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EEP 4113

Fault in Electric Power System

Dr. Mohd Taufiq Ishak

Module Outline

1. Introduction

2. Symmetrical/ Balanced Faults

3. Unsymmetrical/ Unbalanced Faults

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• Analysis types:
power flow - evaluate normal operating conditions
fault analysis - evaluate abnormal operating conditions
• Fault analysis is also known as short circuit study.
• In normal condition, a power system is operating at
balanced 3-phase AC system.
• Whenever a fault occurred, the bus voltages and
flow of current in the network elements get affected.
• Faults can cause over current at certain point of
power system.
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• Faults occur in power system due to:

insulation failure in the equipments
flashover of lines initiated by lightning
mechanical damage to conductors and towers
accidental faulty operation
• Faults can be classified as Shunt faults and Series
faults. Series faults are not so severe as compared
to shunt faults.

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• Fault types:
Symmetrical/ balanced faults (3-phase)
Unsymmetrical/ unbalanced faults
single-line to ground and double-line to ground
line-to-line faults
• The relative frequency of occurrence of various
faults in the order of severity are as follows:
balanced 3-phase fault 5%
double line to ground fault 10%
line to line fault 15%
single line to ground fault 70%
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• When a fault occurs in a power system, bus

voltages reduces and large current flows in the
• This may cause damage to the equipments.
• The magnitude of the fault currents depends on:
the impedance of the network
the internal impedances of the generators
the resistance of the fault (arc resistance)

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• Faulty section should be isolated from the rest of

the network immediately.
• This can be achieved by providing relays and circuit
• The protective relays sense the occurrence of the
fault and send signals to circuit breakers to open the
circuit under faulty condition.
• Proper relay setting and relay coordination are
required for effective protection.

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• The main purposes of fault analysis:

specifying ratings for circuit breakers and fuses
protective relay settings
specifying the impedance of transformers and generators
• Network impedances are governed by
generator impedances
transformer connections and impedances
transmission line impedances
Load impedances
grounding connections and resistances

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Subtransient and transient

• Generator behavior is divided into three periods

sub-transient period, lasting for the first few cycles
transient period, covering a relatively longer time
steady state period
• Sub-transient reactances, XG = Xd”
determine the interrupting capacity of HV circuit breakers
determine the operation timing of the protective relay
system for high-voltage networks
• Transient reactances, XG = Xd’
determine the interrupting capacity of MV circuit breakers
determine the operation timing of the protective relay
system for medium-voltage networks
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Symmetrical Three-phase Fault

• The balanced fault is a phenomenon where the

three phases are short circuited simultaneously.
• Since the network is balanced, it is solve on per
phase basis.
• A fault represents a structural network change
equivalent to the addition of an impedance at the place of
the fault
if the fault impedance is zero, the fault is referred to as a
bolted fault or solid fault
• For small networks, it can be solved by the
Thévenin’s method, and for large networks, it is
solved by the Bus Impedance Matrix method.
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Balanced Fault – Thévenin’s Method

• Assumptions:
generators are modeled as an emf behind the sub-
transient or transient reactance
network resistances are neglected
shunt capacitances are neglected
system is considered as having no-load
• The fault is simulated by switching a fault
impedance at the faulted bus.
• The change in the network voltages is equivalent to
adding the pre-fault bus voltage with all other
sources short circuited.

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Balanced Fault – Thévenin’s Method

• Example 1:

G1 G2

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Balanced Fault – Thévenin’s Method

• 3-phase fault with fault impedance, Zf = j0.16 on bus


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Balanced Fault – Thévenin’s Method

• Convert the impedances of Z12, Z23, and Z31 from 

to Y.

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Balanced Fault – Thévenin’s Method

• Combine the parallel branches to get the Thévenin’s

impedance at faulted bus, i.e. Z33.

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Balanced Fault – Thévenin’s Method

• Combine the parallel branches to get the Thévenin’s

impedance at faulted bus, i.e. Z33.
V3 (0)
I3 (F ) 
Z 33  Z f

V1 (0)  V2 (0)  V3 (0)  1.0 pu

V3 (0) 1.0
I3 (F )     j 2.0
Z 33  Z f j 0.34  j 0.16

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Balanced Fault – Thévenin’s Method

• The current flow for the two generators:

j 0.6
I G1  I 3 ( F )   j1.2 pu
j 0.4  j 0.6
j 0.4
IG2  I 3 ( F )   j 0.8 pu
j 0.4  j 0.6

• Bus voltage changes,

V1  0  ( j 0.2)(  j1.2)  0.24 pu
V2  0  ( j 0.4)(  j 0.8)  0.32 pu
V3  ( j 0.16)(  j 2)  1.0  0.68 pu

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Balanced Fault – Thévenin’s Method

• The fault voltages:

V1 ( F )  V1 (0)  V1  1.0  0.24  0.76 pu
V2 ( F )  V2 (0)  V2  1.0  0.32  0.68 pu
V3 ( F )  V3 (0)  V3  1.0  0.68  0.32 pu

• The short circuit currents in the lines:

V1 ( F )  V2 ( F ) 0.76  0.68
I12 ( F )     j 0.1 pu
z12 j 0.8
V1 ( F )  V3 ( F ) 0.76  0.32
I13 ( F )     j1.1 pu
z13 j 0.4
V2 ( F )  V3 ( F ) 0.68  0.32
I 23 ( F )     j 0.9 pu
z23 j 0.4
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Balanced Fault – Thévenin’s Method

• For more accurate solutions

use the pre-fault bus voltages which can be obtained from
the results of a power flow solution
include loads - to preserve linearity, convert loads to
constant impedance model
Thévenin’s theorem allows the changes in the bus
voltages to be obtained
bus voltages are obtained by superposition of the pre-
fault voltages and the changes in the bus voltages
current in each branch can be solved

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Balanced Fault – Short Circuit Capacity

• Measures the electrical strength of the bus

• Stated in MVA.
• Determines the dimension of busbars and the
interrupting capacity of circuit breakers
• Definition:
SCC  3VLL,k (0) I k ( F ) x 103

where VLL ,k (0) is the line-to-line voltage at bus k in kV

I k (F ) is the faulted current in A

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Balanced Fault – Short Circuit Capacity

• In per unit (pu),

Vk (0)
I k ( F ) pu 
X kk

• The approximate formula for SCC or short-circuit

X kk

where SB is the base MVA and Xkk is the p.u.

reactance to the point of fault.
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Balanced Fault – Short Circuit Capacity

• Example 2 of SCC calculation:

Z 33  j 0.34
S B  100MVA
S B 100MVA
SCC3    294MVA
Z 33 0.34

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Balanced Fault – Bus Impedance Matrix

• Network reduction by Thévenin’s method is not

efficient and not applicable to large networks.
• Consider the following system:
operating under
balanced conditions
each generator represented
by a constant emf behind
a proper reactance
(Xd, Xd’, or Xd”)
lines represented by
their equivalent  model

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Balanced Fault – Bus Impedance Matrix

• Place the pre-fault voltages into a vector:

V1 (0) 
  
 
Vbus (0)  Vk (0)
 
  
Vn (0)

• Replace the loads by a constant impedance model

using the pre-fault bus voltages:
Vi (0)
Z iL 
S L*
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Balanced Fault – Bus Impedance Matrix

• The change in the network voltage caused by the

fault is equivalent to placing a fault voltage at the
faulted bus with all the other sources short-circuited:

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Balanced Fault – Bus Impedance Matrix

• Using superposition, the fault voltages are

calculated from the pre-fault voltages by adding the
change in bus voltages due to the fault:
Vbus ( F )  Vbus (0)  Vbus

 V1 
  
 
Vbus  Vk 
 
  
Vn 
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Balanced Fault – Bus Impedance Matrix

• The injected bus currents:

I bus  YbusVbus
• Current entering every bus is zero except at the
faulted bus. Since the current is leaving the bus k, it
is taken as negative current.
 0  Y11  Y1k  Y1n   V1 
            
  
 I k ( F )  Yk1  Ykk  Ykn  Vk  = I bus ( F )  YbusVbus
    
           
 0  Yn1  Ynk  Ynn  Vn 
EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 27
Balanced Fault – Bus Impedance Matrix

• Solving for Vbus,

Vbus  ZbusI bus (F )
where Zbus = Y-1bus is the bus impedance matrix.
Vbus ( F )  Vbus (0)  ZbusI bus ( F )

V1 ( F )  V1 (0)   Z11  Z1k  Z1n   0 

               
      
Vk ( F )  Vk (0)   Z k1  Z kk  Z kn   I k ( F )
      
              
Vn ( F ) Vn (0)  Z n1  Z nk  Z nn   0 

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Balanced Fault – Bus Impedance Matrix

• Since there is only one nonzero element in the

current vector,
Vk ( F )  Vk (0)  Z kk I k ( F )
• From the Thévenin’s circuit,
Vk ( F )  Z f I k ( F )
• Combining the both equations, the fault current
Vk (0)
Ik (F ) 
Z kk  Z f

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Balanced Fault – Bus Impedance Matrix

• For ith equation,

Vi ( F )  Vi (0)  Zik I k ( F )
• Substituting Ik(F),
Z ik
Vi ( F )  Vi (0)  Vk (0)
Z kk  Z f

• For fault current in the line,

Vi ( F )  V j ( F )
I ij ( F ) 
zij Small letter of z, it is taken
from the original network and
not from the Zbus!
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Balanced Fault – Bus Impedance Matrix

• Example 3:
Using the previous example, Zf = j0.16 pu. The bus
admittance matrix,
 j8.75 j1.25 j 2.5 
Ybus   j1.25  j 6.25 j 2.5 
 j 2.5 j 2.5  j5.0

The impedance matrix,

 j 0.16 j 0.08 j 0.12
Z bus  Ybus   j 0.08 j 0.24 j 0.16
 j 0.12 j 0.16 j 0.34
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Balanced Fault – Bus Impedance Matrix

• The fault current,

V3 (0) 1.0
I3 (F )     j 2.0 pu
Z 33  Z f j 0.34  j 0.16

• The bus voltages during fault,

V1 ( F )  V1 (0)  Z13I 3 ( F )  1.0  ( j 0.12)(  j 2.0)  0.76 pu
V2 ( F )  V2 (0)  Z 23I 3 ( F )  1.0  ( j 0.16)(  j 2.0)  0.68 pu
V3 ( F )  V3 (0)  Z 33I 3 ( F )  1.0  ( j 0.34)(  j 2.0)  0.32 pu

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Balanced Fault – Bus Impedance Matrix

• The fault currents in the lines,

V1 ( F )  V2 ( F ) 0.76  0.68
I12 ( F )     j 0.1 pu
z12 j 0.8
V1 ( F )  V3 ( F ) 0.76  0.32
I13 ( F )     j1.1 pu
z13 j 0.4
V2 ( F )  V3 ( F ) 0.68  0.32
I 23 ( F )     j 0.9 pu
z23 j 0.4

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Unsymmetrical Fault

• Unsymmetrical faults are analyzed using

symmetrical components.
• The symmetrical components method allows
unbalanced three-phase phasor quantities to be
replaced by the sum of three separate but balanced
symmetrical components.
• The balanced 3-phase phasors consists of:
positive sequence
negative sequence
zero sequence

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Unsymmetrical Fault – Sym. Components

• Representation of symmetrical components:

I c1 I b2
I a0 0
120° 120° I bI 0
120° I a1 120° I a2 c
120° 120°

I b1 I c2
+ve Sequence -ve Sequence Zero Sequence
A balanced 3-phase A balanced 3-phase Three phasors equal
system in the normal system of reversed in magnitude and
a-b-c sequence sequence a-c-b phase revolving in the
sequence +ve phase rotation

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Unsymmetrical Fault – Sym. Components

• Positive sequence phasors:

I a1  I a1 0  I a1
I b1  I a1 240  a 2 I a1
I c1  I a1 120  aI a1
• Operator a identities
a  1120  0.5  j 0.866
a 2  1240  0.5  j 0.866
a 3  1360  1  j 0
1 a  a2  0

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Unsymmetrical Fault – Sym. Components

• Negative sequence phasors:

I a2  I a2 0  I a2
I b2  I a2 120  aI a2
I c2  I a2 240  a 2 I a2
• Zero sequence phasors
I a0  I a0 0  I a0
I b0  I a0 0  I a0
I c0  I a0 0  I a0

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Unsymmetrical Fault – Sym. Components

• Relating unbalanced phasors to symmetrical

I a  I a0  I a1  I a2  I a0  I a1  I a2
I b  I b0  I b1  I b2  I a0  a 2 I a1  aI a2
I c  I c0  I c1  I c2  I a0  aI a1  a 2 I a2
• In matrix notation
 I a  1 1 1   I a0 
 I   1 a 2   1
 b  a  Ia 
 I c  1 a a 2   I a2 

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Unsymmetrical Fault – Sym. Components

• [A] is known as the symmetrical components

transformation matrix:
1 1 1
I abc  AI a012 A  1 a 2 a 
1 a a 2 

• Solving for the symmetrical components leads to:

1 1 1
1 2 1 *
I a012  A1I abc 1
A  1 a a  A
3 3
1 a 2 a 

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Unsymmetrical Fault – Sym. Components

• In component form, the calculation for symmetrical

components are:
 I a  I b  I c 
I a0

I a1  I a  aI b  a 2 I c


I a  I a  a 2 I b  aI c

• Similar expressions exist for voltages:
V abc  AVa012
Va012  A1V abc
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Unsymmetrical Fault – Sym. Components

• The apparent power (S) may also be expressed in

terms of symmetrical components:
abcT abc*
S (3 )  V I

S (3 )  
AVa012 T
 012 *
AI a   Va012T T
A * 012*
A Ia
Since AT  A, then AT A*  3
S (3 )  3 V  012T
I 012*
 0 0*
 3Va I a 1 1*
 3Va I a 2 2*
 3Va I a

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Unsymmetrical Fault – Sym. Components

• Example 4:
Obtain the symmetrical components of a set of
unbalanced currents:
I a  1.625, I b  1.0180, I c  0.9132
1.625  1.0180  0.9132

I a0  0.4596.5
1. 6 25   a (1 .0 180)  a 2
Ia 
 0.94  0.1
1 .6  25  a 2
(1.0180)  a(0.9132)
Ia 
 0.6022.3
3 42
EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System
Unsymmetrical Fault – Sym. Components

• Solution:
Ic I a0 I b0 I c0
Ib 250

a-b-c set Zero-sequence set

I c1 I b2
I a2
I a1
-0.1 0

I b1 I c2
Positive-sequence set Negative-sequence set
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Unsymmetrical Fault – Sym. Components

• Example 5:
The symmetrical components of a set of
unbalanced voltages are
Va0  0.690, Va1  1.030, Va2  0.8  30
Obtain the original unbalanced voltages.
Va  0.690  1.030  0.8  30  1.708824.2
Vb  0.690  a 2 1.030  a0.8  30  0.490
Vc  0.690  a1.030  a 2 0.8  30  1.7088155.8

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Unsymmetrical Fault – Sym. Components

• Solution:
Vc Va Va0 Vb0 Vc0

a-b-c set Zero-sequence set

Vc1 Vb2

Vb1 Vc2 Va2

Positive-sequence set Negative-sequence set
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Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• The impedance offered to the flow of a sequence

current creating sequence voltages:
positive sequence impedance, Z1
negative sequence impedance, Z2
zero sequence impedance, Z0
• Augmented network models:
wye-connected balanced loads
transmission line
3-phase transformers

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Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Balanced Y-connected load

Line-to-ground voltages
Va  Z s I a  Z m I b  Z m I c  Z n I n
Vb  Z m I a  Z s I b  Z m I c  Z n I n
Vc  Z m I a  Z m I b  Z s I c  Z n I n

Neutral current
I n  I a  Ib  Ic

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Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Balanced Y-connected load

Rewriting in matrix form,
Va   Z s  Z n Zm  Zn Zm  Zn  I a 
V   Z  Z Zs  Zn Z m  Z n   I b 
 b  m n V abc  Z abcI abc
Vc  Z m  Z n Zm  Zn Z s  Z n   I c 

Writing Vabc and Iabc in symmetrical components,

AVa012  Z abc AI a012

Multiplying by A-1,
Va012  A1Z abc AI a012  Z 012I a012 where Z 012  A1Z abc A
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Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Balanced Y-connected load

1 1 1  Zs  Zn Zm  Zn Z m  Z n  1 1 1
Z  1 a
a 2   Z m  Z n Zs  Zn Z m  Z n  1 a 2 a 
1 a 2 a   Z m  Z n Zm  Zn Z s  Z n  1 a a 2 
 Z s  3Z n  2Z m 0 0 
  0 Zs  Zm 0 
 0 0 Z s  Z m 
 Z s  3Z n 0 0 
  0 Z s 0  when Z m  0
 0 0 Z s 
EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 49
Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Transmission Lines


Positive Negative
Sequence Sequence


EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 50

Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Transmission Lines

Va1 Va2 Va1  Z s I a  Z n I n  Va2

Vb1 Vb2 Vb1  Z s I b  Z n I n  Vb2

Vc1 Vc2 Vc1  Z s I c  Z n I n  Vc2

Vn  0  Z n I n
Vn I n  I a  Ib  Ic  0

Va1   Z s  Z n Zn Zn   I a  Va 
 1      2
Vb    Z n Zs  Zn Z n   I b   Vb 
Vc1   Z n Z s  Z n   I c  Vc2 
   Zn
EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 51
Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Transmission Lines
Vabc  Z abcI abc  Z abc

AV012  Z abc AI 012  AV012

Z 012  A1Z abc A

1 1 1  Z s  Z n Zn Z n  1 1 1
 1 a a 2   Z n Zs  Zn Z n  1 a 2 a 
1 a 2 a   Z n Zn Z s  Z n  1 a a 2 
 Z s  3Z n 0 0
  0 Zs 0 
 0 0 Z s 
EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 52
Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Synchronous Generators

Similar modeling of impedances to sequence impedances

Typical values for common generators
remember that the transient fault impedance is a function of time
positive sequence values are the same as Xd, Xd’, and Xd”
negative sequence values are affected by the rotation of the rotor
X2  Xd”
zero sequence values are isolated from the airgap of the machine.
the zero sequence reactance is approximated to the leakage
X0 XL

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 53

Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Synchronous Generators

Zero X0

Positive X1
Sequence VT1

Negative X2

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 54

Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Loaded Synchronous Generators

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 55

Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Loaded Synchronous Generators

 Z s  3Z n 0 0  Z 0 0 0
 
Z 012   0  Z0
Zs 0 0 Z1 0 Va0
 0 0 Z s   0 0 Z 2 

Va0   0  Z
0 0   I a0  Z1
 1     1 
Va    Ea    0 Z1 0  Ia 
Va2   0   0 0 Z 2   I a2 
  

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 56

Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Transformers
• Series Leakage Impedance
the magnetization current and core losses represented by the shunt branch
are neglected (they represent only 1% of the total load current)
the transformer is modeled with the equivalent series leakage impedance
• Three single-phase units & five-legged core three-phase
the series leakage impedance is the same for all the sequences

Z 0  Z1  Z 2  ZL
• Three-legged core three-phase units
the series leakage impedance is the same for the positive and negative
sequence only
Z1  Z 2  ZL

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 57

Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Transformers
• the positive sequence line voltage on the HV side
leads the corresponding line voltage on the LV side
by 30°
• consequently, for the negative sequence voltages
the corresponding phase shift is -30°
• Zero-sequence network connections of the
transformer depends on the winding connection

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 58

Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Transformers
• Representation circuits for Zero-sequence:

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 59

Unsymm. Fault – Sequence Impedances

• Transformers
• Representation circuits for Zero-sequence:

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 60

Unsymm. Fault – Single Line-to-ground Fault

Va  Z f I a
Ib  Ic  0

 I a0  1 1 1  I a 
 1 1
 I a   3 1 a a 2   0 
 I a2  1 a 2 a   0 
 
I a0  I a1  I a2 

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 61

Unsymm. Fault – Single Line-to-ground Fault

Va0   0   Z 0 0 0   I a0 
Va0  0  Z 0 I a0  1     1 
Va    Ea    0 Z1 0  Ia 
Va1  Ea  Z 1I a1 Va2   0   0 Z 2   I a2 
     0
Va2  0  Z 2 I a2
Va  Va  V  Va  Ea  (Z 1  Z 2  Z 0 ) I a0
0 1 2

The fault current,

3Z f I a0  Ea  ( Z 1  Z 2  Z 0 ) I a0
3 Ea
I f  Ia  3I a0  1
Z  Z 2  Z 0  3Z f

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 62

Unsymm. Fault – Line-to-line Fault

Vb  Vc  Z f I b
Ib  Ic  0
Ia  0
 I a0  1 1 1  0 
 1 1
 I a   3 1 a a 2   I b 
 I a2  1 a 2 a   I b 
 

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 63

Unsymm. Fault – Line-to-line Fault

I a1   I a2  I a  1 1 1  0 
 I   1 a 2 a   I a1 
Va  Va0  Va1  Va2  b 
 I c  1 a a 2   I a1 
Vb  Va0  a 2Va1  aVa2
Vc  Va0  aVa1  a 2Va2 The fault current,
Vb  Vc  (a 2
 a)(Va1  Va2 ) Ib  I c  (a 2  a) I a1   j 3I a1
 Z f Ib
I a1  1
Z  Z2  Zf

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 64

Unsymm. Fault – Double Line-to-ground Fault

Vb  Vc  Z f ( I b  I c )

I a  I a0  I a1  I a2  0
From previous section,
Vb  Va0  a 2Va1  aVa2
Vc  Va0  aVa1  a 2Va2
Since Vb  Vc
Va1  Va2
Vb  Z f ( I a0  a 2 I a1  aI a2  I a0  aI a1  a 2 I a2 )
 Z f (2 I a0  I a1  I a2 )
 3Z f I a0
EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 65
Unsymm. Fault – Double Line-to-ground Fault

Va0  0  Z 0 I a0
Va0  Va1 Ea  Z 1I a1
I a0   0 Since Va1  Ea  Z 1I a1
3Z f Z  3Z f
Va2  0  Z 2 I a2
E  Z 1 1
Ia  
2 a
I a1 
Z 2 ( Z 0  3Z f ) By using I a0  I a1  I a2  0
Z 
Z 2  Z 0  3Z f

I f  I b  I c  3I a0 Fault current

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 66


Sequence Impedance Circuit:

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 67


• The neutral of each generator is grounded through a

current limiting resistor of 25/3 % on a 100 MVA base
• All network data is expressed on a 100 MVA base
• Find the fault current for 3-phs, 1-phs, L-L, L-L-G bolted
faults at bus 3 through a fault impedance Zf = j0.1 pu.

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 68


• Positive sequence impedance network:

 Y
EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 69

• Negative sequence impedance network:

 Y
EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 70

• Zero sequence impedance network:

Open Open
circuited circuited

 Y
EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 71

• 3-phase fault
V3a( 0) 1.0
I (F )  1
   j3.125 pu  902.11  90
Z 33  Z f j 0.22  j 0.1

• Single Line-to-ground fault

V 3 (0)
I3  I3  I3  1
0 1 2
  j 0.9174 pu
Z 33  Z 33  Z 33  3Z f
2 0

Fault current
 I 3a  1 1 1   I 30  3I 30   j 2.7523
 b    0     pu
 3 
I  1 a 2
a  I3    0    0 
 I 3c  1 a a 2   I 30   0   
   0
EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 72

• Line-to-line fault
I 30  0
V3a( 0)
I 31   I 32    j1.8519 pu
Z 33  2
Z 33 Zf
Fault current
 I 3a  1 1 1   0   0 
 b    j1.8519   3.2075 pu
 3 
I  1 a 2
a    
 I 3c  1 a a 2   j1.8519   3.2075 
      

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 73


• Double Line-to-ground fault

Positive sequence component
V3a( 0)
I 31    j 2.6017 pu
Z 33 0
( Z 33  3Z f )
Z 33  2
Z 33  Z 330
 3Z f

Negative sequence component

V3a(0)  Z 33
1 1
I3 1  ( j 0.22)(  j 2.6017)
I 32  2
  j1.9438 pu
Z 33 j 0.22

EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 74


• Double Line-to-ground fault

Zero sequence component
V3a( 0)  Z 33
1 1
I 30    j 0.6579 pu
Z 33  3Z f

Phase currents
 I 3a  1 1 1   j 0.6579   0 
 b    j 2.6017  4.058165.93 pu
 3 
I  1 a 2
a    
 I 3c  1 a a 2   j1.9438   4.05814.07 
      
Fault current
I3 ( F )  I3b  I3c  1.973290
EEP 4113 – Advanced Power Systems - Fault in Power System 75

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