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Possible Signs of Illness, Additional Resources CARING FOR

Neglect, or Intentional Sheep (NH)

American Sheep Industry Association
Appearance of Animal
Thin (Note: An unshorn (unclipped)
sheep, the body of the animal must be
Housing and Space Guidelines for Livestock
felt to determine if it is underweight.);
maggots in genital area of unshorn
female sheep; excessive hoof length
(Sides of hoof should be checked to
see if overgrown and curled under
the bottom of hoof); limping; animal
“walking” on knees.
Housing Conditions
The lack of food, water, or shelter
(natural or man made) are not
acceptable practices. Overcrowding or
insufficient feeding area may cause the
less aggressive sheep to be excluded
from the food source. Sponsored by
Dull, minimally responsive; drooping
head; animals rubbing up against
objects in an effort to relieve itching
The Governor’s
from lice and wool on objects that
sheep rub against. Sheep are flock
animals, animal off by itself would
indicate possible problems. Note:
on the
Sheep are naturally fearful of
Reporting Cruelty Treatment
Animal cruelty should be reported to For more information about of
animal cruelty, visit
the police department of the town in
which the animal lives. Please leave
your name and contact information
so that a follow-up response may be Be sure to view the Interactive
made. Presentation on the Welcome Page. Template Courtesy of Vermont Humane Federation
Sheep: The Basics have too much copper. Additional Recommendations
• White salt or “sheep salt” block
should be available at all times.
Terminology Red salt blocks or salt blocks • Sheep should be de-wormed 2-4
Female - Ewe times per year, or as needed, to
formulated for cattle and/or horses
Male - Ram should be avoided because they prevent disease.
Castrated male - Wether contain excess copper. Loose salt is • Lambs may need routine worming
Young sheep, either sex - Lamb recommended for lambs. over the summer, about every 4-6
weeks, based on veterinary advice.
Sheep Care • Veterinary care should include being
• Fresh, clean water should be vaccinated for rabies, enterotoxemia
available at all times. About 1-2 (over eating disease), and tetanus
gallons of water per day per adult once a year.
animal should be provided. • Sheep must have their hooves
• Sheep are natural grazers, trimmed once a year.
pastures are highly recommended. • Sheep must be sheared each spring
Approximately 0.2 – 0.3 acre of to prevent matting and infestation
pasture per mature animal per with maggots, known as flystrike.
year is sufficient. It is essential
to section off the pasture into
paddocks and move animals from
paddock to paddock and let the
pasture regrow for at least four
weeks. Shelter
• Sheep should have good quality • Even though sheep’s wool allows
forage or mixed ration available. them to endure much lower
Supplemental grain should be temperatures than humans can
provided if needed to meet the tolerate, they should be provided
additional nutritional demands of with shelter that affords them
lactation, gestation, growth, cold protection from heavy rain, snow,
weather, or to compensate for poor high wind, and intense summer sun,
forage or pasture quality. and provide a dry place to rest.
• Sheep are sensitive to copper • A three-sided shelter with an
poisoning. Sheep should not be open front facing south away from
grazed on pastures fertilized prevailing winds will meet the needs
with pig or poultry manure as of sheep. The shelter should be
these manure contain potentially located on an elevated, well drained
dangerous concentrations of site.
copper. Mixes of commercial grain • It is recommended to have 20 -25
can include various grains but the sq. feet of space per mature animal
mixture must say SHEEP feed. in enclosed housing and 50 sq. feet
Grain mixtures for cattle and horses of exercise yard area.

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