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Name_______________________________________ Class______________________________

Modules 07–08 Progress Test 4B

1 Choose the correct words.

Did you stay at the young / youth hostel?

1 The lions are danger / dangerous. Don’t feed them.

2 I love water sports – especially surfing / hiking.

3 We had an amazing adventure / adventurous on our holiday.

4 Jack’s got a new palm / hand computer.

5 We went to the amusing / amusement park this afternoon.

6 The film was really enjoyment / enjoyable.

7 I need a new battery / signal for my phone.

8 I take my own tent when I go sailing / camping.

9 Have you even seen panda / polar bears?

10 Have you got the pen stick / drive with the files on?

/ 10

2 Complete the words.

It would be good if we could use s o l a r p o w e r to run all our machines.

1 I’m downloading the photos from my _ i _ _ t _ _ c _ _ _ _ a.

2 Did you know that AI stands for a _ _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ _ e ?

3 The a _ _ _ _ _ t Egyptians built the Pyramids.

4 Do you think t _ _ _ t _ _v _ _ will be possible in the future?

5 Can I use your w _ r _ _ _ _ _ h _ _ d _ _ _ to listen to my music?


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3 Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences.

She is very unhappy because she didn’t get the present she wanted. (happy)

1 I thought the film was ___________. Didn’t you? (wonder)

2 He shouted at us – what an _______________ man! (pleasant)

3 I don’t think she’s a very _______________ person; she never says hello. (friend)

4 These shoes are very _______________ ; I think they’re too small. (comfort)

5 We had a really _______________ time at the water park. (excite)


4 Read the text. Choose the best answer (A, B or C).
Tomorrow at school we B a special talk about the 1 _____ , so tonight I 2 _____ for the talk by
doing some research on the Internet. I know that interactive touch table technology or surface
computing 3 _____ be the next big thing. We 4 _____ be able to use any surface as a computer
screen and then we just have to touch the screen to do several things at once. If you don’t have
to use a mouse, 5 _____ will be much quicker to move around your computer. How 6 _____ will
it be before everyone has this kind of computer? Well, there are still many people in the world
today who 7 _____ access to a computer. Desks 8 _____ be the same as they are today. The
surface of each desk will be a computer screen. When this happens, maybe we 9 _____ need
teachers anymore! But what about the natural world in the future? What will happen if the
world 10 _____ warmer and the ice disappears from the North and South Poles? If we don’t stop
this happening, we 11 _____ a lot of our animals and land. We 12 _____ be very careful how we
use the technology and we 13 _____ damage the environment. How 14 _____ time have we got
A have B are having C having to

1 A past B future C present

2 A am preparing B prepare C am going to prepare

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3 A is going B goes to C is going to

4 A will B are C going

5 A there B it C this

6 A long B much C fast

7 A won’t have B don’t have C aren’t having

8 A don’t B can’t C won’t

9 A can’t B won’t C mustn’t

10 A gets B will get C is getting

11 A will lose B lose C are losing

12 A can B need C should

13 A needn’t B mustn’t C don’t

14 A long B fast C much

/ 14

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
If you don’t wear (not wear) a hat, you’ll burn your face.
1 Mum will be angry if Mike _______________ (break) her mobile charger.
2 It will be cheaper if we _______________ (go) camping.
3 I _______________ (buy) you a present if I see something nice.
4 He won’t be able to take any photos if he _______________ (lose) his camera.
5 If the weather _______________ (be) hot, you must drink lots of water.
6 If we take the map with us, we _______________ (not get) lost.

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6 Match the questions (1–5) with the responses (a–e).

Are the fares the same for visitors? d) a) In an hour.

1 What time’s the next train? _____ b) Not at all.

2 You didn’t send me a postcard. _____ c) It doesn’t matter.

3 Thanks for helping me with that. _____ d) Yes, they are.

4 I’m sorry I made a mistake. _____ e) We’d like some information.

5 Can I help you? _____ f) I’m sorry.


7 Write sentences with should and shouldn’t.

I want to lose some weight. What should I do?

go cycling every day You should go cycling every day.

1 don’t eat lots of cakes You ________________________________________ .

2 don’t drive to work You ________________________________________ .

3 see a doctor You ________________________________________ .

4 go swimming You ________________________________________ .

5 do exercise You ________________________________________ .


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8 Listen to the phone conversation. Read the sentences (1–7). Are the sentences true () or
false ()?
The man wants ticket for a theatre tour. 

1 Adult tickets costs £10.50. _____

2 The man doesn’t want to see a play. _____

3 Children under five have to pay. _____

4 Groups of fifteen people must book. _____

5 They have to book the tickets. _____

6 Tours start later on Sundays. _____

7 The number 2 bus goes to the theatre. _____


9 Listen to three people talking about their holidays. Complete the notes with one or two

Speaker 1

Stayed at a campsite in Cornwall.

1 Played volleyball with his ___________ and his dad.

2 Went ___________ in the sea.

Speaker 2

3 Her uncle’s has ___________ in Spain.

4 There was a swimming pool ___________ house.

5 When it rained she ___________ .

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Speaker 3

6 Stayed at ___________ .

7 Did lots of things with ___________ .

8 Went cycling in ___________ .


10 Complete the brochure with the words in the box.
countryside don’t guides information meet oldest organising skills

Family Fun Holidays

We offer the widest range of holidays to suit all the family from age five and upwards. Don’t
just sit by the pool and do nothing! Come and learn new 1 _______________ or improve
existing ones! We have lots of different activities including 2 _______________ , canoeing,
kayaking, mountain biking, tubing, diving and volcano trekking.
We’ve been in business for twenty years and our 3 _______________ are extremely
experienced. All our accommodation is of the highest standard and we try to offer family-run
hotels where you will always receive a very warm welcome. The food is always home-cooked,
so you will look forward to your evening meals after a busy day out in the 4 _______________
or on the water. Many customers have written to us to tell us how much they have enjoyed their
holiday. They say that we always manage to keep every member of the family happy, from the
youngest to the 5 _______________ , and that all our guides were really brilliant at explaining
every activity clearly and 6 _______________ each day well. One of the best things is the
chance to 7 _______________ other families and great friendships are often started on one of
our holidays. If you want any more 8 _______________ , you will find it on our website.

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11 Read the brochure again. Are sentences 1–8 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not
enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C).
You can’t take children under five on these holidays.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

1 This holiday does not include adventure sports.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

2 They offer kayaking holidays.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

3 They offer British and Italian food.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

4 Many of their customers are unhappy with the company.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

5 Customers think the holidays are planned very well.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

6 People often make new friends.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

7 The website has lots of photos.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say


12 Read the email. Add punctuation marks where you see [ ].

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Hi Sarah [,]
It’s absolutely fantastic here 1 [ ] I 2 [ ] m having a great time 3 [ ] How 4 [ ] s the weather in
England 5 [ ] The weather here is hot 6 [ ] sunny and warm 7 [ ] We’re going to see Tim’s uncle
tomorrow 8 [ ] Have you seen Tim this week 9 [ ]
See you soon 10 [ ]
/ 10

13 Write about your last and next holiday. Use the notes to help you.

Last holiday

1 where was it

2 kind of holiday

3 people with you

4 what you did/saw

5 what you thought about it

Next holiday

6 where will it be

7 kind of holiday

8 people with you

9 what you plan to do

10 what you think it will be like


1 Last year __________________________________________

2 __________________________________________________
3 __________________________________________________
4 __________________________________________________
5 __________________________________________________

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6 __________________________________________________
7 __________________________________________________
8 __________________________________________________
9 __________________________________________________

10 __________________________________________________

/ 10

TOTAL / 100

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