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Name of the Unit/Lesson: Ch- 17 Collecting and Organising Data Name of the student:

Subject: Mathematics Grade: VII

RICH – LEARNING TOOLS compliment in measuring the learning outcomes. It is conceptualized on
Bloom’s Taxonomy and gives an insight on the learning cycle.
The acronym of RICH: R-Rigour, I-Inquiry, C-Connections, H-Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)]


1. Range of data = __________

2. The most common value in a set of data is the ______ of the data.
3. Mean = __________
4. When data values are arranged from the smallest to the greatest order, the central value is the ______.
5. The marks of 11 students of a class are 78, 11, 99, 63, 94, 6, 78, 36, 30, 55, 22. The range of marks is
a. 90 b. 80 c. 93 d. 70
6. A batsman scored the following number of runs in six innings:35, 30, 45, 65, 39,20.
The mean run scored in an inning is
a. 38 b. 39 c. 40 d. 42
7. The median of the data 20, 30, 10, 15, 25, 35, 40 is
a. 20 b. 25 c. 30 d. 35
8. The marks of some students are 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 33, 35, 39, 33, 32, 40, 31, 33. Find the mode of their
a. 33 b. 31 c. 32 d. 30
9. Which of the following statements is true?
a. The mode is always one of the numbers in a data
b. The mean is always one of the numbers in a data
10. Mean of first 5 odd numbers is ____.
a. 5 b. 6 c. 3 d. 5
11. The data which is collected directly from the source is called ____.
a. primary data b. secondary data c. ungrouped data d. grouped data
12. The mean is _____ one of the given data.
a. always b. not always

Inquiry based/case based

13) Observe the given table and answer the following questions.

1|P a g e
i. Find the median of people watching sports.
a. 1240 b. 470 c. 510 d. 430
ii. Which sport is least popular?
a. athletics b. cricket c. hockey d. swimming
iii. Find the mean of people participating sports.
a. 320 b. 323 c. 321 d. 330
iv. Which sport is most popular?
a. athletics b. cricket c. hockey d. swimming
v. Find the mode of people participating sports.
a. 320 b. 323 c. 321 d. 330

14. What is the mean of x, x +3, x + 6, x + 9 and x + 12?
15. Two hundred students of Classes VI and VII were asked to name their favourite colours so as to decide
upon what should be the colour of their school house. The results are shown in the following table.

Colour: Red Green Blue Yellow Orange

Number of Students 45 25 20 60 50

Represent the given data on a bar graph.

(i) Which is the most preferred colour and which is the least?

(ii) How many colours are there in all?

16. The performance of students in 1st term and 2nd term is as given below. Draw a double bar graph
choosing appropriate scale, and answer the following:

Subject: English Hindi Maths Science Social Science

1st term: 67 72 88 81 73

2nd term: 70 65 95 85 75

(i) In which subject, has the children improved their performance the most?

(ii) Has the performance gone down in any subject?

2|P a g e
17. Consider the following data gathered from a survey of a colony:

Favourite Sport: Football Basket – Ball Cricket Hockey Athletics

Watching 1500 600 280 950 250

Participating 620 750 320 250 450

Draw a double bar graph choosing an appropriate scale.


18. The following table gives the percentage of marks obtained by seven students in six different
subjects in an examination.
The Numbers in the Brackets give the Maximum Marks in Each Subject.
Subject (Max. Marks 100)
Student Maths Chemistry Physics Geography History Computer Science
(100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100)
Ayush 90 50 90 60 70 80
Aman 100 80 80 40 80 70
Sajal 90 60 70 70 90 70
Rohit 80 65 80 80 60 60
Muskan 80 65 85 95 50 90
Tanvi 70 75 65 85 40 60
Tarun 65 35 50 75 80 80

i. What are the average marks obtained by all the seven students in Physics? (Rounded off to two digits
after decimal) (Ans: 74.29)

ii. The number of students who obtained 60% and above marks in all subjects is? (Ans: 2)

iii. In which subject is the overall percentage the best? (Ans: Maths)

iv. What is the overall percentage of Tarun? (Ans: 64.17)


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