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When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming that the
work is their own.

Student name: MTM ATHEEB Assessor name: Mr. M.I.M. Irshad

Issue date: 21.12.2023 Submission date: Submitted on:04/07/2024


Programme: HND in Computing

Unit 16: Cloud Computing

Assignment number and title: 01. Cloud Computing Solution for a Healthcare Provider

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who
break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you
understand correct referencing practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use
appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials for
material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet. Please
consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further advice.

Student Declaration
Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand
the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of

Student signature: Date:

Programme: HND in Computing Studen
Unit No. & 16. Cloud Computing Assessment 21.12.2023 Unit
Title: Date: Grade:
Assessor Name: Mr. M.I.M. Irshad Completion 05.02.2024 IV
Date Signature:
Tasks Learning Criteria Date Issued Hand in Formative Resubmission
Objective Targeted Date Feedback
Task1 L01 P1
Task2 L02 P3
Task3 L03 P5 21.12.2023
Task4 L04 P7
Unit 16: Cloud Computing

Assignment Brief

Student Name/ID

Unit Number and Title Unit 16: Cloud Computing

Academic Year 2022/23

Batch / Cohort Batch 14 & 15, Semester 3

Unit Tutor Mr. M.I.M. Irshad

Assignment Title Cloud Computing Solution for a Healthcare Provider

Issue Date 21.12.2023

Submission Date 05.02.2024

Submission Format
Part 1
A detailed report (approximately 1500 words)

Part 2
A detailed report (approximately 1500 words)

Part 3
Cloud Platform & Recorded video of the Implementing Virtual Machine and other Resources, Attached
reports with relevant Screenshots. (Recorded video file should be uploaded on top of any video
streaming platform and the link should be mentioned on your report)
Part 4
A detailed report (approximately 1500 words)

Please submit your assignment by organizing a folder with your Student ID and batch
information, and make sure to compress the folder into a zip file before submission.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of Cloud Computing and its
architectures LO2 Evaluate the deployment models, service models and technological drivers of
Cloud Computing and validate their use.
LO3 Develop Cloud Computing solutions using service provider’s frameworks and open source tools.
LO4 Analyze the technical challenges for cloud applications and assess their risks.
Transferable skills and competencies developed
On successful completion of this unit, students will understand the fundamental concept of Cloud
Computing, fundamental difference between traditional networking and Cloud Computing, cloud
segments, and cloud deployment models, the need for Cloud Computing, the services of Cloud Computing
and an appreciation of issues associated with managing cloud service architecture and to develop a critical
awareness of Cloud Computing based projects.
They will gain hands-on experience of configuring a cloud service from major providers such as ECM,
Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM etc., and implementing a simple cloud platform using open-source
software with an appropriate networking platform. As a result, students will develop skills such as
communication literacy, critical thinking, analysis, reasoning and interpretation, which are crucial for
gaining employment and developing academic competence.

Vocational scenario

A medium-sized healthcare provider with multiple clinics and a hospital network.

The healthcare provider CVS HEALTH CORP experiences fluctuations in patient data storage
needs, especially when adopting electronic health records (EHRs). During the COVID-19
pandemic, they faced a surge in telehealth services. The healthcare provider is looking to
enhance its IT infrastructure to improve patient care, streamline operations, and manage costs
more effectively also Healthcare organizations must adhere to strict data security and
compliance regulations, such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

They want to implement a cloud computing solution to address various challenges and
opportunities. By adopting a cloud computing solution, Cloud computing allows them to scale
resources up or down based on demand and this healthcare provider can achieve its objectives
of improved patient care, data security, scalability, cost efficiency, and enhanced accessibility for
both healthcare professionals and patients.

In your role as a cloud solutions architect within your company, you're responsible for providing a
Cloud Computing Service Platform to host their existing healthcare provider application system
that aligns precisely with the specific needs of CVS HEALTH CORP.

Technical Considerations:
 Amazon Web Service Provider – Free Tier
 EC2 instance type t2.micro
 Ubuntu (Amazon Linux 2023, 2023.2.20231030.1 x86_64 HVM kernel-6.1) Free Tier , 20GB
 Associating Security Group, Auto Scaling Group and Load Balance.
Assignment activity and guidance

Task 1
1.1 Compare and contrast the healthcare service provider applications currently operating on
traditional computing systems with the cloud-based applications designed specifically for the
healthcare sector. Your main emphasis should center on the transformation from on-premises
systems to the utilization of Cloud Computing in these two chosen applications. [P1]

1.2 Create a suitable Cloud Computing architecture framework for the application of CVS HEALTH
CORP healthcare service provider (A Cloud Computing architecture framework refers to the design
used to build and organize the various components and services within a cloud environment, the
arrangement of resources, software, hardware, networking, and other elements needed to create
and operate cloud-based systems and services). [P2]

1.3 Examine how the migration into a Cloud Computing solution can assist the healthcare provider
CVS HEALTH CORP in achieving its objectives by integrating to a Cloud-based infrastructure. [M1]

1.4 Select the Tools and Technological drivers to implement cloud based CVS HEALTH CORP
healthcare service provider application and Provide proper reasoning for the selection of tools to
be used. [D1]

Task 2

2.1 Describe the suitable cloud deployment model for the above cloud based healthcare
service provider applications. [P3]

2.2 Evaluate a cloud service model to determine the most fitting model for the above
specified scenario. [P4]

2.3 Demonstrate the cloud deployment models utilized in current applications hosted in the
cloud, particularly implemented for the healthcare industry. [M2]

Task 3
3.1 CVS HEALTH CORP has a preference for constructing its server using an open source cloud
framework rather than relying on an on-premises server infrastructure. Considering the
requirements specified by CVS HEALTH CORP for a cloud-based healthcare service system,
identify appropriate open source cloud tools accessible in the cloud market to implement a
Cloud Computing platform for the deployment of healthcare service application. [P5,P6]
(It is recommended that you select AWS EC2 on the free tier and submit your Cloud Computing
platform configuration environments by including a series of properly listed screenshot images,
each accompanied by suitable descriptions, outlining the steps you've taken)

3.2 Developing a cloud platform involves various challenges and constraints that can affect the
process. As a Cloud Architect, explore the challenges and limitations encountered throughout
the development of the above cloud platform. [M3]

3.4 Addressing these above issues, explore the required strategies to address and overcome these
challenges and constraints effectively. [D2]

Task 4

4.1 Cloud Computing, despite its many advantages, can encounter various challenges. Identify some
primary issues commonly encountered in a Cloud Computing platform and explore suitable
solutions to mitigate these challenges. [P7]

4.2 Cloud Security concerns in a cloud computing platform which presents a range of complex issues
due to the shared responsibility model between the cloud service provider (CSP) and the user.
Mitigating these security concerns requires a concerted effort by both the CSP and the users to
ensure a robust and comprehensive security posture within the cloud environment. It demands a
proactive and vigilant approach to minimize the risks associated with data breaches and
unauthorized access represent a critical security issue in cloud environments. Discuss the above
mentioned two issues with the appropriate real-world examples in cloud computing platform.

4.3 Creating a secure cloud platform involves a parallel approach that addresses various potential
vulnerabilities in the implementation of Cloud Mitigation. Addressing these Security
discuss appropriate solutions and strategies to overcome these issues when building a secure cloud
platform to enhance the security posture of a cloud. [M4]

4.4 Data migration to a cloud solution poses both opportunities and risks regarding data
protection. Considering some critical considerations, Discuss how CVS HEALTH CORP should
their data during the migration process from on promises to the Cloud Platform. [D3]
Recommended Resources
Please note that the resources listed are examples for you to use as a starting point in your
research – the list is not definitive.

1. Chandrasekaran, K. (2015) Essentials of Cloud Computing, CRC Press.

2. Kapadia, A., Varma, S. and Rajana, K. (2014) Implementing Cloud Storage with
OpenStack. Packt Publishing.
3. Patawari, A. (2013) Getting Started with own Cloud. Packt Publishing.
4. Rhoton, J. and De Clercq, J. (2014) OpenStack Cloud Computing: Architecture. Recursive
5. Thomas Eri, T. and Ricardo Puttin, R. (2013) Cloud Computing: Concept, Technology
and Architecture. Prentice Hall.
6. Zhu, S-Y. and Hill, R. (2016) Guide to Security Assurance for Cloud Computing, Springer.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of Cloud Computing and its architectures

P1 Analyze the evolution and M1 Discuss why an organization LO1 & LO2
fundamental concepts of Cloud should migrate to a Cloud
Computing. Computing solution D1 Justify the tools chosen to
P2 Design an appropriate realise a Cloud Computing
architectural Cloud Computing solution.
framework for a given scenario.

LO2 Evaluate the deployment models, service models and technological drivers of Cloud Computing and
validate their use
P3 Define an appropriate deployment M2 Demonstrate these deployment D1 Justify the tools chosen to
model for a given scenario. models with real world examples realize a Cloud Computing
P4 Compare the service models for solution.
choosing an adequate model for a
given scenario

LO3 Develop Cloud Computing solutions using service provider’s frameworks and open source tools
P5 Configure a Cloud Computing M3 Discuss the issues and constraints D2 Critically discuss how one
platform with a cloud service provider’s one can face during the development can overcome these issues
framework. process. and constraints

P6 Implement a cloud platform using

open source tools.

LO4 Analyze the technical challenges for cloud applications and assess their risks
P7 Analyze the most common M4 Discuss how to overcome these D3 Critically discuss how an
problems which arise in a Cloud security issues when building a organization should protect
Computing platform and discuss secure cloud platform. their data when they migrate to
appropriate solutions to these a cloud solution.
P8 Assess the most common security
issues in cloud environments.
Guidance for Students

Deliverable: Report Should be submitted one soft copy of word-processed Report.

 You should include the COVER PAGE, Assessment Declaration form and Unit
Review Plan of this assignment when you submit your final report.

 If submitted after the extended deadline, the assignment will not be accepted
whereas you shall be asked to go for a NEW assignment.

 Late Submission is not permitted until otherwise recommended by the Assessor /Course
 Plagiarism will be treated as a very Serious academic misconduct.

Instructions to students:

1. All assignment should comprise of the standard Front Cover given. No other
front page will be accepted.

2. Report Writing Guidelines:

1. Every Assignment should have an Introduction and Conclusion.

2. The standard Table of Contents should be generated.
3. All the Figures, Tables, Diagram etc. should be numbered.
4. Main Heading Font: Arial; Size 16
5. Sub heading: Font: Arial; Size 14
6. Body text: Font: Arial; Size 11
7. Paragraph: 1.5 spacing
8. Margins: Top: 1” Bottom: 1” Left: 1” Right: 1”
9. Header – include the module name on the right hand side
10. Footer – include the page number on the right hand side
11. All sections should have continuity and pages should be clearly ladled.
12. References – clear references for all the materials, books, articles, website
etc should be given in accordance with Harvard Reference style (Harvard Anglia
Table of content
Table of content...........................................................................................................................16
Table of Figures............................................................................................................................18
Task 1............................................................................................................................................19
1.1 What is Cloud Computing?..........................................................................................19
1.1.1 Examples of Cloud Storage..........................................................................................20
1.1.2 Examples of Marketing Cloud Platforms.....................................................................20
1.1.3 Benefits of Cloud computing.......................................................................................21
1.1.4 Drawbacks of Cloud computing...................................................................................21
1.2 Evolution and fundamental concept of CloudComputing...........................................22
1.2.1 Evolution of Cloud computing.....................................................................................22
1.2.2 The Fundamental of Cloud Computing.......................................................................24
1.3 Design an appropriate architectural Cloud Computing framework for a given
1.3.1 What is cloud computing architecture?......................................................................27
1.3.2 Cloud computing architecture for the scenario..........................................................29
1.4 Why an organization should migrate to Cloud Computing solution...........................30
1.4.1 How do you secure your data while transferring on the cloud?.................................30
Task 2............................................................................................................................................33
2.1 Cloud computing deployment models........................................................................33
2.1.1 Public cloud..................................................................................................................33
2.1.2 Private cloud................................................................................................................34
2.1.3 Hybrid cloud.................................................................................................................35
2.1.4 Community cloud........................................................................................................36
2.1.5 The advantages of using a private cloud.....................................................................37
2.2 Cloud computing service models................................................................................39
2.2.1 SaaS (Software as a Service)........................................................................................39
2.2.2 IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).................................................................................40
2.2.3 PaaS (Platform as a Service)........................................................................................41
2.3 Comparing cloud service models SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS...............................................42
2.4 Real world example for cloud computing...................................................................44
2.4.1 Examples of Cloud Storage..........................................................................................44
2.4.2 Examples of Marketing Cloud Platforms...........................................................................44
2.4.2 Examples of Cloud Computing in Education................................................................45
2.4.3 Examples of Cloud Computing in Healthcare..............................................................45
2.4.4 Examples of Cloud Computing for Government.........................................................45
2.5 The tools chosen to realize a Cloud Computing solution............................................46
2.5.1 Amazon Cloudwatch....................................................................................................46
2.5.2 Microsoft Cloud Monitoring........................................................................................46
2.5.3 AppDynamics...............................................................................................................47
2.5.4 BMC TrueSight Pulse...................................................................................................47
2.5.5 DX Infrastructure Manager (IM)..................................................................................47
Task 3............................................................................................................................................48
3.1 Configure a Cloud Computing platform with a cloud service provider’s framework. 48
3.2 Implement a cloud platform using open source tools.
3.3 Discuss the issues and constraints one can face during the development process and
how one can overcome these issues and constraints
3.3.1 VMware Tools Are Outdated or Not Installed.............................................................55
3.3.2 Virtual Machine Memory Limits..................................................................................55
3.3.3 Virtual Machine Logging Limitation.............................................................................56
Task 4............................................................................................................................................57
4.1 The most common problems which arise in a Cloud Computing platform and discuss
appropriate solutions to these problems.
4.1.1 Data Security concern..................................................................................................57
4.1.2 Selecting the perfect cloud set−up..............................................................................57
4.1.3 Real time monitoring requirements............................................................................57
4.1.4 Cost barrier..................................................................................................................58
4.1.5 Hacking of brand..........................................................................................................58
4.1.6 Recuperation of lost data............................................................................................58
4.1.7 Data portability............................................................................................................58
4.2 The most common security issues in cloud environments and how to overcome
these security issues.
4.2.1 Data ownership and accountability.............................................................................59
4.2.2 Client privacy and secondary usage of data................................................................59
4.2.3 DDoS attacks................................................................................................................60
4.2.4 Regulatory compliance......................................................................................................60
4.2.5 Infrastructure security.................................................................................................60
4.2.6 Disaster recovery.........................................................................................................60
4.2.7 Data loss......................................................................................................................61
4.3 How e−com Telco should protect their data when theymigrate to a cloud solution.
62 4.3.1 Understand What You Have
4.3.2 Encrypt During Transit.................................................................................................62
4.3.3 Understand compliance requirements.......................................................................63
4.3.4 Understand the shared responsibility model..............................................................63
Gantt chart...................................................................................................................................64
Table of Figures
Figure 1.What is Cloud Computing.............................................................................................19
Figure 2.What is cloud computing architecture...........................................................................27
Figure 3.Cloud computing architecture for the scenario..............................................................29
Figure 4.Public cloud...................................................................................................................33
Figure 5.Public cloud...................................................................................................................34
Figure 6.Hybrid cloud..................................................................................................................35
Figure 7.Community cloud...........................................................................................................36
Figure 8.Cloud computing models...............................................................................................38
Figure 9.SaaS (Software as a Service).........................................................................................39
Figure 10.IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).................................................................................40
Figure 11.PaaS (Platform as a Service)........................................................................................41
Figure 12.Install VMware............................................................................................................48
Figure 13.Install ubuntu in VMware............................................................................................48
Figure 14.Lock screen in ubuntu..................................................................................................49
Figure 15.Home page of ubuntu...................................................................................................49
Figure 16.Install maria database server........................................................................................50
Figure 17.Install apache2.............................................................................................................50
Figure 18.Running Apache server................................................................................................51
Figure 19.config tcp.....................................................................................................................51
Figure 20.Install mysql server......................................................................................................52
Figure 21. Download owncloud...................................................................................................52
Figure 22.Activation successfully................................................................................................52
Figure 23.Loging page of owncloud............................................................................................53
Figure 24.Enter username and password......................................................................................53
Figure 25.log to owncloud............................................................................................................54
Figure 26.home page of owncloud...............................................................................................54
Figure 27.Understand the shared responsibility model................................................................63

Table 1.Compare cloud computing models..................................................................................43
Task 1

1.1 What is Cloud Computing?

cloud computing is the conveyance of computing administrations including servers, storage,
databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence over the Internet ("the cloud") to
offer quicker innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. You regularly pay just
for cloud administrations you use, causing you bring down your working costs, run your
infrastructure all the more productively, and scale as your business needs change.
(What Is Cloud Computing? A Beginner’s Guide | Microsoft Azure, 2021)

Figure 1.What is Cloud Computing

1.1.1 Examples of Cloud Storage

The number of cloud storage suppliers online appears to develop each day. At this moment,
Dropbox is the reasonable pioneer in smoothed out cloud storage permitting clients to get to
documents on any gadget through its application or site with up to 1 terabyte of free storage.
Google's email specialist organization Gmail, then again, gives limitless storage on the cloud.
Gmail has changed the manner in which we send messages and generally answerable for the
expanded utilization of email around the world.

1.1.2 Examples of Marketing Cloud Platforms

A marketing cloud is a start to finish advanced marketing platform for clients to oversee
contacts and target leads. Maropost Marketing Cloud consolidates simple to-utilize marketing
computerization and hyper-focusing of leads. Simultaneously, guaranteeing messages really
show up in the inbox, because of its high level email deliverability abilities.
(real world examples of cloud computing, n.d.)

[Space kept intentionally]

1.1.3 Benefits of Cloud computing.
 Cost Savings

 Security

 Flexibility

 Mobility

 Insight

 Increased Collaboration

 Quality Control

 Disaster Recovery

 Loss Prevention

 Automatic Software Updates

1.1.4 Drawbacks of Cloud computing

 Performance Can Vary

 Technical Issues

 Security Threat in the Cloud

 Downtime

 Internet Connectivity

 Lower Bandwidth

 Lacks of Support.
(Advantages and Disadvantages Of Cloud Computing, 2021)

[Space kept intentionally]

1.2 Evolution and fundamental concept of Cloud Computing.
1.2.1 Evolution of Cloud computing.
Cloud computing may appear to be a generally new pattern. Notwithstanding, its underlying
foundations follow back to the 1950s, when centralized server figuring permitted various clients
to get to a focal PC. During the 1960s, a few thoughts like what we call cloud registering were
presented . During the 1970s, virtualization took 1950s' centralized servers to the next level and
during the 1990s, telecom organizations started offering virtualized private organization
associations. In 1999, turned into the primary organization to convey venture
applications over the Internet. Applications could be gotten to by numerous clients at the same
time from an internet browser requiring little to no effort. Cloud processing as far as we might
be concerned showed up in 2006, when, at that point an online book retailer,
presented Amazon Web Services (AWS) and in this way spearheaded the cloud registering
development. AWS gives a wide arrangement of cloud figuring administrations, for example,
processing force and information base storage, and it remains the main framework platform in
the cloud and is profoundly dependable.
Afterward, more merchants, for example, Netflix, Microsoft, Google, Apple, and IBM, joined
and the cloud market expanded. An assortment of organization models arose. By the by, it was
as yet hard to completely comprehend the benefits of cloud registering. In 2014, in any case,
Gartner named cloud processing one of the main 10 key innovation patterns. The number of
associations depending on cloud applications is quickly expanding, and this inclination is
probably going to proceed later on. From an irregular, unreasonable thought, cloud figuring has
transformed into a persuasive idea that is generally valued by the two organizations and private
(Cloud Computing: Evolution of the Concept, 2021)

[Space kept intentionally]

Cloud computing is made out of three broad service models:

 Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), where purchasers utilize the supplier's computing

assets including workers, systems administration, and data storage space;

 Platform-as-a-service (PaaS), where the supplier has instruments for general software
improvement on their cloud infrastructures;

 Software-as-a-service (SaaS), where customers gain access to a finished item managed

by the supplier.

Moreover, cloud computing includes four main arrangement models:

 Private cloud (for a solitary organization),

 Community cloud (for a gathering of organizations),

 Public cloud (for public use), and

 Hybrid cloud (a combination of cloud services).

[Space kept intentionally]

1.2.2 The Fundamental of Cloud Computing.

1. Resources pooling
Asset pooling is one of the basic attributes of Cloud Computing. Asset pooling implies that a
cloud service supplier can divide resources between a few clients, giving everyone an alternate
arrangement of services according to their requirements. It is a multi-customer strategy that can
be applied to data storage services, handling services, and bandwidth offered types of
assistance. The administration cycle of allotting resources progressively doesn't conflict with the
customer's experience.'

2. On demand self service

It is one of the significant and fundamental highlights of Cloud Computing. It empowers the
customer to constantly monitor the worker uptime, abilities, and dispensed network storage.
This is a basic trait of Cloud Computing, and a customer can moreover control the computing
abilities according to his necessities.

3. Easy to maintenance
This is one of the best cloud qualities. The servers are easily kept up, and the personal time
stays low or absolutely zero now and again. Cloud Computing fueled resources go through a
few updates as often as possible to enhance their capabilities and potential. The updates are
more feasible with the gadgets and perform faster than the past versions.

4. Scalability and elasticity

A key trademark and advantage of cloud computing is its rapid scalability. This cloud
trademark empowers practical running of remaining tasks at hand that require countless servers
however only for a brief period. Numerous clients have such outstanding tasks at hand, which
can be run cost-viably on account of the rapid scalability of Cloud Computing.
5. Economical
This cloud trademark helps in decreasing the IT consumption of the organizations. In Cloud
Computing, the customer needs to pay the administration for the space they have utilized. There
is no concealed or additional charge which should be paid. The administration is economical,
and as a rule, some space is dispensed for nothing.

6. Measured and reporting service

Reporting services are one of the many cloud qualities that settle on it the most ideal decision
for organizations. Measuring and reporting service is useful for both cloud suppliers and their
clients. It empowers both the supplier and the customer to monitor and report what services
have been utilized and for what reason. This aides in monitoring charging and guaranteeing the
ideal utilization of resources.

7. Security
Data security is one of the best qualities of Cloud Computing. Cloud services make a duplicate
of the data that is put away to forestall any type of data misfortune. On the off chance that one
worker loses the data by any possibility, the duplicate version is reestablished from the other
worker. This element comes handy when a few clients work on a specific record progressively
and a document out of nowhere gets undermined.

8. Automation
Automation is a basic attribute of cloud computing. The capacity of cloud computing to
naturally introduce, configure, and keep a cloud service is known as automation in cloud
computing. In basic terms, it is the way toward capitalizing on technology and decreasing
manual exertion. Be that as it may, to accomplish automation in the cloud ecosystem isn't so
easy. Upon fruitful deployment, these resources require constant maintenance too.
9. Resilience
Resilience in cloud computing implies the capacity of the service to rapidly recuperate from any
disruption. A cloud's resilience is measured by how quick its servers, databases, and network
system restarts and recuperates from any sort of mischief or harm. Accessibility is another
significant quality of cloud computing. Since cloud services can be accessed distantly, there is
no geographic restriction or limitation with regards to using cloud resources.

10. Large network access

A major piece of the cloud attributes is its pervasiveness. The customer can access the cloud
data or move the data to the cloud from any spot just with a gadget and web connection. These
limits are accessible wherever in the organization and get to with the assistance of the web.
Cloud suppliers save that large network access by monitoring and ensuring various estimations
that reflect how clients access cloud resources and data: inertness, access time, data throughput,
and so forth

Different highlights of cloud computing are assisting the two hosts with welling the customer. A
host contains various preferences as well, which advantage the clients. Nowadays, the
organization is in extraordinary need of data storage. The previously mentioned attributes of
cloud computing settle on it a famous decision among different organizations across industries.

[Space kept intentionally]

1.3 Design an appropriate architectural Cloud Computing framework for a
given scenario.

1.3.1 What is cloud computing architecture?

Cloud Computing architecture involves many cloud components, which are approximately
coupled. We can extensively partition the cloud architecture into two sections:

 Front End

 Back End
Every one of the ends is connected through a network, generally Internet. The accompanying
chart shows the graphical perspective on cloud computing architecture:

Figure 2.What is cloud computing architecture

Front End

The front end is utilized by the client. It contains client-side interfaces and applications that are
needed to access the cloud computing stages. The front end incorporates web servers (including
Chrome, Firefox, internet explorer, and so on), thin and fat clients, tablets, and mobile devices.

Back End

The back end is utilized by the service supplier. It deals with all the resources that are needed to
give cloud computing services. It incorporates a colossal measure of data storage, security
mechanism, virtual machines, deploying models, servers, traffic control mechanisms, and so on

Note: Both front end and back end are connected to others through a network, for the most part
utilizing the internet connection.

Components of Cloud Computing Architecture

There are the accompanying components of cloud computing design -

1. Client Infrastructure
Client Infrastructure is a Front end component. It gives GUI (Graphical User Interface) to
communicate with the cloud.
2. Application
The application might be any product or stage that a client needs to access.
3. Service
A Cloud Services deals with that which sort of service you access as per the client's necessity.
(Cloud Computing Architecture - Tutorialspoint, 2021)
1.3.2 Cloud computing architecture for the scenario

Figure 3.Cloud computing architecture for the scenario

(Author's Work)
1.4 Why an organization should migrate to Cloud Computing
Many businesses have adopted cloud computing within their operative in the past few
years. Cloud computing or on-demand computing because it is usually referred to as
refers to a system of mistreatment laptop services over the web.

Companies pay great amount of cash developing and putting in software package to
boost their operations. Cloud computing allows your business to access software
package on the web asa service. Cloud computing is additionally safe means of storing
and sharing.

1) Cost efficient and stable data storage

Moving to the cloud gives an easy method to document data without putting resources
into an on-premise infrastructure. Numerous organizations are moving rarely accessed
data (chronicle data) to the cloud to meet consistence regulations. Before, tape storage
was a common method to store data offsite, yet the technology itself had a ton of issues,
for example, overseeing tape rotations, constantly changing technology and deterioration
of tapes in storage.

2) Resourceful development and testing environments

Cloud technology has limitless resources and permits development and testing groups to
provision worker and storage resources in only a couple mouse clicks. It's efficient and
easy to turn up new environments. Nonetheless, if not oversaw well, expenses can
increment rapidly.

3) Easier collaboration for users

Collaboration is frequently a top reason organizations consider moving to the cloud. A
decent decision for collaboration is Microsoft Office 365, which offers the integration of
email, Office applications, character and access the board, record sharing and sync,
among numerous different features for users to connect and team up. More than 25
million individuals are as of now utilizing Office 365 to help modernize their business.
Unit: Cloud
4) Enhanced security without add-on applications
Encrypting data very still and in motion is a lot easier when utilizing cloud technologies.
Encryption is local to the cloud and doesn't need outsider add-on applications like
numerous on reason solutions do. It ought to be noted, however, moving data to the cloud
is a shared responsibility. While the cloud gives the devices to scramble and make sure
about data, eventually it is the responsibility of the cloud client to appropriately execute
and follow best practices to guarantee business continuity in case of a calamity.

5) Simplified application hosting

Moving applications to the cloud rearranges inner IT since now worker, storage and
working system software shouldn't be introduced locally. It additionally doesn't need the
maintenance and updates that on-premise applications need. Cloud applications only
require a program and can be accessed from anyplace setting aside time and cash by
cutting client software installation on individual PCs and evading long stretches of
deployment, overhauls, troubleshooting, and so o
(Dashow, 2021)

[Space kept intentionally]

Unit: Cloud
1.4.1 How do you secure your data while transferring on the cloud?
Cloud computing has been a boon to the recent college grads and the universe of technology for
evident reasons. not exclusively does it permits data storage and the board, yet in addition helps
in accessing data whenever, anyplace over the internet. While cloud computing comes in with a
great deal of focal points, yet when the question of wellbeing emerges, we can't be excessively
certain regarding how secure the data is, especially the ones put away in a public cloud. The
security issues confronted can be extensively arranged into concerns looked by cloud supplier
and those looked by the customer. Cloud service suppliers should guarantee that their
infrastructure is secure and their users' data is ensured. Simultaneously, customers should make
sure they secret word secure their applications and have other verification measures in place.

A portion of the commonly seen cloud computing security chances are:

 Loss of delicate data

 Violation of existing administrative controls

 Malware infections

 Hacked interfaces

 Permanent data misfortune

 Abuse of cloud service

 Insider danger

 Hijacking of records

Nonetheless, the potential dangers to our data don't mean they can't be made secure. Cloud
security can be made successful if appropriate cautious measures are actualized.
Here are a couple of down to earth tips, which will make your cloud experience hazard free.

1. Backup Data Locally

One of the main things to consider while managing data is to guarantee that you have backups
for your data. It is in every case great to have electronic duplicates of your data so it can
continue accessing them regardless of whether the original gets lost or defiled. either decide to
back them up in some other cloud storage or physically back up in an outside storage gadget. To
be on the more secure side, hopefully you will do both since the last will prove to be useful in
the midst of poor or no internet connectivity.

2. Try not to Store Sensitive Information

There is nothing of the sort as genuine protection on the internet, and the ascent in the quantity
of character thefts is standing confirmation of it. So it is consistently prudent to try not to store
information, for example, passwords, credit/charge card subtleties and so forth on the cloud.
Delicate information could likewise be intellectual property, for example, licenses and
copyrights. Regardless of whether we play it safe to secure them, these kind of information can
land in another individual/organization's data the board system by one way or another, which in
turn can prompt potential data spillage.

3. Use Cloud Services that Encrypt Data

To appreciate better security, consistently search for cloud storage services that offer nearby
encryption for your data. This gives twofold security as the records should be unscrambled to
gain access. This technique shields your data even from service suppliers and administrators.
Taking a couple of preventive measures like this around data encryption can make your most
touchy information firmly secure.

4. Encrypt Your Data

Before you transfer your documents onto the cloud, it is consistently advantageous to encrypt
your data, regardless of whether the cloud storage consequently encrypts them. There are some
outsider encryption apparatuses that will apply passwords and encryption to documents once
you are done editing them so they are encrypted before uploading.
5. Install Anti-virus Software
All the above security measures could be required to make sure about your data, however once
in a while the issue isn't cloud security yet the system you have signed in from. Programmers
can without much of a stretch access your record if there is no legitimate protection in place for
your system. In such cases you are exposing yourself to viruses that give penetration points.

6. Make Passwords Stronger

Something you have heard repeating again. Yet, it is critical to give stronger passwords to keep
your records from being hacked. There are locales offering tips on the best way to form strong
passwords. Aside from creating a strong and exceptional secret phrase, it is likewise imperative
to transform them every now and again, and not offer it with anyone. Most login pages these
days have additional identification questions to confirm the approved client.

7. Test the Security Measures in Place

Instead of assuming that all records are completely secure on the cloud, a few organizations,
particularly exceptionally data-delicate ones, recruit ensured moral programmers to test their
security position. These appraisals are as much significant on cloud as they are off cloud. In the
event that it is workable for you to gain unapproved access to your own data, odds are that
someone else can as well.

Cloud storage accompanies its own arrangement of points of interest in numerous manners than
one. However, consistently remember that security confirmations are not ensured, yet
conceivable. Adopting not many security measures from our end, similar to the
abovementioned, can go a long route in maintaining safe documents on and off cloud.
Task 2
2.1Cloud computing deployment models.
What are the most well known cloud deployment models? There are four types: public, private,
hybrid and community clouds. Moreover, there are likewise appropriated clouds that are not as
boundless, for example, multi clouds, poly clouds and different models.
Before we plunge into the basics of the most mainstream cloud computing deployment models,
we should sort out what a cloud deployment model is actually. A cloud deployment model is a
particular configuration of climate boundaries, for example, the openness and ownership of the
deployment infrastructure and storage size. This implies that deployment types shift contingent
upon who controls the infrastructure and where it's found.

2.1.1 Public cloud

Public clouds are accessible to the overall population, and data are made and put away on third-
party servers. Server infrastructure has a place with specialist organizations that oversee it and
administer pool assets, which is the reason there is no requirement for client organizations to
purchase and keep up their own hardware. Supplier organizations offer assets as an
administration both gratis or on a compensation for every utilization premise through the
Internet. Clients can scale assets as required.
The public cloud deployment model is the best option for organizations with low privacy
concerns. With regards to famous public cloud deployment models, models are Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2 the top specialist organization as indicated by ZDNet),
Microsoft Azure, Google App Engine, IBM Cloud, Salesforce Heroku and others.

Figure 4.Public cloud

2.1.2 Private cloud
There is practically no difference between a public and a private model from the technical
perspective, as their architectures are fundamentally the same as. Notwithstanding, instead of a
public cloud that is accessible to the general public, just a single explicit organization possesses
a private cloud. That is the reason it is likewise called an inside or corporate model.
The server can be facilitated remotely or on the premises of the proprietor organization.
Notwithstanding their physical area, these infrastructures are kept up on an assigned private
network and use programming and hardware that are planned for utilize exclusively by the
proprietor organization.

Figure 5.Public cloud

[Space kept intentionally]

2.1.3 Hybrid cloud
Hybrid cloud includes the best highlights of the previously mentioned deployment models
(public, private and community). It permits organizations to blend and match the features of the
three sorts that best suit their requirements.
For instance, an organization can adjust its heap by finding crucial remaining burdens on a safe
private cloud and conveying less delicate ones to a public one. The hybrid cloud deployment
model defends and controls deliberately significant resources as well as does as such in an
expense and asset powerful way. What's more, this approach encourages data and application

Figure 6.Hybrid cloud

[Space kept intentionally]

2.1.4 Community cloud
A community deployment model generally takes after the private one; the lone difference is the
arrangement of clients. In organization possesses the private cloud server, a few organaizations
with comparative foundations distribute the infrastructure and related assets of a community
cloud. On the off chance that all the partaking associations have uniform security, privacy and
execution requirements, this multi-occupant data focus design helps these organizations
upgrade their effectiveness, as on account of joint activities. A brought together cloud
encourages project improvement, the board and execution. The expenses are shared by all
( Cloud Deployment Models [An Overview] | SaM Solutions, 2021)

Figure 7.Community cloud

 Above situation given private cloud deployment model is utilizing by CVS HEALTH
CORP association. Since, utilization of private clouds includes capital consumption,
however the use is still lower than the expense of possessing and working the
infrastructure because of private clouds' more noteworthy degree of solidification and
asset pooling. Private clouds additionally offer more security and consistence uphold
than public cloud. CVS HEALTH CORP give IT assets to both sort of areas. CVS
HEALTH CORP has been giving everyday ICT administrations for differentiated
customer story including multinational organizations, government area, private
establishments, non-benefit associations, colleges, Schools, community-based
associations and people
2.1.5 The advantages of using a private cloud
1. Performance
Because of the way that there is no compelling reason to divide among different clients, there is
consistently a critical pace of move. Therefore, Private cloud gives more prominent degree of
performance. And likewise Private cloud is situated behind a firewall, which implies that there
are less odds of web security chances.

2. Security
Utilizing Cloud computing implies that you are rethinking your data. Because of this the
security of the data totally depends upon the specialist co-op. Private cloud guarantees
additional degree of security making it ideal for huge organizations with delicate and secret
information. The data is available inside an ensured climate that is exclusively allotted for your

3. Availability
The entirety of the Cloud computing models permits clients to get to their administration
whenever and anyplace. As far as Private cloud this is significantly higher. Private cloud is
known for their interesting infrastructure which causes the client to control conveyance and
guarantee their greatest availability.

4. Resources
The greater part of the Private cloud specialist co-ops utilize their virtualization technology.
Rather than genuine resources, virtual servers and protections are being utilized. Therefore,
generally speaking expense of IT spending is fundamentally diminished which diverts you to
put more in business.

5. Control
Control is known to be one of the positive highlights of the Private cloud. Because of the
presence of hardware on location, the organization will have the option to control their data to a
much serious degree. This implies that total oversight of the data should be possible through the
way toward monitoring.
6. Flexibility
Flexibility is one the fundamental reasons why a considerable lot of the organizations are
moving toward cloud. Regardless of whether that can be Public, Private or Hybrid cloud, the
clients are consistently profited. Be that as it may, on account of Private cloud, the flexibility is
undeniably more better. Utilizing a Private platform implies that there is no really a similarity
issues for the applications. Indeed Private cloud has the capacity to get shaped according to the
manner in which client needs.
(Roomi and Roomi, 2021)

Figure 8.Cloud computing models

[Space kept intentionally]

2.2 Cloud computing service models.

Cloud service models come in three types: SaaS (Software as a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure
as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service). Each of the cloud service models has their
own set of benefits that could serve the needs of various businesses.

2.2.1 SaaS (Software as a Service)

Software as a Service offers applications that are accessed over the web and are not managed by
your company, however by the software supplier. This mitigates your organization from the
constant pressing factor of software maintenance, infrastructure management, network security,
data availability, and all the other operational issues associated with keeping applications going.
SaaS charging is typically based on factors, for example, number of clients, usage time, amount
of data stored, and number of transactions handled. This service model has the largest market
share in cloud computing; according to Gartner, its sales will reach 117 billion USD
continuously 2021. Current applications for SaaS incorporate Field Service solutions,
framework monitoring solutions, schedulers and more.

Figure 9.SaaS (Software as a Service)

2.2.2 IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
Infrastructure as a service offers a standardized way of acquiring computing capabilities on
demand and over the web. Such resources incorporate storage facilities, networks, preparing
power, and virtual private servers. These are charged under a "pay as you go" model where you
are charged by factors, for example, how much storage you use or the amount of preparing
power you devour over a certain timespan. In this service model, clients don't have to manage
infrastructure, it is dependent upon the supplier to guarantee the contracted amount of resources
and availability. According to Gartner, this service model is forecasted to develop by 35.9% in
2018. IaaS services offered today, incorporate Google Cloud Platform and Amazon EC2.

Figure 10.IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

[Space kept intentionally]

2.2.3 PaaS (Platform as a Service)
Platform as a Service is halfway between Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a
Service (SaaS). It offers access to a cloud-based climate in which clients can fabricate and
convey applications without the need of installing and working with IDEs (Integrated
Development Environments, which are regularly extravagant. Additionally, clients can
regularly modify the features they want included with their membership. According to Gartner,
PaaS has the smallest market share of the three service models, with an extended income of 27
billion USD continuously 2021. In today's market, PaaS suppliers offer applications, for
example, Microsoft Azure (also IaaS), Google App Engine, and Apache Stratos.
(The three service models of Cloud Computing | OPEN, 2021)

Figure 11.PaaS (Platform as a Service)

[Space kept intentionally]

2.3Comparing cloud service models SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS.

Paradigm shift Characteristics Key terms Advantages Disadvantages

Infrastructure as Infrastructure as an  Usually platform Grid computing, utility  Avoid capital  Business efficiency
a service (Iaas) asset independent; computing, compute expenditure on and productivity

 infrastructure costs instance, hypervisor, hardware and human largely depends on

are shared and thus cloud bursting, multi- resources the vendor’s
reduced; tenant computing,  reduced ROI risk capabilities
resource pooling  potentially greater
 service level  low barriers to entry
agreements (SLAs); long-term cost
 streamlined and
 pay by usage; automated scaling  centralization
requires new/
 self-scaling
different security

Platform as a License purchasing  Consumes cloud Solution stack Streamlined version Centralization
service (Paas) infrastructure; deployment requires new/

 caters to agile different security

project management measures

Software as a Software as an  UI powered by <thin Thin client client-server  Avoid capital Centralization of
service (Saas) asset (business and client= applications application expenditure on data requires new/
consumer)  cloud components software and different security
development measures
 communication via
 reduced ROI risk
 stateless
 streamlined and
 loosely coupled
iterative updates
 modular

 semantic
Table 1.Compare cloud computing models

 In the above scenario given SaaS (Software as a Services) is used by CVS HEALTH CORP. Because, they provides virtualized computing
resources over the internet. web hosting, DNS hosting, storages, virtualization, IT outsourcing, DR sites and other ICT facilities for people.

[Space kept intentionally]

2.4 Real world example for cloud computing.
Cloud computing is an infrastructure and programming model that empowers pervasive
admittance to shared pools of storage, organizations, workers, and applications. For some point
of view on exactly how imperative cloud storage and computing is to our day by day lives, here
are certifiable instances of cloud computing:

2.4.1 Examples of Cloud Storage

Ex: Dropbox, Gmail, Facebook
The quantity of cloud storage suppliers online appears to develop each day. Each contending
over the amount of storage they can give to customers. At the present time, Dropbox is the clear
leader in streamlined cloud storage allowing clients to access records on any gadget through its
application or site with up to 1 terabyte of free storage. Google's email service supplier Gmail,
then again, gives limitless storage on the cloud. Gmail has reformed the way we send emails
and largely liable for the increased usage of email worldwide. Facebook is a blend of the two, in
that it can store a boundless amount of information, images, and recordings on your profile.
They can then be easily accessed on multiple gadgets. Facebook goes above and beyond with
their Messenger app, which allows for profiles to exchange data.

2.4.2 Examples of Marketing Cloud Platforms

Ex: Hubspot, Adobe Marketing Cloud
A marketing cloud is a start to finish digital marketing platform for customers to manage
contacts and target leads. Maropost Marketing Cloud consolidates easy-to-utilize marketing
automation and hyper-targeting of leads. At the same time, guaranteeing emails actually arrive
in the inbox, thanks to its advanced email deliverability capabilities. In general, marketing
clouds satisfy a requirement for personalization. This is important in a market that demands
messaging be "more human." That's the reason communicating that your brand is here to help,
will make all the difference in shutting.
2.4.2 Examples of Cloud Computing in Education
Ex: SlideRocket, Ratatype, Amazon Web Services
Education is increasingly adopting advanced technology because understudies already are.
Thus, in an effort to modernize classrooms, educators have presented e-learning software like
SlideRocket. SlideRocket is a platform that understudies can use to fabricate presentations and
submit them.. Another device teachers use is Ratatype, which causes understudies learn to type
faster and offers web based composing tests to track their advancement. For school
administration, Amazon's AWS Cloud for K12 and Primary Education features a virtual work
area infrastructure (VDI) arrangement. Through the cloud, allows instructors and understudies
to access teaching and learning software on multiple gadgets.

2.4.3 Examples of Cloud Computing in Healthcare

Ex: ClearDATA, Dell's Secure Healthcare Cloud, IBM Cloud
Cloud computing lets medical caretakers, physicians, and administrators share information
rapidly from anywhere. It also saves on expenses by allowing large data documents to be shared
instantly for maximum comfort. This is a major lift for proficiency. Ultimately, cloud
technology guarantees patients get the most ideal care immediately. The patient's condition can
also be updated in seconds through distant conferencing. Be that as it may, many current
hospitals have yet to execute cloud computing yet are forecasted to do as such in the near

2.4.4 Examples of Cloud Computing for Government

Utilizations: IT consolidation, shared services, resident services The U.S. government were
implemented of cloud computing. The U.S. Federal Cloud Computing Strategy, presented under
the Obama administration, was established to accelerate cloud adoption in all departments. The
U.S. government's cloud incorporates social, versatile and analytics advances. In any case, they
should adhere to severe compliance and security measures (FIPS, FISMA, and FedRAMP).
This is to ensure against digital threats both homegrown and abroad.
(cloud computing for government, n.d.)
2.5The tools chosen to realize a Cloud Computing solution.
What is Cloud Monitoring?
Cloud monitoring utilizes automated and manual devices to manage, monitor, and evaluate
cloud computing architecture, infrastructure, and services. It causes you distinguish arising
absconds and upsetting patterns so you can keep minor issues from transforming into significant
Best Cloud Management and Monitoring Tools

2.5.1 Amazon Cloudwatch

Amazon Web Services offers to screen cloud assets and applications running on Amazon AWS.
It allows you to view and track measurements on Amazon EC2 instances and other AWS
resources, for example, Amazon EBS volumes and Amazon RDS DB instances. You can also
utilize it to set alarms, store log records, see graphs and statistics, and monitor or react to AWS
asset changes. Amazon Cloudwatch gives you an understanding into your framework's overall
health and performance. You can utilize this information to upgrade your application's
operations. The best part of this monitoring arrangement is you don't have to install any
additional software. It is a magnificent practice to have multi-cloud management strategies.
They give you cover in case of frequencies, for example, when Amazon Web Services went
dark in March 2017.

2.5.2 Microsoft Cloud Monitoring

On the off chance that you run your applications on Microsoft Azure, you can think about
Microsoft Cloud Monitoring to monitor your workload. MCM gives you immediate experiences
across your workloads by monitoring applications, analyzing log documents, and distinguishing
security threats. Its inherent cloud monitoring instruments are easy to set up. They give a full
perspective on the utilization, performance, and health of your applications, infrastructure, and
(30 Cloud Monitoring Tools: The Definitive Guide For 2021, 2021)
2.5.3 AppDynamics
Cisco Systems acquired AppDynamics in early 2017. AppDynamics gives cloud-based network
monitoring instruments for assessing application performance and accelerating operations
move. You can utilize the framework to maximize the control and perceivability of cloud
applications in crucial IaaS/PaaS platforms, for example, Microsoft Azure, Pivotal Cloud
Foundry, and AWS. AppDynamics contends heavily with other application management
solutions, for example, SolarWinds, Datadog, and New Relic. The software enables clients to
learn the real state of their cloud applications down to the business transaction and code level. It
can effortlessly adapt to any software or infrastructure climate. The new acquisition by Cisco
Systems will just magnify AppDynamic's capabilities.

2.5.4 BMC TrueSight Pulse

BMC causes you help your multi-cloud operations performance and cost management. It helps
measure end-client experience, monitor infrastructure resources, and recognize problems
proactively. It allows you to build up an all-around cloud operations management arrangement.
With BMC, you can plan, run, and streamline multiple cloud platforms, including Azure and
AWS, among others. BMC can enable you to track and manage cloud costs, eliminate waste by
upgrading asset usage, and convey the perfect resources at the perfect cost. You can also utilize
it to break down cloud costs and align cloud costs with business needs.

2.5.5 DX Infrastructure Manager (IM)

DX Infrastructure Manager is a brought together infrastructure management platform that
conveys keen analytics to the task of infrastructure monitoring. DX IM gives a proactive
strategy to investigating issues that affect the performance of cloud infrastructure. The platform
manages networks, servers, storage databases, and applications conveyed utilizing any
configuration. DX IM makes utilization of wise analytics to map out patterns and patterns
which improve investigating and reporting activities. The platform is customizable, and
endeavors can fabricate personalized dashboards that enhance visualization. The monitoring
apparatus comes outfitted with various tests for monitoring each aspect of a cloud biological
system. You can also decide to integrate DX IM into Incident Management Tools to enhance
their infrastructure monitoring capabilities.
Task 3

3.1Configure a Cloud Computing platform with a cloud service provider’s


Figure 12.Install VMware

Figure 13.Install ubuntu in VMware

Figure 14.Lock screen in ubuntu

Figure 15.Home page of ubuntu

3.2Implement a cloud platform using open source tools.

Figure 17.Install apache2

Figure 16.Install maria database server

Figure 18.Running Apache server

Figure 19.config tcp

Figure 20.Install mysql server

Figure 21. Download owncloud

Figure 22.Activation successfully

Figure 23.Loging page of owncloud

Figure 24.Enter username and password

Figure 25.log to owncloud

Figure 26.home page of owncloud

3.3Discuss the issues and constraints one can face during the development
process and how one can overcome these issues and constraints

3.3.1 VMware Tools Are Outdated or Not Installed

VMware Tools Are Outdated or Not Installed The most common issue with a vSphere virtual
machine is that the VMware Tools are either not installed or are out of date. The VMware Tools
are a suite of utilities intended to enhance the performance of the virtual machine’s guest
operating system and improve the ability to manage the virtual machine. With each new version
of vSphere, VMware also updates VMware Tools and, with some version of vSphere,
administrators must proactively update Tools in each virtual machine in order to experience the
benefits of the new features provided by VMware.

Installing or updating the VMware Tools is quickly accomplished through the vSphere Web
Client. This installation or update may not even require a reboot of the virtual machine guest
OS. If VMware Tools need to be upgraded, you’ll be prompted on the Summary tab of the
virtual machine

3.3.2 Virtual Machine Memory Limits

Virtual Machine Memory Limits When a virtual machine is moved out of a resource pool that
had a memory limit, the standalone virtual machine can, unknown to the administrator, maintain
the memory limit to which it was subjected as a member of the resource pool. Additionally,
some administrators configure memory limits thinking 4 erroneously 4 that memory limits
should be configured to ensure that one virtual machine doesn’t monopolize the memory on a
single host.

Removing memory limits is easily done by setting the limit back to zero. Unfortunately, finding
memory limits can be more challenging than actually removing the limit. Without the right
tools, determining whether you have any memory limits configured in your virtual
infrastructure, you need to manually look through each virtual machine in your inventory by
going into the settings of each virtual machine and verify whether a memory limit is configured
3.3.3 Virtual Machine Logging Limitation
Virtual Machine Logging Limitation The last of the five most common virtual machine issues is
related to virtual machine logging. VMware vSphere offers a number of different log files that
are stored in different places. Log files are used to provide more detailed information. Usually
that detailed information is used Solving the Five Most Common VMware Virtual Machine
Issues Page 17 during the troubleshooting of a problem in the virtual infrastructure. One of
those log file is the virtual machine log file, vmware.log. By default, the vmware.log file is only
rotated when a virtual machine is restarted and six old logs are retained. Because many virtual
machines are likely stored in the same datastore, a malicious attacker could try to find ways to
flood log files in order to fill the datastore and thus bring down all virtual machines running
inside that datastore. To prevent a virtual machine log file from being maliciously flooded
(which can lead to denial of service) you should limit the number and size of the log files ESXi

Because VMX configurations can only take effect at power on, that means that after you make
these logging additions to your VMX file, you will have to reboot your virtual machines. To
make the changes necessary, you will need to add these lines to the VMX file with the VM
powered off:
• log.rotateSize = <1000000=
• log.keepOld = <3=
• Note: The logrotate Size value is in bytes (such that 16384 would be 16MB) and the log.
keepOld is the number of logs to keep.
These log tweaks will ensure that your log file doesn’t grow forever and potentially fill the
datastore where many other virtual machines are running
Task 4

4.1The most common problems which arise in a Cloud Computing platform

and discuss appropriate solutions to these problems.

4.1.1 Data Security concern

When we talk about the security worry of the cloud innovation, at that point a lot of inquiries
stay unanswered. Multiple genuine dangers like infection assault and hacking of the customer's
site are the greatest cloud computing information security issues. Business visionaries need to
think on these issues prior to receiving cloud computing innovation for their business. Since
you are moving your organization's significant subtleties to an outsider so it is imperative to
promise yourself about the reasonability and security game plan of the cloud.

4.1.2 Selecting the perfect cloud set-up

Picking the suitable cloud component as indicated by the prerequisites of your business is
especially vital. There are three sorts of clouds configuration, for instance, public, private, and
hybrid. The principle secret behind viable usage of the cloud is getting the correct cloud. In the
event that you are not choosing the correct cloud, at that point perhaps you need to confront
some genuine risks. A couple of organizations having immense data so they favor private
clouds while little associations ordinarily use public clouds. Two or three organizations like to
go for a fair methodology with hybrid clouds. Pick a cloud computing counseling
administration which knows and plainly reveal the terms and conditions with respect to cloud
usage and data security..

4.1.3 Real time monitoring requirements

In certain agencies, it is required to monitor their framework in real time. It is compulsory term
for their business that they continuously monitor and maintain their inventory framework.
Banks and some administration agencies need to update their framework in real time however
cloud service providers are unable to match this requirement.
4.1.4 Cost barrier
Business can reduce down the expense on hardware yet they have to spend an enormous
amount on the bandwidth. For smaller application cost is not a big issue but rather for large and
complex applications it is a major concern. For transferring unpredictable and intensive data
over the network it is necessary that you have sufficient bandwidth. This is a major obstacle
before small organizations, which restrict them for implementing cloud technology in their

4.1.5 Hacking of brand

Cloud computing conveys some significant danger factors like hacking. Some expert
programmers can hack the application by breaking the proficient firewalls and take the touchy
data of the associations. A cloud supplier has different customers; each can be influenced by
activities taken against any of them. Exactly when any danger came into the primary worker it
influences the wide range of various customers too. As in conveyed refusal of administration
assaults worker demands that immerse a supplier from broadly disseminated PCs.

4.1.6 Recuperation of lost data

Cloud services faces issue of data misfortune. A legitimate backup policy for the recuperation
of data should be placed to deal with the misfortune. Vendors should set legitimate
infrastructures to efficiently handle with server breakdown and outages. All the cloud
computing service providers should set up their servers at economically stable locations where
they ought to have legitimate arrangements for the backup of all the data in at least two
different locations. Ideally they ought to manage a hot backup and a cool backup site.

4.1.7 Data portability

Each individual wants to leverage of migrating in and out of the cloud. Ensuring data portability
is necessary. Usually, clients complain about being secured in the cloud technology from where
they cannot switch without restraints. There ought to be no lock in period for switching the
cloud. Cloud technology should have capability to integrate efficiently with the on premises.
The clients should have an appropriate contract of data portability with the provider and should
have an updated duplicate of the data to have the option to switch service providers, ought to
there be any dire requirement.
4.2 The most common security issues in cloud environments and how to
overcome these security issues.

4.2.1 Data ownership and accountability

Cloud servers are normally situated at multiple topographical areas. Every server stores the
data of multiple customers, in one spot. The cloud supplier needs to confine admittance to
your data and keep up privacy by isolating your data from that of others. The supplier
additionally needs to ensure that data set apart for erasure is taken out immediately. Cloud
suppliers ought to be clear about how they secure data. This incorporates encryption types,
validation shows, and checking and announcing arrangements. Also, suppliers need to
determine where your data is put away and whether the consistence laws of that area are
extraordinary. should observe any strategy changes to ensure your data is ensured about.

4.2.2 Client privacy and secondary usage of data

private data might be revealed and you won't have the alternative to thwart optional use of
data. host to use some third-gathering mixes for cloud storage. These incorporations are
obvious objectives for hackers since they empower data sharing. Check the sharing settings
of cloud configuration and any outsider mixes you use. Lead intermittent checks of protection
strategies to ensure that all services and things come. Likewise, try to remember the
necessary guidelines for Service-Level Agreement (SLA), since they may contrast between
cloud suppliers. use a Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) answer for making sure
about cloud configurations. CSPM instruments and cycles empower to proactively recognize
and hinder cloud security chances by zeroing in on consistence observing and security
evaluations across the whole cloud infrastructure.

[Space kept intentionally]

4.2.3 DDoS attacks
The goal of Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks is to make a web server unavailable
by overwhelming them with fake traffic. DDoS attacks can deliver a website futile for hours
or days. This can bring about a decrease in client trust, income loss, and damage to brand
authority. Controlling DDoS attacks in cloud environments is an intricate task because cloud
computing is based on shared distributed resources and utilizations different virtualization
technologies. You ought to invest in DDoS protection solutions that can secure against
sophisticated DDoS threats at each network layer.

4.2.4 Regulatory compliance

Cloud providers need to ensure your data across different locations and take appropriate
actions when required. In any case, you are responsible for verifying that your data is
compliant to local regulations, appropriately backed-up, scrambled, and restricted. You need
to migrate your data to another provider if you see that your present provider is not

4.2.5 Infrastructure security

Regularly cannot monitor proprietary cloud systems or cycles. Subsequently, you cannot
guarantee that any cloud-based software or hardware is appropriately configured and updated.
Tiering your cloud architecture and isolating infrastructure segments with network Access
Control Lists (ACLs) can lessen authorization risks. You can also configure administrative
privileges just to specific individuals to limit access to the network. You ought to perform a
periodic risk assessment to verify that your security measures are working as anticipated.

4.2.6 Disaster recovery

Disasters like force outages or natural disasters can forestall access to infrastructure. Outages
can take a minute, 60 minutes, several hours or even days. During that time you have no
control over your most critical data. Therefore, representatives will not have access to
systems and devices.
4.2.7 Data loss
Many companies need more visibility into what happens to their data in the cloud.
Companies can easily lose data when multiple clients work in the cloud at the same time.
This is the point at which the benefits of data sharing and collaboration become a security
vulnerability. Risks, for example, password sharing, personal devices without any passwords,
accidental file deletion are the main reason for data loss in the cloud. Organizations need to
invest in a cloud data loss prevention solution to keep hackers from stealing sensitive
information. You can utilize data loss prevention and disaster recovery devices, as well as
dedicated systems to forestall malicious attacks.
(Duc, 2021)

[Space kept intentionally]

4.3 How CVS HEALTH CORP should protect their data when they
migrate to a cloud solution.

4.3.1 Understand What You Have

Previously, endeavours would consistently deal with their data storage like basement or a
storm cellar in one's home just store it there, and it doesn't actually have an effect what 'it' is.
With data so important now, a potential movement is a splendid motivation to take heap of
precisely what the data contains. Is it in a structure that will be usable now and later? How
precisely is the data adjusting to storage and maintenance approaches inside your data
administration framework? And what can you securely discard? There are numerous data
management gadgets accessible to help the path toward understanding precisely what data
you have in your space. Most cloud sellers will offer their own answers for help you with
understanding your data, and there's a scope of paid services accessible available. Make
incredible usage of these gadgets. And stay away from the compulsion to store. Over and
over organizations grip data they as of now don't have need for. Unnecessary data retention
(except if legally required) increases a company's liability in case of a security breach. A data
migration is a decent opportunity

4.3.2 Encrypt During Transit

Encrypting data during travel implies shielding data as it moves starting with one area then
onto the next. A model would be moving data from a PC to the cloud. Data moving is by and
large viewed as more powerless against maltreatment than its partner 'data very still'. Data
ought to clearly be secured any place it is, yet in the event that it will be moved, there are
strategies that can be actualized for the most ideal assurance. Those strategies incorporate
network security controls and encoded network protocols. For huge scope data relocations,
the cloud sellers can offer attendant style arrangements, which incorporate the actual shipping
of data-bearing media to the cloud data focus.
4.3.3 Understand compliance requirements
When migrating to the cloud, you need to understand what administrative prerequisites,
assuming any, apply to your information. This is particularly significant in the event that you
are essential for an exceptionally controlled industry, similar to medical care or business. You
ought to decide how to meet necessities for storage, encryption, and backup, just as transfer.

4.3.4 Understand the shared responsibility model

Cloud suppliers work under a shared duty model. To guarantee that your migration is secure,
you need to understand the viewpoints you are answerable for in this model. Your obligations
rely upon the kind of cloud administrations you decide to utilize: Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), or Software as a Service (SaaS).

Figure 27.Understand the shared responsibility model

(Editorial, 2021)

The security of your migration will rely upon the kind of cloud you pick, the supplier, and the
particular advances you take. Incorporate security into your migration technique. Subsequent
to migrating, effectively screen your frameworks to guarantee that your information is
remained careful. You can likewise exploit the security instruments and assets accessible to
The accepted procedures that suppliers set up depend on their own skill and the encounters of
different clients. Taking some additional time beforehand to consider security can save you
time, exertion, and guarantee client trust down the line.
Gantt chart
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