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GRADE 1 to 12 School Grade Level 6


Date Quarter 2 – WEEK 1

OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
Standard understanding of how understanding of different understanding of different understanding of different understanding of different
the major organs of the types of mixtures and their types of mixtures and their types of mixtures and their types of mixtures and their
body work together to characteristics characteristics characteristics characteristics
form organ systems.
B. The learners should be The learners should be The learners should be The learners should be The learners should be
Performance able to make charts able to prepare beneficial able to prepare beneficial able to prepare beneficial able to prepare beneficial
showing healthful habits and useful mixtures such as and useful mixtures such as and useful mixtures such as and useful mixtures such as
Standard that promote proper drinks, food, and herbal drinks, food, and herbal drinks, food, and herbal drinks, food, and herbal
functioning of the medicines. medicines. medicines. medicines.
digestive, circulatory,
excretory, respiratory,
and nervous system.
C. Learning Explain how the organs Explain how the organs of Explain how the organs of Explain how the organs of Explain how the organs of
of each each each each each
organ system work organ system work organ system work organ system work organ system work
Competency/ together particularly: together particularly: together particularly: together particularly:
together particularly:
Musculoskeletal System Integumentary System Digestive System (S6MT- Circulatory System. (S6MT-
Musculoskeletal System
(S6MT-IIa-b-1) (S6MT-IIa-b-1) IIa-b-1) IIa-b-1)

Write the LC
code for each.


Musculo-skeletal Musculo-skeletal Integumentary System (Digestive System) (Circulatory System)


A. References K-12 MELC- C.G p 382 K-12 MELC- C.G p 382 K-12 MELC- C.G p 382 K-12 MELC- C.G p 382
K-12 MELC- C.G p 382

1. Teacher’s


2. Learner’s

3. Textbook

4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)

B. Other


A. Reviewing Let’s test your Review on Skeletal System Review on Musculo- Review on the parts of Review on the parts of the
previous knowledge! skeletal system. integumentary system. digestive system.
Fill Me In What are the parts of
lesson or
Directions: Arrange the skeletal system?
presenting the
given letters to form the
new lesson
correct body part. Write
the correct word in
the boxes.

B. Establishing Tell Me More Let the pupils to touch Look at the picture. Ask the pupils: Show the pupil pictures of
a purpose for Choose the organ being their face, arms, palms, 1. Have you eaten children playing.
the described in each fingers and legs. your breakfast? Ask the pupils:
sentence. Write the 2. Why do we need 1. What are the parts
lesson correct answer on the What can you feel? to eat food? of the body
space provided before How do they feel? 3. How do you feel involved in
What can you say about
each number. Are they hard or soft? when your hungry? playing?
the picture above?
4. Have you ever 2. How do you feel
Our bones are covered wondered what after running?
with muscles. Can you happened to the 3. What makes the
What do you call the
imagine yourself without food you have just body function well
organ that cover our
muscles and other internal eaten? when doing
organs? 5. What process it activities?
undergoes until it
_______ 1. It protects the
That would be scarry. becomes the
nutrients that will
_______ 2. It protects the
nourish your body?
heart and lungs.
_______ 3. It covers the
entire body to protect
tissues against injuries.
_______ 4. This is the entry
point of food.
_______ 5. Absorption of
nutrients occurs here
with the help of villi.
_______ 6. The largest
organ in the body that
secretes bile.
_______ 7. It is a hollow
muscular bag that twists,
squeezes and churns the
_______ 8. It is where
undigested food stays
and is eliminated
through the anus.
_______ 9. It is found at
the center of your chest
behind the breastbone
that pumps blood
_______ 10. These are
hollow tubes that serve
as pathways of blood.
C. Presenting Say: The human body is Continue lesson. Integumentary is one of Find the missing letters. Show picture of heart,
examples/ a wonderful machine. the systems which play an blood, and blood vessels.
instances of Everything works important role in
the body. It is made up of
the new together to keep the
different organs that we
lesson body alive and
cannot live without.
functioning well.

Have you observed how

houses are built?
What is the magic word?
What will the
construction worker do

Is there a framework in
our body just like in
building a house?

What do you call the

framework in human that
provides structure to the
human body?

Today we will learn

about skeletal system.

D. Discussing The Skeletal System Digestive System Circulatory System

new The circulatory system is
responsible for the
concepts and Food provides energy to transport of water,
The skeletal system is the framework of the body. It is nutrients and oxygen
practicing new our body. But our body
composed of to the body cells. It also
cannot use this energy
skills #1 bones, bone marrow, joints, cartilage and ligaments. from food eliminates wastes from the
The bones support unless it is broken in a body. The circulatory
and give shape to the body. The bone marrow The Integumentary is an simple form. The process of system consists of
organ system consisting of changing food from a three major parts: the
produces red blood cells.
different parts. It has a set complex form to a heart, the blood and the
The joint is a place where two bones meet. The
of important functions in simple form which the blood vessels.
cartilage covers the bones The heart is a hollow,
the body. The following body can use is called
with a fluid to make the movement easier. Ligaments are the important muscular organ about the
are connective functions of this organ The digestive system size
tissues that holds the joints together. system. consists of the mouth, of a fist that pumps blood
It acts as a barrier to esophagus, small continuously throughout
protect the body from instestine, and the body. It
the outside world. accesoory organs which has four chambers: the left
and right atria in the upper
It protects the body include the chamber; and the left and
against diseases salivary gland, right ventricles
It helps retain body fluids. gall bladder, in the lower
It eliminates waste liver and chamber. The
products in the body in pancreas. atria are the
the form of sweat, oil, and Digestion starts receiving
wax. in the mouth. chambers. When the
This system also made up When you atria contracts, blood is
of different parts namely chew, the pumped into the
saliva in the mouth ventricles. The
skin, hair, nails and
moisten the food and help ventricles are the pumping
endocrine glands.
to digest it. chambers of the heart.
SKIN When you swallow the When
It is the largest organ of tongue pushes the they contract, oxygen-rich
The Musculoskeletal System
the body but only a few chewed food to the blood is forced away from
The musculoskeletal system is an organ system that
millimeters thick. It back of the mouth and the heart
gives human ability to move using into the throat down to the for the distribution to the
forms body’s outer
muscular and skeletal system. Your bones, joints, esophagus different body parts. The
covering. It protects the
cartilage, ligaments, muscles, and tendons through the peristalsis valves in
body from chemicals,
make up your musculoskeletal system. movement (motion of the the heart prevent the
diseases, muscles blood from flowing back.
ultraviolet rays of the sun that tighten and relax). The blood vessels are
and the physical damage. Then the food that enters hollow tubes that permit
It is the body’s first the stomach the blood to flow from the
line of defense. is now a soft mass. The heart to the
lining of the stomach has body cells The three kinds
It is divided into 3 sub-parts many of blood vessels are the
glands called gastric arteries, veins and
glands that contain capillaries. Arteries
enzymes which help have thicker walls
A. Epidermis. It is the in the digestion of proteins. because the blood flowing
outermost layer of the skin Before the food reaches through them is flowing
A bone is a tough structure in the body that is made the small intestine, it is
that covers almost rapidly under very high
up of connective tissues mixed with fluid from the pressure since it has just
entire body surface. It is
surrounded by minerals. An infant has 350 bones, a the thinnest layer of the liver and the pancreas. come from the heart.
child has 208 bones and a normal adult skin. It also Arteries branch out into
has 206 bones. The bones support and give shape to provides a waterproof tinier tubes called
barrier for the body and The liver arterioles which end up in
the body. Without them the body will
creates the skin tone. produces bile which is capillaries. It is in the
collapse. Bones also protect the soft tissues and the
It is made up of special stored in the gallbladder. capillaries that exchange
organ of the body. The skull protects The bile heps
cells called keratinocytes. of oxygenated and
the brain; the ribs protect the heart and lungs; and the digest fats. The pancreas deoxygenated blood
B. Dermis. It is a deeper
backbone protects spinal cord. Bones layer of the skin found releases pancreatic juice takes place. Veins
contain a soft tissue called bone marrow that beneath the epidermis that transport blood back to
and the thickest layer of helps in the digestion of the heart.
produces red blood cells.
the skin. It also gives the carbohydrates, fats and
To allow motion, different bones are connected by
skin strength and proteins. In
joints. Joints are held together by the small intestine final
elasticity. It is made up of
connective tissues that can stretch called ligaments. digestion takes place. The
dense irregular connective The blood is the transport
In order to make movement easier, the digestives
tissue , nervous sytem of the body. After it
ends of the bones are covered with a layer of tissue, blood and blood juices changes the food
is pumped from the heart,
cartilage with fluid in the space between them vessels. into soluble substances
C. Hypodermis. It is the that can pass
to protect joints and facilitates movement. carries the essential
deepest layer of the skin. It trough the villi, the
Muscles keep bones in place and also play a role in supplies all over the body.
is made up of fats fingerlike projections. From
the movement of bones. A Blood is composed of
and connective tissues the villi,the
tendon is a band of tissue that connects muscle to the plasma, red and white
which attaches the skin digested food goes
bone. Muscles contract to move the blood cells and platelets.
from other parts. through the bloodstream
The red blood cell carries
bone attached at the joint. Muscles that move your and is distributed
HAIR. It is an accessory oxygen and nutrients; the
bones work in pairs. When one to all parts of the body.
organ of the white blood
The undigested food
contracts, the other must relax. integumentary system. It cells fight againts infection
moves to the large
aids in a and the platelets help in
intestine. The walls of the
person’s social functioning. clotting of the blood.
large intestine
It is made up of columns of
absorbs water that leaves
tightly packed dead
a solid mass.This waste
keratinocytes and is found
collects at the rectum and
and scattered all over the
is carried out
body. It is divided into
in the anus when the
different parts namely hair
sphincter muscle
follicle and hair bulb.
A. Hair follicle contracts.The solids
It anchors the hair into the becomes feces and the
skin. liquid
It regulates hair growth. becomes urine.
It opens the sebaceous
It lets the oil and wax from
the body to go out.
B. Hair bulb
It forms the base of the
hair follicle.
It is made up of living cells
that divide and grow to
build the hair
It modify hair growth and
structure at different times
of life.
NAILS. It covers the tips of
the fingers and toes. It is
also an accessory
organ of the
integumentary system that
is made up of sheets of
keratinocytes. It protects
the fingers and toes from
environmental damage.
It is made up of several
parts namely nail plate
and nail cuticle.
A. Nail plate
It is the actual fingernail.
It is made up of
translucent keratin.
B. Cuticle
It is a layer of clear skin
located at the bottom
edge of the fingers
and toes.
helps produce body
sweat, oil and wax, helps
down the skin surface,
helps protect the skin and
moisturizes the skin
surface. It is divided into 2
parts namely sebaceous
gland and sweat
A. Sebaceous gland
A small-oil producing
gland found in the dermis.
It is attached to the hair
It produces oil sebum, and
waxy substance.
B. Sweat Gland
It is a small tubular
structure of the skin that
produce sweat
found in the dermis and
goes out of the skin pores.
E. Discussing Supply the missing word Draw a line to connect the Complete the sentences Identify the organs of How Does Blood Flow
new concepts from the list of words in functions to the organs of in the paragraph. Write digestion being described. Through the Heart?
and the box. the musculoskeletal your Select your answer from The left atrium receives
system. answers on your answer
practicing new the list. oxygen richblood from the
skills #2 lungs. The blood flows
The ______________ is a part
of the integumentary down to
system which the left ventricle through
Our skeleton is very covers almost the entire the mitral valve. The
useful. They have three body. Another part of it is
atria contracts and pushes
functions: the ______ which is an _____ 1. a long coiled
the blood into the
_______________, support accessory that is made up connected from the
of layers of dead ventricle, then the
and stability. . The stomach.
keratinocytes. Another ventricle contracts pushing
_________ protects the
accessory of the ______2. a long muscular the blood into the arteries
brain and the integumentary system is tube that connects the through the aortic
________protects our the _____________ which is
pharynx to the throat to valve. The arteries carry
heart and found
the stomach. the blood to all parts of
lungs. Without _________ at the end of the fingers
the body. After delivering
our body would have and toes. The exocrine
______3. a large J-shaped the oxygen and the
glands has 2 parts, these
collapse. Bones are organ at the end of the
are the ___________ glands nutrients to the cells of the
connected esophagus, on the left
and the _______________ body, the blood goes
by_________. Likewise, which produces the side of the body. back to the heart contains
knees are joints. Muscles sweat and sebum carbon dioxide and
are attached to the respectively. ______4. Is the first part in
wastes substances is
____________ of our the digestive system
transportred by the veins
skeleton. They allow our composed of teeth and
from the different parts of
bones to ____________ by the
the body to the right
contracting and tongue.
atrium. Blood passes
expanding. Muscles
______5. a large coiled through the right atrium
usually work in ________.
tube attached to the end into the right ventricle
of the small intestine. through the tricuspid
valve. As the right ventricle
contracts, it pushes
the blood into the lungs
passing through the
pulmonary valve and in
the pulmonary arteries.
During the contraction,
the blood is prevented
from going back by the
one-way valves of the of
the heart.

F. Developing Match column A with Place the events in the

mastery (leads column B. Write your correct order. Number
Remember This
to Formative answers on your answer each
Supply the missing word
Assessment 3) sheet. sentence 1-5.
from the list of words in the
___ 1. Food ends up in the box.
G. Finding Why should bones be What will happen if we
small intestine.
practical strong? Why is it overstretched our
___ 2. Food is chewed up. The circulatory is the
application of important to prevent falls muscles?
___ 3. Food is in the large __________system of the
concepts and and other accidents that
intestine. body. The heart
skills in daily could injure the bones?
___ 4. Food travels through ________blood
living Why handicapped person
Why is it dangerous to the esophagus. continuously throughout
should be treated with Fill in the crossword puzzle ___ 5. Food waste leaves the body. The blood
move a person with
kindness and respect? with the correct answers. the body. ________digested food
spinal fracture?
Use the given clues below. and oxygen and
Did you know that your
How will you take care of Write your answers on your collects wastes and
face has 50 muscles?
your bones? answer sheet. carbon dioxide from the
Why is breakfast
You use 17 muscles to considered as the most cells. The blood vessels are
Did you know? smile but more than 46 important meal of the _________of
muscles to frown. day? blood.
Bones are alive. They are
made of living cells From now on what will you
capable of growing and do?
TRIVIA: Borborygmus
repairing themselves.

Borborygmus is the
rumbling sound in the
stomach. When you hear
your stomach rumbling, it is
the signal from your brain
that the stomach has
begun the digestion.

H. Making What are ideas did you Explain how the bones The Integumentary system What are the parts of the The human circulatory
generalizations learn in the lesson? and muscles work consists of the skin, hair, digestive system? How system functions to
together? fingernails, glands and does the digestive system transport blood and
and What are the parts and work?
nerves. oxygen from the lungs to
abstractions functions of the skeletal
the various tissues of the
about the system? The main function of the
How will you know that a body. The heart pumps
lesson integumentary system is to
Describe the potential muscle is contracting? the blood throughout the
act as a barrier to protect
consequences if all bone body.
the body from the outside
tissues in humans were
world. It also functions to Encourage pupils to ask
made of spongy bones & Why do muscles need question about the lesson..
retain body fluids, protect
no compact bones. rest? against diseases, eliminate
waste products and
regulate body

Encourage pupils to ask

question about the lesson.
I. Evaluating Use the word below to Match the parts of the Answer the questions Choose the letter of the Get It On
learning identify parts of the skeletal system in Column below. Write the letter of correct answer. Do this on Using the given graphic
skeleton. A your answer on your your organizer, fill in the missing
answer sheet
Write your answers on with the functions in answer sheet. parts, description and
your answer sheet. Column B. Write your function to
1. Which moves the food
answers on your answer from the esophagus to the complete the entire
sheet. 1. What is the thinnest stomach? concept. Choose your

and outermost layer of a. Swallowing b. fluid c. answer from the word

peristalsis d. digestion bank.
the skin?
2. It is the organ where
Column A a. Sebaceous gland c.
digestion starts
Column B Epidermis a. Mouth c. stomach
b. Sweat gland d. Dermis b. Small intestine d. large
Bone Vocabulary
2. Which of the following intestine
1. Skull
is the function of the 3. Which organ takes
2. Femur/ Upper Leg
integumentary system? nutrients from your food
Bone and puts it in your
a. It protects the body
3. Shoulder Joint bloodstream?
against UV rays.
4. Rib Cage a. Stomach b. esophagus
b. It serves as the barrier c. small intestine d. large
5. Patella/ Knee Cap
of the body from intestine
6. Spine
physical damage. 4. In which part of the
7. Clavicle/ Collar Bone
c. It is body’s outer digestive system are
8. Pelvis
covering proteins digested
d. All of the above
a. Stomach c. small
3. Which of the following
is an accessory organ of b. Large intestine d.
the integumentary esophagus
system is made up of 5. In which part of the
columns of tightly digestion system does
digestion end?
packed dead
a. Mouth c. stomach
b. Small intestine d. large
found all over of the
body? intestine
a. Skin c. nails
b. Hair d. exocrine
4. Which part of the
integumentary system is
an accessory organ that
made up of sheets of
hardened keratinocytes?
a. Skin c. nails
b. Hair d. exocrine
5. Which part of the
integumentary system do
the sweat, oil and wax
a. Skin c. nails
b. Hair d. exocrine gland

J. Additional
activities for
application or



A..No. of ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
___ of Learners who
learners who earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above
earned 80% above
earned 80% in
the evaluation

B.No. of ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
learners require additional additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
activities for remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
who require
activities for
who scored
below 80%

C. Did the ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
lessons work?

____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who
No. of learners
caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
who have
caught up with

the lesson

D. No. of ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
learners who continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require
continue to remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation

E. Which of my Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work
teaching well: well: well: well: well:
strategies ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
worked well?
___ Solving ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
Why Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary
___ Answering activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
did these preliminary ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel
work? activities/exercises ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads
___ Carousel ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Diads ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Paragraphs/ Paragraphs/ Paragraphs/ Paragraphs/
___ Rereading of Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories
Paragraphs/ ___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated
Poems/Stories Instruction Instruction Instruction Instruction
___ Differentiated ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama
Instruction ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method
___ Discovery Method Why? Why? Why? Why?
___ Lecture Method ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs
Why? ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___ Complete IMs ___ Pupils’ eagerness to ___ Pupils’ eagerness to ___ Pupils’ eagerness to ___ Pupils’ eagerness to
___ Availability of learn learn learn learn
Materials ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s
___ Pupils’ eagerness to Cooperation in Cooperation in Cooperation in Cooperation in
learn doing their tasks doing their tasks doing their tasks doing their tasks
___ Group member’s
Cooperation in
doing their tasks
F. What __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
difficulties did I
__ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
which my __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs
principal or __ Colorful IMs
supervisor can __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology
help me __ Unavailable
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
solve? Technology

__ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/

Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab

Internet Lab __ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical
works works works works
__ Additional Clerical

G. What Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
innovation or
__ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
materials did __ Making big books __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from
I use/discover from
which I wish to views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality
share with views of the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to
__ Recycling of plastics be used as Instructional be used as Instructional be used as Instructional be used as Instructional
to be used as Materials Materials Materials Materials
Instructional Materials
__ local poetical __ local poetical __ local poetical __ local poetical
__ local poetical composition composition composition composition

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