) The Brahmaputra (d) The Godavari
(iii) Which of the following figures in cubic kilometres correctly shows the
total annual precipitation in India?
(a) 2,000 (c) 4,000
(b) 3,000 (d) 5,000
(iv) Which one of the following south Indian states has the highest
groundwater utilisation (in per cent) of its total ground water potential?
(a) Tamil Nadu (c) Andhra Pradesh
(b) Karnataka (d) Kerala
(v) The highest proportion of the total water used in the country is in which
one of the following sectors?
(a) Irrigation (c) Domestic use
(b) Industries (d) None of the above
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) It is said that the water resources in India have been depleting very fast.
Discuss the factors responsible for depletion of water resources?
(ii) What factors are responsible for the highest groundwater development
in the states of Punjab, Haryana, and Tamil Nadu?
(iii) Why the share of agricultural sector in total water used in the country is
expected to decline?
(iv) What can be possible impacts of consumption of contaminated/unclean
water on the people?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Discuss the availability of water resources in the country and factors
that determine its spatial distribution?
(ii) The depleting water resources may lead to social conflicts and disputes.
Elaborate it with suitable examples?
(iii) What is watershed management? Do you think it can play an important
role in sustainable development?

Water Resources 71

India is endowed with a rich variety of mineral
Unit III resources due to its varied geological structure.
Chapter 7 Bulk of the valuable minerals are products of
pre-palaezoic age (Refer: Chapter 2 of Class XI,
Textbook: “Fundamentals of Physical
Geography” and are mainly associated with
metamorphic and igneous rocks of the
peninsular India. The vast alluvial plain tract
of north India is devoid of minerals of economic
use. The mineral resources provide the country
with the necessary base for industrial
development. In this chapter, we shall discuss
the availability of various types of mineral and
energy resources in the country.
ENERGY A mineral is a natural substance of organic
or inorganic origin with definite chemical and
RESOURCES physical properties.

Types of Mineral R
Mineral esour
On the basis of chemical and physical
properties, minerals may be grouped under two
main categories of metallics and non-metallics
which may further be classified as follows :

Fig. 7.1 : Classification of Minerals

As, it is clear from the Fig. 7.1 metallic crystalline rocks. Over 97 per cent of coal
minerals are the sources of metals. Iron ore, reserves occur in the valleys of Damodar, Sone,
copper, gold produce metal and are included Mahanadi and Godavari. Petroleum reserves
in this category. Metallic minerals are further are located in the sedimentary basins of Assam,
divided into ferrous and non-ferrous metallic Gujarat and Mumbai High i.e. off-shore region
minerals. Ferrous, as you know, refers to iron. in the Arabian Sea. New reserves have been
All those minerals which have iron content are located in the Krishna-Godavari and Kaveri
ferrous such as iron ore itself and those which basins. Most of the major mineral resources
do not have iron content are non-ferrous such occur to the east of a line linking Mangaluru
as copper, bauxite, etc. and Kanpur.
Non-metallic minerals are either organic Minerals are generally concentrated in
in origin such as fossil fuels also known as mineral three broad belts in India. There may be some
fuels which are derived from the buried animal sporadic occurrences here and there in isolated
and plant life such as coal and petroleum. Other pockets. These belts are :
type of non-metallic minerals are inorganic in
origin such as mica, limestone and graphite, etc. The North-Eastern Plateau Region
Minerals have certain characteristics. These This belt covers Chhotanagpur (Jharkhand),
are unevenly distributed over space. There is Odisha Plateau, West Bengal and parts of
inverse relationship in quality and quantity of Chhattisgarh. Have you ever thought about the
minerals i.e. good quality minerals are less in reason of major iron and steel industry being
quantity as compared to low quality minerals. located in this region? It has variety of minerals
The third main characteristic is that all minerals viz. iron ore coal, manganese, bauxite, mica.
are exhaustible over time. These take long to
develop geologically and they cannot be
replenished immediately at the time of need.
Thus, they have to be conserved and not Find out the specific region where these
misused as they do not have the second crop. minerals are being extracted.

The South-Western Plateau Region

Agencies involved in the This belt extends over Karnataka, Goa and
exploration of minerals contiguous Tamil Nadu uplands and Kerala.
In India, systematic surveying, prospecting This belt is rich in ferrous metals and bauxite.
and exploration for minerals is undertaken It also contains high grade iron ore, manganese
by the Geological Survey of India (GSI), Oil and limestone. This belt packs in coal deposits
and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC), except Neyveli lignite.
Mineral Exploration Corporation Ltd. This belt does not have as diversified
(MECL), National Mineral Development mineral deposits as the north-eastern belt.
Corporation (NMDC), Indian Bureau of Mines Kerala has deposits of monazite and thorium,
(IBM), Bharat Gold Mines Ltd. (BGML), bauxite clay. Goa has iron ore deposits.
Hindustan Copper Ltd. (HCL), National
Aluminium Company Ltd. (NALCO) and the The North-Western Region
Departments of Mining and Geology in This belt extends along Aravali in Rajasthan and
various states. part of Gujarat and minerals are associated with
Dharwar system of rocks. Copper, zinc have
been major minerals. Rajasthan is rich in
Distribution of Minerals in India building stones i.e. sandstone, granite, marble.
Gypsum and Fuller’s earth deposits are also
Most of the metallic minerals in India occur in extensive. Dolomite and limestone provide raw
the peninsular plateau region in the old materials for cement industry. Gujarat is known

Mineral and Energy Resources 73

for its petroleum deposits. You may be knowing
that Gujarat and Rajasthan both have rich
sources of salt.

Why and where Dandi March was

organised by Mahatma Gandhi?

The Himalayan belt is another mineral belt

where copper, lead, zinc, cobalt and tungsten
are known to occur. They occur on both the
eastern and western parts. Assam valley has
mineral oil deposits. Besides oil resources are
also found in off-shore-areas near Mumbai
Coast (Mumbai High).
In the following pages you will find the
spatial pattern of some of the important

Ferrous Mineral
Ferrous minerals such as iron ore, manganese,
chromite, etc., provide a strong base for the Can you find out its reason?
development of metallurgical industries. Our
country is well-placed in respect of ferrous
minerals both in reserves and production. plants are located around them. Most of the
important mines such as Noamundi and Gua
Iron Ore are located in Poorbi and Pashchimi
Singhbhum districts. This belt further extends
India is endowed with fairly abundant
to Durg, Dantewara and Bailadila. Dalli, and
resources of iron ore. It has the largest reserve
of iron ore in Asia. The two main types of ore Rajhara in Durg are the important mines of
iron ore in the country. In Karnataka, iron ore
found in our country are haematite and
magnetite. It has great demand in international deposits occur in Sandur-Hospet area of
market due to its superior quality. The iron ore B allari district, Baba Budan hills and
Kudremukh in Chikkamagaluru district and
mines occur in close proximity to the coal fields
in the north-eastern plateau region of the parts of Shivamogga, Chitradurg and
country which adds to their advantage. Tumakuru districts. The districts of
The total reserves of iron ore in the country Chandrapur, Bhandara and Ratnagiri in
were about 20 billion tonnes in the year 2004- Maharashtra, Karimnagar and Warangal
05. About 95 per cent of total reserves of iron district of Telangana, Kurnool, Cuddapah and
ore is located in the States of Odisha, Anantapur districts of Andhra Pradesh, Salem
Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Goa, and Nilgiris districts of Tamil Nadu are other
Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. iron mining regions. Goa has also emerged as
In Odisha, iron ore occurs in a series of hill an important producer of iron ore.
ranges in Sundergarh, Mayurbhanj and Jhar.
The important mines are Gurumahisani,
Sulaipet, Badampahar (Mayurbhaj), Kiruburu Manganese is an important raw material for
(Kendujhar) and Bonai (Sundergarh). Similar smelting of iron ore and also used for
hill ranges, Jharkhand has some of the oldest manufacturing ferro alloys. Manganese
iron ore mines and most of the iron and steel deposits are found in almost all geological

74 India : People and Economy

Fig. 7.2 : India – Metallic Minerals (Ferrous)

Mineral and Energy Resources 75

formations, however, it is mainly associated with Copper
Dharwar system.
Copper is an indispensable metal in the
Odisha is the leading producer of
electrical industry for making wires, electric
Manganese. Major mines in Odisha are located motors, transformers and generators. It is
in the central part of the iron ore belt of India, alloyable, malleable and ductile. It is also mixed
particularly in Bonai, Kendujhar, Sundergarh, with gold to provide strength to jewellery.
Gangpur, Koraput, Kalahandi and Bolangir. The Copper deposits mainly occur in
Karnataka is another major producer and Singhbhum district in Jharkhand, Balaghat
here the mines are located in Dharwar, Ballari,
district in Madhya Pradesh and Jhunjhunu and
Belagavi, North Canara, Chikkmagaluru,
Alwar districts in Rajasthan.
Shivamogga, Chitradurg and Tumkur.
Minor producers of Copper are Agnigundala
Maharashtra is also an important producer of
in Guntur District (Andhra Pradesh), Chitradurg
manganese which is mined in Nagpur,
Bhandara and Ratnagiri districts. The and Hasan districts (Karnataka) and South Arcot
district (Tamil Nadu).
disadvantage to these mines is that they are
located far from steel plants. The manganese Non-metallic Minerals
belt of Madhya Pradesh extends in a belt in
Among the non-metallic minerals produced in
Balaghat-Chhindwara-Nimar-Mandla and
Jhabua districts. India, mica is the important one. The other
Telangana, Goa, and Jharkhand are other minerals extracted for local consumption are
minor producers of manganese. limestone, dolomite and phosphate.

Non-Ferrous Minerals
Mica is mainly used in the electrical and
India is poorly endowed with non-ferrous electronic industries. It can be split into very thin
metallic minerals except bauxite.
sheets which are tough and flexible. Mica in
India is produced in Jharkhand, Andhra
Pradesh, Telanganga and Rajasthan followed by
Bauxite is the ore which is used in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh.
manufacturing of aluminium. Bauxite is found In Jharkhand high quality mica is obtained in a
mainly in tertiary deposits and is associated belt extending over a distance of about 150 km,
with laterite rocks occurring extensively either in length and about 22 km, in width in lower
on the plateau or hill ranges of peninsular India Hazaribagh plateau. In Andhra Pradesh. Nellore
and also in the coastal tracts of the country. district produces the best quality mica. In
Odisha happens to be the largest producer Rajasthan mica belt extends for about 320 kms
of Bauxite. Kalahandi and Sambalpur are the from Jaipur to Bhilwara and around Udaipur.
leading producers. The other two areas which Mica deposits also occur in Mysore and Hasan
have been increasing their production are districts of Karanataka, Coimbatore,
Bolangir and Koraput. The patlands of Tiruchirapalli, Madurai and Kanniyakumari in
Jharkhand in Lohardaga have rich deposits. Tamil Nadu, Alleppey in Kerala, Ratnagiri in
Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, Purulia and Bankura in West
Maharashtra are other major producers. Bengal.
Bhavanagar, Jamnagar in Gujarat have the major
deposits. Chhattisgarh has bauxite deposits in Energy Resources
Amarkantak plateau while Katni-Jabalpur area
and Balaghat in M.P. have important deposits of Mineral fuels are essential for generation of power,
bauxite. Kolaba, Thane, Ratnagiri, Satara, Pune required by agriculture, industry, transport and
and Kolhapur in Maharashtra are important other sectors of the economy. Mineral fuels like
producers. Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Goa are coal, petroleum and natural gas (known as fossil
minor producers of bauxite. fuels), nuclear energy minerals, are the

76 India : People and Economy

Fig. 7.3 : India – Minerals (Non-Ferrous)

Mineral and Energy Resources 77

conventional sources of energy. These They lie in Jharkhand-Bengal coal belt and the
conventional sources are exhaustible resources. important coal fields in this region are Raniganj,
Jharia, Bokaro, Giridih, Karanpura.
Jharia is the largest coal field followed by
Coal is a one of the important minerals which Raniganj. The other river valleys associated
is mainly used in the generation of thermal with coal are Godavari, Mahanadi and Sone.
power and smelting of iron ore. Coal occurs in The most important coal mining centres are
rock sequences mainly of two geological ages, Singrauli in Madhya Pradesh (part of Singrauli
namely Gondwana and tertiary deposits. coal field lies in Uttar Pradesh), Korba in
About 80 per cent of the coal deposits in Chhattisgarh, Talcher and Rampur in Odisha,
India is of bituminous type and is of non-coking Chanda–Wardha, Kamptee and Bander in
grade. The most important Gondwana coal Maharashtra and Singareni in Telangana and
fields of India are located in Damodar Valley. Pandur in Andhra Pradesh.

At Singareni, Canaries to miners’ rescue

Singareni collieries, the country’s premier coal production company, still uses canaries to detect the
presence of deadly carbon monoxide in underground mines. Miners collapse and often die even if
small quantities of the highly poisonous CO are present in the air. Though, miners speak lovingly of
the canaries, the underground experience is not at all pleasant for the birds. When lowered into
mines with CO presence, the birds show distress symptoms such as ruffling of feathers, pronounced
chirping and loss of life. These reactions occur even if 0.15 per cent of CO is present in the air. If the
content is 0.3 per cent the bird shows immediate distress and falls off its perch in two to three
minutes. A cage of birds is a good indicator in air containing more than 0.15 per cent CO, said a coal
The sophisticated hand held CO detectors introduced by the company can detect CO concentrations
from as low as 10 ppm to as high as 1,000 ppm. But despite this, the miners trust the birds, who
have saved the lives of several of their predecessors.
Deccan Chronicle, 26.08.2006

Fig.7.4 : Neyveli Coalfield

78 India : People and Economy

Fig. 7.5 : India – Conventional Energy Resources

Mineral and Energy Resources 79

Tertiary coals occur in Assam, Arunachal Lunej. Mumbai High which lies 160 km off
Pradesh, Meghalaya and Nagaland. It is extracted Mumbai was discovered in 1973 and
from Darangiri, Cherrapunji, Mewlong and production commenced in 1976. Oil and
Langrin (Meghalaya); Makum, Jaipur and Nazira natural gas have been found in exploratory
in upper Assam, Namchik – Namphuk (Arunachal wells in Krishna-Godavari and Kaveri basin
Pradesh) and Kalakot (Jammu and Kashmir). on the east coast.
Besides, the brown coal or lignite occur in Oil extracted from the wells is crude oil
the coastal areas of Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, and contains many impurities. It cannot be
Gujarat and Jammu and Kashmir. used directly. It needs to be refined. There are
two types of refineries in India: (a) field based
Petroleum and (b) market based. Digboi is an example
Crude petroleum consists of hydrocarbons of of field based and Barauni is an example of
liquid and gaseous states varying in chemical market based refinery.
composition, colour and specific gravity. It is an There are 21 refineries in India as on
essential source of energy for all internal June 2011 (Fig. 7.6). Identify the States in
combustion engines in automobiles, railways and which these are located.
aircraft. Its numerous by-products are processed
Natural Gas
in petrochemical industries such as fertiliser,
synthetic rubber, synthetic fibre, medicines, The Gas Authority of India Limited was set
vaseline, lubricants, wax, soap and cosmetics. up in 1984 as a public sector undertaking to
transport and market natural gas. It is
obtained alongwith oil in all the oil fields but
exclusive reserves have been located along the
Petroleum is referred to as liquid gold eastern coast as well as (Tamil Nadu, Odisha
because of its scarcity and diversified uses. and Andhra Pradesh), Tripura, Rajasthan and
off-shore wells in Gujarat and Maharashtra.

Indications of huge gas reserves in Ramanathapuram (Tamil Nadu)

According to a newspaper report (The Hindu, 05.09.2006) the Oil and Natural Gas Commission has
found potential zones of natural gas reserves in Ramanathapuram district. The survey is still in the
initial stages. The exact quantity of gas reserves will be known only after the completion of the
survey. But the results are encouraging.

Crude petroleum occurs in sedimentary Non-Conventional Energy Sources

rocks of the tertiary period. Oil exploration
and production was systematically taken up Fossil fuel sources, such as coal, petroleum,
after the Oil and Natural Gas Commission was natural gas and nuclear energy use
set up in 1956. Till then, the Digboi in Assam exhaustible raw materials. Sustainable
was the only oil producing region but the energy resources are only the renewable
scenario has changed after 1956. In recent energy sources like solar, wind, hydro-
years, new oil deposits have been found at the geothermal and biomass. These energy
extreme western and eastern parts of the sources are more equitably distributed and
country. In Assam, Digboi, Naharkatiya and environmental friendly. The non-conventional
Moran are important oil producing areas. The energy sources will provide more sustained,
major oil fields of Gujarat are Ankaleshwar, eco-friendly cheaper energy after the initial
Kalol, Mehsana, Nawagam, Kosamba and cost is taken care of.

80 India : People and Economy

Fig. 7.6 : India – Oil Refineries

Mineral and Energy Resources 81

How are the developed
countries of the world
utilising non-conventional
energy resources? Discuss.

Nuclear Energy Resources Rawatbhata near Kota (Rajasthan), Kalpakkam

(Tamil Nadu), Narora (Uttar Pradesh), Kaiga
Nuclear energy has emerged as a viable source (Karnataka) and Kakarapara (Gujarat).
in recent times. Important minerals used for the
generation of nuclear energy are uranium and Solar Energy
thorium. Uranium deposits occur in the Dharwar
rocks. Geographically, uranium ores are known Sun rays tapped in photovoltaic cells can be
to occur in several locations along the Singbhum converted into energy, known as solar energy.
Copper belt. It is also found in Udaipur, Alwar The two effective processes considered to be
and Jhunjhunu districts of Rajasthan, Durg very effective to tap solar energy are
district of Chhattisgarh, Bhandara district of photovoltaics and solar thermal technology.
Maharashtra and Kullu district of Himachal Solar thermal technology has some relative
Pradesh. Thorium is mainly obtained from advantages over all other non-renewable
monazite and ilmenite in the beach sands along energy sources. It is cost competitive,
the coast of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. World’s environment friendly and easy to construct.
richest monazite deposits occur in Palakkad Solar energy is 7 per cent more effective than
and Kollam districts of Kerala, near coal or oil based plants and 10 per cent more
Vishakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh and effective than nuclear plants. It is generally
Mahanadi river delta in Odisha. used more in appliances like heaters, crop
Atomic Energy Commission was dryers, cookers, etc. The western part of India
established in 1948, progress could be made has greater potential for the development of
only after the establishment of the Atomic solar energy in Gujarat and Rajasthan.
Energy Institute at Trombay in 1954 which was
renamed as the Bhabha Atomic Research Wind Energy
Centre in 1967. The important nuclear power Wind energy is absolutely pollution free,
projects are Tarapur (Maharashtra), inexhaustible source of energy. The mechanism

82 India : People and Economy

of energy conversion from blowing wind is energy plant has been commissioned at
simple. The kinetic energy of wind, through Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh.
turbines is converted into electrical energy. The
permanent wind systems such the trade winds,
westerlies and seasonal wind like monsoon have The first successful (1890) attempt to tap
been used as source of energy. Besides these, the underground heat was made in the city
local winds, land and sea breezes can also be of Boise, Idaho (U.S.A.), where a hot water
used to produce electricity. pipe network was built to give heat to the
India, already has started generating wind surrounding buildings. This plant is still
energy. It has an ambitious programme to install working.
250 wind-driven turbines with a total capacity
of 45 megawatts, spread over 12 suitable
locations, specially in coastal areas. The Ministry Bio-energy
of Non-conventional Sources of Energy is
Bio-energy refers to energy derived from biological
developing wind energy in India to lessen the
products which includes agricultural residues,
burden of oil import bill. The country’s potential
municipal, industrial and other wastes. Bio-
of wind power generation exceeds 50,000 energy is a potential source of energy conversion.
megawatts, of which one fourth can be easily It can be converted into electrical energy, heat
harnessed. In Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra energy or gas for cooking. It will also process the
and Karnataka, favourable conditions for wind waste and garbage and produce energy. This will
energy exist. improve economic life of rural areas in developing
Tidal and Wave Energy countries, reduce environmental pollution,
enhance self-reliance and reduce pressure on fuel
Ocean currents are the store-house of infinite wood. One such project converting municipal
energy. Since the beginning of seventeenth and waste into energy is Okhla in Delhi.
eighteenth century, persistent efforts were made
Conservation of Mineral Resources
to create a more efficient energy system from
the ceaseless tidal waves and ocean current. The challenge of sustainable development
Large tidal waves are known to occur requires integration of quest for economic
along the west coast of India. Hence, India has development with environmental concerns.
great potential for the development of tidal Traditional methods of resource use result into
energy along the coasts but so far these have generating enormous quantity of waste as well
not yet been utilised. as create other environmental problems. Hence,
for sustainable development calls for the
Geothermal Energy protection of resources for the future generations.
When the magma from the interior of earth, There is an urgent need to conserve the resources.
comes out on the surface, tremendous heat is The alternative energy sources like solar power,
wind, wave, geothermal energy are inexhaustible
released. This heat energy can successfully be
resource. These should be developed to replace
tapped and converted to electrical energy. Apart
the exhaustible resources. In case of metallic
from this, the hot water that gushes out through
minerals, use of scrap metals will enable
the gyser wells is also used in the generation of recycling of metals. Use of scrap is specially
thermal energy. It is popularly known as significant in metals like copper, lead and zinc
Geothermal energy. This energy is now in which India’s reserves are meagre. Use of
considered to be one of the key energy sources substitutes for scarce metals may also reduce
which can be developed as an alternate source. their consumption. Export of strategic and scarce
The hot springs and geysers are being used minerals must be reduced, so that the existing
since medieval period. In India, a geothermal reserve may be used for a longer period.

Mineral and Energy Resources 83

1. Choose the right answers of the following from the given options.
(i) In which one of the following States are the major oil fields located?
(a) Assam (c) Rajasthan
(b) Bihar (d) Tamil Nadu
(ii) At which one of the following places was the first atomic power station
(a) Kalpakkam (c) Rana Pratap Sagar
(b) Narora (d) Tarapur
(iii) Which one of the following minerals is known as brown diamond?
(a) Iron (c) Manganese
(b) Lignite (d) Mica
(iv) Which one of the following is non-renewable source of energy?
(a) Hydel (c) Thermal
(b) Solar (d) Wind power
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Give an account of the distribution of mica in India.
(ii) What is nuclear power? Mention the important nuclear power stations
in India.
(iii) Name non-ferrous metal. Discuss their spatial distribution.
(vi) What are non-conventional sources of energy?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Write a detailed note on the Petroleum resources of India.
(ii) Write an essay on hydel power in India.

84 India : People and Economy

All economic activities namely primary,
Unit-III secondary, tertiary and quaternary, revolve
Chapter-6 around obtaining and utilising resources
necessary for survival.
Secondary activities add value to natural
resources by transforming raw materials into
valuable products. Cotton in the boll has limited
use but after it is transformed into yarn,
becomes more valuable and can be used for

making clothes. Iron ore, cannot be used;
directly from the mines, but after being
converted into steel it gets its value and can be
used for making many valuable machines,
tools, etc. The same is true of most of the

materials from the farm, forest, mine and the
sea. Secondary activities, therefore, are
Secondary Activities

pu T
concerned with manufacturing, processing and

re R construction (infrastructure) industries.


Manufacturing involves a full array of
production from handicrafts to moulding iron
and steel and stamping out plastic toys to
assembling delicate computer components or
be C

space vehicles. In each of these processes, the

common characteristics are the application of
power, mass production of identical products
o N

and specialised labour in factory settings for

the production of standardised commodities.
Manufacturing may be done with modern
power and machinery or it may still be very
primitive. Most of the Third World countries still

‘manufacture’ in the literal sense of the term. It

is difficult to present a full picture of all the
manufacturers in these countries. More
emphasis is given to the kind of ‘industrial’
activity which involves less complicated systems
of production.

Characteristics of Modern Large Scale

Modern large scale manufacturing has the

following characteristics:

Specialisation of Skills/Methods of

Under the ‘craft’ method factories produce only
a few pieces which are made-to-order. So the
costs are high. On the other hand, mass
production involves production of large Organisational Structure and Stratification
quantities of standardised parts by each worker
Modern manufacturing is characterised by:
performing only one task repeatedly. (i) a complex machine technology
(ii) extreme specialisation and division of
labour for producing more goods with less
‘Manufacturing’ Industry and effort, and low costs
‘Manufacturing Industry’ (iii) vast capital
(iv) large organisations
Manufacturing literally means ‘to
make by hand’. However, now it (v) executive bureaucracy.

includes goods ‘made by machines’.
It is essentially a process which Uneven Geographic Distribution
involves transforming raw materials Major concentrations of modern manufacturing
into finished goods of higher value have flourished in a few number of places. These
for sale in local or distant markets. cover less than 10 per cent of the world’s land

Conceptually, an industry is a area. These nations have become the centres of

pu T
geographically located manufacturing economic and political power. However, in terms
unit maintaining books of accounts

of the total area covered, manufacturing sites
and, records under a management are much less conspicuous and concentrated
re R
system. As the term industry is
comprehensive, it is also used as
on much smaller areas than that of agriculture
due to greater intensity of processes. For

synonymous with ‘manufacturing’ example, 2.5 sq km of the American corn belt
When one uses terms like ‘steel
usually includes about four large farms
industry’ and ‘chemical industry’ one employing about 10-20 workers supporting
thinks of factories and processes. 50-100 persons. But this same area could
But there are many secondary
be C

contain several large integrated factories and

activities which are not carried on in employ thousands of workers.
factories such as what is now called
the ‘entertainment industry’ and
o N

Why do Large-scale Industries choose

Tourism industry, etc. So for clarity
different locations?
the longer expression ‘manufacturing
industry’ is used. Industries maximise profits by reducing
costs. Therefore, industries should be located

at points where the production costs are

Mechanisation minimum. Some of the factors influencing
Mechanisation refers to using gadgets which industrial locations are as under:
accomplish tasks. Automation (without aid of
human thinking during the manufacturing Access to Market
process) is the advanced stage of mechanisation. The existence of a market for manufactured
Automatic factories with feedback and closed- goods is the most important factor in the location
loop computer control systems where machines of industries. ‘Market’ means people who have a
are developed to ‘think’, have sprung up all over demand for these goods and also have the
the world.

purchasing power (ability to purchase) to be able

to purchase from the sellers at a place. Remote
Technological Innovation areas inhabited by a few people offer small
Technological innovations through research markets. The developed regions of Europe, North

and development strategy are an important America, Japan and Australia provide large
aspect of modern manufacturing for quality global markets as the purchasing power of the
control, eliminating waste and inefficiency, and people is very high. The densely populated
combating pollution. regions of South and South-east Asia also

46 Fundamentals of Human Geography

provide large markets. Some industries, such Communication is also an important need
as aircraft manufacturing, have a global market. for industries for the exchange and
The arms industry also has global markets. management of information.

Access to Raw Material Government Policy

Raw material used by industries should be Governments adopt ‘regional policies’ to
cheap and easy to transport. Industries based promote ‘balanced’ economic development and
on cheap, bulky and weight-losing material hence set up industries in particular areas.
(ores) are located close to the sources of raw

material such as steel, sugar, and cement Access to Agglomeration Economies/
industries. Perishability is a vital factor for the Links between Industries
industry to be located closer to the source of
Many industries benefit from nearness to a
the raw material. Agro-processing and dairy
leader-industry and other industries. These
products are processed close to the sources of

benefits are termed as agglomeration
farm produce or milk supply respectively.
economies. Savings are derived from the

pu T
linkages which exist between different

Access to Labour Supply
Labour supply is an important factor in the These factors operate together to determine
re R
location of industries. Some types of industrial location.

manufacturing still require skilled labour.
Increasing mechanisation, automation and
flexibility of industrial processes have reduced Foot Loose Industries
the dependence of industry upon the labours.
Foot loose industries can be located
be C

Access to Sources of Energy in a wide variety of places. They are

not dependent on any specific raw
Industries which use more power are located material, weight losing or otherwise.
o N

close to the source of the energy supply such They largely depend on component
as the aluminium industry. parts which can be obtained
Earlier coal was the main source of energy, anywhere. They produce in small
today hydroelectricity and petroleum are also quantity and also employ a small
important sources of energy for many labour force. These are generally not

industries. polluting industries. The important

factor in their location is accessibility
Access to Transportation and by road network.
Communication Facilities
Speedy and efficient transport facilities to carry
raw materials to the factory and to move finished Classification of Manufacturing Industries
goods to the market are essential for the Manufacturing industries are classified on the
development of industries. The cost of transport basis of their size, inputs/raw materials,
plays an important role in the location of output/products and ownership (Fig. 6.1).

industrial units. Western Europe and eastern

North America have a highly developed transport Industries based on Size
system which has always induced the
concentration of industries in these areas. Modern The amount of capital invested, number of

industry is inseparably tied to transportation workers employed and volume of production

systems. Improvements in transportation led to determine the size of industry. Accordingly,
integrated economic development and regional industries may be classified into household or
specialisation of manufacturing. cottage, small-scale and large-scale.

Secondary Activities 47

Fundamentals of Human Geography

pu T
re R
be C
to ©

Fig. 6.1 : Classification of Industries

HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRIES OR Some common everyday products
MANUFA produced in this sector of manufacturing
include foodstuffs, fabrics, mats, containers,
It is the smallest manufacturing unit. The tools, furniture, shoes, and figurines from wood
artisans use local raw materials and simple lot and forest, shoes, thongs and other articles from
tools to produce everyday goods in their homes leather; pottery and bricks from clays and stones.
with the help of their family members or part- Goldsmiths make jewellery of gold, silver and
time labour. Finished products may be for bronze. Some artefacts and crafts are made out of
consumption in the same household or, for sale bamboo, wood obtained locally from the forests.
in local (village) markets, or, for barter. Capital

and transportation do not wield much influence Small Scale Manufacturing
as this type of manufacturing has low
commercial significance and most of the tools Small scale manufacturing is distinguished
are devised locally. from household industries by its production
techniques and place of manufacture (a

workshop outside the home/cottage of the

pu T
producer). This type of manufacturing uses

local raw material, simple power-driven
machines and semi-skilled labour. It provides
re R employment and raises local purchasing power.

Therefore, countries like India, China, Indonesia
and Brazil, etc. have developed labour-intensive
small scale manufacturing in order to provide
employment to their population.
be C
o N

Fig. 6.2 (a) : A man making pots in his courtyard-

example of household industry in Nagaland

Fig. 6.3: Products of cottage industry on sale

in Assam

Large Scale Manufacturing


Large scale manufacturing involves a large

market, various raw materials, enormous
energy, specialised workers, advanced
technology, assembly-line mass production and

large capital. This kind of manufacturing

developed in the last 200 years, in the United
Fig. 6.2 (b) : A man weaving a bamboo basket by the
Kingdom, north-eastern U.S.A. and Europe. Now
roadside in Arunachal Pradesh it has diffused to almost all over the world.

Secondary Activities 49
On the basis of the system of large scale
manufacturing, the world’s major industrial
regions may be grouped under two broad types,
(i) traditional large-scale industrial regions
which are thickly clustered in a few more
developed countries.
(ii) high-technology large scale industrial
regions which have diffused to less
developed countries.

Fig. 6.5: Tea Garden and a Tea Factory in the Nilgiri
Hills of Tamil Nadu

pu T
re R Agri-business is commercial farming
on an industrial scale often financed
by business whose main interests lie

outside agriculture, for example, large
corporations in tea plantation
business. Agri-business farms are
mechanised, large in size, highly
be C

Fig. 6.4 : Passenger car assembly hires at a plant of structured, reliant on chemicals, and
the Motor Company in Japan
may be described as ‘agro-factories’.
o N

Industries based on Inputs/Raw Materials

On the basis of the raw materials used, the (b) Mineral based Industries
industries are classified as: (a) agro-based; (b)
mineral based; (c) chemical based; (d) forest These industries use minerals as a raw material.
based: and (e) animal based. Some industries use ferrous metallic minerals

which contain ferrous (iron), such as iron and

(a) Agro based Industries steel industries but some use non-ferrous
Agro processing involves the processing of raw metallic minerals, such as aluminium, copper
materials from the field and the farm into finished and jewellery industries. Many industries use
products for rural and urban markets. Major non-metallic minerals such as cement and
agro-processing industries are food processing, pottery industries.
sugar, pickles, fruits juices, beverages (tea, coffee
and cocoa), spices and oils fats and textiles (c) Chemical based Industries
(cotton, jute, silk), rubber, etc.
Such industries use natural chemical minerals,

Food Processing e.g. mineral-oil (petroleum) is used in petro-

chemical industry. Salts, sulphur and potash
Agro processing includes canning, producing
cream, fruit processing and confectionery. While industries also use natural minerals. Chemical

some preserving techniques, such as drying, industries are also based on raw materials
fermenting and pickling, have been known since obtained from wood and coal. Synthetic fibre,
ancient times, these had limited applications to plastic, etc. are other examples of chemical based
cater to the pre-Industrial Revolution demands. industries.

50 Fundamentals of Human Geography

(d) Forest based Raw Material using INDUSTRIES BASED ON OWNERSHIP
(a) Public Sector Industries are owned and
The forests provide many major and minor managed by governments. In India, there
products which are used as raw material. were a number of Public Sector
Timber for furniture industry, wood, bamboo Undertakings (PSUs). Socialist countries
and grass for paper industry, lac for lac have many state owned industries. Mixed
industries come from forests. economies have both Public and Private
sector enterprises.
(b) Private Sector Industries are owned by

individual investors. These are managed
by private organisations. In capitalist
countries, industries are generally owned
(c) Joint Sector Industries are managed by

joint stock companies or sometimes the

pu T
private and public sectors together

establish and manage the industries. Can
you make a list of such industries?
re R
Traditional Large-Scale Industrial Regions
These are based on heavy industry, often
Fig. 6.6: A pulp mill in the heart of the Ketchikan’s located near coal-fields and engaged in metal
timber area of Alaska
smelting, heavy engineering, chemical
be C

manufacture or textile production. These

(e) Animal based Industries industries are now known as smokestack
Leather for leather industry and wool for industries. Traditional industrial regions can
be recognised by:
o N

woollen textiles are obtained from animals.

• High proportion of employment in
Besides, ivory is also obtained from
manufacturing industry.
elephant’s tusks. High-density housing, often of inferior
type, and poor services.

Industries Based On Output/Product Unattractive environment, for example,

You have seen some machines and tools made pollution, waste heaps, and so on.
of iron or steel. The raw material for such • Problems of unemployment, emigration
machines and tools is iron and steel. Which is and derelict land areas caused by closure
itself an industry. The industry whose products of factories because of a worldwide fall in
are used to make other goods by using them
as raw materials are basic industries. Can you
The Ruhr Coal-field, Germany
identify the links? Iron/steel machines
for textile industry clothes for use by This has been one of the major industrial

consumers. regions of Europe for a long time. Coal and iron

The consumer goods industries produced and steel formed the basis of the economy, but
as the demand for coal declined, the industry
goods which are consumed by consumers
started shrinking. Even after the iron ore was

directly. For example, industries producing

exhausted, the industry remained, using
breads and biscuits, tea, soaps and toiletries, imported ore brought by waterways to the Ruhr.
paper for writing, televisions, etc. are consumer The Ruhr region is responsible for 80 per
goods or non-basic industries. cent of Germany’s total steel production.

Secondary Activities 51
Changes in the industrial structure have led to Iron and Steel Industry
the decay of some areas, and there are problems
The iron and steel industry forms the base of
of industrial waste and pollution. The future
all other industries and, therefore, it is called a
prosperity of the Ruhr is based less on the
basic industry. It is basic because it provides
products of coal and steel, for which it was
raw material for other industries such as
initially famous, and more on the new
machine tools used for further production. It
industries like the huge Opel car assembly
may also be called a heavy industry because it
plant, new chemical plants, universities. Out-
uses large quantities of bulky raw materials and
of-town shopping centres have appeared
its products are also heavy.

resulting in a ‘New Ruhr’ landscape.
Iron is extracted from iron ore by smelting
in a blast furnace with carbon (coke) and
Concept of High Technology Industry
limestone. The molten iron is cooled and
High technology, or simply high-tech, is the moulded to form pig iron which is used for
latest generation of manufacturing activities. It converting into steel by adding strengthening

is best understood as the application of materials like manganese.

pu T
intensive research and development (R and D) The large integrated steel industry is

efforts leading to the manufacture of products traditionally located close to the sources of raw
of an advanced scientific and engineering materials – iron ore, coal, manganese and
re R
character. Professional (white collar) workers limestone – or at places where these could be

make up a large share of the total workforce. easily brought, e.g. near ports. But in mini steel
These highly skilled specialists greatly mills access to markets is more important than
outnumber the actual production (blue collar) inputs. These are less expensive to build and
workers. Robotics on the assembly line, operate and can be located near markets
computer-aided design (CAD) and because of the abundance of scrap metal, which
be C

manufacturing, electronic controls of smelting is the main input. Traditionally, most of the steel
and refining processes, and the constant was produced at large integrated plants, but
development of new chemical and mini mills are limited to just one-step process –
o N

pharmaceutical products are notable examples steel making – and are gaining ground.
Distribution : The industry is one of the
of a high-tech industry.
most complex and capital-intensive industries
Neatly spaced, low, modern, dispersed,
and is concentrated in the advanced countries
office-plant-lab buildings rather than massive

of North America, Europe and Asia. In U.S.A,

assembly structures, factories and storage
most of the production comes from the north
areas mark the high-tech industrial landscape. Appalachian region (Pittsburgh), Great Lake
Planned business parks for high-tech start-ups region (Chicago-Gary, Erie, Cleveland, Lorain,
have become part of regional and local Buffalo and Duluth) and the Atlantic Coast
development schemes. (Sparrows Point and Morisville). The industry
High-tech industries which are regionally has also moved towards the southern state of
concentrated, self-sustained and highly Alabama. Pittsburg area is now losing ground.
specialised are called technopolies. The Silicon It has now become the “rust bowl” of U.S.A. In
Valley near San Francisco and Silicon Forest Europe, U.K., Germany, France, Belgium,

near Seattle are examples of technopolies. Are Luxembourgh, the Netherlands and Russia are
some technopolies developing in India? the leading producers. The important steel
Manufacturing contributes significantly to centres are Scun Thorpe, Port Talbot,
the world economy. Iron and steel, textiles, Birmingham and Sheffield in the U.K.;

automobiles, petrochemicals and electronics Duisburg, Dortmund, Dusseldorf and Essen

are some of the world’s most important in Germany; Le Creusot and St. Ettienne
manufacturing industries. in France; and Moscow, St. Petersburgh,
Lipetsk, Tula, in Russia and Krivoi Rog, and

52 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Donetsk in Ukraine. In Asia, the important and the volume of production increases. Cotton
centres include Nagasaki and Tokyo-Yokohama textile mill sector is highly capital intensive and
in Japan; Shanghai, Tienstin and Wuhan in produces fine clothes in bulk.
China; and Jamshedpur, Kulti-Burnpur, Cotton textile manufacturing requires good
Durgapur, Rourkela, Bhilai, Bokaro, Salem, quality cotton as raw material. India, China,
Visakhapatnam and Bhadravati in India. U.S.A, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Egypt produce
Consult your atlas to locate these places/ more than half of the world’s raw cotton. The
centres. U.K, NW European countries and Japan also
produce cotton textile made from imported
Cotton Textile Industry yarn. Europe alone accounts for nearly half of

the world’s cotton imports. The industry has to
Cotton textile industry has three sub-sectors face very stiff competition with synthetic fibres
i.e. handloom, powerloom and mill sectors. hence it has now shown a declining trend in
Handloom sector is labour-intensive and many countries. With the scientific advancement
provides employment to semi-skilled workers. and technological improvements the structure

It requires small capital investment. Why did of industries changes. For example, Germany

pu T
Mahatma Gandhi propagate Khadi as part of recorded constant growth in cotton textile
the independence movement? This sector

industry since Second World War till the
involves spinning, weaving and finishing of the seventies but now it has declined. It has shifted
re R
fabrics. The powerloom sector introduces
machines and becomes less labour intensive
to less developed countries where labour costs
are low.

be C
o N


1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.

(i) Which one of the following statements is wrong?

(a) Cheap water transport has facilitated the jute mill industry along
the Hugli.
(b) Sugar, cotton textiles and vegetable oils are footloose industries.
(c) The development of hydro-electricity and petroleum reduced, to a great
extent, the importance of coal energy as a locational factor for
(d) Port towns in India have attracted industries.
(ii) In which one of the following types of economy are the factors of production

owned individually ?
(a) Capitalist (c) Socialist
(b) Mixed (d) None

(iii) Which one of the following types of industries produces raw materials
for other industries?
(a) Cottage Industries (c) Basic Industries
(b) Small-scale Industries (d) Footloose Industries

Secondary Activities 53
(iv) Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?
(a) Automobile industry … Los Angeles
(b) Shipbuilding industry … Lusaka
(c) Aircraft industry … Florence
(d) Iron and Steel industry … Pittsburgh
2. Write a short note on the following in about 30 words.
(i) High-Tech industry
(ii) Manufacturing

(iii) Footloose industries
3. Answer the following in not more than 150 words.
(i) Differentiate between primary and secondary activities.
(ii) Discuss the major trends of modern industrial activities especially in
the developed countries of the world.

(iii) Explain why high-tech industries in many countries are being attracted

pu T
to the peripheral areas of major metropolitan centres.

(iv) Africa has immense natural resources and yet it is industrially the most
backward continent. Comment.
re R Project/Activity

(i) Carry out a survey in your school premises of the factory-made goods
used by students and the staff.
(ii) Find out the meaning of the terms bio-degradable and non-
biodegradable. Which kind of material is better to use? Why?
be C

(iii) Look around and make a list of the global brands, their logos and
o N

54 Fundamentals of Human Geography

We use various items to satisfy our needs.
Unit III Agricultural products like wheat, rice, etc. are
Chapter 8 to be processed into flour, husked rice before
we consume these. But besides bread and rice,
we also require clothes, books, fans, cars,
medicines, etc. and these are manufactured in
various industries. In modern times industries
have become very important part of an
economy. They provide employment to large
labour force and contribute significantly in the
total national wealth/income.

Types of Industries

MANUFACTURING Industries are classified in a number of ways.

On the basis of size, capital investment and
INDUSTRIES labour force employed, industries are
classified as large, medium, small scale, and
cottage industries. On the basis of ownership,
industries are categorised as :
(i) public sector, (ii) private sector, and (iii) joint
and cooperative sector, Public sector
enterprises are government/state controlled
companies or corporations funded by
governments. Industries of strategic and
national importance are usually in the public
sector. Industries are also classified on the
basis of the use of their products such as :
(i) basic goods industries, (ii) capital goods
industries (iii) intermediate goods industries,
and (iv) consumer goods industries.
Another method of classifying industries
is on the basis of raw materials used by them.
Accordingly, these can be : (i) agriculture-
based industries, (ii) forest-based industries,
(iii) mineral-based industries, and
(iv) industrially processed raw material-
based industries.
Another common classification of
industries is based on the nature of the
manufactured products. Eight classes of
industries, thus identified are : (1) Metallurgical
Industries, (2) Mechanical Engineering
Industries, (3) Chemical and Allied Industries,
(4) Textile Industries, (5) Food Processing
Industries, (6) Electricity Generation,
(7) Electronics and (8) Communication Industries.
Sometimes, you also read about foot loose
industries. What are these? Have they any
relationship with raw material location or not?

Location of Industries Market

Can you guess the reasons for the location of Markets provide the outlets for manufactured
iron and steel industry in eastern and southern products. Heavy machine, machine tools, heavy
India? Why is there no iron and steel industry chemicals are located near the high demand areas
in U.P., Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and as these are market orientated. Cotton textile
Gujarat? industry uses a non-weight-losing raw material
Location of industries is influenced by and is generally located in large urban centre,
several factors like access to raw materials, e.g. Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Surat, etc. Petroleum
power, market, capital, transport and labour, refineries are also located near the markets as the
etc. Relative significance of these factors varies transport of crude oil is easier and several
with time and place. There is strong relationship products derived from them are used as raw
between raw material and type of industry. It material in other industries. Koyali, Mathura and
is economical to locate the manufacturing Barauni refineries are typical examples. Ports also
industries at a place where cost of production play a crucial role in the location of oil refineries.
and delivery cost of manufactured goods to
consumers are the least. Transport costs, to a Transport
great extent, depend on the nature of raw Have you ever tried to find out the reasons
materials and manufactured products. A brief for the concentration of industries in Mumbai,
description of factors influencing the location Chennai, Delhi and in and around Kolkata?
of industries are given below: It was due to the fact that they initially
became the nodal point having transport
Raw Materials links. The industries shifted to interior
Industries using weight-losing raw materials are locations, only when railway lines were laid.
located in the regions where raw materials are All major industrial plants are located on the
located. Why are the sugar mills in India located trunk rail routes.
in sugarcane growing areas? Similarly, the
locations of pulp industry, copper smelting and Labour
pig iron industries are located near their raw Can we think of an industry without labour?
materials. In iron and steel industries, iron ore Industries require skilled labour. In India,
and coal both are weight-losing raw materials. labour is quite mobile and is available in large
Therefore, an optimum location for iron and steel numbers due to our large population.
industries should be near raw material sources.
This is why most of the iron and steel industries Historical Factors
are located either near coalfields (Bokaro,
Durgapur, etc.) or near sources of iron ore Have you ever thought of the reasons for
(Bhadravati, Bhilai, and Rourkela). Similarly, emerging Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai as
industries based on perishable raw materials are industrial nodes? These locations were greatly
also located close to raw material sources. influenced by our colonial past. During the
initial phase of colonisation, manufacturing
activities received new impetus provided by the
European traders. Places like Murshidabad,
Power provides the motive force for machines, Dhaka, Bhadohi, Surat, Vadodara, Kozhikode,
and therefore, its supply has to be ensured Coimbatore, Mysuru etc., emerged as important
before the location of any industry. However, manufacturing centres. In the subsequent
certain industries, like aluminium and industrial phase of colonialism, these
synthetic nitrogen manufacturing industries manufacturing centres experienced rapid
tend to be located near sources of power growth due to competition from the goods
because they are power intensive and require manufactured in Britain and the discriminatory
huge quantum of electricity. policies of colonial power.

86 India : People and Economy

In the last phase of colonialism, the British well as mini steel mills. It also includes
promoted few industries in selected areas. This secondary producers, rolling mills and
led to larger spatial coverage by different types ancillary industries.
of industries in the country.
Integrated Steel Plants
Industrial Policy
India, being a democratic country aims at TISCO
bringing about economic growth with balanced The Tata Iron and Steel plant lies very close to
regional development. the Mumbai-Kolkata railway line and about
Establishment of iron and steel industry 240 km away from Kolkata, which is the nearest
in Bhilai and Rourkela were based on decision port for the export of steel. The rivers
to develop backward tribal areas of the Subarnarekha and Kharkai provide water to
country. At present, government of India the plant. The iron ore for the plant is obtained
provides lots of incentives to industries locating from Noamundi and Badam Pahar and coal is
in backward areas. brought from Joda mines in Odisha. Coking coal
comes from Jharia and west Bokaro coalfields.
Major Industries
The iron and steel industry is basic to the IISCO
industrial development of any country. The The Indian Iron and Steel Company (IISCO) set
cotton textile Industry is one of our traditional up its first factory at Hirapur and later on
industries. The sugar Industry is based on local another at Kulti. In 1937, the Steel corporation
raw materials which prospered even in the of Bengal was constituted in association with
British period. Besides the more recent IISCO and set up another iron and steel producing
petrochemical Industry and the IT industry will unit at Burnpur (West Bengal). All the three
be discussed in this chapter. plants under IISCO are located very close to
Damodar valley coal fields (Raniganj, Jharia, and
The Iron and Steel Industry Ramgarh). Iron ore comes from Singhbhum in
Jharkhand. Water is obtained from the Barakar
The development of the iron and steel industry
opened the doors to rapid industrial River, a tributary of the Damodar. All the plants
are located along the Kolkata-Asansol railway
development in India. Almost all sectors of the
Indian industry depend heavily on the iron line. Unfortunately, steel production from IISCO
and steel industry for their basic fell considerably in 1972-73 and the plants were
taken over by the government.
infrastructure. Can we make tools to be used
in agriculture without iron?
Visvesvaraiya Iron and Steel Works Ltd. (VISL)
The other raw materials besides iron ore
and coking coal, essential for iron and steel The third integrated steel plant, the Visvesvaraiya
industry are limestone, dolomite, manganese Iron and Steel Works, initially called the Mysore
and fire clay. All these raw materials are gross Iron and Steel Works, is located close to an iron
(weight losing), therefore, the best location for ore producing area of Kemangundi in the
the iron and steel plants is near the source of Bababudan hills. Limestone and manganese are
raw materials. In India, there is a crescent also locally available. But this region has no coal.
shaped region comprising parts of At the beginning, charcoal obtained by burning
Chhattisgarh, Northern Odisha, Jharkhand and wood from nearby forests was used as fuel till
western West Bengal, which is extremely rich 1951. Afterwards, electric furnaces were installed
in high grade iron ore, good quality coking coal which use hydroelectricity from the Jog Falls
and other supplementing raw materials. hydel power project. The Bhadravati river
The Indian iron and steel industry supplies water to the plant. This plant produces
consists of large integrated steel plants as specialised steels and alloys.

Manufacturing Industries 87

Fig. 8.1 : India – Iron and Steel Plants

88 India : People and Economy

Fig. 8.2

Fig. 8.3

Fig. 8.4

Fig. 8.5

Fig. 8.6

Fig. 8.7

Fig. 8.8

Manufacturing Industries 89

After independence, during the Second obtained from the Damodar Valley Corporation
Five Year Plan (1956-61), three new integrated (DVC).
steel plants were set up with foreign
collaboration: Rourkela in Odisha, Bhilai in Bokaro Steel Plant
Chhattisgarh and Durgapur in West Bengal. This steel plant was set up in 1964 at Bokaro
These were public sector plants under with Russian collaboration. This plant was set
Hindustan Steel Limited (HSL). In 1973, the up on the principle of transportation cost
Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) was minimisation by creating Bokaro-Rourkela
created to manage these plants. combine. It receives iron ore from the Rourkela
region and the wagons on return take coal to
Rourkela Steel Plant Rourkela. Other raw materials come to Bokaro
from within a radius of about 350 km. Water
The Rourkela Steel plant was set up in 1959 in
and Hydel power is supplied by the Damodar
the Sundargarh district of Odisha in
Valley Corporation.
collaboration with Germany. The plant was
located on the basis of proximity to raw
Other Steel Plants
materials, thus, minimising the cost of
transporting weight losing raw material. This New steel plants which were set up in the
plant has a unique locational advantage, as it Fourth Plan period are away from the main
receives coal from Jharia (Jharkhand) and iron raw material sources. All the three plants are
ore from Sundargarh and Kendujhar. The located in South India. The Vizag Steel Plant,
Hirakud project supplies power for the electric in Vishakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh is the
furnaces and water is obtained from the Koel first port based plant which started operating
and Sankh rivers. in 1992. Its port location is of advantage.
The Vijaynagar Steel Plant at Hosapete in
Karnataka was developed using indigenous
Bhilai Steel Plant
technology. This uses local iron ore and
The Bhilai Steel Plant was established with limestone. The Salem Steel Plant in Tamil Nadu
Russian collaboration in Durg District of was commissioned in 1982.
Chhattisgarh and started production in 1959.
The iron ore comes from Dalli-Rajhara mine
(Fig. 8.6), coal comes from Korba and Kargali
coal fields. The water comes from the
Tanduladam and the power from the Korba
Themal Power Station. This plant also lies on
the Kolkata-Mumbai railway route. The bulk
of the steel produced goes to the Hindustan
Shipyard at Vishakhapatnam.

Durgapur Steel Plant

Source : Ministry of Steel, Government of India
Durgapur Steel Plant, in West Bengal, was set Fig 8.9 : Production of Finished Steel
up in collaboration with the government of the
United Kingdom and started production in Apart from these major steel plants, there
1962. This plant lies in Raniganj and Jharia are more than 206 units located in different
coal belt and gets iron ore from Noamundi (Fig. parts of the country. Most of these use scrap
8.7). Durgapur lies on the main Kolkata-Delhi iron as their main raw material, and process it
railway route. Hydel power and water is in electric furnaces.

90 India : People and Economy

The Cotton Textile Industry
The cotton textile industry is one of the
traditional industries of India. In the ancient
and the medieval times, it used to be only a
cottage industry. India was famous worldwide
for the production of muslin, a very fine variety
of cotton cloth, calicos, chintz and other
different varieties of fine cotton cloth. The
development of this industry in India was due
to several factors. One, it is a tropical country
and cotton is the most comfortable fabric for a
hot and humid climate. Second, large quantity
of cotton was grown in India. Abundant skilled
labour required for this industry was available
in this country. In fact, in some areas the
people were producing cotton textiles for
generations and transferred the skill from one Fig 8.10 : Production of Cotton Textile

generation to the other and in the process

perfected their skills. centre. It was very close to the cotton producing
Initially, the British did not encourage the areas of Gujarat and Maharashtra. Raw cotton
development of the indigenous cotton textile used to be brought to Mumbai port to be
industry. They exported raw cotton to their mills transported to England. Therefore, cotton was
in Manchester and Liverpool and brought back available in Mumbai city itself. Moreover,
the finished products to be sold in India. This Mumbai even then was the financial centre and
cloth was cheaper because it was produced at the capital needed to start an industry was
mass scale in factories in U.K. as compared to available there. As a large town, providing
the cottage based industries of India. employment opportunities attracted labour in
In 1854, the first modern cotton mill was large numbers. Hence, cheap and abundant
established in Mumbai. This city had several labour too was available locally. The machinery
advantages as a cotton textile manufacturing required for a cotton textile mill could be directly

Spinning yarn in powerloom Handloom Cotton Textile Industry

Manufacturing Industries 91

Fig. 8.11 : Cotton Textile Industries

92 India : People and Economy

imported from England. Subsequently, two local investment. Mills were also set up at
more mills, the Shahpur Mill and the Calico Mill Kolkata due to its port facilities. The
were established in Ahmedabad. By 1947, the development of hydro-electricity also favoured
number of mills in India went up to 423 but the location of the cotton textile mills away from
the scenario changed after partition, and this the cotton producing areas. The rapid
industry suffered a major recession. This was development of this industry in Tamil Nadu is
due to the fact that the most of the good quality the result of the abundant availability of hydel
cotton growing areas had gone to West Pakistan power for the mills. Lower labour costs at
and India was left with 409 mills and only 29 centres like Ujjain, Bharuch, Agra, Hathras,
per cent of the cotton producing area. Coimbatore and Tirunelveli also caused
After Independence, this industry industries to be located away from cotton
gradually recovered and eventually flourished. producing areas.
The cotton textile industry in India can be Thus, the cotton textile industry is located
broadly divided into two sectors, the organised in almost every state in India, where one or more
sector and the unorganised sector. The of the locational factors have been favourable.
decentralised sector includes cloth produced The importance of raw materials has given way
in handlooms (including Khadi) and to market or to a cheaper local labour force or
powerlooms. The production of the organised it may be the availability of power.
sector has drastically fallen from 81 per cent in Presently, the major centres of the cotton
the mid-twentieth century to only about 6 per
textile industry are Ahmedabad, Bhiwandi,
cent in 2000. At present, the powerlooms on
Solapur, Kolhapur, Nagpur, Indore and Ujjain.
the decentralised sector produce more than the
All these centres are the traditional centres and
handloom sector.
are located close to the cotton producing
Cotton is a “pure” raw material which does
regions. Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu
not lose weight in the manufacturing process.
so other factors, like, power to drive the looms, are the leading cotton producing states. West
labour, capital or market may determine the Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, and Punjab
location of the industry. At present the trend is are the other important cotton textile producers.
to locate the industry at or close to markets, as (Fig. 8.11)
it is the market that decides what kind of cloth Tamil Nadu has the largest number of
is to be produced. Also the market for the mills and most of them produce yarn rather
finished products is extremely variable, than cloth. Coimbatore has emerged as the
therefore, it becomes important to locate the most important centre with nearly half the mills
mills close to the market. located there. Chennai, Madurai, Tirunelveli,
After the first mills were set up in Mumbai Tuticorin, Thanjavur, Ramanathapuram and
and Ahmedabad in the second half of the Salem are the other important centres. In
nineteenth century, the cotton textile industry Karnataka, the cotton textile industry has
expanded very rapidly. The number of units developed in the cotton producing areas in the
increased dramatically. The Swadeshi
north-eastern part of the state. Davangere,
movement gave a major impetus to the industry
as there was a call for boycotting all British Hubballi, Ballari, Mysuru and Bengaluru are
made goods in favour of Indian goods. After important centres. The cotton textile industry
1921, with the development of the railway is located in the cotton producing Telengana
network other cotton textile centres expanded region, where most of the mills are spinning
rapidly. In southern India, mills were set up mills producing yarn. The important centres
at Coimbatore, Madurai and Bengaluru. In are Hyderabad, Secunderabad and Warangal
central India, Nagpur, Indore, Solapur and in Telangana and Guntur in Andhra Pradesh.
Vadodara became cotton textile centres. Cotton In Uttar Pradesh, Kanpur is the largest
textile mills were set up at Kanpur based on centre. Some of the other important centres are

Manufacturing Industries 93

Modinagar, Hathras, Saharanpur, Agra and Uttar Pradesh is the second largest
Lucknow. In West Bengal, the cotton mills are producer of sugar. The sugar factories are
located in the Hugli region. Howrah, concentrated in two belts – the Ganga-Yamuna
Serampur, Kolkata and Shyamnagar are the doab and the tarai region. The major sugar
important centres. producing centres in the Ganga -Yamuna doab
Production of cotton cloth increased almost are Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut,
five times since independence. Cotton textile has Ghaziabad, Baghpat and Bulandshahr
been facing tough competition from synthetic districts; while Kheri Lakhimpur, Basti, Gonda,
cloth. What are the other problems of cotton Gorakhpur, Bahraich are important sugar
textile industry in India? producing districts in the Tarai region.
In Tamil Nadu, sugar factories are located
Sugar Industry in Coimbatore, Vellore, Tiruvanamalai,
Villupuram and Tiruchchirappalli districts.
The sugar industry is the second most important
Belagavi, Ballari, Mandya, Shivamogga,
agro-based industry in the country. India is the
Vijayapura and Chitradurg districts are the
largest producer of both sugarcane and cane
major producers in Karnataka. The industry is
sugar and contributes about 8 per cent of the
distributed in the coastal regions i.e. East
total sugar production in the world. Besides, Godavari, West Godavari, Vishakhapatnam
khandasari and gur or jaggery are also prepared
districts of Andhra Pradesh and Nizamabad and
from sugarcane. This industry provides Medak districts of Telangana.
employment for more than 4 lakh persons The other States which produce sugar are
directly and a large number of farmers indirectly. Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh and
Sugar industry is a seasonal industry because Gujarat. Saran, Champaran, Muzaffarnagar,
of the seasonality of raw materials. Siwan, Darbhanga, and Gaya are the important
Development of the industry on modern sugarcane producing districts in Bihar. The
lines dates back to 1903, when a sugar mill relative significance of Punjab has declined,
was started in Bihar. Subsequently, sugar mills although Gurdaspur, Jalandhar, Sangarur,
were started in other parts of Bihar and Uttar Patiala and Amritsar are major sugar
Pradesh. In 1950-51, 139 factories were in producers. In Haryana, sugar factories are
operation. The number of sugar factories rose located in Yamuna Nagar, Rohtak, Hissar and
to 662 in 2010-11. Faridabad districts. Sugar industry is
comparatively new in Gujarat. Sugar mills are
Location of the Sugar Industry
located in the cane growing tracts of Surat,
Sugarcane is a weight-losing crop. The ratio of Junagarh, Rajkot, Amreli, Valsad and
sugar to sugarcane varies between 9 to 12 per Bhavnagar districts.
cent depending on its variety. Its sucrose
content begins to dry during haulage after it Petrochemical Industries
has been harvested from the field. Better
recovery of sugar is dependent upon its being This group of industries has been growing very
fast in India. A variety of products come under
crushed within 24 hours of its harvesting.
this category of industries. In 1960s, demand
Sugar factories hence, are located within the for organic chemicals increased so fast that it
cane producing regions. became difficult to meet this demand. At that
Maharashtra has emerged as a leading time, petroleum refining industry expanded
sugar producer in the country and produces rapidly. Many items are derived from crude
more than one-third of the total production of petroleum, which provide raw materials for
the sugar in the country. many new industries, these are collectively

94 India : People and Economy

known as petrochemical industries. This group as raw materials in the plastic industry. Among
of industries is divided into four sub-groups: polymers, polyethylene is a widely used
(i) polymers, (ii) synthetic fibres, (iii) elastomers, thermoplastic. Plastic is first converted into
and (iv) surfactant intermediate. Mumbai is the sheets, powder, resin and pellets, and then used
hub of the petrochemical industries. Cracker in manufacturing plastic products. Plastic
units are also located in Auraiya (Uttar products are preferred because of their strength,
Pradesh), Jamnagar, Gandhinagar and Hajira flexibility, water and chemical resistance and low
(Gujarat), Nagothane, Ratnagiri (Maharashtra), prices. Production of plastic polymers started in
Haldia (West Bengal) and Vishakhapatnam India in the late fifties and the early sixties using
(Andhra Pradesh). other organic chemicals. The National Organic
Three organisations are working in the Chemicals Industries Limited (NOCIL),
petrochemical sector under the administrative established in private sector in 1961, started the
control of the Department of Chemicals and first naphtha based chemical industry in
Petrochemicals. First is the Indian Petrochemical Mumbai. Later, several other companies were
Corporation Limited (IPCL), a public sector formed. The plants located at Mumbai, Barauni,
undertaking. It is responsible for the manufacture Mettur, Pimpri and Rishra are the major
and distribution of the various petrochemicals like producers of plastic materials.
polymers, chemicals, fibres and fibre About 75 per cent of these units are in
intermediates. Second is the Petrofils Cooperative small scale sector. The industry also uses
Limited (PCL), a joint venture of the Government recycled plastics, which constitutes about 30
of India and Weaver’s Cooperative Societies. It per cent of the total production.
produces polyester filament yarn and nylon chips Synthetic fibres are widely used in the
at its two plants located at Vadodara and Naldhari manufacturing of fabrics because of their
in Gujarat. Third is the Central Institute of Plastic inherent strength, durability, washability, and
Engineering and Technology (CIPET), involved in resistance to shrinkage. Industries
imparting training in petro-chemical industry. manufacturing nylon and polyester yarns are
Polymers are made from ethylene and located at Kota, Pimpri, Mumbai, Modinagar,
propylene. These materials are obtained in the Pune, Ujjain, Nagpur and Udhna. Acrylic staple
process of refining crude oil. Polymers are used fibre is manufactured at Kota and Vadodara.

Manufacturing Industries 95

Though plastics have become inseparable maintain a sustained growth in productivity
items in our daily use and they have affected and gainful employment and attain
our life style. But due to its non-biodegradable international competitiveness.
quality it has emerged as the greatest threat to Within this policy, measures initiated are :
our environment. Hence, use of plastic is being (1) abolition of industrial licensing, (2) free entry
discouraged in different states of India. Do you to foreign technology, (3) foreign investment
know how does plastic adversely affect our policy, (4) access to capital market, (5) open
environment? trade, (6) abolition of phased manufacturing
programme, and (7) liberalised industrial
Knowledge based Industries location programme. The policy has three main
dimensions: liberalisation, privatisation and
The advancement in information technology has globalisation.
had a profound influence on the country’s The industrial licensing system has been
economy. The Information Technology (IT) abolished for all except six industries related to
revolution opened up new possibilities of security, strategic or environmental concerns. At
economic and social transformation. The IT and the same time, the number of industries reserved
IT enabled business process outsourcing (ITES- for public sector since 1956 have been reduced
BPO) services continue to be on a robust growth from 17 to 4. Industries related to atomic energy,
path. Indian software industry has emerged as substances specified in the Schedule of the
one of the fastest growing sectors in the economy. Department of Atomic Energy as well as Railways
The software industry has surpassed electronic have remained under the public sector. The
hardware production. The Indian government government also has decided to offer a part of
has created a number of software parks in the the shareholdings in the public enterprises to
country. financial institutions, general public and
The IT software and services industry workers. The threshold limits of assets have been
account for almost 2 per cent of India’s GDP. scrapped and no industry requires prior
India’s software industry has achieved a approval for investing in the delicensed sector.
remarkable distinction for providing quality They only need to submit a memorandum in
products. A large number of Indian software the prescribed format.
companies have acquired international quality In the new industrial policy, Foreign Direct
certification. A majority of the multinational Investment (FDI) has been seen as a supplement
companies operating in the area of information to the domestic investment for achieving a
technology have either software development higher level of economic development. FDI
centres or research development centres in benefits the domestic industry as well as the
India. However, in the hardware development consumers by providing technological
sector, India is yet to make any remarkable upgradation, access to global managerial skills
achievements. and practices, optimum use of natural and
A major impact of this growth has been on human resources, etc. Keeping all this in mind,
employment creation, which is almost doubled foreign investment has been liberalised and the
every year. government has permitted access to an
automatic route for Foreign Direct Investment.
Liberalisation, Privatisation, The government has also announced changes
Globalisation (LPG) and Industrial in the industrial location policies. Industries are
Development in India discouraged in or very close to large cities due
to environmental reasons.
The new Industrial Policy was announced in The industrial policy has been liberalised
1991. The major objectives of this policy were to attract private investor both domestic and
to build on the gains already made, correct the multi-nationals. New sectors like, mining,
distortions or weaknesses that have crept in, telecommunications, highway construction and

96 India : People and Economy

Fig. 8.12 : Software Technology Parks

Manufacturing Industries 97

management have been thrown open to private the first place, and then bringing down the level
companies. In spite of all these concessions, of import duties considerably; and (5) instead
Foreign Direct Investment has not been up to of a set of export incentives, opting for exchange
the expectation. There has been a big gap rate adjustments for promoting export.
between approved and actual foreign direct A breakup of foreign collaboration
investment, even though the numbers of foreign approval reveals that the major share went to
collaborations are increasing. Larger parts of this core, priority sectors while infrastructural sector
investment have gone to domestic appliances, was untouched. Further, gap between
finance, services, electronics and electrical developed and developing states has become
equipment, and food and dairy products. wider. Major share of both domestic investment
Globalisation means integrating the as well as foreign direct investment went to
economy of the country with the world already developed states. For example, out of
economy. Under this process, goods and the total proposed investment by the industrial
services along with capital, labour and entrepreneurs during 1991-2000 nearly one-
resources can move freely from one nation to fourth (23 per cent) was for industrially
another. The thrust of globalisation has been developed Maharashtra, 17 per cent for
to increase the domestic and external Gujarat, 7 per cent for Andhra Pradesh, and
about 6 per cent for Tamil Nadu while Uttar
competition through extensive application of
Pradesh, the state with the largest population
market mechanism and facilitating dynamic
has only 8 per cent. In spite of several
relationship with the foreign investors and concessions, seven north-eastern states could
suppliers of technology. In Indian context, this get less than 1 per cent of the proposed
implies: (1) opening of the economy to foreign investment. In fact, economically weaker states
direct investment by providing facilities to could not compete with the developed states in
foreign companies to invest in different fields of open market in attracting industrial investment
economies activity in India; (2) removing proposals and hence they are likely to suffer
restrictions and obstacles to the entry of multi- from these processes.
national companies in India; (3) allowing Indian
Industrial Regions in India
companies to enter into foreign collaboration
in India and also encouraging them to set up Industries are not evenly distributed in the
joint ventures abroad; (4) carrying out massive country. They tend to concentrate on certain
import liberalisation programmes by switching locations because of the favourable locational
over from quantitative restrictions to tariffs in factors.

Industrial Regions and Districts

Major Industrial Regions (8)
1. Mumabi-Pune Region, 2. Hugli Region, 3. Bengaluru-Tamil Nadu Region, 4. Gujarat Region,
5. Chotanagpur Region, 6. Vishakhapatnam-Guntur Region, 7. Gurgaon-Delhi-Meerut Region, and
8. Kollam-Thiruvananthapuram Region.
Minor Industrial Regions (13)
1. Ambala-Amritsar, 2. Saharanpur-Muzaffarnagar-Bijnor, 3. Indore-Dewas-Uijjain, 4. Jaipur-Ajmer,
5. Kolhapur-South Kannada, 6. Northern Malabar, 7. Middle Malabar, 8. Adilabad-Nizamabad,
9. Allahabad-Varanasi-Mirzapur, 10. Bhojpur-Munger, 11. Durg-Raipur, 12. Bilaspur-Korba, and
13. Brahmaputra valley.
Industrial Districts (15)
1. Kanpur, 2. Hyderabad, 3. Agra, 4. Nagpur, 5. Gwalior, 6. Bhopal, 7. Lucknow, 8. Jalpaiguri,
9. Cuttack, 10. Gorakhpur, 11. Aligarh, 12. Kota, 13. Purnia, 14. Jabalpur, and 15. Bareilly.

98 India : People and Economy

Fig. 8.13 : India – Major Industrial Region

Manufacturing Industries 99

Several indices are used to identify the geographical, economic and political factors
clustering of industries, important among them have contributed much to its development. It
are : (i) the number of industrial units, (ii) developed with the opening of river port on
number of industrial workers, (iii) quantum of Hugli. Kolkata emerged as a leading centre of
power used for industrial purposes, (iv) total the country. Later, Kolkata was connected with
industrial output, and (v) value added by interior parts by railway lines and road routes.
manufacturing, etc. Development of tea plantations in Assam and
Major industrial regions of the country are northern hills of West Bengal, the processing of
given below in some details (Fig. 8.13). indigo earlier and jute later coupled with the
Mumbai-Pune Industrial Region opening of coalfields of the Damodar Valley and
iron ore deposits of the Chotanagpur plateau,
It extends from Mumbai-Thane to Pune and contributed to the industrial development of the
in adjoining districts of Nashik and Solapur. region. Cheap labour available from thickly
Besides, industrial development has been populated part of Bihar, eastern Uttar Pradesh
rapid in Kolaba, Ahmednagar, Satara, Sangli and Odisha also contributed to its development.
and Jalgaon districts. Development of this Kolkata, being the capital city of British India
region started with the location of cotton (1773-1911), attracted the British capital. The
textile industry in Mumbai. Mumbai, with establishment of first jute mill at Rishra in 1855
cotton hinterland and moist climate favoured ushered in the era of modern industrial
the location of cotton textile industry. clustering in this region.
Opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 provided The major concentration of jute industry
impetus to the growth of Mumbai port. is at Haora and Bhatapara. The partition of the
Machineries were imported through this port. country in 1947 adversely affected this
Hydro-electricity was developed in the industrial region. Cotton textile industry also
Western Ghat region to meet the requirements grew along with jute industry, paper,
of this industry. engineering, textile machinery, electrical,
With the development of cotton textile chemical, pharmaceuticals, fertiliser and
industry, chemical industry also developed. petrochemical industries have also developed
Opening of the Mumbai High petroleum field within this region. Factory of the Hindustan
and erection of nuclear energy plants added Motors Limited at Konnagar and diesel engine
additional pull to this region. factory at Chittaranjan are landmarks of this
Besides, engineering goods, petroleum region. Location of petroleum refinery at Haldia
refining, petrochemicals, leather, synthetic has facilitated the development of a variety of
and plastic goods, drugs, fertilisers, industries. Important industrial centres of this
electrical, shipbuilding, electronics, software, region are Kolkata, Haora, Haldia, Serampur,
transport equipments and food industries Rishra, Shibpur, Naihati, Kakinara,
also developed. Important industrial centres Shamnagar, Titagarh, Sodepur, Budge Budge,
are Mumbai, Kolaba, Kalyan, Thane, Birlanagar, Bansberia, Belgurriah, Triveni,
Trombay, Pune, Pimpri, Nashik, Manmad, Hugli, Belur, etc. However, industrial growth of
Solapur, Kolhapur, Ahmednagar, Satara and this region has slowed down in comparison to
Sangli. other regions. Decline of the jute industry is one
of the reasons.
Hugli Industrial Region Bengaluru-Chennai Industrial Region
Located along the Hugli river, this region This region witnessed most rapid industrial
extends from Bansberia in the north to growth in post-Independence period. Till 1960,
Birlanagar in the south for a distance of about industries were confined to Bengaluru, Salem
100 km. Industries also have developed in and Madurai districts but now they have spread
Mednipur in the west. Kolkata-Haora from the over all the districts of Tamil Nadu except
nucleus of this industrial region. Historical, Viluppuram. Since, this region is away from the

100 India : People and Economy

coalfields, its development is dependent on the Chotanagpur Region
Pykara hydroelectric plant, which was built in
1932. Cotton textile industry was the first to This region extends over Jharkhand, northern
take roots due to the presence of cotton growing Orissa and western West Bengal and is known
areas. Along with cotton mills, loom industry for the heavy metallurgical industries. This
spread very rapidly. Several heavy engineering region owes its development to the discovery of
industries converged at Bengaluru. Aircraft coal in the Damodar Valley and metallic and
(HAL), machine tools, telephone (HTL) and non-metallic minerals in Jharkhand and
Bharat Electronics are industrial landmarks of northern Orissa. Proximity of coal, iron ore and
this region. Important industries are textiles, other minerals facilitated the location of heavy
rail wagons, diesel engines, radio, light industries in this region. Six large integrated
engineering goods, rubber goods, medicines, iron and steel plants at Jamshedpur, Burnpur-
aluminium, sugar, cement, glass, paper, Kulti, Durgapur, Bokaro and Rourkela are
chemicals, film, cigarette, match box, leather located within this region. To meet the power
goods, etc. Petroleum refinery at Chennai, iron requirement, thermal and hydroelectric plants
and steel plant at Salem and fertiliser plants have been constructed in the Damodar Valley.
are recent developments. Densely populated surrounding regions
provide cheap labour and Hugli region provides
Gujarat Industrial Region vast market for its industries. Heavy
The nucleus of this region lies between engineering, machine tools, fertilisers, cement,
Ahmedabad and Vadodara but this region paper, locomotives and heavy electricals are some
extends upto Valsad and Surat in the south and of the important industries in this region.
to Jamnagar in the west. Development of this Important centres are Ranchi, Dhanbad,
region is also associated with the location of the Chaibasa, Sindri, Hazaribag, Jamshedpur,
cotton textile industry since 1860s. This region Bokaro, Rourkela, Durgapur, Asansol and
became an important textile region with the Dalmianagar.
decline of the cotton textile industry at Mumbai.
Vishakhapatnam-Guntur Region
Located in cotton growing area, this region has
double advantage of the proximity of raw This industrial region extends from
materials as well as of market. The discovery of Vishakhapatnam district to Kurnool and
oil fields led to the establishment of petrochemical Prakasam districts in the south. Industrial
industries around Ankleshwar, Vadodara and development of this region hinges upon
Jamnagar. The port at Kandla helped in the rapid Vishakhapatnam and Machilipatnam ports and
growth of this region. Petroleum refinery at developed agriculture and rich reserves of
Koyali provided raw materials to a host of minerals in their hinterlands. Coalfields of the
petrochemical industries. The industrial Godavari basin provide energy. Ship building
structure is now diversified. Besides, textiles industry was started at Vishakhapatnam in
(cotton, silk and synthetic fabrics) and 1941. Petroleum refinery based on imported
petrochemical industries, other industries are petroleum facilitated the growth of several
heavy and basic chemicals, motor, tractor, diesel petrochemical industries. Sugar, textile, jute,
engines, textile machinery, engineering, paper, fertiliser, cement, aluminium and light
pharmaceuticals, dyes, pesticides, sugar, dairy engineering are principal industries of this
products and food processing. Recently, largest region. One lead-zinc smelter is functioning in
petroleum refinery has been set up at Jamnagar. Guntur district. Iron and steel plant at
Important industrial centres of this region are Vishakhapatnam uses the Bailadila iron ore.
Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Bharuch, Koyali, Vishakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Vijaynagar,
Anand, Khera, Surendranagar, Rajkot, Surat, Rajahmundry, Guntur, Eluru and Kurnool are
Valsad and Jamnagar. important industrial centres.

Manufacturing Industries 101

Gurgaon-Delhi-Meerut Region Kollam-Thiruvananthapuram Region
Industries located in this region have shown This industrial region is spread over
very fast growth in the recent past. This region Th iruvananthapuram, Kollam, Alwaye,
is located far away from the mineral and power Ernakulam and Alappuzha districts.
resources, and therefore, the industries are Plantation agriculture and hydropower
light and market-oriented. Electronics, light provide industrial base to this region. Located
engineering and electrical goods are major far away from the mineral belt of the country,
industries of this region. Besides, there are agricultural products processing and market
cotton, woollen and synthetic fabrics, hosiery, oriented light industries predominate the
sugar, cement, machine tools, tractor, cycle, region. Among them, cotton textile, sugar,
agricultural implements, chemical and rubber, matchbox, glass, chemical fertiliser and
vanaspati industries which have developed on fish-based industries are important. Food
large scale. Software industry is a recent processing, paper, coconut coir products,
addition. To the south lies the Agra-Mathura aluminium and cement industries are also
industrial area which specialises in glass and significant. Location of petroleum refinery at
leather goods. Mathura with an oil refinery is Kochchi has added a vista of new industries to
a petrochemical complex. Among industrial this region. Important industrial centres are
centres, mention be made of Gurgaon, Delhi, Kollam, Thiruvananthapuram, Alluva, Kochchi,
Shahdara, Faridabad, Meerut, Modinagar,
Alappuzha, and Punalur.
Ghaziabad, Ambala, Agra and Mathura.

1. Choose the right answers of the following from the given options.
(i) Which is not a factor of industrial location?
(a) Market (c) Population Density
(b) Capital (d) Power
(ii) The earliest Iron and Steel Company to be established in India was:
(c) Visvesvaraiya Iron and Steel Works
(d) Mysore Iron and Steel Works.
(iii) The first modern cotton mill was established in Mumbai because:
(a) Mumbai is a port
(b) It is located near cotton growing area
(c) Mumbai was the financial centre
(d) All of the above.
(iv) The nucleus of the Hugli Industrial Region is:
(a) Kolkata-Haora (c) Kolkata-Medinipur
(b) Kolkata-Rishra (d) Kolkata-Konnagar

102 India : People and Economy

(v) Which one of the following is the second largest producer of sugar:
(a) Maharashtra (c) Punjab
(b) Uttar Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Why do you think that the iron and steel industry is basic to the industrial
development of any country?
(ii) Name the two sectors of the cottage textile industries. How are they
(iii) Why is the sugar industry a seasonal industry?
(iv) What is the raw material base for the petrochemical industry? Name some
of the products of this industry.
(v) What is the major impact of Information Technology (IT) revolution in India?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) How did the Swadeshi movement give a major impetus to the cotton textiles
(ii) What do you understand by liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation?
How have they helped industrial development in India?

Manufacturing Industries 103

When you fall ill you go to your family doctor
Unit-III or you call a doctor. Sometimes your parents
Chapter-7 take you to a hospital for treatment. While in
school, you are taught by your teachers. In the
event of any dispute, legal opinion is obtained
from a lawyer. Likewise, there are many
professionals who provide their services against
payment of their fee. Thus, all types of services
are special skills provided in exchange of

payments. Health, education, law, governance
and recreation etc. require professional skills.
These services require other theoretical
knowledge and practical training. Tertiary
activities are related to the service sector.

Manpower is an important component of the
Tertiary and service sector as most of the tertiary activities

pu T
are performed by skilled labour, professionally

Quaternary Activities trained experts and consultants.
re R In the initial stages of economic
development, larger proportion of people

worked in the primary sector. In a developed
economy, the majority of workers get
employment in tertiary activity and a moderate
proportion is employed in the secondary sector.
be C

Tertiary activities include both production

and exchange. The production involves the
‘provision’ of services that are ‘consumed’. The
output is indirectly measured in terms of wages
o N

and salaries. Exchange, involves trade,

transport and communication facilities that are
used to overcome distance. Tertiary activities,
therefore, involve the commercial output of

services rather than the production of tangible

goods. They are not directly involved in the
processing of physical raw materials. Common
examples are the work of a plumber, electrician,
technician, launderer, barber, shopkeeper,
driver, cashier, teacher, doctor, lawyer and
publisher etc. The main difference between
secondary activities and tertiary activities is that
the expertise provided by services relies more
heavily on specialised skills, experience and

knowledge of the workers rather than on the

production techniques, machinery and factory


By now you know that you purchase your
books, stationery from traders shop, travel by
tt ©
o N

Fundamentals of Human Geography

be C
re RE
pu T
Fig. 7.1: Service Sector
bus or rail, send letters, talk on telephone and Periodic markets in rural areas are found
obtain services of teachers for studies and where there are no regular markets and local
doctors at the time of illness. periodic markets are organised at different
Thus, trade, transport, communication temporal intervals. These may be weekly, bi-
and services are some of the tertiary activities weekly markets from where people from the
discussed in this section. The chart provides surrounding areas meet their temporally
the basis for classifying the tertiary activities. accumulated demand. These markets are
held on specified dates and move from one
Trade and commerce place to another. The shopkeepers thus,

Trade is essentially buying and selling of items remain busy on all the days while a large area
is served by them.
produced elsewhere. All the services in retail
and wholesale trading or commerce are Urban marketing centres have more widely
specifically intended for profit. The towns and specialised urban services. They provide
ordinary goods and services as well as many of
cities where all these works take place are

known us trading centres. the specialised goods and services required by
people. Urban centres, therefore, offer

pu T
The rise of trading from barter at the local
manufactured goods as well as many

level to money-exchange of international scale
has produced many centres and institutions
re R specialised markets develop, e.g. markets for
labour, housing, semi or finished products.
such as trading centres or collection and
distribution points. Services of educational institutions and

professionals such as teachers, lawyers,
Trading centres may be divided into rural
consultants, physicians, dentists and veterinary
and urban marketing centres.
Rural marketing centres cater to nearby doctors are available.
settlements. These are quasi-urban centres.
be C

They serve as trading centres of the most

rudimentary type. Here personal and
professional services are not well-developed.
o N

These form local collecting and distributing

centres. Most of these have mandis (wholesale
markets) and also retailing areas. They are not
urban centres per se but are significant centres
for making available goods and services which

are most frequently demanded by rural folk.

Fig. 7.3: Packed Food Market in U.S.A.

Retail Trading

This is the business activity concerned with the

sale of goods directly to the consumers. Most
of the retail trading takes place in fixed
establishments or stores solely devoted to

selling. Street peddling, handcarts, trucks,

door-to-door, mail-order, telephone, automatic
vending machines and internet are examples
Fig. 7.2: A Wholesale Vegetable Market of non-store retail trading.

Tertiary and Quaternary Activities 57

particular route; and cost distance or the
M ore on Stores expense of travelling on a route. In selecting the
mode of transport, distance, in terms of time or
Consumer cooperatives were the first of cost, is the determining factor. Isochrone lines
the large-scale innovations in retailing. are drawn on a map to join places equal in terms
Departmental stores delegate the of the time taken to reach them.
responsibility and authority to departmental
heads for purchasing of commodities and
for overseeing the sale in different sections Network and Accessibility

of the stores.
As transport systems develop, different
Chain stores are able to purchase places are linked together to form a
merchandise most economically, often network. Networks are made up of nodes
going so far as to direct the goods to be and links. A node is the meeting point of
manufactured to their specification. They two or more routes, a point of origin, a point

employ highly skilled specialists in many of destination or any sizeable town along a

pu T
executive tasks. They have the ability to route, Every road that joins two nodes is
experiment in one store and apply the called a link. A developed network has

results to many.
re R many links, which means that places are

Wholesale Trading Factors Affecting Transport
Wholesale trading constitutes bulk business Demand for transport is influenced by the size
be C

through numerous intermediary merchants of population. The larger the population size,
and supply houses and not through retail the greater is the demand for transport.
stores. Some large stores including chain stores Routes depend on: location of cities,
o N

are able to buy directly from the manufacturers. towns, villages, industrial centres and raw
However, most retail stores procure supplies materials, pattern of trade between them, nature
from an intermediary source. Wholesalers often of the landscape between them, type of climate,
extend credit to retail stores to such an extent and funds available for overcoming obstacles
that the retailer operates very largely on the along the length of the route.

wholesaler’s capital.
Communication services involve the
Transport is a service or facility by which transmission of words and messages, facts
people, materials and manufactured goods and ideas. The invention of writing preserved
are physically carried from one location to messages and helped to make communication
another. It is an organised industry created dependent on means of transport. These were
to satisfy man’s basic need of mobility. actually carried by hand, animals, boat, road,
Modern society requires speedy and efficient rail and air. That is why all forms of transport

transport systems to assist in the production, are also referred to as lines of communication.
distribution and consumption of goods. At Where the transport network is efficient,
every stage in this complex system, the value communications are easily disseminated.
of the material is significantly enhanced by Certain developments, such as mobile

transportation. telephony and satellites, have made

Transport distance can be measured as: communications independent of transport. All
km distance or actual distance of route length; forms are not fully disassociated because of the
time distance or the time taken to travel on a cheapness of the older systems. Thus, very

58 Fundamentals of Human Geography

large volumes of mail continue to be handled legislation have established corporations to
by post offices all over the world. supervise and control the marketing of such
Some of the communication services are services as transport, telecommunication,
discussed below. energy and water supply. Professional services
are primarily health care, engineering, law and
Telecommunications management. The location of recreational and
The use of telecommunications is linked to the entertainment services depends on the market.
development of modern technology. It has Multiplexes and restaurants might find location
revolutionised communications because of the within or near the Central Business District

speed with which messages are sent. The time (CBD), whereas a golf course would choose a
reduced is from weeks to minutes. Besides, the site where land costs are lower than in the CBD.
recent advancements like mobile telephony Personal services are made available to the
have made communications direct and people to facilitate their work in daily life. The
instantaneous at any time and from anywhere.

workers migrate from rural areas in search of
The telegraph, morse code and telex have almost
employment and are unskilled. They are

pu T
become things of the past.
employed in domestic services as

Radio and television also help to relay
news, pictures, and telephone calls to vast
re R housekeepers, cooks, and gardeners. This
audiences around the world and hence they are segment of workers is generally unorganised.
termed as mass media. They are vital for One such example in India is Mumbai’s

advertising and entertainment. Newspapers are dabbawala (Tiffin) service provided to about
able to cover events in all corners of the world. 1,75,000 customers all over the city.
Satellite communication relays information of
the earth and from space. The internet has truly
be C

revolutionised the global communication

system .
o N

Services occur at many different levels. Some
are geared to industry, some to people, and some
to both industry and people, e.g. the transport

systems. Low-order services, such as grocery

shops and laundries, are more common and
widespread than high-order services or more
specialised ones like those of accountants,
consultants and physicians. Services are
provided to individual consumers who can Fig. 7.4: Dabbawala Service in Mumbai
afford to pay for them. For example, the
gardener, the launderers and the barber do
primarily physical labour. Teacher, lawyers,
physicians, musicians and others perform PEOPLE ENGAGED IN

mental labour. TER TIAR

Many services have now been regulated. Today most people are service workers. Services
Making and maintaining highways and are provided in all societies. But in more

bridges, maintaining fire fighting departments developed countries a higher percentage of

and supplying or supervising education and workers is employed in providing services as
customer -care are among the important compared to less developed countries. The
services most often supervised or performed by trend in employment in this sector has been
governments or companies. State and union

Tertiary and Quaternary Activities 59

increasing while it has remained unchanged or are scattered. Historic towns also attract
decreasing in the primary and secondary tourists, because of the monument, heritage
activities. sites and cultural activities.

SOME SELECTED EXAMPLES Factors Affecting Tourism

Tourism Demand : Since the last century, the demand

for holidays has increased rapidly.
Tourism is travel undertaken for purposes of Improvements in the standard of living and
recreation rather than business. It has become increased leisure time, permit many more

the world’s single largest tertiary activity in total people to go on holidays for leisure.
registered jobs (250 million) and total revenue Transport : The opening-up of tourist
(40 per cent of the total GDP). Besides, many areas has been aided by improvement in
local persons, are employed to provide services transport facilities. Travel is easier by car, with
like accommodation, meals, transport, better road systems. More significant in recent

entertainment and special shops serving the years has been the expansion in air transport.

pu T
tourists. Tourism fosters the growth of For example, air travel allows one to travel

infrastructure industries, retail trading, and anywhere in the world in a few hours of flying-
craft industries (souvenirs). In some regions, time from their homes. The advent of package
re R
tourism is seasonal because the vacation period
is dependent on favourable weather conditions,
holidays has reduced the costs.

but many regions attract visitors all the year Tourist Attractions
round. Climate: Most people from colder regions expect
to have warm, sunny weather for beach
holidays. This is one of the main reasons for
be C

the importance of tourism in Southern Europe

and the Mediterranean lands. The
Mediterranean climate offers almost consistently
o N

higher temperatures, than in other parts of

Europe, long hours of sunshine and low rainfall
throughout the peak holiday season. People
taking winter holidays have specific climatic
requirements, either higher temperatures than

their own homelands, or snow cover suitable

for skiing.
Landscape: Many people like to spend
their holidays in an attractive environment,
which often means mountains, lakes,
spectacular sea coasts and landscapes not
completely altered by man.
Fig. 7.5: Tourists skiing in the snow capped
mountain slopes of Switzerland
History and Art: The history and art of an
area have potential attractiveness. People visit
ancient or picturesque towns and

Tourist Regions archaeological sites, and enjoy exploring

castles, palaces and churches.
The warmer places around the Mediterranean Culture and Economy: These attract
Coast and the West Coast of India are some of tourists with a penchant for experiencing ethnic

the popular tourist destinations in the world. and local customs. Besides, if a region provides
Others include winter sports regions, found for the needs of tourists at a cheap cost, it is
mainly in mountainous areas, and various likely to become very popular. Home-stay has
scenic landscapes and national parks, which emerged as a profitable business such as

60 Fundamentals of Human Geography

heritage homes in Goa, Madikere and Coorg QUATERN
in Karnataka. What do a CEO of an MNC in Copenhagen, at
New York and a medical transcriptionist at
Medical Services for Overseas Patients in India Bangalore have in common? All these people
work in a segment of the service sector that is
About 55,000 patients from U.S.A. visited India knowledge oriented. This sector can be divided
in 2005 for treatment. This is still a small into quaternary and quinary activities.
number compared with the millions of surgeries Quaternary activities involve some of the
performed each year in the U.S. healthcare following: the collection, production and
system. India has emerged as the leading dissemination of information or even the

country of medical tourism in the world. World production of information. Quaternary activities
centre around research, development and may
class hospitals located in metropolitan cities be seen as an advanced form of services involving
cater to patients all over the world. Medical specialised knowledge and technical skills.
tourism brings abundant benefits to developing

countries like India, Thailand, Singapore and
The Quaternary Sector
Malaysia. Beyond medical tourism, is the trend

pu T
The Quaternary Sector along with the Tertiary
of outsourcing of medical tests and data Sector has replaced most of the primary and

interpretation. Hospitals in India, Switzerland secondary employment as the basis for
and Australia have been performing certain economic growth. Over half of all workers In
re R
medical services – ranging from reading developed economies are in the ‘Knowledge
Sector’ and there has been a very high growth

radiology images, to interpreting Magnetic
in demand for and consumption of information-
Resonance Images (MRIs) and ultrasound tests. based services from mutual fund managers
Outsourcing holds tremendous advantages for to tax consultants, software developers and
patients, if it is focused on improving quality or statisticians. Personnel working in office
providing specialised care. buildings, elementary schools and university
be C

classrooms, hospitals and doctors’ offices,

theatres, accounting and brokerage firms all
Medical Tourism belong to this category of services.
o N

Like some of the tertiary functions,

When medical treatment is combined with quaternary activities can also be outsourced.
international tourism activity, it lends itself They are not tied to resources, affected by
to what is commonly known as medical the environment, or necessarily localised by
tourism. market.
tt ©

Organise an informal debate session in your class about how could the
emerging medical industry of our country become a boom as well as doom?

Tertiary and Quaternary Activities 61

Outsourcing has resulted in the opening
Where Will it All Lead to? up of a large number of call centres in India,
China, Eastern Europe, Israel, Philippines and
Costa Rica. It has created new jobs in these
countries. Outsourcing is coming to those
countries where cheap and skilled workers are
available. These are also out-migrating
countries. With the work available though
outsourcing, the migration in these countries

may come down. Outsourcing countries are
facing resistance from job-seeking youths in
their respective countries. The comparative
advantage is the main reason for continuing
outsourcing. New trends in quinary services

include knowledge processing outsourcing
(KPO) and ‘home shoring’, the latter as an

pu T
alternative to outsourcing. The KPO industry

re R is distinct from Business Process Outsourcing
(BPO) as it involves highly skilled workers. It is
information driven knowledge outsourcing.

KPO enables companies to create additional
business opportunities. Examples of KPOs
include research and development (R and D)
activities, e-learning, business research,
be C

intellectual property (IP) research, legal

profession and the banking sector.
o N

ARY Outsourcing or contracting out is giving work
to an outside agency to improve efficiency
The highest level of decision makers or policy

and to reduce costs. When outsourcing

makers perform quinary activities. These are
involves transferring work to overseas
subtly different from the knowledge based locations, it is described by the term off -
industries that the quinary sector in general shoring, although both off - shoring and
deals with. outsourcing are used together. Business
Quinary activities are services that focus on activities that are outsourced include
the creation, re-arrangement and information technology (IT), human
interpretation of new and existing ideas; data resources, customer support and call centre
interpretation and the use and evaluation of services and at times also manufacturing
new technologies. Often referred to as ‘gold and engineering.

collar’ professions, they represent another Data processing is an IT related service

subdivision of the tertiary sector representing easily be carried out in Asian, East
special and highly paid skills of senior European and African countries, In these
business executives, government officials, countries IT skilled staff with good English

research scientists, financial and legal language skills are available at lower wages
consultants, etc. Their importance in the
than those in the developed countries. Thus,
structure of advanced economies far
a company in Hyderabad or Manila does
outweighs their numbers.

62 Fundamentals of Human Geography

work on a project based on GIS techniques T HE DIGITAL DIVIDE
for a country like U.S.A or Japan. Overhead
costs are also much lower making it Opportunities emerging from the Information
profitable to get job-work carried out and Communication Technology based
overseas, whether it is in India, China or development is unevenly distributed across
even a less populous country like Botswana the globe. There are wide ranging economic,
in Africa.
political and social differences among
countries. How quickly countries can provide
ICT access and benefits to its citizens is the

deciding factor. While developed countries in
general have surged forward, the developing
Describe the nature of work against each colour-name
countries have lagged behind and this is
Colour of the collar Nature of work known as the digital divide. Similarly digital

Red ? divides exist within countries. For example,
Gold ? in a large country like India or Russia, it is

pu T
White ? inevitable that certain areas like metropolitan

Grey re R ? centres possess better connectivity and
Blue ?
access to the digital world versus peripheral
Pink ?

rural areas.
be C
o N

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following is a tertiary activity?

(a) Farming (c) Weaving

(b) Trading (d) Hunting
(ii) Which one of the following activities is NOT a secondary sector activity?
(a) Iron Smelting (c) Making garments
(b) Catching fish (d) Basket Weaving
(iii) Which one of the following sectors provides most of the employment in Delhi,
Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.
(a) Primary (c) Secondary

(b) Quaternary (d) Service

(iv) Jobs that involve high degrees and level of innovations are known as:
(a) Secondary activities (c) Quinary activities
(b) Quaternary activities (d) Primary activities

(v) Which one of the following activities is related to quaternary sector?

(a) Manufacturing computers (c) University teaching
(b) Paper and Raw pulp production (d) Printing books

Tertiary and Quaternary Activities 63

(vi) Which one out of the following statements is not true?
(a) Outsourcing reduces costs and increases efficiency.
(b) At times engineering and manufacturing jobs can also be outsourced.
(c) BPOs have better business opportunities as compared to KPOs.
(d) There may be dissatisfaction among job seekers in the countries that
outsource the job.
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Explain retail trading service.
(ii) Describe quaternary services.

(iii) Name the fast emerging countries of medical tourism in the world.
(iv) What is digital divide?
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) Discuss the significance and growth of the service sector in modern

economic development.

pu T
(ii) Explain in detail the significance of transport and communication

re R services.


(i) Find out the activities of BPO.
(ii) Find out from a travel agent the documents you need to travel abroad.
be C
o N

64 Fundamentals of Human Geography

The word ‘planning’ is not new to you as it is a
Unit III part of everyday usage. You must have used it
Chapter 9 with reference to preparation for your
examination or visit to a hill station. It involves
the process of thinking, formulation of a scheme
or programme and implementation of a set of
actions to achieve some goal. Though it is a
very broad term, in this chapter, it has been
used with reference to the process of economic
development. It is, thus different from the
traditional hit-and-miss methods by which

Overview of Planning
PLANNING AND Perspective in India

SUSTAINABLE India has centralised planning and the task

of planning in India has been entrusted to
DEVELOPMENT IN the Planning Commission. It is a statutory
body headed by the Prime Minister and has
INDIAN CONTEXT a Deputy Chairman and members. The
planning in the country is largely carried out
through Five Year Plans.
The First Five Year Plan was launched in
1951 and covered the period, 1951-52 to
1955-56. Second and Third Five Year Plans
covered the period from 1956-57 to 1960-61
and 1961-62 to 1965-66 respectively. Two
successive droughts during mid-sixties
(1965-66 and 1966-67) and war with
Pakistan in 1965 forced plan holiday in 1966-
67 and 1968-69. This period was covered
by annual plans, which are also termed as
rolling plans. The Fourth Five Year Plan
began in 1969-70 and ended in 1973-74.
Following this the Fifth Five Year Plan began
in 1974-75 but it was terminated by the then
government one year earlier i.e. in 1977-78.
The Sixth Five Year Plan took off in 1980.
The Seventh Five Year Plan covered the
period between 1985 and 1990. Once again
due to the political instability and initiation
of liberalisation policy, the Eighth Five Year
Plan got delayed. It covered the period, 1992
to 1997. The Ninth Five Year Plan covered
the period from 1997 to 2002. The Tenth Plan
covered the period from 2002 to 2007. The
Eleventh Plan covered the period from 2007
to 2012. The Twelfth Five Year Plan initiated
in 2012 with a focus on Faster More
inclusive and sustainable growth.

reforms and reconstruction are often Hill Area Development Programme
undertaken. Generally, there are two
Hill Area Development Programmes were
approaches to planning, i.e. sectoral planning
initiated during Fifth Five Year Plan covering 15
and regional planning. The sectoral planning
districts comprising all the hilly districts of Uttar
means formulation and implementation of the
Pradesh (present Uttarakhand), Mikir Hill and
sets of schemes or programmes aimed at
North Cachar hills of Assam, Darjiling district of
development of various sectors of the economy
West Bengal and Nilgiri district of Tamil Nadu.
such as agriculture, irrigation, manufacturing,
power, construction, transport, communication, The National Committee on the Development of
Backward Area in 1981 recommended that all
social infrastructure and services.
There is no uniform economic development the hill areas in the country having height above
600 m and not covered under tribal sub-plan
over space in any country. Some areas are more
developed and some lag behind. This uneven be treated as backward hill areas.
pattern of development over space necessitates The detailed plans for the development of hill
that the planners have a spatial perspective areas were drawn keeping in view their
and draw the plans to reduce regional topographical, ecological, social and economic
imbalance in development. This type of conditions. These programmes aimed at
planning is termed as regional planning. harnessing the indigenous resources of the hill
areas through development of horticulture,
plantation agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry,
Target Area Planning forestry and small-scale and village industry.
The planning process has to take special care
of those areas which have remained Drought Prone Area Programme
economically backward. As you know, the This programme was initiated during the
economic development of a region depends Fourth Five Year Plan with the objectives of
upon its resource base. But sometimes providing employment to the people in
resource-rich region also remain backward. drought-prone areas and creating productive
The economic development also requires assets. Initially this programme laid emphasis
technology as well as investment besides the on the construction of labour-intensive civil
resource. With the planning experience of works. But later on, it emphasised on irrigation
about one and half decades, it was realised projects, land development programmes,
that regional imbalances in economic afforestation, grassland development and
development were getting accentuated. In creation of basic rural infrastructure such as
order to arrest the accentuation of regional and electricity, roads, market, credit and services.
social disparties, the Planning Commission National Committee on Development of
introduced the ‘target area’ and target group Backward Areas, reviewed the performance of
approaches to planning. Some of the examples this programme. It has been observed that this
of programmes directed towards the programme is largely confined to the
development of target areas are Command development of agriculture and allied sectors
Area Development Programme, Drought Prone with major focus on restoration of ecological
Area Development Programme, Desert balance. Since growing population pressure is
Development Programme, Hill Area forcing the society to utilise the marginal lands
Development Programme. The Small Farmers for agriculture, and, thereby causing ecological
Development Agency (SFDA) and Marginal degradation, there is a need to create alternative
Farmers Development Agency (MFDA) which employment opportunities in the drought-
are the examples of target group programme. prone areas. The other strategies of
In the 8th Five year Plan special area development of these areas include adoption of
programmes were designed to develop integrated watershed development approach at
infrastructure in hill areas, north-eastern the micro-level. The restoration of ecological
states, tribal areas and backward areas. balance between water, soil, plants, and human

Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context 105

and animal population should be a basic
consideration in the strategy of development of This region lies between 32° 11’ N and 32°41’
drought-prone areas. N latitudes and 76° 22’ E and 76° 53’E
Planning Commission of India (1967) longitudes. Spread over an area of about
identified 67 districts (entire or partly) of the 1,818 sq km, the region mostly lies between
country prone to drought. Irrigation 1,500 m to 3,700 m above the mean sea
Commission (1972) introduced the criterion of level. This region popularly known as the
30 per cent irrigated area and demarcated the homeland of Gaddis is surrounded by lofty
drought prone areas. Broadly, the drought- mountains on all sides. It has Pir Panjal in
prone area in India spread over semi-arid and the north and Dhaula Dhar in the south. In
arid tract of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Western the east, the extension of Dhaula Dhar
Madhya Pradesh, Marathwada region of converges with Pir Panjal near Rohtang
Maharashtra, Rayalseema and Telangana Pass. The river Ravi and its tributaries– the
plateaus of Andhra Pradesh, Karantka plateau Budhil and the Tundahen, drain this territory,
and highlands and interior parts of Tamil Nadu. and carve out deep gorges. These rivers
The drought prone areas of Punjab, Haryana divide the region into four physiographic
and north-Rajasthan are largely protected due divisions called Holi, Khani, Kugti and
to spread of irrigation in these regions. Tundah areas. Bharmaur experiences
freezing weather conditions and snowfall in
Case Study – Integrated Tribal Development winter. Its mean monthly temperature in
Project in Bharmaur* Region January remains 4°C and in July 26°C.

Bharmaur tribal area comprises Bharmaur and

Holi tehsils of Chamba district of Himachal Bharmaur tribal region has harsh climate
Pradesh. It is a notified tribal area since conditions, low resource base and fragile
21 November 1975. Bharmaur is inhabited by environment. These factors have influenced the
‘Gaddi’, a tribal community who have society and Economy of the region. According
maintained a distinct identity in the Himalayan to the 2011 census, the total population of
region as they practised transhumance and Bharmaur sub-division was 39,113 i.e., 21
conversed through Gaddiali dialect. persons per sq km. It is one of the most

Fig. 9.1

* The name Bharmaur is derived from Sanskrit word Brahmaur. In this book Bharmaur has been used to
retain the colloquial flavour.

106 India : People and Economy

Fig. 9.2
The process of development of tribal area
(economically and socially) backward areas of
of Bharmaur started in 1970s when Gaddis
Himachal Pradesh. Historically, the Gaddis were included among ‘scheduled tribes’. Under
have experienced geographical and political the Fifth Five Year Plan, the tribal sub-plan was
isolation and socio-economic deprivation. The introduced in 1974 and Bharmaur was
economy is largely based on agriculture and designated as one of the five Integrated Tribal
allied activities such as sheep and goat rearing. Development Projects (ITDP) in Himachal

Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context 107

Pradesh. This area development plan was aimed environment. The processes of human-
at improving the quality of life of the Gaddis environment interaction depend upon the level
and narrowing the gap in the level of of technology and institutions nurtured by a
development between Bharmaur and other society. While the technology and institutions
areas of Himachal Pradesh. This plan laid the have helped in increasing the pace of human-
highest priority on development of transport environment interaction, the momentum thus,
and communications, agriculture and allied generated in return has accelerated
activities, and social and community services. technological progress and transformation and
The most significant contribution of tribal creation of institutions. Hence, development is
sub plan in Bharmaur region is the development a multi-dimensional concept and signifies the
of infrastructure in terms of schools, health care positive, irreversible transformation of the
facilities, potable water, roads, communications economy, society and environment.
and electricity. But the villages located along the The concept of development is dynamic and
river Ravi in Holi and Khani areas are the main has evolved during the second half of twentieth
beneficiaries of infrastructural development. The century. In the post World War II era, the concept
remote villages in Tundah and Kugti areas still of development was synonymous to economic
do not have sufficient infrastructure. growth which is measured in terms of temporal
The social benefits derived from ITDP increase in gross national product (GNP) and per
include tremendous increase in literacy rate, capita income/per capita consumption. But,
improvement in sex ratio and decline in child even the countries having high economic growth,
marriage. The female literacy rate in the region experienced speedy rise in poverty because of
increased from 1.88 per cent in 1971 to 65 per its unequal distribution. So, in 1970s, the
cent in 2011. The difference between males and phrases such as redistribution with growth and
females in literacy level i.e. gender inequality, growth and equity were incorporated in the
has also declined. Traditionally, the Gaddis had definition of development. While dealing with the
subsistence agricultural-cum-pastoral questions related to redistribution and equity,
economy having emphasis on foodgrains and it was realised that the concept of development
livestock production. But during the last three cannot be restricted to the economic sphere
decades of twentieth century, the cultivation of alone. It also includes the issues such as
pulses and other cash crops has increased in improving the well-being and living standard of
Bharmaur region. But the crop cultivation is people, availing of the health, education and
still done with traditional technology. The equality of opportunity and ensuring political
declining importance of pastoralism in the and civil rights. By 1980s, development emerged
economy of the region can be gauged from the as a concept encapsulating wide-spread
fact that at present only about one-tenth of the improvement in social as well as material well-
total households practise transhumance. But being of all in a society.
the Gaddis are still very mobile as a sizeable The notion of sustainable development
section of them migrate to Kangra and emerged in the wake of general rise in the
surrounding areas during winter to earn their awareness of environmental issues in the late
livings from wage labour. 1960s in Western World. It reflected the concern
of people about undesirable effects of industrial
Sustainable Development development on the environment. The
publication of ‘The Population Bomb’ by
The term development is generally used to Ehrlich in 1968 and ‘The Limits to Growth’
describe the state of particular societies and the by Meadows and others in 1972 further raised
process of changes experienced by them. the level of fear among environmentalists in
During a fairly large period of human history, particular and people in general. This sets the
the state of the societies has largely been scenario for the emergence of new models of
determined by the interaction processes development under a broad phrase
between human societies and their bio-physical ‘sustainable development.’

108 India : People and Economy

Fig. 9.3

Concerned with the growing opinion of the United Nations established a World
world community on the environmental issues, Commission on Environment and Development

Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context 109

(WCED) headed by the Norwegian Prime Minister carried out through two stages. The command
Gro Harlem Brundtland. The Commission gave area of Stage-I lies in Ganganagar,
its report (also known as Brundtland Report) Hanumangarh and northern part of Bikaner
entitled ‘Our Common Future’ in 1987. The districts. It has a gently undulating topography
report defines sustainable development as a and its culturable command area is 5.53 lakh
“development that meets the needs of the hectares. The command area of Stage-II is spread
present without compromising the ability of over Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Barmer, Jodhpur,
future generations to meet their own needs.” Nagaur and Churu districts covering culturable
command area of 14.10 lakh ha. It comprises
desert land dotted with shifting sand dunes and
temperature soaring to 50ºC in summers. In the
lift canal, the water is lifted up to make it to flow
against the slope of the land. All the lift canals
of Indira Gandhi Canal system originate at the
left bank of main canal while all the canals on
the right bank of main canal are flow channels.

Fig. 9.4: Indira Gandhi Canal

Sustainable development takes care of

ecological, social and economic aspects of
development during the present times and
pleads for conservation of resources to enable
the future generations to use these resources.
It takes into account the development of whole
Fig. 9.5 : Indira Gandhi Canal and its adjoining areas
human kind which have common future.
Irrigation in Stage-I command area of
Case Study the canal was introduced in early 1960s,
whereas, the command area of Stage-II began
Indira Gandhi Canal (Nahar) Command
receiving irrigation in mid-1980s. The
introduction of canal irrigation in this dry
Indira Gandhi Canal, previously known as the land has transformed its ecology, economy
Rajasthan Canal, is one of the largest canal a n d s o c i e t y . I t ha s i n f l u e n c e d t h e
systems in India. Conceived by Kanwar Sain in environmental conditions of the region both
1948, the canal project was launched on 31 positively as well as negatively. The
March, 1958. The canal originates at Harike availability of soil moisture for a longer
barrage in Punjab and runs parallel to Pakistan period of time and various afforestation and
border at an average distance of 40 km in Thar pasture development programmes under
Desert (Marusthali) of Rajasthan. The total CAD have resulted in greening the land. This
planned length of the system is 9,060 km has also helped in reducing wind erosion and
catering to the irrigation needs of a total siltation of canal systems. But the intensive
culturable command area of 19.63 lakh irrigation and excessive use of water has led
hectares. Out of the total command area, about to the emergence of twin environmental
70 per cent was envisaged to be irrigated by problems of water logging and soil salinity.
flow system and the rest by lift system. The Introduction of canal irrigation has
construction work of the canal system has been brought about a perceptible transformation

110 India : People and Economy

in the agricultural economy of the region. Soil extensive irrigation of crops and pasture
moisture has been a limiting factor in development in Stage-II.
successful growing of crops in this area. (ii) In general, the cropping pattern shall not
Spread of canal irrigation has led to increase include water intensive crops. It shall be
in cultivated area and intensity of cropping. adhered to and people shall be
The traditional crops sown in the area, gram, encouraged to grow plantation crops such
bajra and jowar have been replaced by wheat, as citrus fruits.
cotton, groundnut and rice. This is the result (iii) The CAD programmes such as lining of
of intensive irrigation. This intensive irrigation, water courses, land development and
no doubt, initially has led to tremendous levelling and warabandi system (equal
increase in agricultural and livestock distribution of canal water in the
productivity. This has also caused water logging command area of outlet) shall be effectively
and soil salinity, and thus, in the long run, it implemented to reduce the conveyance
hampers the sustainability of agriculture. loss of water.
(iv) The areas affected by water logging and
Measures for Promotion of Sustainable soil salinity shall be reclaimed.
Development (v) The eco-development through afforestation,
The ecological sustainability of Indira Gandhi shelterbelt plantation and pasture
Canal Project has been questioned by various development is necessary particularly in
scholars. Their point of view has also largely the fragile environment of Stage-II.
been validated by the course of development (vi) The social sustainability in the region can
this region has taken during the last four be achieved only if the land allottees having
decades, which has resulted in degradation of poor economic background are provided
physical environment. It is a hard fact that adequate financial and institutional
attaining sustainable development in the support for cultivation of land.
command area requires major thrust upon the (vii) The economic sustainability in the region
measures to achieve ecological sustainability. cannot be attained only through
Hence, five of the seven measures proposed to development of agriculture and animal
promote sustainable development in the husbandry. The agricultural and allied
command area are meant to restore ecological activities have to develop alongwith other
balance. sectors of economy. This shall lead to
(i) The first requirement is strict diversification of economic base and
implementation of water management establishment of functional linkages
policy. The canal project envisages between basic villages, agro-service centres
protective irrigation in Stage-I and and market centres.

Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context 111

1. Choose the right answers of the following from the given options.
(i) Regional planning relates to :
(a) Development of various sectors of economy.
(b) Area specific approach of development.
(c) Area differences in transportation network.
(d) Development of rural areas.
(ii) ITDP refers to which one of the following?
(a) Integrated Tourism Development Programme
(b) Integrated Travel Development Programme
(c) Integrated Tribal Development Programme
(d) Integrated Transport Development Programme
(iii) Which one of the following is the most crucial factor for sustainable
development in Indira Gandhi Canal Command Area?
(a) Agricultural development
(b) Eco-development
(c) Transport development
(d) Colonisation of land
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What are the social benefits of ITDP in the Bharmaur tribal region?
(ii) Define the concept of sustainable development.
(iii) What are the positive impacts of irrigation on Indira Gandhi Canal
Command Area?
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Write short notes on drought-prone area programme. How does this
programme help in the development of dryland agriculture in India?
(ii) Suggest the measures of promotion of sustainability in Indira Gandhi
Canal Command Area.

(i) Find out the area development programmes being implemented in your
region. Assess the impact of such programmes on the society and economy
in your locality.
(ii) Select your own area or identify an area facing severe environmental
and socio-economic problems. Make an assessment of its resources and
prepare their inventory. Suggest the measures for its sustainable
development as it has been done in the case of Indira Gandhi Canal
Command Area.

112 India : People and Economy

Natural resources, economic activities and
Unit-III markets are rarely found in one place.
Chapter-8 Transport, communication and trade establish
links between producing centres and
consuming centres. The system of mass
production and exchange is complex. Each
region produces the items for which it is best
suited. Trade or the exchange of such
commodities relies on transportation and

communication. Likewise, the high living
standards and quality of life depend on efficient
transportation, communications and trade. In
earlier days, the means of transport and
communication were the same. But today both

have acquired distinct and specialised forms.
Transport and Transport provides the network of links and

pu T
carriers through which trade takes place.


Transport is a service or facility for the carriage
of persons and goods from one place to the other
using humans, animals and different kinds of
vehicles. Such movements take place over land,
water and air. Roads and railways form part of
be C

land transport; while shipping and waterways

and airways are the other two modes. Pipelines
carry materials like petroleum, natural gas, and
o N

ores in liquidified form.

Moreover, transportation is an organised
service industry created to satisfy the basic
needs of society. It includes transport arteries,

vehicles to carry people and goods, and the

organisation to maintain arteries, and to handle
loading, unloading and delivery. Every nation
has developed various kinds of transportation
for defence purposes. Assured and speedy
transportation, along with efficient
communication, promote cooperation and
unity among scattered peoples.

What is a Transport Network ?


Several places (nodes) joined together by a

series of routes (links) to form a pattern.

The principal modes of world transportation,
as already mentioned are land, water, air and
pipelines. These are used for inter-regional and
intra-regional transport, and each one (except
pipelines) carries both passengers and freight.
The significance of a mode depends on the type
of goods and services to be transported, costs
of transport and the mode available.
International movement of goods is handled by
ocean freighters. Road transport is cheaper and
faster over short distances and for door-to-

door services. Railways are most suited for large
volumes of bulky materials over long distances
within a country. High-value, light and
Fig. 8.1: Ropeway and Cable cars in Austria
perishable goods are best moved by airways.
In a well-managed transport system, these This means of transport is usually found on steep
mountain slopes and mines which are not suitable for

various modes complement each other.
building roads.

pu T
Land Transport transportation and large freighters are the

cheapest. They are important in supplementing
Most of the movement of goods and services
re R
takes place over land. In early days, humans modern channels and carriers which penetrate
the interiors in large countries. In the densely

themselves were carriers. Have you ever seen a
populated districts of India and China, overland
bride being carried on a palanquin (palki/doli)
transport still takes place by human porters or
by four persons (Kahars in north India). Later
carts drawn or pushed by humans.
animals were used as beasts of burden. Have
you seen mules, horses and camels, carrying
be C

loads of cargo in rural areas? With the invention Pack Animals

of the wheel, the use of carts and wagons
became important. The revolution in transport Horses are used as a draught animal even
o N

in the Western countries. Dogs and

came about only after the invention of the steam
reindeer are used in North America, North
engine in the eighteenth century. Perhaps the
Europe and Siberia to draw sledges over
first public railway line was opened in 1825 snow-covered ground. Mules are preferred
between Stockton and Darlington in northern in the mountainous regions; while camels

England and then onwards, railways became are used for caravan movement in deserts.
the most popular and fastest form of transport In India, bullocks are used for pulling carts.
in the nineteenth century. It opened up
continental interiors for commercial grain
farming, mining and manufacturing in U.S.A.
The invention of the internal combustion engine
revolutionised road transport in terms of road
quality and vehicles (motor cars and trucks)
plying over them. Among the newer
developments in land transportation are

pipelines, ropeways and cableways. Liquids like

mineral oil, water, sludge and sewers are
transported by pipelines. The great freight
carriers are the railways, ocean vessels, barges,

boats and motor trucks and pipelines.

In general, the old and elementary forms Fig. 8.2: A horse cart in a village Tefki,
like the human porter, pack animal, cart or in Ethiopia
wagon are the most expensive means of

66 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Roads the road network cannot cope with the demands
of traffic, congestion occurs. City roads suffer
Road transport is the most economical for short from chronic traffic congestion. Peaks (high
distances compared to railways. Freight points) and troughs (low points) of traffic flow
transport by road is gaining importance can be seen on roads at particular times of the
because it offers door-to-door service. But day, for example, peaks occurring during the
unmetalled roads, though simple in rush hour before and after work. Most of the
construction, are not effective and serviceable cities in the world have been facing the problem
for all seasons. During the rainy season these of congestion.
become unmotorable and even the metalled

ones are seriously handicapped during heavy
rains and floods. In such conditions, the high Think on these lines for a
embankment of rail-tracks and the efficient better tomorrow . . .
maintenance of railway transport service, is an
effective solution. But the rail kilometrage being

small cannot serve the needs of vast and Higher Parking Fee

pu T
developing countries at a low cost. Roads, Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)

therefore, play a vital role in a nation’s trade
and commerce and for promoting tourism. Improved Public Bus Service
re R
The quality of the roads varies greatly Expressways

between developed and developing countries
because road construction and maintenance
require heavy expenditure. In developed
countries good quality roads are universal and Highways
provide long-distance links in the form of
be C

motorways, autobahns (Germany), and inter– Highways are metalled roads connecting distant
state highways for speedy movement. Lorries, places. They are constructed in a manner for
of increasing size and power to carry heavy unobstructed vehicular movement. As such
o N

loads, are common. But unfortunately, the these are 80 m wide, with separate traffic lanes,
world’s road system is not well developed. bridges, flyovers and dual carriageways to
The world’s total motorable road length facilitate uninterrupted traffic flow. In developed
is only about 15 million km, of which North countries, every city and port town is linked
through highways.

America accounts for 33 per cent. The highest

road density and the highest number of
vehicles are registered in this continent
compared to Western Europe.
Table 8.1: Length of the Roads

Sl. Countries For every

No. 100 km2
1. India 105
2. Japan 327

3. France 164
4. U.K. 162
5. U.S.A. 67
6. Spain 68

7. Sri Lanka 151

Source : Encyclopedia Britannica – Year Book, 2005.

Traffic Flows: Traffic on roads has

Fig. 8.3 : Dharmavaram Tuni National Highway,
increased dramatically in recent years. When India

Transport and Communication 67

In North America, highway density is high, Border Roads
about 0.65 km per sq km. Every place is within
Roads laid along international boundaries are
20 km distance from a highway. Cities located
called border roads. They play an important
on the Pacific coast (west) are well-connected
role in integrating people in remote areas with
with those of the Atlantic Coast (east). Likewise,
major cities and providing defence. Almost all
the cities of Canada in the north are linked with countries have such roads to transport goods
those of Mexico in the south. The Trans- to border villages and military camps.
Canadian Highway links Vancouver in British
Columbia(west coast) to St. John’s City in Railways

Newfoundland (east coast) and the Alaskan
Highway links Edmonton (Canada) to Railways are a mode of land transport for
Anchorage (Alaska). bulky goods and passengers over long
The Pan-American Highway, a large distances. The railway gauges vary in different
portion of which has been constructed, will countries and are roughly classified as broad

connect the countries of South America, Central (more than 1.5 m), standard (1.44 m), metre

pu T
America and U.S.A.-Canada. The Trans- gauge (1 m) and smaller gauges. The standard
gauge is used in the U.K.

Continental Stuart Highway connects Darwin
(north coast) and Melbourne via Tennant Creek Commuter trains are very popular in U.K.,
re R
and Alice Springs in Australia. U.S.A, Japan and India. These carry millions
of passengers daily to and fro in the city. There

Europe has a large number of vehicles and
are about 13 lakh km of railways open for traffic
a well-developed highway network. But
in the world.
highways face a lot of competition from railways
and waterways.
In Russia, a dense highway network is
be C

developed in the industrialised region west of

the Urals with Moscow as the hub. The
important Moscow-Vladivostok Highway serves
o N

the region to the east. Due to the vast

geographical area, highways in Russia are not
as important as railways.
In China, highways criss-cross the country

connecting all major cities such as Tsungtso

(near Vietnam boundary), Shanghai (central
China), Guangzhou (south) and Beijing (north). Fig. 8.4: Tube Train in Vienna
A new highway links Chengdu with Lhasa in
Tibet. Table 8.2: Total Length of Railways in Selected
Countries (in 100 sq km)
In India, there are many highways
linking the major towns and cities. For Sl. Countries For every
example, National Highway No. 7 (NH 7), No. 100/km2 area

connecting Varanasi with Kanya Kumari, is 1. U.S.A. 278.3

2. Russia 160.8

the longest in the country. The Golden

3. India 144.7
Quadrilateral (GQ) or Super Expressway is 4. Canada 93.5
underway to connect the four metropolitan 5. Germany 90.8
cities — New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, 6. China 70.1

Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad. 7. Australia 40.0

8. U.K. 37.9
In Africa, a highway joins Algiers in the 9. France 34.5
north to Conakry in Guinea. Similarly, Cairo 10. Brazil 30.1
is also connected to Cape Town. Source : Encyclopaedia Britanica – Year Book, 2005.

68 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Europe has one of the most dense rail of South America’s total route length. Only Chile,
networks in the world. There are about among the remaining countries has a
4,40,000 km of railways, most of which is considerable route length linking coastal centres
double or multiple-tracked. Belgium has the with the mining sites in the interior. Peru, Bolivia,
highest density of 1 km of railway for every 6.5 Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela have short
sq kms area. The industrial regions exhibit single-track rail-lines from ports to the interior
some of the highest densities in the world. The with no inter-connecting links.
important rail heads are London, Paris, There is only one trans-continental rail
Brussels, Milan, Berlin and Warsaw. Passenger route linking Buenos Aires (Argentina) with
Valparaiso (Chile) across the Andes Mountains

transport is more important than freight in
many of these countries. Underground railways through the Uspallatta Pass located at a height
are important in London and Paris. Channel of 3,900 m.
Tunnel, operated by Euro Tunnel Group In Asia, rail network is the most dense in
through England, connects London with Paris. the thickly populated areas of Japan, China and
India. Other countries have relatively few rail

Trans-continental railway lines have now lost
their importance to quicker and more flexible routes. West Asia is the least developed in rail

pu T
transport systems of airways and roadways. facilities because of vast deserts and sparsely

In Russia, railways account for about 90
re R populated regions.
per cent of the country’s total transport with a
very dense network west of the Urals. Moscow

is the most important rail head with major lines
radiating to different parts of the country’s vast
geographical area. Underground railways and
commuter trains are also important in Moscow.
be C

North America has one of the most

extensive rail networks accounting for nearly
40 per cent of the world’s total? In contrast to
many European countries, the railways are
o N

used more for long-distance bulky freight like

ores, grains, timber and machinery than for
passengers. The most dense rail network is
found in the highly industrialised and Africa continent, despite being the

urbanised region of East Central U.S.A. and second largest, has only 40,000 km of
adjoining Canada. railways with South Africa alone accounting
In Canada, railways are in the public for 18,000 km due to the concentration of
sector and distributed all over the sparsely gold, diamond and copper mining activities.
populated areas. The transcontinental railways The important routes of the continent are: (i)
carry the bulk of wheat and coal tonnage. the Benguela Railway through Angola to
Australia has about 40,000 km of Katanga-Zambia Copper Belt; (ii) the Tanzania
railways, of which 25 per cent are found in New Railway from the Zambian Copper Belt to
South Wales alone. The west-east Australian Dar-es-Salaam on the coast; (iii) the Railway
National Railway line runs across the country through Botswana and Zimbabwe linking the

from Perth to Sydney. New Zealand’s railways landlocked states to the South African
are mainly in the North Island to serve the network; and (iv) the Blue Train from Cape
farming areas. Town to Pretoria in the Republic of South
In South America, the rail network is the Africa. Elsewhere, as in Algeria, Senegal,

most dense in two regions, namely, the Pampas Nigeria, Kenya and Ethiopia, railway lines
of Argentina and the coffee growing region of connect port cities to interior centres but do
Brazil which together account for 40 per cent not form a good network with other countries.

Transport and Communication 69

Trans–Continental Railways centre and Irkutsk, a fur centre. There are
connecting links to the south, namely, to Odessa
Trans–continental railways run across the (Ukraine), Baku on the Caspian Coast,
continent and link its two ends. They were Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Ulan Bator (Mongolia),
constructed for economic and political reasons and Shenyang (Mukden) and Beijing in China.
to facilitate long runs in different directions.
The following are the most important of these:
Trans–Canadian Railways
Trans–Siberian Railway This 7,050 km long rail-line in Canada runs from
Halifax in the east to Vancouver on the Pacific

This is a trans–siberian Railways major rail Coast passing through Montreal, Ottawa,
route of Russia runs from St. Petersburg in the Winnipeg and Calgary (Fig. 8.6). It was
west to Vladivostok on the Pacific Coast in the constructed in 1886, initially as part of an
east passing through Moscow, Ufa, Novosibirsk, agreement to make British Columbia on the west
Irkutsk, Chita and Khabarovsk. It is the most coast join the Federation of States. Later on, it

important route in Asia and the longest (9,332 gained economic significance because it
connected the Quebec-Montreal Industrial

pu T
km) double-tracked and electrified trans–
continental railway in the world. It has helped Region with the wheat belt of the Prairie Region

in opening up its Asian region to West European
re R and the Coniferous Forest region in the north.
markets. It runs across the Ural Mountains Ob Thus each of these regions became
and Yenisei rivers Chita is an important agro- complementary to the other. A loop line from

be C
o N

Fig. 8.5: Trans–Siberian Railway

70 Fundamentals of Human Geography

h ed
pu T
re R
be C

Fig. 8.6: Trans–Canadian Railway

o N

Winnipeg to Thunder Bay (Lake Superior) Another major north-south line connects
connects this rail-line with one of the important Adelaide and Alice Spring and to be joined
waterways of the world. This line is the economic further to the Darwin–Birdum line.
artery of Canada. Wheat and meat are the
The Orient Express
important exports on this route.

This line runs from Paris to Istanbul passing

The Union and Pacific Railway through Strasbourg, Munich, Vienna,
Budapest and Belgrade. The journey time from
This rail-line connects New York on the Atlantic
London to Istanbul by this Express is now
Coast to San Francisco on the Pacific Coast reduced to 96 hours as against 10 days by the
passing through Cleveland, Chicago, Omaha,
sea-route. The chief exports on this rail-route
Evans, Ogden and Sacramento. The most
are cheese, bacon, oats, wine, fruits, and
valuable exports on this route are ores, grain, machinery.
paper, chemicals and machinery.
There is a proposal to build a Trans–Asiatic

Railway linking Istanbul with Bangkok via

The Australian Trans–Continental Iran, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and
Railway Myanmar.
This rail-line runs west-east across the southern

part of the continent from Perth on the west WATER TRANSPORT

coast, to Sydney on the east coast. passing
through Kalgoorlie, Broken Hill and Port One of the great advantages of water
transportation is that it does not require route
Augusta (Fig. 8.7).
construction. The oceans are linked with each

Transport and Communication 71

h ed
pu T
re R
be C

Fig. 8.7: Australian Trans–Continental Railway

o N

other and are negotiable with ships of various Sea Routes

sizes. All that is needed is to provide port
facilities at the two ends. It is much cheaper The oceans offer a smooth highway traversable
in all directions with no maintenance costs. Its
because the friction of water is far less than that transformation into a routeway by sea-going

of land. The energy cost of water transportation vessels is an important development in human
is lower. Water transport is divided into sea adaptation to the physical environment.
routes and inland waterways. Compared to land and air, ocean transport is a
cheaper means of haulage (carrying of load) of
bulky material over long distances from one
continent to another.
Modern passenger liners (ships) and cargo
ships are equipped with radar, wireless and other
navigation aids. The development of refrigerated
chambers for perishable goods, tankers and

specialised ships has also improved cargo

transport. The use of containers has made cargo
handling at the world’s major ports easier.

Important Sea Routes

Fig. 8.8: The view of Seine River from the Eiffel Major sea routes are shown in the Fig. 8.9. Some
Tower (One can see how the river has become an important routes have been discussed in the
important Inland waterway) following pages.

72 Fundamentals of Human Geography

h ed
pu T
re R
Fig. 8.9: Major Sea Routes and Sea Ports
be C

The Northern Atlantic Sea Route of Suez canal has greatly reduced the distance
and time as compared to the earlier route
This links North-eastern U.S.A. and North-
o N

through the Cape of Good Hope.

western Europe, the two industrially developed
regions of the world. The foreign trade over this This trade route connects the highly
route is greater than that of the rest of the world industrialised Western European region with West
combined. One fourth of the world’s foreign Africa, South Africa, South-east Asia and the

trade moves on this route. It is, therefore, the commercial agriculture and livestock economies
busiest in the world and otherwise, called the of Australia and New Zealand. Before the
Big Trunk Route. Both the coasts have highly construction of the Suez Canal this was the
advanced ports and harbour facilities. route connecting Liverpool and Colombo which
was 6,400 km longer than the Suez Canal
route. The volume of trade and traffic between
both East and West Africa is on the increase
Find out some of the important ports on the coast of due to the development of the rich natural
U.S.A. and Western Europe in your atlas.
resources such as gold, diamond, copper, tin,

groundnut, oil palm, coffee and fruits.

The Mediterranean–Indian Ocean Sea
Route The Cape of Good Hope Sea Route
This sea route passes through the heart of the This sea route is another important one across

Old World and serves more countries and people the Atlantic Ocean which connects West
than any other route. Port Said, Aden, Mumbai, European and West African countries with
Colombo and Singapore are some of the Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay in South
important ports on this route. The construction America. The traffic is far less on this route

Transport and Communication 73

compared to that of the North Atlantic Route
because of the limited development and The Suez Canal
population in South America and Africa. Only
This canal had been constructed in 1869 in
southeastern Brazil and Plata estuary and
Egypt between Port Said in the north and Port
parts of South Africa have large-scale industries.
Suez in the south linking the Mediterranean
There is also little traffic on the route between
Sea and the Red Sea. It gives Europe a new
Rio de Janeiro and Cape Town because both
gateway to the Indian Ocean and reduces direct
South America and Africa have similar
sea-route distance between Liverpool and
products and resources.
Colombo compared to the Cape of Good Hope
Trade across the vast North Pacific Ocean
route. It is a sea-level canal without locks

moves by several routes which converge at
which is about 160 km and 11 to 15 m deep.
Honolulu. The direct route on the Great Circle
About 100 ships travel daily and each ship
links Vancouver and Yokohama and reduces
takes 10-12 hours to cross this canal. The tolls
the travelling distance (2,480 km) by half.
are so heavy that some find it cheaper to go by
the longer Cape Route whenever the

The North Pacific Sea Route
consequent delay is not important. A railway

pu T
This sea route links the ports on the west-coast follows the canal to Suez, and from Ismailia

of North America with those of Asia. These are there is a branch line to Cairo. A navigable
Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and fresh-water canal from the Nile also joins the
re R
Los Angeles on the American side and
Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manila
Suez Canal in Ismailia to supply fresh-water to

Port Said and Suez.
and Singapore on the Asian side.
The South Pacific Sea Route
This sea route connects Western Europe and
be C

North America with Australia, New Zealand and

the scattered Pacific islands via the Panama
Canal. This route is also used for reaching Hong
o N

Kong, Philippines and Indonesia. The distance

covered between Panama and Sydney is
12,000 km. Honolulu is an important port on
this route.

Coastal Shipping
It is obvious that water transport is a cheaper
mode. While oceanic routes connect different
countries, coastal shipping is a convenient
mode of transportation with long coastlines,
e.g. U.S.A, China and India. Shenzhen States
in Europe are most suitably placed for coastal
shipping connecting one member’s coast with

the other. If properly developed, coastal shipping

can reduce the congestion on the land routes.

Shipping Canals Fig. 8.10 : Suez Canal


The Suez and the Panama Canals are two vital

man-made navigation canals or waterways The Panama Canal
which serve as gateways of commerce for both This canal connects the Atlantic Ocean in the
the eastern and western worlds. east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. It has been

74 Fundamentals of Human Geography

constructed across the Panama Isthmus
between Panama City and Colon by the U.S.
government which purchased 8 km of area on
either side and named it the Canal Zone. The
Canal is about 72 km. long and involves a very
deep cutting for a length of 12 km. It has a six-
lock system and ships cross the different levels
(26 m up and down) through these locks before
entering the Gulf of Panama.
It shortens the distance between New York

and San Francisco by 13,000 km by sea.
Likewise the distance between Western Europe
and the West-coast of U.S.A.; and North-eastern
and Central U.S.A. and East and South-east
Asia is shortened. The economic significance of

this Canal is relatively less than that of the

pu T
Suez. However, it is vital to the economies of
Latin America.

re R Inland Waterways

Rivers, canals, lakes and coastal areas have
been important waterways since time
Fig. 8.11 : The Panama Canal immemorial. Boats and steamers are used as
means of transport for cargo and passengers.
The development of inland waterways is
be C

dependent on the navigability width and depth

of the channel, continuity in the water flow,
and transport technology in use. Rivers are
the only means of transport in dense forests.
o N

Very heavy cargo like coal, cement, timber and

metallic ores can be transported through inland
waterways. In ancient times, riverways were the
main highways of transportation as in the case

of India. But they lost importance because of

competition from railways, lack of water due to
diversion for irrigation, and their poor

Can you think of the impact on traffic in Panama Fig. 8.12: Inland waterways are a major source
canal after the Nicaraguan canal opens up? of transport wherever the river is wide, deep
and free of silt

Transport and Communication 75

The significance of rivers as inland
waterways for domestic and international
transport and trade has been recognised
throughout the developed world. Despite
inherent limitations, many rivers have been
modified to enhance their navigability by
dredging, stabilising river banks, and building
dams and barrages for regulating the flow of
water. The following river waterways are some
of the world’s important highways of commerce.

The Rhine Waterways
The Rhine flows through Germany and the
Netherlands. It is navigable for 700 km from
Rotterdam, at its mouth in the Netherlands to

Basel in Switzerland. Ocean-going vessels can

pu T
reach up to Cologne. The Ruhr river joins the

Rhine from the east. It flows through a rich
coalfield and the whole basin has become a
re R
prosperous manufacturing area. Dusseldorf is

the Rhine port for this region. Huge tonnage
moves along the stretch south of the Ruhr. This
waterway is the world’s most heavily used. Each Fig. 8.14 : Rhine Waterway
year more than 20,000 ocean-going ships and
2,00,000 inland vessels exchange their cargoes.
The Volga Waterway
be C

It connects the industrial areas of Switzerland,

Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands Russia has a large number of developed
with the North Atlantic Sea Route. waterways, of which the Volga is one of the most
o N

important. It provides a navigable waterway of

11,200 km and drains into the Caspian Sea.
The Volga-Moscow Canal connects it with the
Moscow region and the Volga-Don Canal with
the Black Sea.

The Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Seaway

The Great Lakes of North America Superior,
Huron Erie and Ontario are connected by Soo
Canal and Welland Canal to form an inland
waterway. The estuary of St. Lawrence River,
along with the Great Lakes, forms a unique
commercial waterway in the northern part of
Fig. 8.13: The Rhine Waterway North America. The ports on this route like

The Danube Waterway Duluth and Buffalo are equipped with all
facilities of ocean ports. As such large ocean-
This important inland waterway serves Eastern going vessels are able to navigate up the river
Europe. The Danube river rises in the Black deep inside the continent to Montreal. But here

Forest and flows eastwards through many goods have to be trans-shipped to smaller
countries. It is navigable up to Taurna Severin. vessels due to the presence of rapids. Canals
The chief export items are wheat, maize, timber, have been constructed up to 3.5 m deep to
and machinery. avoid these.

76 Fundamentals of Human Geography

The Mississippi Waterways At present no place in the world is more
than 35 hours away. This startling fact has been
The Mississippi-Ohio waterway connects the
made possible due to people who build and fly
interior part of U.S.A. with the Gulf of Mexico
airplanes. Travel by air can now be measured
in the south. Large steamers can go through
by hours and minutes instead of years and
this route up to Minneapolis.
months. Frequent air services are available to
many parts of the world. Although, U.K.
AIR TRANSPORT pioneered the use of commercial jet transport,
Air transport is the fastest means of U.S.A. developed largely post-War international

transportation, but it is very costly. Being fast, civil aviation. Today, more than 250
it is preferred by passengers for long-distance commercial airlines offer regular services to
travel. Valuable cargo can be moved rapidly on different parts of the world. Recent
a world-wide scale. It is often the only means developments can change the future course of
to reach inaccessible areas. Air transport has air transport. Supersonic aircraft, cover the

brought about a connectivity revolution in the distance between London and New York within
world. The frictions created by mountainous three and a half hours.

pu T
snow fields or inhospitable desert terrains have

been overcome. The accessibility has increased.
re R Inter-Continental Air Routes
The airplane brings varied articles to the
In the Northern Hemisphere, there is a distinct
Eskimos in Northern Canada unhindered by

east-west belt of inter-continental air routes.
the frozen ground. In the Himalayan region, the
Dense network exists in Eastern U.S.A., Western
routes are often obstructed due to landslides,
Europe and Southeast Asia. U.S.A. alone
avalanches or heavy snow fall. At such times,
accounts for 60 per cent of the airways of the
air travel is the only alternative to reach a place.
world. New York, London, Paris, Amsterdam,
be C

Airways also have great strategic importance.

Frankfurt Rome, Moscow, Karachi, New Delhi,
The air strikes by U.S. and British forces in Iraq
Mumbai, Bangkok, Singapore, Tokyo, San
bears testimony to this fact. The airways
Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago are the
network is expanding very fast.
o N

nodal points where air routes converge or

radiate to all continents.
Africa, Asiatic part of Russia and South
America lack air services. There are limited air

services between 10-35 latitudes in the

Southern hemisphere due to sparser
population, limited landmass and economic

Pipelines are used extensively to transport
liquids and gases such as water, petroleum
and natural gas for an uninterrupted flow.
Fig. 8.15: An Aeroplane at Salsburg Airport Water supplied through pipelines is familiar

The manufacturing of aircrafts and their to all. Cooking gas or LPG is supplied through
operations require elaborate infrastructure like pipelines in many parts of the world. Pipelines
hangars, landing, fuelling, and maintenance can also be used to transport liquidified coal.

facilities for the aircrafts. The construction of In New Zealand, milk is being supplied through
airports is also very expensive and has developed pipelines from farms to factories.
more in highly industrialised countries where In U.S.A. there is a dense network of oil
there is a large volume of traffic. pipelines from the producing areas to the

Transport and Communication 77

h ed
pu T
re R
Fig. 8.16: Major Airports

consuming areas. Big Inch is one such famous

be C

The proposed Iran-India via Pakistan

pipeline, which carries petroleum from the oil international oil and natural gas pipeline will
wells of the Gulf of Mexico to the North-eastern be the longest in the world.
States. About 17 per cent of all freight per
o N

tonne-km. is carried through pipelines in U.S.A.

Human beings have used different methods
long-distance communications of which the

telegraph and the telephone were important.

The telegraph was instrumental in the
colonisation of the American West. During the
early and mid-twentieth century, the American
Telegraph and Telephone Company (AT&T)
enjoyed a monopoly over U.S.A.’s telephone
industry. In fact, the telephone became a critical
factor in the urbanisation of America. Firms
centralised their functioning at city-
headquarters and located their branch offices

in smaller towns. Even today, the telephone is

Fig. 8.17: Pipelines transporting natural gas the most commonly used mode. In developing
in Ukraine countries, the use of cell phones, made possible
In Europe, Russia, West Asia and India by satellites, is important for rural connectivity.

pipelines are used to connect oil wells to Today there is a phenomenal pace of
refineries, and to ports or domestic markets. development. The first major breakthrough is
Turkmenistan is central Asia has extended the use of optic fiber cables (OFC). Faced with
pipelines to Iran and also to parts of China. mounting competition, telephone companies all

78 Fundamentals of Human Geography

over the world soon upgraded their copper cable Challenger and INSAT I-B have made long-
systems to include optic fiber cables. These distance communication, television and radio
allow large quantities of data to be transmitted very effective. Today weather forecasting
rapidly, securely, and are virtually error-free. through television is a boon.
With the digitisation of information in the 1990s,
telecommunication slowly merged with Cyber Space – Internet
computers to form integrated networks termed
Cyberspace is the world of electronic
as Internet.
computerised space. It is encompassed by the
Internet such as the World Wide Web (www).
Satellite Communication

In simple words, it is the electronic digital
Today Internet is the largest electronic network world for communicating or accessing
on the planet connecting about 1,000 million information over computer networks without
people in more than 100 countries. physical movement of the sender and the
receiver... It is also referred to as the Internet.

Cyberspace exists everywhere. It may be in

pu T
Satellites touch human lives in many an office, sailing boat, flying plane and virtually

ways. Every time you use a cell phone to anywhere.
call a friend, send an SMS or watch a The speed at which this electronic network
re R
popular programme on cable television. You
are using satellite communication.
has spread is unprecedented in human

history. There were less than 50 million
Internet users in 1995, about 400 million in
Communication through satellites 2000 A.D. and over two billion in 2010. In the
emerged as a new area in communication last few years there has been a shift among
technology since the 1970s after U.S.A. and global users from U.S.A. to the developing
be C

former U.S.S.R. pioneered space research. countries. The percentage share of U.S.A. has
Artificial satellites, now, are successfully dropped from 66 in 1995 to only 25 in 2005.
deployed in the earth’s orbit to connect even Now the majority of the world’s users are
o N

the remote corners of the globe with limited on- in U.S.A., U.K., Germany, Japan, China
site verification. These have rendered the unit and India.
cost and time of communication invariant in As billions use the Internet each year,
terms of distance. This means it costs the same cyberspace will expand the contemporary

to communicate over 500 km as it does over economic and social space of humans through
5,000 km via satellite e-mail, e-commerce, e-learning and
India has also made great strides in e-governance. Internet together with fax,
satellite development. Aryabhatt was launched television and radio will be accessible to more
on 19 April 1979, Bhaskar-I in 1979 and and more people cutting across place and time.
Rohini in 1980. On 18 June 1981, APPLE It is these modern communication systems,
(Arian Passenger Payload Experiment) was more than transportation, that has made the
launched through Arian rocket. Bhaskar, concept of global village a reality.

Transport and Communication 79

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.

(i) The Trans–Continental Stuart Highway runs between
(a) Darwin and Melbourne
(b) Edmonton and Anchorage
(c) Vancouver and St. John’s City

(d) Chengdu and Lhasa
(ii) Which country has the highest density of railway network?

pu T
(a) Brazil (c) Canada

(b) U.S.A (d) Russia
re R (iii) The Big Trunk Route runs through

(a) The Mediterranean – Indian ocean
(b) The North Atlantic Ocean
(c) The South Atlantic Ocean
(d) The North Pacific Ocean
be C

(iv) The Big Inch pipeline transports

(a) Milk (c) Water
(b) Liquid petroleum gas (LGP) (d) Petroleum
o N

(v) Which one pair of the following places is linked by Channel Tunnel?
(a) London – Berlin (c) Berlin – Paris
(b) Paris – London (d) Barcelona – Berlin
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

(i) What are the problems of road transport in mountainous, desert and
flood prone regions?
(ii) What is a trans–continental railway?
(iii) What are the advantages of water transport?
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) Elucidate the statement– “In a well managed transport system, various
modes complement each other”.
(ii) Which are the major regions of the world having a dense network of

(iii) What are the modes by which cyber space will expand the contemporary
economic and social space of humans.

80 Fundamentals of Human Geography

We use many items in our daily life. From tooth
Unit IV paste to our bed tea, milk, clothes, soaps, food
Chapter 10 items, etc. are required every day. All these can
be purchased from the market. Have you ever
thought as to how these items are brought from
the site of production? All the production is
meant for consumption. From the fields and
factory, the produce is brought to the place from
where consumers purchase it. It is the
transportation of these items from the site of
their production to the market which make
them available to the consumer.
We not only use material things like fruits,
vegetables, books, clothes, etc. but also use
TRANSPORT AND ideas, views and messages in our daily life. Do
you know we exchange our views, ideas and
COMMUNICATION messages from one place to another or one
individual to another while communicating with
the help of various means?
The use of transport and communication
depends upon our need to move things from
place of their availability to the place of their
use. Human-beings use various methods to
move goods, commodities, ideas from one place
to another.
The following diagram shows the major
means of transportation.

Land T
The pathways and unmetalled roads have been
used for transportation in India since ancient
times. With the economic and technological
development, metalled roads and railways were
developed to move large volume of goods and

people from one place to another. Ropeways, (1961) was introduced to improve the
cableways and pipelines were devised to cater conditions of roads in India. However, roads
to the demands of transporting specific goods continue to concentrate in and around urban
under special circumstances. centres. Rural and remote areas had the least
connectivity by road.
Road Transport For the purpose of construction and
India has one of the largest road networks in maintenance, roads are classified as National
the world with a total length of 42.3 lakh km Highways (NH), State Highways(SH), Major
(2008-09). About 85 per cent of passenger and District Roads and Rural Roads.

Rain-soaked : Nomads go about their routine during an early morning

downpour in Srinagar. Traffic on the 300-km Srinagar-Jammu and 434- A view of traffic flow in Delhi
km Srinagar-Leh National Highways is suspended as upper reaches of
J&K saw heavy snowfall while rain lashed the plains.

Fig. 10.1

70 per cent of freight traffic are carried by roads National Highways

every year. Road transport is relatively suitable
The main roads which are constructed and
for shorter distance travel.
maintained by the Central Government are
known as the National Highways. These roads
are meant for inter-state transport and
movement of defence men and material in
Sher Shah Suri built the Shahi (Royal) road
strategic areas. These also connect the state
to strengthen and consolidate his empire
from the Indus Valley to the Sonar Valley capitals, major cities, important ports, railway
in Bengal. This road was renamed the junctions, etc. The length of the National
Grand Trunk (GT) road during the British Highways has increased from 19,700 km in
period, connecting Calcutta and Peshawar. 1951 to 70,934 km in 2008-09. The National
At present, it extends from Amritsar to Highways constitute only 1.67 per cent of the
Kolkata. It is bifurcated into 2 segments : total road length but carry 40 per cent of the
(a) National Highway(NH)-1 from Delhi to road traffic. (Table 10.1)
Amritsar, and (b) NH- 2 from Delhi to Kolkata. The National Highways Authority of India
Road transport in modern sense was very (NHAI) was operationalised in 1995. It is an
limited in India before World War-II. The first autonomous body under the Ministry of
serious attempt was made in 1943 when Surface Transport. It is entrusted with the
‘Nagpur Plan’ was drawn. This plan could not responsibility of development, maintenance
be implemented due to lack of coordination and operation of National Highways. This is also
among the princely states and British India. the apex body to improve the quality of the roads
After Independence, twenty-year road plan designated as National Highways.

114 India : People and Economy

Table 10.1 : Indian Road Network 2008-09
Serial No. Road Category Length in Km % of total road length

1. National Highways 70,934 1.67

2. State Highways 154522 3.64
3. Major District Roads 2577396 60.83
4. Rural Roads 1433577 33.86
Total 4236429 100
Source: Ministry of Road Transport Annual Report 2010-11.

Rural Roads
National Highways These roads are vital for providing links in the
Development Projects rural areas. About 80 per cent of the total road
length in India are categorised as rural roads.
NHAI has taken up some major projects in There is regional variation in the density of rural
the country under different phases : road because these are influenced by the nature
Golden Quadrilateral : It comprises of the terrain?
construction of 5,846 km long 4/6 lane, high
density traffic corridor, to connect India’s four
big metro cities of Delhi-Mumbai-Chennai-
Kolkata. With the construction of Golden
Quadrilateral, the time- distance and cost
of movement among the mega cities of India
will be considerably minimised.
North-South and East-West Corridors :
North-South corridor aims at connecting
Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir with
Kaniyakumari in Tamil Nadu (including
Kochchi-Salem Spur) with 4,076 km long
road. The East-West Corridor has been planned
to connect Silchar inAssam with the port town Fig. 10.2 : Road constructed under the Pradhan
Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna
of Porbandar in Gujarat with 3,640 km of
road length.
Why are the rural roads’ density very low
State Highways in hilly, plateau and forested areas? Why
does the quality of rural roads deteriorate
These are constructed and maintained by state away from the urban centres?
governments. They join the state capitals with
district headquarters and other important
Other Roads
towns. These roads are connected to the
National Highways. These constitute 4 per cent Other roads include Border Roads and
of total road length in the country. International Highways. The Border Road
Organisation (BRO) was established in May
District Roads 1960 for accelerating economic development
These roads are the connecting link between and strengthening defence preparedness
District Headquarters and the other important through rapid and coordinated improvement
nodes in the district. They account for 14 per of strategically important roads along the
cent of the total road length of the country. northern and north-eastern boundary of the

Transport and Communication 115

Fig. 10.3 : India – Density of Roads, 2001

116 India : People and Economy

country. It is a premier multifaceted construction Apart from the construction and
agency. It has constructed roads in high altitude maintenance of roads in strategically sensitive
mountainous terrain joining Chandigarh with areas, the BRO also undertakes snow
Manali (Himachal Pradesh) and Leh (Ladakh). clearance in high altitude areas. The
This road runs at an average altitude of 4,270 international highways are meant to promote
metres above the mean sea level. the harmonious relationship with the
neighbouring countries by providing effective
links with India. (Fig. 10.5 and 10.6)
The distribution of roads is not uniform in
the country. Density of roads (length of roads
per 100 square km of area) varies from only
12.14 km in Jammu and Kashmir to 517.77
km in Kerala with a national average of 142.68
km in 2011. The density of road is high in most
of the northern states and major southern
states. It is low in the Himalayan region, north-
eastern region, Madhya Pradesh and
Rajasthan. Why does this variation occur?
Nature of terrain and the level of economic
development are the main determinants of
density of roads. Construction of roads is easy
and cheaper in the plain areas while it is difficult
and costly in hilly and plateau areas. Therefore,
not only the density but also the quality of roads
is relatively better in plains as compared to
roads in high altitude areas, rainy and forested

List the names of 10 important towns along NH-1 and

Fig. 10.4 : Khardung La Pass in Jammu & Kashmir NH-2.

Delhi-Lahore Bus

Fig. 10.6 : Aman Setu between Srinagar and

Fig. 10.5 : A Bus from Lahore to Delhi at Wagah Border Muzaffarabad

Transport and Communication 117

Which one is the longest National Highway in India? Table 10.2 : Trends of Freight (in million
tonnes) and Passengers (in millions)
Why have Bengaluru and Hyderabad in the South and Handled by the Indian Railways
Delhi, Kanpur and Patna in north India have emerged Commodities 1970-71 2010-11
as important nodes? Provisional

Coal 47.9 268.3

Rail Transport Raw Material for

Indian railways network is one of the longest in Steel Plants 16.1 9.8
the world. It facilitates the movement of both Pig Iron and
freight and passengers and contributes to the Finished Steel 6.2 32.2
growth of economy. Mahatma Gandhi said, the Iron ore 9.8 46.4
Indian railways “brought people of diverse Cement 11 57.0
cultures together to contribute to India’s Food grains 15.1 52.0
freedom struggle.” Fertilisers 4.7 40.7
Indian Railway was introduced in 1853, Petroleum 8.9 26.1
when a line was constructed from Bombay to Other Goods 48.2 52.3
Thane covering a distance of 34 km. Total Traffic 167.9 584.7
Indian Railways is the largest government Passengers Originating 2431 7651.1
undertaking in the country. The length of Indian
Source : Economic Survey, Govt. of India, 2005-06,
Railways network is 64460 km. as on 31 March and 2011-12
2011. Its very large size puts lots of pressure
on a centralised railway management system. divided into sixteen zones. Table 10.3 shows
Thus, in India, the railway system has been the zone-wise performance of Indian Railways.

Table 10.3 : Indian Railways

Zone-wise income from passengers and goods (Rupees in lakhs)

Railway Zone Headquarters Earnings from Earnings from % of

Passengers % goods % Total earnings

Central Mumbai CST 13.62 8.36 10.07

Eastern Kolkata 6.18 3.3 4.24
East Central Hajipur 5.19 7.84 6.98
East Coast Bhubaneswar 2.27 9.69 7.27
Northern New Delhi 15.38 8.94 11.04
North Central Allahabad 6.71 8.76 8.09
North Eastern Gorakhpur 3.44 1.55 2.17
North East Frontier Maligaon (Guwahati) 2.34 2.59 2.51
North Western Jaipur 3.44 3.04 3.17
Southern Chennai 8.74 3.78 5.4
South Central Secunderabad 8.45 8.88 8.74
South Eastern Kolkata 3.23 7.86 6.36
South East Central Bilaspur 1.7 8.91 6.56
South Western Hubli 3.5 2.27 2.67
Western Mumbai (Church Gate) 12.16 7.32 8.9
West Central Jabalpur 3.62 6.91 5.83
Total 100 100 100

Source : Statistical Abstract of India, 2004 pg. 243

118 India : People and Economy

Areas around towns, raw material
producing areas and of plantations and other
On the basis of width of the track of Indian commercial crops, hill stations and cantonment
Railways, three categories have been made: towns were well-connected by railways from the
British colonial era. These were mostly
Broad gauge: The distance between rails in
developed for the exploitation of resources. After
broad gauge is 1.676 metre. The total length
the Independence of the country, railway routes
of broad gauge lines was 55188 km in 2011.
have been extended to other areas too. The most
Metre gauge: The distance between rails
significant development has been the
is one metre. Its total length was 6809 km
development of Konkan Railway along the
in 2011.
western coast providing a direct link between
Narrow gauge: The distance between the rails Mumbai and Mangaluru.
in this case is 0.762 metre or 0.610 metre. Railway continues to remain the main means
The total length of narrow guage was 2463 km of transport for the masses. Railway network is
in 2011. It is generally confined to hilly areas.
relatively less dense in the hill states, north eastern
states, central parts of India and Rajasthan.
Indian Railways has launched extensive
programme to convert the metre and narrow Water Transport
gauges to broad gauge. Moreover, steam
engines have been replaced by diesel and Waterways is an important mode of transport
electric engines. This step has increased the for both passenger and cargo traffic in India. It
speed as well as the haulage capacity. is the cheapest means of transport and is most
The replacement of steam engines run by suitable for carrying heavy and bulky material.
coal has also improved the environment of the It is a fuel-efficient and eco-friendly mode of
stations. transport. The water transport is of two types–
Metro rail has revolutionlised the urban (a) inland waterways, and (b) oceanic waterways.
transport system in Kolkata and Delhi.
replacement of diesel buses by CNG run Inland Waterways
vehicles along with introduction of metro is a It was the chief mode of transport before the
welcome step towards controlling the air advent of railways. It, however, faced tough
pollution in urban centres.
competition from road and railway transport.
Moreover, diversion of river water for irrigation
Konkan Railway
One of the important achievements of
Indian Railways has been the
construction of Konkan Railway in 1998.
It is 760 km long rail route connecting
Roha in Maharashtra to Mangalore in
Karnataka. It is considered an
engineering marvel. It crosses 146
rivers, streams, nearly 2000 bridges and
91 tunnels. Asia’s largest tunnel which
is nearly 6.5 km long, also lies on this
route. The states of Maharashtra, Goa
and Karnataka are partners in this
Fig. 10.7 : River navigation in the North-east

Transport and Communication 119

purposes made them non navigable in large For the development, maintenance and
parts of their courses. India has 14,500 km of regulation of national waterways in the country,
navigable waterways, contributing about 1% to the Inland Waterways Authority was set up in
the country’s transportation. It comprises rivers, 1986. The following waterways have been
canals, backwaters, creeks, etc. At present, declared as the National Waterways by the
5,685 km of major rivers are navigable by Government (Table 10.4).
mechanised flat bottom vessels.

Fig. 10.8 : Natinal Waterway No.3

Table 10.4 ; National Waterways of India

Waterways Stretch Specification

NW 1 Allahabad-Haldia It is one of the most important waterways in

stretch (1,620 km) India, which is navigable by mechanical boats
up to Patna and by ordinary boats up to
Haridwar. It is divided into three parts for
developmental purposes– (i) Haldia-Farakka (560
km), (ii) Farakka-Patna (460 km), (iii) Patna-
Allahabad (600 km).
NW 2 Sadiya-Dhubri stretch Brahmaputra is navigable by steamers up to
(891 km) Dibrugarh (1,384 km) which is shared by India
and Bangladesh
NW 3 Kottapuram-Kollam It includes 168 km of west coast canal along
stretch (205 km) with Champakara canal (23 km) and
Udyogmandal canal (14 km).
NW 4 Specified streches of Godavari and Krishna rivers along with Kakinada
Puducherry stretch of canals (1078 km)
NW 5 Specified stretches of river Brahmani along with Matai river, delta channels
of Mahanadi and Brahmani rivers and East Coast canals (588km).

120 India : People and Economy

Inland Waterways Authority has also from one place to the other. It has reduced
identified ten other inland waterways, which distances by minimising the travel time. It is
could be upgraded. The backwaters (Kadal) of very essential for a vast country like India,
Kerala has special significance in Inland where distances are large and the terrain and
Waterway. Apart from providing cheap means climatic conditions are diverse.
of transport, they are also attracting large Air transport in India made a beginning
number of tourists in Kerala. The famous Nehru in 1911 when airmail operation commenced
Trophy Boat Race (VALLAMKALI) is also held over a little distance of 10 km between
in the backwaters. Allahabad and Naini. But its real development
took place in post-Independent period. The
Oceanic Routes Airport Authority of India is responsible for
India has a vast coastline of approximate 7,517 providing safe, efficient air traffic and
km, including islands. Twelve major and 185 aeronautical communication services in the
minor ports provide infrastructural support to Indian Air Space. The authority manages 125
these routes. Oceanic routes play an important airports.
role in the transport sector of India’s economy. The air transport in India is managed by
Approximately 95 per cent of India’s foreign two corporations, Air India and Indian Airlines
trade by volume and 70 per cent by value moves after nationalisation. Now many private
through ocean routes. Apart from international companies have also started passenger services.
trade, these are also used for the purpose of
Air India
transportation between the islands and the rest
of the country. Air India provides International Air Services for
both passengers and cargo traffic. It connects
Air Transportation all the continents of the world through its
Air transport is the fastest means of movement services.

History of Indian Airlines

1911 – Air transport in India was launched between Allahabad and Naini.
1947 – Air transport was provided by four major companies namely Indian National Airways, Tata
Sons Limited, Air Services of India and Deccan Airways.
1951 – Four more companies
joined the services, Bharat
Airways, Himalayan Aviation
Limited, Airways India and Kalinga
1953 – Air transport was
nationalised and two Corporations,
Air India International and Indian
Airlines were formed. Now Indian
Airlines is known as ‘Indian’.

Transport and Communication 121

constructed by OIL from Naharkatiya oilfield
in Assam to Barauni refinery in Bihar. It was
The country’s largest state-owned domestic
further extended up to Kanpur in 1966.
carrier, Indian Airlines dropped the word
‘Airlines’ from its name and is known as Another extensive network of pipelines has been
‘Indian’ w.e.f. December 8, 2005. The new constructed in the western region of India of
brand name ‘Indian’ now appears on both which Ankleshwar-Koyali, Mumbai High-
sides of the fuselage. The logo on the Koyali and Hazira-Vijaipur-Jagdishpur (HVJ)
orange tail depicting ‘IA’ has also been are most important. Recently, a 1256 km long
changed. It has been replaced by a new pipeline connecting Salaya (Gujarat) with
logo which is a partly visible blue wheel and Mathura (U.P.) has been constructed. It supplies
is inspired by the Sun Temple at Konark crude oil from Gujarat to Punjab (Jalandhar)
(Odisha), symbolising timeless motion, via Mathura. OIL is in the process of
convergence and divergence. It also constructing of 660 km long pipeline from
embodies strength as well as trust that has Numaligarh to Siliguri.
stood the test of time.
Communication Networks
In 2010, domestic movement involved Human beings have evolved different methods
520.21 lakh passengers and about 23 lakh of communication over time. In earlier times,
metric tonnes of cargo. the messages were delivered by beating the
Pawan Hans is the helicopter service drum or hollow tree trunks, giving indications
operating in hilly areas and is widely used by through smoke or fire or with the help of fast
tourists in north-eastern sector. runners. Horses, camels, dogs, birds and other
In addition, Pawan Hans Limited mainly animals were also used to send messages.
provides helicopter services to petroleum sector Initially, the means of communication were also
and for tourism. the means of transportation. Invention of post-
office, telegraph, printing press, telephone,
satellite, etc has made the communication much
Open Sky Policy faster and easier. Development in the field of
science and technology has significantly
To help the Indian exporters and make their contributed in bringing about revolution in the
export more competitive, the government had field of communication.
introduced an Open Sky Policy for cargo in People use different modes of
April 1992. Under this policy, foreign airlines communication to convey the messages. On the
or association of exporters can bring any
basis of scale and quality, the mode of
freighters to the country.
communication can be divided into following
categories :

Oil and Gas Pipelines

Pipelines are the most convenient and efficient
mode of transporting liquids and gases over
long distances. Even solids can also be
transported by pipelines after converting them
into slurry. Oil India Limited (OIL) under the
administrative set up of the Ministry of
Petroleum and Natural Gas is engaged in the
exploration, production and transportation of
crude oil and natural gas. It was incorporated
in 1959 as a company. Asia’s first cross country
pipeline covering a distance of 1,157 km was

122 India : People and Economy

Personal Communication System only to the National Capital where it began in
Among all the personal communication system 1959. After 1972, several other centres became
operational. In 1976, TV was delinked from All
internet is the most effective and advanced one. It
is widely used in urban areas. It enables the user India Radio (AIR) and got a separate identity
to establish direct contact through e-mail to get as Doordarshan (DD). After INSAT-IA (National
access to the world of knowledge and information. Television-DD1) became operational, Common
It is increasingly used for e-commerce and National Programmes (CNP) were started for the
carrying out money transactions. The internet is entire network and its services were extended
like a huge central warehouse of data, with to the backward and remote rural areas.
detailed information on various items. The
network through internet and e-mail provides an Satellite Communication
efficient access to information at a comparatively Satellites are mode of communication in
low cost. It enables us with the basic facilities of themselves as well as they regulate the use of other
direct communication. You might have noticed means of communication. However, use of satellite
the proliferation of cyber cafes in urban areas. in getting a continuous and synoptic view of
larger area has made satellite communication very
Mass Communication System vital for the country due to the economic and
strategic reasons. Satellite images can be used
Radio for the weather forecast, monitoring of natural
Radio broadcasting started in India in 1923 by calamities, surveillance of border areas, etc.
the Radio Club of Bombay. Since then, it gained On the basis of configuration and purposes,
immense popularity and changed the socio- satellite system in India can be grouped into two:
cultural life of people. Within no time, it made a Indian National Satellite System (INSAT) and
place in every household of the country. Indian Remote Sensing Satellite System (IRS). The
Government took this opportunity and brought INSAT, which was established in 1983,is a multi-
this popular mode of communication under its purpose satellite system for telecommunication,
control in 1930 under the Indian Broadcasting meteorological observation and for various other
System. It was changed to All India Radio in data and programmes.
1936 and to Akashwani in 1957. The IRS satellite system became
All India Radio broadcasts a variety of operational with the launching of IRS-IA in
programmes related to information, education March 1988 from Vaikanour in Russia. India
and entertainment. Special news bulletins are has also developed her own Launching Vehicle
also broadcast at specific occasions like session PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle). These
of parliament and state legislatures. satellites collect data in several spectral bands
and transmit them to the ground stations for
Television (T.V.) various uses. The National Remote Sensing
Television broadcasting has emerged as the Centre (NRSC) at Hyderabad provides facilities
most effective audio-visual medium for for acquisition of data and its processing. These
disseminating information and educating are very useful in the management of natural
masses. Initially, the T.V. services were limited resources.

Transport and Communication 123

1. Choose the right answers of the following from the given options.
(i) In how many zones has the Indian Railways system been divided?
(a) 9 (c) 16
(b) 12 (d) 14
(ii) Which one of the following is the longest highway of India?
(a) N.H.-1 (c) N.H.-7
(b) N.H.-6 (d) N.H.-8
(iii) On which river and between which two places does the National Water
Way No. 1 lie?
(a) The Brahmaputra, Sadiya-Dhubri
(b) The Ganga, Haldia-Allahabad
(c) West Coast Canal, Kottapuram to Kollam
(iv) In which of the following year, the first radio programme was broadcast?
(a) 1911 (c) 1927
(b) 1936 (d) 1923
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Which activity does transportation convey? Name three major modes of
(ii) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of pipeline transportation.
(iii) What do you mean by ‘communication’?
(iv) Discuss the contribution of Air India and Indian in the air transport of
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Which are the chief means of transportation in India? Discuss the factors
affecting their development.
(ii) Give a detailed account of the development of railways in India and
highlight their importance.
(iii) Describe the role of roads in the economic development of India.

Find out the facilities that Indian Railways provide to the passengers.

124 India : People and Economy

You have already studied about the various
Unit IV aspects of International trade in the book
Chapter 11 Fundamentals of Human Geography.
International Trade is mutually beneficial as
no country is self-sufficient. India’s
International trade has undergone a sea change
in recent years in terms of volume, composition
as well as direction. Although India’s
contribution in the world trade is as low as one
per cent of the total volume, yet it plays a
significant role in the world economy.
Let us examine the changing pattern of
India’s International trade. In 1950-51, India’s
external trade was worth Rs.1,214 crore, which
INTERNATIONAL rose to Rs. 22,09,270 crore in 2009-10. Can
you calculate the percentage growth in 2009-10
over 1950-51? There are numerous reasons for
TRADE this sharp rise in overseas trade, such as, the
momentum picked up by the manufacturing
sectors, the liberal policies of the government and
the diversification of markets.
The nature of India’s foreign trade has
changed over the years (Table 11.1). Though
there has been an increase in the total volume
of import and export, the value of import
continued to be higher than that of exports.
There has also been an increase in trade deficit
over the last couple of years. This increase in
deficit is attributed to the price rise of crude
petroleum which forms a major component of
India’s import list.

Changing P
Paattern of the
Composition of India’ s Expor
India’s Exportt s

Source : Economic Survey, 2011-12

Fig. 11.1

Table 11.1 India’s Foreign Trade
Value in Rs. Crores
Year Exports Imports Total Trade Deficit

2000-01 203,571 230,873 434444 -27302

2004-05 375,340 501,065 876405 -125,725
2007-08 655,864 1,012,312 1668176 -356,448
2009-10 845,534 1,363,736 2209270 -518,202

Source : - 2010-11

The decline in traditional items is largely due

to the tough international competition. Amongst
Study the data in table 11.2 and answer the following the agricultural products, there is a great decline
questions : in the exports of traditional items such as coffee,
spices, tea, pulses, etc. though an increase has
Why is the export of agricultural and allied products been registered in floricultural products, fresh
declining continuously after 1997-98? fruits, marine products and sugar, etc.
Manufacturing sector alone accounted for
After attaining a peak in 1999-2000, why has the export 68.0 per cent of India’s total value of export in
of manufacturing goods started decreasing? 2010-11. Engineering goods have shown a
significant growth in the export list. China and
Draw bar diagram to show the trends of exports of all other East Asian countries are our major
items given in the table. Use pen/pencil of different competitors. Gems and jewellery contributes a
colours. larger share of India’s foreign trade.

Table 11.2 : Composition of India’s Export, 1997-2011

(Percentage share in Exports)
Commodities 1997-98 2003-04 2009-2010 2010-11

Agriculture and allied products 18.93 11.8 10.0 9.9

Ore and Minerals 3.03 3.71 4.9 4.0
Manufactured goods 75.83 75.96 67.4 68.0
Crude and petroleum products 1.01 5.59 16.2 16.8
Other commodities 1.2 2.94 1.5 1.2

Source : Economic Survey 2011-12

As has already been mentioned, the

composition of commodities in India’s
international trade has been undergoing a Study table 11.3 and select major commodities
change over the years. The share of agriculture exported in 2010-11 and draw bar diagram.
and allied products has declined whereas
shares of petroleum and crude products and
other commodities have increased. The shares Changing Patterns of the Composition of
of ore minerals and manufactured goods have India’s Import
largely remained constant over the years from India faced serious food shortage during 1950s
1997-98 to 2003-04. The increase in the share and 1960s. The major item of import at that
of petroleum products is due to a rise in time was foodgrain, capital goods, machinery
petroleum prices as well as increase in India’s and equipments. The balance of payment was
refining capacity.

126 India : People and Economy

Table 11.3 : Export of Principal Commodities demand in the export-oriented industrial and
Rs. Crores domestic sectors. Non-electrical machinery,

Commodities 2010-11
transport equipment, manufacturers of metals
and machine tools were the main items of
Agriculture and allied products 113116 capital goods. Import of food and allied
products declined with a fall in imports of
Ores and Minerals 46152
edible oils. Other major items of India’s import
Manufactured goods 777424 include pearls and semi precious stones, gold
Mineral fuels and Lubricants 192282 and silver, metalliferrous ores and metal scrap,
non-ferrous metals, electronic goods, etc. The
Source : Economic Survey 2011-12.
details of Indian imports of principal
adverse as imports were more than export in commodities during 2010-11 have been given
spite of all the efforts of import substitution. in table 11.5.
After 1970s, foodgrain import was discontinued
due to the success of green revolution but the
energy crisis of 1973 pushed the prices of Based on table 11.5, few activities may be
petroleum, and import budget was also pushed undertaken:
up. Foodgrain import was replaced by fertilisers Arrange the items in ascending or
and petroleum. Machine and equipment, descending order and write the names of
special steel, edible oil and chemicals largely the first five major items of India’s import
make the import basket. Examine the changing list of 2010-11.
pattern of imports in Table 11.4 and try to Why does India import edible oil in spite of
comprehend the shifts. being an agriculturally rich country?
Table 11.4 shows that there is a steep rise Select five most important and five least
in imports of petroleum products. It is used not important items and represent them by bar
only as a fuel but also as an industrial raw diagram.
material. It indicates the tempo of rising
Can you identify some items of imports for
industrialisation and better standard of living.
which substitutes can be developed in
Sporadic price rise in the international market
is another reason for the same. Import of capital
goods maintained a steady increase due to rising

Table 11.4 : India Composition of Import 2009-11

(In percentage)
Commodity Group 2009-10 2010-11

Food and allied products 3.7 2.9

Fuel (Coal, POL) 33.2 31.3
Fertilisers 2.3 1.9
Paper board manufacturing and news print 0.5 0.6
Capital goods 15.0 13.1
Others of which 42.6 47.7
Chemicals (5.2) (5.2)
Pearls precious and semi precious stones (5.6) (9.4)
Gold and silver (10.3) (11.5)

Source : Economic Survey 2011-12

International Trade 127

Table 11.5 : Import of Principal India is a success story in terms of
Commodities diversification of export and import markets.
(in Crore rupees) The share of Asia and ASEAN in total trade
Commodities 2010-11 increased from 33.3 per cent in 2000-01 to 57.3
per cent in the first half of 2011-12, while that
Fertilisers and fertilizer manufacturing 31533 of Europe and America fell from 42.5 per cent
Edible oils 29860 to 30.8 per cent respectively. This has helped
Pulp and waste paper 5208 India weather the global crisis emanating from
Paper board and manufactures 9614 Europe and America.
Non-ferrous metals 212153 (Source : Economic Survey 2011-12)
Iron and steel 47275 An interesting development in the direction
Petroleum crude and products 482282 of India’s trade is that the USA which was in
Pearls, precious and semi 1575596 first position in 2003-04 has been relegated to
precious stones third position in 2010-11, with the UAE
Medicinal and Pharma products 11114 becoming India’s largest trading partner,
Chemical products 13278 followed by China. This position continued from
2008-09 to 2010-11.
Source : Economic Survey 2011-12

Direction of Trade
Draw a multiple bar diagram to represent the major
India has trade relations with most of the
trading partners.
countries and major trading blocks of the
Most of India’s foreign trade is carried
Region-wise and sub-region-wise trade
through sea and air routes. However, a small
during the period 2010-11 has been given in
portion is also carried through land route to
table 11.6.
neighbouring countries like Nepal, Bhutan,
Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Table 11.6 Direction of India’s Import trade
(in crore rupees) Table 11.7 India’s Major Trading
Region Imports Partners’ Percentage share in total
2009-10 2010-11 trade (Export + Import)

Europe 263471 323857 Country 2003-04 Country 2010-11

(a) EU countries (27) 181937 202779
U.S.A. 10.3 U.A.E. 10.81
Africa 97871 118612
North America 139480 100602 U.K. 3.7 China 10.16

Latin America 48942 64576 Belgium 3.7 U.S.A. 7.35

Germany 3.5 Saudi Arabia 4.13
Asia and ASEAN 829224 1029881
Japan 2.7 Switzerland 4.10

Source : Department of Commerce based on DCCI&S Switzerland 3.3 Hong Kong 3.18
provisional data, Economic Survey 2011-12. Hong Kong 2.8 Germany 3.00
U.A.E. 6.2 Singapore 2.81
India aims to double its share in the China 6.4 Indonesia 2.60
international trade within the next five years. It Singapore 3.4 Belgium 2.40
has already started adopting suitable measures Malaysia 1.7 Korea 2.35
such as import liberalisation, reduction in Total 47.7 Total 52.89
import duties, de-licensing and change from
process to product patents. Source : Economic Survey 2005-06 and 2011-12

128 India : People and Economy

Sea P or
Por ts as Ga
orts Gatete wa y s of
tew traders and colonisation of the country by the
Interna tional T
International Trr ade British. This led to the variation in the size and
quality of ports. There are some ports which
India is surrounded by sea from three sides and have very vast area of influence and some have
is bestowed with a long coastline. Water limited area of influence. At present, India has
provides a smooth surface for very cheap 12 major ports and 185 minor or intermediate
transport provided there is no turbulence. India ports. In case of the major ports, central
government decides the policy and plays
regulatory functions. The minor ports are there
whose policy and functions are regulated by
state governments. The major ports handle
larger share of the total traffic. The 12 major
ports handled about 71 per cent of the country’s
oceanic traffic in 2008-09.
The British used the ports as suction
points of the resources from their hinterlands.
The extension of railways towards the interior
facilitated the linking of the local markets to
regional markets, regional markets to national
markets and national markets to the
international markets. This trend continued till
1947. It was expected that the country’s
independence will reverse the process, but the
partition of the country snatched away two very
important ports i.e. Karachi port went to
Pakistan and Chittagong port to the erstwhile
east-Pakistan and now Bangladesh. To
compensate the losses, many new ports like the
Kandla in the west and the Diamond Harbour
near Kolkata on river Hugli in the east were
Fig. 11.3 : Unloading of goods on port
Despite this major setback, Indian ports
has a long tradition of sea faring and developed
continued to grow after the Independence.
many ports with place name suffixed with
Today Indian ports are handling large volumes
pattan meaning port. An interesting fact about
of domestic as well as overseas trade. Most of
ports in India is that its west coast has more
the ports are equipped with modern
seaports than its east coast.
infrastructure. Previously the development and
modernisation was the responsibility of the
Can you find out the reasons for the government agencies, but considering the
variations in the location of ports along the increase in function and need to bring these
two coasts? ports at par with the international ports, private
entrepreneurs have been invited for the
Though ports have been in use since modernisation of ports in India.
ancient times, the emergence of ports as The capacity of Indian ports increased from
gateways of international trade became 20 million tonnes of cargo handling in 1951 to
important after the coming of the European more than 586 million tonnes in 2008-09.

International Trade 129

Fig. 11.4 : India – Major Ports and Sea Routes

130 India : People and Economy

Some of the Indian ports along with their Kochchi Port, situated at the head of
hinterlands are as follows : Vembanad Kayal, popularly known as the
Kandla Port situated at the head of Gulf of “Queen of the Arabian Sea,” is also a natural
Kuchchh has been developed as a major port to harbour. This port has an advantageous
cater to the needs of western and north western location being close to the Suez-Colombo route.
parts of the country and also to reduce the It caters to the needs of Kerala, southern-
pressure at Mumbai port. The port is specially Karnataka and south western Tamil Nadu.
designed to receive large quantities of petroleum Kolkata Port is located on the Hugli river,
and petroleum products and fertiliser. The 128 km inland from the Bay of Bengal. Like the
offshore terminal at Vadinar has been developed Mumbai port, this port was also developed by
to reduce the pressure at Kandla port. the British. Kolkata had the initial advantage
Demarcation of the boundary of the of being the capital of British India. The port
hinterland would be difficult as it is not fixed has lost its significance considerably on account
over space. In most of the cases, hinterland of of the diversion of exports to the other ports
one port may overlap with that of the other. such as Vishakhapatnam, Paradwip and its
Mumbai is a natural harbour and the satellite port, Haldia.
biggest port of the country. The port is situated Kolkata port is also confronted with the
closer to the general routes from the countries problem of silt accumulation in the Hugli river
of Middle East, Mediterranean countries, North which provides a link to the sea. Its hinterland
Africa, North America and Europe where the covers U.P., Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal,
major share of country’s overseas trade is Sikkim and the north-eastern states. Apart from
carried out. The port is 20 km long and 6-10 this, it also extends ports facilities to our
km wide with 54 berths and has the country’s neighbouring land-locked countries such as
largest oil terminal. M.P., Maharashtra, Gujarat, Nepal and Bhutan.
U.P. and parts of Rajasthan constitute the main Haldia Port is located 105 km
hinterlands of Mumbai ports. downstream from Kolkata. It has been
Jawaharlal Nehru Port at Nhava Sheva constructed to reduce the congestion at Kolkata
was developed as a satellite port to relieve the port. It handles bulk cargo like iron ore, coal,
pressure at the Mumbai port. It is the largest petroleum, petroleum products and fertilisers,
container port in India. jute, jute products, cotton and cotton yarn, etc.
Marmagao Port, situated at the entrance Paradwip Port is situated in the Mahanadi
of the Zuari estuary, is a natural harbour in delta, about 100 km from Cuttack. It has the
Goa. It gained significance after its remodelling deepest harbour specially suited to handle very
in 1961 to handle iron-ore exports to Japan. large vessels. It has been developed mainly to
Construction of Konkan railway has handle large-scale export of iron-ore. Orissa,
considerably extended the hinterland of this Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand are the parts of
port. Karnataka, Goa, Southern Maharashtra its hinterland.
constitute its hinterland. Visakhapatnam Port in Andhra Pradesh
New Mangalore Port is located in the state is a land-locked harbour, connected to the sea
of Karnataka and caters to the needs of the by a channel cut through solid rock and sand.
export of iron-ore and iron-concentrates. It also An outer harbour has been developed for
handles fertilisers, petroleum products, edible handling iron-ore, petroleum and general
oils, coffee, tea, wood pulp, yarn, granite stone, cargo. Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are the
main hinterland for this port.
molasses, etc. Karnataka is the major
Chennai Port is one of the oldest ports on
hinterland for this port. the eastern coast. It is an artificial harbour built

International Trade 131

Fig. 11.5 : India – Air Routes

132 India : People and Economy

in 1859. It is not much suitable for large ships There were 19 international airports
because of the shallow waters near the coast. functioning in the country (February 2013).
Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry are its hinterland. They are Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Bengaluru,
Ennore, a newly developed port in Tamil Chennai, Delhi, Goa, Guwahati, Hyderabad,
Nadu, has been constructed 25 km north of Kochchi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Thiruvananthapuram,
Chennai to relieve the pressure at Chennai port. Srinagar, Jaipur, Calicut, Port Blair, Nagpur,
Tuticorin Port was also developed to Tiruchirapalli and Coimbatore.
relieve the pressure of Chennai port. It deals You have already studied about the air
with a variety of cargo including coal, salt, food transport in the previous chapter. You consult
grains, edible oils, sugar, chemicals and the chapter on transport to find out the main
petroleum products. features of air transport in India.

Air transport plays an important role in the
international trade. It has the advantage of Name the nearest domestic and international airports
taking the least time for carriage and handling from your place. Identify the state with maximum number
high value or perishable goods over long of domestic airports.
distances. It is very costly and unsuitable for
carrying heavy and bulky commodities. This Identify four cities where maximum number of air routes
ultimately reduces the participation of this converge and also give reasons for this.
sector in the international trade as compared
to the oceanic routes.

1. Choose the right answers of the following from the given options.
(i) Trade between two countries is termed as
(a) Internal trade (c) International trade
(b) External trade (d) Local trade
(ii) Which one of the following is a land locked harbour?
(a) Vishakhapatnam (c) Ennor
(b) Mumbai (d) Haldia
(iii) Most of India’s foreign trade is carried through
(a) Land and sea (c) Sea and air
(b) Land and air (d) Sea
(iv) Which one of the following is India’s largest trading partner (2010-11)
(a) U.A.E. (c) Germany
(b) China (d) U.S.A.

International Trade 133

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Mention the characteristics of India’s foreign trade.
(ii) Distinguish between port and harbour.
(iii) Explain the meaning of hinterland.
(iv) Name important items which India imports from different countries.
(v) Name the ports of India located on the east coast.
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Describe the composition of export and import trade of India.
(ii) Write a note on the changing nature of the international trade of India.

134 India : People and Economy

You are already familiar with the term “trade”
Unit-III as a tertiary activity which you have studied in
Chapter-9 Chapter 7 of this book. You know that trade
means the voluntary exchange of goods and
services. Two parties are required to trade. One
person sells and the other purchases. In certain
places, people barter their goods. For both the
parties trade is mutually beneficial.
Trade may be conducted at two levels:

international and national. International trade
is the exchange of goods and services among
countries across national boundaries.
Countries need to trade to obtain commodities,
they cannot produce themselves or they can

purchase elsewhere at a lower price.
International Trade The initial form of trade in primitive

pu T
societies was the barter system, where direct

re R exchange of goods took place. In this system if
you were a potter and were in need of a plumber,
you would have to look for a plumber who

would be in need of pots and you could
exchange your pots for his plumbing service.
be C
o N

Fig. 9.1: Two women practising barter system in

Jon Beel Mela

Every January after the harvest season Jon Beel Mela

takes place in Jagiroad, 35 km away from Guwahati
and it is possibly the only fair In India, where barter

system is still alive. A big market is organised during

this fair and people from various tribes and communi-
ties exchange their products.

The difficulties of barter system were

overcome by the introduction of money. In the
olden times, before paper and coin currency
came into being, rare objects with very high
intrinsic value served as money, like,
flintstones, obsidian, cowrie shells, tiger’s
paws, whale’s teeth, dogs teeth, skins, furs,
cattle, rice, peppercorns, salt, small tools,
copper, silver and gold.

The word salary comes from the Latin word Salarium
which means payment by salt. As in those times
producing salt from sea water was unknown and could
only be made from rock salt which was rare and
expensive. That is why it became a mode of payment.

pu T

In ancient times, transporting goods over long
Britain in 1807 and United States in 1808.
distances was risky, hence trade was restricted

to local markets. People then spent most of their Figure 9.2 : Advertisement for Slave Auction, 1829
resources on basic necessities – food and This American slave auction advertised slaves for sale
clothes. Only the rich people bought jewellery, or temporary hire by their owners. Buyers often paid as
costly dresses and this resulted in trade of much as $2,000 for a skilled, healthy slave. Such auc-
be C

luxury items. tions often separated family members from one another,
The Silk Route is an early example of long many of whom never saw their loved ones again.
distance trade connecting Rome to China – After the Industrial Revolution the demand
o N

along the 6,000 km route. The traders for raw materials like grains, meat, wool also
transported Chinese silk, Roman wool and expanded, but their monetary value declined
precious metals and many other high value in relation to the manufactured goods.
commodities from intermediate points in India, The industrialised nations imported
Persia and Central Asia.

primary products as raw materials and

After the disintegration of the Roman exported the value added finished products
Empire, European commerce grew during back to the non-industrialised nations.
twelfth and thirteenth century with the In the later half of the nineteenth century,
development of ocean going warships trade regions producing primary goods were no more
between Europe and Asia grew and the important, and industrial nations became each
Americas were discovered. other’s principle customers.
Fifteenth century onwards, the European During the World Wars I and II, countries
colonialism began and along with trade of exotic imposed trade taxes and quantitative
commodities, a new form of trade emerged restrictions for the first time. During the post-

which was called slave trade. The Portuguese, war period, organisations like General
Dutch, Spaniards, and British captured African Agreement for Tariffs and Trade (which later
natives and forcefully transported them to the became the World Trade Organisation), helped
newly discovered Americas for their labour in in reducing tariff.

the plantations. Slave trade was a lucrative

business for more than two hundred years till Why Does International Trade Exist?
it was abolished in Denmark in 1792, Great International trade is the result of specialisation

82 Fundamentals of Human Geography

in production. It benefits the world economy if art and craft develop in certain
different countries practise specialisation and cultures which are valued the world
division of labour in the production of over, e.g. China produces the finest
commodities or provision of services. Each kind porcelains and brocades. Carpets of
of specialisation can give rise to trade. Thus, Iran are famous while North African
international trade is based on the principle of leather work and Indonesian batik
comparative advantage, complimentarity and cloth are prized handicrafts.
transferability of goods and services and in (b) Size of population: Densely
principle, should be mutually beneficial to the populated countries have large

trading partners. volume of internal trade but little
In modern times, trade is the basis of the external trade because most of the
world’s economic organisation and is related agricultural and industrial
to the foreign policy of nations. With well- production is consumed in the local
developed transportation and communication markets. Standard of living of the

systems, no country is willing to forego the population determines the demand
benefits derived from participation in for better quality imported products

pu T
international trade. because with low standard of living

re R only a few people can afford to buy
Basis of International Trade costly imported goods.
(iii) Stage of economic development: At

(i) Difference in national resources: The different stages of economic development
world’s national resources are unevenly of countries, the nature of items traded
distributed because of differences in their
undergo changes. In agriculturally
physical make up i.e. geology, relief soil important countries, agro products are
and climate.
be C

exchanged for manufactured goods

(a) Geological structure: It determines whereas industrialised nations export
the mineral resource base and machinery and finished products and
topographical differences ensure
import food grains and other raw
o N

diversity of crops and animals materials.

raised. Lowlands have greater
(iv) Extent of foreign investment: Foreign
agricultural potential. Mountains
investment can boost trade in developing
attract tourists and promote
countries which lack in capital required

for the development of mining, oil drilling,
(b) Mineral resources: They are
heavy engineering, lumbering and
unevenly distributed the world over.
plantation agriculture. By developing
The availability of mineral resources
such capital intensive industries in
provides the basis for industrial
development. developing countries, the industrial
nations ensure import of food stuffs,
(c) Climate: It influences the type of flora
and fauna that can survive in a given minerals and create markets for their
region. It also ensures diversity in finished products. This entire cycle steps
the range of various products, e.g. up the volume of trade between nations.
(v) T ransport: In olden times, lack of

wool production can take place in

cold regions, bananas, rubber and adequate and efficient means of transport
cocoa can grow in tropical regions. restricted trade to local areas. Only high
(ii) Population factors: The size, distribution value items, e.g. gems, silk and spices

and diversity of people between countries were traded over long distances. With
affect the type and volume of goods expansions of rail, ocean and air
traded. transport, better means of refrigeration
(a) Cultural factors: Distinctive forms of and preservation, trade has experienced
spatial expansion.
International Trade 83
Important Aspects of International Composition of Trade
Trade The nature of goods and services imported and
exported by countries have undergone changes
International trade has three very important
during the last century.
aspects. These are volume, sectoral composition
Trade of primary products was dominant
and direction of trade.
in the beginning of the last century. Later
Volume of Trade manufactured goods gained prominence and
currently, though the manufacturing sector
The actual tonnage of goods traded makes up
commands the bulk of the global trade, service
the volume. However, services traded cannot be

sector which includes travel, transportation and
measured in tonnage. Therefore, the total value
other commercial services have been showing
of goods and services traded is considered to
an upward trend. Table 9.1 shows that the
be the volume of trade. Table 9.1 shows that
volume of imports and exports of the world
the total volume of world trade has been steadily
merchandise has been growing consistently
rising over the past decades.

over the years.

pu T
Looking at the Table 9.2, we find that
agricultural products, fuels and mining

Why do you think that the volume of trade has increased products, fuels, manufactures, iron and steel,
re R
over the decades? Can these figures be compared? chemicals, office and telecom equipment,
automotive products, textiles and clothing are

What has been the growth in the year 2010 over the
year 1955? major merchandise which are traded over the
world. Trade in the service sector is quite

Table 9.1: World Imports and Exports (in millions of U.S. $)

be C

1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2010

Exports 95000 190000 877000 1954000 5162000 10393000 14850565

o N

Total Merchandise

Imports 99000 199000 912000 2015000 5292000 10753000 15076522

Total Merchandise

Source: (May 2012)

Table 9.2: World Merchandise Exports by Major Product Group, 2010

(Billion dollars and percentage)

Value Share Annual Percentage Change

In World 1980- 1985- 1990- 1995- 2000- 2005- 2008 2009 2010
Merchandise 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Agricultural Products 1362 9.2 -2 9 7 -1 9 10 19 -12 15


Fuels and Mining 3026 20.4 -5 3 2 10 16 11 33 -36 33


Fuels 2348 15.8 -5 0 1 12 17 10 41 -37 30


Manufactures 9962 67.1 2 15 9 5 9 6 10 -20 20

Iron and Steel 421 2.8 -2 9 8 -2 17 6 22 -45 29

Chemicals 1705 11.5 1 14 10 4 13 9 13 -14 18

84 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Office and Telecom 1603 10.8 9 18 15 10 6 5 3 -15 21

Automotive Products 1092 7.4 5 14 8 5 10 3 3 -31 29

Textiles 251 1.7 -1 15 8 0 5 4 5 -16 19

Clothing 351 2.4 4 18 8 5 7 5 5 -13 11


different from trade in the products of primary it can earn by selling its goods. This would

and manufacturing sectors as the services can ultimately lead to exhaustion of its financial
be expanded infinitely, consumed by many, are reserves.
weightless and once produced, can be easily
replicated and thus, are capable of generating Types of International Trade
more profit than producing goods.

International trade may be categorised into two

pu T
Direction of Trade (a) Bilateral trade: Bilateral trade is done

Historically, the developing countries of the by two countries with each other. They
present used to export valuable goods and
re R
artefacts, etc., which were exported to European
enter into agreement to trade specified
commodities amongst them. For

countries. During the nineteenth century there example, country A may agree to trade
was a reversal in the direction of trade. some raw material with agreement to
European countries started exporting purchase some other specified item to
manufactured goods for exchange of foodstuffs country B or vice versa.
and raw materials from their colonies. Europe
be C

(b) Multi-lateral trade: As the term suggests

and U.S.A. emerged as major trade partners in multi-lateral trade is conducted with
the world and were leaders in the trade of many trading countries. The same
manufactured goods. Japan at that time was
o N

country can trade with a number of

also the third important trading country. The other countries. The country may also
world trade pattern underwent a drastic change
grant the status of the “Most Favoured
during the second half of the twentieth century. Nation” (MFN) on some of the trading
Europe lost its colonies while India, China and

other developing countries started competing

with developed countries. The nature of the
Case for Free Trade
goods traded has also changed.
The act of opening up economies for trading is
Balance of Trade known as free trade or trade liberalisation. This
Balance of trade records the volume of goods is done by bringing down trade barriers like
and services imported as well as exported by a tariffs. Trade liberalisation allows goods and
country to other countries. If the value of services from everywhere to compete with
imports is more than the value of a country’s domestic products and services.
exports, the country has negative or Globalisation along with free trade can

unfavourable balance of trade. If the value of adversely affect the economies of developing
exports is more than the value of imports, then countries by not giving equal playing field by
the country has a positive or favourable balance imposing conditions which are unfavourable.
With the development of transport and

of trade.
Balance of trade and balance of payments communication systems goods and services can
have serious implications for a country’s travel faster and farther than ever before. But
economy. A negative balance would mean that free trade should not only let rich countries
the country spends more on buying goods than enter the markets, but allow the developed

International Trade 85
countries to keep their own markets protected countries to set up a permanent institution for
from foreign products. looking after the promotion of free and fair trade
Countries also need to be cautious about amongst nation and the GATT was transformed
dumped goods; as along with free trade into the World Trade Organisation from 1st
dumped goods of cheaper prices can harm the January 1995.
domestic producers. WTO is the only international organisation
dealing with the global rules of trade between
nations. It sets the rules for the global trading
Dumping system and resolves disputes between its
member nations. WTO also covers trade in

The practice of selling a commodity in two services, such as telecommunication and
countries at a price that differs for reasons banking, and others issues such as intellectual
not related to costs is called dumping. rights.
The WTO has however been criticised and
opposed by those who are worried about the

effects of free trade and economic globalisation.

pu T
It is argued that free trade does not make

ordinary people’s lives more prosperous. It is
actually widening the gulf between rich and
re R poor by making rich countries more rich. This

is because the influential nations in the WTO
focus on their own commercial interests.
Moreover, many developed countries have not
fully opened their markets to products from
developing countries. It is also argued that
be C

issues of health, worker’s rights, child labour

and environment are ignored.
o N

WTO Headquarters are located in Geneva, Switzerland.


149 countries were members of WTO as on December


India has been one of the founder member of WTO.

Regional Trade Blocs

Regional Trade Blocs have come up in order to
Think of some reasons why dumping is becoming a encourage trade between countries with
serious concern among trading nations? geographical proximity, similarity and

complementarities in trading items and to curb

restrictions on trade of the developing world.
World Trade Organisation
Today, 120 regional trade blocs generate 52 per
In1948, to liberalise the world from high cent of the world trade. These trading blocs

customs tariffs and various other types of developed as a response to the failure of the global
restrictions, General Agreement for Tariffs and organisations to speed up intra-regional trade.
Trade (GATT) was formed by some countries. Though, these regional blocs remove trade
In 1994, it was decided by the member tariffs within the member nations and

86 Fundamentals of Human Geography

encourage free trade, in the future it could get between different trading blocs. Some major
increasingly difficult for free trade to take place regional trade blocs have been listed in Table 9.3.

Table 9.3: Major Regional Trade

Regional Head Member Origin Commodities Other Areas

Blocs Quarter nations of

ASEAN Jakarta, Brunei, Aug, 1967 Agro products, Accelerate

(Association of Indonesia Indonesia, rubber, palm oil, economic

South East Asian Malaysia, rice, copra, growth,
Nations) Singapore, coffee, minerals – cultural
Thailand, copper, coal, development,
Vietnam nickel and peace and
tungsten. Energy regional
– petroleum and stability
natural gas and


pu T
CIS Minsk, Armenia, — Crude oil, natural Integration
re R Belarus Azerbaijan, gas, gold, cotton, and
of Independent Belarus, Georgia, fibre, aluminium cooperation on
States) Kazakhstan, matters of
Kyrgyzstan, economics,

Moldova, Russia, defence and
Tajikistan, foreign policy
Ukraine and
be C

EU Brussels, Austria, Belgium, EEC- Agro products, Single market

(European Union) Belgium Denmark, March 1957 minerals, with single
France, Finland, EU - Feb. 1992 chemicals, wood, currency
Ireland, Italy, the paper, transport
o N

Netherlands, vehicles, optical

Luxemburg, instruments,
Portugal, Spain, clocks - works of
Sweden and U.K. art, antiques

LAIA Montevideo, Argentina, Bolivia, 1960 — —


(Latin American Uruguay Brazil, Columbia,

Integration Ecuador, Mexico,
Association) Paraguay, Peru,
Uruguay and

NAFTA U.S.A., Canada 1994 Agro products, —

(North American and Mexico motor vehicles,
Free Trade automotive parts,
Association) computers,

OPEC Vienna, Algeria, 1949 Crude petroleum Coordinate

(Organisation of Austria Indonesia, Iran, and unify

Petroleum Iraq, Kuwait, petroleum

Exporting Libya, Nigeria, policies.
Countries) Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, U.A.E.
and Venezuela

SAFTA Bangladesh, Jan-2006 — Reduce tariffs

(South Asian Maldives, Bhutan, on inter -
Free Trade Nepal, India, regional trade
Agreement) Pakistan and Sri

International Trade 87
Concerns Related to International
Undertaking international trade is mutually
beneficial to nations if it leads to regional
specialisation, higher level of production, better
standard of living, worldwide availability of
goods and services, equalisation of prices and
wages and diffusion of knowledge and culture.
International trade can prove to be

detrimental to nations of it leads to dependence
on other countries, uneven levels of
development, exploitation, and commercial
rivalry leading to wars. Global trade affects
many aspects of life; it can impact everything

from the environment to health and well-being Fig. 9.5: San Francisco, the largest land-locked

pu T
harbour in the world
of the people around the world. As countries

compete to trade more, production and the use
of natural resources spiral up, resources get
re R
used up faster than they can be replenished. Types of Port

As a result, marine life is also depleting fast, Generally, ports are classified according to the
forests are being cut down and river basins sold types of traffic which they handle.
off to private drinking water companies. Multi- Types of port according to cargo handled:
national corporations trading in oil, gas mining, (i) Industrial Ports: These ports specialise in
pharmaceuticals and agri-business keep bulk cargo-like grain, sugar, ore, oil,
be C

expanding their operations at all costs creating chemicals and similar materials.
more pollution – their mode of work does not (ii) Commercial Ports: These ports handle
follow the norms of sustainable development. general cargo-packaged products and
o N

If organisations are geared only towards profit manufactured good. These ports also
making, and environmental and health handle passenger traffic.
concerns are not addressed, then it could lead
to serious implications in the future.


The chief gateways of the world of international
trade are the harbours and ports. Cargoes and
travellers pass from one part of the world to
another through these ports.
The ports provide facilities of docking,
loading, unloading and the storage facilities for

cargo. In order to provide these facilities, the

port authorities make arrangements for
maintaining navigable channels, arranging tugs

and barges, and providing labour and

Fig. 9.6: Leningrad Commercial Port
managerial services. The importance of a port
is judged by the size of cargo and the number
(iii) Comprehensive Ports: Such ports handle
of ships handled. The quantity of cargo handled
bulk and general cargo in large volumes.
by a port is an indicator of the level of
development of its hinterland.
88 Fundamentals of Human Geography
Most of the world’s great ports are tanker ports. Abadan on the Gulf of Persia
classified as comprehensive ports. is a refinery port.
(ii) Ports of Call: These are the ports which
Types of port on the basis of location:
originally developed as calling points on
(i) Inland Ports: These ports are located away main sea routes where ships used to
from the sea coast. They are linked to the anchor for refuelling, watering and taking
sea through a river or a canal. Such ports food items. Later on, they developed into
are accessible to flat bottom ships or commercial ports. Aden, Honolulu and
barges. For example, Manchester is linked Singapore are good examples.
with a canal; Memphis is located on the

(iii) Packet Station: These are also known as
river Mississippi; Rhine has several ports ferry ports. These packet stations are
like Mannheim and Duisburg; and exclusively concerned with the
Kolkata is located on the river Hoogli, a transportation of passengers and mail
branch of the river Ganga. across water bodies covering short

(ii) Out Ports: These are deep water ports built distances. These stations occur in pairs
away from the actual ports. These serve located in such a way that they face each

pu T
the parent ports by receiving those ships other across the water body, e.g. Dover in

which are unable to approach them due
re R England and Calais in France across the
to their large size. Classic combination, English Channel.
for example, is Athens and its out port (iv) Entrepot Ports: These are collection centres

Piraeus in Greece. where the goods are brought from different
countries for export. Singapore is an
Types of port on the basis of specialised
functions: entrepot for Asia. Rotterdam for Europe,
and Copenhagen for the Baltic region.
be C

(i) Oil Ports: These ports deal in the (v) Naval Ports: These are ports which have
processing and shipping of oil. Some of only strategic importance. These ports
these are tanker ports and some are serve warships and have repair workshops
refinery ports. Maracaibo in Venezuela, for them. Kochi and Karwar are examples
o N

Esskhira in Tunisia, Tripoli in Lebanon are of such ports in India.


1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Most of the world’s great ports are classified as:

(a) Naval Ports (c) Comprehensive Ports

(b) Oil Ports (d) Industrial Ports
(ii) Which one of the following continents has the maximum flow of global

(a) Asia (c) Europe

(b) North America (d) Africa

International Trade 89
(iii) Which one of the following South American nation, is a part of OPEC?
(a) Brazil (c) Venezuela
(b) Chile (d) Peru
(iv) In which of the following trade blocs, is India an associate member?
(b) OECD (d) OPEC
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words:
(i) What is the basic function of the World Trade Organisation?
(ii) Why is it detrimental for a nation to have negative balance of payments?

(iii) What benefits do nations get by forming trading blocs?
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words:
(i) How are ports helpful for trade? Give a classification of ports on the basis
of their location.

(ii) How do nations gain from International Trade?

pu T
re R
be C
o N

90 Fundamentals of Human Geography

We all live in clusters of houses. You may call it
Unit-IV a village, a town or a city, all are examples of
Chapter-10 human settlements. The study of human
settlements is basic to human geography
because the form of settlement in any particular
region reflects human relationship with the
environment. A human settlement is defined as
a place inhabited more or less permanently. The
houses may be designed or redesigned,

buildings may be altered, functions may change
but settlement continues in time and space.
There may be some settlements which are
temporary and are occupied for short periods,
may be a season.

Human Settlements CL ASSIFICA

pu T

It is widely accepted that settlements can be
re R differentiated in terms of rural and urban, but

there is no consensus on what exactly defines
a village or a town. Although population size is
an important criterion, it is not a universal
criterion since many villages in densely
populated countries of India and China have
be C

population exceeding that of some towns of

Western Europe and United States.
At one time, people living in villages
o N

pursued agriculture or other primary activities,

but presently in developed countries, large
sections of urban populations prefer to live in
villages even though they work in the city. The

basic difference between towns and villages is

that in towns the main occupation of the people
is related to secondary and tertiary sectors,
while in the villages most of the people are
engaged in primary occupations such as
agriculture, fishing, lumbering, mining, animal
husbandry, etc.

Sub Urbanisation

It is a new trend of people moving away from

congested urban areas to cleaner areas
outside the city in search of a better quality
of living. Important suburbs develop around

major cities and everyday thousands of

people commute from their homes in the
sub urbs to their work places in the city.
Differentiations between rural and urban (ii) Dispersed Settlements: In these
on the basis of functions are more meaningful settlements, houses are spaced far
even though there is no uniformity in the apart and often interspersed with fields.
hierarchy of the functions provided by rural and A cultural feature such as a place of
urban settlements. Petrol pumps are considered worship or a market, binds the
as a lower order function in the United States settlement together.
while it is an urban function in India. Even
within a country, rating of functions may vary
according to the regional economy. Facilities

available in the villages of developed countries
may be considered rare in villages of developing
and less developed countries.

The census of India, 1991 defines urban

settlements as “All places which have

pu T
municipality, corporation, cantonment board

or notified town area committee and have a
minimum population of 5000 persons, at
re R
least 75 per cent of male workers are
engaged in non-agricultural pursuits and a
Fig. 10.2: Dispersed Settlements

density of population of at least 400 persons Rural Settlements
per square kilometers are urban. Rural settlements are most closely and directly
related to land. They are dominated by primary
activities such as agriculture, animal
be C

husbandary, fishing etc. The settlements size

Settlements may also be classified by their is relatively small. Some factors affecting the
location of rural settlements are :
shape, patterns types. The major types
o N

classified by shape are:

(i) Compact or Nucleated settlements:
These settlements are those in which
large number of houses are built very

close to each other. Such settlements

develop along river valleys and in fertile
plains. Communities are closely knit
and share common occupations.

Fig. 10.3 : Siting near water

Water Supply

Usually rural settlements are located near water

bodies such as rivers, lakes, and springs where
water can be easily obtained. Sometimes the
need for water drives people to settle in otherwise

disadvantaged sites such as islands

surrounded by swamps or low lying river
banks. Most water based ‘wet point’ settlements
Fig.10.1 : Compact Settlements have many advantages such as water for

92 Fundamentals of Human Geography

drinking, cooking and washing. Rivers and Defence
lakes can be used to irrigate farm land. Water During the times of political instability, war,
bodies also have fish which can be caught for hostility of neighbouring groups villages were
diet and navigable rivers and lakes can be used built on defensive hills and islands. In Nigeria,
for transportation. upstanding inselbergs formed good defensive
sites. In India most of the forts are located on
higher grounds or hills.
People choose to settle near fertile lands suitable
for agriculture. In Europe villages grew up near Planned Settlements

rolling country avoiding swampy, low lying Sites that are not spontaneously chosen by
land while people in south east Asia chose to villagers themselves, planned settlements are
live near low lying river valleys and coastal constructed by governments by providing
plains suited for wet rice cultivation. Early shelter, water and other infrastructures on
settlers chose plain areas with fertile soils.

acquired lands. The scheme of villagisation in
Ethiopia and the canal colonies in Indira

pu T
Gandhi canal command area in India are some

Upland which is not prone to flooding was good examples.
chosen to prevent damage to houses and loss
re R
of life. Thus, in low lying river basins people Rural Settlement Patterns

chose to settle on terraces and levees which are Patterns of rural settlements reflect the way the
“dry points”. In tropical countries people build
houses are sited in relation to each other. The
their houses on stilts near marshy lands to site of the village, the surrounding topography
protect themselves from flood, insects and and terrain influence the shape and size of a
animal pests.
be C

Rural settlements may be classified on the
Building Material basis of a number of criteria:
o N

The availability of building materials- wood, (i) On the basis of setting: The main types
stone near settlements is another advantage. are plain villages, plateau villages,
Early villages were built in forest clearings where coastal villages, forest villages and
wood was plentiful. desert villages.
(ii) On the basis of functions: There may

be farming villages, fishermen’s villages,

lumberjack villages, pastoral villages etc.
(iii) On the basis of forms or shapes of the
settlements: These may be a number
of geometrical forms and shapes such
as Linear, rectangular, circular star
like, T-shaped village, double village,
cross-shaped village etc.
(a) Linear pattern: In such settlements
houses are located along a road,

railway line, river, canal edge of a valley

or along a levee.
Fig. 10.4 : House on stilts
(b) Rectangular pattern: Such patterns of

In loess areas of China, cave dwellings were rural settlements are found in plain
important and African Savanna’s building areas or wide inter montane valleys.
materials were mud bricks and the Eskimos, in The roads are rectangular and cut each
polar regions, use ice blocks to construct igloos. other at right angles.

Human Settlements 93
Linear Pattern Cross-shape Pattern Star-like Pattern

h ed
pu T
T-Shape Pattern Circular Pattern Double Pattern
re R
Railway Road River Canal Well

Bridge Temple Village Pond Tree

Fig. 10.5: Rural Settlement Patterns
be C

(c) Circular pattern: Circular villages settlements develop at tri-junctions of

develop around lakes, tanks and the roads ( ) while -shaped
o N

sometimes the village is planned in such

settlements emerge as the places where
a way that the central part remains open
two roads converge on the third one
and is used for keeping the animals to
and houses are built along these roads.
protect them from wild animals.
Cruciform settlements develop on the

(d) Star like pattern: Where several roads

cross-roads and houses extend in all
converge, star shaped settlements develop
the four direction.
by the houses built along the roads.
(e) T-shaped, Y-shaped, Cross-shaped or
crucifor m settlements: T -shaped

Fig.10.6 : Linear pattern settlement Fig.10.7 : Y shape settlement

94 Fundamentals of Human Geography

(f) Double village: These settlements Urban Settlements
extend on both sides of a river where
Rapid urban growth is a recent phenomenon.
there is a bridge or a ferry.
Until recent times, few settlements reached the
population size of more than a few thousand
inhabitants. The first urban settlement to reach
a population of one million was the city of
Identify these patterns on any topographical sheet which London by around. A.D. 1810 By 1982
you have studied in Practical Work in Geography, Part
approximately 175 cities in the world had
I (NCERT, 2006) in Class XI
crossed the one million population mark.

Presently 48 per cent of the world’s population
Problems of Rural Settlements lives in urban settlements compared to only 3
per cent in the year 1800 (Table 10.1).
Rural settlements in the developing countries
are large in number and poorly equipped with
Table 10.1: Percentage of World’s Population Living

infrastructure. They represent a great challenge in Urban Areas
and opportunity for planners.

pu T
Supply of water to rural settlements in Year Percentage

developing countries is not adequate. People
1800 3
re R
in villages, particularly in mountainous and
arid areas have to walk long distances to fetch 1850 6

drinking water. Water borne diseases such as 1900 14

cholera and jaundice tend to be a common 1950 30

problem. The countries of South Asia face 1982 37
conditions of drought and flood very often. Crop 2001 48
be C

cultivation sequences, in the absence of

irrigation, also suffer.
Classification of Urban Settlements
The general absence of toilet and garbage
disposal facilities cause health related problems. The definition of urban areas varies from one
o N

The design and use of building materials country to another. Some of the common basis
of houses vary from one ecological region to of classification are size of population,
another. The houses made up of mud, wood occupational structure and administrative
and thatch, remain susceptible to damage setup.

during heavy rains and floods, and require

proper maintenance every year. Most house Population Size
designs are typically deficient in proper
ventilation. Besides, the design of a house It is an important criteria used by most countries
includes the animal shed along with its fodder- to define urban areas. The lower limit of the
store within it. This is purposely done to keep population size for a settlement to be designated
the domestic animals and their food properly as urban is 1,500 in Colombia, 2,000 in
protected from wild animals. Argentina and Portugal, 2,500 in U.S.A. and
Unmetalled roads and lack of modern Thailand, 5,000 in India and 30,000 in Japan.
communication network creates a unique Besides the size of population, density of 400

problem. During rainy season, the settlements persons per sq km and share of non-agricultural
remain cut off and pose serious difficulties in workers are taken into consideration in India.
providing emergency services. It is also difficult Countries with low density of population may
to provide adequate health and educational choose a lower number as the cut-off figure

infrastructure for their large rural population. compared to densely populated countries. In
The problem is particularly serious where Denmark, Sweden and Finland, all places with
proper villagisation has not taken place and a population size of 250 persons are called
houses are scattered over a large area. urban. The minimum population for a city is

Human Settlements 95
300 in Iceland, whereas in Canada and urban centres which are located close to an
Venezuela, it is 1,000 persons. important trade route have experienced rapid
Occupational Structure
Functions of Urban Centres
In some countries, such as India, the major
economic activities in addition to the size of the The earliest towns were centres of
population in designating a settlement as urban administration, trade, industry, defence and
are also taken as a criterion. Similarly, in Italy, a religious importance. The significance of defence
settlement is called urban, if more than 50 per and religion as differentiating functions has

cent of its economically productive population declined in general, but other functions have
is engaged in non-agricultural pursuits. India entered the list. Today, several new functions,
has set this criterion at 75 per cent. such as, recreational, residential, transport,
mining, manufacturing and most recently
Administration activities related to information technology are

carried on in specialised towns. Some of these
The administrative setup is a criterion for

pu T
classifying a settlement as urban in some functions do not necessarily require the urban

centre to have any fundamental relationship
countries. For example, in India, a settlement
of any size is classified as urban, if it has a with their neighbouring rural areas.
re R
municipality, Cantonment Board or Notified

Area Council. Similarly, in Latin American
countries, such as Brazil and Bolivia, any What would be the effects of Information
administrative centre is considered urban and Communication Technology (ICT) as
irrespective of its population size. a function on the development of existing
and new settlements?
be C

Location of urban centres is examined with
o N

reference to their function. For example, the

Prepare a list of cities where earlier functions have been
sitting requirements of a holiday resort are quite
replaced by newer ones.
different from that of an industrial town, a
military centre or a seaport. Strategic towns In spite of towns performing multiple
require sites offering natural defence; mining functions we refer to their dominant function.

towns require the presence of economically For example, we think of Sheffield as an

valuable minerals; industrial towns generally industrial city, London as a port city,
need local energy supplies or raw materials; Chandigarh as an administrative city and so
tourist centres require attractive scenery, or a on. Large cities have a rather greater diversity
marine beach, a spring with medicinal water of functions. Besides, all cities are dynamic and
or historical relics, ports require a harbour etc. over a period of time may develop new functions.
Locations of the earliest urban settlements Most of the early nineteenth-century fishing
were based on the availability of water, building ports in England have now developed tourism.
materials and fertile land. Today, while these Many of the old market towns are now known
for manufacturing activities. Towns and cities

considerations still remain valid, modern

technology plays a significant role in locating are classified into the following categories.
urban settlements far away from the source of
these materials. Piped water can be supplied Administrative Towns

to a distant settlement, building material can National capitals, which house the administrative
be transported from long distances. offices of central governments, such as New Delhi,
Apart from site, the situation plays an Canberra, Beijing, Addis Ababa, Washington
important role in the expansion of towns. The D.C., and London etc. are called administrative

96 Fundamentals of Human Geography

towns. Provincial (sub-national) towns can also Towns and cities of developed and
have administrative functions, for example, developing countries reflect marked differences
Victoria (British Columbia), Albany (New York), in planning and development. While most cities
Chennai (Tamil Nadu). in developed countries are planned, most
urban settlements of developing countries have
Trading and Commercial Towns evolved historically with irregular shapes. For
Agricultural market towns, such as, Winnipeg example, Chandigarh and Canberra are
and Kansas city; banking and financial centres planned cities, while smaller town in India have
evolved historically from walled cities to large
like Frankfurt and Amsterdam; large inland

centres like Manchester and St Louis; and urban sprawls.
transport nodes such as, Lahore, Baghdad and
Addis Ababa (The New Flower)
Agra have been important trading centres.
The name of Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, as
Cultural Towns the name indicates (Addis-New, Ababa-Flower)

is a ‘new’ city which was established in 1878.
Places of pilgrimage, such as Jerusalem, Mecca,

pu T
Jagannath Puri and Varanasi etc. are The whole city is located on a hill-valley

considered cultural towns. These urban topography. The road pattern bears the influence
centres are of great religious importance.
re R
Additional functions which the cities

perform are health and recreation (Miami and
Panaji), industrial (Pittsburgh and
Jamshedpur), mining and quarrying (Broken
Hill and Dhanbad) and transport (Singapore
and Mughal Sarai).
be C
o N

Urbanisation means the increase in the proportion

population of a country who live in urban areas.

The most important cause of urbanisation is rural-urban

migration. During the late 1990s some 20 to 30 million

people were leaving the countryside every year and

moving into towns and cities.

Developed countries experienced rapid urbanisation Fig. 10.8: Morphology of Addis Ababa
during the nineteenth century.

Developing counties experienced rapid urbanisation

during the second half of the twentieth century.


An urban settlement may be linear, square, star

or crescent shaped. In fact, the form of the

settlement, architecture and style of buildings
and other structures are an outcome of its
historical and cultural traditions.
Fig. 10.9: Skyline of Addis Ababa

Human Settlements 97
of the local topography. The roads radiate from each with separate city functions. During the
the govt headquarters Piazza, Arat and Amist last few decades, the city has expanded to
Kilo roundabouts. Mercato has markets which accommodate several satellite towns, which
grew with time and is supposed to be the largest have their own centres. The city has wide-open
market between Cairo and Johannesburg. A spaces and many parks and gardens.
multi-faculty university, a medical college, a
number of good schools make Addis Ababa an Types of Urban Settlements
educational centre. It is also the terminal station Depending on the size and the services available
for the Djibouti-Addis Ababa rail route. Bole
and functions rendered, urban centres are

airport is a relatively new airport. The city has designated as town, city, million city,
witnessed rapid growth because of its multi-
conurbation, megalopolis.
functional nature and being a large nodal centre
located in the centre of Ethiopia. Town

Canberra The concept of ‘town’ can best be understood
with reference to ‘village’. Population size is not

pu T
Canberra was planned as the capital of the only criterion. Functional contrasts between

Australia in 1912 by American landscape
towns and villages may not always be clear-
architect, Walter Burley Griffin. He had cut, but specific functions such as,
re R
envisaged a garden city for about 25,000 people manufacturing, retail and wholesale trade, and

taking into account the natural features of the
professional services exist in towns.
landscape. There were to be five main centres,
A city may be regarded as a leading town, which
be C

has outstripped its local or regional rivals. In

the words of Lewis Mumford, “ the city is in fact
the physical form of the highest and most
o N

complex type of associative life”. Cities are

much larger than towns and have a greater
number of economic functions. They tend to
have transport terminals, major financial
institutions and regional administrative offices.

When the population crosses the one million

mark it is designated as a million city.

The term conurbation was coined by Patrick
Geddes in 1915 and applied to a large area of
urban development that resulted from the
merging of originally separate towns or cities.
Greater London, Manchester, Chicago and

Tokyo are examples. Can you find out an

example from India?


This Greek word meaning “great city”, was

popularised by Jean Gottman (1957) and
Fig. 10.10 : Morphology of a planned city – Canberra
signifies ‘super- metropolitan’ region extending,

98 Fundamentals of Human Geography

as union of conurbations. The urban Table 10.3: Mega Cities of the World
(as on 01. 04. 2012)
landscape stretching from Boston in the north
to south of Washington in U.S.A. is the best Rank English Country Population Population
known example of a megalopolis. (in millions)
1 Tokyo Japan 34,500,000 34.5
Million City 2 Canton China 25,800,000 25.8
3 Jakarta Indonesia 25,300,000 25.3
The number of million cities in the world has 4 Seoul Korea (South) 25,300,000 25.3
5 Shanghai China 25,300,000 25.3
been increasing as never before. London 6 Mexico City Mexico 23,200,000 23.2
reached the million mark in 1800, followed by 7 Delhi India 23,000,000 23.0

Paris in 1850, New York in 1860, and by 1950 8 New York United States 21,500,000 21.5
of America
there were around 80 such cities. The rate of 9 São Paulo Brazil 21,100,000 21.1
increase in the number of million cities has been 10 Bombay India 20,800,000 20.8
three-fold in every three decades – around 160 11 Manila Philippines 20,700,000 20.7
12 Karachi Pakistan 17,400,000 17.4
in 1975 to around 438 in 2005.

13 Los Angeles United States 17,000,000 17.0
of America
Table 10.2: Continent–wise Distribution

pu T
14 Osaka Japan 16,800,000 16.8
of Million Cities
15 Beijing China 16,400,000 16.4

Continent Early Mid Mid 16 Moscow Russia 16,200,000 16.2
1950 1970s 2000 17 Cairo Egypt 15,700,000 15.7
re R 18
Argentina Aires

Europe 23 30 58
20 Dacca Bangladesh 14,000,000 14.0
Asia 32 69 206 21 Bangkok Thailand 13,800,000 13.8
North and Central America 16 36 79 22 Tehran Iran 13,500,000 13.5
South America 8 17 43 23 Istanbul Turkey 13,400,000 13.4
24 Lagos Nigeria 12,700,000 12.7
Africa 3 8 46
be C

25 Rio de Brazil 12,700,000 12.7

Australia 2 2 6 Janeiro
World Total 84 162 438 26 London Great Britain 12,600,000 12.6
27 Paris France 10,600,000 10.6
o N


Distribution of Mega Cities They also lack infrastructure such as,

electricity, sewage disposal, health and
A mega city or megalopolis is a general term education facilities.
for cities together with their suburbs with a

population of more than 10 million people.

New York was the first to attain the status of
a mega city by 1950 with a total population Rural/Urban Problems
of about 12.5 million. The number of mega
cities is now 25. The number of mega cities Can you identify the problems faced by your city/town/
has increased in the developing countries village in terms of any one of the following?
during the last 50 years vis-à-vis the Availability of potable water.
developed countries.
Electricity supply.

Problems of Human Settlements

in Developing Countries Sewerage system.

The settlements in developing countries, suffer Transportation and communication facilities.


from various problems, such as unsustainable

Health and educational infrastructure.
concentration of population, congested housing
and streets, lack of drinking water facilities. Water and air pollution.

Can you think of solutions to these problems?

Human Settlements 99
Problems of Urban Settlements Economic Problems
People flock to cities to avail of employment The decreasing employment opportunities in
opportunities and civic amenities. Since most the rural as well as smaller urban areas of the
cities in developing countries are unplanned, developing countries consistently push the
it creates severe congestion. Shortage of population to the urban areas. The enormous
housing, vertical expansion and growth of migrant population generates a pool of un-
slums are characteristic features of modern skilled and semi-skilled labour force, which is
cities of developing countries. In many cities already saturated in urban areas.
an increasing proportion of the population

lives in substandard housing, e.g. slums and Socio-cultural Problems
squatter settlements. In most million plus
Cities in the developing countries suffer from
cities in India, one in four inhabitants lives in several social ills. Insufficient financial resources
illegal settlements, which are growing twice as fail to create adequate social infrastructure
fast as the rest of the cities. Even in the Asia

catering to the basic needs of the huge
Pacific countries, around 60 per cent of the population. The available educational and

pu T
urban population lives in squatter settlements.
health facilities remain beyond the reach of the

re R urban poor. Health indices also, present a
gloomy picture in cities of developing countries.
Lack of employment and education tends to

aggravate the crime rates. Male selective
migration to the urban areas distorts the sex
ratio in these cities.

Environmental Problems
be C

The large urban population in developing

countries not only uses but also disposes off a
o N

huge quantity of water and all types of waste

materials. Many cities of the developing
countries even find it extremely difficult to
provide the minimum required quantity of
potable water and water for domestic and

industrial uses. An improper sewerage system

creates unhealthy conditions. Massive use of
Fig. 10.11: Slums traditional fuel in the domestic as well as the
industrial sector severely pollutes the air. The
What is a Healthy City? domestic and industrial wastes are either let
into the general sewerages or dumped without
World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests treatment at unspecified locations. Huge
that, among other things, a ‘healthy city’ concrete structures erected to accommodate
must have: the population and economic play a very

A ’Clean’ and ‘Safe’ environment. conducive role to create heat islands.

Meets the ‘Basic Needs’ of ‘All’ its
inhabitants. Urban Strategy
Involves the ‘Community’ in local

The United Nations Development

Programme (UNDP) has outlined these
Provides easily accessible ‘Health’ service. priorities as part of its ‘Urban Strategy’.

100 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Increasing ‘Shelter’ for the urban poor. settlements. As the growth of rural population
Provision of basic urban services such as has outpaced the generation of employment and
‘Education’, ‘Primary Health care’, ‘Clean economic opportunities, rural-to-urban migration
Water and Sanitation’. has steadily increased, particularly in the
Improving women’s access to ‘Basic developing countries, which has put an enormous
Services’ and government facilities. pressure on urban infrastructure and services
Upgrading ‘Energy’ use and alternative
that are already under serious stress. It is urgent
‘Transport’ systems. to eradicate rural poverty and to improve the
quality of living conditions, as well as to create
Reducing ‘Air Pollution’.

employment and educational opportunities in
rural settlements. Full advantage must be taken
Cities, towns and rural settlements are linked of the complementary contributions and linkages
through the movements of goods, resources and of rural and urban areas by balancing their
people. Urban-rural linkages are of crucial different economic, social and environmental

importance for the sustainability of human requirements.

pu T
re R
be C

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following forms of settlement develops along either side of
o N

roads, rivers or canals?

(a) circular (c) cross-shaped
(b) linear (d) square
(ii) Which one of the following types of economic activities dominates in all rural

(a) primary (c) secondary
(b) tertiary (d) quaternary
(iii) In which of the following regions has the oldest well-documented urban
settlement found?
(a) Huang He Valley (c) Nile Valley
(b) Indus Valley (d) Mesopotamia
(iv) How many of the following cities in India have attained the million status at the
beginning of 2006?

(a) 40 (c) 41
(b) 42 (d) 43
(v) Sufficiency of which type of resources can help to create adequate social
infrastructure catering to the needs of the large population in the developing

(a) financial (c) natural
(b) human (d) social

Human Settlements 101

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) How would you define a settlement?
(ii) Distinguish between site and situation.
What are the bases of classifying settlements?
How would you justify the study of human settlements in human
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) What are rural and urban settlements? Mention their

(ii) Discuss the problems associated with urban settlements in
developing countries.


(i) Do you live in a city? If not, do you live nearby? Is your life
somehow linked to a city?

pu T
(a) What is its name?

(b) When was it first settled?
(c) Why was the site chosen?
re R (d) What is its population?

(e) What are the functions it performs?
(f) On a sketch of the city, try to identify the areas where
these functions are performed.
Each student should make a list of five things associated with the selected city;
things that cannot be found elsewhere. This is a mini definition of the city as each
be C

student sees it. The lists should be shared with the class. How much agreement is
there between the lists?
(ii) Can you think of some ways by which you can single
o N

handedly help reduce pollution levels of your settlement

Hints :
(a) Proper garbage disposal
(b) Using public transport
(c) Better management of domestic water consumption

(d) Planting trees in the neighbourhood


102 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Human Settlement means cluster of dwellings
Unit II of any type or size where human beings live.
Chapter 4 For this purpose, people may erect houses and
other structures and command some area or
territory as their economic support-base. Thus,
the process of settlement inherently involves
grouping of people and apportioning of territory
as their resource base.
Settlements vary in size and type. They
range from a hamlet to metropolitan cities. With
size, the economic character and social structure
of settlements changes and so do its ecology and
technology. Settlements could be small and
sparsely spaced; they may also be large and
HUMAN closely spaced. The sparsely located small
settlements are called villages, specialising in
SETTLEMENTS agriculture or other primary activities. On the
other hand, there are fewer but larger settlements
which are termed as urban settlements
specialising in secondary and tertiary activities.
The basic differences between rural and urban
settlements are as follows :
• The rural settlements derive their life
support or basic economic needs from
land based primary economic activities,
whereas, urban settlements, depend on
processing of raw materials and
manufacturing of finished goods on the
one hand and a variety of services on the
• Cities act as nodes of economic growth,
provide goods and services not only to
urban dwellers but also to the people of
the rural settlements in their hinterlands
in return for food and raw materials. This
functional relationship between the urban
and rural settlements takes place through
transport and communication network.
• Rural and urban settlements differ in
terms of social relationship, attitude and
outlook. Rural people are less mobile and
therefore, social relations among them are
intimate. In urban areas, on the other
hand, way of life is complex and fast, and
social relations are formal.

Types of Rur
Rural Settlement
Types of the settlement are determined by the
extent of the built-up area and inter-house

distance. In India compact or clustered village Semi-Clustered Settlements
of a few hundred houses is a rather universal
Semi-clustered or fragmented settlements may
feature, particularly in the northern plains.
result from tendency of clustering in a
However, there are several areas, which have
restricted area of dispersed settlement. More
other forms of rural settlements. There are
often such a pattern may also result from
various factors and conditions responsible for
segregation or fragmentation of a large compact
having different types of rural settlements in
village. In this case, one or more sections of
India. These include: (i) physical features –
the village society choose or is forced to live a
nature of terrain, altitude, climate and
little away from the main cluster or village. In
availability of water (ii) cultural and ethenic
such cases, generally, the land-owning and
factors – social structure, caste and religion
dominant community occupies the central part
(iii) security factors – defence against thefts and
of the main village, whereas people of lower
robberies. Rural settlements in India can
strata of society and menial workers settle on
broadly be put into four types:
the outer flanks of the village. Such settlements
• Clustered, agglomerated or nucleated,
are widespread in the Gujarat plain and some
• Semi-clustered or fragmented,
parts of Rajasthan.
• Hamleted, and
• Dispersed or isolated.

Clustered Settlements
The clustered rural settlement is a compact or
closely built up area of houses. In this type of
village the general living area is distinct and
separated from the surrounding farms, barns
and pastures. The closely built-up area and its

Fig. 4.2 : Semi-clustered settlements

Hamleted Settlements
Sometimes settlement is fragmented into several
units physically separated from each other
bearing a common name. These units are locally
Fig. 4.1 : Clustered Settlements in the North-eastern states called panna, para, palli, nagla, dhani, etc. in
various parts of the country. This segmentation
intervening streets present some recognisable of a large village is often motivated by social
pattern or geometric shape, such as and ethnic factors. Such villages are more
rectangular, radial, linear, etc. Such settlements frequently found in the middle and lower Ganga
are generally found in fertile alluvial plains and plain, Chhattisgarh and lower valleys of the
in the northeastern states. Sometimes, people Himalayas.
live in compact village for security or defence
reasons, such as in the Bundelkhand region of Dispersed Settlements
central India and in Nagaland. In Rajasthan,
scarcity of water has necessitated compact Dispersed or isolated settlement pattern in India
settlement for maximum utilisation of available appears in the form of isolated huts or hamlets
water resources. of few huts in remote jungles, or on small hills

Human Settlements 33

Ancient Towns
There are number of towns in India having
historical background spanning over 2000
years. Most of them developed as religious and
cultural centres. Varanasi is one of the important
towns among these. Prayag (Allahabad),
Pataliputra (Patna), Madurai are some other
examples of ancient towns in the country.

Medieval Towns
Fig. 4.3 : Dispersed settlements in Nagaland About 100 of the existing towns have their roots
with farms or pasture on the slopes. Extreme in the medieval period. Most of them developed
as headquarters of principalities and kingdoms.
dispersion of settlement is often caused by
extremely fragmented nature of the terrain and These are fort towns which came up on the
land resource base of habitable areas. Many ruins of ancient towns. Important among them
areas of Meghalaya, Uttaranchal, Himachal are Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Agra
Pradesh and Kerala have this type of settlement. and Nagpur.

Modern Towns
Urban Settlements
The British and other Europeans have
Unlike rural settlements, urban settlements
developed a number of towns in India.
are generally compact and larger in size. Starting their foothold on coastal locations,
They are engaged in a variety of non-
they first developed some trading ports such
agricultural, economic and administrative as Surat, Daman, Goa, Pondicherry, etc. The
functions. As mentioned earlier, cities are
British later consolidated their hold around
functionally linked to rural areas around
three principal nodes – Mumbai (Bombay),
them. Thus, exchange of goods and services Chennai (Madras), and Kolkata (Calcutta) –
is performed sometimes directly and
and built them in the British style. Rapidly
sometimes through a series of market towns
and cities. Thus, cities are connected directly
as well as indirectly with the villages and also
with each other. You can see the definition
of towns in Chapter 10 of the book,
“Fundamentals of Human Geography.”

Evolution of Towns in India

Towns flourished since prehistoric times in
India. Even at the time of Indus valley
civilisation, towns like Harappa and
Mohanjodaro were in existence. The following
period has witnessed evolution of towns. It
continued with periodic ups and downs until
the arrival of Europeans in India in the
eighteenth century. On the basis of their Fig. 4.4 : A view of the modern city

evolution in different periods, Indian towns may extending their domination either directly or
be classified as:
through control over the princely states, they
• Ancient towns, • Medieval towns, and
established their administrative centres, hill-
• Modern towns. towns as summer resorts, and added new civil,

34 India : People and Economy

Fig. 4.5 : India – Metropolitan Cities, 2001

Human Settlements 35

Table 4.1 : India – Trends of Urbanisation 1901-2011
Year Number of Urban Population % of Total Decennial
Towns/UAs (in Thousands) Population Growth (%)

1901 1,827 25,851.9 10.84 —-

1911 1,815 25,941.6 10.29 0.35
1921 1,949 28,086.2 11.18 8.27
1931 2,072 33,456.0 11.99 19.12
1941 2,250 44,153.3 13.86 31.97
1951 2,843 62,443.7 17.29 41.42
1961 2,365 78,936.6 17.97 26.41
1971 2,590 1,09,114 19.91 38.23
1981 3,378 1,59,463 23.34 46.14
1991 4,689 2,17,611 25.71 36.47
2001 5,161 2,85,355 27.78 31.13
2011* 7,935 3,77,000 31.16 31.08

*Source: Census of India, 2011 http.// (Provisional)

administrative and military areas to them. Classification of Towns on the basis of

Towns based on modern industries also Population Size
evolved after 1850. Jamshedpur can be cited
as an example. Census of India classifies urban centres into
After independence, a large number of six classes as presented in Table 4.2. Urban
towns have been developed as administrative centre with population of more than one lakh
headquarters, e.g. Chandigarh, Bhubaneswar, is called a city or class I town. Cities
Gandhinagar, Dispur, etc. and industrial accommodating population size between one
centres such as Durgapur, Bhilai, Sindri, to five million are called metropolitan cities and
Barauni. Some old towns also developed more than five million are mega cities. Majority
as satellite towns around metropolitan of metropolitan and mega cities are urban
cities such as Ghaziabad, Rohtak, Gurgaon agglomerations. An urban agglomeration may
around Delhi. With increasing investment consist of any one of the following three
in rural areas, a large number of medium
Fig. 4.6 : India : Distribution of urban
and small towns have developed all over
population (%), according to size class of
the country. urban centre — 2001
Urbanisation in India
The level of urbanisation is measured in
terms of percentage of urban population to
total population. The level of urbanisation in
India in 2001 was 28 per cent, which is quite
low in comparison to developed countries.
Total urban population has increased eleven
fold during twentieth century. Enlargement
of urban centres and emergence of new towns
have played a significant role in the growth
of urban population and urbanisation in the
country. (Table 4.1). But the growth rate of
urbanisation has slowed down during last
two decades.

36 India : People and Economy

Table 4.2 : India – Class-wise number of towns and cities
and their population, 2001

Class Population Size Number Population % of total % Growth

(Million) Urban 1991-2001

All classes
Total 5161 285.35 100 31.13
I 1,00,000 and more 423 172.04 61.48 23.12
II 50,000 – 99,999 498 34.43 12.3 43.45
III 20,000 – 49,999 1386 41.97 15.0 46.19
IV 10,000 – 9,999 1560 22.6 8.08 32.94
V 5,000 – 9,999 1057 7.98 2.85 41.49
VI Less than 5,000 227 0.8 0.29 21.21

combinations: (i) a town and its adjoining Administrative towns and cities
urban outgrowths, (ii) two or more
contiguous towns with or without their Towns supporting administrative headquarters
outgrowths, and (iii) a city and one or more of higher order are administrative towns, such
adjoining towns with their outgrowths as Chandigarh, New Delhi, Bhopal, Shillong,
together forming a contiguous spread. Guwahati, Imphal, Srinagar, Gandhinagar,
Examples of urban outgrowth are railway Jaipur Chennai, etc.
colonies, university campus, port area, Industrial towns
military cantonment, etc. located within the
revenue limits of a village or villages Industries constitute prime motive force of these
contiguous to the town or city. cities such as Mumbai, Salem, Coimbatore,
It is evident from Table 4.2 that more than Modinagar, Jamshedpur, Hugli, Bhilai, etc.
60 per cent of urban population in India lives
in Class I towns. Out of 423 cities, 35 cities/ Transport Cities
urban agglomerations are metropolitan cities They may be ports primarily engaged in export
(Fig.4.6). Six of them are mega cities with and import activities such as Kandla, Kochchi,
population over five million each. More than Kozhikode, Vishakhapatnam, etc. or hubs of
one-fifth (21.0%) of urban population lives in inland transport such as Agra, Dhulia, Mughal
these mega cities. Sarai, Itarsi, Katni, etc.
Among them, Greater Mumbai is the
largest agglomeration with 16.4 million Commercial towns
people. Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore Towns and cities specialising in trade and
and Hyderabad are other mega cities in the commerce are kept in this class. Kolkata,
country. Saharanpur, Satna, etc. are some examples.
Functional Classification of Towns Mining towns
Apart from their role as central or nodal places, These towns have developed in mineral rich
many towns and cities perform specialised areas such as Raniganj, Jharia, Digboi,
services. Some towns and cities specialise in Ankaleshwar, Singrauli, etc.
certain functions and they are known for
some specific activities, products or services. Garrisson Cantonment towns
However, each town performs a number of
functions. On the basis of dominant or These towns emerged as garrisson towns such
specialised functions, Indian cities and towns as Ambala, Jalandhar, Mhow, Babina,
can be broadly classified as follows: Udhampur, etc.

Human Settlements 37

Table 4.3 : India – Population of Million
plus Cities/Urban Agglomeration, 2001
Rank Name of Urban Population List the urban agglomerations/cities state-
Agglomeration/ (in million) wise and see the state-wise population
Cities under this category of cities.
1 Greater Mumbai 16.37
2 Kolkata 13.22
3 Delhi 12.79
4 Chennai 6.42
Educational towns
5 Bangalore 5.69
6 Hyderabad 5.53 Starting as centres of education, some of the
7 Ahmedabad 4.52 towns have grown into major campus towns
8 Pune 3.76 such as Roorki, Varanasi, Aligarh, Pilani,
9 Surat 2.81
10 Kanpur 2.69
Allahabad etc.
11 Jaipur 2.32
12 Lucknow 2.27 Religious and cultural towns
13 Nagpur 2.12
14 Patna 1.71 Varanasi, Mathura, Amritsar, Madurai, Puri,
15 Indore 1.64 Ajmer, Pushkar, Tirupati, Kurukshetra,
16 Vadodara 1.49
17 Bhopal 1.45 Haridwar, Ujjain came to prominence due to
18 Coimbatore 1.45 their religious/cultural significance.
19 Ludhiana 1.39
20 Kochchi 1.36 Tourist towns
21 Vishakhapatnam 1.33
22 Agra 1.32
23 Varanasi 1.21
Nainital, Mussoorie, Shimla, Pachmarhi,
24 Madurai 1.19 Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Udagamandalam (Ooty),
25 Meerut 1.17 Mount Abu are some of the tourist destinations.
26 Nashik 1.15 The cities are not static in their function. The
27 Jabalpur 1.12 functions change due to their dynamic nature.
28 Jamshedpur 1.10
Even specialised cities, as they grow into
29 Asansol 1.09
30 Dhanbad 1.06 metropolises become multifunctional wherein
31 Faridabad 1.05 industry, business, administration, transport,
32 Allahabad 1.05 etc. become important. The functions get so
33 Amritsar 1.01 intertwined that the city can not be categorised
34 Vijayawada 1.01
35 Rajkot 1.00
in a particular functional class.
Total 107.88
For Census of India 2011 see appendix on Page No. 161


1. Choose the right answers of the following from the given options.
(i) Which one of the following towns is NOT located on a river bank?
(a) Agra (c) Patna
(b) Bhopal (d) Kolkata

38 India : People and Economy

(ii) Which one of the following is NOT the part of the definition of a town as
per the census of India?
(a) Population density of 400 persons per sq km.
(b) Presence of municipality, corporation, etc.
(c) More than 75% of the population engaged in primary sector.
(d) Population size of more than 5,000 persons.
(iii) In which one of the following environments does one expect the presence
of dispersed rural settlements?
(a) Alluvial plains of Ganga
(b) Arid and semi-arid regions of Rajasthan
(c) Lower valleys of Himalayas
(d) Forests and hills in north-east
(iv) Which one of the following group of cities have been arranged in the
sequence of their ranks i.e. 1, 2, 3 and 4 in size?
(a) Greater Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai
(b) Delhi, Greater Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata
(c) Kolkata, Greater Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata
(d) Greater Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) What are garrisson towns? What is their function?
(ii)How can one identify an urban agglomeration?
(iii)What are the main factors for the location of villages in desert regions?
(iv) What are metropolitan cities? How are they different from urban
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(i) Discuss the features of different types of rural settlements. What are the
factors responsible for the settlement patterns in different physical
(ii) Can one imagine the presence of only one-function town? Why do the
cities become multi-functional?

Human Settlements 39

Appendix I
World Population : Selected Data, 2010

Total Males Females Estimate Area

Population 2005 2010 (Sq. Km)


Algeria *34 452 759 *17 428 500 *17 024 259 32 906 *35 978 2 381 741

Angola 5 646 166 2 943 974 2 702 192 ... ... 1 246 700

1 1
Benin 6 769 914 3 284 119 3 485 795 *7 447 *8 779 114 763

Botswana 1 680 863 813 625 867 238 1 708 1 823 582 000

Burkina 14 196 259 6 842 560 7 353 699 13 374 15 7311 272 967

Burundi 7 877 728 3 838 045 4 039 683 ... ... 27 834

Cameroon 17 052 134 8 408 495 8 643 639 ... *19 4061 475 650

pu T
Cape Verd *491 575 *243 315 *248 260 475 518 4 033

Central African Republic 3 151 072 1 569 446 1 581 626 ... ... 622 984

Chad re R 6 158 992 2 950 415 3 208 577 ... ... 1 284 000

Comoros 575 660 ... ... ... ... 2 235
Congo *3 697 487 ... ... 3 488 ... 342 000
Côte d’Ivoire 15 366 672 7 844 621 7 522 050 *19 097 ... 322 463
be C
Democratic Republic of the 29 916 800 14 543 800 15 373 000 ... ... 2 344 858

Djibouti *818 159 ... ... ... ... 23 200

o N

Egypt 72 798 031 37 219 056 35 578 975 70 653 *78 728 1 002 000

Equatorial Guinea 1 014 999 501 387 513 612 ... ... 28 051

Eritrea 2 748 304 1 374 452 1 373 852 ... ... 117 600
Ethiopia 73 750 932 37 217 130 36 533 802 73 044 ... 1 104 300

Gabon *1 269 000 ... ... 1 3134 ... 267 668

Gambia *1 364 507 *676 726 *687 781 1 436 ... 11 295

Ghana *24 223 431 *11 801 661 *12 421 770 21 367 ... 238 533

Guinea 7 156 406 3 497 979 3 658 427 ... 10 5371 245 857
Guinea-Bissau 1 520 830 737 634 783 196 1 326 ... 36 125
5 5
Kenya *38 610 097 *19 192 458 *19 417 639 35 267 *40 400 581 313
Lesotho 1 741 406 818 379 923 027 1 892 ... 30 355

Liberia 3 476 608 1 739 945 1 736 663 ... ... 111 369
6 6
Libya *5 657 692 *2 934 4526 *2 723 240 ... ... 1 759 540

Madagascar 12 238 914 6 088 116 6 150 798 17 730 ... 587 041

Malawi 13 077 160 6 358 933 6 718 227 12 3411 ... 118 484

Mali *14 517 176 *7 202 744 *7 314 432 11 7327 ... 1 240 192

Mauritania 2 508 159 1 241 712 1 266 447 2 9061 ... 1 030 700
Total Males Females Estimate Area
Population 2005 2010 (Sq. Km)

Mauritius 1 178 848 583 756 595 092 1 243 1 2819 1 969

Mayotte 186 387 91 405 94 982 ... ... ...

Morocco 29 680 069 14 640 662 15 039 407 30 17210 31 85110 446 550

Mozambique 20 252 223 9 746 690 10 505 533 19 4201 21 8541 801 590
11 11 1 1
Namibia 1 830 330 887 721 942 572 1 957 2 143 824 268

1 1
Niger 11 060 291 5 516 588 5 543 703 12 628 15 204 1 267 000
Nigeria 140 431 790 71 345 488 69 086 302 133 767 ... 923 768

Réunion 781 962 379 176 402 786 777 ... 2 513

Rwanda 8 128 553 3 879 448 4 249 105 ... 10 413 26 338

Saint Helena ex. dep. *4 255 *2 166 *2 089 ... 4 122

pu T
Saint Helena: Ascension 712 458 254 ... ... 88

Saint Helena: Tristan da 296 139 157 ... ... 98

re R

Sao Tome and Principe 136 554 67 422 69 132 149 *164 964

Senegal 9 555 346 4 672 015 4 883 331 10 90112 12 50912 196 71213
Seychelles 81 75514 40 75114 41 00414 83 87 452

Sierra Leone 4 976 871 2 420 218 2 556 653 5 095 5 747 72 300
be C

Somalia 7 114 431 3 741 664 3 372 767 ... ... 637 657
15 15
South Africa 44 819 778 21 434 041 23 385 737 47 335 49 991 1 221 037
o N

Sudan *39 154 490 *20 073 977 *19 080 513 35 397 ... 2 505 813

Swaziland 844 223 405 868 438 355 1 126 ... 17 364

Togo 2 719 567 1 325 641 1 393 926 5 212 ... 56 785

Tunisia 9 910 872 4 965 435 4 945 437 10 029 10 549 163 610

Uganda 24 442 084 11 929 803 12 512 281 26 741 ... 241 550

United Republic of Tanzania *34 443 603 *16 829 861 *17 613 742 37 379 ... 945 087

Western Sahara 76 425 43 981 32 444 ... ... 266 000

Zambia *13 046 508 *6 394 455 *6 652 053 11 441 ... 752 612
Zimbabwe 11 631 657 5 634 180 5 997 477 11 830 ... 390 757


Anguilla 11 43018 5 62818 5 80218 14 ... 91


Antigua and Barbuda 76 886 36 107 40 779 83 ... 442

Aruba 90 506 43 434 47 072 101 108 180

Bahamas 353 658 ... ... 325 1 347 1 13 943


Barbados 250 010 119 926 130 084 273 276 19 430

Belize 240 204 121 278 118 926 292 ... 966
20 20 20
Bermuda 62 059 29 802 32 257 64 65 53

104 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Total Males Females Estimate Area
Population 2005 2010 (Sq. Km)

British Virgin Islands 20 647 10 627 10 020 ... ... 151

Canada 31 612 89521 15 475 97021 16 136 93021 32 24522 *34 10923 9 984 670

Cayman Islands *54 39724 *26 89924 *27 49824 48 *55 264
Costa Rica 3 810 179 1 902 614 1 907 565 4 266 4 562 51 100

Cuba 11 177 743 5 597 233 5 580 510 11 243 11 242 109 88626

Dominica 69 62524 35 07324 34 55224 71 ... 751
27 27 27 1 1
Dominican Republic *9 378 819 *4 707 921 *4 670 898 9 226 9 884 48 671

El Salvador 5 744 113 2 719 371 3 024 742 6 04928 6 18328 21 04129

Greenland 56 46230 29 88530 26 57730 57 30 57 30 2 166 086

Grenada 102 632 50 481 52 151 ... ... 344

pu T
Guadeloupe 400 73631 188 72031 212 01631 446 404 32 1 705

33 33
Guatemala 11 237 196 5 496 839 5 740 357 12 701 14 362 108 889

Haiti re R 8 373 750 4 039 272 4 334 478 9 292 34

10 085 34
27 750

35 35
Honduras 6 071 200 3 000 530 3 070 670 7 197 8 046 112 492
36 36 36
Jamaica 2 607 632 1 283 548 1 324 084 2 650 *2 702 10 991

Martinique 397 732 185 604 212 128 396 7 400 7 1 128

Mexico 112 336 53837 54 855 23137 57 481 30737 103 9471 ... 1 964 375
be C

Montserrat 4 491 2 418 2 073 5 ... 102

Netherlands Antilles 175 653 82 521 93 132 184 7 19838 800

o N

Nicaragua 5 142 098 2 534 491 2 607 607 5 450 5 816 130 373
39 39
Panama 3 405 813 1 712 584 1 693 229 3 228 3 504 75 417
40 40
Puerto Rico *3 725 789 ... ... 3 912 3 979 8 870

Saint Kitts and Nevis 45 841 22 784 23 057 *39 ... 261

Saint Lucia *173 720 ... ... 164 ... 53941

Saint Pierre and Miquelon 6 125 3 034 3 091 ... ... 242

Saint Vincent and the 109 02224 55 45624 53 56624 104 ... 389

Trinidad and Tobago 1 262 36642 633 05142 629 31542 1 29442 1 31842 5 130

Turks and Caicos Islands 19 886 9 897 9 989 31 40 948 43

United States of America *308 745 538 ... ... 295 75344 *309 05144 9 629 091

40 40 40 40 40
United States Virgin Islands 108 612 51 864 56 748 110 *110 347


Argentina 40 117 096 19 523 766 20 593 330 38 592 40 51945 2 780 400

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 8 274 325 4 123 850 4 150 475 9 427 10 426 1 098 581

Brazil *190 755 79946 *93 406 99046 *97 348 80946 183 38346 193 25346 8 514 877

Chile 15 116 435 7 447 695 7 668 740 16 267 17 094 756 102

Appendix I 105
Total Males Females Estimate Area
Population 2005 2010 (Sq. Km)

Colombia 41 468 384 20 336 117 21 132 267 42 88947 45 50847 1 141 748

Ecuador *14 306 876 ... ... 13 21548 14 20548 256 369

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 2 95550 1 56950 1 38650 ... ... 12 173

French Guiana 205 954 101 930 104 023 199 7 232 7 83 534

Guyana 751 223 376 034 375 189 758 *778 214 969

17 17
Paraguay 5 163 198 2 603 242 2 559 956 5 899 *6 451 406 752

Peru 27 412 157 13 622 640 13 789 517 27 811 29 462 1 285 216
51 52 52
Suriname 492 829 247 846 244 618 499 ... 163 820
53 53 53 1
Uruguay 3 241 003 1 565 533 1 675 470 3 306 *3 3571 176 215

54 54 54
Bolivarian Republic of 23 054 210 11 402 869 11 651 341 26 577 28 834 912 050

pu T


Afghanistan 13 051 35855 6 712 37755 6 338 98155 22 09856 24 48657 652 864
re R
Armenia 3 002 594 58
1 407 220 58
1 595 374 58
3 218 3 256 29 743

Azerbaijan *8 922 300 ... ... 8 500 9 047 86 600
Bahrain 650 604 373 649 276 955 889 ... 758
60 60 60
Bangladesh 124 355 263 64 091 508 60 263 755 138 600 ... 143 998
be C
Bhutan 634 982 333 595 301 387 696 61 ... 38 394

Brunei Darussalam *332 844 *168 974 *163 870 370 ... 5 765

Cambodia 13 395 68262 6 516 05462 6 879 62862 *13 66163 14 30364 181 035
o N

China 1 242 612 22665 640 275 96965 602 336 25765 1 307 56066 ... 9 596 961

China, Hong Kong SAR 6 752 674 ... ... 6 813 7 068 1 104

China, Macao SAR 502 113 245 167 256 946 473 545 30

67 67 67
Cyprus 689 565 338 497 351 068 75868 *80468 9 251

Democratic People's 24 052 231 11 721 838 12 330 393 ... ... 120 538
Republic of Korea

Georgia 4 355 673 2 049 786 2 305 887 4 361 ... 69 700

India *1 210 193 42269 *623 724 24870 *586 469 17469 1 101 31871 *1 182 10571 3 287 263
Indonesia 237 641 326 119 630 913 118 010 413 220 926 ... 1 910 931
73 73
Islamic Republic of Iran 70 495 782 35 866 362 34 629 420 69 390 74 340 1 628 75074

Iraq 19 184 54375 9 536 57075 9 647 97375 27 963 ... 435 244

76 76 76 77 77
Israel 7 412 180 3 663 910 3 748 270 6 930 *7 625 22 072
78 78 78 78 78
Japan 127 767 994 62 348 977 65 419 017 127 773 127 450 377 93079

Jordan 5 103 63980 2 626 28780 2 477 35280 5 47381 6 11381 89 342

Kazakhstan 14 955 106 7 202 954 7 752 152 15 147 ... 2 724 900

Kuwait *2 213 403 *1 310 067 *903 336 2 245 ... 17 818

Kyrgyzstan *5 107 700 *2 489 200 *2 618 500 5 00782 5 193 199 951

106 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Total Males Females Estimate Area

Lao People's Democratic 5 621 982 2 800 551 2 821 431 5 67983 *6 31083 236 800

Lebanon 3 759 13484 1 857 65984 1 901 47584 ... ... 10 452
85 85 85 86 86
Malaysia 23 274 690 11 853 432 11 421 258 26 477 28 250 330 803

Maldives 298 968 151 459 147 509 294 320 300

Mongolia 2 373 493 1 177 981 1 195 512 2 548 ... 1 564 100

Myanmar 35 307 913 17 518 255 17 789 658 55 396 ... 676 578

Nepal 23 151 42387 11 563 92187 11 587 50287 25 343 ... 147 181

Occupied Palestinian *3 761 64688 *1 908 43288 *1 853 21488 3 508 4 048 6 020

Oman *2 694 09489 ... ... 2 509 ... 309 500

pu T
90 90 90 91
Pakistan 130 579 571 67 840 137 62 739 434 144 367 ... 796 095

92 92
Philippines *88 574 614 ... ... 85 261 *94 013 300 000

Qatar re R 1 699 435 1 284 739 414 696 906 1 714 11 607

Republic of Korea 47 278 95193 23 623 95493 23 654 99793 48 138 48 875 99 897
Saudi Arabia 22 678 262 12 557 240 10 121 022 23 119 ... 2 149 690

Singapore 5 076 700 ... ... 4 266 5 077 712

Sri Lanka 16 929 68994 8 425 60794 8 504 08294 19 644 *20 653 65 610
be C

95 95 95 95
Syrian Arab Republic *17 921 000 *9 161 000 *8 760 000 18 138 ... 185 180

Tajikistan 6 127 493 3 069 100 3 058 393 6 850 ... 143 100
o N

96 96 96
Thailand 60 916 441 30 015 233 30 901 208 64 8391 67 3121 513 120

Timor *1 066 582 *541 147 *525 435 ... ... 14 919
97 97 97 97 97
Turkey 71 517 100 35 901 154 35 615 946 68 582 72 698 783 562

Turkmenistan 4 483 251 2 225 331 2 257 920 ... ... 488 100

United Arab Emirates 4 106 427 2 806 141 1 300 286 4 041 ... 83 600

Uzbekistan 19 810 077 9 784 156 10 025 921 ... ... 447 400

Viet Nam 85 846 997 42 413 143 43 433 854 82 39498 *86 928 349 340
19 1
Yemen 19 685 161 10 036 953 9 648 208 20 283 23 154 527 968


Åland Islands 25 77630 12 70030 13 07630 27 30 28 30 1 580

Albania 3 069 275 1 530 443 1 538 832 3 142 ... 28 748

Andorra 65 84430 34 26830 31 57630 79 30 85 30 468

Austria 8 032 926 3 889 189 4 143 737 8 225 8 390 83 871

Belarus 10 045 237 4 717 621 5 327 616 9 775 9 491 207 600

Belgium 10 296 350 5 035 446 5 260 904 10 473 *10 879 30 528

Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 377 033 2 183 795 2 193 238 3 843 *3 844 51 209
Bulgaria 7 928 901 3 862 465 4 066 436 7 740 7 534 110 879

Appendix I 107
Total Males Females Estimate Area
Population 2005 2010 (Sq. Km)
Croatia 4 437 460 2 135 900 2 301 560 4 442 4 4267 56 594

Czech Republic 10 230 060 4 982 071 5 247 989 10 234 10 520 78 865
30 30 30 30 30
Denmark 5 349 212 2 644 319 2 704 893 5 416 5 545 43 094
Estonia 1 370 052 631 851 738 201 1 346 1 340 45 227
30 30 30
Faeroe Islands 48 433 25 174 23 259 48 ... 1 393

30 30 30 30 100
Finland 5 181 115 2 529 341 2 651 774 5 246 5 335 336 861101
France 61 399 541102 29 714 539102 31 685 002102 61 181102 *62 968102 551 500
103 103 103
Germany 82 491 000 40 330 000 42 161 000 82 464 *81 776 357 114
104 104 104 105
Gibraltar 27 495 13 644 13 851 29 ... 6

106 106 106 107
Greece 10 964 020 5 427 682 5 536 338 11 104 ... 131 957

pu T
Guernsey 59 807 29 138 30 669 62 78 800

Holy See *460 ... ... ... ... 0110

re R

10 198 315

281 154 30
4 850 650

140 718 30
5 347 665

140 436 30
10 087

296 30
*10 000

318 30
93 027

103 000

Ireland 4 239 848 2 121 171 2 118 677 4 131 *4 474 70 273
Isle of Man 76 657 ... ... 79112 ... 572

Italy 57 110 144 27 617 335 29 492 809 58 607 *60 483 301 336
be C
Jersey 87 186 42 484 44 702 88 ... 116
Latvia 2 377 383 1 094 964 1 282 419 2 301 2 239 64 559

Liechtenstein 33 307 16 420 16 887 35 *36 160

o N

Lithuania 3 483 972 1 629 148 1 854 824 3 414 3 287 65 300
Luxembourg 439 539 216 541 222 998 465 507 2 586
113 113
Malta 404 962 200 819 204 143 404 *416 1316

114 114
Monaco 31 109 15 076 15 914 ... ... 2
Montenegro 620 145 305 225 314 920 623 *633 13 812
115 115 115
Netherlands 16 105 285 7 971 967 8 133 318 16 320 *16 615 37 354
117 117 117 118 118
Norway 4 520 947 2 240 281 2 280 666 4 623 4 889 323 782
119 119 119 119 119
Poland 38 230 080 18 516 403 19 713 677 38 161 38 184 312 679

Portugal 10 356 117 5 000 141 5 355 976 10 549 *10 637 92 207
120 120 120 120 120
Republic of Moldova 3 386 673 1 629 689 1 756 984 3 595 3 562 33 846
Romania 21 680 974 10 568 741 11 112 233 21 624 *21 438 238 391

Russian Federation 145 166 731 67 605 133 77 561 598 143 114 *142 938 17 098 242
30 30 30 30
San Marino 26 941 13 185 13 756 31 33 30 61
121 121 121 121 121
Serbia 7 498 001 3 645 930 3 852 071 7 441 *7 428 88 361

Slovakia 5 193 376 2 502 721 2 690 655 5 387 5 430 49 037
118 118 118
Slovenia 1 987 971 971 203 1 016 768 2 001 2 049 20 273
122 122 122
Spain 40 847 371 20 012 882 20 834 489 43 398 46 071 505 992

108 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Total Males Females Estimate Area
Population 2005 2010 (Sq. Km)

Svalbard and Jan Mayen 3 431123 2 545123 886 123 2124 ... 62 422
Sweden 8 975 67030 4 446 65630 4 529 01430 9 03030 9 37830 450 295
Switzerland 7 288 010 3 567 567 3 720 443 7 437 *7 826 41 285
TFYR of Macedonia 2 022 547 1 015 377 1 007 170 2 037 2 0537 25 713
Ukraine 48 240 902 22 316 317 25 924 585 47 105 45 9637 603 500

126 126 126
United Kingdom of Great 58 789 187 28 579 867 30 209 320 60 238 *62 222 242 900
Britain and Northern Ireland
American Samoa 57 29140 29 26440 28 02740 66 40 ... 199

Australia 20 061 646 9 896 500 10 165 146 20 395127 *22 342127 7 692 024

pu T
Cook Islands *19 569 *9 932 *9 637 22 *23 236

Fiji 837 271 427 176 410 095 825 ... 18 272

re R
French Polynesia *259 596
154 805 40
79 181
75 624
*169 40
4 000

Kiribati 92 533 45 612 46 921 ... ... 726 ...
Marshall Islands 50 848 26 034 24 814 ... 54 181
1 1
Micronesia 107 008 54 191 52 817 108 108 702
be C
Nauru 10 065 5 136 4 929 ... ... 21
New Caledonia 230 789 116 485 114 304 234 ... 18 575
130 130 130 131 132
New Zealand 4 143 282 2 021 277 2 122 005 4 134 4 368 270 467
o N

Niue 1 625 802 823 2 1 260

Norfolk Island 2 523 1 218 1 305 2 ... 36
Northern Mariana Islands 69 221 31 984 37 237 71 48 457

Palau 19 907 10 699 9 208 ... ... 459

Papua New Guinea 5 190 786 2 691 744 2 499 042 ... ... 462 840
Pitcairn 66 ... ... ... ... 5
Samoa 180 741 93 677 87 064 183 184 0.1 2 842
Solomon Islands 409 042 211 381 197 661 471 5421 28 896
Tokelau 1 151 583 568 ... ... 12
Tonga 101 991 51 772 50 219 102 ... 747
Tuvalu 9 561 4 729 4 832 10 ... 26

Vanuatu 186 678 95 682 90 996 ... ... 12 189

Wallis and Futuna Islands 13 445 6 669 6 776 ... ... 142
Source : Demographic Year Book, 2009-10

Appendix I 109
Appendix II
Human Development Index, 2012

HDI Country (HDI) Value HDI Country (HDI) Value

Rank Rank
1 Norway 0.955 41 Lithuania 0.818
2 Australia 0.938 41 United Arab Emirates 0.818
3 United States 0.937 43 Portugal 0.816

4 Netherlands 0.921 44 Latvia 0.814
5 Germany 0.92 45 Argentina 0.811
6 New Zealand 0.919 46 Seychelles 0.806
7 Ireland 0.916 47 Croatia 0.805
7 Sweden 0.916

9 Switzerland 0.913 High Human Development

pu T
10 Japan 0.912 48 Bahrain 0.796

11 Canada 0.911 49 Bahamas 0.794
12 Korea (Republic of) 0.909 50 Belarus 0.793
13 re RHong Kong, China (SAR) 0.906 51 Uruguay 0.792

13 Iceland 0.906 52 Montenegro 0.791
15 Denmark 0.901 52 Palau 0.791
16 Israel 0.9 54 Kuwait 0.79
17 Belgium 0.897 55 Russian Federation 0.788
18 Austria 0.895
be C
56 Romania 0.786
18 Singapore 0.895
57 Bulgaria 0.782
20 France 0.893
57 Saudi Arabia 0.782
21 Finland 0.892
o N

59 Cuba 0.78
21 Slovenia 0.892
59 Panama 0.78
23 Spain 0.885
61 Mexico 0.775
24 Liechtenstein 0.883
62 Costa Rica 0.773
25 Italy 0.881

63 Grenada 0.77
26 Luxembourg 0.875
26 United Kingdom 0.875 64 Libya 0.769
28 Czech Republic 0.873 64 Malaysia 0.769
29 Greece 0.86 64 Serbia 0.769
30 Brunei Darussalam 0.855 67 Antigua and Barbuda 0.76
31 Cyprus 0.848 67 Trinidad and Tobago 0.76
32 Malta 0.847 69 Kazakhstan 0.754
33 Andorra 0.846 70 Albania 0.749
33 Estonia 0.846 71 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 0.748

35 Slovakia 0.84 72 Dominica 0.745

36 Qatar 0.834 72 Georgia 0.745
37 Hungary 0.831 72 Lebanon 0.745
38 Barbados 0.825

72 Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.745

39 Poland 0.821 76 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.742
40 Chile 0.819 77 Peru 0.741
HDI Country (HDI) Value HDI Country (HDI) Value
Rank Rank
78 The former Yugoslav Republic 0.74 118 Guyana 0.636
of Macedonia 119 Botswana 0.634
78 Ukraine 0.74 120 Honduras 0.632
80 Mauritius 0.737 121 Indonesia 0.629
81 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.735 121 Kiribati 0.629
82 Azerbaijan 0.734 121 South Africa 0.629
83 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.733

124 Vanuatu 0.626
84 Oman 0.731 125 Kyrgyzstan 0.622
85 Brazil 0.73 125 Tajikistan 0.622
85 Jamaica 0.73 127 Viet Nam 0.617
87 Armenia 0.729 128 Namibia 0.608

88 Saint Lucia 0.725 129 Nicaragua 0.599

pu T
89 Ecuador 0.724 130 Morocco 0.591

90 Turkey 0.722 131 Iraq 0.59
91 Colombia 0.719 132 Cape Verde 0.586
92 re R
Sri Lanka 0.715 133 Guatemala 0.581

93 Algeria 0.713 134 Timor-Leste 0.576
94 Tunisia 0.712 135 Ghana 0.558
136 Equatorial Guinea 0.554
Medium Human Development 136 India 0.554
be C
95 Tonga 0.71 138 Cambodia 0.543
96 Belize 0.702 138 Lao People's Democratic Republic 0.543
96 Dominican Republic 0.702 140 Bhutan 0.538
o N

96 Fiji 0.702 141 Swaziland 0.536

96 Samoa 0.702
100 Jordan 0.7 Low Human Development
101 China 0.699 142 Congo 0.534

102 Turkmenistan 0.698 143 Solomon Islands 0.53

103 Thailand 0.69 144 Sao Tome and Principe 0.525
104 Maldives 0.688 145 Kenya 0.519
105 Suriname 0.684 146 Bangladesh 0.515
106 Gabon 0.683 146 Pakistan 0.515
107 El Salvador 0.68 148 Angola 0.508
108 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 0.675 149 Myanmar 0.498
108 Mongolia 0.675 150 Cameroon 0.495
110 Occupied Palestinian Territory 0.67 151 Madagascar 0.483
111 152 Tanzania (United Republic of) 0.476

Paraguay 0.669
112 Egypt 0.662 153 Nigeria 0.471
113 Moldova (Republic of) 0.66 154 Senegal 0.47
114 Philippines 0.654 155 Mauritania 0.467

114 Uzbekistan 0.654 156 Papua New Guinea 0.466

116 Syrian Arab Republic 0.648 157 Nepal 0.463
117 Micronesia (Federated States of) 0.645 158 Lesotho 0.461

Appendix II 111
HDI Country (HDI) Value HDI Country (HDI) Value
Rank Rank
159 Togo 0.459 174 Liberia 0.388
160 Yemen 0.458 175 Afghanistan 0.374
161 Haiti 0.456 176 Guinea-Bissau 0.364
161 Uganda 0.456 177 Sierra Leone 0.359
163 Zambia 0.448 178 Burundi 0.355
164 Djibouti 0.445 178 Guinea 0.355

165 Gambia 0.439 180 Central African Republic 0.352
166 Benin 0.436 181 Eritrea 0.351
167 Rwanda 0.434 182 Mali 0.344
168 Côte d'Ivoire 0.432 183 Burkina Faso 0.343
169 Comoros 0.429 184 Chad 0.34

170 Malawi 0.418 185 Mozambique 0.327

pu T
171 Sudan 0.414 186 Congo 0.304
(Democratic Republic of the)

172 Zimbabwe 0.397
173 Ethiopia 0.396 186 Niger 0.304
re R
Source : Human Development Report 2013

be C
o N

112 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Appendix II
Human Development Index, 2003

HDI Country (HDI) Value HDI Country (HDI) Value

Rank Rank
1.000 Norway 0.963 46.000 Uruguay 0.840
2.000 Iceland 0.956 47.000 Costa Rica 0.838
3.000 Australia 0.955 48.000 Latvia 0.836
4.000 Luxembourg 0.949 49.000 Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.834
5.000 Canada 0.949 50.000 Bahamas 0.832

6.000 Sweden 0.949 51.000 Seychelles 0.821
7.000 Switzerland 0.947 52.000 Cuba 0.817

8.000 Ireland 0.946 53.000 Mexico 0.814
9.000 Belgium 0.945 54.000 Tonga 0.810
10.000 United States 0.944 55.000 Bulgaria 0.808

11.000 Japan 0.943 56.000 Panama 0.804

T s
12.000 Netherlands 0.943 57.000 Trinidad and Tobago 0.801

13.000 Finland 0.941 58.000 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 0.799

R l
14.000 Denmark 0.941 59.000 Macedonia, TFYR 0.797
15.000 United Kingdom 0.939 60.000 Antigua and Barbuda 0.797

E b
16.000 France 0.938 61.000 Malaysia 0.796
17.000 Austria 0.936 62.000 Russian Federation 0.795

18.000 Italy 0.934 63.000 Brazil 0.792

19.000 New Zealand 0.933 64.000 Romania 0.792

20.000 Germany 0.930 65.000 Mauritius 0.791

N re
21.000 Spain 0.928 66.000 Grenada 0.787
22.000 Hong Kong, China (SAR) 0.916 67.000 Belarus 0.786
23.000 Israel 0.915 68.000 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.786
24.000 Greece 0.912 69.000 Colombia 0.785

© e
25.000 Singapore 0.907 70.000 Dominica 0.783

26.000 Slovenia 0.904 71.000 Oman 0.781

27.000 Portugal 0.904 72.000 Albania 0.780
28.000 Republic of Korea 0.901 73.000 Thailand 0.778
29.000 Cyprus 0.891 74.000 Samoa (Western) 0.776
30.000 Barbados 0.878 75.000 Venezuela 0.772

t o
31.000 Czech Republic 0.874 76.000 Saint Lucia 0.772
32.000 Malta 0.867 77.000 Saudi Arabia 0.772
33.000 Brunei Darussalam 0.866 78.000 Ukraine 0.766

34.000 Argentina 0.863 79.000 Peru 0.762
35.000 Hungary 0.862 80.000 Kazakhstan 0.761

36.000 Poland 0.858 81.000 Lebanon 0.759

37.000 Chile 0.854 82.000 Ecuador 0.759
38.000 Estonia 0.853 83.000 Armenia 0.759
39.000 Lithuania 0.852 84.000 Philippines 0.758
40.000 Qatar 0.849 85.000 China 0.755

41.000 United Arab Emirates 0.849 86.000 Suriname 0.755

42.000 Slovakia 0.849 87.000 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.755
43.000 Bahrain 0.846 88.000 Paraguay 0.755
44.000 Kuwait 0.844 89.000 Tunisia 0.753
45.000 Croatia 0.841 90.000 Jordan 0.753
HDI Country (HDI) Value HDI Country (HDI) Value
Rank Rank

91.000 Belize 0.753 136.000 Nepal 0.526

92.000 Fiji 0.752 137.000 Papua New Guinea 0.523
93.000 Sri Lanka 0.751 138.000 Ghana 0.520
94.000 Turkey 0.750 139.000 Bangladesh 0.520
95.000 Dominican Republic 0.749 140.000 Timor-Leste 0.513

96.000 Maldives 0.745 141.000 Sudan 0.512

97.000 Turkmenistan 0.738 142.000 Congo 0.512
98.000 Jamaica 0.738 143.000 Togo 0.512
99.000 Islamic Republic of Iran 0.736 144.000 Uganda 0.508

100.000 Georgia 0.732 145.000 Zimbabwe 0.505

101.000 Azerbaijan 0.729 146.000 Madagascar 0.499
102.000 Occupied Palestinian Territories 0.729 147.000 Swaziland 0.498

103.000 Algeria 0.722 148.000 Cameroon 0.497
104.000 El Salvador 0.722 149.000 Lesotho 0.497

T s
105.000 Cape Verde 0.721 150.000 Djibouti 0.495

106.000 Syrian Arab Republic 0.721 151.000 Yemen 0.489

R l
107.000 Guyana 0.720 152.000 Mauritania 0.477
108.000 Viet Nam 0.704 153.000 Haiti 0.475

109.000 Kyrgyzstan 0.702 154.000 Kenya 0.474

110.000 Indonesia 0.697 155.000 Zambia 0.470

111.000 Uzbekistan 0.694 156.000 Guinea 0.466

112.000 Nicaragua 0.690 157.000 Senegal 0.458

113.000 Bolivia 0.687 158.000 Nigeria 0.453

N re
114.000 Mongolia 0.679 159.000 Rwanda 0.450
115.000 Republic of Moldova 0.671 160.000 Angola 0.445

116.000 Honduras 0.667 161.000 Eritrea 0.444

© e
117.000 Guatemala 0.663 162.000 Benin 0.431
118.000 Vanuatu 0.659 163.000 Côte d’Ivoire 0.420
119.000 Egypt 0.659 164.000 United Republic of Tanzania 0.418
120.000 South Africa 0.658 165.000 Malawi 0.404

121.000 Equatorial Guinea 0.655 166.000 Zambia 0.394
122.000 Tajikistan 0.652 167.000 Democratic Republic of Congo 0.385

123.000 Gabon 0.635 168.000 Mozambique 0.379
124.000 Morocco 0.631 169.000 Burundi 0.378

125.000 Namibia 0.627 170.000 Ethiopia 0.367

126.000 São Tomé and Principe 0.604 171.000 Central African Republic 0.355
127.000 India 0.602 172.000 Guinea-Bissau 0.348

128.000 Solomon Islands 0.594 173.000 Chad 0.341
129.000 Myanmar 0.578 174.000 Mali 0.333
130.000 Cambodia 0.571 175.000 Burkina Faso 0.317

131.000 Botswana 0.565 176.000 Sierra Leone 0.298
132.000 Comoros 0.547 177.000 Nigeria 0.281
133.000 Democratic Republic of Laos 0.545
134.000 Bhutan 0.536
135.000 Pakistan 0.527

108 Fundamentals of Human Geography

All developing countries 0.694
Least developed countries 0.518
Arab States 0.679
East Asia and the Pacific 0.768
Latin America and the Caribbean 0.797
South Asia 0.628
Sub-Saharan Africa 0.515
Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS 0.802
OECD 0.892
High-income OECD 0.911

High human development 0.895

Medium human development 0.718

Low human development 0.486

High income 0.910
Middle income 0.774

Low income 0.593

T s
World 0.741

R li
Notes :

Aggregates of Education Indices are based on the aggregates of gross enrolment data calculated by the UNESCO

Institute for Statistics and literacy data as used to calculate the HDI.

Source :

C p
Calculated on the basis of data in columns 6-8 of Table 1 (HDR 2005); see technical note 1 for the details.

N re
© e
t o
o t
Appendix II 109
Appendix I
World Population : Selected Data, 2000

Region/Country Surface Area Population by Density of Growth Rate

(thousand the year 2000 Population 1990–95 1995–2000
sq km) (million) (per sq km)
World – 6,005 – 1.7 1.3
Africa – 784.4 – 2.9 2.4
Algeria 2,382 31.5 13 2.7 2.3
Angola 1,247 12.9 11 3.7 3.2

Benin 113 6.1 57 3.1 2.7

Botswana 582 1.6 3 2.9 1.9
Burkina Faso 274 11.9 41 2.8 2.7
Burundi 28 6.7 265 2.9 1.7
Cameroon 475 15.1 32 2.8 2.7

Central African Republic 623 3.6 6 2.6 1.9
Chad 1,284 7.7 6 2.7 2.6

Democratic Republic of Congo 2,345 51.7 22 3 2.6
Republic of Congo 342 2.9 9 – 2.8
Cote d’Ivoire 322 14.8 50 3.7 1.8
Egypt 1,001 68.5 64 2.2 1.9
Eritrea 118 3.9 41 – 3.8
be T

Ethiopia 1,104 62.6 64 3.1 2.5

Gabon 268 1.2 5 3.3 2.6
o R

Chana 239 20.2 85 3 2.7

Guinea 246 7.4 30 3 0.8
Guinea-Bissau 36 1.2 43 2.1 2.2
tt E

Kenya 580 30.1 53 3.4 2

Lesotho 30 2.2 67 2.5 2.2

Liberia 111 3.2 32 3.3 8.2

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya – 5.6 – 3.5 2.4
no N

Madagascar 587 15.9 27 3.3 3

Malawi 118 10.9 110 3.3 2.4
Mali 1,240 11.2 9 3.2 2.4

Mauritania 1,026 2.7 3 2.9 2.7

Mauritius 2 1.2 584 1 0.8
Morocco 447 28.4 64 2.4 1.8
Mozambique 802 19.7 23 2.8 2.5
Namibia 824 1.7 2 3.2 2.2
Niger 1,267 10.7 9 3.3 3.2
Nigeria 924 111.5 32.7 3.1 2.4
Region/Country Sur face Area Population by Density of Growth Rate
(thousand the year 2000 Population 1990–95 1995–2000
sq km) (million) (per sq km)
Rwanda 26 7.7 345 3.4 7.7
Senegal 197 9.5 49 2.7 2.6
Sierra Leone 72 4.9 70 2.7 3
Somalia 638 10.1 14 3.2 4.2
South Africa 1,221 40.4 35 2.4 1.5
Sudan 2,506 29.5 13 2.8 2.1

Togo 57 4.6 83 3.2 2.6
Tunisia 164 9.6 62 2.1 1.4

Uganda 241 21.8 113 3 2.8
United Republic of Tanzania – 33.5 – 3.4 2.3
Asia – 3,682.60 – 1.8 1.4
Afghanistan 652 22.7 41 6.7 2.9

Bangladesh 144 129.2 1,007 2.4 1.7
Bhutan – 2.1 – 2.3 2.8

Cambodia 181 11.2 68 2.5 2.3
China 9,598 1,277.60 135 1.4 0.9
Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea – 24 – 1.9 1.6
Hongkong, China – 6.9 – 0.8 2.1
be T

India 3,287 1,013.70 342 1.9 1.6

Indonesia 1,905 212.1 116 1.8 1.4
o R

Islamic Republic of Iran 1,633 67.7 39 2.7 1.7

Iraq 438 23.1 53 3.2 2.8
tt E

Israel 21 6.2 302 4.7 2.2

Japan 378 126.7 348 0.4 0.2
Jordan 89 6.7 55 3.4 3

Kuwait 18 2 111 –5.8 3.1

Democratic Republic of Laos – 5.4 – 3 2.6
no N

Lebanon 10 3.3 423 2 1.7

Malaysia 330 22.2 71 2.4 2
Mongolia 1,567 2.7 2 2.6 1.7

Myanmar 802 45.6 23 2.1 1.2

Nepal 147 23.9 161 2.5 2.4
Oman 212 2.5 11 3.6 3.3
Pakistan 796 156.5 179 2.7 2.8
Philippines 300 76 253 2.1 2.1
Republic of Korea – 46.8 – 0.8 0.8
Saudi Arabia 2,150 21.6 10 3.4 3.4

104 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Region/Country Surface Area Population by Density of Growth Rate
(thousand the year 2000 Population 1990–95 1995–2000
sq km) (million) (per sq km)
Singapore 1 3.6 6,587 1 1.4
Sri Lanka 66 18.8 300 1.3 1
Syrian Arab Republic 185 16.1 88 3.6 2.5
Thailand 513 61.4 119 1.3 0.9
Turkey 775 66.6 85 2 1.7
United Arab Emirates 84 2.4 35 2.3 2

Vietnam 332 79.8 241 2 1.6
Yemen 528 18.1 33 3.5 3.7

Europe – 728.9 – 0.3 0
Albania 29 3.1 124 0.8 –0.4
Austria 84 8.2 98 0.4 0.5
Belgium 30 10.2 331 0.1 0.1

Bosnia & Herzegovina 51 4 78 – 3
Bulgaria 111 8.2 74 –0.2 –0.7

Croatia – 4.5 – – –0.1
Czech Republic 79 10.2 133 – –0.2
Denmark 43 5.3 126 0.2 0.3
Estonia 45 1.4 32 –0.2 –1.2
Finland 338 5.2 17 0.3 0.3
be T

France 552 59.1 107 0.4 0.4

Germany 357 82.2 230 0.4 0.1
o R

Greece 132 10.6 82 0.3 0.3

Hungary 93 10 109 –0.2 –0.4
tt E

Ireland 70 3.7 55 –0.2 0.7

Italy 301 57.3 196 0.1 0
Latvia 65 2.4 38 –0.3 –1.5

Lithuania 65 3.7 57 0.2 –0.3

Macedonia (Former
no N

Republic of Yugoslavia) 26 2 80 – 0.6

Netherlands 42 15.8 470 0.7 0.4
Norway 324 4.5 15 0.5 0.5

Poland 323 38.8 127 0.3 0.1

Portugal 92 9.9 109 0 0
Romania 238 22.3 97 0.3 –0.4
Slovakia – 5.4 – – 0.1
Slovenia 20 2 99 – –0.1
Spain 506 39.6 79 0.2 0
Sweden 450 8.9 22 0.5 0.3

Appendix I 105
Region/Country Sur face Area Population by Density of Growth Rate
(thousand the year 2000 Population 1990–95 1995–2000
sq km) (million) (per sq km)
Switzerland 41 7.4 182 0.7 0.7
United Kingdom 243 58.8 248 0.2 0.2
Yugoslavia 102 10.6 108 0.3 0.1
North America – 309.6 – 1.1 0.9
Canada 9,971 31.1 3 1.4 1
United States of America 9,629 278.4 31 1 0.8

Oceania – 30.4 – 1.5 1.3
Australia 7,741 18.9 2 1.4 1

New Caledonia – 0.2 – – 2.1
New Zealand 271 3.9 14 0.9 1
Papua New Guinea 463 4.8 11 2.3 2.2
Vanuatu – 0.2 – – 2.4

Latin America – 519.1 – 1.8 1.6
Argentina 2,780 37 14 1.2 1.3

Belize – 0.2 – – 2.4
Bolivia 1,099 8.3 8 2.4 2.3
Brazil 8,547 170.1 20 1.6 1.3
Chile 757 15.2 20 1.6 1.4
Colombia 1,139 42.3 41 1.7 1.9
be T

Costa Rica 51 4 75 2.4 2.5

Cuba 111 11.2 102 0.9 0.4
o R

Dominican Republic 49 8.5 173 2 1.7

Ecuador 284 12.6 46 2.3 2
tt E

EI Salvador 21 6.3 303 2.2 2

Guatemala 109 11.4 105 2.9 2.6
Haiti 28 8.2 289 2 1.7

Honduras 112 6.5 57 3 2.8

Jamaica 11 2.6 243 1 0.9
no N

Mexico 1,958 08.9 51 2.1 1.6

Nicaragua 130 5.1 42 3.7 2.7
Panama 76 2.1 38 1.9 1.6

Paraguay 407 5.5 14 2.7 2.6

Peru 1,285 25.7 20 2 1.7
Puerto Rico 9 3.9 442 0.9 0.8
Trinidad and Tobago 5 1.3 254 1.1 0.5
Uruguay 176 3.3 19 0.6 0.7
Venezuela 912 24.2 27 2.1 2

106 Fundamentals of Human Geography

Appendix II
Human Development Index, 2003

HDI Country (HDI) Value HDI Country (HDI) Value

Rank Rank
1.000 Norway 0.963 46.000 Uruguay 0.840
2.000 Iceland 0.956 47.000 Costa Rica 0.838
3.000 Australia 0.955 48.000 Latvia 0.836
4.000 Luxembourg 0.949 49.000 Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.834
5.000 Canada 0.949 50.000 Bahamas 0.832

6.000 Sweden 0.949 51.000 Seychelles 0.821
7.000 Switzerland 0.947 52.000 Cuba 0.817
8.000 Ireland 0.946 53.000 Mexico 0.814

9.000 Belgium 0.945 54.000 Tonga 0.810
10.000 United States 0.944 55.000 Bulgaria 0.808

11.000 Japan 0.943 56.000 Panama 0.804

12.000 Netherlands 0.943 57.000 Trinidad and Tobago 0.801
13.000 Finland 0.941 58.000 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 0.799

14.000 Denmark 0.941 59.000 Macedonia, TFYR 0.797
15.000 United Kingdom 0.939 60.000 Antigua and Barbuda 0.797

16.000 France 0.938 61.000 Malaysia 0.796
17.000 Austria 0.936 62.000 Russian Federation 0.795
18.000 Italy 0.934 63.000 Brazil 0.792
19.000 New Zealand 0.933 64.000 Romania 0.792
Germany 0.930 65.000 Mauritius 0.791

21.000 Spain 0.928 66.000 Grenada 0.787

22.000 Hong Kong, China (SAR) 0.916 67.000 Belarus 0.786
be T

23.000 Israel 0.915 68.000 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.786

24.000 Greece 0.912 69.000 Colombia 0.785
25.000 Singapore 0.907 70.000 Dominica 0.783
o R

26.000 Slovenia 0.904 71.000 Oman 0.781

27.000 Portugal 0.904 72.000 Albania 0.780
28.000 Republic of Korea 0.901 73.000 Thailand 0.778
tt E

29.000 Cyprus 0.891 74.000 Samoa (Western) 0.776

30.000 Barbados 0.878 75.000 Venezuela 0.772

31.000 Czech Republic 0.874 76.000 Saint Lucia 0.772

32.000 Malta 0.867 77.000 Saudi Arabia 0.772
33.000 Brunei Darussalam 0.866 78.000 Ukraine 0.766
34.000 Argentina 0.863 79.000 Peru 0.762
no N

35.000 Hungary 0.862 80.000 Kazakhstan 0.761

36.000 Poland 0.858 81.000 Lebanon 0.759

37.000 Chile 0.854 82.000 Ecuador 0.759
38.000 Estonia 0.853 83.000 Armenia 0.759

39.000 Lithuania 0.852 84.000 Philippines 0.758

40.000 Qatar 0.849 85.000 China 0.755

41.000 United Arab Emirates 0.849 86.000 Suriname 0.755

42.000 Slovakia 0.849 87.000 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.755
43.000 Bahrain 0.846 88.000 Paraguay 0.755
44.000 Kuwait 0.844 89.000 Tunisia 0.753
45.000 Croatia 0.841 90.000 Jordan 0.753
HDI Country (HDI) Value HDI Country (HDI) Value
Rank Rank

91.000 Belize 0.753 136.000 Nepal 0.526

92.000 Fiji 0.752 137.000 Papua New Guinea 0.523
93.000 Sri Lanka 0.751 138.000 Ghana 0.520
94.000 Turkey 0.750 139.000 Bangladesh 0.520
95.000 Dominican Republic 0.749 140.000 Timor -Leste 0.513

96.000 Maldives 0.745 141.000 Sudan 0.512

97.000 Turkmenistan 0.738 142.000 Congo 0.512
98.000 Jamaica 0.738 143.000 Togo 0.512
99.000 Islamic Republic of Iran 0.736 144.000 Uganda 0.508

100.000 Georgia 0.732 145.000 Zimbabwe 0.505

101.000 Azerbaijan 0.729 146.000 Madagascar 0.499

102.000 Occupied Palestinian Territories 0.729 147.000 Swaziland 0.498
103.000 Algeria 0.722 148.000 Cameroon 0.497
104.000 El Salvador 0.722 149.000 Lesotho 0.497
105.000 Cape Verde 0.721 150.000 Djibouti 0.495

106.000 Syrian Arab Republic 0.721 151.000 Yemen 0.489
107.000 Guyana 0.720 152.000 Mauritania 0.477
108.000 Viet Nam 0.704 153.000 Haiti 0.475
109.000 Kyrgyzstan 0.702 154.000 Kenya 0.474

110.000 Indonesia 0.697 155.000 Zambia 0.470

111.000 Uzbekistan 0.694 156.000 Guinea 0.466

112.000 Nicaragua 0.690 157.000 Senegal 0.458
113.000 Bolivia 0.687 158.000 Nigeria 0.453
114.000 Mongolia 0.679 159.000 Rwanda 0.450
115.000 Republic of Moldova 0.671 160.000 Angola 0.445
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116.000 Honduras 0.667 161.000 Eritrea 0.444

117.000 Guatemala 0.663 162.000 Benin 0.431
118.000 Vanuatu 0.659 163.000 Côte d’Ivoire 0.420
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119.000 Egypt 0.659 164.000 United Republic of Tanzania 0.418

120.000 South Africa 0.658 165.000 Malawi 0.404
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121.000 Equatorial Guinea 0.655 166.000 Zambia 0.394

122.000 Tajikistan 0.652 167.000 Democratic Republic of Congo 0.385
123.000 Gabon 0.635 168.000 Mozambique 0.379
124.000 Morocco 0.631 169.000 Burundi 0.378

125.000 Namibia 0.627 170.000 Ethiopia 0.367

126.000 São Tomé and Principe 0.604 171.000 Central African Republic 0.355
127.000 India 0.602 172.000 Guinea-Bissau 0.348
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128.000 Solomon Islands 0.594 173.000 Chad 0.341

129.000 Myanmar 0.578 174.000 Mali 0.333
130.000 Cambodia 0.571 175.000 Burkina Faso 0.317

131.000 Botswana 0.565 176.000 Sierra Leone 0.298


132.000 Comoros 0.547 177.000 Nigeria 0.281

133.000 Democratic Republic of Laos 0.545
134.000 Bhutan 0.536
135.000 Pakistan 0.527

108 Fundamentals of Human Geography

All developing countries 0.694
Least developed countries 0.518
Arab States 0.679
East Asia and the Pacific 0.768
Latin America and the Caribbean 0.797
South Asia 0.628
Sub-Saharan Africa 0.515
Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS 0.802
OECD 0.892
High-income OECD 0.911

High human development 0.895

Medium human development 0.718
Low human development 0.486

High income 0.910
Middle income 0.774
Low income 0.593

World 0.741

Notes :

Aggregates of Education Indices are based on the aggregates of gross enrolment data calculated by the UNESCO

Institute for Statistics and literacy data as used to calculate the HDI.

Source :
Calculated on the basis of data in columns 6-8 of Table 1 (HDR 2005); see technical note 1 for the details.
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Appendix II 109

Agriculture Dry Farming Highway

The science and art of cultivating the soil, A method of farming adopted in certain regions Public road connecting distant places. Such
raising crops and rearing livestock. It is of inadequate rainfall and devoid of irrigation a road of national importance is called the
also called farming. facilities by conserving moisture in the soil national highway.
and by raising drought-enduring crops.
Balance of Trade Horticulture
The difference between the total value of a Economic Geography Cultivation of vegetables and fruits; often on
country’s exports and imports. An excess The aspect or branch of geography which small plots, involving higher intensiveness
of export over import makes a favourable deals with the influences of the environment, than in field cultivation.

balance of trade, and the converse an un- both physical and cultural, on the economic
favourable balance. activity of man, bringing out similarities and Imports
differences from place to place in the ways Goods brought into a country from another

Barter people make a living. country.
A direct exchange of excess produce
between two parties to the mutual Environment Industrial Revolution
advantages of both, without the use of Surroundings or the conditions under The change in manufacturing from hand-
tokens, credit or money in the transaction. which a person or things exist and develop operated tools to power-driven machinery

his or its character. It covers both physical began in England during the middle of the
Census and cultural elements. eighteenth century.
Official enumeration of population along with

certain economic and social statistics in a Exports Industry
given territory at some time interval. Goods despatched from one country to Systematic production characterised by
another. division of labour and extensive use of
Chemical Fertilisers machinery.
Substance of natural or artificial origin Extensive Agriculture
containing chemical elements such as Farming in which the amount of capital and Intensive Agriculture
phosphorus, potassium and nitrogem that labour applied to a given area is relatively Farming in which large amounts of capital
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are necessary to plan life. They are added small. and labour are applied per unit area of
to the soil for increasing its productivity. land, in order to obtain high yield.

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Contour Ploughing A coffee plantation in Brazil. Inter Cropping

Tilling or ploughing hillsides or sloping lands It is a practice of growing two or more crops
along the contour lines, that is, around Foreign Exchange together on the same field in the same
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rather than up and down a slope mainly The mechanism or process by which season
with a view to conserving soil and water. payments between any two places
operating under different national currency International Trade

Crop Rotation systems are effected without passing of Trade carried on between nations primarily
Growing of different crops in succession actual money or gold, etc. to exchange their surpluses and make up
on the same field from season to season to their deficits.
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maintain soil fertility Freeways

The wide highways on which cross-roads Metropolis
Dairy Farming are avoided by providing overhead links A very large city or agglomeration of
A kind of agriculture in which major where one turns in only one direction to population in a district or a country, and is
emphasis is on breeding and rearing milch ensure smooth and speedy traffic. often the chief centre or seat of some form

cattle. Agriculture crops are raised mainly of activity— administrative, commercial or

to feed these cattle. Harbour industrial. It generally serves a large
An extensive stretch of deep water where hinterland.
Density of Population vessels can anchor securely to obtain
The average number of inhabitants living protection from sea and swell either through Mine
within a specified unit of area, such as a natural features or artificial works. An excavation made in the earth for
sq km. digging out minerals such as coal, iron-ore
and precious stones. A mine usually practised mainly for subsistence, the Shifting Agriculture
denotes underground working except in modern ranches present an example of A method of farming in which a patch of
open-pit mines. commercial pastoralism. ground is cultivated for a period of few
years until the soil is partly exhausted or
Mineral Plantation Agriculture overrun by weeds, and after which the
A substance that is found in the earth’s crust, A large-scale one-crop farming resembling land is left to natural vegetation while
and which generally has a definite factory production. It is usually cultivation is carried on elsewhere. In due
chemical composition unlike most rocks. characterised by large estate, huge capital course, the original patch of land is
investment, and modern and scientific cultivated again when the natural growth
Mineral Fuel techniques of cultivation and trade. has restored fertility.
Non-metallic minerals such as coal and
petroleum which are used as fuel. Port Subsistence Agriculture
The commercial part of a harbour Farming in which its produce is mainly

Mineral Oil containing facilities for embarking and consumed in the farmer’s household unlike
A mixture of hydrocarbons in solid, disembarking passengers, loading and commercial agriculture whose products

gaseous or liquid form found in the earth. It unloading, and some facilities for the storage enter into trade on a very large scale.
is commonly known as petroleum. It became of cargo.
a commercial product only in 1859. Transhumance
Primary Activity A seasonal movement of herdsmen with
Mineral Ore Activities concerned with collecting or their livestock and from and to the

Metals in their raw state as extracted from making available materials, provided by mountains or between the regions of
the earth. nature, for example, agriculture, fishing, differing climates.
forestry, hunting or mining.
Mining Transport

An economic activity concerned with the Quarry The action of carrying persons and goods
extraction of commercially valuable minerals An open-air excavation from which stone from one place to another.
from the bowels of the earth. is obtained by cutting, blasting, etc.
Truck Farming
Mixed Farming Ranches Growing of vegetables around the urban
A type of farming in which cultivation of crops Large stock farms, usually fenced in, where centres to meet the daily demand of the
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and raising of livestock go hand in hand. animals are bred and reared on a people is known as truck farming. It is
Both these activities play an important part commercial scale. They are found governed by the distance a truck can cover
in the economy. especially in the United States. overnight between the farm and the market.
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Natural Resources Rotation of Crops Urbanisation

Wealth supplied by nature-mineral A systematic succession of different crops A general movement of people from small
deposits, soil fertility, timber, fuel, water, on a given piece of land carried out in rural or agricultural communities or villages
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potential water-power, fish and wild life, etc. order to avoid exhaustion of the soil. to larger towns engaged in varied activities
such as government, trade, transport and
Nomadism Secondary Activity manufacture. It also indicates the

A way of life of the people who are required Activities which transform the material concentration of an increasing proportion
to shift their dwellings frequently from place provided by primary activities into of total population in towns and cities.
to place in search of pastures for their commodities more directly useful to man.
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animals— the mainstay of their economy.

Sedentary Agriculture
Open-cast Mine Farming practised more or less
A place where soil and its outward cover permanently on the same piece of land,
are first removed and a mineral or ore is the same as settled agriculture.

extracted by quarrying. In a way, it is a

quarry on a large scale. This method of Shaft Mine
mining is known as open-cast mining. An underground excavation made deep
into the earth for digging minerals like coal,
Pastoralism precious stones and iron. Such mines
An economy that solely depends upon contain vertical and inclined shafts and
animals. Whereas nomadic pastoralism is horizontal tunnels at various levels.

Glossary 111
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