Marksheet Circular for Diploma Winter 2018_967150

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No.GTU/Diploma/Mark sheets/W18/2471 22-03-2019


Winter 2018

All the institute heads of diploma engineering colleges affiliated to GTU are informed to COLLECT
the MARKSHEETS OF DIPLOMA SEM 6, 7 & 8 winter 2018 from GTU, Chandkheda with college
authority letter during office hours with big carry bag.Colleges are informed to strictly adhere to
follow the schedule below.

Sr. No. Institute code Date

1 601 To 610 25/03/2019

2 611 To 620 26/03/2019

3 621 To 630 27/03/2019

4 631 To 640 28/03/2019

4 641 To 650 29/03/2019

5 651 To 661 30/03/2019

6 662 To 672 01/04/2019

7 674 To 683 02/04/2019

8 684 To 694 03/04/2019

9 695 To 994 04/04/2019

Note: You are requested to count mark sheets at the time of collection to minimize
the mark Sheets related issues.

I/C Registrar & COE

Winners of: ICT Enabled University Award E -India - 2009 Manthan Award - 2009
2n d Fl o or, AC PC Bu il di n g, L .D. C oll eg e of En gi n eer i ng C am p us , N avr an g p ur a, Ah m ed ab ad , (G uj ar at) I n di a - 3 8 0 0 15 .
Ph on e: + 9 1 - 79 - 2 63 0 04 9 9 / 5 9 9 F a x : + 9 1 - 79 - 2 6 30 1 50 0 E - m ai l : inf o@ gt u. ac . i n URL : www.g tu . ac .i n

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