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PEACE AND ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY PLAN 2023-2025 |. HISTORY Formerly, Palayan City was a Government Stock Farm situated within the Municipality of Bongabon. The city is one of the six cities in the Philippines (namely Manila, Baguio, Quezon City, Trece Martires, Island Garden City of Samal, and Palayan City) whose creation was ‘explicitly planned by the local leaders, passed through enormous deliberations and proceedings by the legislative (Congress) and (Senate), executive branch of the govemment and eventually approved by the President of the Republic of the Philippines. ‘On March 26, 1952, the leaders of Nueva Ecija-Govemor Leopoldo Diaz, Congressman Jesus Hagan, Board Members Dioscoro de Leon, Antonio Corpuz and Don Felipe Buencamino, and all mayors of Nueva Ecija convened to talk and plan about the transfer of the capital of Nueva Ecija from Cabanatuan to other municipality. The following locations were suggested: Gapan, San Jose, Santa Rosa, Guimba, Talavera, General Tinio, Baloc (presently Santo Domingo), Mufoz, and the Government Stock Farm (presently Palayan City). After the meeting, the majority agreed that the Govemment Stock Farm be made as the new capitol site. ‘The Congress of the Philippines enacted RA 4475 on June 19, 1965, creating Palayan City as the new capital of Nueva Ecija. “Palayan" was chosen as its name, attributed to the province being dubbed as the Rice Granary of the region and the country. Proclamation No. 495 was issued by President Ramon Magsaysay designating December 5, 1965 as the date for the formal organization of the City of Palayan. (Executed on November 18, 1965 in Malacanang Palace, Manila) Originally, Barangays Malate and Sapang Buho, Municipality of Bongabon and Barangay Ganaderia, Municipality of Laur comprise the city proper until the amendments in 1969, wherein Barangay Maligaya and Fort Magsaysay Cantonment Area, both of Municipality of Laur became a territorial part of the city. The city was enlarged by virtue of RA 6052 on August 4, 1969 authored by then Congressman ‘Angel Concepcion, which provided for the inclusion of the Military Reservation in Municipality of Laur and Fort Magsaysay Cantonment Area within the Municipality of Sta. Rosa. (On March 9, 1972, Presidential Proclamation No. 983 was enacted, which stipulates that a portion of the government stock farm was allocated to the displaced population of Pantabangan because of the construction of the dam. The resettlement site was eventually converted into regular barangay known as Marcos Village. The training ground of the Philippine Army was transferred from Fort Bonifacio to Fort Magsaysay in 1983. This transfer facilitated the development of the reservation area into a training complex to serve the army's training requirements. (On 1984, the city has 14 total number of barangays, namely: Malate (Poblacion), Ganaderia (Poblacion), Sapang Buho, Marcos Village, Imelda Valley, Atate, Singalat, Manacnac, Aulo, Mapaet, Militar, Maligaya, Dofia Josefa and the inclusion of Palale, being part of the Miltary Reservation Area. These barangays turned into 18 on 1988 (during the term of Mayor Pacifico Fajardo) with the inclusion of Caballero, Santolan, Caimito and Langka Two more barangays were added in the city on 1995. Barangay Popolon, formerly of Municipality of Bongabon, has been annexed by virtue of RA 8030 — An Act altering substantially the boundaries and/or transferring the territorial jurisdiction of Barangay Popolon from the Municipality of Bongabon to the City of Palayan, Province of Nueva Ecija, exercising administrative control and supervision over the said Barangay and for other purposes. This Act was eventually approved by the people in a plebiscite on October 1, 1995. ‘Then Barangay Bagong Buhay, one of the three resettlement areas, was converted to @ regular barangay on a November 26, 1995 plebiscite to ratify the creation of Sitio Bagong Buhay into a regular barangay out of mother barangay Maligaya. On September 7, 2006, Barangay Palale was excluded in the city and was awarded to the Municipality of General Tinio by virtue of a Supreme Court decision due to argumentations on local and political boundaries. Since then, the city maintains political and boundary jurisdiction over the above-mentioned 19 barangay. PAST LOCAL CHIEF EXECUTIVES Table below shows the past local executives of the city from December 5, 1965 where it first constituted up to present 1. Eduardo L. Joson 1965 - 1969 2. Elpidio O. Cucio (1* Elective) 1969 - 1980, 1980 - 1986 3. Apolinario R. Esquivel (2 Elective) 1980 5. Engr. Virgilio M. Fajardo OIC - 1987 ©. Felipe Bautista OIC - 1988 7. Pacifico M. Fajardo: 1988 - 1992 8. Juan D. Bautista Jr. OIC - 1992 ‘9. Leonora C. Fajardo 1992 - 2001 10. Ma. Lorelie C. Fajardo-Garduque 2001 - 2004 17, Romeo V. Capinpin 2004 - 2013 12. Adrianne Mae J. Cuevas 2013-2022 73. Viandrei Nicole J. Cuevas 2022-present PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Geographical Location Palayan is situated in the northeastem part of Nueva Ecija. Bounded to northeast by the Municipality of Bongabon, on the south by Sta. Rosa, on the Northwest by the City of Cabanatuan and on the east by the Municipalities of Laur and General Natividad. The City has a total land area of 13,413.83 hectares. Among its nineteen (19) Barangays, six (6) including Caballero, Caimito, Ganaderia, Malate, Militar and Santolan are classified as urban which occupy a total land area of 4,491.45 hectares (33.48%) while the rest are classified as rural barangays. TOPOGRAPHY Generally, Palayan City has undulating’ wavelike terrain which culminates in mountains and hill to the southeast. Its natural terrain serves as its drainage where it has four (4) surface run- offs and creeks which may be tapped domestics, agricultural and even industrial requirements. Elevation The elevation for Palayan City is generally below one hundred (100) meters above sea level (MASL) which indicates that the City is classified as warm lowland. Slope ‘Slope is a physical determinant which tells the steepness and flatness of the land and can be determined by ratio of vertical rise to horizontal run. Local Strategic Action Vision, Mission Goals and Objectives The Vision of Palayan City The vision statement provides the overall picture of the future development and reflects the aspirations of the people of Palayan City. It is significant as it serves as a development guide for the community, and a reference tool for the approval of any future land use or physical development. As stipulated and mandated by Republic Act No. 7160 or “The Local Goverment Code of 1991”, the CLUP should be aligned and consistent with the locality's vision of its future development. The Vision Statement of Palayan City was already made and reflected in the CDP 2016-2028. AA draft refined version was presented to the plenary by UPSURP on 26 October 2017. Such draft retained the very essence of their existing vision but introduced minor enhancements, including an outward-looking component to describe the city’s preferred functional role, The vision are as follows: “The vibrant Capital City and employment center of Nueva Ecija; thriving through an agro-industrial and Information Technology economy; enabled by disaster-resilient and organized urban growth; with a well-managed environment; inspired by God-loving, family-oriented, self-reliant, gender-sensitive, and dynamic Palayanos; and guided by a compassionate and strong-willed government. TUNGO SA BAGONG PALAYAN, NOW NAI” The vision suggests sustainable development wherein a synergy of EQUITY, ECONOMY and ENVIRONMENT is being sought. The LGU and its community envisions Palayan City to play a more active role as the Provincial Capital of Nueva Ecija and become a center for employment though the development of its MSME, agro-industrial, and IT sectors. Through effective land use management, agro-industrial development can be attained by expanding production areas; promoting investments on agro-processing facilities; and supporting agri- tourism projects. Boosting the budding IT sector, meanwhile, will need providing infrastructures (ex. roads, office buildings, and telecommunication) as well as broadening the city's talent pool. MSME development will require more commercial spaces and support in terms of capitalization, product development, promotions, and market linkages. To complement these developments, a wider range of urban support services is needed, such as housing facilities and an intermodal transport facility. In pursuit of sustainable development, the Vision also expresses the LGU's commitment to pursue growth wherein the quality of life of all Palayanos will improve; the integrity of the natural environment is sustained; and, there is a compassionate and strong-willed leadership that upholds the tenets of good governance. Mission Statement The following mission statement was adopted by the LGU in their efforts to adhere to effective land use management: As the steward of the vision, the City Government shall transform Palayan into a modern, sustainable and resilient city that espouses the balanced management of the built and un-built environment to ensure equitable growth and promote the welfare of all Palayanos. Vision Goal Objective ‘Table below shows the Vision-Goal-Descriptors which was derived from the vision of Palayan city Vision-Mission-Goal Descriptors A. Directly Related to POPS een) God-loving decrease in crime rate, increase in crime solution in clearance Family-oriented Decrease in crime rate Gender Sensitive Equal protection is given to individuals regardless of sexual orientation Reduction on the number of gender related crimes Require Support from POPS Disaster resilient Zero casualty during calamity or disaster Ability to recover faster after calamity ‘Organized Urban Growth Ability of the LGU to provide protection and safety services to the citizenry Wel-managed Environment Capability of the city government to provide a livable community C. Promote Active Participation of citizens in the promotion of peace and development Dynamic ‘Active participation of civie society ‘organization, Involvement of Citizenry on War Againts Illegal Drugs Self-reliant Ability of the LGU to provide the basic protective services to the community Peace and Order and Public Safety Situation for 2022 PEACE AND ORDER 1. Crime and Disorder Incidence of Index Crimes i Incidence of Non-Index Crimes 197 Crime Volume 190 Crime Solution Efficiency 7.a. legal Drugs ‘Number of drug personalities, disaggregated by drug pushers, drug users, drug lords, and other types Number of drug affected barangays (as classified by the Philippine Drug 1 Enforcement Agency or PNP) ‘Number of Special Drug Education Centers (for P/HUC/ICC only) and other na facilities with drug education programs _| ‘Number of rehabilitation services or facilities for drug dependents 1 (centers/outpatient care) ‘Active partnerships with CSOs/NGOs/POs for : rehabilitation and aftercare of drug dependents (with programs ongoing) 2. Conflict Number and types of violent incidents 0 | related to armed groups | Number and types of incidents of ethnic conflicts and violent conflicts 0 involving IPs and non-IPs Ratio of military and police personnel to 4:00 total population Number of former rebels (insurgents) enrolled in integration programs, by 0 age, sex, and ethnicity PUBLIC SAFETY 3. Road Safety and Vehicle Safety Number of road traffic accidents 84 Number of motor vehicles Number of traffic warning signage 2 installed 4. EmergencyiCrisis Management and Fire Safety Number and type of available resources to respond to an emergency (@.9., 20 humaniphysical/ financial resources)/ number and type of needed resources Number of functional mechanisms in place to respond to emergency/ 20 disaster/crisis Number of fire incidents 2 ‘National Police Phil uo penjunu09)| < e e PALAYANCPS, MAE ECUAPO, PROS MURDER (Pan) TNFANTIOOE [ROME [PHYSICAL RY [ROBBERY WHOMICDE [RORSERY SEROUS PHYO ORES [ROBBERY INSAND Ter PAN [paved coon ELD REM oRUPENCOCORAT ERLE ARONS WOME "ACTS OF LASCINOUSNESS AUS FROSTATTENE RAT-PE LAW OF 1 DRECTASSAULTS Grave TREATS TULEGAL USE OF UFORMEINS GNA [FRUSTATTENP MURDER TElRPATON oF ATPORTFINCTING| SHY THREATS RESISTING AUTHORITIES “SWIROUNG (ESTAFA) FRUSTATTENP HOMICIDE [Rn PrVSCAL MUR 2 2 z [RR OAAGE TO PROPERTY 2 [SPECIAL LAWS: @f@{lse 3 1 7 ALT-CHD ABUSE LAN an-oapuca ORUSSED DAUNG AET IS [aT GAMBLING LAW PRTEVANC ACT O08 cour oancenous ores AcTao| 41 a # [COMPREFENSIVE FALAW 2 OMDEDATPACTOFSOIORATOS| 1 MOTORCYCLE WELMETACT 2009 | 1 fonesseiecnoncoreornenas| 1 WOLOFNTELECTIAL PROPERTY COCE] 1 [TOTAL ae [tae | 198 -|-|-]-]e]2]-]+]-]-fafels A. Crime and Disorder Tables above shows the overview of the current peace and order and public and safety situation of Palayan City. Based on this priority programs were crafted on illegal Drugs specifically focuses on Information and education campaign to prevent proliferation of illegal drugs. Thus, the City Anti-llegal Drug Summit is part of the program. intensifying police visibility by means of patrolling will be implemented to decrease crime incidence. B. Conflicts Part of the programs is to conduct information and education campaign on prevention for ‘the recruitment of the citizenry to rebel groups and managing disagreement of conflict between two-groups such as agaw-lupa. C. Threats to the Environment ‘The LGU adheres in protecting the environment so that there are programs to protect the environment against illegal logging and other activities, D. Traffic Management Program ‘Seminars on road safety and driving discipline will be implemented to minimize road and vehicular accidents. This can be done thru coordination with proper government agencies to conduct seminars and trainings. E. Fire Incidence [As of 2022 there are two recorded fire incidences in the city, because of this fire safety awareness program and information education campaign will be conducted, PEACE AND ORDER AND PUBLIC SAFETY (POPS) PROGRAMS FY 2023-2025 [Crime Prevention and Law Enforcement Program [Establishment of monitoring Imechanism and other activites BFP, CMO “Jeruary 2023 (Opian Liglas na Pamayanan land Fire Sefety Inspecion 1,500,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 |which inckides fre rated Conducted [Specialized Police Training PNP, CMO [January | December [Specialized training for 120 teu 600,000.00 | 600,000.00 600,000.00 2023 2025 [individuals [Atlendance to mandatory trainings! | PNP, AFP, | January | December |To be trained on various LGU 200,000.00 } 200,000.00} 200,000.00 lseminars.on various peace and |LnB, DRRMO,| 2023 2025 |peace and order related order relative courses. -TMPSD, CMO] Courses attended. [Conduct of faw enforcement PNP, | Jenuary | December |increaso awarenss and tev ‘200,000.00 |~ 200,000.00 |~ 200,000.00 lawareness activites CMO,LnB, | 2023 2025 strategize crime prevention TMPSD, lapproach [Joint PNP/Barangay Patrolling PNP, LnB, | January | December |increase visibility thru LGU 500,000.00 | 500,000.00 IProgram/Establishment of ‘TMPSD, 2024 2025 purchased Motoroycle Patrol Monitoring Mechanism (barangay | CORRMO jlevell [Strategic planning for various PNP, CMO | January [December [Effective plans and programs LGU 500,000.00 | 500,000.00} 500,000.00 |programs and activities for POC LB 2023 2025 —_|related to peace and order land public safety [Procurement of ofice equipmentfor| PNP,CMO | January | December [Timely and updated data teu 200,000.00 | 200,000.00 | 200,000.00 reporting and documentation 2023 | 2025 analysis thu the procured lequipment |Procurerrent of two-way radio TMPSD,CMO| January | December |2.way radio purchased LGU 100,000.00] 100,000.00} 100,000.00} 202 | 2025 jation of Different Plans in LTO, CMO, | January | December [Seminars on road safety and LGu 250,000.00] 250,000.00] 250,000.00) n with Peace and Order and | TMPSD,LnB,| 2023 | 2025 {driving di Public Safety DOT, CPO, coordinat CEO lgovernment agencies conducted installaion of CCTVin stratogic MO, | sanuary | December [24-7 CCTV in strategic LGU $,000,000.00] 6,000,000.00] 5,000,000.09] points DRRMO,PNP,| 2023 | 2025 Iplaceslocation for crime TMPSD detection Provide staff and financial support | TMPSD, LTO | vanuary | December [Traffic management team cu 3,000,000.00) 3,000,000.00] 3,000,000.09} for various peace and order ma 2025 _ [organized and deployed F(2illegal —_|Anti-tiegal Drug Program Drugs JAnt-ilegal drug prevention PNP, DepEd, LGU 1,500,000.00 | 1,500,000.00 | 7,500,000.00 Jeducation and awareness program | LnB [Reformation Program for Drug [CSWDO,PNP,| January | December |Reformation Program for Leu 500,000.00 | 500,000.00 | 500,000.00 |Surrenderees ©80,CHO | 2023 2025 {Drug Surrenderees by viding Balay Silangen Peace and Order CMO | senuary | December [Organized and Strengthened | LGU %,500,000.00 | 5,500,000.00 | 5.500,000.00 [Drug Abuse Coun 2023 2025 Council other related activities NO | January | December [Establishment of Anti Drug Tou 250,000.00 | 250,000.00 | 250,000.00 lout of school youth 2023 2025 {Abuse Cen! school youth [Conduct of Entrapment operations |PNP,CNOLnB| January | December [To arrest di re 500,000.00 | 500,000.00 | 500,000.00 and other law enforcement actvties]_,TMPSD, | 2023 | 2025 |involvadin illegal drug trade CORRMO [13 Conficts [Program on Conflicts [Conduct Information and Education | PNP,CMO, ] January | December [Strategies awareness thru isu 700,000.00 | 100,000.00 |~ 100,000.00 |Campaign on prevention for the LnB, LGU 2023 2025 | Seminars and Capability recruitment of the ctzenry to building activites [communist front organization [2.4 Vehicular Accidents, [nter-Agency Coordination Related | PNP. LnB, | January ] December |Legal Interventions UU 700,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 {to Land Dispute Mio 2023 2025 [14 Threats _ [Program on Threats to the Environment of Human Security [Conduct public consultation onthe | PNP,ENRO,] January ] December [Public awareness for ree tGu 700,000.00 ] 100,000.00 Iproviosion of PD 705 or Foresty | TMPSD,LnB | 2024 2025 cutting and permitting [Reform Code for proper cuttng and inventory and registration of PNP, ENRO, | January | December [Avoidance on llegal cutting of| LGU 700,000.00 | 100,000.00 Ichainsaw in all barangays TMPSD,LnB | 2024 2025 trees [nstalaion of iy ENRO post | PNP, ENRO, | January | December [Establishment of Checkpoints] LGU 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 (checkpoint wery barangay for] TMPSD,LnB} 2024 2025 [for every barangays monitoring PEACEAND ORDER| Sub-total | 20,000,000.00 | 20,000,000.00 | 20,000,000.00 Traffic Managoment Program Conduct Seminars of oad safely | LTO, | January | December [Seminars on road safely and | LGU, Road 50,000.00] 50,000.00] 50,000.00] jand driving discipline in CMO,TMPSD,| 2023 2025 driving discipine in Board coordination with proper LnB, DOTr, coordination with proper lgovernment agencies conducied | CPDO, CEO Jgovernment agencies lconducted [Provide Road safely TWPSD, | January | December |Road safety seminars / LGU 50,000.00 [sominarsiorientation for students |DRRNO,LTO,} 2023 2023 orientations for students cmo,p0TC rovided (Conduct Road Safely Seminars, | TNPSD | sanuary | Dacember [Caravan on the orientation for] LGU ~ 7,500,000.00] —1,500,000.00 [Caravan and Orientation to Various 2024 2025 | safety driving Organization, Government |Agencies and institutions Establishment of traffic CMO,TMPSD,| January | Deoanber [Trafic managenent office rer) 200,000.00] 200,000.00} 200,000.00] |management office LTo,DoTc | 2023 2025 Provision of Road Safety GEO, TMPSD,| January | December |Body Cameras, Road TGU, Road | 200,000.00] 200,000.00) 200,000.00] Equipment LnB 2023 | 2025 panties, Trafic Cones Board [Uniform fortrafic management [CMO,TMPSD,] January ] December [Uniform for afc TGU,Road | 137,000.00 100,000.00] 100,000.00 personnel LTO, DOTC | 2023 2025 _|managemen: personnel Board lazearly |Warning and installation of early warning devices] CMO,BFP | January | December Early warning devises in local 180,000.00 | 180,000.00 | 180,000.00 a ic Igovernment 2123 | 2025 goverment or pubcatioes, | gy | Suppression Sytem | adltestodgestschoos Fire Safety Awareness Program BFP | Janay] December [Seminars and public 50,00000 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 2023 | 2025 | awareness programs are be lconducied information dessirination BFP | January | December [Fire prevention and - 700,000.00 | 100,000.00 lcampaign in 19 Barangays 2024 2025 awareness campaign BrP PUBLICSAFETY| Sub-total] 867,000.00] 2,380,000.00] _2,380,000.00] Certified Correct Recommending Approval Approved ‘ un Se Fihr0 ¢ MORALES uch celts en ieee LY Loo. Chief PNP Palayan City

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