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Academic Year 2023-24

Student’s Name :

Class : MYP 2

Subject : English Language and Literature

Unit : Mythological Stories

Assessment Type : Practice Paper 1

Duration : 1 hour

Signature-____________________Background – In
this unit, you have studied the elements and
characteristics of mythological stories. Also, you have
explored Greek & Indian mythological tradition. With
this understanding, complete the given task
Task: Read the story from Indian Mythology and analyse the elements of mythological story to answer the
questions that follow:

a. Examine the conflict between good and evil depicted in the Story of Narasimha.

In this Mythology, we had two characters: father Hiranyakashipu

and his son Prahlad. Father after deep penance was granted a wish by lord

He became egoistic and caused many problems which angered lord

Vishnu. He even tried to kill his own son Prahlad who was a devotee of lord
Vishnu. In the end, Hiranyakashipu challenged Prahlad to show him the
presence of lord Vishnu. Prahlad went and hugged a pillar saying that lord
Vishnu, was everywhere. Hiranyakashipu hit the pillar with his mace.

And to his surprise! The pillar cracked with a thundering sound and Vishnu
appeared in the form of Narasimha.
He sat on the threshold of the courtroom, placed the body of the demon on his
thighs, and pierced his nails into the body of the demon and broke open his
stomach. The demon was killed on the spot in a moment.
a. Analyse the plot structure (arrangement of events) and discuss its significance in the development of the
story of Narsimha.

In this Mythology, we had two characters: father Hiranyakashipu and his son
Prahlad. Father after deep penance was granted a wish by lord Brahma.
Hiranyakashipu then asked for three conditions, as his death wish, "'O
Brahma, let not death come to me either by man or beast, nor devil, nor god
shall cause my death by day or by night with steel or stone or wood, indoors
or outdoors, or earth or in sky. Grant me undisputed lordship over the world".
Brahma agreed and Hiranyakashipu got his death wishes granted. Thus, he
became practically immortal.

He became egoistic and caused many problems which angered lord

Vishnu. He even tried to kill his own son Prahlad who was a devotee of lord
Vishnu. In the end, Hiranyakashipu challenged Prahlad to show him the
presence of lord Vishnu. Prahlad went and hugged a pillar saying that lord
Vishnu, was everywhere. Hiranyakashipu hit the pillar with his mace.

And to his surprise! The pillar cracked with a thundering sound and Vishnu
appeared in the form of Narasimha.
He sat on the threshold of the courtroom, placed the body of the demon on his
thighs, and pierced his nails into the body of the demon and broke open his
stomach. The demon was killed on the spot in a moment.

Story 2: Watch the story of Perseus and Medusa and based on your analysis of the story answer the
questions that follow:

Significance of the Intervention of Supernatural Powers in the Story

of Perseus and Medusa

The intervention of supernatural powers is crucial in the story

of Perseus and Medusa. Divine assistance is provided by
several gods: Athena gives Perseus a polished shield, Hermes
provides winged sandals, Hades offers a helm of invisibility,
and Hephaestus gives a sword. These gifts are essential for
Perseus to overcome the seemingly impossible task of
defeating Medusa, a Gorgon whose gaze turns people to
stone. The supernatural intervention emphasizes the theme of
destiny, highlighting that heroic deeds often require divine
favor and support.

Comment on the Character of Perseus as a Mythical Hero

Perseus exemplifies the qualities of a mythical hero

through his bravery, resourcefulness, and determination.
Despite the daunting nature of his quest, he demonstrates
courage and cunning by using the gifts from the gods
effectively. His journey reflects the classic hero’s journey,
involving a call to adventure, receiving supernatural aid,
facing and overcoming significant trials, and ultimately
returning victorious. Perseus' humility and willingness to
accept help further cement his status as a heroic figure,
emphasizing that true heroism often involves
collaboration with higher powers.

Compare and Contrast How the Two Mythological Stories Represent

the Theme of Contrast Between Destiny and Heroic Deeds

In Greek mythology, the story of Perseus and Medusa and

other myths often explore the interplay between destiny and
heroic deeds. Perseus' journey is predestined by the gods,
and his success relies on their intervention. This reflects the
belief that destiny guides heroes, but their actions and
choices determine their legacy. Similarly, in the myth of
Heracles (Hercules), his twelve labors are imposed by fate, yet
his strength, perseverance, and cleverness are crucial for
completing them. Both myths underscore that while destiny
sets the stage, it is the hero's deeds and virtues that fulfill
their fate and achieve greatness.
Assessment by teacher

Teacher’s signature: ________________________________

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