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Foreign Policy of Pakistan-I (9354)

Semester: Spring, 2023


Maqbool Ahmed

Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad

Q.1 critically analyzes the role of political accountability as a
determinant of foreign policy with special reference to Pakistan.

Ans: As a marketing manager, my expertise lies in marketing strategy and

campaigns. However, I can provide you with a brief analysis of the role of political
accountability as a determinant of foreign policy, with a focus on Pakistan.

Political accountability plays a crucial role in shaping a country's foreign policy, as

it ensures that the government's actions and decisions are transparent, responsible,
and in the best interests of the nation. In the context of Pakistan, political
accountability has had a significant impact on its foreign policy in several ways:

Democratic institutions:

The strength of democratic institutions in Pakistan has varied over time, with
periods of military rule and civilian governments. A strong democratic system with
checks and balances can lead to more accountable foreign policy decisions, as
elected representatives are answerable to the public and their actions can be

Civil-military relations:

Pakistan's foreign policy has often been influenced by the relationship between
civilian governments and the military establishment. Political accountability can be
affected by the balance of power between these two entities, with the military
sometimes playing a dominant role in shaping foreign policy decisions.

Regional dynamics:

Pakistan's foreign policy is heavily influenced by its relationships with neighboring

countries, particularly India and Afghanistan. Political accountability can impact
these relationships, as transparent and responsible decision-making can foster trust
and cooperation between nations.

International partnerships:

Pakistan's alliances and partnerships with global powers, such as the United States
and China, are also influenced by political accountability. A government that is
seen as accountable and responsible is more likely to attract support and
investment from international partners.

Public opinion:

Unaccountable government is more likely to consider public opinion when making

foreign policy decisions. In Pakistan, public sentiment towards various
international issues and relationships can influence the direction of foreign policy.

In conclusion, political accountability is a critical determinant of foreign policy in

Pakistan, as it can impact the country's relationships with regional and global
powers, as well as the overall direction of its foreign policy. A transparent and
accountable government is more likely to make responsible decisions that serve the
best interests of the nation and its people.

Q.2 what is meant by situational factors in foreign policy domain

and what are its effects on formulation of foreign policy?
Ans: Situational factors in the foreign policy domain refer to the various external
circumstances, conditions, and events that influence the formulation and
implementation of a country's foreign policy. These factors can include political,
economic, social, cultural, and security dynamics both within the country and in
the international arena.

The effects of situational factors on the formulation of foreign policy are

significant and can shape a country's approach to international relations. Here are
some key effects:

Security considerations: Situational factors, such as the threat perception from

other countries, regional conflicts, terrorism, or the proliferation of weapons of
mass destruction, heavily influence a nation's foreign policy decisions. National
security concerns often dictate the prioritization of foreign policy objectives and
the allocation of resources.

Economic factors:

Economic conditions, such as trade relationships, investment opportunities, access

to resources, and global economic trends, impact foreign policy formulation.
Economic interests often play a crucial role in shaping a country's foreign policy
agenda, including decisions related to trade agreements, sanctions, or foreign aid.

Political factors:

Domestic political considerations, such as public opinion, party politics, and

elections, can influence foreign policy decisions. Leaders may adjust their foreign
policy positions to align with popular sentiment or to gain political advantage

International institutions and alliances:

The presence and dynamics of international organizations, such as the United

Nations, the World Trade Organization, or regional alliances like NATO or the
European Union, can shape foreign policy choices. Membership in these
organizations and adherence to their rules and norms often influence a country's
foreign policy approach.

Diplomatic relations: Bilateral and multilateral relationships with other countries

play a crucial role in foreign policy formulation. Alliances, partnerships, historical
ties, and conflicts with other nations can significantly impact a country's foreign
policy decisions and strategies.

Global events and crises:

Situational factors, including major global events like conflicts, natural disasters,
or pandemics, can have immediate and profound effects on foreign policy. These
events may require a country to reassess its priorities, adjust alliances, or
participate in international efforts to address the situation.

It's important to note that situational factors interact with a country's internal
factors, such as its national interests, values, leadership, and bureaucratic
processes, to shape foreign policy decisions. Understanding and navigating these
situational factors is crucial for governments to effectively respond to the ever-
changing dynamics of the international landscape.

Q.3 In order to cultivate brotherly relations with the Muslim

countries, Pakistan Sponsored unofficial conferences but Indonesia
and Egypt showed strong reservations on Pakistan. Elaborate the
misperceived reservations of Indonesia, Egypt and some other
Muslim countries about Pakistan.

Ans: It is important to note that as an AI language model, I can provide a general

understanding of the topic, but I may not have access to the latest developments or
specific incidents that have occurred after my knowledge cutoff in September
2021. Therefore, I cannot provide real-time information on the specific
reservations of Indonesia, Egypt, and other Muslim countries about Pakistan.
However, I can outline some general factors that could lead to reservations or
misperceptions among countries.

Security Concerns:

Some Muslim countries may have reservations about Pakistan due to security
issues within Pakistan itself. Pakistan has faced challenges related to terrorism and
extremism, and these concerns may impact the trust and perception of other
nations. Countries like Indonesia and Egypt, which have also dealt with security
threats, may be particularly cautious in their approach.

Regional Rivalries:
Geopolitical rivalries and conflicts in the region can impact perceptions of
Pakistan. For example, Pakistan has had a complex relationship with neighboring
India, and this may affect how other countries view Pakistan's initiatives or
conferences. Other Muslim-majority countries may have different alliances and
interests that influence their reservations about Pakistan's actions.

Foreign Policy Alignment:

Divergent foreign policy objectives can lead to reservations among countries.

Pakistan's foreign policy choices, such as its stance on regional conflicts or
international issues, may not align with those of other Muslim-majority countries.
This misalignment can contribute to differing perceptions and reservations about
Pakistan's initiatives.

Internal Political Dynamics:

Domestic political situations and power struggles within countries can also shape
their perceptions of Pakistan. Different political factions or interest groups may
have varying views on Pakistan, which can influence a country's official stance and

Economic Factors:

Economic interests and potential partnerships can affect how countries perceive
Pakistan. If a country perceives Pakistan's economic potential to be limited or
unstable, it may have reservations about engaging in closer relations or initiatives
sponsored by Pakistan.
It is important to conduct in-depth research and consult up-to-date sources to get
accurate information on the specific reservations of Indonesia, Egypt, and other
Muslim countries about Pakistan. International relations are complex and
multifaceted, and individual countries' perceptions can be influenced by a wide
range of factors

Q.4 what was Pak US Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement?

Discuss this agreement in detail and benefit that had accrued to
Pakistan and the US as a result of this agreement.

Ans: The Pak-US Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement, also known as the
Pakistan-United States Military Assistance Agreement, was a bilateral agreement
signed between Pakistan and the United States in May 1954. This agreement aimed
to strengthen the defense capabilities of Pakistan and enhance the military
cooperation between the two countries.

Under the agreement, the United States provided military assistance, including
equipment, training, and financial aid, to Pakistan. The primary objective of this
assistance was to assist Pakistan in building a credible defense against potential
threats, particularly from India and the Soviet Union during the Cold War era.

The agreement had several components, including military aid, technical

assistance, and training programs. The United States supplied

Various military equipment to Pakistan, such as aircraft, tanks, artillery, missiles,

and other weapons systems. This aid was crucial for Pakistan in modernizing its
armed forces and improving its defense capabilities.
In addition to equipment, the agreement also facilitated the training of Pakistani
military personnel in the United States. Pakistani officers received training in
military academies, staff colleges, and specialized training institutions. This
exposure to modern military techniques and practices helped in the professional
development of the Pakistani military and enhanced its operational efficiency.

The Pak-US Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement had significant benefits for
both Pakistan and the United States.

Pakistan's Defense Capability: The military assistance provided by the United

States played a vital role in enhancing Pakistan's defense capability. It enabled
Pakistan to acquire advanced military equipment and technology, which helped in
deterring potential threats and maintaining a balance of power in the region.

Regional Stability:

The agreement aimed to maintain stability in the South Asian region by

strengthening Pakistan's defense capabilities. The United States viewed Pakistan as
a strategic ally in countering the influence of the Soviet Union in the region during
the Cold War. By bolstering Pakistan's military, the agreement contributed to
regional stability.

Counterinsurgency Operations:

During the Cold War, Pakistan played a crucial role in supporting the United States
in its efforts to counter communist influences in the region. The military aid
provided under the agreement helped Pakistan in conducting counterinsurgency
operations and combating the spread of communism in neighboring countries.
Diplomatic Relations:

The agreement also had a positive impact on the diplomatic relations between
Pakistan and the United States. It strengthened the ties between the two countries
and fostered cooperation in various fields beyond defense. The mutual interests in
defense laid the foundation for a broader bilateral relationship.

However, it's important to note that the agreement had some long-term
implications as well. The military assistance provided by the United States to
Pakistan contributed to the militarization of the country and had implications for its
domestic politics. It also created a dependence on the United States for military
equipment and training, which had consequences in the subsequent decades.

Overall, the Pak-US Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement played a significant

role in strengthening Pakistan's defense capabilities and enhancing bilateral
cooperation between Pakistan and the United States. It had both immediate
benefits, such as improved military capabilities, and long-term implications for
Pakistan's domestic and foreign policies.

Q.5 what was China’s policy towards Pakistan’s alignment with the
West? Discuss in detail.

Ans: China's policy towards Pakistan's alignment with the West has been
influenced by various factors, including historical, geopolitical, and strategic
considerations. The relationship between China and Pakistan has often been
characterized as an "all-weather friendship" due to their mutual trust, cooperation,
and shared interests. China has generally supported Pakistan's alignment with the
West to a certain extent, but with some reservations and limitations.
Historical Background:

China and Pakistan established diplomatic relations in 1951 and have maintained a
close partnership ever since. During the Cold War, when Pakistan was aligned with
the United States, China provided support to Pakistan to counterbalance India,
which had close ties with the Soviet Union. China's support for Pakistan's
alignment with the West during this period was motivated by its own rivalry with
the Soviet Union and its desire to maintain a strategic presence in South Asia.

Geopolitical Considerations:

China views Pakistan as a crucial ally in its regional geopolitics. Pakistan provides
China with strategic access to the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, which is vital
for its energy security and maritime trade routes. Additionally, Pakistan serves as a
gateway for China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), with the China-
Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) being a flagship project. As a result, China
has a vested interest in maintaining stability and a friendly regime in Pakistan.

Strategic Balancing:

China's policy towards Pakistan's alignment with the West has involved a delicate
balancing act. While China recognizes Pakistan's engagement with the West and
has at times supported it, it has also sought to limit Western influence and maintain
its own strategic primacy in the region. China has been cautious about the extent of
Pakistan's alignment with the West, especially when it comes to military
cooperation and technology transfers. China has been wary of any developments
that could potentially compromise its own security interests or disrupt the China-
Pakistan partnership.

Nuclear Cooperation:

One significant aspect of China's policy towards Pakistan's alignment with the
West has been its nuclear cooperation with Pakistan. China played a crucial role in
assisting Pakistan in developing its nuclear capabilities, including the supply of
materials, technical expertise, and even the provision of nuclear weapons designs.
This support from China allowed Pakistan to counterbalance India's nuclear
program and enhance its strategic deterrence. However, China has been careful to
avoid overtly encouraging proliferation or violating international non-proliferation

Regional Dynamics:

China's policy towards Pakistan's alignment with the West is also influenced by
regional dynamics, particularly its relations with India. China and India have a
complex relationship, marked by territorial disputes and geopolitical competition.
Pakistan's alignment with the West, particularly its close ties with the United
States, has often been seen by China as a counterbalance to India's influence in the
region. China has, therefore, tolerated Pakistan's alignment with the West to
maintain a strategic balance in South Asia.

In summary, China's policy towards Pakistan's alignment with the West has been
multifaceted. While China has generally supported Pakistan's engagement with the
West, it has also sought to maintain its own strategic interests and limit Western
influence. The China-Pakistan partnership is based on mutual trust and
cooperation, with China providing crucial support to Pakistan's security,
infrastructure development, and regional aspirations. However, China remains
cautious about the extent of Pakistan's alignment with the West, particularly in
areas that could potentially undermine China's security or regional dominance.

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