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How People Keep Up With Stress

Causes and Effects of Stress


In modern life stress is a common problem. The negative effects of stress affect
individuals’ health and performance. As a result, individuals have their own stress
perceptions and they develop different kinds of strategies in order to manage stressful
situations. Culture is a relevant aspect that influences this process. Considering that
stress is presented in different dimension of daily life, educational experiences can also
be perceived as stressful. In addition, stress could be strongly experienced at work.
Therefore, this study focuses on the stress perception, stressful situations, and stress
management strategies.


Stress is a normal reaction to life events. It is what you feel when life demands more
than you are used to or more than you can handle. Some stress can be useful. For
example, the stress reaction can help you catch the last bus of the day, study for a test, or
meet a deadline at work. But stress that occurs too often or for too long can cause
problems. It can affect your emotional health and interfere with relationships and
normal daily activities. Too much stress can weaken your immune system and increase
your risk for physical illness. If you already have a medical problem, stress can make it
worse. Similarly it can be a bad thing when stress is in response to an emotional instance
and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength.

Psychological Aspects of Stress

In the past people had an easy life and they did not feel stress so much, but today their
life is getting worse day by day because of stress. Firstly, people who are stressed may
have psychological problems. To start with, these people are generally pessimistic and
they usually see the negative sides of events. This is the reason why they are stress,
Psychological problems, being pessimistic and unhappy, committing suicide, Low
performance at work, Lack of concentration, Making mistakes, Health problems and
Losing on weight. Also if a person is stressed, they want to be alone. It is difficult to have
friends for them. Besides, extreme stress threatens people’s life. For example, stress
makes people tend to commit suicide more than other people. This is a scientific fact.
Secondly, being stressed affects people’s work life badly. Stress generally makes people
feel so tense. Stressed people might be offensive to their colleagues so they can hurt their
feeling unintentionally. Moreover, stressed people can not concentrate on anything. They
can be bored with everything easily and it affects their success in their jobs. Furthermore
stressed people can not make right decisions at work. When people are stressed, they can
not consider a point effectively and they decide in hurry and make mistakes in their jobs.
Lastly, stress affects people’s health. In fact stress is the main reason of being ill. It can
cause health problems such as aches and heart attacks. Also, they might have physical
problems like hair loss, feeling tired and losing or gaining weight. In addition, it can even
damage our brain. Stress is the cause of losing cells in the human brain. According to
scientists, this event can occur in the hippocampus part which collects our memories in
our brain. This is the cause of the beginning of Alzheimer disease. As you can see, stress
is the cause of malfunction for humans in their lives and this illness affects the
psychology, work life and health of people. I strongly believe being stressed is very
dangerous and it brings us only unhappiness. We should do our best to avoid it.


Stress can have consequences far beyond temporary feelings of pressure. It can be
different for different people. While we can't avoid stress, we can learn to manage it and
develop skills to cope with the events or situations you find stressful. There are various
techniques in reducing stress in one’s life, from meditation to exercising and even
journaling. Yoga is a popular physical form of stress management technique. A morning
or evening jog and other forms of cardiovascular exercises help release the happy
hormones – endorphins – into the system that helps prevent stress throughout the day.
Meditation is another form of mental technique which helps in dealing with stress. Apart
from these, making changes in everyday habits such as maintain a proper sleep
schedule, avoiding cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs, making sure that one’s diet consists of
proper nutrition; spending time doing things that bring them joy goes a long way in
letting go of the stress that one comes across every day. By learning to cope with stress
and by recognizing the symptoms of depression and the warning signs of suicide, we'll be
better prepared to help not only our self, but also our friends, fellow students and the
community as a whole.

Literature Cited

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