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The learner demonstrate understanding of how world literature and other text types serve
as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking
textual information, repairing, enhancing communication in public speaking, emphasis
markers in persuasive text, different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive pronouns.

The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive
techniques and devices.
Express appreciation for sensory images used EN10LT-Ib-2.2.1
A. Understand what sensory imagery is
B. Explain and provide examples about sensory imagery
C. Identify sensory imagery in stories and/or any literature the students will
Types of Sensory imagery :
 sense of sight-visual
 sense of smell- olfactory
 sense of sound – auditory
 sense of taste – gustatory
 sense of touch- tactile
 Curriculum Guide, K-12 Basic Education Curriculum
 Visual Aids
 Critical thinking
 Appreciation of senses
 Collaboration
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
(Students will stand and pray.)
Please stand up for a prayer. Good morning ma’am!
Good morning, class! You may now take your
Wow! I can see lots of happy faces today!
Everything is clean. Your chairs are arranged.
Good job! Keep it up class.
 Classroom rules:
o Keep all your cellphones
o Raise your hand if you want to
o Listen attentively and participate

Is my rules clear to you? Yes ma’am

3.Checking of Attendance
Let me check your attendance None ma’am.
Who is absent today?


Class, before we start our lesson, can anyone
give me a recap of what we have discussed
yesterday? Yes,_________? Short Story.
Very good! So, what is a Short Story? The simplest definition of short story is
that it can be read in one sitting. Short
story is a fully developed story that is
shorter than a novel and it has a plot.

Very good! So, what are the elements of a short Elements of Short Story:
story? Character

Very good!

5.Motivation (Students will pick their mystery item

Before we proceed to our lesson discussion, we and they will brainstorm together to
will have an activity first. I will group you into come up with the answer)
five (5), and your group leader will be the one to
pick the mystery item. Upon receiving the (The students will present their mystery
mystery item, all of you will look into it. I will item in front of the class)
give you 3 minutes to brainstorm and your task
is to come up with three words that will describe
your mystery item. You need one (1)
representative to present your mystery item.
Yes ma’am.
Are you ready? Is my instructions clear?

Did you enjoy our activity?

Did you find it hard when you think of the (Answers may vary.)
words that will describe the mystery item?

What are the senses you use to properly

describe the mystery item?

6. Discussion
Now, I want to ask you a question. Do you have
any idea why we are talking about the five (Answers may vary.)
senses? Class, do you know what sensory
imagery is?

SENSORY IMAGERY is a literary device used in

a literary text that presents a series of words
that allow readers to create mental images on
their mind. These images explore the five
human senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, and
There are 5 types of sensory imagery. These are
visual imagery, auditory imagery, olfactory
imagery, gustatory imagery and tactile imagery.

Visual imagery focuses on the physical

attributes of a person, object and place. It
includes: color, size, shape, lightness or
darkness, shade or hue, and pattern.
She accepted the bouquet. It was filled with her
favorite flowers - white roses, purple irises, and
soft sprays of baby’s breath. The flowers swayed
in the breeze, almost as if they were dancing in
her delight.
Gustatory imagery focuses on how the food
tastes. Simply, this is your sense of taste.
Gustatory imagery includes the five basic tastes:
salty, sweet, bitter, sour and savory.
The candy melted in her mouth and swirls of
bittersweet chocolate and slightly sweet but
salty caramel blended together on her tongue.
Auditory imagery focuses on how the way
things sound. It includes alliteration and
onomatopoeia in creating sounds.
The pitter-patter of rain and whispering breeze
had progressed into a gushing downpour and
howling wind.
Olfactory imagery describes what we smell. It
includes fragrance and odor.
The sweet fragrance of honeysuckle always
reminded Jenny of her mother's perfume. He
woke up to the smell of burnt toast and greasy
bacon, when all he wanted was coffee. As she
entered the warm house, she was welcomed by
the scents of hot apple cider and cinnamon.
Tactile imagery is our sense of touch. It
focuses on what we can feel when we touch
something. It includes: where you can feel it,
temperature, textile (smooth or rough), soft or
hard, slimy or sticky, blunt or pointed.
You are caught in a sudden downpour of rain
walking from your car to your front door and get
very wet and cold, making it hard to open the
door. When you are finally able to open the
door, the living room is nice and warm for a
little while but it doesn't last long. You jump
into a hot shower and the water warms you up
7. Application
Let’s divide the class into two (2) groups. This
side (right) will be the group 1 and this side (left)
will be the group 2.

I will give you an excerpt and your task is to

determine the sensory imagery used and you
are going to underline the specific word/s that
describes it.
Yes ma’am

Is my instructions clear?

A Room With a View, E.M. Forster (1908).
“The hour was approaching at which the
continental breakfast begins, or rather ceases,
to tell, and the ladies bought some hot chestnut
paste out of a little shop, because it looked so
typical. It tasted partly of the paper, in which it
was wrapped, partly of hair oil, partly of the
great unknown.”

The Yellow Wallpaper, Charlotte Perkins

Gilman (1892). “The color is repellant, almost
revolting; a smouldering, unclean yellow,
strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight. It
is a dull yet lurid orange in some places, a sickly
sulphur tint in others.”

8. Generalization Sensory imagery is a literary device used

Let’s wrap up everything we’ve learned today. in a literary text that presents a series of
What is sensory imagery? words that allow readers to create
mental images on their mind.

Visual (sight), Auditory (sound),

What are the sensory images that we have Olfactory (smell), Tactile (touch), and
discussed? Gustatory (taste)

Who can give me an example of a sentence that

has a sense of sight?

How about a sentence with sensory imagery

that has a sense of smell?

How about sense of touch? Answers may vary

How about sense of smell?

How about sense of sound?

What is the importance of using a sensory
imagery in a text or story?

Okay it seems that you have understood our

lesson for today about sensory images.

9. Evaluation
Directions: Identify the sensory images used
in the sentence. Write whether it is sight,
Sight, smell, taste, sound, touch
Write your answers in the blank.

1. I came inside, because the house smells like

a chocolate brownie. ____________________
2. The autumn leaves are a blanket on the
3. The apple taste like sugar and wheat.____
4. His words felt like a dagger in my heart.____
5. My head is pounding like a drum._____
6. The kitten’s fur is milky.
7. The siren turned into a whisper as it ended.
8. His coat felt like a velvet curtain.
9. The aroma of the coffee lingers on my nose.
10. The rainbow is colorful.

Look for a song or an excerpt from a story that has sensory images and identify whether it
has a sense of Sight, smell, taste, sound, and touch. Write your assignment on a 1 whole
sheet of paper.

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