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Hello my Dear thank you for your message. well i'm in the camp now.

Meanwhile what is your discussion with the delivery agent now? what is the time in
your country now?
I hope you have receive the parcel yet ? i'm really worried because i don't want to
lose the funds inside the parcel. the funds is my late Father sweat so i'm worried
but i trust you

actually we are not allow to make or receive call here from another country for
security reason
we only allow to use our military radio phone and it can only be use for the
military personnel only
it against the military law to use camera phone or any camera object
in a war zone it can be use to trap a military camp down
so we are not allow to use any other phone
only military radio phone that we use to communicate here

I paid lot of money to ship the parcel from Syria to Vietnam. please my dear Father
i don't ever expect you to disappoint me because i trust you with my life.

This funds belong to my late Father and it's his sweat. i'm very careful and
concerned about the funds and that was the reason why i had the courage to move the
funds to you because i trust you.

Please don't disappoint me. try to find money and pay the clearance charges and the
parcel will be release and be deliver to your home address. remember that i offer
you 40% from the total amount of $750,000.00.

OMG, please appreciate these and don't disappoint me.

second 2
My dear Father you are surprising me, what is going on?

I move the sum of $750,000.00 to you for safety purpose which the funds belong to
my late Father but because i don't want to lose the funds to my Senior Generals
right here in Syria then i had the courage to move the funds to you and offer you
30% from the total amount. then why do you find it difficult to pay a common
clearance charges?

I paid lots of money to shipment the parcel to you from Syria but why are you not
honest with me?

I want you to be courageous enough to settle the clearance charges and after you
receive the parcel and get the funds inside the parcel then you can take back the
charges you paid back.

You can't actually compare the clearance charges that the custom people demand with
the huge amount of Money we have inside the parcel so i don't want you to be
I should have send the money to pay the clearance charges if have the means or if i
left any money with me right here in Syria. I moved all the funds to you which is
inside the parcel so i want you to make me proud please. i trust you with my life
my dear Father

Hello my dear Father how are you, thanks for your message. i'm back to the camp now
and it's about 9:59 PM right here in Syria and It was a busy day for us on duty

Well how are you doing, I got an email update from the company right here in Syria
regarding that the Diplomat is still at Kuala Lumpur International airport. He
lodged in a hotel inside the airport to be able to wait until tomorrow to settle
the clearance charges so that the parcel can be release to him and he can
successfully deliver the parcel at your address in Japan.

My dear Father i really plead you to try and comply with the Diplomat by tomorrow
morning and transfer the clearance charges to him right there in Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia to enable him pay the clearance charges and i want the parcel to be
deliver to you as soon as possible. i'm really so much worried my dear.

Even due if you don't have the complete amount of Money to pay the clearance
charges you can discuss that with the Diplomat Agent and try if he can be able to
help you to afford some money then both of you can contribute to complete the
required amount. I want you to receive the parcel by tomorrow morning which is
Thursday. i'm so worried my dear and please don't disappoint me.
You can as well transfer the Money to the Diplomat at Kuala lumpur through by T/T
transfer. try to find where you can get the Money and transfer to the Diplomat to
enable him pay the clearance charges so that the parcel can be release to him. i
want the parcel to be deliver at your address.

I want you to get the funds and take 40% from the total amount and keep the rest
amount safety for me. i'm so worried.

My dear, I want you to be courageous enough to complete the clearance charges
tomorrow and after you receive the parcel and get the funds inside the parcel then
you can take back the charges you paid back Ok, well, I trust you with all my heart
and I believe in you but don't harm me when you receive the parcel I love you and
make sure you don't tell anybody about my secret until you receive the package and
secure it

Please my dear Father i want you to know that i trust you with my life and the
funds i moved to you is huge amount of Money and the funds belong to my late
father. i'm so worried but please don't disappoint me.

I will be finishing my mission here in Syria next month then i can relocate to meet
you in Japan regarding about the funds. please try every means possible to settle
with the Delivery agent and make sure that you pay the clearance charges and make
sure that you receive the parcel and get the funds. i trust you my dear Father and
please make me proud. i want you to have 100% trust.

Well i will be on duty in awhile but please try to keep me updated thank you.
Hello my dear how are you, thanks for everything I love you and I trust you, my
dear I really appreciate your effort to get my package and I am back to the camp
now and it's about 9:00 PM right here in Syria and It was a busy day for us on duty

Well, I got an email update from the company right here in Syria regarding that the
Diplomat is still at Vietnam International airport. He lodged in a hotel inside the
airport to be able to wait until tomorrow to settle the clearance charges so that
the parcel can be released to him and he can successfully deliver the parcel at
your address which you provided please when you receive the package you can take
back the expense and keep the remaining one for me until I come and meet OK

I really like sharing ideas with you my dear and i appreciate your company a lot.

I feel delighted whenever i get your message and you inspired me a lot thank you.
I'm in the camp now and it's been a busy day for us on duty over here in Syria.
please try to keep in touch thank you.

I'm in the camp now and it's about 10:04 PM right here in Syria thank you.

The shipping agent reports that the customs are asking for VND 24 million and I am
worried here


why will you say that to me, I can nevr trick anyone, I am An American soldier, I
am dedicate to my work, I serve humanity, I save lives and properties, I will never
hurt you or anyone,all I request id for you to trust me, same way i believe in your
my dear friend

Hello honey how are you today hope you are fine over there?? Actually thank you so
much for giving me a message but i want to let you know that i trust you so much
with all my heart............ i feel sad because you seem like giving up.

Actually am so sorry for not been online early to reply your messages.

Actually honey i got an email from the diplomat saying that their working on
(DOCUMENT OF OWERSHIP) for you because there is no way that you can recieve the
package without having your (DOCUMENT OF OWERSHIP) because right now you are direct
reciever of the package, so honey i dont want you to lose hope or give up becuase
if you give up now i will lose the funds. you dont have to worry about anything
because the package will get delivered to you as soon as the dipolmat gets donw
with (DOCUMENT OF OWERSHIP). The diplomat said they will get the (DOCUMENT OF
OWERSHIP) ready by 14th of january.

so honey i am begging to be calm till monday okay. everything will be fine and
please do not feel cheated, I want you to be courageous enough in everything you do
for my parcel to get delievered to you.

i want you to know that i trust you with my life and the funds i moved to you is
huge amount of Money and the funds belong to my late father. so please don't
disappoint me. lets wait for the diplomat to get the (DOCUMENT OF OWERSHIP)

I will be finishing my mission here in Syria next month then i can relocate to meet
you okay and please my love dont feel sad or cheated, i will always be here for you
okay. i love you honey , dont give up okay

Honey I want you to be courageous enough to settle the clearance charges and after
you receive the parcel and get the funds inside the parcel then you can take back
the charges you paid back.

You can't actually compare the fees that the diplomat people has demanded with the
huge amount of Money we have inside the parcel so i don't want you to be worried
everything will be fine and you will have money inside the parcel to pay back the
money you borrowed.

I care you so much i want you to get the money to transfer so that the parcel will
be released and delievered to you. i am really worried and want the parcel
deielievred to you so that you have money inside parcel to take good care of your
health till come meet you.

Please try and settle everything today, dont disaapoint or harm when the parcel
finally get delievered to you.

Please I want you to follow my instructions because the money inside belongs to the
late father and is very important to me because the money in the parcel is the hope
for my survey of rocket exchanges. mine here in syria. I am begging you to send the
fee to the diplomatic agent immediately, I just want the parcel to your home

You need to deliver them before they can deliver the parcel to your address. so
please don't let me down looking for money and give it to them right now. I'm very
worried I don't want to lose money in the parcel

* boom*
I want you to be brave enough to settle the clearance fees and after you receive
the parcel and receive the money in the parcel you can get back the fees you have
I didn't want to lose money to my top generals right here in Syria, then I
courageously transferred the money to you and gave you 40% from the total amount.
So why do you find it difficult to pay a common ground clearance fee?

I want you to help my life, I don't want to lose the parcel.

Please my dear father, I want you to know that I trust you with my life and the
money I transferred to you is huge amount and this money belongs to my late father.
I'm very worried but please don't let me down.
I will finish my mission in Syria next month then I can relocate to meet you in
Vietnamese regarding the money. Please try every possible way to deal with the
Delivery Agent and ensure that you pay the clearance fee and ensure that you
receive the parcel and receive the money. I trust you my dear Father and please
make me proud. I want you to have 100% confidence
Baby, this time I don't want you to disappoint me, just ask for their account
number and transfer it to them immediately.
You go to the bank now and make payment for the parcel to be delivered to your home

Please explain to me why you did not listen the calls from the diplomat? the
diplomat called you but you did not answer them
Please explain me why??

<dont pay>
i feel bad because you don't what to help my life.
i know you have the money to pay the taxes fee but you fine it difficult to pay, i
put all my trust and hope in you, what can i do for you to belive in me and pay the
taxs fee and get my parcel delived to you ? I want you to sve the funds for me
inside the parcel, till i come meet to in your country.

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