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”A Changing World Demands Changing Skills.”

Joanne Gokcedag

Department of Education, University of the People

EDUC 5810 – Living and Learning Globally

Portfolio Unit 2

Dr. Jeanne Albert

Wednesday, 03 July 2024


"A Changing World Demands Changing Skills", to me that means that as the

world around us evolves, the skills students need to succeed also change. I have been

working in education for over 30 years and the change during that time has been

immense, I remember in my first year of teaching standing at the front of the classroom,

telling the students what they needed to memorize to be successful, in the lesson and

their examinations. That is what it all came down to, how well they did in one exam, on

one day, if they had a bad day or were feeling ill then that was their problem.

As an educator, this statement sums up what we must navigate daily to prepare

students for the future. According to Zaphir, (2019), John Dewey believed that

education should serve an intrinsic purpose and that learning shouldn’t be just with

textbooks, Nowadays, the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and

Youth Affairs, (2008), believes that there are three main goals for individuals, to

become successful learners, to become confident and creative individuals, and to

become active and informed citizens. The main changes that I have seen are in the

fields of technology, skills, and globalization.

The impact of technological advancements on education has been profound and

continues to evolve rapidly (ClassVR, 2023). Technology has changed education in

several ways:

1. The internet has made information readily available, allowing students to

research and learn beyond traditional textbooks and libraries. Today,

with one click of a button, students can find thousands of resources.

2. Technology enables personalized learning experiences tailored to

individual student needs and learning styles.

3. Multimedia resources, and educational apps, make learning interactive

and immersive, enhancing student engagement and understanding. I use


gamification apps, such as Kahoot, Blooket, and Wordwall to reinforce

my learning.

4. Technology streamlines administrative tasks in schools, such as grading

and scheduling, freeing up educators' time for teaching. I currently use

PowerSchool and Schoology for grading and reporting.

5. Technology improves access to education for students with disabilities

through tools like screen readers and adaptive technologies.

The skills that students need to succeed in the 21st Century are completely

different from what it was like in the past. What is needed in today's job market changes

all the time, at a lightning pace. The 21st-century skills can be divided into three groups

(Hummel, 2022). These are learning, literacy and life skills.

Learning skills: Sometimes called the four Cs of critical thinking, creativity,

communication, and collaboration, these teach students about the processes needed to


Literacy skills: These are skills concerned with digital literacy.

Life skills: This final set of skills is associated with ensuring that a student can

lead a successful and independent life.

All of these skills are connected to someone's ability to adapt to change. All the

21st-century skills are what is needed to keep up with an environment that is constantly


According to the University of Bolton, (2021), globalization refers to the

mobility of students across the world. It is the glue that connects people, cultures,

economies, and ideas. According to World Savvy, (n,d,), global competencies are the

skills, behaviors, and attitudes needed to flourish as local and global citizens. Some

examples are diversity, multiculturalism, sustainability, environmental impacts, and

global supply changes.

As an educator, I'm committed to embracing these principles in my teaching. It

means being open to new ideas, continually learning alongside my students, and

creating a supportive environment where they feel able to grow and succeed. By

providing them with these skills, I believe we're giving them the tools they need to

flourish in a world that's always changing.



ClassVR. (2023, June 27). Use of Technology in Education: A Complete Guide.



Hummel, B. (2022, January 10). What Are 21st Century Skills?

Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs

[MCEETYA]. (2008). Melbourne declaration on educational goals for young


University of Bolton. (2021, September 14). Education in the Context of Globalisation

(and How it Impacts Teachers). University of Bolton.


World Savvy. (n.d.). What Is Global Competence? | World Savvy.

Zaphir, L. (2019). What’s the point of education? It’s no longer just about getting a job.

The Conversation.



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