240628 Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia 5M24 Coal Industry Update

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June 28, 2024

Equity Research

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

Rizkia Darmawan rizkia.darmawan@miraeasset.co.id
Akbar Hidayat akbar.hidayat@miraeasset.co.id

Coal (Neutral/Maintain)
5M24 Update: weather and global trade dynamics continue to
shape coal prices within our forecast
Report summary

Indonesia’s 5M24 coal production: May and April production was lower due to weather condition
As of 5M24, Indonesia's coal production reached 330mn tons (+5.3% YoY), hitting 36% of the annual RKAB target of 920mn tons,
the result was fairly below our initial expectation. April and May production totaled 128.5mn tons. In comparison to the monthly
average of 67mn tons in the first quarter of 2024, April and May production fell below this average, reaching approximately
64mn tons per month. This decline is possibly due to the onset of drier weather in key regions like Sumatra and Kalimantan
occurring one month later than usual.

5M24 demand and global trade dynamics: Indonesia increases its coal exports to North Asian countries
Indonesia’s coal domestic consumption rose by 14.7% YoY to 145.7mn tons, driven by higher energy consumption and increased
manufacturing. Exports are shifting towards North Asia (Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, the Philippines), while India remains a major
importer. Increased electricity use and economic growth in these regions are boosting coal demand, ensuring sustained
demand for Indonesian coal.

On China, specifically, In the first five months of 2023, China significantly increased its coal imports due to lower hydropower
output and post-COVID recovery, leading to a boost in Indonesia's coal exports. However, in 2024, China's coal import growth
slowed, resulting in a decline in Indonesia's exports to China. This shift is attributed to several factors, including China increasing
imports from Russia and Australia, higher production in Mongolia, and China's reduced reliance on coal due to peak hydroelectric
power generation.

5M24 prices: despite a rise to USD144/ton in May, prices remained within our expected range
In the first five months of 2024, Newcastle coal benchmark prices averaged USD131/ton, aligning with our base case
assumptions. May monthly average prices rose to USD 144/ton, a 10.1% increase from April, but as of June 26, prices returned
to USD 134/ton. The May spike was driven by Southeast Asia's heatwave and increased energy demand in China post-Labor Day.

Outlook & Recommendation: expecting benchmark prices to range ~USD130-140/ton; ADRO remains our top pick
For 3Q24, we expect prices to stabilize and move in the range of USD130-140/ton, potentially rising in September due to winter
demand. However, significant price jumps are unlikely due to global trade dynamics and increased Indonesian production.

Given these factors, we maintain our Neutral rating for the Indonesian Coal sector. Regarding individual stocks, we maintain
Hold recommendations for ADRO (TP: IDR 2,900/share), ITMG (TP: IDR 25,500/share), and PTBA (TP: IDR 2,500/share). We favor
ADRO for its stronger performance and lower cash costs.

Key investment metrics

Market cap. Last price Target price Upside P/E (x) ROE (%) Div. yield (%)
Company Ticker Rating
(IDRbn) (IDR) (IDR) (%) 2024F 2025F 2024F 2025F 2024F 2025F
Bukit Asam PTBA 27,995 Hold 2,430 2,500 2.9 5.3 5.0 22.8 22.6 16.4 14.2
Adaro Energy Indonesia ADRO 87,961 Hold 2,750 2,900 5.5 4.9 5.4 14.9 13.1 14.9 8.9
Indo Tambangraya Megah ITMG 26,836 Hold 23,750 25,500 7.4 5.0 4.7 19.1 18.7 18.6 13.0
Note: Data as of June 27, 2024.
Source: Company data, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research

Analysts who prepared this report are registered as research analysts in Indonesia but not in any other jurisdiction, including the US.
Coal June 28, 2024


Indonesia’s coal production and supply 3

Production is expected to improve in 3Q24 3

Indonesia’s coal demand and global trade dynamics 6

Growth is mainly supported by domestic consumption 6

Prices and sector recommendations 8

Maintain price projections and Neutral recommendation 8

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research 2

Coal June 28, 2024

Indonesia’s coal production and supply

Production is expected to improve in 3Q24

In the first five months of 2024, Indonesia's coal production continued to grow steadily,
reaching 330mntons (+5.3% YoY). This represents a 36% run rate towards the
government's 920mn ton RKAB target production for 2024. In the first two months of
2Q24, Indonesia’s coal production stood at 63.7mn tons in April and 64.8mn tons in May,
bringing the cumulative 2Q24 production until May to 128.5mn tons.

Of a note, in 1Q24, Indonesia managed to produce 202mn tons of coal with a monthly
average production of ~67mn tons. As the monthly production in May and April was
lower than in previous months, which are typically higher than in the first quarter,
Indonesia’s coal production needs to increase significantly in the coming quarters to
reach the target. We see that this current production level may also be caused by the
shift of dry weather condition in Indonesia’s top coal producers location including
Sumatera and Kalimantan.

Figure 1. Indonesia’s coal monthly production

(mn tons)
70.1 70.1 71.1 70.4 69.1 71.1
70 66.7 67.1
62.3 63.8 62.4 63.8 63.7 64.8
60 57.4

50 47.3





1/23 2/23 3/23 4/23 5/23 6/23 7/23 8/23 9/23 10/23 11/23 12/23 1/24 2/24 3/24 4/24 5/24

Source: MODI ESDM, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research

In June 2024, BMKG revised its prediction for the start of dry weather in Sumatra from
the first week of June to the third week of May. For Kalimantan, the top coal production
region, the predicted start of dry weather has been pushed back from the third week of
June to the third week of July. Furthermore, BMKG predicts that the dry weather
condition will peak in July/August in Sumatra, and August/September in Kalimantan.

Factoring in the abovementioned weather prediction, we expect the improvement in

production may become more tangible in the following months until the peak of dry
weather in Indonesia in August. As of now, we remain cautiously optimistic that
Indonesia's production level will reach 2024's target, and we will continue to assess the
industry data, including weather, as well as the demand from major export destinations
like China and India.

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research 3

Coal June 28, 2024

For 3Q24, we expect prices to stabilize and move in the range of USD130-140/ton,
potentially rising in September due to winter demand. However, significant price jumps
are unlikely due to global trade dynamics and increased Indonesian production.

Given these factors, we maintain our Neutral rating for the Indonesian Coal sector.
Regarding individual stocks, we maintain Hold recommendations for ADRO (TP: IDR
2,900/share), ITMG (TP: IDR 25,500/share), and PTBA (TP: IDR 2,500/share). We favor
ADRO for its stronger performance and lower cash costs.

Figure 2. Indonesia’s coal production typically peaks during third quarter on dry weather

(mn tons)
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Source: MODI ESDM, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research

Figure 3. Dry season is predicted to start occurring in June/July in Sumatera, and July/August in Kalimantan

Source: BMKG, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research 4

Coal June 28, 2024

Figure 4. Dry season is predicted to peak in July/August in Sumatera, and August/September in Kalimantan

Source: BMKG, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research 5

Coal June 28, 2024

Indonesia’s coal demand and global trade dynamics

Growth is mainly supported by domestic consumption

On the demand side, Indonesia managed to show notable improvement in terms of
domestic consumption. Until 5M24, domestic consumption grew by 14.7% YoY to
145.7mn tons, supported by the increase of domestic energy consumption and
increasing manufacturing activities.

Figure 5. Indonesia’s domestic coal consumption has been the growth driver this year

(mn tons)
45 42.0
35 33.0
30.0 29.6 28.5 28.9 30.3 30.4 31.0
25.4 26.4 26.0 27.2


1/23 2/23 3/23 4/23 5/23 6/23 7/23 8/23 9/23 10/23 11/23 12/23 1/24 2/24 3/24 4/24 5/24

Source: MODI ESDM, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research

Despite robust domestic coal consumption growth in the first five months of 2024,
Indonesia's year-to-date coal exports have only grown by 2.1% YoY to 164.6mntons.
Nevertheless, monthly exports saw a notable improvement in May, growing robustly by
10.3% YoY to 37.4mn tons, compared to the average of the previous four months, which
was approximately 31mn tons.

We highlight that the current dynamics in Indonesia's coal export market differ from last
year. In 2023, China's coal imports grew very strongly by 78% YoY to 189mn tons during
the first five months due to lower electricity output from hydropower plants and post-
COVID recovery. This drove Indonesia's coal export growth to 68% YoY during the same
period. In the first five months of 2024, China's coal import growth has slowed to 14%
YoY, reaching 215mn tons. This resulted in a 5% YoY decline in Indonesia's export growth
to China during the same period, from 96mn tons to 91mn tons.

Examining China's current coal trade dynamics more closely reveals several factors at
play. China has recently increased its imports from Russia and Australia, driven by the
lifting of Australia's export ban and global sanctions on Russia that have made Russian
coal cheaper and more attractive to Chinese buyers. Additionally, increased production
in Mongolia and China's peak hydroelectric power generation, which has reduced its
reliance on coal, have further influenced the dynamics of China’s coal imports.

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research 6

Coal June 28, 2024

Figure 6. China is importing more coal from Russia, Mongolia and Australia this year

(mn tons)
Australia Indonesia Mongolia Russia Other






01/23 03/23 05/23 07/23 09/23 11/23 01/24 03/24 05/24

Source: Bloomberg, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

As a result, Indonesia's coal exports are now shifting towards other North Asian
countries such as Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, and the Philippines, while India remains a
significant importer. The recent heatwave in Vietnam has led to higher electricity
consumption for air conditioning, increasing the demand for coal to meet energy needs.
Taiwan and Japan, with their limited domestic energy resources and high industrial
demand, rely on coal imports to ensure a stable power supply. Meanwhile, the
Philippines continues to expand its coal-fired power capacity to meet growing energy
demands, sustaining high demand for Indonesian coal. Additionally, India has ramped
up electricity generation due to a strong economy and an ongoing heatwave, boosting
the demand for power and, consequently, coal. These factors collectively ensure a
sustained demand for Indonesian coal in the North Asian and Indian markets.

Figure 7. Indonesia’s monthly coal export

(mn tons)

40 37.4
34.3 35.3 33.8 35.3 34.0
32.9 33.9 31.6 34.1 33.6
30.0 31.2


1/23 2/23 3/23 4/23 5/23 6/23 7/23 8/23 9/23 10/23 11/23 12/23 1/24 2/24 3/24 4/24 5/24

Source: MODI ESDM, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research 7

Coal June 28, 2024

Prices and sector recommendations

Maintain price projections and Neutral recommendation

In the first five months of 2024, Newcastle coal benchmark prices remained relatively in
line with our base case assumption since the release of our 2024 coal outlook, averaging
USD131/ton. In terms of monthly coal prices, the average price in May 2024 stood at
USD144/ton, increasing by 10.1% MoM from April's average monthly price of
USD130.4/ton. Nevertheless, based on our latest data as of June 26, 2024, Newcastle coal
prices have gone back to USD134/ton.

We note that the increase in coal prices in May was likely driven by concerns about
unfavorable weather conditions, particularly the heatwave currently affecting Southeast
Asia. Additionally, China's energy demand also rose due to increased activity following
the post-Labor Day holiday in addition to increasing temperatures.

Going forward, in 3Q24, we expect Newcastle coal prices to move sideways and relatively
normalize in the range of ~USD130-140/ton. Following the historical pattern, prices may
increase starting in September as major importers enter the winter season. We do not
expect prices to jump significantly due to the global trade dynamics we mentioned
earlier. Additionally, as Indonesia continues to ramp up its production following the
RKAB target of 920mn tons, we see the potential of supply growth to be higher than
demand growth, especially from China. Risks to our price assumptions include rising
geopolitical tensions that could affect global energy supply, unfavorable weather
conditions, as well as lower-than-expected demand from major coal importers.

Table 1. FY24 Newcastle coal price projection (USD/ton)

Scenario Price projections
Bear 101.2
Base 125.8
Bull 150.5
Source: Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research estimate

Figure 8. Coal benchmark prices already shows a sign of normalization

(USD/ton) Newcastle Richards Bay ARA Zhengzhou China Qinhuangdao







5/23 6/23 7/23 8/23 9/23 10/23 11/23 12/23 1/24 2/24 3/24 4/24 5/24 6/24

Source: Bloomberg, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research 8

Coal June 28, 2024

In terms of the companies under our coverage, we maintain our target prices and
recommendations. We have a Hold recommendation for ADRO with a TP of
IDR2,900/share, a Hold recommendation for ITMG with a TP of IDR25,500/share, and
a Hold recommendation for PTBA with a TP of IDR2,500/share. Our TPs are derived
using a P/E target multiple valuation of 5.2x (-0.5 SD of ADRO's 5-year average P/E) for
ADRO, 5.4x (-0.5 SD from PTBA's 5-year average P/E) for PTBA, and 5.4x P/E (-0.25 SD
from PTBA's 5-year average P/E). We currently favor ADRO due to its relatively stronger
performance compared to the other companies under our coverage, supported by its
relatively lower and manageable cash costs.

Figure 9. ADRO’s P/E band Figure 10. ITMG’s P/E band

(x) P/E Mean -1 SD (x) P/E Mean -2 SD

25 -1 SD +1 SD +2 SD
25 +1 SD -2 SD +2 SD

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0

-5 -5
6/19 12/19 6/20 12/20 6/21 12/21 6/22 12/22 6/23 12/23 6/24 6/19 12/19 6/20 12/20 6/21 12/21 6/22 12/22 6/23 12/23 6/24

Source: Bloomberg, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research Source: Bloomberg, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research

Figure 11. PTBA’s P/E band

P/E Mean -1 SD +1 SD -2 SD +2 SD



6/19 12/19 6/20 12/20 6/21 12/21 6/22 12/22 6/23 12/23 6/24

Source: Bloomberg, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research 9

Coal June 28, 2024

Appendix 1

Important disclosures and disclaimers

Two-year rating and TP history
Company Date Rating TP (IDR) Company Date Rating TP (IDR)
Bukit Asam (PTBA IJ) 6/28/2024 Hold 2,500 9/19/2023 Hold 2,795
5/13/2024 Sell 2,500 7/24/2023 Trading Buy 2,795
3/22/2024 Sell 2,500 5/15/2023 Trading Buy 3,300
1/18/2024 Hold 2,450 4/10/2023 Trading Buy 3,340
11/2/2023 Hold 2,250 12/6/2022 Trading Buy 4,200
9/19/2023 Hold 2,875 10/14/2022 Trading Buy 4,500
8/31/2023 Hold 2,875 9/2/2022 Buy 4,500
7/24/2023 Hold 2,875 Indo Tambangraya Megah (ITMG IJ) 6/28/2024 Hold 25,500
5/15/2023 Hold 3,175 3/1/2024 Hold 25,500
5/8/2023 Hold 3,175 2/22/2024 Hold 25,500
4/10/2023 Buy 5,245 1/18/2024 Hold 25,500
12/6/2022 Hold 3,650 11/14/2023 Hold 23,875
11/2/2022 Buy 5,000 9/19/2023 Hold 30,400
8/29/2022 Hold 4,500 8/14/2023 Trading Buy 30,400
Adaro Energy (ADRO IJ) 6/28/2024 Hold 2,900 7/24/2023 Trading Buy 30,400
5/13/2024 Hold 2,900 5/15/2023 Hold 30,400
1/18/2024 Hold 2,380 4/10/2023 Hold 38,550
11/2/2023 Hold 2,380 8/15/2022 Hold 39,400

(IDR) PTBA Analyst's TP (IDR) ADRO Analyst's TP (IDR) ITMG Analyst's TP

7,000 4,500 45,000

3,500 35,000
2,500 25,000
1,500 15,000

1,000 500 5,000

Jun-22 Jun-23 Jun-24 Jun-22 Jun-23 Jun-24 Jun-22 Jun-23 Jun-24

Stock ratings Sector ratings

Buy Expected 12-month performance: +20% or greater Overweight Expected to outperform the market over 12 months
Trading Buy Expected 12-month performance: +10% to +20% Neutral Expected to perform in line with the market over 12 months
Hold Expected 12-month performance: -10% to +10% Underweight Expected to underperform the market over 12 months
Sell Expected 12-month performance: -10% or worse

Rating and TP history: Share price (─), TP (▬), Not Rated (■), Buy (▲), Trading Buy (■), Hold (●), Sell (♦)
* Our investment rating is a guide to the expected return of the stock over the next 12 months.
* Outside of the official ratings of PT Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia, analysts may call trading opportunities should technical or short-term material developments arise.
* The TP was determined by the research analyst through valuation methods discussed in this report, in part based on estimates of future earnings.
* TP achievement may be impeded by risks related to the subject securities and companies, as well as general market and economic conditions.

As of the publication date, PT Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia (“MASID”) and/or its affiliates do not have any special interest in the subject company and do not own 1% or
more of the subject company's shares outstanding.

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The research analysts who prepared this report (the “Analysts”) are certified to the Indonesia Financial Services Authority and are subject to Indonesian
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MASID and its affiliated companies and is provided for information purposes only. Information and opinions contained herein have been compiled in good
faith and from sources believed to be reliable, but such information has not been independently verified and MASID (including but not limited to the Analyst,

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research 10

Coal June 28, 2024

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Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Research 12

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