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Name of the Unit/Lesson: Ch: 2 Fractions Name of the student:

Subject: Mathematics Grade: VII

RICH – LEARNING TOOLS compliment in measuring the learning outcomes. It is conceptualized on
Bloom’s Taxonomy and gives an insight on the learning cycle.
The acronym of RICH: R-Rigour, I-Inquiry, C-Connections, H-Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)]


1. of 18 = _____
2. 8 of a day = ______ hours
3. Reciprocal of 1 is always ______
4. The product of a fraction and its reciprocal is always ______
3 6 1 15
5. 4 of 7 ____ 2 of 16 ( use appropriate sign >, < =)
6. The number of months in 5 of a century is _____
3 7
7. The lowest form of the product 2 7 x 9 is _____
8. 474 surgeons were invited for a conference on the latest surgical techniques and 6 of
those invited actually participated in it. The number of participants was
a. 359 b. 395 c. 474 d. 568
9. John can read a novel in 17 hours. If he devotes 2 7 hours to reading every day, he would finish the
novel in
a. 5 days b. 7 days c. 9 days d. 10 days
10. Smith bought a laptop from abroad in a special promotional drive for $ 45 which is 8 of the original
price. The original marked price of the laptop is

a. $ 72 b. $ 28 c. $ 90 d. 112

Inquiry based/case based

Which city Am I?
11. Priya spent few days of her summer vacation exploring a famous Indian city. Unravel this famous
city in India by simplifying the problems given below and by finding the alphabet representing the
answers to these problems.
1 1 4 2 7 5
i. 2 of 1 3 ÷ 1 9 + 1 ii. 7 x 3 x 8 iii. 8 of 40

3 5 1 24
iv. Reciprocal of ( 4 ÷ ) v. 2 of
6 5

1|P a g e
12. An NGO wanted to plant 6,000 plants as a part of their social service. All the numbers of the NGO
participated and planted 12 plants on a Sunday and remaining on next Sunday.

i. How many plants were planted on each Sunday by the NGO?

ii. Is planting trees and plants important for environment? Have you planted plants on the terrace
at the backyard of your house?

1 1
13. How many 16 kg boxes of chocolates can be made with 1 2 kg of chocolates?

(Ans 24 boxes)
3 7 17
14. The lowest form of the product 2 7 x is ________(Ans )
9 9

15. Find the following

8 1 7 1 3 9 1 1 9
a. 3
÷ 1 2 (Ans 1 9 ) b. 2 5 ÷ 1 4 (Ans 1 35 ) c. 2 4 x 8
(Ans 32)
d. 14 x 3 7 (Ans 44)
16. Rahul plants 8 saplings in a row in his garden. The distance between two adjacent saplings is 2
m. Find the distance between the first and the last sapling. (Ans 3 2 m)
1 1
17. litre of milk costs Rs12. How much would 72 litres milk cost? (Ans: Rs180)

2|P a g e

18. Sujata earns her livelihood by stitching school uniforms. She earns ₹ 235 on each uniform she
5 1
stitches. She uses 3 9 m cloth to stitch one uniform. How much will she earn if she has 21 3 m cloth
with her to stitch uniforms (Ans: Rs 1410 )
19. It takes 17 full specific type of trees to make one ton of paper. If there are 221 such trees in a forest,
i. what fraction of forest will be used to make:
5 10
a. 5 tonnes of paper (Ans ) b. 10 tonnes of paper (Ans 13 )
ii. To save part of the forest, how much of paper we have to save? (Ans7 tonnes)
20. One half of the students in a school are girls, 5 of these girls are studying in lower classes. What
fraction of girls are studying in lower classes? (Ans: 5)

3|P a g e

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