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CANDIDATE’S NAME……………………………………………………………………
1. You are provided with specimen P and sucrose solutions of varying concentrations as
shown in table 1 below.
a) Cut long strips out of P using Cork borer of 0.5cm in diameter.
b) From the long strips, cut out six strips each measuring 3cm in length
c) Place one strip in each of the sucrose solutions ensuring that the strip is fully immersed
d) Leave the set up for 1hour (mean while proceed with other numbers)
e) After 1 hour, remove one strip at a time and measure its final length
f) Record measurements appropriately in table 1 below
g) Complete the table by working out the initial length : final length ratio for each piece
Molarity of Initial length(cm) Final length Initial length : final length
sucrose (cm) ratio
Solution (M)






1a) On the graph paper provided, plot a graph of the initial: final length ratio against the molarity
of the sucrose solution
ii) From your graph deduce how turgor pressure and osmotic pressure of the tissue of P varied
in different sucrose solutions
iii) Determine the molarity of sucrose solution that is isotonic to that of cell sap P.

iv) From the graph in which sucrose concentration was turgor pressure highest?

v) Suggest the ecological significance of your observation in (iv) above


2. You are provided with solutions W, X, Y and Z. You are required to carry out the tests on
solution W and X and investigate the action of Y and Z on solutions W and X
a) Carry out tests in table 2 below to determine the food nutrients in solutions
W and X Record your test procedure, observations and deductions in table 2 below
Table 2

Test Solutions Observations Deduction

Benedict’s test

Iodine test


Label four test tube as 1; 2; 3 and 4

Add contents to each test tube as shown in table 3 below
Table 3

Test tube Contents

1 1cm3 of Y + 3cm3 of solution W
2 1cm3 of solution Y + 3cm3 of solution X
3 1cm3 of solution Y + 3cm3 of solution W + 1cm3 of solution Z
4 1cm3 of solution Y + 3cm3 of solution X + 1cm3 of solution Z

Incubate all test tubes for 30 minutes in a water bath maintained at 37-400C while shaking at
some time interval
After 30 minutes, divide the contents of each test tube into two and carry out iodine test and
Benedict’s test as shown in table 4. Record your observation and deductions in table below
Table 4

Test Test Observations Deductions

1 Iodine

Benedict’s test

2 Iodine

Benedict’s test
3 Iodine test

Benedict’s test

4 Iodine test

Benedict’s test

b) From your observation, state the nature of solution Y and Z giving reasons
for your answer
Nature of Y


Nature of Z


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