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Students will be able to discuss topics related to further education, university courses, and educational issues
using targeted vocabulary and phrases.
1. Knowledge
- Vocabulary: words and phrases related to to further education, university courses, and educational issues
(as provided in the table below)
2. Competencies
a. General competencies:
Develop collaboration skills in the 6 Cs of the 21st century framework: working in pairs and in teams.
b. Specific competencies:
Discuss topics related to further education, university courses, and educational issues using targeted
vocabulary and phrases.
3. Qualities
being active and attentive
Teacher: Textbooks, PowerPoint slides, TV, projector, loudspeaker, dices
Students: Textbooks, notebooks
Language analysis:
Form Pronunciation Meaning Example
to go on to (pv) /ɡəʊ ɒn tuː/ To move to the After high school, many
next stage, often in students go on to university.
education or a

to get a degree (vp) ˌɡet ə dɪˈɡriː/ To earn a She worked hard to get a
qualification from a degree in biology.
university or

to major in (pv) /ˈmeɪdʒər ɪn/ To specialize in a He decided to major in

particular subject in computer science.

to write a dissertation (vp) /ˌraɪt ə ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃən/ To create a long, For my master's program, I
detailed essay or had to write a dissertation on
research paper environmental science.

to have a passion for (vp) /ˌhæv ə ˈpæʃn fə/ To be very She has a passion for teaching.
enthusiastic and
excited about

to attend lectures (vp) / əˌtend ə ˈlektʃə/ To go to classes I attend lectures on modern

where a teacher or literature every Tuesday.
professor gives a
talk on a specific

self-disciplined (a) / /ˌself ˈdɪsəplɪnd/ Able to control Being self-disciplined is crucial

oneself and work for success in online courses.
hard without
needing someone
else to encourage
or force you

dyslexic (a) /dɪsˈleksiə/ Having a learning Despite being dyslexic, he

difficulty that excelled in his studies.
makes it hard to
read and write


Anticipated difficulties Solutions

Students may struggle with pronunciation Provide phonetic transcriptions and practice drills to
improve accuracy.

Difficulty understanding abstract meanings Use simple definitions and real-life examples to clarify

Limited vocabulary usage Encourage sentence creation and pair discussions to

practice new words.

Lack of engagement Use interactive activities like role-plays and games to

maintain interest.

Overwhelm with new terms Introduce vocabulary gradually and review frequently to
reinforce learning.

Date of teaching
Lesson 1: Vocabulary
1. Lead-in
Activity: Quick Discussion
● Ask students to discuss in pairs what they know about further
education and university courses.
● Share a few ideas with the whole class to get everyone thinking
about the topic.
2. Presentation
Introduction of the Vocabulary
Activity 1: Match the words to make collocations.
Activity 2: Match the fields of study on the signpost with the pictures.
Then discuss: What are the three most / least appealing subjects?
3. Practice
Activity 3: Activity Find the synonyms for the verbs in red. Then look up the highlighted phrases in the
Activity 4: Read the text about the two courses offered. Which course would you choose?
Activity 5: Listen to a father and daughter discussing the webpage. Choose the correct option. Use a
dictionary if necessary.
4. Production
Activty 6: What do you know about your parents’ education? Discuss your ideas with a p5.
● Ask students to write one sentence for each vocabulary word/phrase.

● Use a quick quiz (e.g., Kahoot or a simple Q&A) to review the target vocabulary. (optional)
6. Wrap-up
7. Homework Assignment.

In each activity, each step will be represented as following:
* Task delivering
** Task performance
*** Report and discussion
**** Judgment
Stages Aims Procedure Interaction
Lesson Objective:
Students will be able to discuss topics related to
further education, university courses, and
educational issues using targeted vocabulary and
Target Vocabulary:

● to go on to (pv)
● to get a degree (vp) /ˌɡet ə dɪˈɡriː/
● to major in (pv)
● to write a dissertation (vp) /ˌraɪt ə ˌdɪsə
● to have a passion for (vp) /ˌhæv ə ˈpæʃn fə/

● to attend lectures (vp) /əˌtend ə ˈlektʃə/

● self-disciplined (a) /ˌself ˈdɪsəplɪnd/
WARM-UP to set the ● dyslexic (a) /dɪsˈleksiə/
context for
student 1. Warm-Up (5 minutes)
Activity: Quick Discussion

● Ask students to discuss in pairs what they

know about further education and university
● Share a few ideas with the whole class to get
PRESENTATION to introduce the everyone thinking about the topic. *
topic, target
vocabulary to 2. Presentation (15 minutes)
the students to
help students A. Introduction to the Topic (3 minutes)
what they are ● Briefly discuss the importance of further
about to learn. education and university courses. *
● Ask students if they have any plans for
further education and what subjects interest

B. Presentation of Vocabulary (12 minutes)

● Introduce each vocabulary word/phrase with

definitions, pronunciation, and example
o to go on to: proceed to the next stage in
▪ Example: "After high school, many students go
on to university."
o to get a degree: achieving a qualification from a
▪ Example: "She worked hard to get her degree
in biology."
o to major in: specialize in a particular subject.
▪ Example: "He decided to major in computer
o to write a dissertation: compose a lengthy
academic paper.
▪ Example: "For my master's program, I had to
write a dissertation on environmental science."
o to have a passion for: be very enthusiastic about
▪ Example: She has a passion for teaching.
o to attend lectures: be present at academic talks.
▪ Example: "I attend lectures on modern
literature every Tuesday."
o self-disciplined: the ability to control oneself and
work hard.
▪ Example: "Being self-disciplined is crucial for
success in online courses."
dyslexic: a learning difficulty affecting reading T-S, S-S, S-T
- to implement o
PRACTICE the vocabulary and writing.
in exercises ▪ Example: "Despite being dyslexic, he excelled
in his studies."

3. Practice (15 minutes)

A. Controlled Practice (7 minutes)

● Matching Activities:

Activity1: **

Activity 2:

B. Guided Practice (8 minutes)

Activity 3: Find the synonyms for the verbs in red.
Then look up the highlighted phrases in the
- explain the objective of the activity, which is to
find synonyms for the highlighted verbs and look up
the phrases in the dictionary.*
- show examples of how to find synonyms and use
the dictionary to look up phrases.*

Activity 4: Read the text about the two courses

offered. Which course would you choose?
- Briefly discuss the importance of choosing the right
course for further education. *
- Display the text on the screen.*
- Allow students to read the text silently.**
- Alternatively, read the text aloud to the class,
pausing to explain difficult words or concepts.
(optional) **
Activity 5
PRODUCTION - to help
produce their
language using
what they have
just learned in
the lesson.

4. Production (10 minutes)

Activity 6: What do you know about your parents’
education? Discuss your ideas with a partner.
- Create a list of prompts to help guide the
- Provide the prepared prompts to guide their
What level of education did your parents achieve?
What subjects did they study?
How was their schooling different from yours?
(Teacher can add more questions.)
- Teacher pairs up students randomly or let them
choose their partners. *
- Teacher asks students to discuss the prompts with
their partners, sharing what they know about their
parents’ education.*
- Teacher encourages students to take quick notes
on interesting points they learn from their partners.*
- Teacher asks for volunteers to share what they
CONSOLIDATION to make sure learned about their partner's parents’ education.*
that students
5. Consolidation (5 minutes)
retain, and can Activity: Vocabulary Review Quiz
apply the
knowledge or ● Use a quick quiz (e.g., Kahoot or a simple
skills they have Q&A) to review the target vocabulary.
learned during (optional)
the lesson. ● Ask students to write one sentence for each
vocabulary word/phrase.

6. Homework Assignment (2 minutes)

- Write a short essay (100-150 words) about your
future educational plans, incorporating at least five
of the target vocabulary words/phrases.
- Assign students to interview their parents about
their education in more detail and write a short
report on it.

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