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Philippine Copyright © 2018 by the

United Architects of the Philippines, Inc.

All Rights Reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording,
without prior permission in writing from the publisher. All should be addressed to

United Architects of the Philippines

53 Scout Rallos St., Quezon City 1103 Philippines
In any organization, many leader will always surface and bask in the limelight
as champions and heroes. But the real force behind them is still, undeniably,
that throng of often unacknowledged entities that is lumped under the term
“general membership”. For indeed, without it there would be no organization
to speak of, in the first place.

Up until 1978, when the National Board decreed that all members must
affiliate themselves with a chapter, a majority of the UAP were members-at –
large. From the very first chapter formed in 1976, UAP has thus far chartered
154 chapters throughout the country, including chapters taking root beyond
Philippine shores.

The task of chapter formation has seldom been easy, but the tales of how each
chapter came to be, the struggle for survival and recognition, through mergers
and splits, have made for interesting reading, and are undoubtedly as much a
part of organization’s history as the achievements of the organization itself.

Managing all elements in forming a new chapter can be difficult and the
UAP National through the Commission on Internal Affairs, having gone through
a series of meeting and consultation during the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 and
2017-2018, has sought to ensure that good governance practice is adopted
throughout the organization in dealing with chapter formation.

Thus, the current administration, pursuant to its commitment to ensure

the highest standards of corporate governance and to promote adherence to
accepted good governance principles, endeavors to update the Policy Manual
for Chapter Organization which aims to act as a single point of reference
in organizing and in managing a Chapter. This Policy Manual provides a
detailed information on chapter formation, governance structure, duties and
responsibilities of the chapter, geographical obligation, documents and other
related information to ensure that a new Chapter operates in accordance with
best practice.

This manual will be a living document and, together with its individual
components, and will be subject to regular review and adjustment as necessary
to ensure it remains a relevant guide to corporate governance in the UAP.

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 1

FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018

The 2017 Revised Policy Manual for GREETINGS!

Chapter Organization provides guidelines on
In view of the changing times and fast growing
the following important matter on Formation of
chapters of the UAP, a need to revise, update
new Chapter, Qualification & duties of Chapter
and improve the existing 2005 Policy Manual
Officer & Committees, Duties & Responsibilities
on: Chapter Organization is eminent in order to
of each member. These guidelines ensure
be useful and relevant to the present times and
uniformly, accuracy &conformity with the UAP
needs of the organization.
2009 By-laws.
It is the prime responsibility of the Committee
on Chapter Organization under the Commission
on Internal Affairs to take responsibility for
study, research and foundation of policies
and programs related to the subject within the
jurisdiction of the CPA.
On behalf of our committee, we would like to
extend our appreciation to all who have been part
in the tedious review and formulation of the new/
revised Policy Manual on Chapter Organization.
Most especially to UAP National Board of Directors
FY 2016-2017 and FY 2017-2018 and to UAP
National Executive Vice President Ar. Benjamin
K. Panganiban Jr., FUAP
It is our utmost prayer that may all UAP
members and chapters use this Policy Manual as
a guiding rule to effectively and properly discharge
its mandate to better serve the organization.


Chairman Committee on Chapter Organization Chairman Committee on Chapter Organization
FY 2016-2017 FY 2017-2018


The Commission on Internal Affairs is one of On behalf of the National Board of Directors for
the Standing Committee of the United Architects Fiscal Year 2017-2018, I would like to convey my
of the Philippines under the National Executive immense gratitude to the Commission on Internal
Vice President for Planning and Development of Affairs under the leadership of Arch. Corazon
UAP. It’s duty and function is “to take responsibility, Fabia-Tandoc for the Commission relentless effort
for study, research and formulation of policies to update and review the existing Policy Guidelines
and programs relevant to the subject within the Manual for the Chapter Organization of UAP.
jurisdiction of the Commission.”
It is important that the policies and procedures
The Committee on Chapter Organization under of the UAP stay current, useful, and relevant to
this Commission, whose function is “to promote present times to ensure consistency in setting
the objectives of the UAP through the organization standard concerning establishing a new Chapter
of chapters and to coordinate the preparation of within the UAP.
Charter requirements and activities.” Reviewed
We are hopeful that this manual will serve its
the existing 2005 Policy Manual on Chapter
utmost purpose and objectives so that we may
Organization, updated and improved said Manual
better serve our Organization.
in accordance with the UAP 2009 Bylaws.
May this 2017 Policy Manual for Chapter
Organization be our guiding principle in the
administration and management of the 153
chapters and future chapters of the UAP.
To God be the Glory!


Executive Director, Commission on Internal Affairs UAP National President
FY 2016-2017 / FY 2017-2018 FY 2016-2017 / FY 2017-2018

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 3


On behalf of the Office of the National The Office of the Secretary General is delighted
Executive Vice President, I would like to extend my to work together with the Commission on Internal
congratulations to the UAP Commission on Internal Affairs for the adoption of the Policy on Chapter
Affairs headed by the indefatigable Executive Organization, a product of collaborative initiatives
Director Arch. Corazon F. Tandoc for their undying driven by passion to excel in serving our chapters
efforts to reach out to the members and make sure
and members.
service is extended by the organization thru the
Committee on Chapter Organization. When I assumed office as the Secretary
As we are all aware, the growth of chapters in General, the Office operated on a four-pronged
the UAP is unprecedented. And we look forward to approach, namely—efficient workforce, effective
more chapters in the coming years. Therefore, my communication, and quality service to members—
office is truly thankful for the active work exerted by which is envisioned to accelerate the service to the
the Committee on Chapter Organization headed by general membership. I believe that this vision is in
Chair Arch. Maribel V. Monilla-Collado in preparing part achieved by the quality and responsiveness
and standardizing the Policy Manual on Chapter
of the action documents that we produce, with
the diligent support our volunteers, particularly
It is our fervent desire to upgrade and uplift the Commission on Internal Affairs headed by our
the organization to greater heights - and aligning Executive Director, Arch. Corazon Fabia-Tandoc.
the Policy Manual for Chapter Organization is
a first step in many steps to make the chapters It is my ardent hope that this Policy Manual
interactive within their districts, dynamic within the on Chapter Organization will serve as a blueprint
chapter, visible to the members and eventually and building block for the UAP in general and our
result-oriented. Office in particular to effectively and efficiently
We in the UAP National look forward to its discharge its mandate.
proper implementation by the commission in
discharging their mandate for the members.


National Executive Vice President Secretary General
FY 2017-2018 FY 2016-2017 / FY 2017-2018

I will open my eyes to VISION, that I may unlock the message in the
stone and the clay. Let me sense in the sand and the iron and the tree
the Mystery beyond all mysteries, the Builder beyond all building.


I will open my mind to HUMILITY, that I may remember my debt to

those who have taught me, and strive to discharge it to those whom
I teach. Let me be always aware that my days are short, my work is
long, my talent endures not forever.


I will open my heart to PATIENCE, that those for whom I plan may
not be denied their true answer through any haste of mine or shallow
expediency. As my art grows in the building of man’s shelter, so may
my heart grow in the building of man’s happiness.


I will open my hands to ARTISTRY, that I may skillfully turn point,

line and plane to the support and protection of man’s body, to the
nourishment of his hope, to the preservation of his culture. Let my
tools be adroit and ready weapons in his resistance to decay and his
struggle to be free.


Even if the whole world ravage and destroy, MAY I ALWAYS BUILD.
Let my work go beyond creed and color, and nation, bridging the
world of differences, letting fall to ruin the House of War and enlarging
the House of Peace. While the breath of the Great Architect is in me,


UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 5

I shall work with this general objective - that my duty is not only to
myself, but also to my God and my Country.

I shall uphold the ideals and follow the norms of conduct of a noble
profession and endlessly endeavor to further its just ends.

I shall humbly seek success not through the measure of solicited

personal publicity, but by industrious application to my work, strive to
merit a reputation for quality of service and for fair dealing.

I shall ask from all, fair remuneration for my services while expecting
and asking no profits from any other source.

I shall hold the interest of my Client over and above any self-interest
for financial returns.

I shall exercise my professional prerogatives always with impartiality

and disinterestedness.

I shall avoid any private business investments or venture which may

tend to influence my professional judgment to the detriment of the
trust placed upon me.

I shall inspire by my behavior the loyalty of my associates and

subordinates and take upon me the mentorship of the aspirants to the

I shall confine my criticisms and praises within constructive and

inspirational limits and never resort to these means to further
malicious motives.

I shall dedicate myself to the pursuit of creative endeavor towards

the goal of enlightened Art and Science, generously sharing with
colleagues, friends and strangers alike the benefits of my experience
and experiments.

So help me God!



Chairman Committee on Chapter Organization 2


Executive Director, Commission on Internal Affairs 3

• National President’s Message 3
• National Executive Vice President’s Message 4
• Secretary General’s Message 4




1. Purpose and Objectives 9
2. Chapter Governance 9
3. Chapter Board of Directors 12
4. Chapter Standing Committees 15
5. Formation of a New Chapter 16
6. Chapter Nomenclature 17
7. Provisional Chapter 18
8. Supervision over Local Chapters 18
9. Chapters outside the Philippines 18
10. Certificate of Chapter Charter Registration 18


1. Annual Dues 19
2. Fund Generation 19
3. Good Standing Status 20


1. Area A 21
2. Area B 23
3. Area C 24
4. Area D 24

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 7





A. Application Form for Chapter
UAP Chapter (Organization Form No. 1) 29
B. Application Form for Chapter Organization
(Form No. 2) 31
C. Chapter Charter Presentation
and Inauguration Ceremony 33
D. Sample Program 35
E. Program Description 37
F. Charging of Charter Members 44
G. Charging of the Officers and Members
of the Chapter Board 45
H. Presentation of the Chapter Banner 46
I. Presentation of the Chapter Charter Officers 47
J. Presentation of Chapter Charter Certificate 48
K. Presentation of the Gavel 49
L. Oath of Membership 50
M. Oath of Office 51
N. Official Format of Oath of Membership 52
O. Official Format of Officer’s Oath of Office 53
P. Official Format of Chapter Charter Certificate 54
Q. List of UAP Chapters and their respective Charter Date 55
R. List of UAP Chapters, Assessment Fee,
Good Standing as of 2017 61
S. List of UAP Chapters according
to Registration Numbers 65

VIII. National Board of Directors 2017-2018 69

IX. Committee on Chapter Organization 2017-2018 70

X. Board of Resolution No.59 Series 2017-2018 71



A Chapter of the UAP is primarily created for the purpose of promoting maximum participation of all
members in all UAP affairs, activities and programs in advancing the objectives of the organization.
A Chapter of the UAP shall be the extension of the national organization in the Chapter’s territory or
jurisdiction. All programs and projects shall be carried out and implemented by the Chapter, except
when the nature of a project shall require direct implementation by the national organization, in
which case, the National Board shall assign the appropriate Standing Committee or organize an
appropriate ad-hoc committee for the purpose.
2.1 Governance and Territory
2.1.1 A UAP Chapter shall be governed by the 2009 By-laws and Constitution of the United
Architects of the Philippines and may formulate a Chapter Implementing Rules and
Regulations for their own local governance, provided that they are not contrary to said
By-Laws, the General Policy Manual for Chapter Organization, the Policy and Procedures
Manual for Regular IAPOA Membership and the UAP Implementing Rules& Regulations
and Guidelines (as amended) and approved by the National Board.
2.1.2 The National Board shall always have the authority to fix, upon the recommendation
of the Commission on Internal Affairs, the territory or boundaries of each chapter or
change the same as it may deem necessary to serve the best interests of the UAP and
its members.
2.1.3 A UAP Chapter should have a minimum of twenty (20) members in good standing and
a maximum of 200 members at any one time.
2.1.4 The UAP Chapter upon reaching the maximum of 200 members in good standing is
encouraged to sponsor a new chapter.
2.2 Membership
2.2.1 All Registered and Licensed Architects whose names appear in the Registry of
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), are automatically members of UAP and
shall continue to be one except those who are deceased and whose Architecture license
is revoke by the PRC.

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 9

2.2.2 An Architect shall be a member of only one UAP Chapter on the basis of his/her residence,
place of work, place relevant for his/her practice or for other legitimate reasons beyond
his/her control.
2.2.3 Exception will be for foreign based members whose membership in the foreign chapter
shall be considered as a foster member until such time he/she is/are back to their
original chapter.
2.2.4 A newly Registered and Licensed Architect must first take the oath on the Oath taking
Ceremony for new Architect/s duly administered by the Board of Architecture of the
Professional Regulation Commission before he/she can be inducted as bonafide
member of the Chapter where he/she has decided to Affiliate.
2.3 Application for Membership as UAP Chapter member
Application for membership as UAP Chapter members shall be in accordance with the UAP By
Laws Article II (Membership) and Article IV Sec .2(Dues and other Fees).
2.4 Transfer to another Chapter
2.4.1 A chapter member in good standing for at least two (2) years may be allowed to transfer
from his/her Chapter to another. He/she must have an approved and signed transfer
form from his/her original chapter that confirms he/she has settled all payments due
to the chapter. Members not in good standing should settle arrears first to obtain a
clearance from the former or his/her original chapter to be submitted to the new one. A
transfer may be done only once a year on or before the end of September of the fiscal
year. The application fee must be paid to the Chapter he is transferring to for processing.
2.4.2 A member/officer may transfer to another chapter after two (2) years of residency and in
good standing in his/her original chapter.
2.4.3 A Charter Officer or member must have at least five (5) years of residency in his/her
existing chapter before he/she can transfer to another chapter or form a new chapter.
2.4.4 A Charter Member/regular member must have at least two (2) years of residency in his/
her existing chapter before he/she can transfer or form a new chapter.
2.5 Revival of Inactive Chapters
2.5.1 The UAP National Board shall reserve the rights and powers to institute means and
measures for the revival of inactive chapters through the UAP-Commission on Internal
Affairs (UAP-CIA). UAP Chapters classified Not-In-Good-Standing as of August 30 of the
current fiscal year are deemed classified as Inactive Chapters until officially upgraded
within the same period upon payment of their assessment fee.
2.6 Chapter Meetings
2.6.1 The Chapter must conduct at least once a month regular membership meeting and
Chapter Board Meeting a week before the monthly membership meeting.
2.6.2 The Annual Meeting of the Chapter for the purpose of electing the Chapter Board of
Directors (hereinafter referred to as Chapter Board) shall be held within the month of
February of each year at the time and place designated by the Chapter Board and in
accordance with the UAP By-laws to be supervised by the District Director/Area Vice
President and/or Deputy or Duly Authorized Representative.
2.6.3 A District Director must visit the chapters under his/her District at least four (4x) times a
year. Special meetings may be called by the Chapter President or by the Chapter Board
or by written petition of at least eleven (11) Regular Members of good standing sent to
the Chapter Secretary who shall issue the notice and agenda for the special meeting.
Notice of any meeting date shall be thru any form of media (text, email, messenger,
viber or similar) issued at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting date.
2.6.4 The Chapter Charter Certificate must be framed and the Chapter By-Laws must be
present every Chapter meeting.

2.6.5 The Chapter must have three (3) Record Books to Register the following:
Record Book 1: Minutes of the Meeting to be prepared by the Secretary stating date
and time of meeting, venue, registered attendees, position and time
of arrival, to be signed by the Secretary and attested by the Chapter
President after the approval of the body. Record all items discussed,
motions approved and all relevant proceedings.
Record Book 2: Monthly Financial Report to be prepared by the Treasurer, audited by
the Auditor, attested by the Secretary and approved by the Chapter
President to include total money or cash in bank and money received
from the members’ dues, sponsors and other sources of income and
indicate the cash balance to date. Report shall be signed by the Chapter
President and Treasurer upon approval of the body.
Record Book 3: All members must sign in the Members’ Record Book which shall
indicate the Date of Membership, PRC ID Nos., UAP No., Address,
Contact number/s, email address and photograph).

2.6.6 A Chapter must have their chapter Bylaws, IRR for their own local governance and in
accordance with the UAP Bylaws and IRR.
2.6.7 Standard Agenda for meetings
a. Registration
b. Call to order
c. Opening prayer
d. Welcome Remarks
e. Introduction of Guests, Members and Sponsors
f. Reading of the Minutes of previous meeting
g. Matters arising from the minutes
h. Approval of the minutes of previous meeting
i. Communications/bills
j. Reports: Chapter President, Chapter Treasurer and Committee Chairperson/s
k. Unfinished business
l. New Business/Presentation of new applicants for membership
Note: Application to be process by the Membership Committee under the Commission
on Internal Affairs. Recommends to the Chapter Board and presented to the Chapter
during its regular meeting.The Secretary shall notify the applicant whether approved
or not within a period of three (3) months.
m. New members must sign the Members’ Record Book upon induction.
2.6.8 Manner of Chapter Election
a. Chapter Nominations Committee
a.1. The Chapter President shall appoint a Nominations Committee composed of a
Chairman and 2 members who are past chapter president/officer on October
or 120 days before the election on February.
a.2. The Committee shall convene for the purpose of qualifying the nominees.
a.3. Committee shall determine who are the qualified candidates as per Article
a.4. The Committee shall obtain confirmation and/or acceptance from the qualified
nominees and a letter of commitment from the nominees.
a.5. To submit final list of qualified nominees to the chapter COMELEC on or before
45 days before the Election day in February.

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 11

b. Chapter COMELEC (Commission on Elections)
b.1. The COMELEC shall announce the official list of candidates to the general
membership 30 days before the election day on February.
b.2. The COMELEC shall determine who are their qualified voters (e.g. members
who have paid their chapter and national dues on or before September 30 on
the current year).
b.3. The COMELEC shall inform the general membership on the date, time, and
venue of the chapter election. Which is usually done during the chapter GMM
to be supervised by the District Director or Deputy District Director.
b.4 The COMELEC shall conduct the election proceedings and canvassing of
b.5 The COMELEC shall proclaim the duly elected officers in the same date after
the election.
Note: Election of chapter officers shall be according to the chapter by laws.
2.7 Duties and Responsibilities of a Chapter
2.7.1 It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Chapter through its Chapter Board to follow
its Chapter Bylaws, UAP Bylaws and Implementing Rules and Regulations.
2.7.2 A Chapter may institute and/or promulgate procedures adaptable to its local conditions.
2.7.3 It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Chapter to require its members to:
a. Defend, uphold the Chapter Bylaws; Bylaws and Constitution of the UAP and the
Architects National Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice.
b. Pay the required fees, dues and assessments promptly before the due dates; (August
30), Chapter Assessment and September 30 for the Annual dues.
c. To participants in all Chapter/UAP affairs whenever called upon to do so.
d. To attend all annual National Conventions, Area Assemblies, Regular and Special
meetings of the chapter.
e. Members with maximum absences of more than 50 percent shall be reprimanded by
the Chapter, upon the competent discretion of the Chapter Board. Said reprimanded
member cannot hold any position until after two (2) years of his/her reinstatement.
f. To Support programs of the government and the community related to Architecture
and National Welfare, be actively involved in Civic and Public Affairs; and to encourage
its members to conduct themselves in dignity and in a manner worthy of a true
3.1 Composition of the Chapter Board
The Administrative Body of the Chapter shall be vested on the Chapter Board of Directors
composed of the following:
3.1.1 President
3.1.2 Vice-President for Programs and Development
3.1.3 Vice-President for Operations
3.1.4 Secretary
3.1.5 Treasurer
3.1.6 Auditor
3.1.7 Two to five Directors
3.2 Qualification of Officers

All UAP Chapter Officers must have the following qualifications prior to election to their respective
3.2.1 Must be a member of Good Standing in the Chapter before September 30;
3.2.2 Active participation in the affairs of the Chapter for at least two (2) years. This requirement
does not apply for Chapters in the first two (2) years of formation;
3.2.3 Must have served at least 2 years as Committee Chairman and or member of any
Chapter’s Committee/s;
3.2.4 Must have demonstrated leadership in professional, civic or community undertakings;
3.2.5 Must have good moral character and actively adheres to the Architects National
Code, Code of Ethical Conduct, Standards of Professional Practice, the protection of
environment and respect of any religious affiliations of members;
3.2.6 Must have at least two (2) consecutive years of active practice of the profession; and
3.2.7 Must have been qualified and endorsed by the Chapter’s Nominations Committee.
3.3 Term of Office:
3.3.1 The members of the Chapter Board shall serve for one (1) year starting on the first day
of July and ending on the 30th day of June of the succeeding year or until the successor
shall have been qualified and elected.
3.3.2 No member of the Chapter Board shall hold office for more than three (3) consecutive
terms for the same position.
3.4 Duties of Chapter Officers
The duties of Chapter Officers are as follows:
3.4.1. President
a. Serves as the Chief Executive of the Chapter and as such shall preside over all the
meetings of the Chapter Board, Executive Committee and the General Membership
of the Chapter; To open a joint Chapter Savings/Checking Accounts together with
the Secretary and Treasurer; to transact, accept, receive, all moneys for the Chapter;
cash or checks; approves and signs all disbursements.
b. Organizes the chapter committees, in coordination with the Vice-President for
Programs and Development;
c. Supervises all its committee works, social and business affairs, including the
remittance of funds accruing to the UAP National Treasury;
d. Signs contracts, directives and legal instruments which have been duly approved by
the Chapter Board; and attested by the secretary;
e. Represents the Chapter Board in District meetings, national conventions, conferences,
assemblies and other gatherings calling for its attendance;
f. Attends the Chapter President Assemblies.
g. The President checks and approves the Minutes of the Meeting prepared by the
Secretary and Financial Report prepared by the Treasurer and audited by the Auditor.
h. Presides all chapter monthly membership and special meetings and other activities.
i. In case of vacancy during the term of office of the President, the sequence of
succession to the Presidency shall be as follows: Vice- President for Programs
and Development and then Vice- President for Operations, then elect a new Vice-
President for Operations from those qualified candidates who garnered the next
highest rates. In case of Secretary/Treasurer, whoever is active will take over the
duties & responsibilities of both position until the next election of officers.
3.4.2. Vice-President for Programs and Development

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 13

a. Supervises the duties of the Committee Chair/s in the study research and formulation
of policies, programs and projects intended to attain the objectives of the UAP
Chapter, subject to the approval of the Chapter Board and whatever duties given to
him by the Chapter President.
3.4.3. Vice- President for Operations
a. Takes charge of the effective implementation of the programs and projects approved
by the Chapter and ensure, among others, that said activities are in accordance with
the policies of the United Architects of the Philippines.
3.4.4. Secretary
a. Takes note of all proceedings of all Chapter meetings (regular & special and other
meetings) and prepare the minutes of all meetings, signed and attested by the Chapter
President upon approval of the body.
b. Issues all notices, circulars, and records and prepares the proper recording of minutes
of all Chapter meetings;
c. Takes charge and have custody of all the legal and administrative records,
correspondences of the Chapter;
d. Prepares and submits the Chapter Accomplishment Report on a monthly basis to the
District Director and concurred by the Chapter President, which is then reported and
submitted to the Area VP and report to the National Board;
e. To perform such other duties as may, from time to time, be required of him by the
Chapter President and the Chapter Board, attend the President’s Assembly with the
Chapter President;
f. Safekeeping of all records for proper turnover to the next Chapter secretary including
the Minute of Meetings and complete list of members in good standing and not in
good standing including their arrears
g. Assists the Chapter President and the Treasurer in the overall supervision of the
financial affairs of the Chapter; and
h. Collects all fees and dues of the Chapter members together with the Treasurer and
remit to the National Board the said fees and dues.
3.4.5 Treasurer
a. Prepares the overall financial status and statement of the Chapter together with the
Secretary under the supervision of the Chapter President;
b. Together with the Secretary, collects all fees, dues or contribution from the Chapter
members as required by the 2009 UAP By-Laws and as maybe authorized by the
National Board and or the Chapter Board of Director and remit to UAP before August
30, the Chapter Assessment Fee and the membership dues before September 30;
c. Solicits, accepts and disburses funds together with the Chapter Secretary and
Chapter President as necessary and in accordance with approved procedures and
may purchase securities or sell and transfer those placed under his charge by the
Chapter as directed by the Chapter Board;
d. Signs all instruments of the Chapter wherein his signature is required by law especially
those solicited, accepted and disbursed and perform all such duties for the Chapter
as may be assigned to him by the Chapter President and/ or the Chapter Board;
e. Remits religiously to the National Treasurer the Chapter Assessment Fee August 30
and the national share of the annual national dues before September 30 and prepares
an official report of the said remittances to the Chapter Board.
f. Signs all checks and all financial transactions, together with the Chapter President

and the Chapter Secretary and as may be designated by the Chapter Board;
g. Renders monthly audited financial statement to the chapter members and to the
National treasurer as may be required.
h. Performs such other duties as may be required by the Chapter President and the
Chapter Board.
3.4.6 Auditor
a. Conducts an overall independent review and audit of all financial affairs of the chapter
to ensure check and balance of the business operations of the chapter on a monthly
basis; and prepare, and present balance report during the Chapter monthly/ special
b. Serves as a regular member of the Chapter Board with voting rights.
3.5 Attendance in the Chapter Board Meeting.
Failure of any Chapter Officers to attend its Regular/ Special Meetings for three (3) consecutive
meetings without valid reason/s shall be declared vacant and the chapter shall implement 3.4.1
Item (i).
Constituted as counterparts of the Standing Committees under the Commissions at the national
level, the following shall be the Chapter Committees:
4.1 Committee on Internal Affairs
4.1.1 Chapter Organization
4.1.2 Membership
4.1.3 Awards / Young Architects Award
4.1.4 General Welfare
4.1.5 Ways & Means
4.1.6 By laws
4.1.7 Library and Archives
4.1.8 Information Technology
4.2 Committee on Professional Practice
4.2.1 Private Practice
4.2.2 Government Service
4.2.3 Allied Professions and Fields
4.2.4 Ethics and Discipline
4.2.5 Construction Disputes and Arbitration
4.2.6 Competition
4.2.7 Green Architecture Movement
4.2.8 Continuing Professional Development
4.3 Committee on Governmental and External Affairs
4.3.1 National and Civic Affairs
4.3.2 Accessibility
4.3.4 World Day of Architecture
4.3.5 Nationwide Architecture Week
4.3.6 Environment & Ecology
4.3.7 Legislation and Codes
4.3.8 International Affairs
4.3.9 Balangkasan

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 15

4.4 Committee on Education
4.4.1 Research and Academic Institutions
4.4.2 UAP Academe-Industry Linkage Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
4.4.3 Student Auxiliaries of UAP
4.4.4. Graduate Auxiliaries of UAP
4.5 Sentro ng Arkitekturang Filipino
4.6 Committee on Nominations
4.7 Committee on Elections


The UAP National Board of Directors under the Commission on Internal Affairs shall have the authority
to approve and prescribe rules and regulations for the formation of a new Chapter.
5.1. A Chapter with more than 200 members in good standing may sponsor the formation of a new
Chapter in coordination with the Regional District Director and National Committees on Chapter
Organization and Membership of the Commission on Internal Affairs provided said sponsoring
chapter is in good standing at the time of formation.
5.2. Checklist of Basic Requirements for the formation of a new Chapter:
5.2.1 Standard Application Forms for UAP Chapter Formation duly accomplished by the
prospective members and the sponsoring Chapter see Annex “A”: Application Form for
Chapter Organization (Form 1)
5.2.2 Chapter Board Resolution of the sponsoring Chapter supporting the formation of a new
5.2.3 Payment of pertinent dues/fees to the UAP National Treasurer:
5.2.4 Payment of Chapter assessment fee shall be paid upon application of new chapter;
5.2.5 If and when the prospective member/s is/are to transfer from his/her original Chapter,
he/she must first inform his/her original Chapter and pay the necessary fees and dues;
get clearance signed by Chapter President, Secretary and Treasurer and submit said
clearance to the Chapter where he/she is transferring.
5.2.6. The Spokesperson or the proponent of the proposed new Chapter should submit a
letter of intent to the Commission on Internal Affairs through the Committee on Chapter
Organization, after which the Committee on Chapter Organization shall conduct a
Chapter Organization orientation to the Spokesperson and prospective members for
proper guidance.
5.3. There should be a probation period of 5 months upon submission of required documents
prior to approval of the National Board Directors. The Committees on Chapter Organization
and Membership shall evaluate the documents for new Chapter during the probation period.
Ascertain that the Chapters’ programs are in line with the objectives of UAP prior to approval for
chartering of a new chapter.
5.4. The Executive Director of Commission on Internal Affairs together with the Committees on
Chapter Organization and Membership shall conduct proper orientation prior to the Charter
Presentation and Induction of Officers upon approval of the National Board.
5.5. No applicant for new chapter shall conduct general membership meetings and solicit funds/
sponsorships on behalf of the proposed new chapter and/or the original chapter. Usage of the
UAP official name and logo in such activities is strictly prohibited. Violation of this provision will
be tantamount to outright disapproval of the application for new chapter. A waiting period of one
(1) year after the disapproval is required before reapplication.

6.1 System of Naming Chapters
Following the continuing formation of UAP Chapters nationwide and abroad, may they be within
a city or within a province, the UAP, for purposes of putting an orderly system to these chapters
identity, territorial domain and to eliminate confusions in their areas of operation, hereby adopts
the following guidelines:
a. Should the pioneering chapter is named after the prominent city or the province or the
municipality where it is located the prefix name of the succeeding chapters shall be UAP and
the name of that city or province or municipality.
Examples: Pioneering Chapter
Summer Capital Chapter
Mount Apo Chapter
3. UAP CEBU (UAP CEBU Chapter)
Lapu-Lapu Chapter
Marikudo Chapter
Gold-CDO Chapter
Diliman Chapter
Cabanatuan Chapter
Maynilad Chapter
Corinthian Chapter
10. UAP TABACO Chapter (UAP TABACO Chapter)
Archizonian Chapter
Dagupan Chapter
Laoag City Chapter
Sierra Madre Chapter
Greenbelt Chapter
Rinconada Chapter
b. This Chapter Nomenclature shall be followed and implemented by UAP Chapters formed
before and after this Manual has been adopted. This policy supersedes all previous rules
on the matter formulated and approved by previous National Boards. All chapter names must
be subject to the evaluation and approval of the Commission on Internal Affairs, and to the
official confirmation of the UAP National Board of Directors.

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 17

7.1 Provisional UAP Chapters shall be such organizations which generally subscribe to the purposes
and objectives of the UAP, where there are at least seven (7) Regular Members but less than
twenty (20), within a period of one year which is the required minimum for a regular Chapter.
7.2 Regular chartered chapter with less than 20 members shall be given one (1) year to reactivate.
7.3 If after one (1) year, the chapter is still less than 20 members they will be converted to “Provisional
Chapter” until such time that they reach the minimum number of 20 members.
7.4 Provisional Chapters are required to pay their Assessment Dues annually before August 30.Their
Officer/Members cannot vote or be voted upon as Officers of the UAP National Board of Directors/
or be nominated to the College of Fellows.
7.5 Only the Chapter President can vote during the National Convention Elections as long as he/she
is in good standing and the Chapter has paid the Chapter Assessment dues.
8.1 All Chapters shall be under the general supervision of their respective Area Vice-Presidents
through the District Directors and the Chairman of Chapter Organization as provided in the 2009
UAP By-Laws.
8.2 The District Director shall visit the chapters every two (2)months and must submit a chapter
status report every two (2) months to the National Board thru the Area Vice President, copy
furnish the Commission on Internal Affairs Chapter Organization Committee.
9.1 Chapters may be organized abroad by Architects Registered in the Republic of the Philippines
and are practicing architecture in the country where they reside or work. These Chapters shall
belong to the Districts of the sponsoring Chapter. The National Board through the Commission
on Internal Affairs shall constitute measures and policies concerning the organization of chapters
outside the Philippines.
9.2 All application for new chapter/s outside the Philippines must conform with the existing
agreements, rules and regulations of the countries where the proposed chapter shall be formed.
9.3 Written Clearance/s from the Mother chapter and the authorized offices of the country must be
taken before application for new Chapter is submitted to the Committee on Chapter Organization
for processing.
10.1 A Certificate of Chapter Charter Registration is issued to each newly - organized Chapter which
states the date of admission, classification as Chapter, territorial domain, Chapter Charter
Officers and Members; duly signed by the National President, Secretary General, District
Director and the Chair of the Committees on Membership and Chapter Organization and the
Executive Director of the UAP Commission on Internal Affairs. It shall bear the Official Seal of
the UAP in the approved or prescribed UAP form.
10.2 The Chapter official registration number will be issued on the day of Charter Presentation

1.1 Processing Fee
IAPOA Applicants for Regular Membership to a UAP Chapter shall pay a non-refundable
amount of One Hundred Pesos (P100) for the processing of application for membership. This
amount shall, likewise be applicable to chapter transferees. The National Board reserves the
right to change the amount of fees anytime without prior notice.
A UAP Chapter shall collect from each member annual dues as follows:
1.1.1 National Dues— Six Hundred Pesos (P600.00) to be remitted by the Chapter to
the National Treasurer before September30 of every fiscal year (amount of fee shall
be subject to periodic review by the National Board). Furthermore the deadline at
September 30 MUST also serve as the basis for determining the Electoral College of
each chapter and for endorsement for evaluation to the College of Fellows. All members
of International Chapter/s shall pay the equivalent and prevailing dollar rate.
1.1.2. Chapter Dues— shall be established by the Chapter Board to be retained with the
1.1.3. Chapter Assessment Fee. All local Chapter shall pay an annual fee of one thousand
five hundred pesos (P 1500.00) which shall be paid to the National Treasurer within sixty
(60) days from the start of the fiscal year before August 30,All International Chapters
shall pay $100.00 US dollars. All payment must be received before 30 August.
1.1.4. The UAP National Board, upon the recommendation of the Commission on Internal
Affairs, and upon concurrence of the majority of the UAP Chapters, may increase the
annual membership dues, or modify the apportionment thereof.
2.1 The Chapter Board of a UAP Chapter-in-Good Standing may adopt policies related to donations,
bequeaths and other contributions, special assessments on its members and other measures
to raise funds for approved projects and programs of the Chapter. Provided, however, that such
policies are not contrary to the objectives protecting the interests of the organization and the
2.2 All checks solicited from Sponsor/s shall be addressed to the United Architects of the Philippines
and in return, shall remit to the Chapter the corresponding amount of check in the name of
the Chapter.

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 19

3.1 Chapter Member in Good Standing
3.1.1 To be in good standing for the current fiscal year and to be able to register in National
Conventions and Conferences; and be qualified to be nominated as candidate for
National Officers and Fellow and other local and national awards, a Chapter member
should have paid the individual annual dues continuously without penalties, (chapter
and national) on or before September 30 of the current fiscal year, and is not under
suspension from the practice of architecture from the PRC-BOA or from membership
privileges of the UAP.
3.1.2 However, any member/s who wish to be upgraded to Good-Standing may pay the
annual dues beyond the deadline but subject to a graduated surcharge or penalty
as determined by the Office of the National Treasurer but cannot be qualified to
vote and be voted upon in the Chapter and National Election; or nominated as
Fellow, and other Local and National Awards. The chapter where he/she belongs
reserves the right to advice the National Secretariat to refuse his/her attendance to
any or all UAP Activities on the grounds of delinquent participation to local chapter
projects and activities.
3.2 Chapter in Good Standing
3.2.1 To be in good standing, a Chapter must have at least twenty (20) members in good
standing as of September 30 of the current fiscal year. A Chapter in good standing
shall be given the right to vote through a representation in the Electoral College of
one (1) vote per five (5) members in good standing plus the vote of the Chapter
President unless defined otherwise in the UAP Bylaws. Should a Chapter is Not-
In-Good-Standing, only the President and a chapter member who is a member of
National Board, who is/are in good standing, in behalf of the Chapter Board, may
be allowed to vote. The Chapter,likewise, cannot qualify for the Annual Outstanding
Chapter Award.
3.3 Indication of Good Standing Status
3.3.1 All architects shall indicate in all their acts which are deemed within the “Scope of
the Practice of Architecture” as defined under Republic Act No. 9266 and its IRR the
number and date of the official receipt indicating payment of their annual membership
dues to the United Architects of the Philippines for the current year. A Good-Standing
UAP Member must be able to show his/her current UAP and National Chapter dues
receipts with the UAP and the IAPOA Certificate.
3.4 Effect of Non-Payment of Dues
3.4.1 Any member who has not paid his membership dues for any given fiscal year on or
before the September 30 deadline shall be considered a Dues-Delinquent Member
until officially upgraded. If the delinquency continues until the next 3 years, the Chapter
President, Secretary and Treasurer shall submit a report to the Membership and
Chapter Organization Committee on the Commission on Internal Affairs and report
to the Area Vice President through the District Director and submit the said report to
the UAP National Board through the National Treasurer. A resolution forthwith shall
be prepared and approved to suspend all his membership privileges other than the
practice of architecture.
3.4.2 The UAP National Board through the National Treasurer shall inquire into the cause
of the delinquency and take whatever action it shall deem appropriate, INCLUDING
non-issuance of IAPOA and non-participation at any chapter or National affairs of UAP.
3.4.3 Should the delinquency further continue until the following March 31, the UAP National
Board through the National Treasurer shall take whatever legitimate action it shall deem
appropriate. Notice of the action taken shall be sent by registered mail to the member
and to the Secretary of the Chapter concerned.
3.4.4 A member whose name is removed from the Registry of Architects pursuant to the
provision of this manual may apply for reinstatement under the provisions of Article II
Section 10.3. of the UAP By-Laws.

1.1. Regional District A-1a NORTHWEST LUZON comprising the following provinces and cities:
1.1.1. Baguio City
1.1.2. Benguet
1.1.3. Ifugao
1.1.4. Ilocos Norte
1.1.5. Ilocos Sur
1.1.6. Vigan City
1.1.7. La Union
1.1.8. Dagupan City
1.1.9. Pangasinan
1.1.10. Laoag City
1.2. Regional District A-1b NORTHEAST LUZON comprising the following provinces and cities:
1.2.1. Batanes
1.2.2. Kalinga - Apayao
1.2.3. Cagayan
1.2.4. Nueva Vizcaya
1.2.5. Quirino
1.2.6. Tuguegarao
1.2.7. Sierra Madre
1.2.8. Isabela
1.3. Regional District A-2a CENTRAL LUZON comprising the following provinces and cities:
1.3.1. Bulacan
1.3.2. Nueva Ecija
1.3.3. Cabanatuan City
1.4. Regional District A-2b CENTRAL LUZON comprising the following provinces and cities:
1.4.1. Tarlac
1.4.2. Olongapo City
1.4.3. San Fernando City
1.4.4. Angeles City

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 21

1.4.5. Pampanga
1.4.6. Bataan
1.4.7. Zambales
1.5. Regional District A-3 QUEZON CITY-NORTH Area of Quezon City North of Quezon Boulevard
and Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, comprising the following municipalities, cities and foreign
1.5.1. Caloocan City
1.5.2. Valenzuela City
1.5.3. Malabon
1.5.4. Navotas
1.5.5. Quezon City
1.5.6. QC Capitol
1.5.7. QC Silangan
1.5.8. QC Central
1.5.9. QC South Triangle
1.5.10. QC Tandang Sora
1.5.11. Hongkong
1.5.12. Los Angeles
1.6. Regional District A-4 QUEZON CITY-SOUTH- Area of Quezon City South of Quezon Blvd. and
Don Mariano Marcos Avenue, comprising the following municipalities and cities and MENA:
1.6.1. Diliman
1.6.2. New Manila
1.6.3. Elliptical
1.6.4. Camanava - Hilaga
1.6.5. Nova Central
1.6.6. MENA KSA Western Region KSA Eastern Region KSA Riyadh UAE – Abu Dhabi UAE - Dubai Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar
1.7 Regional District A-5 METRO MANILA-NORTH Area comprising the following municipalities,
and cities:
1.7.1. Mandaluyong City
1.7.2. Marikina City
1.7.3. Pasig City
1.7.4. San Juan City
1.7.5. Taytay
1.7.6. Antipolo
1.7.7. Cainta
1.7.8. And other Eastern Rizal Towns
1.7.9. California: North & South
1.7.10. San Francisco

2.1. Regional District B-1 MANILA-NORTH - Area of the City of Manila North of Pasig River,
comprising the following municipalities, cities and foreign countries:
2.1.1. Sampaloc
2.1.2. Sta. Mesa Morayta (Centrum)
2.1.3. Espana (Atelier)
2.1.4. Binondo (Metro)
2.1.5. Archizonian
2.1.6. Singapore
2.1.7. Canada - Calgary
2.2 Regional District B-2 MANILA-SOUTH - Area of the City of Manila South of Pasig River,
comprising the following municipalities, cities and foreign countries:
2.2.1. Intramuros
2.2.2. Malate (Alcaldia)
2.2.3. (Corinthian)
2.2.4. Ermita (Maharlika)
2.2.5. Roxas Blvd (Maynilad)
2.2.6. La Solidaridad
2.2.7. British Columbia
2.2.8. Ontario Canada
2.2.9. Port Area (Mags)
2.3. Regional District B-3 METRO MANILA-SOUTH comprising the following municipalities, cities
and foreign countries:
2.3.1. Pasay
2.3.2. Makati
2.3.3. Muntinlupa
2.3.4. Parañaque
2.3.5. Las Piñas
2.3.6. Taguig
2.3.7. Fort Bonifacio
2.3.8. Pateros
2.3.9. Cavite
2.3.10. Alabang
2.3.11. Shanghai
2.4. Regional District B-4 SOUTHERN TAGALOG comprising the following provinces and cities:
2.4.1. Batangas
2.4.2. San Pablo
2.4.3. Laguna
2.4.4. Mindoro
2.4.5. Palawan
2.4.6. Lipa
2.4.7. Quezon
2.5. Regional District B-5 BICOL REGION- Area comprising the following provinces and cities within:
2.5.1. Camarines Sur
2.5.2. Camarines Norte
2.5.3. Catanduanes
2.5.4. Albay
2.5..5 Legazpi
2.5.6 Sorsogon
2.5.7. Masbate

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 23

3.1. Regional District C–1 CENTRAL VISAYAS Area comprising the following provinces and the
3.1.1 Bohol
3.1.2 Dumaguete
3.1.3 Cebu
3.1.4 Metro Cebu
3.1.5 Negros Oriental
3.2. Regional District C–2 WESTERN VISAYAS – Area (Negros Occidental) comprising the
following provinces and cities:
3.2.1. Bacolod
3.2.2. Negrense
3.2.3. Mt. Kanlaon
3.3. Regional District C–3 EASTERN VISAYAS - Area comprising the provinces and the cities:
3.3.1. Leyte
3.3.2. Samar Sinirangan
3.3.3. San Juanico
3.3.4. Tacloban
3.4. Regional District C–4 WESTERN VISAYAS - Area (Panay Islands) comprising the provinces
and the cities:
3.4.1. Aklan
3.4.2. Iloilo
3.4.3. Antique
3.4.4. Panay
3.4.5. Roxas
3.4.6 Capiz
4.1. Regional District D-1 SOUTHERN MINDANAO Area comprising the provinces of and cities
4.1.1. Cotabato
4.1.2. North Cotabato
4.1.3. South Cotabato
4.1.4. North Davao
4.1.5. South Davao
4.1.6. General Santos
4.1.7. Sultan Kudarat
4.1.8. Maguindanao
4.1.9 Lanao del Sur
4.2. Regional District D-2 WESTERN MINDANAO- Area comprising the provinces of and cities
within Zamboanga
4.2.1. Zamboanga
4.3. Regional District D-3 NORTHERN MINDANAO - Area comprising the provinces and cities
4.3.1. Butuan
4.3.2. Surigao
4.4. Regional District D-4 MINDANAO- Area comprising the provinces and cities within:
4.4.1. Dipolog City
4.4.2. Ozamis City
4.4.3. Iligan City
4.4.4 Pagadian

This Manual shall be adopted and take effect immediately upon the official approval of the UAP
National Board, 2017-2018.

UAP Board Resolution No.59 Series 2017-2018

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 25


1. Republic Act No. 9266(Architecture Act of 2004) March 17, 2004. Republic of the Philippines.

2. UAP By-Laws and Amended Articles of Incorporation

2009 Approved Version: United Architects of the Philippines(UAP)as certified by the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) October 26, 2009.

3. Policy and Procedures Manual for Regular IAPOA Membership Series of 2004: United
Architects of the Philippines. Manila, Philippines.

4. Primer on Republic Act No. 9266. United Architects of the Philippines. Manila, Philippines

5. Policies, Rules and Regulations, A Policy Manual.United Architects of the Philippines. May
25, 1985.

6. The 25 Years of the UAP (1975-2000).United Architects of the Philippines. 2000.

The Policy Manual on Chapter Organization finds its beginnings in the year long meeting of
the Commission on Internal Affairs together with the Committee on Chapter Organization. This
series of meetings crystallize the thrust of the administration of UAP National President Architect
Guillermo H. Hisancha towards Unity, Accountability and Professional Excellence.
The Commission on Internal Affairs and the Committee on Chapter Organization recognize the
following individuals for their invaluable contribution in creating the Policy Manual on Chapter

1. UAP National Board of Directors, Fiscal Year 2017-2018 under the leadership of
Architect Guillermo H. Hisancha, FUAP, AA, APEC Arch.

2. UAP National Board of Directors, Fiscal Year 2016-2017 under the leadership of
Architect Guillermo H. Hisancha, FUAP, AA, APEC Arch.

3. UAP National Executive Vice President, Fiscal Year 2017-2018 under the
leadership of Architect Benjamin K. Panganiban Jr., FUAP.

4. UAP Commission on Internal Affairs, Fiscal Year 2017-2018 under the leadership
of Architect Corazon Fabia-Tandoc, FUAP, AA, EUAP.

5. UAP Commission on Internal Affairs, Fiscal Year 2016-2017 under the leadership
of Architect Corazon Fabia-Tandoc, FUAP, AA, EUAP.

6. UAP Committee on Chapter Organization, Fiscal Year 2016-2017 (Architects.

Francis D. Frigillana, UAP Chairman, Committee on Chapter Organization;
Rossano G. Baradi, UAP, Vice Chairman, Committee on Chapter Organization;
Rex Chua Tak, UAP, Secretary, Committee on Chapter Organization; Maribel
Monilla-Collado, UAP, Member. Committee on Chapter Organization)

7. UAP Committee on Chapter Organization, Fiscal Year 2017-2018 (Architects

Maribel Monilla-Collado, UAP, Chairman, Committee on Chapter Organization;
Jocelyn Rivera-Lutap, FUAP, Vice Chairman, Committee on Chapter Organization;
Loreta Cruz-Villame, UAP, Secretary, Committee on Chapter Organization; Precila
Tibayan-Aterrado, UAP, Member. Committee on Chapter Organization; Emelie T.
Garcia, UAP, Member. Committee on Chapter Organization)

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 27


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UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 67
Guillermo H. Hisancha, FUAP, AA, APEC AR. Benjamin K. Panganiban Jr., FUAP, AA, APEC AR.
National President National Executive Vice President

Jessie D. Avila, UAP Reynaldo S. Acosta, FUAP Moises L. Abellera, UAP

Area A Vice President Area B Vice President Area C Vice President

Trinidad G. Saligumba, UAP Renato A. Heray, FUAP, PALA, AA Pamela N. Amador, FUAP, AA
Area D Vice President Secretary General National Treasurer

Eldred Caesar I. Tan, FUAP Maria Benita O. Regala, FUAP, AA Maria Lisa V. Santos, FUAP
National Auditor Immediate Past National President Chancellor
College of Fellows

Joel P. Rulla, UAP Edmundo B. Udarbe, Jr., UAP Owen B. Tolentino, UAP
District Director, A1a District Director, A1b District Director, A2a

Edwin Michael T. De Dios, UAP Ronnie R. Yumang, UAP Rouel C. Agpawa, UAP
District Director, A2b District Director, A3 District Director, A4

Ronaldo F. Bernal, UAP Eduardo S. Casares, UAP Tessa C. Espinas-Salinas, UAP

District Director, A5 District Director, B1 District Director, B2

Edmon L. Samson, UAP Manolo I. Merhan, UAP Marlo V. Oco, UAP

District Director, B3 District Director, B4 District Director, B5

Emmanuel O. Cuizon, UAP Felipe B. Jocson, UAP Leandro G. Ordiz, UAP

District Director, C1 District Director, C2 District Director, C3

Vernan M. Lamis, UAP Elwyn D. Bañares, UAP Ildefonso F. Torres, Jr., UAP
District Director, C4 District Director, D1 District Director, D2

Albert S. Rosel, UAP Anacleto Y. Tamoso, UAP

District Director, D3 District Director, D4

Cesar G. Aljama, UAP Virgilio D. Andres Jr., FUAP

Commission on Professional Practice Professional Development Commission

Wilfredo G. Gacutan, FUAP Corazon Fabia-Tandoc, FUAP, AA Gil V. Japitana, UAP

Commission on Education Commission on Internal Affairs Commission on Governmental and
External Affairs

Robert Benedict C. Hermoso, FUAP Antonio A. Valdez, FUAP

Sentro ng Arkitekturang Filipino (UAP-CFA) Commission on Convention, Assemblies and Exhibits

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 69

UAP Policy Manual on Chapter Organization 71
Commission on Internal Affairs

The Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects

Commission on Internal Affairs

UAP National Headquarters Building
No. 53 Scout Rallos St., Barangay Laging Handa, Diliman, Quezon City

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