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 The etymology of the term "MANGYAN"

 MANG ("one from a certain place")
 YAN ("that place")
Therefore, Mangyan may mean "The people from that place"

 The term “Mangyan” is an umbrella term that refers to several indigenous

communities on the island of Mindoro in the Philippines.

 The ethnic groups of the island from north to south are Iraya, Alangan,
Tadyawan, Tawbuid (called batangan by lowlanders on the west of the island),
Bangon, Buhid, Hanunuo, and Ratagnon.

The earliest accounts that mention Mindoro and its place are found in 13th century
Chinese dynastic records.

 Mindoro Island
 Alangan Mangyans mostly live at the foot of Mt. Halcon.
 The Bangon Mangyan community live near the edge of the Bongabon River,
 Meanwhile, the Hanunuo and the Buhid are from the southern part of Mindoro

 Animism - is the belief that natural objects such as rivers and rocks possess a
soul or spirit.
 Christianity - around 10% of the population of Mangyans have embraced
Christianity (Predominantly Roman Catholic and Evangelical Protestant).

1. Tagalog 4. Tadyawan 7. Hanuno'o
2. Iraya 5. Tawbuid
3. Alangan 6. Buhid

 Farming - Mangyan are mainly subsistence agriculturalists, planting a variety of
sweet potato, upland (dry cultivation) rice, and taro.
 Hunting - They also trap small animals and wild pigs.
 Crop Selling - Many who live in close contact with lowland Filipinos sell cash
crops such as bananas and ginger.
 Crafting - Another one of the Mangyans main sources of livelihood is their
handicraft made of forest vines, beads and cotton.
 Mahal Na Makaako - The Supreme Being who gave life to all human beings
merely by gazing at them.
 Binayi - Owner of a garden where all spirits rest.
 Binayo - Is a sacred female spirit, caretaker of the rice spirits (kalag paray).
 Bulungabon - The spirit aided by 12 fierce dogs. He is married to Binayo.

 Panudlak - The rite of the first planting; the rite of rice planting itself; and the rites
of harvesting which consist of the magbugkos or binding rice stalks, and the

pamag-uhan which follows the harvest.

 Kutkot ritual - Is an old tradition followed by the Hanunoo Mangyan tribe that
allows them to bring their dead back to life. The term "Kutkot" itself means to
"unearth" referring to their tradition of a secondary burial, where they dig up the
dead and then rebury them.
 Offerings - The Hanunoo propitiate spirits through feasts and rituals, and they
offer the spirits food (rice, pig blood, or betel quids) and especially strings of
glass beads.

 Mangyan Marriage (Pamara asawa an) - the groom lives with the woman's
family for one to six months, participating in various activities. If there's initial
disapproval, the groom may proceed by paying a duti (two pigs and two sacks of
rice). Upon permission, parents meet to discuss the marriage and partake in a
meal called pasalungkita, featuring rice and pork.
 Arranged Marriage - Is an accepted practice among the Hanunuo, with the girl
married off as young as twelve years old.
 Polygamous Marriage - The Hanunuo are allowed to marry another
man/woman if the first spouse gives his/her consent. The man may opt to build
another house near the first family, but the dining place is shared.
 For the male, they wear a loincloth (ba-ag) and a shirt (balukas)
 While the female wears an indigo-dyed short skirt (ramit) and a blouse
 Both sexes wear necklaces and bracelets.

 Mangyan Basket Weaving - The Hanunuo/Buhid Mangyans are known to be
good at weaving baskets like bayong and balulang, beadworks, and mats. Raw
materials like nito grass and thick, dried forest vines are laced in a circular motion
that results in an intricate pattern solely distinct to the tribe.

 Dugoy Festival - is celebrated every January 18 in the town of Sablayan,
Occidental Mindoro. This festival features the Mangyan tribe and its rich cultural
 Bakal Tarok - This dance is an enactment of the Alangan (Mangyan Tribe) of the
planting activity in a slash-and-burn farm (kaingin) which also includes their other

forms of livelihood and survival in the mountains.

 Root crops - Wild fruits - Corn
 Banana - Wild yam - Taro
 Rice - Organic soybean

 Kudyapi - a long-necked string instrument used by the mangyans of Mindoro.

-(Kudyapi) -(Gitgit)
 Gitgit - is another stringed Instrument within 3 or four strings commonly made of
sculpted wood.

 Bangsi - is an external duct flute.

-(Bangsi) -(Subing)
 Subing - is the Mangyan version of jaws harp, a lamellophone that has a
flappable tongue in the middle that produces sound when plucked.

 Kalutang - make up the majority of instruments that are used in many festivals
and dances of the Mangyan.

-(Kalutang) -(Agung)
 Agung - it is a set of metal shaped like a pail with a circle in the middle.


 Elder Leadership - The Mangyan tribe's political structure is composed of
indigenous elders assuming leadership roles.

1. Nito weave decorating Jars
2. Mangyan basket

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