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Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)

Unit 7 ---- WH- questions & But/And/So

A - Wh – questions ( Từ để hỏi )
Trong tiếng Anh có rất nhiều từ có thể dùng để đặt câu hỏi:

1. What: cái gì (Dùng để hỏi cho đồ vật, sự vật, sự kiện...)

2. Where: ở đâu (Dùng để hỏi cho vị trí, nơi chốn ...)
3. When: khi nào (Hỏi cho thời gian, thời điểm ...)
4. Who: ai, người mà (Hỏi cho người)
5. Why: tại sao (Hỏi cho lí do, nguyên nhân)
6. How: thế nào (Hỏi cho tính từ, trạng từ, sức khoẻ, phương tiện ...)
7. How old: hỏi cho tuổi
8. How often: hỏi cho mức độ, tần suất, số lần
9. How much + N (ko đếm được)?: hỏi cho số lượng
10. How many + N (es/ s) + are there + in the …?: hỏi cho số lượng với danh từ đếm được
11. What’s the weather like?: hỏi cho thời tiết

B- And (và) But ( nhưng) So ( vì vậy)

Unit 8



UNIT 10 - A. Future Simple Tense - THÌ TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
Sử dụng thì Tương Lai Đơn để nói về hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai
I. Cấu trúc thì tương lai đơn

1. Câu khẳng định(+): S + will + Vo

2. Câu phủ định(-): S + will not + Vo

CHÚ Ý: will not = won’t

3. Câu nghi vấn(?): Will + S + Vo… ?

=> Yes, S + will./ No, S + won't

II. Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì tương lai đơn

- in + thời gian: trong … nữa (in 2 minutes: trong 2 phút nữa)
- tomorrow: ngày mai
- next day: ngày hôm tới
- next week/ next month/ next year: tuần tới/ tháng tới/ năm tới


I. Cấu trúc với động từ "might"( có lẽ )

Diễn tả hành động có thể xảy ra ở tương lai, mà không chắc có khả năng xảy ra hay không

a. Câu khẳng định(+): S + might + Vo

b. Câu phủ định(-): S + might not + Vo

c. Câu nghi vấn(?): Might + S + Vo?

=> Yes, S + might/ No, S + might not

I. Mạo từ "a/an"
1. Định nghĩa Mạo từ “a” + Phụ Âm
Mạo từ “an” + Nguyên Âm (a,e,i,o,u).
2. Cách dùng

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
+ Thường đứng trước danh từ đếm được, số ít và đó là một danh từ chỉ chung chung, không xác định (được nhắc đến lần đầu
II. Mạo từ "the"
2. Cách dùng
+ Đứng trước một danh từ xác định đã được nhắc ở phía trước (người NGHE đã biết được đối tượng mà người nói nhắc đến là
+ Đứng trước các danh từ là chỉ người hoặc vật chỉ có DUY NHẤT.
+ Sử dụng trong cấu trúc so sánh hơn nhất
II. Cấu trúc câu điều kiện loại 1

If + S + V (s,es), S + will + V nguyên thể

 S + will + V nguyên thể if + S + V (s,es)


II. So sánh nhất với tính từ ngắn

S + be + the + adj-est …

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
III. Quy tắc thêm -est vào tính từ ngắn
a. Cách thêm đuôi –est vào tính từ ngắn.

- Tính từ kết thúc bởi 1 phụ âm,

 thêm đuôi –est

Tính từ kết thúc bởi nguyên âm “e”,

 chỉ cần thêm đuôi –st.

Tính từ kết thúc bởi 1 nguyên âm (a,i,e,o,u) + 1 phụ âm,

 gấp đôi phụ âm cuối và thêm đuôi –est.

Tính từ kết thúc bởi “y” dù có 2 âm tiết vẫn là tính từ ngắn,

 bỏ “y” thêm đuôi -est

Một số những tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng có tận cùng là “y,le, ow, er”

 thì áp dụng quy tắc thêm đuôi –est của tính từ ngắn.

b. Một số tính từ bất quy tắc:

Với những tính từ sau, dạng so sánh nhất của chúng sẽ có sự thay đổi.

Tính từ So sánh nhất

good best

bad worst

far farthest/furthest

much/many most

little least

old oldest

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)

Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 10: Our houses in the future
Câu 2: Super cars will _________water in the future.
A. go by B. run at C. run on D. travel by
Câu 3: The robot will _______of the flowers in the garden.
A. take care B. take note C. be careful D. carry
Câu 5: The house will have a super smart TV to _________________the e-mails.
A. send and post B. send and receive C. get and take D. receive and get
Câu 6: We might have a ________TV to watch TV programmes from space.
A. wireless B. expensive C. automatic D. local
Câu 7: I would like to have my house by ___________, so we can see the beach from my window.
A. the mountains B. the city C. the sea D. the countryside
Câu 8: We also watch films ________smart phones.
A. in B. at C. on D. to
Câu 9: You can change your home address easily by using a ________.
A. helicopter B. bus C. motorhome D. plane
Câu 12: It is a machine that look like a human. It helps people do things. What is it?
A. a car B. a robot C. a tool D. a housemaid
Câu 13: It is an unknown object in the sky. Nobody knows about it. What is ỉt?
A. a UFO B. a helicopter C. a plane D. a bird
Câu 14: __________pencils and paper, every student will have a computer.
A. By B. Instead C. Instead of D. At
Câu 15: “Do you think that our houses will be _________space?”
A. in B. on C. at D. to
Câu 16: Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST meaning to the underlined part.
Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
There are many appliances in my house.
A. traffics B. devices C. furniture D. food
2. Trắc nghiệm Từ vựng: Our houses in the future (phần 2)
Câu 1: You should always _________ your teeth after meals.
A. clean B. cleans C. to clean D. cleaning
Câu 2: She wants me _________all the clothes.
A. wash B. washes C. to wash D. washing
Câu 3:My mother always __________ meals for my family.
A. cook B. cooks C. is cooking D. has cooked
Câu 6: You need to _______ these flowers every day.
A. eat B. cook C. water D. wash
Câu 7: You can __________me at 388 9146.
A. meet B. see C. talk D. contact
Câu 8: Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined part.
I received a lovely email from Tina.
A. got B. sent C. refused D. took
Câu 9: A hi-tech robot will help us ________children while we are away.
A. look out B. look at C. look after D. look in
Câu 11: We will have more robots ____________they can help us do housework and protect our houses.
A. so B. because C. however D. although
Câu 12: A super smart TV will help us _________goods from the supermarket.
A. take B. buy C. carry D. order
Câu 13: We will have a robot in the garden to _______the flowers and _______the dogs and cats.
A. cut – take B. water – feed C. feed – take D. water - to wash
Câu 14: Robots will help us do the housework such as ______the floors, ______meals and so on.
A. clean – cook B. to clean - to cook C. cleaning – cooking D. cleaning - to cook
Câu 15: Our future houses will use ______energy, and they are very friendly to the environment.
A. sun B. sunny C. solar D. lunar
Câu 17: Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST meaning to the underlined part.
I'm looking after his children while he's in hospital.
A. taking down B. taking up C. taking care of D. taking in

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
3. Trắc nghiệm Ngữ âm: Trọng âm từ 2 âm tiết (STRESS)
Câu 6: A. funny B. pretty C. lucky D. alone
Câu 7: A. parade B. copy C. replace D. arrive
Câu 8: A. actor B. after C. afraid D. also
Câu 9: A. before B. belong C. better D. between
4. Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp
Câu 1: I'm afraid I______________________(not/ be) able to come tomorrow.
Câu 2:Because of the train strike, the meeting___________(not/ take) place at 9 o'clock.
Câu 3: A: “Go and tidy your room.”----- B: “I (do) ___________it.
Câu 4: If it is sunny, we_______________(go) to the beach.
Câu 5: In my opinion, she_____________-(pass) the exam.
Câu 6: A: “I'm driving to the party, would you like a lift?”
B: “Okay, I____________(not/ take) the bus, I'll come with you.”
Câu 7: He_____________(not/ buy) the car, if he can't afford it.
Câu 8: According to the weather forecast, it____________(snow) next week.
Câu 9: A: “I'm really hungry.”
B: “In that case we_________________(not/ wait) for John.
5. Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp: Động từ khuyết thiếu “Might”
Câu 1: Put might/ might : Nam practices English every day. => Nam………. pass the English exam.
Câu 2: Put might/ might : The weather is nice today. It is sunny now. => It…………..rain today.
Câu 3: Put might/ might : He is late for school this morning.=> He………….…sleep early last night.
Câu 4: Put might/ might : I forgot lock my house before going out. => Somebody. ………..enter my house.
Câu 5: Put might/ might: Many students forgot doing homework. => Many students…….….complete their homework.
Câu 6: Put might/ might : I lost my wallet on the bus to my school. => Someone………steal my wallet on the bus to my
Câu 8: Change into Negative Form: My sister might study abroad next year.
=> My sister
Câu 9: Change into Negative Form: Perhaps I might forget inform you about the new member.
=> Perhaps I
Câu 10: Change into Negative Form: I think she might win the Miss Universe this year.
=> I think

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
Câu 11: Change into Negative Form: Might they go on holiday?
=> They
Câu 12: Change into Negative Form: Might she fail the final exam?
=> She
Câu 13: Change into Negative Form: Might you watch the new film Spider Man this weekend?
=> You
Câu 14: Put might/ might : My father went home when it rained last night. He was wet.
=> My father…get sick.
7. Trắc nghiệm Listening: Our houses in the future
Câu 1: Listen and fill in the blanks with only one word.
All houses (1) ________ unique. Even if they look the same from the outside they are very (2) ________ on the inside. I
think houses are very very interesting. I like looking (3) ________ the way they are built and the the style they are built
in. In London there are many houses that are hundreds of (4) ________ old. These are beautiful. You can still
(5) ________ much of the original wood and stone structure. Modern houses are also interesting. It’s funny how they copy
(6) ________ of the features of older houses. I love looking at houses when I travel. (7) ________ country has its own
special designs, from Japan to Arabia to Greece. Nowadays people are building eco-friendly houses. They want houses
that save (8) ________and help protect the planet.
Câu 2: Listen and decide the statements are true or false.
1. The houses are the same from the inside.
2. I enjoy looking at the way the houses are built.
3. There are many old houses in London.
4. Now people like to build a modern house.
5. Modern houses can’t save energy and help protect the planet.
Bài 3. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì tương lai đơn.
1. It ( rain/not) _______________tomorrow.
2. I promise I ( be/not) ________late
3. We ( start/not) ________ to watch the film without you.
4. The bus ( wait/not) _________ for us.
5. He ( believe/not) _______ us.
6. I ( pass/not) _______ the test.
7. She ( come/not) _______ with us.
8. You ( enjoy/not) _____ visiting Paris.
9. I ( pay/not) _______ for lunch.
Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
10. He ( answer/not) ________ the question.
Bài 5. Đưa ra câu trả lời ngắn cho các câu hỏi ở thì tương lai đơn.
1.Will the dog bark? Yes, _______________
2. Will you buy lots of presents? Yes, _______________
3. Will your mom prepare dinner? Yes, _______________
4. Will Ben copy the CD? Yes, _______________
5. Will the children go to London? Yes, _______________
6. Will Bne make pizza for tea? Yes, _______________
7. Will you go to the shops? Yes, _______________
8. Will Mr Brown take hotos? Yes, _______________
9. Will you go on a diet? Yes, _______________
Bài 6. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì tương lai đơn.
1.What _______ you (do) this evening?
2. I’m a little busy, I ______ (have) time to help you with your homework later though.
3. Mr. Brown _____ (give) us a grammar test tomorrow.
4. You ____ (help) your friend after class won’t you?
5. Kyung Sook _____ (cook) something tasty for dinner tonight. Will you try it?
6. Next year, the university ____ (change) its entrance requirements.
7. We ____ (move) to the new campus in 2010.
8. _____ (you/ come) camping with our club on Saturday?
9. ______(you/ go) to Cananda for your vacation?
10. Our friends _____ (meet) us in front of the Sears department store.
Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 11: Our greener world
1. Trắc nghiệm Từ vựng: Our greener world
Câu 1: My brother and I will give last year’s clothes to ___________instead of throwing them away.
A. shop B. people C. charity D. survey
Câu 2: It is a good idea to _________our clothes with our friends or cousins.
A. change B. swap C. turn D. send
Câu 3: “Don’t throw rubbish into the river because you will make it ________________“
A. greener B. dirty C. cleaner D. fresher
Câu 4: “Reduce, reuse, recycle” is said to encourage people to waste less, by using less and using things again, in order to
_________the environment.
A. harm B. damage C. pollute D. protect
Câu 5: If we ______waste paper, we will save a lot of trees.
A. repeat B. recycle C. rewrite D. remake
Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
Câu 6: You shouldn’t use plastic bags to _____ food.
A. cook B. throw C. wrap D. take
Câu 10: You should put the food in a reusable box __________plastic bags.
A. by B. instead of C. because of D. without
Câu 11: If we use __________paper, we will save a lot of trees.
A. fewer B. less C. more D. much
Câu 12: If there is a rubbish bin in every class, the classroom will become ______.
A. harmful B. lighter C. dirtier D. cleaner
Câu 13: If we all use _________bags, we’ll help the environment.
A. new B. cheap C. reusable D. reduced
Câu 14: We should give food for people _________ need to help them.
A. of B. from C. on D. in
Câu 16: to make a new thing from an old thing is _______.
A. recycle B. reuse C. reduce D. refill
Câu 17: to cut down something is to _______.
A. recycle B. reuse C. reduce D. refill
Câu 18: to use a thing again is to __________.
A. recycle B. reuse C. reduce D. refill
Câu 19: To gather more information, we need to do________.
A. an exercise B. a favor C. a survey D. an example
Câu 20: “Why do you often forget to ______the lights when you go out of the classroom?”
A. turn on B. turn off C. close D. shut down
2. Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp: Article: a/an/the
Câu 1: I’ve bought_________ umbrella for my sister.
Câu 2: My Tam is ___________famous singer in Vietnam.
Câu 3: Would you like ____________ cup of tea?
Câu 4: I’d like _________grapefruit and __________orange.
Câu 5:It takes me ___________hour to go to the cinema.
Câu 6: You can see ________moon clearly in ________ Mid-Autumn festival.
Câu 7: Peter is _________ most hard-working student I’ve known.
Câu 8: My grandfather sent me _____ letter and ________gift but I haven’t received ____ letter.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
Câu 9: Would you like to hear ____story about ___ English scientist?
A. an- the B. the- the C. a- the D. a- an
Câu 10: Mr. Smith is ___old customer and ___honest man.
A. an-the B. the-an C. an-an D. the-the
Câu 11: Can you show me_____way to _______ station?
A. the-the B. a-a C. the-an D. a-the
Câu 12: Please turn off ___ lights when you leave ___ room.
A. the-the B. a-a C. the-a D. a-the
Câu 13: I like _____ colorful costumes of ____ ethnic minority people in Vietnam.
A. a-the B. a-a C. the-the D. the-a
Câu 14: She took _______hamburger and__________ apple, but she didn’t eat ________apple.
Câu 15: We have __________cat and_________ dog. __________ cat doesn’t get on well with________ dog.
3. Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp: First Conditional Sentences
Câu 1: David will leave for Hanoi tomorrow if the weather___________(be) fine.
Câu 2: What will you do if you (not / go)____________ away for the weekend?
Câu 3: The game ___________ (start) if you put a coin in the slot.
Câu 4: If you ___________ (be) scared of spiders, don’t go into the garden.
Câu 5: We’ll have to go without John if he_______ (not arrive) soon.
Câu 6: Please don’t disturb him if he _____________(be) busy.
Câu 7: If she________ (accept) your card and roses, things will be very much hopeful.
Câu 8: If a holiday (fall) _______on a weekend, go to the beach.
Câu 9: If she (come) ____________ late again, she’ll lose her job.
Câu 10: If he (wash)________________ my car, I’ll give him $20.
Câu 11: I’ll call the teacher if you don’t leave me alone.
 Unless ___________ , I’ll call the teacher.
Câu 12: If you don’t ask me for the car, I will lend it to you.
=> Unless __________________ , I won’t lend it to you.
Câu 13: Don’t go out in the rain because you will get wet.
=> If you _________________________ , you will get wet.
Câu 14: Walk faster or you will miss the bus.
=> If you ____________________ , you won’t miss the bus.
Câu 15: I won’t enjoy the film if you aren’t with me.
=> Unless ________________, I won’t enjoy the film.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
Câu 16: You must leave home early or you will late.
If you______________ , you won’t late.
6. Trắc nghiệm Listening: Our greener world
1. When I was old, we never used the word recycling.
2. We now know we have a problem.
3. Lots of the stuff we throw away is very useless.
4. Recycling is good for the environment because we use more natural resources.
5. Recycling makes me feel as though I’m helping the Earth.
Câu 2: Listen and fill in the blank with only 1 word.
I hate pollution. It makes me___________ angry. I think pollution is greed. People don’t care about the ___________ so
they pollute the air just to make lots of money. Big companies are the worst.They pretend they’re not ___________ . They
have the money to say they are “green”. Pollution affects us all. We are all less healthy because of companies that pollute
the air or our rivers. Everybody needs to ___________ about how we can reduce the amount of pollution we create. Not
using the car when we can walk is is one way. Turning off lights we don’t ___________ is another. Barack Obama says
he’s going to do his best to help the Earth. I really hope he does because if pollution gets any worse, we’ll be in seriously
big trouble.
Bài 2: Khoanh vào phương án thích hợp để đặt trong các câu điều kiện loại 1 dưới đây.

1. If she (reads/ read) in bad light, she will run her eyes.

2. If I find your book, I (will phone/ could phone) you at once.

3. I will get angry if you (make/ will make) more mistakes.

4. If you don’t believe what I said. (ask/ will ask) your father.

5. If I study hard, I (pass/ will pass) this year’s exam.

6. If the weather is fine, we (go/ will go) on a picnic.

7. If I (go/ will go) to Paris, I will visit the Eiffel Tower.

8. If they don’t invite me, I (don’t go/ won’t go).

9. If he (got/ gets) my email, he will send the information we need.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
10. If she travels to London, she (will visit/ visits) the museums.

Bài 3: Chọn câu trả lời đúng cho mỗi câu sau.

1. My dog ___ bark unless it is hungry. A. don’t B. won’t

2. Unless you ___ to go to bed early, we should go out. A. wants B. want

3. ___ you don’t slow down, we are going to crash! A. If B. Unless

4. You cannot go into bars ___ you are over 18. A. If B. unless

5. In my country, ____ you cannot speak English, it’s hard to get a good job. A. if B. unless

6. She’ll fail the exam if she ___ study. A. if B. doesn’t

7. We’ll be late ____ we leave soon. A. if B. unless

8. ___ I am not feeling better tomorrow I will go to the doctor’s. A. Unless B. If

9. ____ you do not make the payment in time, your car will be confiscated. A. If B. Unless

10. You will lose your job ___ you change your attitude and become friendlier. A. unless B. If

11. She won’t know the truth ___ you tell it to her. A. unless B. if

12. ____ you arrive early, you’ll be able to meet the customers before the meeting. A. Unless B. If

13. ____ she eats healthy food, she won’t lose some weight. A. Unless B. If

14. They won’t arrive on time ___ they finish the work early. A. unless B. if

15. Will she able to eat some cake ___ I put eggs in it? A. unless B. if

Bài 4: Hoàn thành các câu sau đây theo điều kiện loại 1 của những từ trong ngoặc.

1. If you (send) ___________ this letter now, she (receive) ______________ it tomorrow.

2. If I (do) ______________ this test, I (improve) _______________ my English.

3. If I (find) _____________ your ring, I (give) _____________ it back to you.

4. Peggy (go) ____________ shopping if she (have) _____________ time in the afternoon.

5. Simon (go) _____________ to London next week if he (get) ___________ a cheap flight.
Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
6. If her boyfriend (phone/not) ____________ today, she (leave) _________ him.

7. If they (study/not) ______________harder, they (pass/not) ______________ the exam.

8. If it (rain) _____________ tomorrow, I (have to/not)_____________ water plants.

9. You (be able/ not) ___________ to sleep if you (watch) ___________ this scary film.

10. Susan (can/move/not) _______________ into the new house if it (be/not) ____________ ready on time.

Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 12: Robots

1. Trắc nghiệm Từ vựng: Robos

Câu 1: Which robot can make coffee?

A. Space robot B. Doctor robot C. Worker robot D. Home robot

Câu 2: Which robot can help sick people?

A. Space robot B. Doctor robot C. Worker robot D. Home robot

Câu 3:____________robots can build space stations on the planets.

A. Space B. Doctor C. Workers D. Home

Câu 7: I'm not careful, so my mother rarely asks me to ______the dishes.

A. do B. make C. take D. break

Câu 9: The Earth is a ________ in Solar System.

A. plant B. planet C. plants D. planets

Câu 11: Robots can ______our houses when we are away.

A. see B. guard C. look at D. look

Câu 12: “Do you think robots can work longer than people __________getting tired?”

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
A. but B. with C. without D. of

Câu 13: Choose the word that has the CLOSEST meaning with the word below:

In the past robots had a minor role because they could only do very simple things.

A. big B. tall C. huge D. small

Câu 14:In my__________, robots will be able to do all of our work.

A. opinion B. bag C. room D. future

Câu 15: Some robots will help me do the housework, such as cooking meals, or _______ the flowers.

A. water B. to water C. waters D. watering

Câu 16: In the past robots had a minor _______ because they could only do very simple things.

A. location B. meaning C. role D. feature

Câu 17: In the future, robots will be able to do more __________things for us.

A. easy B. harder C. complicated D. much difficult

Câu 18: My father always ______coffee at home instead of going to the coffee shop.

A. do B. does C. make D. makes

Câu 19: Robots will be able to __________the personal computer in the future.

A. do B. replace C. make D. recognise

Câu 20: Robots will be able to __________the personal computer in the future.

A. do B. replace C. make D. recognise

Câu 21: Many people think spending money on robots is a complete _______of time and money.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
A. cut B. number C. waste D. amount

Câu 22: Home robots can do things _________repairing things around the house or looking after the garden.

A. such B. like C. with D. of

Câu 23: “Robots are helping us a lot in industry, education, and in our house.” – “___________”

A. I agree with you B. I hope not C. Do you agree with that? D. What about you?

2. Trắc nghiệm Ngữ pháp: Superlative form

Câu 2: He is one of …………….students in my school.

A. talented B. the talented C. most talented D. the most talented

Câu 3: It’s (good) ________________ holiday I’ve had.

Câu 9: He is (clever)_________________ student in my group.
5. Trắc nghiệm Listening: Robots


1. Children loved looking at robots.

2. In the future, everyone will have robots.

3. Robots will become friends.

4. If the world is full of robots, there will be a lot of jobs.

5. Robots will be able to take over the world.

Câu 2: Fill in the blanks with only one word.

A long time ago, robots belonged to science fiction. Children loved ____________ at movies with robots.
Today, robots are real, and they are helping us. In the____________ , we will all have robots. They will vacuum
the floor, wash the dishes, perhaps even drive our cars. I even think one day we’ll have
Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
robot _________________. In Japan today, robot engineers are making robots to help old people and to keep
them company. It’s still early days. I’d say we are another 20 to 30 years away from robots
being ________________________ in our lives. What will happen to us when the world is full of robots?
There’ll be no jobs. McDonalds will be full of smiling robots. Maybe one day we won’t be able to tell robots
and ________________________apart. Maybe they’ll take over the world.

I. Từ vựng
Unit 7 Complete the passage, using the word in the box.
programmes world watching and characters
children meet studio

There are many TV channels for (1)_____ . They offer interesting (2)_____ for fun and learning. When children are
(3)____ the programmes, they can visit far-away lands, (4)_____ interesting people, learn about the (5)____ around
them, laugh with the comedians, and enjoy the funny(6)_____ colourful cartoon (7)_______. They can also become
guests at the (8)_____ of a programme.
Unit 8
1. At the weekend we can play a _____ of badminton or join in a football match. A. sport B. game C. match

2. Football is an _____ game. A. outdoor B. away C. individual

3. Kien is not very______. He never plays sports. A. sport B. sporting C. sporty

4. Thanh likes ______ weather because he can go swimming in the river. A. hot B. cold C. rainy

5. Vietnamese students play different sports and games _____ break time. A. in B. on C. during

6. As it doesn't snow in Viet Nam, we cannot ______ skiing. A. play B. go C. do

7. Many girls and women ______ aerobics to keep fit. A. play B. go C. do

8. It's very _____ to swim there. The water is heavily polluted. A. safe B. unsafe C. unpopular
9. _____ do you go to the gym?"- "By bus." A. What B. How C. Why

10. - "What's your favorite _____," - "I like swimming." A. subject B. game C. sport

Unit 9
city festivals night markets street food visit people
buildings landmarks

1. Rio de Janeiro is an exciting city with a lot of ______.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
2. My sister likes the tall and modern _______ of New York, but I don’t.

3. Kyoto is an ancient ________ in Japan.

4. Ho Chi Minh City is famous for its _______. It’s so delicious!

5. – “Could you name some _______ in Paris?”

– “Sure. The Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral.”

6. A quick way to _______ a big city is taking a hop-on hop-off bus. It takes you to most places of interest.

7. Most big cities in Viet Nam has _________. There you can buy souvenirs and eat local food.

8. I love the _______ of Manila. They’re friendly and helpful.

Unit 11
surf reduce reuse recycle receive

1. How much household waste do we _______ every day?

2. My robot sends and _______ emails for me.

3. I'm _______ internet to look for information on Vietnamese music.

4. We need to _______ the amount of salt in our diet.

5. I think we should _______ these envelopes.

II. Ngữ pháp

Exercise 1
1. A: ______ did John Logie Baird create the first television?--------- B: In 1926.

2. A: ______ hours did you watch TV last week?--------- B: I'm not sure. Three or four.

3. A: ___________ country is a great cartoon producer?------- B: Japan.

4. A: ________ makes up the largest TV audience in the USA?-------B: Pre-school children.

5. A: ________ do children like cartoons?------ B: Because they're colourful and funny.

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with and, but, or so.

1. My brother likes watching TV, ____ I like going out with my friends.

2. I want to work in television industry,______ I'm learning hard.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
3. The weather was bad, _____ they didn't keep their picnic plan.

4. The concert started late, _____ we waited to watch it.

5. You can watch Harry Potter on TV, ______ you can read it, too.

6. I watched Happy Feet, ______ I told it to my friends.

Exercise 7 Complete the dialogues with will or won’t.

1. - A: What would you like to drink? - B: I _______ have a lemonade, please.

2. - A: I’m afraid Linda can’t see you until 4 o’clock. - B: Oh, in that case I _______ wait.

3. - A: I’m very worried about my examination next week. - B: Don’t worry. You _______ pass.

4. - A: Look at that dog. It’s dangerous. - B: Don’t worry. It _______ hurt you.

5. - A: It’s cold in this room. - B: Is it? I _______ turn on the heater.

Exercise 8
1. Linh (might/ must) be there on time, I guess.

2. I (might not/ cannot) attend our English contest next Saturday, but I’ll try my best.

3. He practises running every morning. I think he (has to/ might) become a professional runner one day.

4. Her family (should/ might) move to the city, but I’m still not sure.

5. We (might/ must) find aliens on Earth one day, but I’m sure they will not speak our language.

Exercise 9. Write a / an or the.

1. We have _____ cat, _____ dog, and _____ goldfish as pets.

2. ______ Earth is the third planet from ______ Sun.

3. My grandfather is ________ astronaut and my father is _______ pilot.

4. Do you live in _______ house or ________ flat?

5. Do you have _______ umbrella in your car?

Exercise 11
1. My sister thinks she’s (smart)_______ than me but I don’t agree.

2. What is the (wet)______ month of the year in Viet Nam?

3. V100 is the (strong)______ robot in our factory.

4. My mum’s robot is not very fast. She wants a (fast)_______ one.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)

5. Venus is the (hot)_______ in the solar system.

6. Mary is the (nice)_______ person that I know.

III. Ngữ âm
Exercise 1
1.A. test B. dress C. these D. then
2.A. gather B. monthly C. father D. brother

3.A. fold B. close C. cloth D. hold

4.A. man B. woman C. relax D. badminton

Exercise 2. Find the word that has different stress pattern in each line.
6.A. planet B. machine C. houseboat D. solar
7.A. schedule B. super C. effect D. tower
8.A. symbol B. channel C. water D. repair
9.A. wireless B. exchange C. pollute D. reduce
Đề 1.

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

5. Refrigerators (be) _________ invented in 1834.

6. Space robot can (help) _________ scientists to explore other planets.

7. If there is no water, plants (die) _________.

8. _________ you (live) _________ on Mars in the future?

III. Choose the best option to complete each sentence.

9. When we go out, my dad always carries the _________ bag of all. A. heavy B. heavier C. heaviest

10. I’m writing _________ poem. _________ poem is about 3Rs. A. a/ The B. a/ A C. an/ The

11. Fansipan Peak is ________ than Son Tra Mountain. A. more high B. higher C. highest

12. When you create new products from used materials, you are _________.A. recycling B. reducing C. reusing

13. My home robot can _________ clothes for me.A. plant B. water C. iron

14. When I have free time, I like to _________ the Internet.A. go B. surf C. play

15. In the future, robots can work as a _________ to keep our house safe.A. watch B. guard C. viewer

16. If you come to Vietnam, don’t forget to try its_________ street food.A. tasty B. easy C. helpful

17. Oh no, these are my pencils. _________ are over there!A. You B. Your C. Yours

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
18. Kate: How ___________ do you play computer games? - Nick: Two or three times a week.A. often B. many C. long

VII. Listen to Kate and James talking about houses in the future. Tick (🗸) T (True) or F (False). You will

listen TWICE.

33. James wants to live on another planet.

34. James’ house will have fifteen rooms.

35. James’ kitchen can give the smell of food.

36. James’ robot might speak Martian’s language.

VIII. Listen to Mr. Wilson talking about the Future City competition. Fill in each gap with ONE WORD

OR A NUMBER. You will listen TWICE.



- Grade 6th, 7th, and 8th students

- Compete in (37) _______ teams


- Living on the (38) _______


- an essay

- a model of the city

- a (38) _______ plan

- a presentation video


- a scholarship of (40) _______ $

Đề 2

I. Listen to Peter talking about his dream house. Circle the correct answer A, B, or C. You will listenTWICE.

1. How will Peter move through his house? A. On foot. B. By car. C. By train.

2. What will Peter do in his living room? A. Watch films. B. Play computer games. C. Sing a song.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
3. How many swimming pools will there be in Peter’s house? A. One. B. Two. C. Three.

4. What will be special about Peter’s car? A. It can cook. B. It can swim. C. It can fly.

II. Listen to Mr. Wilson talking about tips for three R’s. Fill in each gap with NO MORE THAN TWO

WORDS. You will listen TWICE.

3R’s Actions

Reduce – (5) _________ toys with friends

- borrow or rent books and movies

- buy (6) _________ items

Reuse - bring along a reusable water bottle

- use (7) _________ of the paper

Recycle - (8) _________ presents with used papers

VII. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

27. If we don’t protect the environment, Mother Nature (be) ________ angry.

28. I might (go) ________ to Da Nang next week. I’m not sure yet.

29. It is likely that Tim (arrive) ________ late.

30. ________ you (send) ________ an email to John yesterday?

31. I (be) _________ at Jame’s party yesterday but I (not see) ___________ you there.

VIII. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B or C.

32. I want to buy many modern home ___________.

A. apply B. appliance C. appliances

33. My dreamhouse will be ___________ by big trees.

A. surround B. surrounded C. surrounding

34. My ___________ is peaceful and quiet.

A. neighbour B. neighbouring C. neighbourhood

35. Using ___________ energy can help save the environment.

A. sun B. sunny C. solar

36. You should ___________ the amount of salt in your diet.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
A. reduce B. reuse C. recycle

37. ___________ a kind-hearted man!

A. How B. What C. Who

38. The first Olympic Games took ___________ in Greece in 776 BC.

A. part B. place C. time

39. Mr Bean has ___________ old car. ___________car is blue.

A. an/ The B. an/ A C. a/ The

40. Ha Noi is a big city. _________ not easy to find your way there.

A. It B. It’s C. Its

Đề 3.

I. Listen and complete each blank with one suitable word.


Recycling means to reuse or (1) ______ something that we would normally throw in the rubbish bin.

Recycling helps our planet (2) ______ we conserve the planet’s natural resources. It helps reduce pollution

and greenhouse gases which cause global warming. For example, making new metal cans is (3) ______

difficult than recycling old ones. Recycling one aluminum can save (4) ______ energy to power a computer

for 3 hours.

You (5) ______ recycle many things such as paper, cards, metal, material, plastic, leftovers, cooking oil,

mobile phones and garden waste.

II. Circle the word whose stress pattern is pronounced differently from the others’.

6. A. enjoy B. humour C. treatment D. pencil

7. A. persuade B. reduce C. father D. apply

8. A. farmer B. recycle C. fairy D. boring

9. A. money B. machine C. many D. mother

10. A. borrow B. agree C. prepare D. enjoy

IV. Choose the best option to complete the sentences by circle the letter A, B, C or D.

16. These are my books, not _____.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
A. your B. your book C. yours D. yours books

17. Australia is an interesting country. All of _____ big cities are along the coast.

A. it B. their C. its D. theirs

18. Look at the sky, Minh! _____ a beautiful scene!

A. How often B. What C. Where D. Why

19. Excuse me, can you show me the way to ____ gas station?

A. a B. the C. an D. x

20. Peter, what are you going to do this weekend? – I don’t know. I think I _____ some movies at home.

A. will watch B. watch C. am going to watch D. am watching

21. ____ type of future house do you think it will be? – It’ll be a _____.

A. What - apartment B. How - UFO C. What - palace D. How - skyscraper

22. We might have a _________ TV to watch TV programmes from space.

A. wireless B. automatic C. remote D. local

Đề 4.

I. Listen to Khang and Dr Adams talking about robots. Fill in the blank with NO MORE THAN THREE


Names of robots What they can do

Home robots do (1) ______

Doctor robots (2) _______ sick people

(3) __________ build house

Teacher robots (4) __________ in a classroom or online

Listen again and decide whether the statements are True or False?

5. Robots can’t do quite a lot today.

6. Robots can only build small houses.

7. Robots can speak to people.

8. There are robots working as teachers in classes.

9. Robots can’t understand what we say.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
10. Robots can do everything like humans.

IV. Choose the best option to complete the sentences by circle the letter A, B, C or D.

16. This is the ______ robot in the show. Our scientists spent more than 2 years building it.

A. smart B. smarter C. most smart D. smartest

17. If the home robots _____ out of battery, they ______ charge themselves with solar energy.

A. run – will B. runs - should C. go - run D. go - will

18. _____ can we do to make our school greener? – We can put a recycling bin in each classroom.

A. How often B. What C. Where D. Why

19. Does your neighborhood have _____ art gallery?

A. a B. the C. an D. x

20. We have lots of plastic bottles at home _____ we don’t know what to do with them.

A. and B. due to C. but D. so

21. Our future house will be in ______ mountains. There will be many trees and flowers.

A. a B. the C. an D. x

22. I am still not sure where to go for my holiday. I ______ to Vung Tau city.

A. need go B. am going C. will go D. might go

VI. Put the words in the blanks into the correct forms.

26. Be quiet! You ________(make) so much noise!

27. Yesterday, our class _______ (go) to the art gallery.

28. We have our plan for summer holiday. We ____ (join) the 3Rs club to help the environment.

29. What is the ______ (long) river in Viet Nam?

30. If we _____ (protect) the forests, we _____ (help) our planet

Đề 5

I. Listen to two students talking about what they will do if they become the presidents of the 3Rs club.

Choose the best answer.

1. What will be the first thing Mi do if she becomes the president of the club?

A. Talk to her friends happily.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
B. Put a recycling bin in every classroom.

C. Reuse the bins.

2. What can students do in a book fair?

A. Exchange their books. B. Buy new books. C. Read others’ books.

3. What will Nam do if he becomes the president of the club?

A. Organise book fairs. B. Organise uniform fairs. C. Put a recycling bin in every classroom.

4. What does Nam think about going to school by bus?

A. It’s fun and easy.

B. It’s easy and helps the environment.

C. It’s fun and helps the environment.

Listen again and decide whether the statements are True or False?

5. Mi thinks that we can use the things from recycling bins again.

6. Nam will organise some book fairs.

7. Mi mentions a vehicle.

8. Students can buy uniforms in Nam’s fairs.

9. Both Mi and Nam think about ways to make the school greener.

10. Both Nam and Mi are from class 6A.

IV. Choose the best option to complete the sentences by circle the letter A, B, C or D.

16. The Big Ben Tower is a famous ________ in London.

A. city B. island C. building D. landmark

17. If people _____ less chemical in agriculture, there _____ less soil pollution.

A. use - is B. will use - be C. use – will be D. using – will

18. “Mommy, Jack is watching cartoons right now!” – “ _______ the TV and do your homework, Jack!”

A. You turn on B. Turn on C. You turn off D. Turn off

19. She came home and felt exhausted _____ she couldn’t sleep well.

A. but B. because C. so D. and

20. Remember to bring _____ when you go swimming.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
A. boat B. racket C. goggles D. bicycle

21. “____ do you want to travel to England?” – “Because I like the red double-decker and Big Ben Tower.”

A. How B. What C. When D. Why

22. I think my future house will have a smart _______ to help me with the housework.

A. robot B. wireless TV C. computer D. cooker

PART A: LISTEN (2.25pts)

I. Listen to the conversation between Khang and Dr Adams and tick ( ✔) True ( T ) or False ( F ). - 1,25pt ( Ex 2-
Skill 2 – Unit 12 – English 6)


1.Robots can't do many things today.

2.Worker robots can build the very high buildings.

3.Teacher robots can teach on the internet.

4.Robots can talk to humans.

5.Robots can do everything like humans.

II. Listen and choose the correct answer.

1. What type of house does Linda have? A. a cottage B. a villa C. a city house D. a flat

2. Where is her house? A. in the city B. in the country C. by the sea D. in themountains

3. What is around her house? A. a swimming pool B. a garden C. many trees D. a swimming pool and a garden

4. What type of house does Nick have? A. a cottage B. a flat C. a city house D. a villa


3. There aren’t _______good films on television at the moment.

A. some B. any C. much D. a lot

4. If we cut down more forests, there _______more floods.

A. are B. were C. have been D. will be

6. The opposite of “dangerous” is _______. A. polluted B. good C. safe D. dirty

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
7. The kids are more interested _______ watching TV than playing sports. A. on B. in C. of D. at

I. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the following passage.

Bill lives in an amazing home, a light house. His light house is (1) ___________ the sea and you can hear the sea every
day. It’s not a (2) ___________ place because it’s often windy and many noisy birds calling. The wall (3) ___________
the windows are very thick to protect the building from storms. Bill says that (4) ___________ is safe here, in his house.
In the future, Bill (5) ___________ buy a robot dog. He wants a friend.

1. A. next B. near C.on D. between

2. A. favourite B. noisy C. colourful D. quiet

3. A. so B. but C. and D. because

4. A. she B. they C. he D. his

5. A. is B. will C. will not D. need

II. Read the following passage and answer the questions. -1,5pts

Bài 1. Da Nang has a population of nearly 800,000 people. The Han River flows through the city. The city part on the east
bank is newer and more spacious. The city part on the west bank is more crowed. There are five bridges across the river.
The Han River Bridge is the newest one now.

The cost of living in Da Nang is the lowest in Central Viet Nam. Da Nang has many beaches. Among them, Non Nuoc
Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. But walking in the streets on a summer afternoon is not a good
idea in Da Nang. There are not many trees so there are not shadows. It is often very hot at noon.

Which river flows through Da Nang city?


2. How many bridges across the river are there?


3. What is the weather like in Da Nang at noon?


4. Are there many trees in Da Nang?


Bài 2. I'm Linda and this is my sister, Daisy. We play sports every day, so we are tall and strong. In the spring, I often
play tennis and my sister often plays badminton. In the summer, we often go swimming. In the fall, I often go sailing and
my sister often goes jogging. In the winter, I often play basketball and she often skips. When the weather is warm, we

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
sometimes go fishing. When it's hot, we sometimes have a picnic. When it's cool, we sometimes walk around the lake
near our house. When it's cold, I play video games and Daisy listens to music.

1. How often do Linda and Daisy play sports?______________________________________________________

2. What does Linda do in the spring?______________________________________________________

3. Do they go fishing when it’s warm?______________________________________________________

4. What does Daisy sometimes do when it's cool?______________________________________________________

Bài 3. Hi, my name is David and my favorite activity is watching television. I often watch cartoon on Disney channel.
My grandmother and mother enjoy watching craft programs. My daddy and brother love watching football matches on
the sport channel. I usually spend about 2 hours a day watching TV. In the evening, all the family gather and watch the
news and weather forecast. Today, the weatherman announces that it will rain tomorrow. I think you should bring along
a raincoat before going out.

1. What is David’s hobby?_______________________________________________________

2. Who love watching football matches?_______________________________________________________

3. How many hours a day does David spend watching TV?__________________________________________________

4. What do they do in the evening?_______________________________________________________

Bài 4.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
Bài 5.

Bài 6.

1. Why will we not use cookers, dishwashers or washing machines?  ………………………………..

2. What will we have robots for ?  ………………………………..
3. What will we do without getting out of the bed ?  ………………………………..
4. What energy will they use ? ………………………………..

Bài 7 .

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
Bài 8.

5. Can robots help us to waste a lot of time and work?  ………………………………..

6. Does the robot complain or get tired? ………………………………..
7. Do people use robots as security guards in Japan? ………………………………..
8. Will scientists design many types of doctor robots ? ………………………………..
Exercise 9
The Tigers won the Gold Cup last week. They (1. play) _______ fewer matches than the Lions or the Leopards, but they
(2. score) _______ more points. In fact, the Tigers (3. lose) _______ only five matches during the season. The Zebras (4.
beat) _______ the Lions and (5. take) _______ second place. They (6. score) _______ 30 points from 22 matches. The
Zebras (7. have) _______ a very strong team. They (8. win) _______ a lot of matches, and not many teams (9. beat)
_______ them. The Pandas (10. be) _______ at the bottom of the league. They lost most of their matches this season.

Exercise 10 my (x2) his her our its their (x2)

We live in a small house in Hoi An. (1)_______ house is number 14. There’s a big tree in front of it. I can touch some of
(2)________ branches from the window of (3)_______ room. In spring, new leaves come out, and I love (4)_______
green colour. They look so beautiful in the sun. My sister and (5)_______ friends often sit under the tree and play
(6)________ favourite games. I sometimes join them, but I don’t play. I sit on the swing that (7)_______ father made.
He’s a carpenter, and he loves (8)_____ job.


I. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before.

1. She is interested in watching television.

- She likes ……………………………………………………………………………………………

2. The Nile is the longest river in the world.

- No river in the world is ……………………………………………………………………………

4. It is wrong of us to throw rubbish.

- We mustn’t…………………………………………………………………………………………

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
5. It is not good to stay up so late to listen to music.

- You should…………………………………………………………………………………………
I/ Give the correct forms of the verbs.
1. She ( go) …………….swimming nearly every day.
2. Linh (work) ________ in a hospital on weekdays.
3. It (rain)________ almost every afternoon in French.
4. My son (fry)________ eggs for breakfast everyday.
5. Listen! Our teacher is __________________ (speak).
6. Look! The car is _________________(go) so fast.
7. Listen! Someone is _____________________(cry) in the next room.
8. Your brother is ____________________(sit) next to the beautiful girl over there at present?
9. Now they are______________________(try) to pass the examination.
10. My sister ………..… (cook) dinner last night.
11. I ………….… (walk) to school yesterday.
12. Josie ……………………. (carry) her mum’s bag for her yesterday.
13. We ……….… (tidy) our rooms yesterday.
14. They ……………..… (study) hard, but they ………. (not pass) the exam last Friday.
15. The teacher …………..… (begin) the class at 8.00 a.m. last Thursday.
16. If I ………………....(to study), I ……………………..(to pass) the exams.
17. If the sun …………………(to shine), we………………..(to walk) into town.
18. If he……………...(to have) a temperature, he………….…..(to see) the doctor.
19. If my friends………………..(to come), I…………….…..(to be) very happy.
20. If she………………...(to earn) a lot of money, she………………..(to fly) to New York.
II/ Rewrite the sentences
8. It is not good for you to use the calculator during Maths exams. (must)
9. You mustn’t eat in class. (should) 
10. You must drink a lot of water.(should)
11. You mustn’t go out late at night.(should) 

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)

1. He can’t go out because he has to study for his exam.

⇒ If ____________________________________________________________

2. She is lazy so she can’t pass the exam.

⇒ If ____________________________________________________________

3. He will pay me tonight; I will have enough money to buy a ca.

⇒ If ____________________________________________________________

4. He smokes too much; that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough.

⇒ If ____________________________________________________________

5. She is very shy, so she doesn’t enjoy the party.

⇒ If ____________________________________________________________

Câu 12: China is the prettiest country in Asia. ( THE)

=> No country in Asia
Câu 11: Nobody is smarter than her in the contest.(Superlative)
=> She is
18. We bring reusable water bottles. We don’t bring plastic bottles. (INSTEAD)

=> We bring reusable water __________ plastic bottles.

Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
19. No one in my family cooks better than my dad. (THE) => My dad is __________in my family.

40. The A10 robot is 200 dollars. The A11 is 150 dollars. The A12 is 300 dollars.

=> The A11 ______________ among three robots.

41. The A5 robot is 100 dollars. The A8 is 150 dollars. The A12 is 200 dollars.

=> The A11 ______________ among three robots.

20. This is a present for you. (YOURS) => This __________.

21. The show was interesting. It was too long. (BUT) => The show was interesting, __________ too long.

36. It’s not good for you to stay up late and play games until midnight. (should)

=> You _______________________________________________________________________________.

40. How about going to the cinema tonight?

=> Let’s ______________________________________________________________________________?

36. My robots is smaller than your robots.

=> My robots __________________________.

40. I liked Tom and Jerry very much. I watched it many times. (so)

=> ___________________________________.

36. My sister can play volleyball well. She can’t swim. (but)

 ___________________________________.

38. Mary loves coffee. She goes to that coffee shop every weekend.(so)

 ___________________________________.

42. The film is very interesting. (What) : What + (a/an) + adj + N!

 __________________________________.

43. The girls are so beautiful. (What )

 __________________________________.

44. The pens are so expensive. (What)

 __________________________________.

45. The beach is so clean. (What)

 __________________________________.
Ôn tập HK2 TA6 ( Unit 7-8-9-10-11-12)
Bài 9. Rewrite these sentences with “might’
Ví dụ: Perhaps Helen is in her office ---> She might be in her office.
Perhaps Helen isn’t in her office --> She might not be in her office.
1. Perhaps Helen is busy.__________________________________________________
2. Perhaps she is working.__________________________________________________
3. I’m not sure that Liz will come to the party.__________________________________________________
4. Perhaps she wants to be alone.__________________________________________________
5. perhaps she was ill yesterday.__________________________________________________
6. I’m not sure that Sue wil be able to come out with us this
7. Perhaps she went home early.__________________________________________________
8. I’m not sure that I’ll go out this evening.__________________________________________________
9. perhaps she had to go home early.__________________________________________________
10. Perhaps she was working yesterday.__________________________________________________


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