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2021 PRIMARY 6 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION Name ) Date: 20 August 2021 (Class: Primary 6) Time: 8.09 am_-0.45 am. Duration: 1 hour 4§ minutes Parent's Signature Marks: 136 SCIENCE BOOKLET A INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (1) ite your name, class and register number. (2) De not turn over this page unl you ae tol todo so (2) Foow alliastructions carey, (4) Answer al questions (6) Shade your answers on the Optical Answer Sheet (OAS) provided, Booklet A (28 x 2 marks) For each question from 1 to 28, four options are given. One of them is the correct answer. ‘Make your choice (1, 2, 9 or 4) and shade your answer on the Optical Answer Sheet. (58 marks) have shell ro shel \Which ofthe folowing shows the correct clasiication of animals in boxes A and 8? o x|<]x[r|> n[n]<|<|o @ | ‘The diagram below shows insect F ‘Which ofthe following corectly represents insect F's ile cycle? 200 ©99 \ aaa pupa aul yah o @ — ea} [00 } aut nymph] adult Tava @ “ 3. The diagrams below show a flower, human female reproductive system and ‘human male reproductive system. 8 c | tower 7 y female reproductive system male reproductive system Wich pas ofthe above flower have the same functions a Xan Yin humans? x y o € x @) a a eo ° c ® o : Study the characteristic of fit Z below, ror A, poo ant o2 fo seeding ot2 — vin deton [Wich ofthe follwing maps below correctly shows where the seedings of fruit Z are growing? ° ® ‘Study the diagram of a plant below. (What i / are the function(s) of part X? ‘A Tomake food forthe plant B To take in water for the plant © To alow gaseous exchange between the plant and the surroundings (1) Aonly @) Bony @) Aand ¢ onty (4) Band ¢ only Animal X is kept in an airtight glass jar for two hours as shown in the diagram below. Le stew sey ne ges pe epee ea a tomporat amount of water vapour oO increases decreases | @ | ~ ineroases Increases ale decreases remains the same Le remains the same Increases ‘The diagram below shows a human body system, Arrows, A, B,C, D, € and F. represent the movernent of bieo in pais ofthe system. head A lungs 8 ote heart Gig rege In the diagram above, which arrows represent blood rich in oxygen? (1) Aand B only (2) Dand E only (@) A.Eand F only ) 8, Cand D only Xigoming set up an experiment 2s shown below to find out how the exposed surface area of food affects the rate of cigestion. 100 mi of digestive juice 50 mi of digestive juice a ‘Setup A ‘Setup B Setup C. Setup (ith $09 of meat) (with 50g of meat with 100g of (with $09 of meat) ‘ut ini cubes) minced meat) Which two set-ups should he use fo carry outa fair test? (1) Aand 8 (@ AandD. @ Banic () Band D. 10. ‘An animal cell was placed ina liquid containing substances X and Y. ligule key Je : substance X before ‘afer Which ofthe folowing statements can be concluded from his observation? (1) The nucleus allows only ¥ to enter the cel (2) The cell wall does not allow X to enter the cel (@) The cytoplasm does not allow X to ent the cell (4) The cell membrane allows only Y to entor thecal ‘The diagram below shows the diferent stages of germination in a seed, Gj jo} ¢ ptf | Atwihich stage(s) A B, C or/and D, would the plant be able to make its own food? (1) Bony (2) Aand D ony (8) Band C only (4) Band D only |. Study the Row chart below, A. 7 'sitoantof ~ \Which ofthe following letters are correctly matched tothe diferent body parts? i lungs heart, intestine | large intestine ao a 8 © D fe a 8 . c oe 8 A ices ero Le 8 a D © 12, Beakers, A, B, Cand D, are filed with equal amounts of water and placed under the sun as shown below, oe water plant back opaque box * ‘Which ofthe folowing shows the correct amount of carbon dloxide in each beaker after six hours? ‘amount of carbon dioxide ‘amount of carbon dioxide amount of carbon dioxide ‘amount of carbon dioxide 0 13 14 Mrs Chu prepared four pots of strawberries and put each pot in de a shown in the tabe below. Conditions| setupA | setupB | setupe | setupD [Type of oat garden | garden| garden | sandy [TAmeuntetsot iy | 1000 500 +1000) 500 Amount of ight (unit) | $000 000 | 18000 | 18000, Taste ofstrawberies | eweet_| sweet | verysweet | sour From the results, Mrs Chu concluded thatthe strawberies would be sweeterwhen the rate of photosynthesis is higher. ‘Which ofthe following set-ups did she use to make her conclusion? (1) Aan 8, @) Aandc (@) Bande (4) Cand ‘The mimosa plant wil fold ts leaves when raindrops touch he leaves as shown below. eaves wide open leaves folded \What conclusion can be made from the above observation? (1) Living things can di. (2) Using things can reproduce. (2) Living things need air, food and water to stay alive (4) Living things can respond to changes around them. a 46. 46. ‘The diagram shows a cord made of material C attached to a bungee jumper. ~ ew xy Rl Which property of the material C enables the bungee jumper to bounce up and own? (1) elastic (2) strong @) absorbent (4) waterproot tank of water ‘Muthu prepared two setups with the same amount of water but of diferent temperatures. He placed them in a room at 25°C as shown below, layer of ol water at 2c dial balance ‘setup A setup B \Wrich ofthe folowing shows the possible changes In the mass shown on the digital balance after 18 minutes? tp A i the same a (| remains the same ineroases. 3) inereases Tamain the some: @ decreases inereases, 17. entical batteries and bulbs are used to setup the four circuits below, bulb D Which ofthe two bulbs have equal brightness? () Aande. @) AandD (@) Bando. (@) Cand 18. Kumar connected objects, X, Y and Z, to the circuit below. He observed that Bulb ‘A remain unit while Bulb 8 ft up when the switch was closed. THI |b *+—On z e Based on Kumar's cbservation, In which ofthe following circuits wil all the bulb(s) —ti 18 Atorch and three objects, A, B and C, were arranged in a straight tine in front of 4 soteen as shown in the diagram below. shadow formed. AN) At ‘Which properties should objects, A, B and C, have in order to form the shadow shown on te screen? ‘allows mastlightto | allows some lightto | does not allow light pass through pass through fo pass through a A —s 5 @ c a A a) 6. x a @ 8 I cc ame 20. Study the set-up shown below. The 1oom temperature is 20°C. Task P take Which ofthe following conditions would cause the drop of red ink to move the slowest towards ask Q? Temperature of water | temperature of water foot Pioplacodin | ‘task Q's paced in TH] room temperature | — room temperate @) so 70 @ | 70°C sc w reomtenpertre — | 21. Bem has a bicycle. its lamp is connected to a device that can generate electricity only when the wheel tums. Thus, when Ben paddles, the lamp lights up. nich of the following shows the correct eneray conversion as Ben cycles his bicycle to Eght its lama? (1) electrical energy > kinetic energy > light energy (device) (lege) ‘tamp) (2) kinetic energy > kinetic energy > light enersy {leas) (wheel) amp) (3) kinetic energy > kinetic energy 3 electrical energy > light energy (logs) (whee!) (devieo) (amp) 4) potentat energy > kinetic energy > potential energy > ight energy (legs) (legs) (device) lame) Agi on a swing was released from position A. She then moved to poston 8, and then to position C, ee “se Wich ofthe folowing is correct? Kinetic nergy from A to B_| Potential energy rom B to 6 La Tnereased increased @) ~inerwased —— decreased 8) decreased increased @) cecreased decreased 23. 24 ‘Muthu has three metal bars, A, 8 and C. The arrows betow show how the metal bars moved when they were brought near each othe. v v] fw x weaTbarh alba v 7] fo v] weiabare TTR x w] i Zz weil albare asad oni bseraors above what could meta brs, A, Band be? sata bar | mata ae maulbare—] _ maret rognel omnet —_ aagpeis steel | Tag bec (| mognete ot | mognet — {| magnate spect | ron hagnete cea [nenragnets bet ‘The diagram shows three substances, P, Q and R, in thre identical containers, P. ©. air Based on the diagram above, which ofthe following is deftly correct? (1) isa solid and has 2 fixed volume. (2) Pig a gas and has the largest volume ©) P and R are solids and have fixed volumes (4) Ris a liquid and takes the shape ofthe container. 25. A strong magnet is fed tothe base of @ ramp. A woaden block with an attached spring is then released along the camp. \Which of the force acted on the block as it maved down the ramp?” A fretional force B magnetic force © gravitational foree D clastic spring foros (1) Aand ¢ only (2) Band D ony (©) A.Band ¢ only (4) A,B, Cand D 2. Benny wanted to find out how much fore is needed to move three identical wooden blocks over the glass surfaces, from Point A to B. He pulled a spring balance in the dicecton ofthe arrow as shown below, vossn ck veo setup x setup setupZ ‘Which ofthe following most likely represent the amount of force needed to move the wooden blocks in setups, x, ¥ and 2? ast amount of force needed —> moat amount of force needed oO z ¥ zi x @ x Y z ® x z ¥ oy ¥ x I z Bala placed two solid balls, E and F, en a helancing scale in set-up X. He then put ‘each bal into two identical beakers, containing the same amount of water in eet- Up. He observed thatthe balance tited at one end! an the water level in bath beakers rose tothe same helght as show below. setup x |What conclusion can be made from the observations? (1) E and F are made of the same material (2) Eas a bigger mass ang bigger volume than F. @) E and F has different volumes and diferent masses (4) E and F have the same volumes but aiferent masses, 28, The diagram below shows the path ofa bal after twas thrown into the air. © ek Which of the folowing graphs shows the amount of gravitational force acting on the ball at points A,B and C7 amount of gravitational force (unit positions A 8 é o amount of gravitational foree (unit) Ls positions: A B é ° End of Booklet A amount of gravitational foree (unit) ‘positions A b é @ ‘amount of gravitational force (unit) postions oy 2024 PRIMARY 6 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION | Name: ) Date: 20 August 2021 class : Primary 6 ‘Tine: 8.00 am, = 9.45 am, Parent's Signature Duration: 1 hour 4S minutes SCIENCE BOOKLET B ISTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES. 2, Do not tum over his page until you sre told to dos. 2, Follow alinsructions careful 4. Answor a questions | 5. wit your answers inthe bootet 1. Wite your name, class and restr numb, | | } Booklet 8 (44 marks) For questions 29 to 41, write your answers clearly inthe booklet “The numberof marks avalable is shown in brackets [ Jat the ond of each question ‘or pant question, (44 marks) 29. Yunus carted out an experiment by puting two similar mufins, A and B, in ‘separate, ential bags al room temperature. The diagram below shows the ‘condition ofthe muffins ater a week, Gy plastic bag. = 7 mould dey sin ) eis min * = 2) Based onthe rests above, whats he purpose ofthe experment? {1} 3) State the process that has taken place in this experiment " 2) What would be the ely result of Yurus' experiment ifboth muffins has been placed ina freezer fr a week? Explain why, oy 2 Score 20. Rui Yeo had three stilar-sized containers made of diferent materials, C, D and E. She ile the containers wih equal amounts of water and lf ther in a room for fve days. The diagram below shows the amount of war left n the containers aftr § dave ‘container made container mace —_contaner made of ‘ofmateial © ‘of material D ‘ate Based on her results, which materials the best conductor of heat? Explain wy. @ 31, Tho dlagram below shows the cross-section ofa flower. Process K 2) Based on the diagram above, state process K. n 1b) Desctbe the process that taker place n pat G after process K? m1 6) What happens fo part G after the process stated in (6)? 1" 32, a) State two properties of matter. m Property 4 Property 2: ') Inthe diagram below, a lite gis playing her violin on stage, ‘spotight N Based on the diagram above, puta (7) under the correct heading oindleale if they are matte’ "non-mater. tH Matter Non-Matter [music [ight ray shadow | spotiight | Score 38. Lucian made a model of the human respiratory system as shown below. balloon inflates pane ‘pening of stay jew 2) Wich part of te mode! above represents the folowing body parts? [1] 1. hang fi rocage by As seen in the diagram above, the balloons inflate when Lucian pulls Part P down, Explain why. oT ‘The clagram below shows air entering the human respiratory system through ‘the nose and traveling through the nasal cavity partofthe nasal cavity magnified 12) Give a reason how the hairs shown above will benefit a human respi system. 4) Lucian isin an alconcitioned classroom, Explain why the air he breathes out is warmer than the air he breathes in, t 34, A farmer removed the food-carryng tubes ofa plant, a positions, R, S and T, {atthe time when fut P and Q appeared. Both fruit were ofthe same size. “The diagram below shows wha he farmer observed after three weeks, plant 2) Explain why fr @ grew bigger than fut P. a 'b) The farmer then made a deeper cut at position T, removing the water-carying tubes. She observed that all the leaves of the plant started to wi afer some time. Suggest a reaton for his observation, io) L lr 35. Study the flowchart below. cells Doss ithave Does ithave ‘ell wall? ‘a nvcleus? ') Based on the flowchart above, fl the blanks withthe letters, J, K Lor M. in the table below. 1 “Type ot eel Tater Onlon Human Cheek ) Based on the lowehart above, which cele) above cannot reproduce? Explain why, n Score 36. The diagram betow shows the ie cycle of animal A, which spreads disease R to humans suhen i init adut tage. A= ry Foon] ee ‘A researcher kept some animal A at diferent temperatures and observed is le oycles. The results are shown inthe table below. [Duration of each stage at different] surrounding temperatures (days) Bec | mC | 50°C | aC oo na ea 10a 4 lava_|6|_6_|_8 | 6 CT ‘Rdut_| @ [12] 4 7 ') Based on the results above, which stago() ofthe life eycle of animal A is/are not affected by the changes inthe surrounding temperature? oT b) The rosaarcher kept some freshly lid epgs of animal Ain a container in her room. Animal A was a larva on Day 15 Based on the cesuls, suggest a possible temperature ofthe room. m {©} Based on the results above, suggest a reason why diseaso R spread the most Auiekly when the surrounding temperature is at 34°0, ey 10 ‘Score 27. Kim wanted to investigate the magnetic strength af four bars, W. X.Y and Z. The bare were made of eiferent materials, TMT —+= ARR | — torr von rae “There wore fy iron nails inthe tray atthe stat ofthe experiment. When the switch was closed, the numberof nails leftin the tray was recorded inthe table below. Bar | Wumber of ron nailefeftin the tray] wo 30 Pe Nees eee ¥ 2 =z 25 4) Based on the table above, which bar was tha strongest electromagnet? Explain your answer. m 1b) Suggest two variables she needed to Keep constant fr the experiment. [2] ©) Kim repeated the experiment with the same setup but using another bar, A ‘She observed that there were fy iron nas inthe tay when the switch was, closed. Based on this observation, what can you conclude about bar A? 1] 38, Thomas conducted an experiment using the setup below. He dropped 60-cent coins, one ata time, into the pail The pal started to move downwards when the 20 coin was added. <= sting pall metal block table 2) dently the force that caused the metal lock to move, 'b) When oll was applied onto the table's surface, fewer coins were required to 1 ‘move the metal Bock”? Explain why. 2 Thomas conducted another experiment with fur metal blocks, F, G, H and J His results are shown in the table below. ‘Area of contact | Mase of | Number of coins ‘withthe table the block | needed to move tem) (a) the block 6 | Te, # | 7 | 2 9 10 w | i 16 0 is ‘Thomas concludes that the area of contact with the table will not affect the ra oS tN Based on the table above, which two metal blocks dd he use to arrive at this conclusion, Explain your ansveer, a “Thomas look three reading for each matal block How does daing tha affect his results? m 8 139. Sarah set up the follwing experiment to Investigate how the colour of ght affects the rate of photosyntness of a wator plant a8 teat tube Sfp bubble torch beaker of water | — water plant ‘She counted the numberof bubble produced inane mine fr esch colour | —Wumber oF bubbies Soleur ofHiONt | produced in one minute _| red 2 1) Besides counting the number of bubbles, what could Sarah measure to conclude how the colour ofthe light affects the rate of photosynthesis? (1) 'b) Without adding or removing any Items to the setup, what can Sarah do to Increase the rato of photosynthesis when using the red ight? tH ‘Sarah made a sealed terarium as shown below. lass panel ©) Based on the results of her experiment, which colour of ght should she choose to shine at the plants such that they can grow the mest? Explain your anewer, m 1) Explain how the plants In the sealed terrarium have a continuous supply of water to survive fa) Score N 40, Faridah hung ball with etvng above abel as shown below. When the sting ‘was cut, the bal dropped and hit the bell below it. She measured the loudness ofthe sound with the microphone and a data logger. ‘She then repeated the experiment with balls of diferent masses, 8, C and D, ‘and using diferent lengts of sting. Her results are shown in the table below. Ball.) Mass of ball (g) | Length of string (em) , x 700 70 8 es a} € 10 D ‘300 5 16 28) Flin the boxes below to show the energy conversion when the string was cut foetal A it ——— —_ —' =| + croryoftne | ['enerpyinthe | | enersy | [ener ung bal faungbal |} on 7 ‘when bal A touches te ball ') What can Faridah conclude about the relationship between the loudness ofthe ‘sound produced by the bell and the mass ofthe ball? m ©} Based on the resus, bal!D made the loudest sound. Explain why. a 41, When a car wth mass above 1700 kg drives ont a sense pad, electricity would flow tough a device, D, which would lift the barir upto allow the car to dre swings upwards sense pad 2) Explain how the car, when moving over the sense pad, will cause the bari to ‘ving uP 2 LPN Score 18 Lo 74 ') Suggest a change tothe above set-up o that the bavier can be lied up even fora car with amass of 1500 kg. 1 ©) Explain how your suggestion in (b) would work oy End of Booklet 8 — oe SCHOOL LEVEL SUBJECT NAN PRIMARY SCHOOL, MARY 6 ENCE TERM 6 SAZ Se a= pee saps Gis | O16 | Giz") ate +] 2]2)1 4 G25 | 026 |70R7 | eae ce 1 5 asi amount of water aa @ evaporates the fastest ‘Spotlight matter ax) asa [Oss] 'b) Water cannot be transported to the leaves. a) Balloon ‘bottle ») Air fom the surrounding enters the balloon through the staw and rushes in to occupy the space in the bottle, ©) The dust that a human breath in would get trapped by the halt, 4) The air breathed in gained heat from the body. 2) The part inbetween positon sand T had more leaves to make food for | fruit, while fruit P has only a few leaves to help make food as it could rot be transported abave or below the cuts S and T. ay onion: Human cheek: K ) Cell J. Itdoes not have genetic information and cannot cont all activites in the oa eae) a) Larva and pupa bj 26% €) As disease R spreads to human only at adult stage, It has the longest uration as an adult, thus it spreads the most quickly. aay 3) Z Tis as the least amount of on nals len the Way and has the most nals atactes. ) The distance between the nals and the bar ©) Bar Ais not a magnetic material a38y 3) Gravitational force »b) There was lesser fiction between the table and the metal block so ess ‘gravitational force is needed to move the block ©) F and H. They have diferent areas of contact with the table but the ‘mass ofthe block is the same and the same number of coins was needed to move the block 4) This ensures that the results are reliable aaa} a) Measure the height ofthe water in he est Tube b) Increase the brightness ofthe torch Pez {G)it produces the most number of bubbles asthe rate of pholosynihesks Is higher. <6) Water vapour fom the soll comes into contact with the cooler inner lass, condense to form water droplets, which ful ack tothe soll [oar ‘a gravitational polenia’> Kinelie> haat> sound ») The larger the mass ofthe ball, the louder the sound preduced by the bel, ©) Ball D has more gravitational potential energy which was converted to more kinetic eneray, aay 'a} When the car is of the sense pad, the weight ofthe car compress the ‘spring. The contacts touch each other forming a close eleult causing electric to flow through the circu b) Make the contacts closer to each other ©} Less weight willbe needed to compress the spring tothe same length Pea

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