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B E N N E T T, C O L E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA B LI S H E D 1838 T I M E S O F I N D I A . C O M | M U M B A I | PA G E S 6 | P R I C E R s. 2.



An educatorbirthdays of famous
tells us ➤ What is sharenting and ➤ Different styles of
how tofrom Sep 16-22
inculcate selfPlus:
regu-Famous why it’s important for cricket shots SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2023
TODAY’S fictitious and real-life
lation skills in our dailyplunderers to mark you to know? Plus: Beat

Newspaper in

International Talk Like

lives and the importance a Pirate Day on Sep exam stress; Why you should
19; Why
of it it helps to be an optimist? read comics WHAT’S TRENDING?


Pics: Istock
galuru. Certain
sports injuries TIMES VIEW
are known to
impact cogni- As more scientific data is piling
tion. “It can
occur with
up on the topic of how repeti-
other sports like tive heading can actually be
cricket wherein the ball may hit dangerous in the long-run,
the head. Footballers sometimes come many football associa-
to us complaining of problems in their
attention, cognition or memory,” he tions across the world
under-12 age groups in
Guidelines needs to be found out

laying football may have about what age is it
many health benefits but nu-  No heading in training safe to head a foot-
merous studies have shown
that repeated heading
eading for primary school children ball – if at all. Also Demand soars for
football associations
could take a tolll on
one’s co gnitive health. h.
 Heading remains low priority

at U-12 and U-13 level with a in India need to take fermented drinks
“Whenever there is any im- in the UK and
note of this study
pact to the head, by punch-
ing or something like that,
the US, heading a maximum of 5 headers per week
 Heading remains a low priority and issue similar
as gut health gains
ball is banned for kids
small contusions occur in
the brain. They accumu-
under the age of 11 and at U14, U15 and U16 level with a
maximum of 10 headers per week
late over time and can lead 10 respectively
 Heading drills should
to movement disorders like e

Parkinson’s Disease or mem- m- be reduced as much as possible ermented drinks such as
ory problems. It happens because
cause for U18 level kombucha, kefir seems to
of repeated injury to the brain,” ex- have many takers now in
plained Dr Krishnan PR, senior con-
NOTE: The Football Association is India. These fer mented
sultant-Neurology, Fortis Hospital, the governing body of association drinks contain live probiotic
Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru. football in England and the Crown microorganisms that are beneficial to
Dependencies of Jersey, Guernseysey said.
said Chandra the gut. “Probiotics found in fermented
In a 2013 study published in the While adds tthat it takes drinks like kombucha help maintain a
and the Isle of Man more than 1-2 inju- balanced gut microbiome, aiding in
journal ‘Radiology’, researchers at Japan considering
ries this applica- smoother digestion, reducing bloating
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Football ticularly vulnerable. Follow-
tic child development, ble
bl to a football- and fortifying the immune system,” ex-
in New York used advanced magnet- HEAD ALERT Association has ing the study, heading by
in research supports that er who keeps plains Pariksha Rao, a clinical and pae-
ic resonance imaging on the brains
A recent study commis- introduced guidelines children up to the age of 12
c heading is a complex motor heading.
h diatric nutritionist.
sioned by England’s Foot- for how heading was banned during football
w According
of 37 amateur adult players who had skill that most children might
ball Association indicates practice in England, Scot-
p to Dr Lakshmi
played an average of 10 months over that repetitive heading in should be taught to land and Northern Ireland.
lan not learn, much less master, Krishna
the previous year and 22 years soccer could lead to cogni-i- under-16s until the age of 10-12 sultant,
su Manipal Gut health has become a conversation
tive impairments later in life. years Hospitals
Hos says starter among health enthusiasts. Nu-
overall. The players who headed the The findings indicated thathat for- IIMPACTS
MPA COGNITION that people
p who ex- merous studies underscore the role
ball above a threshold of 885 to mer footballers are nearly 3.5 times more Cognitive deficits due to injuries to the perience repeated trau- played by gut microbiome in overall
1,550 times a year exhibited signs of at risk for neurodegenerative diseases. head are common among boxers too. Mu- matic brain injuries in early
maticbrainin physical health. Unsurprisingly, foods
That three of England’s 1966 World Cup hammad Ali reportedly suffered from it. to mid-life are two to four times more at and fermented drinks that improve gut
nerve damage associated with trau- heroes suffered from Alzheimer’s con- “We even use the term boxer’s dementia,” risk of developing dementia in later life. health have seen a jump in demand.
matic brain injury firms the worst fears of neuroscientists. said Dr P Satish Chandra, senior consult- Early detection is the key to management Globally, fermented foods and beverages
Experts point out that children are par- ant neurologist at Apollo Hospitals, Ben- of cognitive impairments. TNN demand is set to grow at a CAGR of 5.6%
between 2022-23, in comparison to 4.7%
CAGR registered between 2017-21.

Creator of the World’s CEYLON > SRI LANKA

Sri Lanka stayed Ceylon long after its
independence in 1948. However, in
Many try out fermented beverages made
from rye bread like kvass and fermented

Most Famous Sheep Dies 1972, when Queen Elizabeth II ceased

to be its political head and the country
vegetables like sauerkraut and kimchi,
kefir and soy products like miso and tem-
peh. Sourdough bread, made from fer-
mented dough, is also much in demand.
became a republic, the island’s gov-
British scientist Ian Wilmut
The experiment led to many ethical con- ernment decided to officially change Fermented drinks can enhance nutrient
cerns. World over people became con- absorption, making vital vitamins and
its name to Sri Lanka
died on Sept 10. Let’s learn cerned that humans will be cloned next.
Then US President Bill Clinton had even an-
minerals more accessible to the body.
They often contain antioxidants, which
more about him and his work nounced a ban on human cloning experiments. of The Netherlands. While The combat free radicals, potentially lower-

Wilmut’s intention was to use this ex- Netherlands is actually 12 provinc- ing the risk of chronic diseases.
periment as a way to find cures for de- es, the two provinces of Noord-Hol- While foreign fermented foods have

ritish scientist Ian Wilmut, whose bilitating illnesses. land and Zuid-Holland collectively charmed Indians, India already has a

research was central to the crea- Dolly’s white face was one of the first are referred to as the region of Hol- rich tradition of fermentation. The Gu-
tion of the cloned animal, Dolly signs that she was a clone because if she land. Because Holland has long been jarati dhokla, South Indian idli, dosa and
the Sheep, passed away years after had been genetically related to her sur- the most populated area and the appam are prime examples. In the east
being diagnosed with Parkinson’s rogate mother, she would have had a black cultural hub, the English-speaking
disease, announced University of Edinburgh, face. She was named after singer Dolly Parton. world mistakenly started referring
The large intestine is home to more

where he worked. Wilmut, along with Keith Dolly was the first mammal to to the entire nation of the Nether-
Campbell from the animal sciencesciences be cloned from an adult cell. lands as Holland. The Dutch govern- than 800 species of bacteria, viruses
research institute in Scotland, gen- Her birth proved that special-
H ment has finally decided to set the and fungi. Known as gut microbiome,
erated news headlines and d ised cells could be used to create record straight. they help break down food, turning it
heated ethical debates in 1996
when they created Dolly, the
an exact copy of the animal
th came from. This knowl-
WITH THE ‘INDIA VS BHARAT DEBATE’ CONTINUING, into nutrients our body can use. A bal-
first mammal to be cloned edge
e changed what scientists WE TELL YOU ABOUT COUNTRIES THAT CHANGED Kampuchea > Cambodia anced gut microbiome is crucial for the
from an adult cell. thought
t was possible and Recent history has seen Cambodia’s immune function, mental wellbeing and
Wilmut, who was born opened
o up a lot of possibili- official title take on several forms. even metabolic regulation
near Stratford-upon-Avon ties
t in biology and medicine, Since 1953 there have been
(incidentally where Shake- including
in the development of six different names for
speare was born), attended the e personalised
per stem cells, known the nation, as various rul- in Bengal and Orissa pantha bhaat aka

University of Nottingham to as
a iPS
iP cells. hroughout history, ing bodies have sought to pakhala is fermented rice and considered

study agriculture, before switching
ng Wilmut Dolly was not the first-ever
D it has been wit- put their stamp on it. the perfect light meal during summer.
to animal science. He moved to the e cloned mammal. In 1984, an-
c nessed that coun- From 1953-70, it was Even in India’s North-East fermented
University of Edinburgh in 2005, had been other sheep was cloned in tries have under- ruled by the monarchy foods like soybeans, bamboo shoots, and
received a knighthood in 2008 and working in the field Cambridge, UK. In 1995, two
C gone various trans- and called Kingdom of fish, etc are part of the daily diet.
retired in 2012. of animal science and oother sheep had also been cloned formations, including changes Cambodia. From 1970-75

According to ‘The Guardi- cryopreservation at Roslin and a further six sheep
a to their names, which were it was called the Khmer
an’, Professor Wilmut led a were cloned there at the same
w mostly influenced by political, Republic when the US- BE CAREFUL: EXPERTS
team of scientists at the Ros- since the late time as Dolly. What made Dolly so
tim social, or cultural factors. Most backed Lon Nol gov- Doctors say it is important to exercise
lin Institute at the University of 1960s special was that she had been made
spe of the countries that saw such ernment overthrew the caution. “These drinks can be high in
Edinburgh to create Dolly, born n on from aan adult cell, which no one at the name change aimed to bring a monarchy. From 1979- sugar and may not be suitable for every-
July 5, 1996. His work laid the foundation
ndation thought was possible.
time thou shift in their identity, or their his- TURKEY > TÜRKIYE 89, the country was one. Individuals with compromised im-

for stem cell research. Before him, the process Over the years, Dolly had a total of six torical narratives. Here, we bring named People’s Repub- mune systems or certain gastrointestinal
involved cloning the animal from embryonic lambs. She started developing health is- to you a list of countries that have Recently, this country underwent a lic of Kampuchea after the ruling conditions should consult their gastro-
cells, but Dolly was created from a culture sues post 2001 and was put to sleep on undergone name change officially. name change, and is now known as party. In 1993, with the first post- enterologist before incorporating these
mammary cell. Wilmut’s experiment had February 14, 2003, at the age of six. Türkiye. Turkish President Recep Khmer Rouge democratic elections beverages into their diet,” warns Dr

“transformed scientific thinking at the time”. Though Dolly was born in July 1996, her having taken place, the monarchy Gaurang Ramesh, surgical gastroenter-
existence was announced on Feb 22, 1997. Czech Republic > Czechia Tayyip Erdogan suggested this restored and the name was rein- ologist. TNN
It instantly created a sensation. There was In April 2016, Czech Republic was change and also stated that the stated to Kingdom of Cambodia.
HOW DOLLY WAS BORN a special report in ‘TIME’ and ‘Science’ featured changed to Czechia to facilitate the country be recognised as Türkiye
her as the breakthrough of the year. Dolly has naming of the country for compa-
 Wilmut and his team used mammary been called as “the world’s nies, and sporting events. If reports
internationally, as the term ‘Türkiye’ Republic of Macedonia >
represents the country’s values, cul-
gland of a six-year-old Finn Dorset most famous sheep” are to go by, this was in discussion
ture, and civilisation in the best way.
Republic of North
After her for as long as 20 years, until it was
sheep and an egg cell taken death the finally decided. Macedonia
from a Scottish Blackface institute switch to Eswatini was welcomed This name change happened
sheep and combined them donated her body by many due to the previous name’s fairly recently, that is in Feb-
 The researchers then to the National Swaziland > Eswatini potential for confusion, as it was ruary 2019 and, if reports are
Museum of In April 2018, the monarch of the often mistaken for Switzerland! to go by, the main reason be-
stimulated it with elec- Scotland in Ed- African nation of Swaziland offi- hind this change was to become
tricity and added chemi- inburgh, cially announced a change in the a part of NATO. Reports add
cals, which helped in where she has country’s name to Eswatini. Nota- Holland > The Netherlands that the name change was
become one of bly, this alteration was met with The reason why Holland decided to also used to differentiate
rejuvenating the adult the museum’s little surprise among the people undergo a name change in January itself from Greece, which
DNA into an embryo most popular since they had been using this name 2020 is as a marketing move to go has a region named Mac-
exhibits. informally for some time. The back to the official name Kingdom edonia. TIMES TRAVEL
02 A page celebrating historical figures, young achievers, artists, writers. We look
at those in news, who have their birthdays in the week and just inspiring
personalities whom you can learn from

Pics: Istock

BIRTHDAY: SEPTEMBER 16, 1992 HG WELLS dystopian fiction, satire, and tragedy.
Wells penned plenty of non-fiction, in-
Optimists have plenty to be happy about.

n American singer, songwriter, and actor, Nick- cluding biographies, autobiographies,

Jonas began acting on Broadway at the age of erbert George Wells was social commentaries, and textbooks as
seven, and released his debut single in 2002; this a prolific English author well as social commentary, history, biog-
When times get tough, they do better
caught the attention of Columbia Records,
where Jonas formed a band with his older
of fiction and non-fiction.
Wells is best remembered,
raphy, autobiography, and recreational
war games. Wells’ 1895 debut, ‘The Time
than pessimists. They succeed better at
brothers, Kevin and Joe, known as the Jonas Brothers. however, for his famous Machine,’ was followed by ‘The Island of work, respond better to stress, suffer
Jonas’ father is a songwriter, musician, and former science fiction novels and uncanny pre- Doctor Moreau’ (1896), ‘The Invisible
ordained minister at an Assemblies of God dictions about the future. Man’ (1897), and ‘The War of the Worlds’ fewer depressive episodes, and achieve
church, while his mother is a former sign lan- At the age of 7, after Wells suffered (1898). All four novels have been adapted
guage teacher and singer. Jonas was raised an accident that left him bedridden, he for films. more personal goals
in Wyckoff, New Jersey and homeschooled became a voracious reader of everything

by his mother. Jonas’ career started when he from Charles Dickens to Washington ormally, pessimists believe that bad events are
was discovered at the age of six in a barber Irving. When the family store Wells was among the their fault, will last a long time, and undermine
shop, where his mother was getting her hair finally went under, his moth- first to write about everything. They feel
cut, and was referred to a professional show er went to work as a house- FAMOUS finally succeeded in study- such things as time helpless and may
business manager. He began performing on keeper at a large estate. It QUOTE: “If you ing the natural sciences sink into de- A study,
Broadway at the age of seven, portray- was there Wells was under the well-known machines and alien inva- pression. Optimists, on the reported in
ing characters such as Tiny Tim, Chip able to expand his
are in difficulties with a proponent of evolution sions. Wells also made a num- other hand, believe that de- ‘Circulation: Journal of the
Potts, Little Jake, and Gavroche literary horizons book, try the element of T H Huxley. ber of social and scientific predic- feat is a temporary setback American Heart Association’,
among other roles. with authors such surprise: attack it at an Wells’ long- and or a challenge – it doesn’t has found that women who
tions in his writing — including airplane think positively have a lower
The singer is a man of many as Voltaire. Wells hour when it isn’t short-form fiction falls knock them down.
and space travel, the atomic bomb risk of developing heart
talents. Though most famous for his struggled to gain into many genres, includ- “Pessimism is escapa-
expecting it” disease or dying from any
singing and songwriting, Jonas is an education and ing science-fiction, fantasy, ble. Everyone experiences cause compared to
also an on-screen artist. Beginning failure at some point in their pessimistic women
his career as a boy in theatre, he lives. What differentiates the
is familiar with the optimist from the pessimist is a
similarities be- person’s ability to see their failures
tween the skills Jonas as due to some factor or circumstance that
of singing and is changeable rather than because of some personal defect
acting. He has
suffered from that they feel powerless to change,” say psychologists.
appeared in Type 1 diabetes at the Optimism is extremely important in sur-
films such as age of 13 and developed gical outcomes. “I see sprightly 80-year-
‘Night at the
Change for the Children BILL MURRAY medic roles, Murray has also demon-
strated his versatility as an actor by
olds just breeze through heart surgery
while pessimistic 40-year-olds take much
Foundation with his BIRTHDAY: SEPTEMBER 21, 1950
Battle of the appearing in several dramatic roles, longer to recover. I never operate on a patient

Smithsonian’ brothers for the ill Murray is an American including ‘Broken Flowers’, ‘Rush- who doesn’t want surgery or is not optimistic
(2009) and same cause actor, comedian, and writ- more,’ and ‘The Life Aquatic with about its outcome. Dying serious patients may walk home,
‘Careful What er. He first gained nation- Steve Zissou.’ Throughout his career, while normal patients may never make it through the
Yo u Wi s h Fo r ’ al exposure on ‘Saturday Murray has been praised for his abil- hospital – and attitude has a strong influence in this,”
(2015). He has also ap- Night Live’ and later went ity to bring depth and nuance to his says Dr Shantesh Kaushik, consultant car-
peared in the television series ‘Last on to star in several critically and com- performances and has earned nu- diothoracic and vascular surgeon.
Man Standing’ (2011) and ‘Hawaii Five-0’ mercially successful comedic films, merous awards and nominations for Can a positive outlook toward
(2010). Jonas starred in ‘Jonas’ (2009), a including ‘Ghostbusters’ (1984), and his work in film. life in general and your school work
Disney Channel original series. ‘Groundhog Day’ (1993). Murray is in particular be developed? Or is
Jonas proposed to Indian actress Pri- perhaps best known for optimism a state of mind that comes
early on
e some secrets
yanka Chopra on July 19, 2018, a day after his roles in films such naturally? Answer: A little of both.
her birthday in Crete, Greece. In August as ‘Groundhog Day’ and Someone told m yo urself “Optimism is a strategy for making
u must remind
2018, they got engaged in a Punjabi cere- ‘Lost in Translation.’ In about living. Yo u ca n when a better future, because unless you
very best yo
mony in Mumbai. In December 2018, the both the films, Murray
th at you can do the m atte r w ha t it is,
believe that the future can be better,
couple married at Umaid Bhawan Palace, brought his unique sense
ry, very relaxed. No you are unlikely to step up and take
yo u’re ve more re xedla
your job is, the
Jodhpur in traditional Hindu and of humour and ability to responsibility for making it so. If
Christian ceremonies. convey both humour and no matter what sort of why you assume there is an instinct for
r you are. That’s
pathos to his performanc- you are, the bette e more fun I freedom, there are opportunities
I realised that th
got into acting.
es, earning widespread to change things, there’s a chance
FUN FACT: Nick Jonas has German, English, I and I th ou gh t, well,
critical acclaim and
ha d, the better I did it, you may contribute to making a
Scottish, Irish, Italian/Sicilian (from a great-grandfa- praise from audiences and n be proud of better world. The choice is yours,”
critics alike. that’s a job I ca say psychologists. TNN
ther), and French-Canadian ancestry
In addition to his co-


 Try to overcome obstacles
 Use constructive self-criticism. Talk to yourself about
your mistakes. It can impact your attitude and your
 Self-support is an important part of life. Mistakes

make you learn what not to do

STEPHEN KING novels and most of his short stories
have been adapted for film or televi-
first novel ‘Carrie’, just shy of fifty
years ago, King has held dominion
 Most success stories are stories of failures,
sion. Although he was dismissed over the landscape of horror. He ar- A distracted driver lost control perseverance, resourcefulness, but, above all, action

hile growing up, for by critics for much of his career rived during a resurgent interest in  Learn how to use the power of gratitude and
several years Ste- — one ‘New York Times’ review all things frightening — following and struck King as he took a
phen King strug- called King “a writer of fairly en- the success of Ira Levin’s ‘Rose- walk down a quiet country a sense of thanksgiving to sustain a positive,
gled to support his gaging and preposterous claptrap” mary’s Baby’ (1967) and William road. The author was nearly optimistic attitude
young family by — his writing has received greater Peter Blatty’s ‘The Exorcist’ (1971)  Learn how humour and laughter can improve your
washing motel linens at a laundry, recognition in recent years. — and quickly set about reshaping
killed and sustained serious
injuries, but he recovered. attitude and your life
teaching high-school English, and Since the publication of his the genre in his own image.
 Identify your worst fears and greatest concerns. By
occasionally selling short stories to Afterwards, he bought the van
men’s magazines. Then, in 1973, he that hit him (so it wouldn’t end doing this, you acknowledge your concerns to yourself
sold his novel ‘Carrie’, which quick- LESSON TO LEARN: Stephen King compares writing fiction to cross- and pave the way to think constructively about how to
ly became a bestseller. Since then, up on eBay as a grotesque col-
King has sold over three hundred ing the Atlantic Ocean in a bathtub, because in both, “there’s plenty lector’s item). But he also had manage those issues and your fears about them
of opportunity for self-doubt.” Not only will you doubt yourself, but  Remember the golden rule and follow it. Plan to do
million books. other ideas: “I’m going to take
In addition to forty-three nov- other people will doubt you, too. “If you write (or paint or dance or a sledgehammer and beat it!” at least three helpful or nice things for others each
els, King has written eight collec- day, even if they seem only minor
sculpt or sing, I suppose), someone will try to make you feel lousy King told the ‘Bridgton News’
tions of short stories, eleven  Surround yourself with happy, optimistic people
screenplays, and two books on the about it, that’s all,” writes King. in his home state.
craft of writing. Virtually all of his


constant and losing battle with his own on a combination of The Rolling ture of 1,000 degrees.
best tendencies. Jack Sparrow’s first Stones’ guitarist Keith Richards and The actor was quoted as saying,
love is the sea – his second, his beloved “Looney Tunes “cartoons, specifically “Captain Jack was actually born in a
ship, the Black Pearl. the characters Bugs Bunny and Pepé sauna — my sauna. I figured this is a
PLAYED BY: Johnny Depp, in full Le Pew. Johnny Depp prepared for the guy who has been on the high seas for
John Christopher Depp II. An Ameri- role while rehearsing in the steam probably all his life, most of his life at
can actor and musician who was known room of a sauna. At times, he claimed least, and therefore probably dealt with
for his eclectic and uncon- to turn the heat up to its max tempera- a lot of inescapable heat to the brain.”
International Talk Like a Pirate Day is celebrated on September 19 every year. The day ventional film choic-
es. He achieved
encourages people to talk and dress like the sea plunderers of yesteryear. Let’s perhaps his REAL LIFE RAIDER
greatest success
recount some famous fictitious and real-life pirates on this ocassion… as Capt. Jack
 One does not have to be a history
Sparrow. The
characterisa- buff to have heard of the pirate
LONG JOHN SILVER peared in just about everything related sorts of other Disney tion of Spar- Blackbeard. He attained legendary sta-
1 APPEARANCE: ‘Treasure
Island’ by Robert Louis Steven-
to Peter Pan since including movies,
books, cartoons, video games and more.
DESCRIPTION: Hook is a hand-
commercial tie-ins: vid-
eo games, toys, books.
row is based
tus and appeared in history, fiction, and
pop culture alike. Blackbeard or Edward
son, followed by countless books, mov- some pirate who dresses in fancy legendary pirate of the Teach (c. 1680-1718) is one of the most
ies, TV shows, video games. Robert clothes. He has a hook in place of one seven seas, Captain infamous pirates to have ever lived.
Newton played him several times in the hand since losing the hand to Peter in Jack Sparrow is the ir-
1950s. His language and dialect are re- a sword fight. Peter fed the hand to reverent trickster of the Known for his fearsome image and dar-
sponsible for the “pirate speak” so a hungry crocodile, which now follows Caribbean. A captain of ing acts on land and sea throughout the
popular today (“Arrrr, matey!”). Hook around hoping to eat the rest of equally dubious morality West Indies and along the North
DESCRIPTION: Long John Silver him. Lord of the pirate village in and sobriety, a master of
was a charming rogue. Young Jim Neverland, Hook is clever, wicked, self-promotion and self-
American East coast, his legacy has
Hawkins and his friends set out to and cruel. interest, he fights a been an inspiration for many depictions
find a great treasure: they hire a ship of pirates throughout history.
and crew, including the one-legged Sil-  Much of what is known about him
ver. He is at first a loyal ally, but soon
his treachery is discovered as he at-
tempts to steal the ship and the treas-
can be sourced to Charles Johnson’s ‘A
General Historie of the Robberies and Hands and used this in his novel.
ure. Silver is one of the greatest all-time APPEARANCE: ‘The Pirates of Murders of the Most Notorious  Blackbeard did exist and
literary characters and arguably the Caribbean’ movies and all Pyrates’. His book first introduced the
the best-known fictional pirate ever. engaged in piracy around the end
In TV series ‘Black Sails’, Silver is name of the pirate flag – the ‘Jolly of the 17th century and beginning
clever and opportunistic. Roger’, pirates with buried treasure of the 18th in the Atlantic Ocean. The
and the idea of them missing legs or wreck of his ship, Queen Anne’s
CAPTAIN HOOK with eyepatches. Revenge, was found on Nov 21, 1996,
Hook made his first appear-
 Johnson’s book directly inspired

works such as J M Barrie’s ‘Peter Pan’

and since then the North Carolina
Department of Natural and Cultural
ance in J M Barrie’s 1904 play and R L Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island’.
‘Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn’t Resources has been releasing informa-
Grow Up’ and is the main antago- Stevenson even directly lifted the name tion gleaned from whatever is
nist of “Peter Pan”. He has ap- of one of Blackbeard’s crew, Israel retrieved from it.
Family time is sacred time and should be
protected and respected

Simple ways to
reduce stress during
Image: iStock
half-yearly exams
Over sharing content about children
by parents typically on social media Remember this - it is easier to be
platforms is called sharenting – a
practice that’s now in focus as a 9 pointers for successful when you feel good, less anxious
vlogging epidemic hits the country
Sharenting you can and less stressed. Whether you admit it or not,
nupur.amarnath@timesgroup.com tell your parents everyone feels stressed and anxious at some
point during exam time. What is important is

ohan (name changed), 25,
was getting ready to join a
new workplace. His office
1 Sharing information about children
makes their lives public, and this can
cause anxiety and stress due to various
learning how to control your emotions so
that you can concentrate and be successful in
friends decided to throw
him a big sendoff complete
with all the fun moments shared by his
reasons whatever test you are taking. As exam season
quickly approaches, here are a few strategies
parents on their very public Facebook
profile as a “Wall of fame”. And celebra-
tions no longer stay within the four
2 Sharing only positives and achieve-
ments also adds to a pressure of
being that perfect kid
that will help you cope with stress and
walls. On his first day at his new place,
there was already a welcome wall ready anxiety
with all his embarrassing photos and
even his childhood nickname. Shaken,
Rohan felt he would never be able to build
3 They can become addicted to attention
ensuring that your locus of control,
which is internal usually shifts externally
the kind of professional image that he making them seek external validations
was seeking. Result: he quit his job.
Nirali Bhatia, cyber psychologist
and founder of CyberBAAP (Bullying
Awareness, Action and Prevention) says
4 Children may become victims to
online harassment and bullying
that parents need to understand the na-
ture of the online world, very specifi-
cally the social media. “Remember that
5 Parents should ensure that sharing
their child’s content is not a feel-
good factor for them
everything that goes online is almost
permanent. Always question yourself:
whether 10 years down the line, will
my child and I be happy seeing
this?” The digital footprint your
Is there
The problem with self-image
6 Parent and child relationship should be
self-regulated outside the social media
anything like good
child has already made, courte-
sy you could be adding to future
mental health issues.
content? Clinical psychologist and founder, Head-
space Healing, Dr Jaya Sukul says that
7 Parents can create a close group of
family and friends with whom content
about children can be shared. In cybersecu-
Sukul says in the content hierarchy, content pre-adolescent or under 14 is the age when
that is based on talent and is age-appropriate children are still coming into their own. rity, there’s a term called zero trust, basi-
So, what is
is much better than content like role play and
comical videos where the material may not
be suitable for a certain age. Bhatia says
Sukul says, “Self-image at this point should
be developed internally and not externally.
Also how we see ourselves shouldn’t be a
cally not everyone is your friend. Apply this
to any info that you share online 1 RELAXATION TECHNIQUES
Reduce feeling stressful or 3 EAT PROPERLY
Your body needs the
Sharenting is the act of
parents, caregivers, or rela-
tives over-sharing content
choose content that helps building
empathetic quotient as is bound
product of how others view us.” Living
your life through content creates just the
opposite effect. She says, “The scenario is
8 Never ever post photographs of chil-
dren in their school or college uni-
forms. It gives away their location
anxious when studying or writing
exams by engaging in breathing
nutrients it gets from
food in order to keep
about children in their lives, in- bleak in terms of personality development exercises. For example: take a minute functioning properly. The
cluding videos, images on the in-
to make you kinder of kids who are exposed to too much social to close your eyes, inhale for a count food you eat affects how
ternet – typically on social media
platforms. We are living in a “vlogger”
heaven nowadays. With the need for
media early on. It can lead to over matura-
tion, creates a need for validation, atten-
tion seeking behaviour called histrionic
9 Set some boundaries. Have a clear
understanding of what is harmless
and what can cause harm
of three, then exhale for a count of
five and then repeat. It only takes a
you feel, both emotional-
ly and physically. For
content almost 24X7, children are easy But I really mean a range of personal tendencies, emotional disregulation as the moment and helps your body and example, foods with lots
fodder for online content – a problem freedom for exploration that is free child learns early to perform certain emo- mind relax so you will be in a better of fats or sugars can
that’s being recognised by law keepers. from the unwanted gaze of others, both tions that they are asked to do and fosters
frame of mind to concentrate. make you feel heavy or
Recently both Assam police and now and in the future.” tendencies of narcissism.” Sukul says, “Sharing content moderately
West Bengal DIG raised concern about and intermittently is okay. But if we see a con- sluggish. When our body
sharenting. tinual engagement, it will foster a feeling that has the fuel and nutrients
What time is a good time to start on social media
The origins of the term “sharent-
ing” have been attributed to the ‘Wall
Street Journal’. While recording life
moments of children is not a new prac-
• Depends on the readiness of recognising risky behaviour,
in order to gain a parents’ attention, they must
prove themselves. This is not how they should
gain autonomy.” Bhatia says that at a time
when children need to develop their self-image
If you find that you are still feel-
ing stressed out, talk to someone you
it needs, it makes it a lot
easier to manage feelings
of stress and anxiety.
tice – people have been using diaries, the child, on the maturity to time management skills and independently, having a public image before-
handle content and impact – self-control trust; whether it is a parent, teacher,
scrapbooks and baby log books – shar- hand could confuse them and influence their
enting became a problem thanks to emotional and mental self-concept. “It can make them question them- counsellor or even a friend.
social media. Sharenting got a Collins
• There’s no immediate need selves: like whether is it the real them or is it Sometimes just talking about things
• If the child is extremely to get on social media espe-
English Dictionary entry in 2016. Over-
sharing on social media was called to impressionable, gullible, cially for pre-adolescents
what they are supposed to live up to. It adds a
pressure of perfection,” she says.
can make you feel better and the
person you talk to may help you put
attention in the 2010s – and has raised
concerns about rights of children.
push it as much as you can • Parents should guide them things into perspective. are your
Leah Plunkett, author of ‘Sharent-
hood: Why We Should Think Before We
• What is needed to navi-
gate social media suc-
to teach basic netiquettes
• Parents need to upgrade
Students, share the
‘Sharenting’ story with
ways to
Talk about Our Kids Online’ said in an
interview to CBC: “We should think
cessfully is a strong
belief system, a sense
to digital parenting – to under- your parents and close relatives manage stress?
before we talk about our kids online, stand them and their worlds
because all children deserve a private of right vs wrong, better (Nirali Bhatia)
to help them understand
the pitfalls of sharing content
Let us know in your comments.
space to play…I don’t just mean play in
terms of board games or make-believe.
Image: iStock
about kids on social media. Send us an email at toinie175@gmail.com


Reading comics is a good Four lessons to learn from parents

to become highly-successful
hobby to develop Here are a few tips for
you to learn from your
parents in order to be
an achiever. Read on
Comics are a great way to get yourself interested
in reading. They are full of action and adventure,
1 Independence
and they often have bright and colourful
illustrations that help to bring stories to life. One of the fundamental quali-
ties of being successful is to be
Comics can also be a great supplement for early independent. People who
readers who are just learning to read. The pictures achieve their goals do not do so

hy reading comics is a good hobby to develop at a by depending on others. They
and text work together to tell a story, which can young age? We asked some illustrators, this is plan their own journey and
help young readers to follow along and understand what they had to say: Intense visuals and focus take things under their control.
on plot and characters, comic books can be much This is something our parents
what is happening. Here are a few reasons why more engaging than other literary media. They have taught us time and again.
reading comics is a brilliant idea. can also help children develop literary skills at a very young age.
Some recommended comics for beginners are mentioned below.
Bonus: 3 comic books that you could read today! 2 The spirit of not quitting 3 Optimism
Failure can discourage anyone. But you must learn the concept of Optimism helps complete a job
Pete the Cat and I was their American failure, which is as obvious as success, and why it should not be a quicker. Without a positive approach,
the Sprinkle Stealer: Tiny Tales: A Feast for Friends Dream: A Graphic Memoir reflection of one’s ability. The next time you see your parents discuss- one can never finish a job despite
ing about moments or situations where they have failed but managed how much effort one puts into it. The
to get up and take it in their stride -- take notes! determination to pursue something
From “New York Times” bestselling author- What’s better than a snack with friends? Gharib, a first generation Ameri- and the sustained interest in it com-
illustrator team James and Kimberly Dean A snack surprise for friends, of course! can of Filipine and Egyptian de- prises the optimism that high-
comes the next I Can Read Comics book in When Snail spots a shiny crab apple high scent, writes about growing up in achieving kids are taught.
the Pete the Cat se- up in a tree, she America and
ries! “In Pete the can’t wait to share n av i g a t i n g 4 Respecting others
Cat and the Sprin- it with her pals ... her family’s
kle Stealer”, Secret she just has to get cultural A key characteristic of people
Agent Meow (also it down first! This background who are successful is that they do
known as Pete the whimsically il- and trying not stop respecting others. This
Cat) is ready to lustrated, uplift- to fit in with is what separates those who
crack another ing story will not white cul- achieve a lot in life from those
case: a cat burgla- only make kids ture at the who stop at achieving once.
ry hits too close to fall in love with same time The act of having consistent
home when comics but will — all while behaviourial control despite
someone steals also spark their feeling the so many successes and
Pete’s parents’ curiosity about pressure achievements comes from
secret recipe for the natural to suc- the right parental teaching.
rainbow sprin- world. ceed.
kle cookies!
04 “A trophy carries dust. Memories last forever.”



SWITCH HIT TO A CONTROVERSY Made famous by Indian batsman M
S Dhoni, it is played by hitting a yor-
AND THE MCC AND ker out of the ground toward the leg
English batsman Kevin side, with the whirl of the bat to end
Pietersen is credited with THE ICC HAD TO the shot, much like the blades of a
devising this shot. It in- BRING IN A NEW helicopter. The bottom-hand is the
volves switching the grip dominant force. The shot requires
on the bat from right- LAW TO VALIDATE good strength and timing.
handed to left-handed, and THE SHOT.
changing the stance ac- It is an unconventional and innova-
cordingly. It was a great tive stroke which Dhoni has used to
way to surprise the bowl- advantage, using it to score bounda-
er. ries even against quick balls.

Kevin Pietersen first used

it successfully in 2008.
Glenn Maxwell and David
Warner use the shot regu-
Switch-hitters have an ad- THE FIRST TIME
vantage in that they can AGAINST ENGLAND ON
face the bowler from ei-
ther side, making it diffi- THEIR HOME TURF AS
cult for the bowler. HE FACED BOWLER

FIELDING POSITION NAMES AND LOCATIONS REVERSE SWEEP was the first to play the shot. It is seen as
a shot that can fetch runs without the
Batsmen sweep the ball in a horizontal risk of a run out.
VIRENDER arc from outside the leg-stump towards
the off-side to play the reverse sweep shot, The cricketing community has debated
SEHWAG normally whilst kneeling. It’s widely ac- the legality of the reverse hit shot. How-
SAID HE knowledged that Pakistani cricketer ever, this shot is currently allowed under
Mushtaq Mohammed was the first to play the laws of cricket as long as the batsman
LEARNT a reverse sweep shot. Some reports also does not change their stance once the
PLAYING THE claim that his brother Hanif Mohammed bowler has started their run-up.



The straight drive as one of the most elegant shots in
the sport. The ball is hit straight down the ground, with
the bat coming down in a straight line. Since the ball is
hit along the ground, the risk of being caught is low.
Good balance, good footwork, timing and technique are
necessary to execute a straight drive shot effectively.
The batsman opens out the bat giving himself a better
chance of connecting with the ball. However, fielders
can easily tackle the straight drive with good planning.

Sachin Tendulkar was the master of this stroke.

Sri Lankan batsman Tillakaratne
Dilshan invented the Dil-scoop shot.
The fairly difficult shot is taken from
an unusually low position while on one
Image: wikipedia knee. The ball is scooped up over the
wicketkeeper’s head. This shot requires
good hand-eye coordination.
The shot is similar to the paddle scoop
Batsmen pull the ball from outside the developed by Zimbabwean batsman
off-stump towards the leg side to play the Dougie Marillier. Dilshan’s success
hook shot. The shot is played with a more with the shot has led several other bats-
vertical bat, and the ball is hit higher in men to use the shot. It has become a
the air. It is a high risk shot but works popular part of limited overs cricket.
best with a short-pitched delivery aimed
at the chest or when the ball comes up to
the batsman at shoulder height.

A misjudgement can result in the ball

hitting the batsman. It could also lead
to a catch.
The cut shot is when the batsman
Ricky Ponting, Aravinda de Silva sweeps the ball from outside the off-
and Tendulkar used the hook shot stump toward the leg side. It is like
extensively. a cross-court hit except that the ball
is hit at a much sharper angle. The
cut shot works best when the bowler
bowls a short delivery wide outside

THE COVER DRIVE Sachin Tendulkar is believed to have

first played the shot. He mainly used
THE PULL SHOT The cover drive is a classic shot in
it to counter right arm leg-spinners.

cricket. Batsmen hit the ball through

The pull shot is played from outside the off-stump to- the covers at an angle. The batsman
ward the leg side. The batsman transfers his weight transfer his weight onto his front foot
onto his back foot and swings his body toward the ball with his head over the ball. It calls for IN MORE THAN 500
with the bat coming down in a horizontal plane. The well-timed wristwork and convention-
ball, bouncing around waist height, is hit toward the al movement of the front foot toward INTERNATIONAL
leg side of the pitch. This shot requires strength, pre- the pitch. It is one of the most graceful MATCHES, SANGAKKARA
cision and good timing, and can send the ball flying shots in the sport, but is difficult to
over the boundary, out of reach of the fielders. execute and requires good timing. DESTROYED EVEN THE
Hitman Rohit Sharma is considered the inventor Former India captain Virat Kohli is
of the Pull Shot the player with the best cover drive. BY PLAYING CUT SHOT.

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