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Alorica Teleservices, Inc.

MJ Corporate Plaza
2310 Chino Roces Extension
Makati City, Philippines

Welcom e to Am erican Hom e Shield

Founding the home w arranty industry back in 1971, American Home Shield is still today's largest, most -chosen home
w arranty provider. The goal of the company is to make ow ning a home easier by helping customers protect their
budgets from large, unexpected repair costs. Home Warranty Plans cover many of a home's most commonly broken -
dow n systems and appliances. AHS created a nationw ide netw ork of qualified repair professionals ready to help
w henever the need arises.

What w e do

 Deliver an exceptional customer experience - manage the call w hile maintaining a professional approach
 Resolve the customer’s issue - determine the concern, collect the right information, identify options, and
present solutions
 Identify and manage the metrics - you are measured against both internally and externally
 Navigate and document within the systems - articulate the business rules that govern the system (use the
system correctly)
 Identify the resources available to you on the job

Welcom e aboard!

Training is a very important part of your overall development and eventual success in AHS. During the training
sessions, you w ill be introduced to new computer systems, concepts, and products. What you learn here w ill prepare
you to handle member interactions for your assigned client.

To make sure your training experience is rew arding for both you and the company, there are several things you need
to know . Let’s start w ith the basics:

Code of Conduct

 Be here. We cover new topics daily. It is not possible to reschedule training courses for specific individuals.
 EOP (English Only Policy)
All Employees are required to adhere to our English Only Policy inside Alorica premises/virtual sessions.
Clients can easily jump into our virtual training rooms to observe us.
“In line w ith providing quality service to our clients, w e are expected to alw ays speak in English because it is
the medium that w e use in dealing w ith customers. Communication, w hether w ritten or verbal, is one of the
most important tools in retaining and attracting clients. We should be equipped w ith good communication
skills for us to maintain the quality of service that w e are know n for.”
 No Food during the session
No Food is allow ed during the entire training session.

 Electronic Devices
Electronic devices such as mobile phones, camera, iPADs, tablets, etc. must be kept in your assigned locker
w hile the session is ongoing.
 Non-disclosure Agreem ent. You have been informed of the Non-disclosure agreement of the program
and are expected to follow all that is w ritten in the said document.
 Participate! AHS training focuses on discussion-based learning. You are expected to participate in the
discussions but should respect others and allow them their opportunity to speak. Do not chat or engage in
personal conversations during class. When someone is talking, show your respect and listen to them.
 Be honest. Cheating during Know ledge Checks or Verbal Tests, including giving out test
questions/scenarios and/or answ ers to other trainees, may be a ground for disqualification. You w ill be
assigned in your respective breakout rooms before taking the Assessment.
 Keep your trainer inform ed. Should you need to step out of the class for a short period of time, you must
first seek permission from the trainer.
 Alorica Revised Dress Code Policy
All employees are to observe the appropriate dress code regardless of the classroom setup.
 Inform ation Security
Alorica employees are responsible to ensure that all customer records are maintained completely and
accurately, w ith confidentiality.
o Connect to Client VPN – you are expected to alw ays connect to the Client’s VPN (Zscaler)
w henever you log in to your computer.
Alorica Teleservices, Inc.
MJ Corporate Plaza
2310 Chino Roces Extension
Makati City, Philippines

 Account Credentials Accountability. Alorica employees are responsible for their tools logins, as these
are essential in the performance of one’s tasks. This includes ensuring logins and passw ords are not
shared, and account tools access are reserved mainly for business purposes. Passw ord maintenance is
also the accountability and responsibility of each employee. Incorrect passw ords that result to system
lockouts like NT logins, production logins w hich includes MIM security questions and Frontdoor Learning
credentials and other essential tools, are subject to progressive disciplinary action up to and including
termination w ith due process.

Alorica Daily Checklist – Security Aw areness

 Keep a secure w orkstation. This means locking your computer w hen not in use.

 Lim it your internet access to business-related use while using company or client equipment or services
or otherw ise w orking.
 Protect confidential inform ation by never disclosing it. This includes Alorica client data; training
materials; customer information; and Alorica’s proprietary information just to name a few .

 Rem em ber com munication etiquette alw ays! It’s crucial w hile at home or in a site, in a chat or on a
phone, to be polite and act w ith integrity.

 Keep com m unication channels open w ith your team mates. This w ill help you stay connected and
receive help w hen needed.

 You have breaks – use them ! Take your full, uninterrupted, off -duty meal and rest break to relax and re-
energize. Make sure to clock out w hen you start your break and clock in w hen you return to w ork.
And, lock your computer and any other devices you’re using for w ork before stepping aw ay. Yes, even from
 Do not engage in non-w ork-related activities w hile on-the-clock. While you’re w orking you should not
be using social media, making personal phone calls, or shopping online.

 Do not w rite dow n your passwords

 Do not use your w ork cre dentials to access an account you are not authorized to access for
business purposes (such as your ow n account, a friend, or relative’s account, or any “celebrity” or “VIP”

 Respond to phishing attem pts, trusting emails from unknow n parties, or clicking unknow n links w hile
using Alorica or client equipment or systems or w hile using personal devices for Alorica business. If you are
unsure of an email, forw ard it to

 Don’t share pictures or videos of the production floor or your w ork -at-home work space on social
m edia or anyw here else.
Not follow ing these important rules may result in serious consequences – misconduct could lead to disciplinary
action, up to and including, termination. Avoiding the consequences is simple – just follow the above checklist and
company policies.
But most importantly, w hether you’re at home or in a center, remember you’re insanely great and doing an amazing
job during a difficult time.

Tardiness and Absences

Training Period
Your Training Period consists of Tw enty-Nine (29) w orking days starting on Start Date to End Date

 Foundation Training – 4 days

 Product Specifics Training – 16 days
 Academy Bay – 10 days

During the Product Training (Classroom Product Training) period, you are expected to be at w ork 100%. It is highly
critical that you are present for the entire duration of training. Please take note that a single w hole day
absence during Product Training w ill constitute disqualification from the training program unless the reason for
Alorica Teleservices, Inc.
MJ Corporate Plaza
2310 Chino Roces Extension
Makati City, Philippines

absence is valid to be determined by the Training Manager w ith the recommendation of the Product Trainer/ Training

 Every instance of Tardiness during Product Training w arrants a docum ented coaching session from the
Training Team.
 Any of these three during the Product Specific Training constitutes an outright disqualification from the
□ One day absence
□ One-time tardiness of 46 minutes and above
□ Cumulative tardiness of 46 minutes and above or 3 instances of tardiness; w hichever comes first.
 Class starts at ______. You w ill have breaks throughout the day. When class starts, be in your seat.

Training Hotline / Trainer’s Phone #: (provide Trainer Phone#)

Academ y Bay Period

Employees are expected to manage their Attendance Occurrence Points. Points are determined for every attendance
infraction as seen on the table below . Please refer to the Alorica Employee Discipline Handbook Section A
(Attendance and Punctuality) for more details regarding absences.

Occurrence Definition Point

Tardy Arriving 1 to 45 minutes after the start of the shift 0.25

Failure to w ork for 46 minutes to 4 hours during the
Half-day Absence 0.50
first or last part of the shift
Failure to come to w ork, but notified at least 1 hour
Absence 1.00
prior to start of shift
Failure to come to w ork and failed to follow the
Failure to Notify (FTN) 1.00
appropriate notification procedure
Undertime Tapping out 1 to 45 minutes before end of the shift 0.25
Tapping out 46 minutes to 4 hours before end of
Undertime 0.50
the shift
Tapping out more than 4 hours before end of the
Undertime 1.00

It is the general policy of the Company to maintain sufficient workforce to ensure that client and
business requirements are met at al l times. An employee who exceeds eight (8) attendance points
based on the attendance occurrence table shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and in cl u d i n g

Every Attendance infraction w ill expire after Six Months (6 Months) from the date of the attendance occurrence.

For example, an employee incurred 0.25 points for Tardiness on January 01, 2023; the point will expire on July 01,

CONNECT Attendance Notification

Agents in nesting and production should use the Connect – Attendance Notification in accordance w ith the PH
Attendance policy. How can our agents notify using CONNECT?

 It’s easy! Login to CONNECT using your mobile app or through a w eb brow ser (
 On the dashboard, click or tap on the attendance notification button to submit your notification.
Alorica Teleservices, Inc.
MJ Corporate Plaza
2310 Chino Roces Extension
Makati City, Philippines

The point system (Attendance Occurrence Points) shall be observed until the remainder of the Probationary Period
up to Regular Employment.

Know ledge Checks:

 All trainees w ill undergo tests or know ledge checks in the course of their training. No retake w ill be granted
for any failed test/checkpoint except for the Final Assessment in LMS and Practical Final Assessment.
 A trainee must meet an average of 80% to remain in training. Should the Practical Final Ass essm ent
retake be below 80%, the trainee m ay be dropped from training and m ay not be endorsed to ABAY.

ABAY is an evaluative process w hich measures the capability of the trainees to handle live calls. This is for 10 days.
During ABAY, agents are provided w ith dedicated Floor support personnel, Trainer and their Team Manager.

Please note that evaluation for endorsement to production w ill be conducted during this period. In order to pass, the
agent should have an average scorecard not low er than 80%. Below is the table of the Metrics:
Alorica Teleservices, Inc.
MJ Corporate Plaza
2310 Chino Roces Extension
Makati City, Philippines

Business Individual
Alignment Weight Metric Goal
Alignment Category Weight

Governance 10% Attendance 10% 0%

Efficiency and Calls Per Hour 10% 5.5
Productivity Productive Staff Hours 10% 95%
Agent 5-Star 10% 4.6

Member Agent Clarity Score 10% 4.6

Survey Percentage 10% 20%

10% Research Compliance 10% 100%
Quality 10% ABAY Quality Score 10% 85%
Save Attempt % 10% 100%
Financial Acuity 20%
Saves 10% 40%

Below are the fatal errors that w ill merit removal from training regardless if the average target goal of 80% has been

Procedural Compliance – “5 Fatal Errors” that can never be incurred w hile on ABAY. Incurring these w ill merit final
w arning and a coaching. Another infraction of any may lead to disqualification from training.

 Docum entation – Missed to read annotation before processing an activity or failure to leave proper
documentation based on the AHS standard guidelines.
 Supervisor Call Process – Expected to de-escalate the call once, if unsuccessful, follow AHS
Alorica Escalation process.
 Research & Call Back Com pliance – If the situation calls for a callback, trainee must ensure that
such action w ill be fulfilled based on the agreed timeline w ith the member. All promised call backs
should be reported to the ABAY TM or Trainer and create Research.
 Transfer Vendor/Expedited Service Request – Failure to conduct necessary validation before
making changes on the actual w ork order. This includes calling the contractor to verify if there is a
need to transfer vendor or if they can cater an expedited Work Order. Turnaround time must be
validated before processing transfer vendor. Overriding an assigned vendor to preferred vendor w ill
also merit. This requires Team Manager or equivalent approval.
 Outside Service Authorization – Trainees are expected to educate the member by providing the
OSA Guidelines before offering. Timeframe must be exhausted before discussing OSA guidelines.
This requires Team Manager or equivalent approval prior getting local vendor.

If an associate w ill not meet the 80% goal, he/she w ill be endorsed back to Recruitment for Re-profiling.

Your Scorecard w ill be presented to you prior to your move into ABAY.

Apart from the results of your ABAY performance, Alorica reserves the right to terminate your employment w ith due
process, based on other standards set forth in your Employment. All metrics are subject to change depending on
client’s requirement.

New associates still need to join a session virtually for any questions raised during the ABAY Period. A small group of
lead associates and the trainer w ill support associates by coaching and answ ering questions. When necessary Leads
Alorica Teleservices, Inc.
MJ Corporate Plaza
2310 Chino Roces Extension
Makati City, Philippines

and/or trainer w ill pull the group together off -line to clarify and even re-teach processes if needed. This w ill be done in
the virtual platform.

A supervisor w ill be assigned to assist w ith the transition. He or she w ill help new associates w ork tow ard meeting
requirements related to using the phone system properly, approving time, occupancy and other aspects of their jobs
by monitoring and providing feedback and assistance.

You must be proactive in notifying your team manager or trainer if issues w ere encountered w hile setting up your

Additional direction and/or support may be needed on each of the listed tasks below . The individual associate, leads,
trainer and supervisors together w ill identify w hen the associate is ready to be endorsed to Production.

The goal is to have associates be capable, cautious contributor and self -reliant on most of the tasks before moving to
their regular team.

Confirm ation of Agreem ent

 I certify that I have read and understood the content of this training agreement.
 I recognize the clauses, and I understand that f ailure to meet the specified requirements, as w ell as violation
of any of the rules and principles specified herein w ill be considered ground for disciplinary action including
dismissal, w hen w arranted.
 I understand that any future question/s that I may have about this agreement or its contents can be
answ ered by my immediate superior or his/her designated representative, upon request.
 I undertake to comply w ith the requirements, policies, procedures, and other guidelines stated in this
 I acknow ledge that the training scorecard metrics have been explained to me.
 I understand that the program/company reserves the right to change, and/or abolish any or all of the
requirements, policies, procedures, guidelines and benefits described in this agreement as it deems
appropriate, at any time.
 I understand and agree to all the stipulations and conditions above and confirm that these have been
explained to me clearly prior to start of my training w ith the program/company.
 I further acknow ledge that I w as given the opportunity to ask questions regarding this Training Agreement.

Gerwin S. Rocamora
Trainee’s Signature Over Printed Nam e _________________

Discussed by:

Jerick Kurt Awid

_______________________________ 9/8/23
Trainer's Signature Over Printed Nam e Date

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