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Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

1. Cấu trúc Used to trong tiếng Anh

A. Công thức

Khẳng định (+) S used to V

Phủ định (-) S did not use to V

Nghi vấn (?) Did S use to V?

B.Cách dùng

Cấu trúc used to hay cấu trúc used to V được sử dụng để nói về một thói quen,
hành động, sự kiện hoặc trạng thái đã từng xảy ra trong quá khứ và không còn
xảy ra trong hiện tại nữa. Đôi khi nó được dùng để nhấn mạnh về sự khác biệt
giữa hiện thực và quá khứ.

Ví dụ:

Khẳng định (+):

He used to be a long distance runner when he was young_ Anh ấy đã từng là

vận động viên chạy bền hồi còn trẻ.

There used to be a cinema here_ Ở đây từng có một rạp chiếu phim

Phủ định (-):

I didn’t use to go swimming_ Trước kia tôi không thường đi bơi

She didn’t use to drink that much coffee_Trước kia cô ấy không uống nhiều
cafe như vậy

Nghi vấn (?):

Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

Did he use to smoke?_ Trước kia anh ta có hút thuốc không?

Did you use to eat meat before becoming a vegetarian?_ Trước khi trở thành
người ăn chay thì bạn có ăn thịt không?

c. Những lỗi hay gặp khi sử dụng cấu trúc Used to

Lỗi phổ biến nhất khi sử dụng Used to đó chính là bị nhầm lẫn giữa ba cấu trúc
Used to V, Be used to V-ing/ danh từ và Get used to V-ing/ danh từ. Nhiều
người lầm tưởng 3 cấu trúc này có ý nghĩa tương đương nhau.

Ví dụ:

We used to cook this dish. (Chúng tôi đã từng nấu món này.) => hiện tại không
còn nấu nữa.

We are used to cooking this dish. (Chúng tôi quen với việc nấu món này rồi.)
=> thói quen đã được hình thành ở thời điểm nói.

We get used to cooking this dish. (Chúng tôi dần quen với việc nấu món này.)
=> đang dần hình thành thói quen.

Mọi người cũng thường mặc định rằng “used” là một động từ, không phải là
tính từ, vì thế trong Be used to và Get used to, họ lựa chọn nhầm động từ
nguyên dạng đi theo sau “used” thay vì danh từ hoặc danh động từ V-ing,

Ví dụ:

She is used to meeting him at night. => đúng

She is used to meet him at night. => sai

2. Bài tập về Used to (Có đáp án)

Bài 1: Complete the senten ces with use(d) to + a suitable verb.

Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

1. Diane don't travel much now. She used to travel a lot, but she prefers to stay
at home these days.

2. Liz .... a motorbike,but last year she sold it and bought a car.

3. We came to live in London a few years ago. We .... in Leeds

4. I rarely eat ice-cream now, but I .... it when I was a child.

5. Jim .... my best friend, but we aren't good friend any longer.

6. It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the new road is
open. It .... more than an hour.

7. There .... a hotel near the airport, but it closed a long time ago.

8. When you lived in New York, .... to the theatre very often?

Bài 2: Matt changed his life style. He stopped doing some things and started
doing other things: | studying hard He stopped | going to bed early | running
three miles every morning | sleeping late He started | going out in the evening |
spending a lot of money

Write sentences about Matt with used to and didn't use to

1. He used to stud hard.

2. He didn't use to sleep late.

3. ...........................

4. ...........................

5. ...........................

6. ...........................
Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

Bài 3: Compare what Marry said five years ago and what she says today:

Five years ago

I travel a lot

I'm a hotel receptionist.

I've got lots of friends

I play the piano.

I'm very lazy

I never read newspaper.

I don't like chese

I don't drink tea

I go to a lot of parties

I've got a dog


I eat lots of cheese now

My dog died two years ago

I work very hard these days.

I read a newspaper every day now

I don't know many people these days

I haven't been to a party for ages

Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

I work in a bookshop now

I haven't played the piano for years

Tea's great! I like it now

I don't go away much these days

Now write sentences about how Karen has changed. Use used to/didn't use
to/never used to in the first part of your sentences.

1. She used to travel a lot but she doesn't go away much these days.

2. She used .......... but ..........

3. ................... but ..........

4. ................... but ..........

5. ................... but ..........

6. ................... but ..........

7. ................... but ..........

8. ................... but ..........

9. ................... but ..........

10. .................. but ..........

Bài 4: Viết lại câu bằng cấu trúc Used to

1. I usually stayed up late to watch football matches last year, but now I don’t.

I used _______________________________________________

2. There were some trees in the field, but now there aren’t any.
Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

There used _____________________________________________

3. Anna doesn’t live with her parents any more.

Anna used ______________________________________________

4. He is not a poor man any more, but now he is a rich businessman.

He used _______________________________________________

5. They didn’t often go to the cinema every Sunday last year.

They didn’t use _________________________________________

6. My hair now is much longer than it was in the past.

In the past my hair used __________________________________

7. I don’t have time to collect stamps as when I was in primary school.

I used _______________________________________________

8. Did you often go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang?

Did you use __________________________________________

9. Mr. Hung often went to work by motorbike, but now he goes to work by bus.

Mr. Hung ___________________________________________

10. There were traffic jams in this street during rush hours, but now the street
has become wider.

There _______________________________________________

11. John ate a lot of pizza when he was a child.

John ________________________________________________
Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

Bài 5: Điền vào chỗ trống bằng cấu trúc used to

1. He _________ (swim) a lot when he was younger.

2. Where _________ (you / go) last year?

3. Mary _________(not enjoy) studying, but she does now.

4. That building _________ (be) a cinema, but it’s closed down.

5. Jessi _________ (live) next door to me.

6. We _________ (not like) math lessons – our teacher was strict!

7. John _________ (not eat) vegetables, but now he eats them.

8. _________ (they / have) a sports car?

9. This computer _________ (be) so expensive.

10. Mr Blue remembers that he _________ (not/ sing) in that karaoke.

Bài 6: Hoàn thành các câu và câu hỏi với dạng đúng của used to hoặc be/get
used to và các động từ bên dưới

be/ cycle/ (not) get on/ (not) eat/ sing

1. My grandma ____________ in a band when she was young. They became

quite famous too.

2. When Roberto first moved to Japan, he ____________ the food for a long
time. But he likes it now.

3 ____________ (you) or walk to school when you were a teenager, Mum?

4. I ____________ with Jake very well, but now we’re good friends.
Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

5. They inherited a lot of money last year and Debbie and her family
____________ rich now!

Bài 7:

Hoàn thành các câu với dạng đúng của “used to” cùng với các từ trong ngoặc

1. (sea) We didn’t use to live near the sea, but we live near it now.

2. (glasses) __________________________, but I wear them now.

3. (milk) _____________________________ , but I don’t drink it now.

4. (dogs) _____________________________ , but I’m not afraid of them now.

5. (stamps) ___________________________ , but he doesn’t collect them


6. (teacher) ___________________________ , but she isn’t one now.

7. (Japanese) _________________________ , but she speaks it now.


Bài 1

2. used to have

3. used to live

4. used to eat

5. used to be

6. used to take

7. used to be
Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

8. used to use to go

Bài 2:


He used to go to bed early

He didn't use to go out in the evening

He used to run three miles every morning

He didn't use to spend much money

Bài 3:


She used to have a lot of friends, but she doesn't know many people these days.

She used to be very lazy, but she works very hard these days.

She didn't use to like cheese, but she eats lots of cheese now.

She used to be a hotel receptionist, but she works in a bookshop now.

She used to play piano, but she hasn't played the piano for years

She never used to read newspapers, but she reads a newspaper everyday now.

She didn't use to drink tea, but she likes it now.

She used to have a dog, but it died two years ago.

She used to go to a lot of parties, but she hasn't been to a party for ages.

Bài 4
Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

1. I used to stay up late to watch football matches.

2. There used to be some trees in the field.

3. Anna used to live with her parents.

4. He used to be a poor man, but now he is a rich businessman.

5. They didn’t use to go to the cinema every Sunday.

6. In the past my hair used to be shorter.

7.I used to have time to collect stamps when I was in primary school.

8. Did you use to go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang?

9. Mr. Hung used to go to work by motorbike, but now he goes to work by bus.

10. There used to be traffic jams in this street during rush hours, but now the
street has become wider.

11. John used to eat a lot of pizza when he was a child

Bài 5:

1. used to swim

2. did you use to go

3. didn’t use to enjoy

4. used to be

5. used to live

6. didn’t use to like

7. didn’t use to eat

Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

8. Did they use to have

9. used to be

10. didn’t use to sing

Bài 6:

1 used to sing
2 didn’t get used to eating
3 Did you use to cycle
4 didn’t use to get on
5 are used to being

Bài 7:

2 I didn’t use to wear glasses

3 I used to drink milk
4 I used to be afraid of dogs
5 He used to collect stamps
6 She used to be a teacher
7 She didn’t use to speak Japanese

3. Bài tập tự luyện về Used to

Bài 1: Chia động từ trong ngoặc:

1. When I was a child, I used _________ (dream) of being an astronaut.

2. I'm terribly nervous. I'm not used ___________ (speak) to a large audience.

3. It took us ages to get used _________ (live) in an apartment house.

Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

4. Lots of trains used ___________ (stop) here, but not many do now.

5. Didn't Nick use _________ (work) on a building site?

6. I'll have an orange juice, please. I'm not used ___________ (drink) alcohol.

7. David doesn't seem to mind being in hospital. I suppose he's got used
_________ (be) there.

8. When Laura was at college, she used ____________ (have) a picture of

Elvis Presley on her bedroom wall.

9. There used __________ (be) a cinema here but it was knocked down a few
years ago.

10. When she arrived in Britain, she wasn't used __________ (drive) on the left,
but she soon got used to it.

Bài 2: Viết lại câu, sử dụng used to hoặc didn't use to

1. When I was a child, I used to dream (dream) of being an astronaut.

2. I'm terribly nervous. I'm not used to speaking (speak) to a large audience.

3. It took us ages to get used to living (live) in an apartment house.

4. Lots of trains used to stop (stop) here, but not many do now.

5. Didn't Nick use to work (work) on a building site?

6. I'll have an orange juice, please. I'm not used drinking (drink) alcohol.

7. David doesn't seem to mind being in hospital. I suppose he's got used to
being (be) there.

8. When Laura was at college, she used to have (have) a picture of Elvis
Presley on her bedroom wall.
Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

9. There used to be (be) a cinema here but it was knocked down a few years

10. When she arrived in Britain, she wasn't used driving (drive) on the left, but
she soon got used to it.

Bài 3 Choose the correct answer

1. I ___________ skinny when I was young.

A. used to be

B. used be

C. used to

2. We ___________ in New Jersey.

A. used to living

B. used live

C. used to live

3. Lisa speaks English now, but she ___________ it when she was young.

A. didn’t used to speak

B. not used to speak

C. didn’t use to speak

4. People ___________ to the radio more in the old days.

A. used to listening

B. used listen
Bài tập used to trong tiếng Anh

C. used to listen

5. Can you believe that Grandpa ___________ tennis when he was young?

A. used to play

B. used play

C. used to be playing

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