HRM Packet Assignment Nicolas Serrano

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This activity packet is an individual

assignment for Business Organization and
Management. All work can be completed
within the document.


Nicolas Serrano

Human Resources
packet Business Organization and
Understanding Recruitment Sources
Go to this website and read the article. After doing so, please write all 9 of
the recruitment sources down and then write a paragraph summary of each
of these types of sources.

1. Job Boards:
Online platforms where job seekers can search and apply for job openings. They are effective
for targeting specific job roles and attracting entry-level candidates.

2. Company Website:
Your company's website serves as a central hub for all job opportunities and information
about working at your company. It's a place to showcase your employer brand and provide
details about benefits and culture.

3. Social Media:
Utilize platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc., to promote job openings, engage with
candidates, and build your employer brand. It's also a space for sharing industry insights and
fostering relationships with potential candidates.

4. Referrals:
Encourage current employees to refer candidates for open positions. Offering referral
incentives can boost participation and help tap into your employees' professional networks.

5. Direct Contact:
Engage senior-level staff to actively seek out and cultivate relationships with potential
candidates who align with the company's needs.

6. Temp-to-Hires:
Consider hiring temporary or part-time employees first before offering them permanent
positions. This allows for assessing their fit for the role and company culture before making a
long-term commitment.

7. Career Fairs:
Attend industry-specific career fairs or those hosted by colleges/universities to connect with
potential candidates. They offer an opportunity to engage with a pool of talent with specific
skill sets.
8. Recruiting Agency:
Consider using recruiting agencies to access wider talent pools or find candidates in specialized
industries. Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of this option based on your company's needs.

9. Newspapers:
Although traditional, print job ads and online postings on newspaper websites can still reach a
broader audience, especially for certain industries or demographics.
Employee Development Research
You need to pick a career that you are interested in go to the following website
• Once you are at the website you need to search for your career in the “Search Bar”
• Once you are done reading through all that I want you to answer the
questions below:

1. What was the education your career required?
Electronic Engineer
2. What was the trainings your career required?
 A bachelor's degree in electrical or electronics engineering.
 A master's or doctoral degree.
 Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers.
 Engineers are eligible for registration following graduation from an accredited
educational program, and after three or four years of supervised work
experience in engineering and passing a professional practice examination.
 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).
3. What was the Licenses, Certifications, an Registrations your career

 P.Eng. License:
 Accredited degree
 3-4 years of supervised experience
 Pass the Professional Practice Exam (PPE)
 Register with provincial bodies (e.g., PEO, EGBC, OIQ)
 Certifications:
 Associations:
 IEEE membership

4. Based on what you answer in questions 1-3, do you think you are legally
required to keep up with any education, licenses, certifications, and
registration? If so, what and how often?
 Yes, maintaining the P.Eng. license requires continuing professional development
(CPD) as mandated by the provincial engineering regulatory body. This often involves
earning a certain number of professional development hours annually through courses,
seminars, and other educational activities.
 Certifications such as PMP, CLD, and CCNA also require periodic
renewal and continuing education to stay current with industry standards
and advancements.
5. If you do not keep to what you answered in question #4, what would
happen to your career?
 If an Electronics Engineer does not maintain the P.Eng. license, they
would lose the legal ability to practice as a professional engineer, which
could significantly limit career opportunities and advancement.
6. What is some employee development that you think would be good for
your career?

 Regular participation in workshops and seminars on the latest technological

advancements in electronics engineering.
 Advanced courses in emerging areas such as AI, IoT (Internet of Things), and
renewable energy systems.
Types of Performance Appraisals for 2021
Go to this website
performance-appraisals and read the article. After doing so, please answer
the following questions:

1. Write 8 of the different performance appraisals below.

a. Check-Ins

b. 360 Feedback

c. Narrative Appraisals or Essay Appraisals

d. Competency Assessment

e. Project-Based Reviews

f. Stack Ranking Appraisals

g. Grading/Rating Appraisals

h. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)

2. If you were a manager, which 3 performance appraisals would you like

to use and why?

If I were a manager, I would choose:

 360 Feedback: This appraisal allows for a comprehensive assessment from multiple perspectives,
providing a holistic view of an employee's performance.
 Project-Based Reviews: These appraisals focus on specific projects or tasks, providing clear and tangible
feedback on an employee's performance in real-world scenarios.
 Competency Assessment: Assessing employees based on specific competencies helps identify strengths
and areas for development, guiding targeted training and development plans.

3. Which performance appraisal did you like the least?

I would least prefer Stack Ranking Appraisals. They can foster unhealthy competition among
employees and may not accurately reflect individual performance due to forced ranking.

4. Have you ever received a performance appraisal/review before? If

yes, what kind was it?
No, I haven’t.
Compensation Packages
You have just learned about all businesses can offer their employees. Think about a
business you would like to work for one day and go online and research what their
compensation package is and what benefits they offer. Then write a 3-paragraph
response to what you found out. Make sure to include your thoughts on if the company’s
compensation, promotion, incentives, and benefits.

Apple Inc. offers a competitive compensation package that includes a base salary, performance-based bonuses, and stock
options. Employees receive an annual performance review that can lead to salary increases and bonuses based on
individual and company performance. The stock options are a significant part of the compensation, aligning employees’
interests with the company’s long-term success and providing a substantial financial benefit as Apple’s stock value

In addition to financial compensation, Apple provides a comprehensive benefits package. This includes health insurance,
dental and vision coverage, and mental health support. Employees have access to retirement plans with company
contributions, generous paid time off, and parental leave. Apple also offers various wellness programs, educational
assistance, and employee discounts on Apple products. These benefits contribute to the overall well-being of employees
and support their professional and personal development.

Apple’s compensation, promotion, incentives, and benefits reflect its commitment to attracting and retaining top talent.
The combination of competitive salaries, significant bonuses, and stock options makes the financial package highly
attractive. Moreover, the extensive benefits package supports employees’ health, wellness, and career growth, fostering a
positive work environment. Apple’s approach to employee compensation and benefits demonstrates its recognition of the
value of its workforce and its dedication to maintaining a motivated and satisfied team.
Termination- Reasons S Laws
Terminating someone isn’t as easy as just firing them and then being done.
There is many aspects that go into it, especially the law! Therefor you will
read an article to help you learn more. You can use this website to help
answer the questions below:

1. What are reasons you can fire someone?

 Poor performance or failure to meet job expectations
 Violating company policies or code of conduct
 Misconduct, including harassment or unethical behavior
 Absenteeism or chronic lateness without valid reasons
 Insubordination or refusal to follow instructions
 Theft, fraud, or other criminal activities
 Breach of confidentiality or security protocols

1. What is something you cannot legally fire someone for?

 Discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information
 Retaliation for filing a complaint about discrimination or harassment
 Taking legally protected leave (e.g., maternity leave, family medical leave)

1. What is one of the unemployment benefits?

 Financial assistance through unemployment insurance, which provides temporary income to
individuals who have lost their job through no fault of their own.

2. Do you have to warn an employee before firing them? Why or Why not?
 It depends on the jurisdiction and company policies. While not always
legally required, giving a warning or implementing a performance
improvement plan (PIP) is generally a best practice. It provides the
employee with an opportunity to correct their behavior and
demonstrates fairness, reducing the risk of wrongful termination claims.

3. What were some of the tips you found beneficial to

terminating someone?
 ocument Performance Issues: Keep detailed records of performance reviews, incidents,
and any warnings given.
 Follow Company Policy: Adhere to the company's termination procedures to ensure
consistency and legality.
 Prepare for the Meeting: Plan the conversation, ensuring privacy and clarity on the
reasons for termination.

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