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1. What was your best job?

2. What were your worst jobs?

3. Tell me all the places you worked
4. Tell me about your best friend
5. Tell me about your family
6. Tell me about your relatives
7. What was your first car?
8. Favorite movie star?
9. Favorite entertainer?
10. Favorite song?
11. What were your life changing moments?
12. First girlfriend/boyfriend?
13. First kiss?
14. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done?
15. Have you ever been arrested?
16. Political affiliation?
17. Have you voted for someone you wished you hadn�t?
18. Have you used drugs?
19. Do you like to shop?
20. Best way to relax?
21. Favorite thing to do alone?
22. Ever had a one night stand?
23. Do you save money?
24. What hobbies to you spend money on?
25. If you found a $100 what would you do?
26. Do you want children/more children?
27. Are you a good parent?
28. What makes a good parent?
29. Are you romantic?
30. Ever loose a pet?
31. Dog or cat?
32. Pets growing up?
33. Sleep in the nude?
34. Favorite midnight snack?
35. Do you exercise?
36. Did you ever see your parents making love?
37. Peanut butter and what?
38. What is one food you will never give up?
39. What is a food you can live without?
40. Favorite drink?
41. Perfect day?
44. Favorite thing to spend money on?
45. What is the weirdest thing about you?
46. What is on your bedside table?
47. Are you cheap or thrifty?
48. Ever been in love with 2 people at the same time?
49. Grades in high school?
50. Favorite teacher?
51. Relatives in jail?
52. Toppings on pizza?
53. Black or white?
54. Glass half full or half empty?
55. Ever been to a food shelf?
56. Ever milked a cow?
57. Ever tipped a cow?
58. Bath or shower?
59. Mountains or the beach?
60. Plane, train or automobile?
61. Favorite all time movie?
62. Worse movie you have ever seen?
63. Best concert you have been to?
64. Beer, wine or coffee?
65. Best vacation?
66. If you could retire tomorrow what would you do?
67. Worse vacation?
68. Three places you would love to visit?
69. Worse boss?
70. If you could do anything what would it be?
71. Super powers you wish you had?
72. Ever had a massage?
73. Ideal romantic dinner?
74. Dumbest purchase you ever made?
75. Where did you find money when you were flat broke?
76. Ever sold blood?
77. What sporting event/concert/entertainment would you buy tickets to regardless
of price?
78. Ever hit a jackpot on a slot machine?
79. Ever won the lottery?
80. What would you do with your lottery winnings?
81. Are you a neat freak?
82. Can�t stand being around people who_________?
83. Crowds or small groups?
84. How old do you want to live to?
85. Loose your sight or hearing?
86. Ever had a crush on a member of the same sex?
87. Pet peeves?
88. Most annoying habit?
89. Sexiest parts of a member of the opposite sex?
90. Major turn offs?
91. Tattoos?
93. Piercings?
94. Plastic surgery--would you/have you?
95. Computer geek?
96. Trekee?
97. Play an instrument?
98. Been in a band?
99. Most embarrassing moment?
100. Nude beach yes or no
1.What are the favorite dishes you like?
2.Are you a morning person or an evening person?
3.Do you wake up early or like to sleep late?
4.I like to wake up early and have my breakfast as my important meal .
I like my breakfast ready early,Week day just cereal is fine or toast and jam.
5.Do you smoke?
6.What do you like to do in the evening after work hours?
7.Do you mind cleaning the house, ironing, washing with me as your wife?. House
holds chores any thing you don�t like to do?
8.Do you mind working in the yard? (light work like weeding trimming dead
9.Do you consider yourself active or more laid back?
10.What are your weak points, what irritate you the most?
11.What are your specialty skills (i.e. croche, sewing, baking, cooking gourmet
food, painting, writing, artistry, Home decoration, smart shopper, �etc)
12.Do you usually waste food (do you always finish what�s on your plate)?
13.Do you mind eating left over�s?
14.Are you organize, how organize/ Please give examples?
15.Do you pay your bills on time or do you use credit card and you are in debt and
can�t seem to catch up paying bills.
16.Are you independent or do you consider your self you always need someone to help
you out in every chore or can you do your work without supervision?
17.How often do you read the Bible, how often do you pray daily
18.If I was upset at you for something you might have done, how would you try to
change my mood and bring me back to my joyful nature?
19.How much do you think you know how to please a woman ?
20.What is your height, weightshoe size (optional)
21.Do you like to dress and look sensual to your woman or do you prefer the casual
jeans and T shirt look?
22.Do you like to socialize a lot?
23. Are you easy to get along with, are you verbal out going or shy?
24.Do you want more kids?
25.Major objectives in your life?
1). How old are you?
2). are you married?
3). where do you live?.. I mean your full address..
4). what do you do for a living?
5). what do you look for in a woman?
6). do you have a Girlfriend?
7). have you ever had an internet relationship? if yes, what do you think about it?
and if no.. do you believe in it?
8). what is your best colour?
9). what kind of music do you Listen to?
10). do you Live alone or with someone?
11). what are your goals in Life?
12). are you family minded or friend oriented?
13). what is your mode of dressing,
14). What qualities do you look for in a lady.
15). your religion
16). Are you Over your last relationship?
16). (If a chritian) How often do you go to church?
17).Are you Over your last relationship?
18). What are your regrets in life so far?
19). to what extent do you wish to take a relationship on the net to?
20). do wish to Have Kids anytime soon?

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