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WORKSHEET ­ General 2 Mathematics

Topic Areas:
MM1 – Units of Measurement


Source: HSC exam questions
Exam Equivalent Time: 28.5 minutes
Worked Solutions: Included
Note: Each question has designated marks. Use this information as both a guide to the question's difficulty
and as a timing indicator, whereby each mark should equate to 1.5 minutes of working (examination) time.

1. Measurement, 2UG 2009 HSC 12 MC
How many square centimetres are in 0.0075 square metres?

(A) 0.75

(B) 7.5

(C) 75

(D) 7500

2. Measurement, 2UG 2014 HSC 2 MC

A measurement of 72 cm is increased by 20% and then the result is decreased by 20% .
What is the new measurement, correct to the nearest centimetre?
(A) 46 cm

(B) 69 cm

(C) 72 cm

(D) 104 cm
3. FS Driving, 2UG 2014 HSC 22 MC
Heather’s car uses fuel at the rate of 6.6 L per 100 km for long­distance driving and
8.9 L per 100 km for short­distance driving.

She used the car to make a journey of 560 km , which included 65 km of short­
distance driving.
Approximately how much fuel did Heather’s car use on the journey?
(A) 37 L

(B) 38 L

(C) 48 L

(D) 50 L

4. FS Health, 2UG 2014 HSC 17 MC

A child who weighs 14 kg needs to be given 15 mg of paracetamol for every 2 kg of
body weight. Every 10 mL of a particular medicine contains 120 mg of paracetamol.
What is the correct dosage of this medicine for the child?
(A) 5.6 mL

(B) 8.75 mL

(C) 11.43 mL

(D) 17.5 mL

5. Measurement, 2UG 2009 HSC 13 MC

The volume of water in a tank changes over six months, as shown in the graph.

Consider the overall decrease in the volume of water.

What is the average percentage decrease in the volume of water per month over this time, to
the nearest percent?
(A) 6 %

(B) 11 %

(C) 32 %

(D) 64 %
6. Measurement, 2UG 2012 HSC 26g
Bhawana purchases pool chlorine in a new container which holds 35 kg.

She begins using this new container on the first day of a week.
How many full weeks should this container last? (2 marks)

7. Measurement, 2UG 2008 HSC 23c

An alcoholic drink has 5.5% alcohol by volume. The label on a 375 mL bottle says it
contains 1.6 standard drinks.
(i) How many millilitres of alcohol are in a 375 mL bottle? (1 mark)

(ii) It is recommended that a fully­licensed male driver should have a maximum of one
standard drink every hour.
Express this as a rate in millilitres per minute, correct to one decimal place. (2

8. Measurement, 2UG 2009 HSC 25b

The mass of a sample of microbes is 50 mg . There are approximately 2.5 × 10
in the sample.
In scientific notation, what is the approximate mass in grams of one microbe? (2 marks)
9. Measurement, 2UG 2009 HSC 23c
The diagram shows the shape and dimensions of a terrace which is to be tiled.

(i) Find the area of the terrace. (2 marks)

(ii) Tiles are sold in boxes. Each box holds one square metre of tiles and costs $55.
When buying the tiles, 10% more tiles are needed, due to cutting and wastage.
Find the total cost of the boxes of tiles required for the terrace. (1 mark)

10. Measurement, 2UG 2013 HSC 30c

Joel mixes petrol and oil in the ratio 40 : 1 to make fuel for his leaf blower.

(i) Joel pours 5 litres of petrol into an empty container to make fuel for his leaf blower.

How much oil should he add to the petrol to ensure that the fuel is in the correct
ratio? (1 mark)
(ii) Joel has 4.1 litres of fuel left in his container after filling his leaf blower.
He wishes to use this fuel in his lawnmower. However, his lawnmower requires the
petrol and oil to be mixed in the ratio 25 : 1 .
How much oil should he add to the container so that the fuel is in the correct ratio
for his lawnmower? (3 marks)

Copyright © 2009­14 The State of New South Wales (Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW)
Worked Solutions
1. Measurement, 2UG 2009 HSC 12 MC
since 1m
2 = 100cm × 100cm = 10 000cm 2

∴ 0.0075m
2 = 0.0075 × 10 000

= 75cm

⇒ C

2. Measurement, 2UG 2014 HSC 2 MC

72 ↑ 20 %
confident in this area could save
= 72 + (20 % × 72) = 86.4 cm
time in the calculations as
follows: 72 × 1.2 × 0.8
86.4 ↓ 20 %
= 69.12

= 86.4 − (20 % × 86.4) = 69.12 cm

⇒ B

3. FS Driving, 2UG 2014 HSC 22 MC

Fuel used in short distance

= × 8.9 L = 5.785 L

Fuel used in long distance

= × 6.6 L = 32.67 L

Total Fuel = 5.785 + 32.67

= 38.455 L

⇒ B
4. FS Health, 2UG 2014 HSC 17 MC
Paracetamol needed

= × 15 mg

= 105 mg

Since 120 mg in 10 mL

⇒ 105 mg is contained in

× 10 mL = 8.75 mL

⇒ B

5. Measurement, 2UG 2009 HSC 13 MC

Initial Volume = 50 000 L ♦ Mean mark 48%

COMMENT: Remember that %
Final volume = 18 000 L decrease requires the decrease
in volume to be divided by the
Decrease = 50 000 − 18 000 original volume (50,000L).

= 32 000 L (over 6 months)

32 000
Loss per month =

= 5333.33... L per month

% loss per month =
50 000

= 10.666... %

⇒ B
6. Measurement, 2UG 2012 HSC 26g

Cups used per week = 3 + 6 = 9

Chlorine usage per week = 9 × 250g

= 2250g/week

Total chlorine available = 35kg = 35 000 grams

35000 MARKER'S COMMENT: Better

Time it will last =
answers converted all
measurements to grams (rather
= 15.555... than use decimals and kgs) and
realised the answer should be
in full weeks.

∴ The container will last 15 full weeks.

7. Measurement, 2UG 2008 HSC 23c

(i) Alcohol = × 375

= 20.625 mL

(ii) 1.6 standard drinks = 375 mL

⇒ 1 standard drink


= 234.375 mL

∴ Rate =

= 3.90625

= 3.9 mL/min
8. Measurement, 2UG 2009 HSC 25b

We need to convert 50 mg into grams ♦♦♦ Mean mark 20%.

IMPORTANT: Can you solve: 8
50 apples weigh 1kg, what does 1
50mg = = 0.05g = 5 × 10 grams
apple weigh? This is exactly
the same concept except that it
mass of sample uses smaller numbers in
Mass of 1 microbe = scientific notation.
# microbes

5 × 10
2.5 × 10

= 2 × 10 grams

9. Measurement, 2UG 2009 HSC 23c


Area = Area of big square – Area of 2 cut-out squares

= (2.7 + 1.8) × (2.7 + 1.8) − 2 × (1.8 × 1.8)

= 20.25 − 6.48

= 13.77 m ²

(ii) Tiles required = (13.77 + 10 % ) × 13.77

= 15.147 m ²
∴ 16 boxes are needed

Cost of boxes = 16 × $55

= $880
10. Measurement, 2UG 2013 HSC 30c

(i) Petrol : Oil = 40 : 1 ♦ Mean mark 50%

5 Litres: X = 40 : 1

5 40
⇒ =
X 1

40X = 5

X = = 0.125 L

∴ Joel should add 0.125 L of oil

(ii) 4.1 L = 4100 mL

In ratio 40:1, there is

⇒ 4000 mL Petrol and 100 mL Oil

♦♦♦ Mean mark 8%
STRATEGY: The critical
information required is how
much petrol is in the container.
Lawnmower ratio = 25 : 1
Once known, the oil required to
satisfy a 25:1 ration can be
Let Oil required for 4000 mL Petrol = X mL
easily found.

X 1
4000 25

25X = 4000

X =

= 160 mL

4 L of petrol requires 160 mL of oil

Container already has 100 mL of oil

∴ Oil to add = 160 − 100

= 60 mL

Copyright © 2015 M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd (

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