Test (November)

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A. Pick out the word whose sound is different from that of the others in each group.
1. A. ransom B. ancient C. danger D. change
2. A. putsch B. putt C. pussy D. pulpit
3. A. debt B. nib C. absorb D. absent
4. A. fluoride B. hide C. arid D. miserly
5. A. wicked B. hatred C. sacred D. looked
6 A. laugh B. plough C. enough D. cough
7. A. delicate B. concentrate C. private D. accurate
8. A. thunderstorm B. greengrocer C. prefer D. louder
9. A. carriage B. voyage C. massage D. dosage
10. A. months B. paths C. wreaths D. youths

B. List the words given in each column according to their stress patterns.

1st syllable cumulative, voluntary, suffragette, personify

2nd syllable ascertain, tattoo, triangle, luxuriance, gastronomy, presidium, chivalrous
3rd syllable: petrogenecist, monetarism, demonstrative, educator, pharmaceutical, documentary,
4th syllable: incomprehensible, , memorabilia


A. Multiple choices
Choose the best word from A, B, C, or D that fits each blank.
1. The drivers have rejected proposals to end the strike and the other workers have come out in__________.
A. consent B. return C. sympathy D. collaboration
2. If you make her laugh while she's eating. she'll__________.
A. choke B. gasp C. sneeze D. swallow
3. The ending of the joke was so__________that no one laughed.
A. predictable B. potential C. foreseen D. anticipated
4. Her allergy to fish is so severe that the______sigh of it makes her feel sick.
A. simple B. easy C. plain D. mere
5. After leaving school, Nigel decided to__________in the army.
A. enlist B. enroll C. register D. sign
6. Unless you give up smoking, you'll__________the risk of damaging your health.
A. bear B. suffer C. make D. run
7. I'm not__________to your plan, but it needs modifying.
A. objected B. disputed C. opposed D. conflicted
8. The audience________his appearance on stage will thunderous applause.
A. clapped B. protested C. rewarded D. hailed
9. The shop assistant was arrested_________thefts from the store.
A. in response to B. in connec ion with
C. referring to D. with regard to
10. For a while I was at a_________to know what to say.
A. blank B. pain C. loss D. crisis
B. Word formation
Use the correct form of the word given in parentheses to fill in the blank in each sentence.
1. The unresponsive audience made the lecturer somewhat__disheartened________(heart).
What a shame!
2. A list of__upcoming______(come) events will be posted on the notice board.
3. She's quite an__eye-catcher________(eye)!
4. Listening to that doctor's talk was a very__richful_____(rich) experience.
5. His family suffered from his__expenditure________(expend).
6. We have__subzero________(zero) temperatures every night in mid-winter.
7. The___editorial_______(edit) staff consists often experiem ed journalists.
8. The two nations finally agreed to sign a(n) __non-aggressive___________ (aggressive) pact to normalize
their diplomatic relations.
9. This leads to more pressure being put on the__inadequate______(adequate) public transport system.
10.___Unaccompanied_____ (accompany) children will not be allowed to cross busy roads.
A. Prepositions and particles
Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition or particle to make meaningful sentences.
1. He was punctual____to______the minute.
2. Paul won't do anything without asking his wife first. She's really got him ___on_______her thumb.
3. You need to show that picture___with_______a dark background.
4. I'll keep your application__in________file for the time being.
5. Now that everybody is here. Let's come__down________to business.
6. He looks like his father__in________appearance.
7. Geology is a science I am not conversant__with________.
8. I'm always so shy___to____strangers. I know I should have more confidence myself but I can't help it.
9. The milk smells horrible. It must have gone___off_______, so you have to
put lemon in your tea.
10. I think he's not serious ____to______ becoming a teacher. He just plays _along________the idea.
11. His aunt just died, so he will come__into________ lot of money.
12. ___At______first, they couldn't make___out_____who was___behind____the plan.
13. Nowadays, many youngsters try to keep___to_____________the Joneses.
14. If you have any difficulty. I will help you___out_______.
15. He still worked although it was well___up_______in the night.
B. Verb tenses and forms
Put the verbs given in brackets into their appropriate tense or form.
1. The accident____is reported_____(report)_to have been caused_______(cause) by a reckless motorist.
2. When 1 get my degree, I___will have been_studying_____(study) at this school for four years.
3. I don't know why you always__talk________(talk) it class, boys.
4. I didn't do the test well. I___didn’t prepare_______(prepare) it very carefully at home.
5. Who was that girl you__were talking _______(talk) to when I___past_____(pass) you in the street?
6. Today is the first anniversary of Grandpa Max's death, and I__have been thinking________(think) about
him all day. How fortunate I_was_________ (be)___to have_______(have) a Grandpa like him!
7. - I found that everything I said on the phone had been reported to the police. - Your phone (tap)_was
8. This time next year I probably__will be living______(live) on the other side of the world.
9. By the time the war was over, thousands of innocent people__had been killed____(kill).
10. My uncle would rather that I___hadn’t left_______(not, leave) yesterday.
11. When I see my sister again, she___has finished_______(finish) all her exam.
12. The weather__was_______(be) bad, they couldn't but__to cancel________(cancel) the camping trip.
13. It's a great pity you __hadn’t come____ (not, come) to Brighton with us last Sunday. As you__have
never seen________(never, see) the sea before, it_ could be________(be) a new experience.
A. Sentence transformation (structure)
Complete the sentences in such a way that each of the sentences means almost the same as the sentence
printed before it.
1. We were very impressed by the new camera but found it rather expensive.
Impressed__as we were by the camera, we found it rather expensive______________
2. He brought the umbrella along but it didn't rain.
He needn’t__have brought the umbrella along because it didn’t rain________________
3. "I'm innocent," she said, and the court believed her.
She convinced__the court by saying she was innocent____________________________________________
4. Under no circumstances should you phone the police.
The last___thing you should do is to phone the police____________________________________
5. I would like, moreover, to choose my own clothes.
What's__more, I would like to choose my own clothes________________________________
6. The team is the same as it was for last Saturday's match.
There have__been no changes in the team since last Saturday’s match_____________________________
7. Couldn't you have got a bus to the station?
Wasn’t_________it possible for you to get ______________________________________________
8. You were so gullible! How could you believe the lies he told you?
Weren’t _______you so gullible, you couldn’t have believed the lies he told you______________
9. Success in the academic field depends on your ability to amass qualifications.
The more____qualifications you have, the more successful you will be in the academic field_____________
10. While I strongly disapprove of your behaviour, I will help you this time.
Despite___my strong disapproval of your behavior, I will help you this time_
B. Key-word transformation
Rewrite the sentences by using the words given in bold type, keeping the meaning of each sentence as close
to that of the sentence printed before it. Do not alter the word given in any way.
1. It was obvious that the old house was past its time. (days)

2. I'm telling you this for you not to make a mistake. (fear)
I’m telling you this for fear of your making a mistake
3. They have security guards so that people won't try to steal. (discourage)
They have security guards to discourage people from trying to steal
4. 500 pounds is too much to pay for that painting. (worth)
That painting doesn’t worth 500 pounds
5. This government has changed its taxation policy completely since the last general election, (undergone)
This government’s taxation policy has undergone a complete change since the last general election
6. We won't get to the airport in less than 30 minutes. (least)
It will take us at least 30 minutes to get to the airport
7. Claire suddenly realized what a blunder she had made. (dawned)
It suddenly dawned on Claire what a blunder she had made
8. Collecting stamps is Peter's great passion. (crazy)
Peter is crazy for collecting stamps
9. Don't run away with the idea that this job is easy. (conclusion)
Don’t come to the conclusion that this job is easy
10. Every possible effort was made by the boy to find the missing photo of his mother. (stone)
The boy left no stone unturned to find the missing photo of his mother.
A. Cloze test
Fill each numbered blank with ONE suitable word.
Some hundred years ago there was no equality between men and women because people then (1)
____considered______women to be the weaker sex. This (2)_discrimination______ against women had its
origin in the dawn of mankind's (3)_civilization______when men lived in caves and went hunting for food.
The task of foot gathering and hunting needed great (4)_strength________of body. Therefore, the best place
for women was not in the forest, but at home (5) __where____________ they could satisfactory do their job,
namely (6)_feeding______their children and looking after them. Things have changed much since those early
days. In the modern life of the 20th century. More (7)__________are needed not more strength of the muscle.
It's a consequence that women play an (8)__equally________important role in the (9)
_contemporary_____society. They have proved repeatedly they are equal and often (10)_superior ____ to
men in almost every field.
B. Reading comprehension
Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions below it.
Unlike the eye, the ear has no lid: therefore noise penetrates without protection. Loud noises
instinctively signal danger to any organism with a hearing mechanism, including human beings. In response,
heart beats and respiration accelerates. In fact, there is a general increase in functioning brought about by the
flow of adrenaline released in response to fear.
Because noise is unavoidable in a complex, industrial society, we are constantly responding in the
same way that we would respo id to danger. Recently, researchers have concluded that noise and our response
max be much more than an annoyance. It may be a serious threat to physical and psychological health and
well-being, causing damage not only to the ear and brain but also to the heart and stomach. We have long

known that hearing loss is America's number one nonfatal health problem, but now we are learning some of us
with leart disease and ulcer may be victims of noise as well.
1. What is the author's main point?
A. Loud noises signal danger.
B. The ear is not like the eye.
C. Noise may pose a serious threat to our physical and psychological health.
D. Hearing loss is America's number one nonfatal health problem.
2. According to the passage, people respond to loud noises in the same way that they respond to__________.
A. annoyance B. danger C. damage D. disease
3. It can be interred from this passage that the eye__________.
A. responds to fear B. is damaged by noise
C. enjoys greater protection than the ear D. increases functions
4. Noise is_________.
A. a complex problem
B. an unavoidable problem in an industrial society
C. not a serious problem today
D. America's number one problem
5. What was the topic of the paragraph that preceded t lis passage?
A. Fear B. Ulcer C. The eye D. Heart disease
C. Paragraph understanding
Read the passage and decide which of the sentences given from A to G best fits each space.
Sand: as children we play on it and as adults we relax on it. It is something we complain about when it gets in
our eyes on a windy beach, and praise when it is made into sand castles. (1)___G_______If we did, we
would discover an account of a geological past and a history of sea life that goes back thousands and, in some
cases, millions of years. Sand covers not just seashores, but also ocean beds, deserts and mountains.
(2)____B_____And it is a major element in manufactured products too concrete is large sand, while glass is
made of little else. (3)__A_______Well, it is larger than fine dust and smaller than shingle. In fact, according
to the most generally accepted scheme of measurement, grain can be called sand if their diametre is greater
than 0.06 of a millimetre and less than 0.6 of a millimetre.
Depending on its age and origin, a particular sand an consist of tiny stones or porous grains through
which water can pass. (4)__D______They have come from the breaking down of rocks, or from the dead
bodies of sea creatures, which collect on the bottom of the oceans, or even volcanic eruption.
(5)__F______.If it is a dazzling white, its grains may come from nearby coral, from crystalline quartz rocks
or from gypsum, like the white sand of New Mexico. On Pacific Islands, jet black sands form from volcanic
minerals. Other black beaches are magnetic and are mined for iron ore.
A. These may have the shape of stars or spiral, their edges are rough or smooth.
B. It is one of the most common substances on earth.
C. Rain is an important force in the creation of beaches.
D. In the great slow cycle of the earth, sand that was once rock can turn to rock again.
E. What exactly is sand?
F. Colour is another clue to the origins of sand.
G. But we don't often look at it.
D. Mistake correction
There are eleven mistakes in the following paragraph. Identify and correct them. The first one has been
done for you as an example.
A newspaper make its money from the price people pay for it and also from the advertisings->
advertisements it carries. A popular newspaper with a circulation of over five millions daily makes a lot of
money. Less seriously-> serious newspapers are probably read just for entertainment. They have big
headings above the new stories, funny cartoons to look at and sensational-> sensitive photos of violent-
>violence. The gossip columns are full of stories of private live->lives of famous people. No one takes the
political views of such papers seriously. On an->the other hand, in a free country where there is no
censorship, serious papers are read principle-> principally for their news, sent to themselves by their
correspondents round-> around the world and by the big->biggest news agencies. People also read these
papers for their revisions -> reviews of new books, films and plays and for their editorials what represent the
opinion of the newspaper itself about the important events and issues of the moment.
Example: 0. make - makes

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