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Register No.
FAlA url

$ F5r8-zgl

itted from 2017-20L8 onwards)


(Five - year Regular Course)
First Year - First Semester
Time :2 Yz hours Maximum : 70 marks

PART A- (2 x 10 = 20 marks)

1. Answer TWO of the following in about 500 words each.

(a) Bring out the pathos in the story'In the court''

(b) Discuss the reasons for Gandhi's plea for the severest penalty'

(c) Describe the way Lawyer Gooch deals with his clients.


2. Annotate FIVE of the following:

(a) Everybody seems to have assumed that all lawyers write good


(b) In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the social sciences,

particularly government and' law, made great progress'

(c) You wish to state a hypothetical case? said Lawyer Gooch.

(d) It has been thought that the purpose of punishment is to reform the

(e) India is less manly under the British rule than she ever was before-

(0 A warrant was issued for Piggott's arrest on the charge of perjury'

PART C-(20 marks)
o, Write an essay on ONE of the following: (1 x 10 = 10 marks)

(a) Compare the working of Indian and Pakistani democracies.

&) Examine the role of the Government in preventing pandemics and


(c) Write an essay on man-animal conflicts and give suggestions to

reduce such conflicts.

4. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

(5 x 2= 10 marks)

Some of the important civil wrongs are breach of contract, tort and
breach of trust. A contract is made every time we buy something such as
Bus ticket, Newspaper, Train ticket, etc. A contract need not be a formal
document or in any. document. Tort is a civil wrong independent of
contract. gives rights to an action for damages irrespective of any
existing agreement on doing it or not doing it. Tort includes such wrongs
as negligence and nuisance, dgfamation of character, assault, battery,
false imprisonment, trespass to land. and interference with goods.
Etymologically the word comes from the law - French tort, signifring
any wrong, and. itself derived. from the Latin tortus, meaning'twisted' or


(a) What are the important civil wrongs?

(b) When is a contract made?

(c) Shou1d a contract be formal and written?

(d) Define Tort and trace its etymology.

(e) List out the wrongs that tort includes.


the followin?;
5. Give one word substitutes for any FIVE of x 1 = 5 marks)

(a) Perfect and ideal; but imaginary'

&) One who is self-centred'
(c) Plants that grow in a particular region'
(d) Opinion contrary to accepted doctrine'
(e) Not able to read' and write'
(0 Having several wives at the same time'
(g) Having several husbands at the same time'
6. FormwordsusingFIVEofthefollowingprefixesandsuffixes.
(5 x 1= S.marks)

(a) tions;
(b) or;
(c) dis;
(d) er;
(e) ed;
(0 un;

(g) pre
7. Rewrite as d'irected the following'
(Add question tag)
(a) Semester exams will commence in May'
(change the voice)
(b) Prabhas got the best actor award from P'M'
(into direct
(c) Ramya told her mother to buy a new dress for culturals'


(e) Lata sing a melod'ious song' (correct the error)

ster No.

admitted from 2O17 - 2018 onwards)


(Five-year Regular Course)

First Year - First Semester


Time: 2| hours Maximum : 70 marks

PART A- (2 x 12 = 24marks)
Answer TWO of the following in about 500 words each.
6l einor qgar ar6u,Dg cir 6 f einr+ptq goLGo.r nlg e6lorne6lpg b 6t pppff g s oo Gcnpeaflei:

l. Write an essay on the nature and significance of Political Science.

grdu-teir erdle$lueriletn peinorro Lo,DgJrb go66lu$g1orb updl g15 su@or[ 6ror[8.

2. Define Rights and discuss the various kinds of rights.

e-fl or roor u: a.r en ry u: g$g etp6in u alGor g ol 6D{856)6n a5l ar n$ri;ea1 6.

3- Write an essay on welfare state.

o6seir p6u e{[e OdlpA gg eu@or[ aror[s.

Answer TWO of the following in about 300 words each.
r-9leino.rqgaror6upgcir 6fainqptq gci.rGler.rng o9lorno6lpgr-b 6rpppnp soo Glenpaofldl

4. What are the modes of acquisition of citizenship?

19 rqq /tl or o 6 u gr a:ppe nan a.r g! goorpoeh ru noro.r ?

5. Define authority and explain the different types of authority.

qor arrq /[l or ro creinu orp 6u or quJplp5J etpdrr oJ 6D{5{E6D 6n er9l erni; ge.

6. Define equality and discuss various kinds of equality.

e Lop;g aLporp ar aD [ur gpgt gtp 6irr 611 6D6r66D 6rr o9l ensqgs.

PART C (5 x 4= 20 marks)
7. Write short notes on FIVE of the following :
etrar 1ga.r anor.Dg dr SpPpO Cl gr 15dl, q eeir oqgge.

(a) Politicalsovereignty
(b) Legal rights
eL-L- g-fl6DLos6iT

(c) Law of nature

SuPeoe sL-L-b
(d) Government

(e) Social change

sg)Pnu LonglPtb

(0 Justice
(g) Elements of state'
.9lt'6l6itr uc,gtacir'

PART D (6 x 2= tZ marks)
8. Answer SIX of the following
ns ol--u ofl &56q rb'
L9l etneu 19ar euror,E
pl 6rI gdl gr r; 15 a(9ss ro e6l

(a) Social contract

egos guu$Ptb
(b) Aristotle

(c) Karl Marx

snrJo r-onnBciu

(d) Patriarchal TheorY

Pbol1 ou g!ri; Gsnr--un@

(e) PoPulation
Lo&seir GlPnore

(D Power
(e) LibertY
(h) Totalitarian state
enaln$lanry eltla
ffi Register No.


admitted from 2017-2018 onwards)


(Five-year Regular Course)

First Year - First Semester

fime:2j hours Maximum: 70 marks

PART A- (2x L2= 24 marks)

Answer TWO of the following in about 500 words each.
r-9leino.r1go.rar6u,Dgdr 6fainu@t8tq, ga:Glarnqg o$lorno6lp6rb 6/pppnp soo Glonpoaflci:
or9l ao r-u-.r afl 66 ol tb.

1. State the law of demand. Show the importance of Hickian theory in

understanding the law of demand.
Ggoran a9l$orur a'$l etcupor.D qltl,ogt Glsneiren ede6iu Ge ruunu-rqein
gd;6l u$g a: gi;orp a9l enri;qgs.

Write a note on the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act. Explain
the features of the Competition Act.
@,Dg.dl6r,ro o.rorryugpgt Gleu:a:u@$5Lb euL-$orpu u,Ddl 8gr g.dlrq euaD[6 LD,Dgtb
Gu nuq& et-L-$$l etn elgls6D6rr 6lll6nsq96.

Bring out fiscal imbalance in respect of the finance of the central government-
Exariine their adverse effects on the economy.
top$ ur s [8 6i,r $l$l* Gloncir*,"Srl 6r$pppnp6q LD,E9 Lb er$ arneil Gl u nlgennpn[p516u
6D u L-L- unps o9l'orsn6llo6D6n or9l onri;gs.
pART B -: (2x 7 = L4 marks)
Answer TWO of the following in about 300 words each-
rsleino:q9oror6,rp96ir 6rraint_@rri;cq5g3fl#?*,T:*r"'b qppprg soo Glenpuaflo

4. Evaluate Ricardian theory of Rent.

/fl 6c nirG un 6u nL6D{r Gs nuu nL-q6D 6n 6u 6) [tu eogl Gl euls.

b. Describe the characteristics of a good tax system.

p ei: ar o.r lfl gl orp u9l etir u q o or en o9l eu rfl ti;s o1 rb.
(' t,

7. Write short notes on FIVE of the following.
einou 1ga: aroli,Dg 6jir mpdp tg 6l U Cgdl
q oeir erqgperl b'
(a) Planned EconomY
$l L-L-rfl L-L- Cl u

(b) Normative science

C,rdl q grPS erSl or9l u ei;
(c) Functions of Central Bank
Lopd u eu adl u9lein uooflsdr
(d) Strategies of Economic planning
G1 u nlgornpn[ $l L-L-dl @pn$l 6in qr;$ocfr

(e) Functions of moneY

uomS$lein Gleueuu n@seir
(0 Provisions of World Trade Organization (WTO)
e-eus el n$ps el6Dlou Lgleiir eCI$lscii
(g) The Marginal Efficiencv of Capital (MEC)
(g6Dp6rIp$utn 6t A16" Glau-r eu$lpein

PART D (6 x 2= 12 marks)
8. Answer SIX of the following very briefly :
L9l eineu 19 e.i: ar6x,E g 6,ir +p gt {fi (5 419 &s r-o ns oCI
e'o L- u-l ofl 6 5 6t l Lb'

(a) Mixed EconomY

s6Du q Gl u nqgennPnrlr.b

'(b) Tax evasion

eLrrfl 6rnJuq

(c) Credit creation

sr--ein g$sLb

(d) Real Wages

p-ouleo ro ul nan esr$ u-.r rfu scir

(e) Division of labour

Garaneu u(gu t-.1 (P6I),8

(0 Two indicators of Economic growth

G) u nlgornp nr1 eu enne8 u9l etn 6 f a;m@ g$l uS @oeir

(g) Law of supply

erofluq e9$
(h) Neo-classical school of Economic thought'
Gl u n6afl ur gu ri;s n6rr q$l u Glp neu 6tl ugl dD er$l g nsofl uin
_ . , . .. . ,. t

ffi ster No.

..'o\ B
) FAID t\o
(Fqr the candidates admitted from 2017-2018 onwards)


(Five-year Regular Course)
First Year - First Semester
Time:2jhours Maximum: 70 marks

PART A- (2 x 12 = 24 marks)

Answer TWO of the following in about 500 words each.

geinoulgoremar.Dg1cfr 5oo Gerp56Ifl6r)

6tfal,or+,oCO geuGlo"rng a,9leornar91p1gljo crp41ptTg
or9l en L-u-r afl &5611 ti.

1. Explain the Social contract theory.

eqgos guupp GanL-u nr--eutu or9larrf'l

2. What is Social control? Explain the various agencies of Social control.

eqgos al@un@ creinpneu eremr,rr? glp6ijr ucilGorpt (ps6DLD56D6n upSl oCIa.lrfl.

3. Write an essay about the importance of "Ed.ucational Institution".

s6D6.9l 6'1ql 6u 6rrp$ 6ttr g:d;61 u-.rpgr ap6op u upf) o L-@ en I or [5. 6o^l

' Answer TWO of the following in about 300 words each.
r5leiireuqgareurar.Dgcir 6f rla;n+$O garGlarn15 efleorne6lpgu. ;Ipppng soo Glenpsafleu
e,9)enL-u-rafltioaJ rb.

4. Explain the nature of Social change.

eqgos nn$gr$$etn petnanLoeou: o6leu rfl,

5. Write about the father of sociology?

eqgooo9l u erSl ein pperrpen u u u,Dpfl o9 erL rfIi;uer.1 r-b.
6. What are the various kinds of Social groups?
e goe qgqgri;safl etir u oGou g or eos u9l eo e'or t

r' I

PART C (5 x 4= 20 marks)
7. Write short notes on FIVE of the following:
r-91 einar 1gar o'nalpg cir Appgu ri;(g 6l p Cgdl, q s eir crqg gt o :

(a) Branches of SociologY.

eqgoo ergl u-r e6l eiir 6l elr ors 6ir

(b) Importance of AnthroPologY'

r-o nq1 r--o9l u er5l etn 9or;;61 upgl elr b
(c) RoIe of Karl Marx
onrla; Lonn6ctuu9letn u rrl15

(d) Nuclear FamilY


(e) Policy

(0 Social MobilitY
5(P5 gl6Ds6tl

(g) Self Government

su-t glusnr6lsti: I

PART D (6 x 2= 12 marks)
8. Answer SIX of the following brieflY
E einar 19 or eu6u,D g cfr +dl gl r;Cg a19Bs Lo ns er9l eo u ul afl 65 6Ll tb'
(a) Minor

(b) Kind.s of writs

rtdl u Gu nneoonu9letn erieoss6iT
(c) Civics

(d) Process


(0 Caste

(g) Values
(h) Parsi religion
unrienll LoPr-b


ff ter No.

w lmitted from 20L7


- 2018 onwards)

(Five - year Regular Course)

First Year - First Semester

Time : 2] hours Maximum: 70 marks

PART A (2 x 12 = 24 rnarks)
Answer TWO of the following in about 500 words each.

Eeireulgoranarpglcfr $frlalnr+ptg go.rGlounq orglorno'.51p66 6tpppnp soo Glenpsoflo


1. ' Discuss the Rule laid down in Rylands vs Fletcher with exceptions.
G1r1u:atneinueiu 6r$n r-9lcnusfi orprfrdlo mrgluuu@etren ergl$loeoen elp6tiT 61916l

o9l a:ri;1gs g u-eiir o$l or: n$ri;o.

Diseuss the law relating to remoteness of damage.

Glpnr-nr-9lcilcun Guprb Odlpg $Adluel sl-urb creinor atlg8pg1 - orglarn$Ii;56qtb.

3. Harm suffered voluntarily does not constitute legal injury and is not
actionable - Elucidate. -
prror6 (g6i,r or.Dgl $Aaos 6Iporb eLr--p SaO 6-p&uuu@o$leueoa:
gsGau *ACg er--L pr-arqdaos&qg @L-rflOoro - cr@p5eotf6eoltil.
PARTB_ (2x7=Lfmarks)
Answer TWO of the following in about 300 words each.
E einar qga.r an6up gI dr 6 rlolm+D O -#ruS #ffi"
b Ob es p ppn9 3 o o Gl + npe ofl cir

4. Discuss various exceptions to the rule that everyone can be sued in tort.
eL-u$pc;b 6rpp_g(D puri r.6grrn arpri;61r--'(gt+ultb creingl ergl$lu9lein uarGargt
o9l$l or9l a:ri;6sao en afl ar n$6e.

5. Write a note on fair and bonafide comment.

pa:Glarairram Lopgrb GBltlu e6lLons6rrLb updl eft Odluq pO6.

PART C (5 x 4= 20 marks)
:ite short notes on FIVE of the following:

,Targerr6n6rrpg ef epSlpCg Eg qgfl u qserr 6r(gSJ5.

Res ipsa loquitur.

CleuJG6D Gleuqdlpg.

False imprisonment.

(p6D.Drx,D,D Eeopleoa-r u q

Rule of last opportunity

$lg$t arnuruq ergl$

Pigeon hole theory.

qgl n& allL-eoplri Glsneirene.

Act of state

€{[fl6in GleuJd)

Defences to Nuisance il

Glpneueoeuu9l ein cr$ i-ar npruscir

Merryweather vs Nixon.

GLoiFlGlouon cr6l rt r6l*s6in.

PART D (2 x 6= 12 marks)
'WO of the following by referring to relevant provisions of law and decided
cases. Give cogent reasons.

oreupgeir 6t[a;m+pCq &L-r_ er]6Dsturilseir LopgLb atgl&qgserrons

$rLonafl*suur. r_-
e.,..dl p q5' p s nqom ru o qg r_ein orgl an r_ u_r afLi;s er1 Lb.

.ys - Mr.z is a very honest man. He never stole my watch. Is the

'ment defauiatory?

nuor f-$lg. Z er rlrueun r-6leer1 Lb n .g ot n g gG u ngr r-b creingl eo L_u-r

Gp neo Lo u-r nora:
rqsnrypanp $lgL-o.9lcila-r6D a''grdpnn-Sl,Dp{i e'pgl
"gargfigj g(glDn cr6rr
9. 'A', an infant, hired a horse from 'B' to ride for an hour and injured her by the same for nearly four hours -'B' sues '1t' for damages - Can 'B'

'st'oreingtrn @ena.rn e19 ro@'ofl Gprfr-il s6unfl Gleu-r^eupns '4' f:d-tOpg, 5119
6$en[6oil aLnlensd;g *6pgl 6lL-L-$pL-r-- pn6i,r(g Load Gprfrn s6unfl Gl+ugr elp.Dq5
snurrjl argleo'rcnargki;6lpnn. '+' 6lpu.9@ Gonrfl '€l' aElein 165 a-rp66t@6lpnn. 'q'
Gl-pdl Glugannrln?

10. A circus tiger escapes and injures a small child of seven years. Analyse the
liability of the management of the circus.
e-6unar(D snl-fli;qgqg6Lqldr LlailGlgneiirg pur{Og 6r(9 arurpnan flpflu.l gppeopeou-L
-e_iunor1g snlflt1gq9o.9letn Glungruq poreuanu-L uqquunqnuro.

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