The Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity lab

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The Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity

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I. Introduction:
Catalase is an enzyme that can be found in plants and animals. Its substrate is
hydrogen peroxide. When hydrogen peroxide fits into the active site of the catalase,
chemical reaction happens. The hydrogen peroxide is broken down into products which are
oxygen and water.

Warning! Hydrogen peroxide is an irritant. Wash your skin with running water immediately
when hydrogen peroxide is in contact with it. Report the incident to your laboratory
teachers immediately

II. Problem
1. Which produces more products, a boiled potato or a raw potato?
2. Which produces more products, a boiled liver or uncooked chicken liver?
3. Which has more enzyme, a potato or a chicken liver?

III. Hypothesis:
IV. Tools and materials
raw potato chicken liver hydrogen peroxide Petri dish
potato borer knife test tubes forceps
test tube rack syringe stop watch ruler

V. Procedure
1.Label each test tube as A, B, C or D.
2. Use the syringe to transfer 10 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide in each test tube.
3. Prepare two same size of fresh chicken liver and two raw potato.
4. Boil I fresh chicken liver and one raw potato separately for five minutes.
5. Remove the cooked potato and chicken in a separate Petri dish.
6. Drop the raw potato in test tube A, the cooked potato in test tube B, the uncooked
chicken liver in test tube C and the cooked chicken liver in test tube D at the same
5. Start timing using the top watch.
6. After 2 minutes stop the time and observe the height of the bubbles.
7. Measure the height of the oxygen bubbles and record your observation in the table.
8. Draw your observation in the observation and results.

VI. Observation, results and discussion

1. Draw and label your observation in each tube.

raw potato boiled potato uncooked liver cooked liver

2. Complete the table of result.

tube height of the oxygen

bubbles/ mm

3. Compare the results.

4. Explain the results.

VII. Conclusion

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